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Groundwater-flow modeling in the Yucatan karstic aquifer, Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current conceptual model of the unconfined karstic aquifer in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, is that a fresh-water lens floats above denser saline water that penetrates more than 40 km inland. The transmissivity of the aquifer is very high so the hydraulic gradient is very low, ranging from 7–10 mm/km through most of the northern part of the peninsula. The computer modeling program AQUIFER was used to investigate the regional groundwater flow in the aquifer. The karstified zone was modeled using the assumption that it acts hydraulically similar to a granular, porous medium. As part of the calibration, the following hypotheses were tested: (1) karstic features play an important role in the groundwater-flow system; (2) a ring or belt of sinkholes in the area is a manifestation of a zone of high transmissivity that facilitates the channeling of groundwater toward the Gulf of Mexico; and (3) the geologic features in the southern part of Yucatan influence the groundwater-flow system. The model shows that the Sierrita de Ticul fault, in the southwestern part of the study area, acts as a flow barrier and head values decline toward the northeast. The modeling also shows that the regional flow-system dynamics have not been altered despite the large number of pumping wells because the volume of water pumped is small compared with the volume of recharge, and the well-developed karst system of the region has a very high hydraulic conductivity. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

 The most important karst water reservoir of Hungary is found in the SW Trans-Danubian Central Range, selected as test area for the proposed "system approach" and the application of GIS/ARC-INFO to vulnerability mapping. In addition, a case-study exemplifies the particularities of regional karst-aquifer vulnerability, and moreover the interpretation of data and maps from the very same point of view. The work has resulted in plotting an atlas to be a useful tool in the hands of land-users and waste-disposal managers, helping them to prevent groundwater deterioration. Received: 22 July 1996 · Accepted: 12 September 1997  相似文献   

In the spring of 1995, 24 samples were collected from a widely distributed system of municipal water wells in Albuquerque, N.M., and analyzed for hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopic compositions. δD values for 15 of these samples are largely similar to those reported by Yapp in 1985, but have locally become more negative by as much as 5 per mil (ö). δD–δ18O data define two endmembers that are well aligned along the familiar meteoric water line (MWL): (1) the eastern domain (mountain precipitation runoff), having δD>–86ö (similar to the criteria of Yapp) and δ18O>–12.1ö (this work); and (2) a central basin domain, which may be in part derived from water seepage from the Rio Grande, having δD<–95ö and δ18O<–13.2ö. Only a few wells across the basin have δD values near the "baseline" value of the Rio Grande, defined by Yapp as –92ö. The proximity of these wells to the Rio Grande is consistent with recharge by seepage from the river bed under baseline conditions. Extensive pumping in the eastern domain and West Mesa areas may be partly responsible for an apparent expansion of the central-basin regime of water more depleted in δD, much as a plume migrating in response to transient perturbations in original hydraulic gradients. Vertically stacked groundwater occurrences having limited interconnection are inferred from the significant differences in isotopic compositions of samples from two wells screened at multiple depths. The central and western parts of the basin are little influenced by contributions from the eastern domain. Some groundwaters from the western part of the basin plot below the MWL and clearly cannot be mixtures solely of the eastern domain and central basin endmembers. The origins of these western groundwaters and the most depleted central basin groundwaters are as yet unknown, but we speculate they may have received recharge under climatic conditions different from the present.  相似文献   

 The Burren plateau of County Clare is a classic example of a plateau karst characterised by patchy, thin soils, a lack of defined surface drainage, and in the instance of the Burren, a rich floristic, archaeological and landscape heritage. Since accession to the European Union and, in particular, as a result of Common Agricultural Policy initiatives, attempts have been made to raise farm incomes and to modernise agriculture in areas such as the Burren. Due to the encouragement of land reclamation and silage production has largely replaced hay farming for winter fodder. These changes pose a threat to groundwater quality by enhancing the leaching of artificial fertilizers or of organic pollutants. The Burren is highly vulnerable to water pollution from silage effluent because of its thin or absent soils and its highly karstified aquifers. A full survey of silage clamps was made in the summers of 1991 and 1992. For each site data were collected to derive the following: mass of silage, effluent produced, hazard rating of site to groundwater, likely discharge of effluent to groundwater and groundwater dilution index. About 60% of clamps were considered to be high risk and 23% medium risk. About 92% of all sites probably allow some effluent to infiltrate groundwater. Received: 1 June 1995 · Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   

