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西藏南部南迦巴瓦地区中新世-上新世地壳深熔作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝光明  曾令森  赵令浩 《岩石学报》2021,37(11):3501-3512



吉林南部太古宙TTG岩类的深熔作用及深熔熔体的分凝聚集   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究表明,吉林南部太古宙TTG岩类中的部分岩石发生了深熔作用。深熔作用发生于TTG岩类遭受高角闪相变质作用条件下,其温度为660~670℃,压力为0.6GPa左右。同时南北向韧性剪切变形作用促进了TTG岩类的深熔作用,并为深熔体就位提供了主要空间。深熔岩浆分凝聚集结晶形成了淡色块状花网岩类。发生深熔作用的TTG岩石和淡色块花网岩类中均有两个世代的矿物组合,第一世代矿物代表TTG岩石原有的矿物,第二  相似文献   

高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩是印度与亚洲板块碰撞过程中,地壳深熔作用的产物.尽管自由水对高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩形成的重要性已被多次报导,但仍存在许多争议.本研究汇编了高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩的全岩地球化学数据,证明高喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩可以由脱水熔融形成和水致熔融形成.进一步通过热力学模拟获得锆石结晶,并与锆石Ti温度计比较,限定了不...  相似文献   

喜马拉雅碰撞造山带新生代地壳深熔作用与淡色花岗岩   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
曾令森  高利娥 《岩石学报》2017,33(5):1420-1444
自从印度-欧亚大陆碰撞以来,伴随着构造演化和温度-压力-成分(P-T-X)的变化,喜马拉雅造山带中下地壳变质岩发生不同类型的部分熔融反应,形成性质各异的过铝质花岗岩。这些花岗岩在形成时代、矿物组成、全岩元素和放射性同位素地球化学特征上都表现出巨大的差异性。始新世构造岩浆作用形成高Sr/Y二云母花岗岩和演化程度较高的淡色花岗岩和淡色花岗玢岩,它们具有相似的Sr-Nd同位素组成,是碰撞早期增厚下地壳部分熔融的产物。渐新世淡色花岗岩主要为演化程度较高的淡色花岗岩,可能指示了喜马拉雅造山带的快速剥露作用起始于渐新世。早中新世以来的淡色花岗岩是喜马拉雅造山带淡色花岗岩的主体,是变泥质岩部分熔融的产物,包含两类部分熔融作用——水致白云母部分熔融作用(A类)和白云母脱水熔融作用(B类)。这两类部分熔融作用形成的花岗质熔体在元素和同位素地球化学特征上都表现出明显的差异性,主要受控于两类部分熔融作用过程中主要造岩矿物和副矿物的溶解行为。这些不同期次的地壳深熔作用都伴随着高分异淡色花岗岩,伴随着关键金属元素(Nb、Ta、Sn、Be等)的富集,是未来矿产勘探的重要靶区。新的观测结果表明:在碰撞造山带中,花岗岩岩石学和地球化学性质的变化是深部地壳物质对构造过程响应的结果,是深入理解碰撞造山带深部地壳物理和化学行为的重要岩石探针。  相似文献   

在喜马拉雅碰撞造山带中,石榴石是变泥质岩的主要造岩矿物,也是花岗岩或淡色体的重要副矿物,保存了有关地壳深熔作用的关键信息,是揭示大型碰撞造山带中-下地壳物质的物理和化学行为的重要载体。在喜马拉雅造山带内,新生代花岗质岩石(淡色花岗岩和混合岩中的淡色体)含两类石榴石,大多数为岩浆型石榴石,自形-半自形,不含包裹体,但淡色体中含有港湾状的混合型石榴石。岩浆型石榴石具有以下地球化学特征:(1)从核部到边部,显示了典型的"振荡型"生长环带;(2)富集HREE,亏损LREE,从核部到边部,Hf、Y和HREE含量降低;(3)显著的Eu负异常;(4)相对于源岩中变质石榴石,Mn和Zn的含量显著增高。岩相学和地球化学特征都表明:变泥质岩熔融形成的熔体(淡色体)捕获了源岩的变质石榴石,熔体与石榴石反应导致大部分元素的特征被改变,只在核部保留了源岩的部分信息。同时,在花岗质熔体结晶过程中,形成少量的岩浆型石榴石。这些石榴石摄取了熔体中大量的Zn,浓度显著升高,在斜长石和锆石同步分离结晶作用的共同影响下,石榴石中Eu为明显负异常,Hf、Y和HREE浓度从核部到边部逐渐降低。上述数据和结果表明,花岗岩中石榴石的矿物化学特征记录了精细的有关花岗岩岩浆演化的重要信息。  相似文献   

