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A railroad crosses the coastal Gascons rockslide, in Quebec, Canada. This study improves the understanding of the rockslide’s failure mechanism and post-failure behaviour responsible for the deformation in the railroad. The slide is an asymmetrical wedge failure of 410,000 m3, in rocks made up of centimetre-scale beds of nodular calcilutite alternating with sandstones and limestone. The post-failure stage of the rockslide is characterised by continuous movement of blocks with speeds ranging from 6 to 110 mm/year. The main water table is just below the sliding surface, but precipitation and snowmelt can raise it above the sliding surface in the upper part of the slide. We propose a model for the rockslide, its failure mechanism, geometry and hydrogeology to provide a baseline for interpreting the near-real-time data collected since 2009.  相似文献   

Built environment, which includes some major investments in Oman, has been designed based on historical data and do not incorporate the climate change effects. This study estimates potential variations of the hourly annual maximum rainfall (AMR) in the future in Salalah, Oman. Of the five climate models, two were selected based on their ability to simulate local rainfall characteristics. A two-stage downscaling–disaggregation approach was applied. In the first stage, daily rainfall projections in 2040–2059 and 2080–2099 periods from MRI-CGCM3 and CNRM-CM5 models based on two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP8.5 and RCP4.5) were downscaled to the local daily scale using a stochastic downscaling software (LARS-WG5.5). In the second stage, the stochastically downscaled daily rainfall time series were disaggregated using K-nearest neighbour technique into hourly series. The AMRs, extracted from 20 years of projections for four scenarios and two future periods were then fitted with the generalized extreme value distribution to obtain the rainfall intensity–frequency relationship. These results were compared with a similar relationship developed for the AMRs in baseline period. The results show that the reduction in number of wet days and increases in total rainfall will collectively intensify the future rainfall regime. A marked difference between future and historical intensity–frequency relationships was found with greater changes estimated for higher return periods. Furthermore, intensification of rainfall regime was projected to be stronger towards the end of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

A 7000-year record of local fire history was reconstructed from three ombrotrophic peatlands in the James Bay lowlands (northwestern Québec, Canada) using a high-resolution analysis of macroscopic charcoal (long axis  0.5 mm). The impact of fire on vegetation changes was evaluated using detailed analysis of plant macrofossils. Compared to upland boreal forest, fire incidence in these Sphagnum-dominated bogs is rather low. Past fire occurrence seems to have been controlled primarily by internal processes associated with local hydroseral succession. Size of the peatland basin and distance from the well-drained forest soils also appear to be factors controlling fire occurrence. The impact of peatland fires on long-term vegetation succession appears negligible except in a forested bog, where it initiated the replacement of Sphagnum by mosses. In some circumstances, fire caused marked changes in the bryophyte assemblages over many decades. However, ombrotrophic peatland vegetation is generally resilient to surface fire.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2004,128(1-2):167-188
Thirty-nine oriented block samples of iron-formation were collected at 13 sites, including opposite limbs of major folds, from the 1.88-Ga Sokoman Formation (Knob Lake Group) in the Schefferville–Knob Lake area of the central New Québec Orogen, northern Québec. The samples assayed up to 80.24% Fe2O3T (54.08% Fe), implying Fe-enrichment of the iron-formation up to ore grade. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements on 245 standard specimens indicate a well preserved bedding-parallel fabric in the iron-formation, suggesting minimal alteration of the magnetic mineralogy since deposition and/or a mimetic secondary magnetic mineralogy. The iron-formation has not been internally deformed since the magnetic mineralogy was established. Analyses by variable-field translation balance and X-ray diffraction showed that the predominant magnetic mineral is hematite but a small amount of magnetite also is present in most samples. Following low-temperature pre-treatment as appropriate, stepwise thermal and alternating-field demagnetization of 218 specimens revealed a low-temperature, post-folding component (maximum Tub≈400 °C, D=27.1°, I=20.1°, α95=10.9°, from seven sites; pole position of 40.6°S, 257.0°E), and components carried by magnetite (maximum Tub≈580 °C, D=35.8°, I=3.9°, α95=9.1°, from 10 sites; pole position of 29.6°S, 250.9°E) and hematite (maximum Tub≈680 °C, D=40.0°, I=1.6°, α95=18.6°, from seven sites; pole position of 26.8°S, 247.0°E). The components carried by magnetite and hematite are pre-, syn- and post-folding depending on the sampling site, indicating that the magnetization was acquired continuously with deformation in the New Québec Orogen at 1.84–1.83 Ga. No evidence was found for acquisition of magnetization during the Mesozoic, when many of the iron oxide orebodies in the Schefferville–Knob Lake area are thought to have formed. Our findings imply that an episode of Fe-enrichment of iron-formation in the Sokoman Formation involved the circulation of hydrothermal fluids related to late Paleoproterozoic orogenesis. Such orogenic circulation of fluids may have contributed to the development of hematitic orebodies in the central New Québec Orogen.  相似文献   