Effects of urbanization on groundwater resources of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Groundwater quality in the city of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, where dependence on groundwater supply is 100%, is affected by urbanization. Data from the sampling of shallow wells and boreholes along with water level records are used to study the aquifer. Chemical changes in time of the bottom and top half of the freshwater zone are the basis for hydrogeochemistry. The comparison of 1970 data (which represent information prior to urbanization) to 1991, suggests that the most affected (contaminated) areas coincide with that of urbanization. Received: 1 October 1997 · Accepted: 23 February 1998  相似文献   

 The response of a Wilderness cherty loam series soil to repeated dosages of metals (as sewage sludge) using a two-step sequential extraction procedure was investigated. Variations in metal content between amended and control soils were related to organic matter, clay content, and clay mineralogy. Of the four metals investigated, Cu was found to accumulate in the top 20 cm of amended soils; Pb and Zn were present in even smaller amounts with respect to the control soils, and Cr concentrations were unaffected with respect to both depth and amendment. None of the metals indicated accumulation in deeper (>20 cm) parts of the soil profile. Overall, results suggest that the metals remobilize in the top 20 cm, being readily uptaken by the fescue grass growing in this lot. Precipitation of insoluble forms of metal into deeper parts of the soil profile was proven unlikely based on the distribution of metal concentrations throughout the profile. Received: 15 December 1997 · Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

 A large amount of the water requirement (municipal, industrial, etc.) of Eskişehir city, Turkey, is supplied from groundwater via wells in the urban area. The groundwater in the Eskişehir Plain alluvium has been polluted by municipal and industrial wastewater, and agricultural activities. The nitrate concentrations at nine sampling points on Porsuk River, the main water course in the plain, ranged from 1.5 to 63.3 mg/l during the period from July 1986 to August 1988. In the same period, the nitrate concentrations measured in water from 51 wells ranged between 2.2–257.0 mg/l. The nitrate content of the groundwater samples was 34.2% above 45 mg/l, the upper limit for nitrate in drinking water standards. High nitrate levels were observed in water from wells in the central and eastern parts of the urban area. The nitrate content of the well water is subject to seasonal fluctuation. In general, low nitrate concentrations were observed in wet seasons, and high ones in dry seasons. Received: 16 April 1996 · Accepted: 2 October 1996  相似文献   

 Waters from five cenotes that are currently being used for aquatic recreational activities and that lie along the Cancun–Tulum touristic corridor, Mexico, were evaluated hydrochemically to determine whether the cenotes may be considered as potential drinking-water sources. Several parameters exceed the Mexican Drinking Water Standards (MDWS), but since they do not pose a significant health threat, four of the five cenotes may be used as drinking-water sources. The common contaminants in the Yucatan Peninsula, fecal coliforms and nitrate, are in most cases below the MDWS (0–460 MPN/100 ml and 0.31–1.18 mg/L, respectively). Although these four cenotes meet the MDWS, a careful groundwater management policy needs to be developed to avoid contamination (fecal and nitrates) and salt-water intrusion. Received, October 1996 Revised, June 1997; March 1998 Accepted, July 1997  相似文献   

 Paleocollapse structure is a rock collapse, resulting from the failure in the geological history of the bedrock overlying karstified limestone. Depending on the present hydrogeological conditions within the area of paleocollapse and the internal properties of these structures, they can provide a means to facilitate groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Inactive paleocollapse structures can be reactivated by human activities such as dam construction, mining underground minerals, pumping groundwater, and development of landfills. They can also be reactivated by natural events such as earthquakes and neotectonic movements. In the mines of northern China, sudden inflow of karst water from Ordovician limestone into drifts and mining stopes through paleocollapse structures has caused significant economic loss. Water pumping tests and accompanied dye traces are effective approaches of locating water-conducting paleocollapse structures. Grouting is probably the best means of preventing them from becoming geohazards. Received: 26 November 1996 · Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