哀牢山构造带是青藏高原东南缘重要的边界构造带,其内出露的深变质岩系一直被认为是古老的变质基底岩石。利用LA-ICP-MS原位微区分析技术对哀牢山深变质岩系锆石进行U-Pb年龄、微量元素分析。结果表明深变质岩系的原岩有728±8Ma、727±3Ma、231±4Ma的花岗质岩石和其它年龄的碎屑岩,变质时代为27.8~23.7Ma。综合野外地质特征和分析结果,我们认为哀牢山深构造带在晚渐新世27.8~23.7Ma发生了大规模的地壳深熔作用,现今所见深变质岩系是由不同时代、不同岩性的原岩在晚渐新世(27.8~23.7Ma)变质形成,不全是古老的变质基底岩石。深熔过程中熔/流体发生了明显的迁移。哀牢山变质带具有混合岩化特征的岩石很可能是峰期变质作用后减压熔融的产物。晚渐新世地壳深熔作用与左行走滑剪切是哀牢山深变质带折返过程中近似同时发生的两种不同变质表现形式,两者相互影响、相互制约。  相似文献   

地壳深熔(anatexis)与花岗岩对下地壳的示踪作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
地壳分异演化与熔融作用密切相关,熔融作用主要有两种方式,缺流体的熔融和流体相存条件下的熔融,前者是壳体分异的主导方式,区域应力是控制熔体分凝,提取的主要因素,熔体成分受母岩及残余矿物组合,熔融的温压条件共同控制,花岗岩是地壳熔融的主要产物,在化学和同位素组成上母岩有很强的继承性,加之其取样规模大,因而弥补了其它方法示踪下地壳成分的不足,利用深熔火成岩有很强的继承性,加之其取样规模大,因而弥补了其它  相似文献   

东喜马拉雅构造结是研究青藏高原构造演化的关键地区。本文对东构造结墨脱地区的混合岩化片麻岩中的锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS微区微量元素分析及U-Pb定年。阴极发光(CL)图像揭示多数锆石具有明显的核-边结构特征,核部为原岩残留核,外形表现出晶棱圆化、港湾状等特征;而边部是混合岩化深熔作用变质过程中形成的新生变质锆石,并且具有典型岩浆锆石的环带特征。微量元素分析显示,锆石不同微域的微量元素含量不同,锆石核部含量明显高于边部(如:元素Th、U、Nb、Ta及Th/U比值),这一结果与深熔熔体和残留相之间的平衡关系有关。锆石U-Pb定年结果显示12个原岩锆石分析点给出的206Pb/238U年龄为516~1826 Ma,其中有6个分析点的年龄值相对集中在911~1330 Ma,表明该混合岩化片麻岩的原岩可能主要形成在这个年龄区间;14个变质锆石分析点给出了206Pb/238U年龄加权平均结果为216.7±3.2 Ma(MSWD=3.9),这一年龄代表拉萨地体在晚三叠世发生深熔作用,与区域上拉萨地体东南缘发生变质事件的时间一致。  相似文献   

滇西腾冲地块片麻状花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
丛峰 《地质学报》2009,83(5):651-658
报道了滇西腾冲地块片麻状花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄。区域地质和岩相特征表明,片麻状花岗岩为岩浆成因,并经历了后期深熔作用。24颗锆石测得24个年龄数据中,1颗继承锆石的206Pb/238U年龄为537.5±5.6Ma,2颗岩浆锆石的206Pb/238U平均年龄为456Ma,3颗深熔锆石的206Pb/238U平均年龄为117Ma,18颗深熔锆石的Robust (Median) 206Pb/238U年龄为66.2+7/-4Ma。上述结果表明,花岗岩形成于早古生代,而后在白垩纪发生深熔作用,可能是特提斯演化过程中的岩浆响应。  相似文献   

Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) suites constitute a large proportion of the Archean geological record;however,the geodynamic processes that generated them,and Archean continental crust in general,remain a subject of debate.The concentrations and ratios of Sr,Y,La,Yb,Nb,and Ta in TTGs are commonly used to determine the depth of melting of their metabasic sources.The trace element composition of melt produced by metabasic source rocks during anatexis is strongly affected by the presence and abundance of pressure-sensitive minerals,such as plagioclase(Sr-bearing),garnet(Y-and HREE-bearing),and rutile(Nb-and Ta-bearing).Elevated Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and low concentrations of Nb and Ta in TTGs are generally considered to indicate melting at high pressures(≥2.0 GPa).The depth of melting is a key factor in determining the origin of TTGs as this provides critical information on the tectonic setting of their generation.We use phase equilibrium and trace element modelling to explore the effects of three potential influences on TTG trace element compositions:fractionation of trace elements into peritectic garnet cores,progressive melt loss from the source,and source bulk composition.We model three different compositions of Archean basalts along thermal gradients of 500℃/GPa,750℃/GPa,and 1000℃/GPa.The models produce maj or and trace element melt compositions that are generally consistent with measured compositions of TTGs.Although Sr/Y,La/Yb,Nb,and Ta exhibit pressure-dependent behaviour,other factors also affect these values.Garnet fractionation causes Sr/Y and La/Yb to reach much greater values and in this scenario,the values also increase with increasing temperature.Source bulk composition has an effect in all scenarios and most strongly influences La/Yb,Nb,and Ta.Overall,these results show that Sr/Y,La/Yb,Nb,and Ta can reach values generally considered to be indicative of high pressure melting at a range of P-T conditions including P 2.0 GPa.Consequently,trace element compositions of TTGs alone may provide a misleading impression of the depth of melting of metabasites and the geodynamic environment of Archean crustal growth and reworking.  相似文献   

桐柏造山带深熔作用:混合岩LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb年代学证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘小驰  吴元保  彭敏  汪晶  王浩  彭德才 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1163-1171
桐柏造山带是研究秦岭-桐柏-大别-苏鲁变质带演化的关键地区。由于桐柏高级变质杂岩深熔作用发生时间还缺乏准确的限定,这一区域的构造演化仍存在较大的争议。本文对桐柏杂岩中的一个混合岩的中色体和两个混合岩浅色体样品中的锆石进行了LA-ICPMS年代学测定。中色体中锆石分析点获得的上下交点分别为859±73Ma和135±250Ma。接近上交点的6个谐和分析点给出的206Pb/238U加权平均结果为828±7Ma (MSWD=0.57)。这一年龄结果同上交点在误差范围内一致,代表混合岩原岩结晶年龄,对应扬子板块北缘出现的中-新元古代的岩浆事件。另一方面,混合岩浅色体中的新生锆石具有面状分带或是弱的振荡环带,低的Th/U比值,锆石形态学和内部结构也表明新生锆石结晶于与深熔作用有关的熔体中,它们的206Pb/238U加权平均值分别为135±4Ma和131±3Ma。这一年龄范围代表桐柏高级变质地体发生深熔作用时间,区域上与桐柏-大别变质带广泛出现的碰撞后岩浆事件的时代相同。桐柏造山带出现造山后伸展的时间应不晚于135Ma。  相似文献   