The present paper provides a case study of the assessment of the potential for CO2 storage in the deep saline aquifers of the Bécancour region in southern Québec. This assessment was based on a hydrogeological and petrophysical characterization using existing and newly acquired core and well log data from hydrocarbon exploration wells. Analyses of data obtained from different sources provide a good understanding of the reservoir hydrogeology and petrophysics. Profiles of formation pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, porosity, permeability, and net pay were established for Lower Paleozoic sedimentary aquifers. Lateral hydraulic continuity is dominant at the regional scale, whereas vertical discontinuities are apparent for most physical and chemical properties. The Covey Hill sandstone appears as the most suitable saline aquifer for CO2 injection/storage. This unit is found at a depth of more than 1 km and has the following properties: fluid pressures exceed 14 MPa, temperature is above 35 °C, salinity is about 108,500 mg/l, matrix permeability is in the order of 3 × 10?16 m2 (0.3 mDarcy) with expected higher values of formation-scale permeability due to the presence of natural fractures, mean porosity is 6 %, net pay reaches 282 m, available pore volume per surface area is 17 m3/m2, rock compressibility is 2 × 10?9 Pa?1 and capillary displacement pressure of brine by CO2 is about 0.4 MPa. While the containment for CO2 storage in the Bécancour saline aquifers can be ensured by appropriate reservoir characteristics, the injectivity of CO2 and the storage capacity could be limiting factors due to the overall low permeability of aquifers. This characterization offers a solid basis for the subsequent development of a numerical hydrogeological model, which will be used for CO2 injection capacity estimation, CO2 injection scenarios and risk assessment.  相似文献   

The Camie River uranium deposit is located in the southeastern part of the Paleoproterozoic Otish Basin (Québec). The uranium mineralization consists of disseminated and vein uraninite and brannerite precipitated close to the unconformity between Paleoproterozoic fluviatile, pervasively altered, sandstones and conglomerates of the Matoush Formation and the underlying sulfide-bearing graphitic schists of the Archean Hippocampe greenstone belt. Diagenetic orange/pink feldspathic alteration of the Matoush Formation consists of authigenic albite cement partly replaced by later orthoclase cement, with the Na2O content of clastic rocks increasing with depth. Basin-wide green muscovite alteration affected both the Matoush Formation and the top of the basement Tichegami Group. Uraninite with minor brannerite is mainly hosted by subvertical reverse faults in basement graphitic metapelites ± sulfides and overlying sandstones and conglomerates. Uranium mineralization is associated with chlorite veins and alteration with temperatures near 320 °C, that are paragenetically late relative to the diagenetic feldspathic and muscovite alterations. Re-Os geochronology of molybdenite intergrown with uraninite yields an age of 1724.0 ± 4.9 Ma, whereas uraninite yields an identical, although slightly discordant, 1724 ± 29 Ma SIMS U-Pb age. Uraninite has high concentrations in REE with flat REE spectra resembling those of uraninite formed from metamorphic fluids, rather than the bell-shaped patterns typical of unconformity-related uraninite. Paragenesis and geochronology therefore show that the uranium mineralization formed approximately 440 million years after intrusion of the Otish Gabbro dykes and sills at ∼2176 Ma, which constrains the minimum age for the sedimentary host rocks. The post-diagenetic stage of uraninite after feldspathic and muscovite alterations, the paragenetic sequence and the brannerite-uraninite assemblage, the relatively high temperature for the mineralizing event (∼320 °C) following the diagenetic Na- and K-dominated alteration, lack of evidence for brines typical of unconformity-related U deposits, the older age of the Otish Basin compared to worldwide basins hosting unconformity-related uranium deposits, the large age difference between basin fill and mineralization, the older age of the uranium oxide compared to ages for worldwide unconformity-related U deposits, and the flat REE spectra of uraninite do not support the previous interpretation that the Camie River deposit is an unconformity-associated uranium deposit. Rather, the evidence is more consistent with a PaleoProterozoic, higher-temperature hydrothermal event at 1724 Ma, whose origin remains speculative.  相似文献   


