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针对电极材料润湿性、正负电极合理间距、各电极对合理间距等问题,在电阻法检测剩余油分布物理模拟实验中,根据模拟油饱和过程中电阻变化规律,从导电性和润湿性角度出发,通过化学镀改性处理取得检测电极材料.在此基础上,对电极合理布置方式进行优化设计.结果表明:由铜材料作为基质进行化学镀镍磷合金,所得电极不仅导电性好,而且表面润湿性呈现中性,减小了由电极表面亲油或亲水给检测结果带来的误差;此外,电极对间距越小,电极对数量越多,测试结果精度越高;推荐正负电极间距为1~2cm,各电极对间距为1~2cm.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the marine economy industry, human exploitation of marine resources is increasing, which is contributing to the growing trend of eutrophication and frequent occurrence of red tide. Accordingly, investigations of seawater quality have attracted a great deal of attention. This study was conducted to construct a seawater environmental quality assessment model based on the variable fuzzy recognition model. The uncertainty and ambiguity of the seawater quality assessment were then considered, combining the monitoring values of evaluation indicators with the standard values of seawater quality. Laizhou Bay was subsequently selected for a case study. In this study, the correct variable model for different parameters was obtained according to the linear and nonlinear features of evaluation objects. Application of the variable fuzzy recognition model for Laizhou Bay, water quality evaluation and comparison with performance obtained using other approaches revealed that the generated model is more reliable than traditional methods, can more reasonably determine the water quality of various samples, and is more suitable for evaluation of a multi-index, multi-level, nonlinear marine environment system; accordingly, the generated model will be an effective tool for seawater quality evaluation.  相似文献   

Using ANSYS-CFX, a general purpose fluid dynamics program, the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a variable cross-section cylinder is simulated under uniform current with high Reynolds numbers. Large eddy simulation (LES) is conducted for studying the fluid-structure interaction. The vortex shedding in the wake, the motion trajectories of a cylinder, the variation of drag and lift forces on the cylinder are analyzed. The results show that the vortices of variable cross-section cylinder are chaotic and are varying along the cylinder. In places where cross-sections are changing significantly, the vortices are more irregular. The motion trail of the cylinder is almost the same but irregular. The drag and lift coefficients of the cylinder are varying with the changes of diameters.  相似文献   

分析了目前水文地质参数研究中存在的一些问题,尝试以抽水试验资料和一般勘探资料为基础,根据含水层岩性、含水层组的厚度、地层结构等因素对点参数确定的影响,采用数量化理论Ⅰ对区域水文地质参数进行研究,建立了含水层渗透系数和给水度数量化理论模型,结合西北典型干旱灌区地下水流进行实例模拟,取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

给出一种[ω(A)]^n^2步内找到Fuzzy矩阵B∈L^n×ω(A),使A=B⊙B^ST成立,从而计算出给定亚可实现Fuzzy矩阵A的亚容度ω(A)的算法。  相似文献   

Since the volume transport across the pycnocline is much smaller than that in the mixed layer, the current in the mixed layer can be regarded as non-divergent. An objective analysis method is deduced based on this hypothesis. The linear combination method is used to solve the non-divergent component of the current field of an ocean basin containing islands, which is equivalent to a mathematical problem of solving a Poisson equation in a multi-connected domain. The method is applied to the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea (ECS). The modeled result is consistent with the current maps constructed by other oceanographers.  相似文献   

It is difficult to determine the photosynthetic parameters of non-flat leaves/green stems using photosynthetic instruments, due to the unusual morphology of both organs, especially for Suaeda salsa and Salicornia bigelovii as two seawater-tolerant vegetables. To solve the problem, we developed a simple, practical, and effective method to measure and calculate the photosynthetic parameters (such as P N, g s, E) based on unit fresh mass, instead of leaf area. The light/CO2/temperature response curves of the plants can also be measured by this method. This new method is more effective, stable, and reliable than conventional methods for plants with non-flat leaves. In addition, the relative notes on measurements and calculation of photosynthetic parameters were discussed in this paper. This method solves technical difficulties in photosynthetic parameter determination of the two seawater-tolerant vegetables and similar plants.  相似文献   