宏观、微观岩石学、地球化学和年代学研究表明,柴北缘锡铁山和绿梁山单元富含斜长石的浅色体和富含钾长石的浅色体是超高压地体折返过程中榴辉岩和片麻岩部分熔融的产物。阴极发光图像显示富含斜长石的浅色体中锆石具有明显的核-边双层结构,锆石核部无明显分带特征,并呈现出重稀土平坦和无Eu异常的稀土配分模式,~450Ma的年龄结果与区域上榴辉岩峰期变质时代一致;发光较弱的锆石边部具不明显的环带结构和较低的Th/U比值,~426Ma年龄结果代表了熔体的结晶时代。富含钾长石的浅色体中的锆石U-Pb定年结果记录的~910Ma、~450Ma和~426Ma三组年龄分别代表了片麻岩原岩结晶时代、高压-超高压变质作用时代和熔体结晶时代。富含斜长石的浅色体具有高SiO_2、Al_2O_3、CaO、Na_2O、Sr和LREE,而低MgO、FeO~T、K_2O、Y、Yb和HREE的英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩的地球化学特征;而富含钾长石的浅色体具有高的SiO_2、Al_2O_3和K_2O+Na_2O,而较低的CaO、MgO、REE的花岗岩地球化学特征。黝帘石和少量的多硅白云母的脱水分解是触发超高压榴辉岩发生部分熔融形成富含斜长石的浅色体的主要机制;而多硅白云母的脱水分解则是触发超高压片麻岩部分熔融形成富含钾长石浅色体的主要机制。这些浅色体显著的促进了柴北缘超高压地体的快速折返,并对大陆俯冲隧道中的元素迁移和壳-幔作用具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

田作林  张泽明  董昕 《岩石学报》2020,36(9):2616-2630
变质相平衡模拟是变质岩领域近几十年最重要的进展之一,它已经成为确定变质作用P-T-t轨迹和探索变质演化过程的有力工具。变质岩的矿物组合不但与其形成的温度(T)和压力(P)条件有关,而且受控于岩石的全岩成分(X)。但是变质岩通常是不均匀的并且往往保留两期以上的矿物组合,因此计算不同成分域或不同变质演化期次的有效全岩成分是模拟P-T视剖面图的核心问题之一。在中-低温变质岩中,石榴石变斑晶的生长会不断地将其核部成分"冻结"而不参与后续变质反应,这导致根据实测全岩成分计算的P-T视剖面图无法有效地模拟石榴石幔部或边部生长阶段的变质演化过程。"瑞利分馏法"和"球体积法"利用电子探针实测的石榴石成分环带可以模拟计算石榴石各个生长阶段所对应的有效全岩成分,本文推荐使用这两个方法来处理石榴石变斑晶的分馏效应问题。相比较而言,石榴石在高温变质岩中通常无法保留生长阶段的成分环带特征,这是因为石榴石成分在高温条件下会发生扩散再平衡,并同时与多数基质矿物达到热力学平衡,这时一般不需要考虑石榴石的分馏效应。但是高温变质岩通常会发生部分熔融并伴随熔体的迁移,进而改变岩石的有效全岩成分。因此,通过P-T视剖面图模拟熔体迁移前后的变质演化过程需要使用"相平衡法"计算迁移的熔体成分以及熔体迁移前后岩石的有效全岩成分。此外,后成合晶与反应边是变质岩中最常见的退变质反应结构,但是后成合晶或反应边中的矿物之间并未达到热力学平衡。这种情况需要结合岩相学观察和矿物成分,利用最小二乘法确定后成合晶或反应边中发生的平衡反应方程式,进而获取变质反应发生时的有效全岩成分并通过计算P-T视剖面图来估算退变质的温压条件。除此之外,岩石体系中三价铁(Fe2O3)和H2O含量的估算一直以来都是相平衡模拟研究中的难点,本文推荐使用P/T-X(Fe3+/Fetot,MH2O)视剖面图来确定这两个组分的含量,这是因为P/T-X图可以估算各个变质演化阶段或特定矿物组合的Fe2O3或H2O含量。  相似文献   