 Several experiments of arsenic (As) adsorption by aquifer material of the San Antonio-El Triunfo (SA-ET) mining area were conducted to test the feasibility of this material acting as a natural control for As concentrations in groundwater. This aquifer material is mineralogically complex, composed of quartz, feldspar, calcite, chlorite, illite, and magnetite/hematite. The total iron content (Fe2O3) in the fine fraction is ∼12%, whereas Fe2O3 in the coarse fraction is <10 wt%. The experimental percent total As adsorbed vs. pH curves obtained match the topology of total As adsorbed onto iron oxi-hydroxides surface (arsenate + arsenite; high adsorption at low pH, low adsorption at high pH). A maximum of about 80% adsorbed in the experiments suggests the presence of arsenite in the experimental solutions. The experimental adsorption isotherm at pH 7 indicates saturation of surface sites at high solute concentrations. Surface titration of the aquifer material indicates a point of zero charge (PZC) for the adsorbent of about 8 to 8.5 (PZC for iron oxyhydroxides =7.9–8.2). Comparison between experimental and modeled results (using the MICROQL and MINTEQA2 geochemical modeling and speciation computer programs) suggests that As is being adsorbed mostly by oxyhydroxides surfaces in the natural environment. Based on an estimated retardation factor (R), the travel time of the As plume from the SA-ET area to La Paz and Los Planes is about 700 to 5000 years. Received: 17 March 1997 · Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   

 Quaternary alluvial aquifers in the paleo Pennar delta region of Andhra Pradesh (Long. 80°0′ and 80°12′; Lat. 14°40′ and 14°20′) constitute an important coastal strip, with potential fresh groundwater resources and several well fields in operation. The lineament patterns and traces of paleo channels provide basic information on the configuration and boundaries of paleo delta and the possible neotectonic movements in the region. The paleo delta region is essentially characterized by freshwater aquifer systems at the near-surface depths, (up to 50 m from ground level) with transmissivity values in the system ranging from 1200 to 2500 m2/day. This groundwater system has been subjected to heavy draft situation over the last two decades, parlicularly near the outer rim of the delta where an unlined brackish-water canal runs parallel to the coast imparting chloride contamination to the adjoining fresh aquifers. A two-dimensional solute transport model solution was applied to assess chloride migration rates inland under different hydraulic stresses, combining finite difference solution of flow equation and the method of characteristic solution of solute transport equation. Groundwater flow and chloride migration patterns/rates were obtained for different simulated stress events in the delta system, and measures required to protect the freshwater resources ara outlined. Received: 2 January 1997 · Accepted: 4 November 1997  相似文献   

 The natural environment of an environmental conflict site in Incheon, Korea was assessed with a focus on the hydrogeological environment. Residents had made claims against a company because of health problems, including skin tumors. More specifically, the residents suspected that their drinking groundwater had been contaminated by glass fibers which had caused the health problems. Air, soil, and groundwater samples were analyzed to estimate whether environmental pollution could have caused the problems claimed by the residents. No specific evidence was found from this study to support the groundwater contamination by glass fibers, but groundwater contamination by leaked fuel oils was confirmed in the course of evaluating the glass fiber problem. Received: 16 May 1997 · Accepted: 18 August 1997  相似文献   

 A major problem with on-site sanitation is nitrate pollution of the groundwater. A tentative nitrogen budget is established for pit latrines in eastern Botswana. The ammonia volatilisation was found to be negligible while leaching varied largely from about 1 to 50%. Leaching of nitrate was assessed by using chloride as tracer, assuming two sources of chloride, atmospheric deposition and the use of common salt in food. The initial content of nitrogen in excreta was assessed from nutritional data. The residual nitrogen in abandoned latrines as found by analysis, was 15–20%. The remainder should be denitrification which would then be in the order of 30–70%. That denitrification is important is supported by an elevated N-isotope ratio in groundwater and in deep-rooted non-N-fixing trees. The varying leaching rate provides a possibility of checking it by sealing the latrines. Since about 95% of the nitrogen in human excreta is present in the urine, an even more attractive solution would be urine-separating latrines with surface near percolation of the urine in the root zone of the vegetation, utilising it for crop growth. Since such latrines are used elsewhere in the world the problem is not technical but social acceptability. Received: 27 February 1998 · Accepted 14 September 1998  相似文献   