The Renard 2 kimberlite pipe is one of nine diamondiferous kimberlite pipes that form a cluster in the south-eastern portion of the Superior Province, Québec, Canada and is presently being extracted at the Renard Mine. It is interpreted as a diatreme-zone kimberlite consisting of two Kimberley-type pyroclastic units and related country rock breccias, all cross-cut by coherent kimberlite dykes and irregular intrusives. Renard 2 has been the subject of numerous diamond drilling campaigns since its discovery in 2001. The first two geological models modelled kimberlite and country rock breccia units separately. A change in modelling philosophy in 2009, which incorporated the emplacement envelope and history, modelled the entire intrusive event and projected the pipe shape to depth allowing for more targeted deep drilling where kimberlite had not yet been discovered. This targeted 2009 drilling resulted in a > 400% increase in the volume of the Indicated Resource. Modelling only the kimberlite units resulted in a significant underestimation of the pipe shape. Current open pit and underground mapping of the pipe shape corresponds well to the final 2015 geological model and contact changes observed are within the expected level of confidence for an Indicated Resource. This study demonstrates that a sound understanding of the geological emplacement is key to developing a reliable 3D geological and resource model that can be used for targeted delineation drilling, feasibility studies and during the initial stages of mining.


Grenville dolomitic marbles and calc-silicates at Stephen Cross Quarry, Québec, underwent contact metamorphism and metasomatism associated with the intrusion of the Wakefield syenite at ambient pressures of 0.4GPa at 1090–1070Ma. Fluid infiltration produced exoskarns, calcite+periclase+forsterite±diopside±orthoclase assemblages in the marbles, and quartz±calcite±wollastonite±diopside±anorthite assemblages in the calc-silicates. Phase-equilibria in the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 system suggest that fluid infiltration occurred close to the thermal peak of contact metamorphism (715–815°C) and that the fluids hadXCO20.15. In the metasediments, 18O values of calcite (Cc) are as low as 8.6, suggesting that the fluids were in isotopic equilibrium with the syenites (18O =8.8–10.2). Marble 13C(Cc) values are-0.1 to-3.2; the lack of correlation between 13C(Cc) and 18O(Cc) is consistent with the infiltration of water-rich fluids. The resetting of stable isotopes and the mineralogical changes can be explained by time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 110 m3/m2 (4×106 mol/m2), corresponding to actual fluxes of 3×10-11 to 3×10-12 m3/m2-s and intrinsic permeabilities of 10-18 to 10-20 m2 for fluid flow lasting 0.1-1Ma. Marble 18O(Cc) values do not correlate well with distance from the syenite, and fluids were probably channelled across lithological layering. The correlation between the degree of resetting of marble 18O(Cc) values with the abundance of submillimetre-wide veins, suggests that fluid focussing may have resulted from variations in fracture density. Late, lower temperature (<500°C), fluid flow formed serpentine (Serp) and brucite (Br) from periclase and forsterite. 18O(Br) and 18O(Scrp) values correlate with 18O(Cc), suggesting that retrogression involved only limited volumes of fluid. The observation that 18O(Cc-Br) and 18O(Cc-Serp) values are higher in marbles that have lower 18O(Cc) values is interpreted as indicating that fluid flow persisted to lower temperatures in those rocks due to higher intrinsic permeabilities. Calcite in the syenite was also formed by the influx of fluids during cooling. Syenite 18O(Cc) values are approximately in isotopic equilibrium with the high-temperature silicate minerals, suggesting that again only minor volumes of fluid were involved. In detail fluid flow was prolonged and complex, creating problems for the application of quantitative fluid flow models.This paper is a contribution to IGCP 304, Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   

Analyses of chemical sedimentary precipitates such as banded iron formation (BIF) provide a direct means to explore the nature and composition of the early hydrosphere. The recently discovered > 3750 Myr old Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (NSB) in the Northeast Superior Province (Québec, Canada) hosts a suite of iron oxide-rich (± pyroxene and amphibole) units that are interpreted to be the metamorphosed equivalents of Fe oxide-facies BIF, and a collection of BIF-like Ca–Fe–Mg silicate rocks. The NSB rocks provide a rare glimpse of trace metal availability in Eoarchean (ca. 3800 Ma) seawater. As they may be contemporaneous with the relatively well-studied Isua Supracrustal Belt of southern West Greenland, their comparison provides an opportunity to enhance our basic understanding of the Eoarchean oceans at a global scale. Work since the initial discovery of the NSB in 2001 has established the basic lithological, geochemical and petrographic characteristics of these BIF and BIF-like rocks. Here we review the current state of knowledge of NSB rocks of probable chemical sedimentary origin, including aspects of their geology, likely origin and age. We conclude by examining the implications of results thus far for our understanding of early seawater compositions, and for the emergence of life in the context of early metallo-enzyme evolution.  相似文献   