A series of experiments created melt inclusions in plagioclase and pyroxene crystals grown from a basaltic melt at 1,150°C, 1.0 GPa to investigate diffusive fractionation during melt inclusion formation; additionally, P diffusion in a basaltic melt was measured at 1.0 GPa. Melt inclusions and melts within a few 100 microns of plagioclase–melt interfaces were analyzed for comparison with melt compositions far from the crystals. Melt inclusions and melt compositions in the boundary layer close to the crystal–melt interface were similar, but both differ significantly in incompatible element concentrations from melt found greater than approximately 200 microns away from the crystals. The compositional profiles of S, Cl, P, Fe, and Al in the boundary layers were successfully reproduced by a two-step model of rapid crystal growth followed by diffusive relaxation toward equilibrium after termination of crystal growth. Applying this model to investigate possible incompatible element enrichment in natural melt inclusions demonstrated that at growth rates high enough to create the conditions for melt inclusion formation, ∼10−9–10−8 m s−1, the concentration of water in the boundary layer near the crystal was similar to that of the bulk melt because of its high diffusion coefficient, but sulfur, with a diffusivity similar to major elements and CO2, was somewhat enriched in the boundary layer melt, and phosphorus, with its low diffusion coefficient similar to other high-field strength elements and rare earth elements, was significantly enriched. Thus, the concentrations of sulfur and phosphorus in melt inclusions may over-estimate their values in the bulk melt, and other elements with similar diffusion coefficients may also be enriched in melt inclusions relative to the bulk melt. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

N. Marchildon  M. Brown   《Tectonophysics》2003,364(3-4):215-235
In this study, we present quantitative spatial information on the one- and two-dimensional distribution of inferred melt-bearing structures in anatectic supracrustal rocks of the Southern Brittany Migmatite Belt, south of the transcurrent South Armorican Shear Zone (SASZ); based on these data, we infer the mechanism of melt extraction from partially molten crust. Former melt-bearing structures include foliation-parallel leucosomes and cross-cutting granitic leucosomes that infill inter-boudin partitions and extensional shear surfaces, as well as discordant dykes of granite. Petrographic (i.e., mineralogical and microstructural) continuity of granite from structure to structure suggests that they once formed a continuous melt-bearing network. Measurements along one-dimensional line traverses perpendicular to layering of stromatic migmatite exposed in clean, sub-horizontal outcrop surfaces provide information about thickness and spacing distributions of foliation-parallel leucosomes. Most leucosome thicknesses fall in the range of 1–10 mm, with upper limits around 20–30 mm. The number of thicker layers decreases abruptly with increasing thickness, which is inconsistent with scale-invariance. This suggests that leucosome formation was controlled by short-range melt movement along grain boundaries to form melt-rich layers constrained by pre-existing compositional layering. Spacing distributions also are not scale-invariant; however, the large percentage of leucosomes (40–60%) in these line traverses suggests that spacing distributions may be controlled in part by impingement of leucosomes, making it difficult to derive genetic information from these data. Qualitative observation of inferred melt-bearing structures in mutually perpendicular two-dimensional exposures from the same outcrop reveals anisotropy of the leucosome network related to a well-developed sub-horizontal quartz–feldspar lineation reflecting stretching associated with transcurrent movement along the SASZ. Analysis of these two-dimensional distributions using the box-counting method corroborates the observed anisotropy, but indicates that leucosome morphology (and perhaps distribution) is not scale-invariant. The applicability of the box-counting method, or of fractal analysis, to understanding melt movement in migmatites is discussed in light of these results. Based on the anisotropy of melt-bearing structures, we infer that melt-movement in structures now represented by layer-parallel leucosomes was primarily sub-horizontal. These layers fed steeply dipping structures now represented by cross-cutting leucosomes, in particular those developed at inter-boudin partitions, and granite dykes. The formation and orientation of these steeply dipping structures was in part controlled by far-field stresses related to dextral displacement along the SASZ. Melt extraction is inferred to have occurred along these steeply dipping structures; extracted melt accumulated in plutons at higher crustal levels, such as the Quiberon, Sarzeau, and Guérande granites.  相似文献   