The Yucatan Peninsula is a coastal plain underlain by permeable limestone and receives abundant rainfall. Such hydrogeologic conditions should provide major supplies of water; however, factors of climate and hydrogeology have combined to form a hydrologic system with chemical boundaries that limits the amount of fresh water available. Management of water resources has long had a major influence on the cultural and economic development of the Yucatan. The Mayan culture of the northern Yucatan developed on extensive use of groundwater. The religion was water oriented and the Mayan priests prayed to Chac, the water god, for assistance in water management, primarily to decrease the severity of droughts. The Spaniards arrived in 1517 and augmented the supply by digging wells, which remained the common practice for more than 300 years. Many wells now have been abandoned because of serious problems of pollution. A historical perspective of a paper such as this provides insight into the attitudes concerning water of early people and perhaps provides insight into current attitudes concerning water. Hydrogeologists possess the expertise to generate relevant information required by water managers to arrive at management programs to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotope indicators of seasonal source variability to groundwater   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 A nitrogen isotope study of soil water and groundwater in southern Indiana, USA, in 1991–1992 demonstrated considerable variations in nitrate degradation processes compared to an earlier investigation in 1986–1987. Although N-fertilizers were applied in May 1991, the δ15N values in soil water decreased in February 1992, indicating its delayed release into the system after substantial rainfall. The δ15N values of groundwater decreased from +12.3‰ in November 1991 to +11.3‰ in February 1992, and to +7.5‰ in March 1992. The increased residence time of nitrate in the soil resulted in increased denitrification, ammonia volatilization and plant uptake, and reduced threat to the groundwater quality. The 1986–1987 study in the area reported that excessive rainfall during the summer rapidly transported the nitrate to deeper horizons and drastically reduced volatilization and microbial reduction of nitrate, thus increasing the immediate threat to the groundwater quality in the area. The present study demonstrated that nitrogen isotopic signatures can be used to determine the effects of local soil type, rainfall, and land-use practices on the fate of nitrate in the subsurface. Received: 18 February 1997 · Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

 The Valley of Hermosillo coastal aquifer, state of Sonora, northwestern Mexico, has been over-exploited for the last four decades, in order to maintain agricultural activity in one of the most important irrigation districts of the Mexican Republic. The over-exploitation has resulted in the development of several drawdown cones and in the lowering of the water table to as much as 50 m below mean sea level. Contamination of the aquifer in the form of salt-water intrusion from the Gulf of California and high nitrate concentrations is the consequence of human activities. A hydrogeochemical zonation of the aquifer, based on the presence of different water families, led to the identification of a coastal band approximately 30 km wide that is affected by salt-water intrusion. Conductivity of the sampled water and the interpretation of the ratio Na/Cl×1000 was used to identify the location of three major intrusion plumes in this coastal band. The background nitrate contamination of the aquifer is about 4 ppm, but contents as great as about 17 ppm occur in some wells. Irrigation with raw sewage and movement of contaminants in areas of high hydraulic gradients within the drawdown cones probably are responsible for localized peaks of the nitrate concentration. Received, October 1996 Revised, September 1997, May 1998 Accepted, July 1998  相似文献   