Virtually all of the economic Ni–Cu–(platinum group element (PGE)) mineralization in the central part of the Cape Smith Belt of New Québec is hosted by thick olivine cumulate units in the Katinniq Member of the Raglan Formation at the base of the 1.9 Ga Chukotat Group. These units transgress underlying gabbros and pelitic metasediments, forming 50–200-m deep and 300–1,000-m wide V-shaped embayments and have been interpreted on the basis of surface geology, deep diamond core drilling, and magnetic inversion models to represent the remnants of one or more large, long (at least 20 km, possibly ≥50 km), sinuous, komatiitic basalt lava channels that formed by thermomechanical erosion of their substrates. We have used a mathematical model to test these hypotheses regarding komatiitic lava emplacement and erosion by lava. Our modeling predicts that an initially 10-m thick komatiitic basalt flow should have flowed turbulently near the vent and should have thermomechanically eroded unconsolidated pelitic sediment during emplacement to reach the observed degree of contamination of ≤10% at distances of ~30–60 km downstream from the source. Furthermore, our models predict that, at these distances downstream, a fully inflated 100-m thick komatiitic basalt flow would have had thermal erosion rates over consolidated gabbroic substrate of ~0.7–1.5 m/day, requiring ~70–140 days to incise a 100-m deep channel, depending on the initial temperature of the lava, the paleoslope, and the initial temperature and solidus temperature of the gabbro. These erosion rates would have been associated with volumetric flow rates of >105–106 m3/s and eruption volumes of >103–104 km3. Although these flow rates are orders of magnitude larger than those of most modern terrestrial basaltic flows, they are of the same order as those estimated for the largest terrestrial flood basalt flows and with those inferred for some of the largest extraterrestrial flows. Our predicted flow volumes are also of the same order as those of the largest terrestrial flood basalt units, consistent with the great thickness and widespread distribution of the Chukotat Group. Our modeling of thermomechanical erosion of gabbro by komatiitic basalt results in negligible contamination (<1%), and geochemical studies show that the spatially and petrogenetically related Chukotat basalts are uncontaminated, suggesting that the observed enrichments in U–Th–Light Rare Earth Elements (REE) > Middle REE–Heavy REE > Nb–Ta–Ti represent contamination by underlying Povungnituk semipelites. This result is consistent with present models for the genesis of the Ni–Cu–(PGE) mineralization in the Raglan Formation that involve thermomechanical erosion of unconsolidated, sulfidic semipelitic sediments, and decoupling of the miscible silicate and immiscible sulfide components.  相似文献   

Niobium (Nb) in carbonatite is mainly hosted in fluorcalciopyrochlore and columbite-(Fe). Information related to Nb petrogenesis is useful for understanding the processes related to Nb mineralization and carbonatite evolution. The Saint-Honoré, Quebec, alkaline complex offers a rare opportunity for studying these processes as the complex is not affected by post-emplacement deformation, metamorphism nor weathering. Columbite-(Fe) is shown to be an alteration product of fluorcalciopyrochlore (columbitization). Columbitization is characterized by the leaching of Na and F from the A- and Y-sites of the pyrochlore crystal structure. As alteration increases, Fe and Mn are slowly introduced while Ca is simultaneously leached. Leached Ca and F then crystallize as inclusions of calcite and fluorite within the columbite-(Fe). A-site cations and vacancies in the crystal structure of fresh and altered pyrochlores demonstrate that pyrochlore alteration is hydrothermal in origin. Moreover, halite is a ubiquitous mineral in the Saint-Honoré alkaline complex. Petrographic evidence shows that halite forms in weakly altered pyrochlores, suggesting halite has a secondary origin. As alteration increases, halite is expelled by the hydrothermal fluid and is carried farther into the complex, filling factures throughout the carbonatite. The hydrothermal hypothesis is strengthened by significant enrichments in Cl and HREEs in columbite-(Fe). Chlorine is most likely introduced by a hydrothermal fluid that increases the solubility of REEs.  相似文献   