利用麦克斯韦方程组和边界条件,推导出由高低折射率介质组成周期性的多层增透膜系的传输矩阵,用传输性矩阵求出增透膜系的反射率和透射率表示式,采用Maple语言和数值计算方法得到4层和8层高反射膜系的反射率随入射光波长变化曲线,分析和讨论入射光的入射角对反射率和透射率的影响.得到的结果有利于对多层介质增透膜系结构的理解,为光学仪器镀膜的设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Carbon assimilation rates were determined in situ in the Minnan-Taiwan Shoal with the C-14 tracer method. Seasonal variations of photosynthetic parameters of marine phytoplankton were measured together with determination of Chl a and carbon content, Experimental results indicated that the average carbon-specific carbon accumulation rate is 0.85 d~(-1), mean primary productivity is 0.55 g C (m~2d)~(-1). Temperature effect on the growth of the algae can be described by the modle of Goldman and Carpenter. Supplementation of nutrients brought up by the upwelling in summer caused the observably higher primary productivities in autumn.  相似文献   

1 Introduction PredictionofthebottomreverberationinshallowwaterisveryimpotentforSONARsystems .Toex tractthemodalback scatteringmatrixfromreverbera tiondatahasbeenachallengetopicforalongtime .Inpreviousworks,theinversionofmodalback scatteringmatrixfromreverberationwasbasedonapriorias sumptions (EllisandGerstoft,1996 ;Kurdryashov ,1999;JinandZhang ,1997;ZhouandZhang ,1997;WangandShang ,2 0 0 2 ) .Anewapproachofextract ingthemodalback scatteringmatrixhasbeen pro posedbyShangetal.(2 0 0 2 …  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of chl-a and primary productivity in the middle continental shelf area and eddy area of the East China Sea were studied using data from a cruise in the East China Sea in February to March, 1997 and a cruise in July, 1998. The results showed that chl-a vertical distribution closely related to in situ hydrological and nutrient conditions. Chla-a concentration ranged from 0.22 to 0.35 mg/m3 and 0.93–1.09 mg/m3 in the eddy area and in the middle continental shelf area, respectively. In both areas, chl-a concentrations in deep layers were slightly higher than those in shallow layers, but was of the same order of magnitude. In summer, when a thermocline existed in the water column, highest chl-a concentrations appeared at the base of the thermocline layers in both areas. In the eddy area, chl-a concentration maximized at 31.743 mg/m3, and averaged 1.143 mg/m3 below 30 m depth. In the middle continental shelf area, the highest chl-a concentration was 2.120 mg/m3, the average was 1.168 mg/m3. The primary productivity reached 1418.76 mgC/(m2·d) in summer and 1360.69 mgC/(m2·d) in winter. In the eddy area, the primary productivity was 787.50 mgC/(m2·d) in summer and 159.04 mgC/(m2·d) in winter. Vertical carbon sinking rate from the deep layer to the bottom in both areas is also discussed in this paper. Contribution NO. 4183 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project No. 49636210 supported by NSFC.  相似文献   

介绍了AprioriHybral算法,针对算法前期工作效率的不足,提出一种基于项目集矩阵的改进算法ISMa-trix-AprioriHybral(ISMA).新算法(ISMA)主要从使用项目集矩阵生成一阶和二阶频繁项目集的角度,对Apriori-Hybral算法进行了优化.还对改进后算法的性能进行了简要的分析,最后通过使用实际数据的测试,验证了改进后算法的效率优于AprioriHybral算法.  相似文献   

目前工程实践中弃渣场抗剪强度参数主要采用工程地质类比法进行取值, 参数误差较大, 有必要采用多种方法对弃渣场抗剪强度参数进行综合取值研究。以某公路弃渣场为工程实例, 通过室内颗分试验确定弃渣场弃渣的颗粒级配, 在此基础上采用室内大型剪切试验及工程地质类比法综合确定该弃渣的抗剪强度参数, 并以此参数计算弃渣体的稳定性。计算结果表明, 弃渣体在天然工况条件下稳定性系数为1.369, 在暴雨工况条件下稳定性系数为1.083, 弃渣场在计算工况条件下处于基本稳定-稳定状态, 与现场巡查及监测结果基本一致。说明该弃渣抗剪强度参数取值比较合理准确, 可为公路弃渣场参数取值提供参考。   相似文献   