The Hf isotopic composition of zircon reference material 91500   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Janne Blichert-Toft   《Chemical Geology》2008,253(3-4):252-257
Ten new single zircon fragments, analyzed by solution chemistry and MC-ICP-MS, of the 91500 zircon standard show no evidence to support a recent claim based on in situ data that this reference material is heterogeneous in terms of its radiogenic Hf isotope composition and as a consequence should be abandoned as a reliable interlaboratory standard. Rather, the larger spread in 176Hf/177Hf among in situ data compared with solution chemistry data may reflect the uncertainties resulting from prominent isobaric interference corrections inherent to the in situ analytical protocol. The unweighted mean values of 176Hf/177Hf and 176Lu/177Hf measured for the ten zircon fragments of this study are 0.282313 ± 0.000008 (2σ) and 0.000311 ± 0.000136 (2σ), respectively. Pooling the mean 176Hf/177Hf of this work with those of published solution chemistry studies results in a value of 0.282308 ± 0.000006 (2σ; relative to 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282163 for JMC-475), which is recommended here as the currently best estimate of the Hf isotopic composition of this standard. All published studies agree on a value of ~ 0.0003 for the corresponding 176Lu/177Hf ratio.  相似文献   

华北克拉通阜平杂岩的深熔和混合岩化作用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
华北克拉通的阜平杂岩长英质岩石中常产出显著的浅色体、岩脉和花岗岩侵入体,并形成广泛的混合岩化作用。通过矿物自形晶的形成、黑云母向角闪石的转换和大量钠长石净边的出现以及其它与熔体活动有关结构的分析,浅色脉体和混合岩化作用的发生与外来熔体的注入有关。在长英质片麻岩中可出现明显的熔体注入,在一些不易片理化的岩石如石英岩中亦可形成浸染状熔体渗入。熔体汇集可形成浅色体、岩脉,直至花岗岩侵入体。而深熔作用本身形成熔体的作用在本区几乎可以忽略不计。在遭受渗透式混合岩化作用的过程中,岩石成分发生了改变,形成开放系统。随着渗透熔体的结晶,可形成一些岩浆锆石,在副片麻岩中则很容易被当作碎屑锆石。  相似文献   

Alana M. Hinchey  Sharon D. Carr   《Lithos》2006,90(3-4):223-248
The 62–52 Ma Ladybird granite (LBG) suite is a peraluminous, leucocratic, S-type, quartz monzonitic to granitic suite which occurs as batholiths, stocks, dikes, sills, and pegmatite veins predominantly in the high-grade rocks of the Shuswap complex, in southeastern British Columbia. The emplacement of the LBG was synchronous with the production of abundant migmatites within Thor–Odin dome of the Monashee complex, an exposure of North American basement, exhumed from depths of ca. 26–33 km by Eocene extensional faults. The LBG and the leucosome in migmatites from Thor–Odin dome have similar major and trace element patterns, and are both characterized by zircons which have inherited Precambrian cores. Whole rock Nd isotope compositions show a range of values for the LBG with εNd(55 Ma) values from − 5.0 to − 17.2. The εNd(55 Ma) for the leucosome samples range from − 9.5 to − 23.6, overlapping with those of the granitic suite. These data support the interpretation of a genetic link between formation of the LBG suite and melting of North American basement rocks, such as those exposed in the core of Thor–Odin dome. The leucosome samples have lower high field strength element (HFSE) concentrations and positive Eu anomalies, whereas the LBG samples have higher HFSE concentrations and negative Eu anomalies. The similar trace element characteristics suggest that the leucosome from the migmatites and the LBG are related, whereby most of the leucosome samples are cumulates and the LBG samples represent evolved or residual melts. The initial 87Sr/86Sr isotope values for both the LBG and leucosome samples have a large range. However, the initial Sr isotopic ratios for the LBG suite are lower than those of the leucosome samples, with 87Sr/86Sr(55 Ma) ranging from 0.70603 to 0.73688 and 0.74256 to 0.76593, respectively. This isotopic discrepancy suggests either: a) isotopic disequilibrium during partial melting in the mid- to lower crust where the leucosome formed, b) the distribution of Sr during partial melting was controlled by different melt-producing reactions, and/or c) isotopic heterogeneity in the source rocks. At least part of the LBG suite likely formed via melting of North American basement rocks that were dominantly of sedimentary origin. Melting of the Proterozoic supracrustal metasedimentary rocks overlying North American basement may also have contributed to the formation of the different phases of the suite found at the regional scale. However, the abundant leucosomes in the basement rocks of Thor–Odin dome may mark the paths along which anatectic melt migrated in the structurally overlying Ladybird granites of the South Fosthall pluton.  相似文献   

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