The Renard 2 pipe is currently the deepest-drilled and most extensively studied kimberlite body in the Renard cluster, central Québec, Canada, forming the major component of the Mineral Resource of Stornoway Diamond Corporation’s Renard Mine. Renard 2 is infilled with two distinct kimberlite units that exhibit Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite and related textures. Hypabyssal kimberlite also occurs as smaller cross-cutting sheets and irregular intrusions. The units are distinguished by their rock textures, groundmass mineral assemblages, olivine macrocryst size distributions and replacement products, mantle and country rock xenolith contents, whole rock geochemical signatures, bulk densities and diamond grades. These differences are interpreted to reflect different mantle ascent and near-surface emplacement processes and are here demonstrated to be vertically continuous from present surface to over 1000 m depth. The distinctive petrological features together with sharp, steep and cross-cutting internal contact relationships, show that each unit was formed from a separate batch of mantle-derived kimberlite magma, and was completely solidified before subsequent emplacement of the later unit. The mineralogy and textures of the ultra-fine-grained interclast matrix are consistent with those described at numerous Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite localities around the world and are interpreted to reflect rapid primary crystallization during emplacement of separate kimberlite magmatic systems. The units of fractured and brecciated country rock surrounding the main kimberlite pipe contain kimberlite-derived material including carbonate providing evidence of subsurface brecciation. Together these data show that Renard 2 represents the deeper parts of a Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite pipe system and demonstrates that their diagnostic features result from magmatic crystallisation during subsurface volcanic emplacement processes.



In landslide susceptibility studies, the type of mapping unit adopted affects the obtained models and maps in terms of accuracy, robustness, spatial resolution and geomorphological adequacy. To evaluate the optimal selection of these units, a test has been carried out in an important catchment of northern Sicily (the Imera River basin), where the spatial relationships between a set of predictors and an inventory of 1608 rotational/translational landslides were analysed using the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) method. In particular, landslide susceptibility models were prepared and compared by adopting four different types of mapping units: the largely adopted grid cells (PX), the typical contributing area–controlled slope units (5000_SLU), the recently optimized parameter-free multiscale slope units (PF_SLU) and a new type (LCL_SLU) of slope unit obtained by crossing classic hydrological partitioning with landform classification. At the same time, once a pixel-based model was prepared, four different SLU modelling strategies were applied to each of the obtained slope unit layers, including two different types of pixel score zoning, a pixel score re-modelling and a factor-based SLU re-modelling. According to the achieved results, LCL_SLUs produced the highest performance and reliability, offering an optimal compromise between the high-performing but scattered and the smoothed but lower-performing prediction images that were obtained from pixel-based and hydrologic SLU–based modelling, respectively. Additionally, among the four adopted SLU modelling strategies, the new proposed procedure, which uses the zoned pixel–based score deciles as the LCL_SLU predictors for a new regression, resulted in the best outstanding performance (ROC_AUC?=?0.95).


Zebra and boxwork fabrics in Manetoe and Presqu'ile hydrothermal dolomites provide critical data for discrimination between hypotheses for their origin. In a unique occurrence, sets of weakly imbricated, decimetre‐sized curvilinear lenticles of white dolospar are developed within sub‐metre sized tongues of greyish‐white dolomitized crinoidal packstone and grainstone. This nascent zebra fabric has developed along wavy to nodular intra‐bed sedimentary partings. Primary bedding can be traced through dolomitized masses containing these fabrics, into the surrounding undolomitized limestone. All zebra and boxwork fabrics are confined within single beds, consistent with an early burial time of origin. No change in bed thickness occurs across zebra or boxwork fabrics within beds; this indicates a dissolutional, rather than a dilational, origin for the creation of pore space partly cemented with white dolospar. The dolomitized groundmass displays an abruptly gradational or sharp transition to centripetal saddle dolomite cement, which partially to nearly completely, occludes vugs. Circulation of geothermally heated hypersaline Devonian Elk Point basinal sea water brines led to dissolution and replacive dolomitization of limestone adjacent to vugs, and near‐contemporaneous precipitation of white dolospar within dissolutional vugs, consistent with geochemical simulations. The presence of downward‐extending galleries of white dolospar‐cemented solution‐collapse breccia provides further support for an interpretation of regional thermally driven convection of hydrothermal evaporative sea water brines across a broad area of northern Canada. The absence of gases under pressure in vacuoles within fluid inclusions from Manetoe and Presqu'ile dolospars is also more consistent with a dissolutional and contemporaneous dolomitization origin for these fabrics, rather than an origin involving dilational fracturing for space creation and dolospar precipitation. The ubiquitous presence of zebra and boxwork fabrics in hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs indicates that they are not confined fault zones and instead occur wherever precursor limestones had relatively greater porosity and permeability prior to dolomitization.  相似文献   