不同坐标系统和空间基准的转换已经被广泛研究,为了将不同的坐标变换方法联系起来,引用设计矩阵的概念,基于最小二乘法推导了坐标变换统一的参数估计表达式,给出了二维和三维空间坐标系统下常用变换方法的设计矩阵。随后通过北京1954和西安1980、西安1980和CGCS 2000的坐标转换实例,计算了相似变换、仿射变换和七参数相似变换的参数值,并将这些参数应用于其他控制点,比较计算值与真实值的均方根误差,有效验证了引用设计矩阵的合理性,简化了计算过程。  相似文献   

响应矩阵技术是解决地下水管理问题的方法之一,它是通过表征系统结构特征的单位脉冲响应函数来求得由抽水产生的水位分布,并以此作为线性规划的约束条件建立地下水系统的水动力管理模型。本文造过对唐马试验场水文地质条件的分析,建立数学模型并将其分解和离散,对渗流区内各井点作用一单位脉冲来形成响应矩阵,建立水动力管理模型和水位预报方程,对本区未来地下水开采进行优化决策。  相似文献   

Drilling operations in polar regions and mountainous areas are complicated by nature of the extreme environment. Yet conventional rotary drilling technologies can be used to drill ice for scientific samples and other research. Due to such reasons as power consumption and weight complications,it is hard to apply a conventional rotary drilling rig for glacial exploration. Use of small,relatively lightweight,portable engine-powered drilling systems in which the drill lifting from the borehole is carried by the winch. It is reasonable enough for near-surface shallow ice-drilling down to 50 m. Such systems can be used for near-surface ablation-stakes installation,also temperature measurements at the bottom of active strata layer,revealing of anthropogenic pollution,etc. The specified used in this research is an auger ice drill powered by a gasoline engine. At this stage,it is crucial to choose effective drilling parameters such as weight on bit( WOB) and drill bit rotation rate. Sensors equipped on the rig have measured the main parameters of the drilling process,such as drill speed,WOB,drill rotation speed,torque and temperature. This paper addresses research on drilling parameters of engine powered auger ice drill and supplies some recommendations for optimization of any ice-core drilling process.  相似文献   

针对气相中憎液表面的气体润湿性常常被忽略,但理论和实验证实气体的润湿性并不总是可以被忽略,凝析气藏气体润湿程度对气井产能具有重要影响,根据Owens双液法建立固体表面自由能计算模型,并且结合自定义的气体润湿性参数实现定量表征气体润湿性的大小,导出固体表面的气体润湿性与表面自由能的数学关系式.采用氟碳聚合物(Zonyl8740)实现空气中"空气/水/载玻片"体系载玻片表面的优先气湿,随Zonyl8740质量分数的增大"正十六烷/空气/载玻片"体系载玻片表面的气湿性增强.  相似文献   

RTKGPS测量技术在中国已广泛应用 ,但其测量成果属于WGS - 84坐标系 ,只有将其转换到国家坐标系或地方坐标系中才能使用 ,所以不同坐标系统间转换参数的正确求解是RTKGPS技术应用的关键。介绍了几种RTKGPS测量中坐标转换参数求解的方法及其数学模型 ,并对高程转换的几种数值拟合方法作了简要介绍  相似文献   

基于ATL(ActiveX Template Library)的ASP(Active Server Pages)组件开发背景,讨论如何选择接口方法参数的问题,并举例说明了ASP组件与脚本之间传递字符串类型和数组类型的常见情况。测试表明,结果正确可靠。  相似文献   

针对当前储层非均质性评价中表征方法单一、评价仅限于一维的研究现状,提出利用FMI成像测井评价储层井周二维孔隙空间非均质性的方法。通过比较目标储层的孔隙度频数分布曲线,从宏观上判断储层井周二维非均质性。选取合适的孔隙度二值化阈值,明确原、次生孔隙的所在位置。利用成像孔隙度谱将储层进行分类,判断目标储层的储集特性。利用储层非均质程度系数T定量评价储层井周二维非均质性。相比于利用常规测井识别裂缝、孔洞,通过FMI成像测井判断储层非均质性具有评价形式多样化、连续性、方位性、直观性和分辨率较高的优势,从而提高对储层非均质性的认知程度。  相似文献   

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