Application of a groundwater contamination index in Finland and Slovakia   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
A methodology is presented for evaluating and mapping the degree of groundwater contamination by applying the contamination index C d . The applicability of the contamination index was tested in two distinctly different geological regions: the area between Uusikaupunki and Yläne in southwestern Finland and the Brezno area in central Slovakia. The index takes into account both the number of parameters that exceed the upper permissible concentrations of contaminants or potentially harmful elements and the part of the concentrations exceeding those values. The water-quality parameters reflect the effect of diverse natural (topographical, climatical, geological, biological) and anthropogenic (type of land use, local pollution) environmental factors on groundwater quality. In Finland, technical-aesthetic contamination was found over more than half the test area. These quality problems were most often related to acidity and high concentrations of organic carbon and Al and Fe in wells. Health-risk-based contamination, mainly caused by elevated concentrations of fluoride, radon, or nitrate, was found in only a few separate areas. In Slovakia, naturally contaminated and anthropogenically polluted groundwaters could be distinguished. The geogenic pollution is mainly derived from sulfide mineralizations. In both countries the strongest anthropogenic pollution was found in intensively cultivated areas.  相似文献   

Influences of agricultural practices on water quality of the Tumbling Creek cave stream are of particular interest because of the karst nature of the area and the recent implementation of a Better Management Practice (BMP). Water quality parameters, measured bi-weekly during one year, consisted of pH, turbidity, water temperature, specific conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, and chloride. Heavy metals, nutrient and bacteria levels were also monitored during the study. Effects of land use were most obvious in turbidity, nitrate, chloride, and bacteria levels. Sites within the recharge area that pose a major threat to its water quality were identified. Results provide a baseline for these water quality parameters and their seasonal variability that can be used in future studies to address the effects of water quality and stream sediment contamination on the caves ecosystem and to determine the effectiveness of the BMP implemented in this karst area.  相似文献   

 A surficial clay aquitard extends through the urban area where Mexico City is located. It has been assumed to function as a protective layer to the underlying aquifer that provides 42 m3/s out of 63 m3/s of water used by 18 million inhabitants. To provide such protection, the aquitard must be impermeable to water flow and, ideally, have a significant capacity to sorb contaminants. The latter aspect was addressed, studying the vertical variability of sorption of perchloroethylene (PCE), a widely used organic compound considered to pose health risks in groundwater. Batch sorption tests were used and the clay-rich strata in the depth interval from 8 to 75 m were studied. The results suggest that sorption depends mainly on the fraction of organic carbon (foc) present in the clayey materials. The sorption data were fit to the linear and Freundlich models; many strata could be fit well by either model, while some strata were distinctly non-linear. The linear isotherms showed a mean value of 32.8 ml/g, and the Freundlich isotherm 96.6 ml/g, confirming that the clay-rich media have significant sorption capacity for PCE. From the environmental perspective the clay-rich materials are serving as protection to the groundwater system. Received: 2 November 1998 · Accepted: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

 Groundwater resources from karst aquifers play a major role in the water supply in karst areas in the world, such as in Switzerland. Defining groundwater protection zones in karst environment is frequently not founded on a solid hydrogeological basis. Protection zones are often inadequate and as a result they may be ineffective. In order to improve this situation, the Federal Office for Environment, Forests and Landscape with the Swiss National Hydrological and Geological Survey contracted the Centre of Hydrogeology of the Neuchatel University to develop a new groundwater protection-zones strategy in karst environment. This approach is based on the vulnerability mapping of the catchment areas of water supplies provided by springs or boreholes. Vulnerability is here defined as the intrinsic geological and hydrogeological characteristics which determine the sensitivity of groundwater to contamination by human activities. The EPIK method is a multi-attribute method for vulnerability mapping which takes into consideration the specific hydrogeological behaviour of karst aquifers. EPIK is based on a conceptual model of karst hydrological systems, which suggests considering four karst aquifer attributes: (1) Epikarst, (2) Protective cover, (3) Infiltration conditions and (4) Karst network development. Each of these four attributes is subdivided into classes which are mapped over the whole water catchment. The attributes and their classes are then weighted. Attribute maps are overlain in order to obtain a final vulnerability map. From the vulnerability map, the groundwater protection zones are defined precisely. This method was applied at several sites in Switzerland where agriculture contamination problems have frequently occurred. These applications resulted in recommend new boundaries for the karst water supplies protection-zones. Received: 27 October 1997 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

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