The Polaris Zn–Pb Mine in Nunavut, Canada was one of the largest single Mississippi Valley-type ore deposits in the world. Over 20 Mt of sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS) was hosted in brecciated carbonate rocks of the Upper Ordovician Thumb Mountain Formation. Three paragenetic stages are recognized: 1) early dolomite and marcasite; 2) main stage sulphide and dolomite; and 3) late calcite, marcasite and barite. Ore mineral textures range from discrete crystals to massive crystal aggregates and formed as replacements of the dolomite host rock or as fracture- and open space-filling mineralization. Zinc concentration is highest in the core of the deposit where botryoidal aggregates predominate, whereas iron is concentrated in the upper part. Observations of temperature and in situ sulphur isotope fractionation support a genetic model for the Polaris deposit in which thermochemical sulphate reduction occurred within the deposit, with locally generated hydrocarbons acting as a reducing agent. Information from the Polaris Mine indicates that hydrothermal alteration including dolomite, marcasite and barite; complex paragenesis with numerous ore textures; Th values > 100 °C associated with organic-rich strata; and a geochemical signature that includes in situ sulphur fractionation are effective predictors for determining which showings are prospective in the vast central Arctic Pb–Zn district.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Alumovesuvianite (IMA 2016–014), ideally Ca19Al(Al,Mg)12Si18O69(OH)9, is a new vesuvianite-group member found in the rodingite zone at the contact of a gabbroid...  相似文献   

In contrast to dramatic flow regime changes by less frequent large-scale volcanic eruptions, those caused by more frequent small-scale processes in volcanic landscapes may also drastically change the direction and dynamics of flow in a drainage system formed solely by fluvial processes. During such periods of channel morphology change, it is necessary to frequently update channel flow parameters to assess preventive measures for civil protection purposes. Often aerial photography is impracticable, since parts of the channels are covered by dense vegetation, while total station and laser topographic surveys are often too slow and costly, particularly during a high frequency of events. This article introduces and validates a new methodology for updating the representation of channel morphology in Digital Elevation Models (DEM) used specifically for assessing the dangers of frequently occurring lahars along gorges in volcanic landscapes during eruptive and non-eruptive periods. The updating of channel cross-sections was achieved by inserting more detailed representative profiles of homogeneous channel sectors in DEMs derived from existing less detailed topographic maps. The channel profiles were surveyed along the thalweg in equidistant points according to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) (x,y) coordinates and elevation derived from the existing DEM. The proposed technique was applied at Tenenepanco-Huiloac Gorge on Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico, in an area affected by major lahars during the volcano’s most recent eruptive period from 1994 to 2005. The proposed method can reduce the cost and person-hours of a regular channel topographic survey dramatically and the enhanced DEM can determine volume parameters and flood zones associated with the 1 July 1997 and 21 January 2001 lahars, respectively. In addition, the updated DEM with better channel representation allowed a more realistic fluid flow and lahar simulation with the process-based TITAN2D model.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(7-8):190-199
Melt inclusions (MIs) in quartz from granitoids in the northern Qinling belt were studied using microthermometry and laser Raman spectroscopy. The total homogenization of melt inclusions occurs in a mean range between 1050 and 1100 °C. Laser Raman experiments reveal H2O, C2H6, C4H6 and CH4 as the dominant volatile compounds. Our results provide insights into the temperatures of magma crystallization and the dominantly reducing environment during the early magmatic stage. Based on ore mineralogy, and on the volatile species content in the MIs, we evidence firstly that the Qiushuwan porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in the Qinling–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt was derived from a reduced magmatic system, emplaced at relatively deep domains more than 10 km deep, and secondly, that the magmas that are responsible for the generation of Qiushuwan were either derived from an inherently reduced source, or reduced during ascent and emplacement. The mechanism might have involved the assimilation of sedimentary material with minimal crustal interaction. The parental magmas likely underwent reduction essentially by loss of all of their SO2 by degassing, as evidenced by the low S content in melt inclusions. These reduced materials provided adequate sulfur source for the formation of the porphyry Cu–Mo deposits with obvious zonation, which plays a key role in the mineralization; finally, we conclude that the reduced environment and the relatively deep domain of magma emplacement probably limited the extent of mineralization, generating only a relatively small Cu–Mo deposit in Qiushuwan, located within the northern Qinling accretionary belt.  相似文献   

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