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To investigate the relationship between velocity structure and earthquake activity on the southeastern front of the Tibetan Plateau, we make use of continuous observations of seismic ambient noise data obtained at 55 broadband stations from the regional Yunnan Seismic Network. These data are used to compute Rayleigh wave Green's Functions by cross-correlating between two stations, extracting phase velocity dispersion curves, and finally inverting to image Rayleigh wave phase velocity with periods between 5 and 34 s by ambient noise tomography. The results show significant lateral variations in crustal and uppermost mantle structures in the studied region. Phase velocity anomalies at short periods(5–12 s) are closely related to regional tectonic features such as sediment thickness and the depth of the crystalline basement. The Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block, enclosed by the Honghe, Xiaojiang and Jianchuan faults, emerges as a large range of low-velocity anomalies at periods of 16–26 s, that inverts to high-velocity anomalies at periods of 30–34 s. The phase velocity variation in the vicinity of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block suggests that the low-velocity anomaly area in the middle-lower crust may correspond to lower crustal channelized flow of the Tibetan Plateau. The spatial distribution of strong earthquakes since 1970 reveals that the Yunnan region is inhomogeneous and shows prominent characteristics of block motion. However, earthquakes mostly occur in the upper crust, with the exception of the middle-Yunnan block where earthquakes occur at the interface zone between high and low velocity as well as in the low-velocity zones, with magnitudes being generally less than 7. There are few earthquakes of magnitude 5 at the depths of 15–30 km, where gather earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher ones which mainly occur in the interface zone between high and low velocities with others extending to the high-velocity abnormal zone.  相似文献   

Application of the silica geothermometer to over 70,000 non-thermal groundwaters from the United States has shown that there is a correlation between the average silica geotemperatures for a region (T SiO2 in °C) and the known regional heat flow (q in mW m?2) of the form: 1 $$TSiO_2 = mq + b$$ wherem andb are constants determined to be 0.67°C m2 mW?1 and 13.2°C respectively. The physical significance of ‘b’ is the mean annual air temperature. The slope ‘m’ is related to the minimum average depth to which the groundwaters may circulate. This minimum depth is estimated to be between 1.4 and 2.0 km depending on the rock type. A preliminary heat flow map based on equation (1) is presented using theT SiO2 for new estimates of regional heat flow where conventional data are lacking. Anomalously high localT SiO2 values indicate potential geothermal areas.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks from six of the currently or recently active volcances of the Mariana Island are show little variation in major element abundances. SiO2 content averages 51.5 wt.%. The flows are high in Al2O (mean 17.7 wt.%) and Fe oxides (mean 10.1 wt.% calculated as FeO only), and moderate in MgO content (mean 4.7 wt.%), Na2O (mean 2.7 wt.%), and K2O (mean 0.7 wt.%). Only the rocks from Farallon de Pajaros, the northernmost of the Mariana Islands, deviate slightly from the average of the analyses. Three analyses from this island are slightly higher in SiO2 (about 54 wt.%) and Al2O3, and are lower in total Fe oxides and MgO. According to preferred classification, the lavas of the Mariana Islands can be termed mela-andesites, high-alumina basalts, or calc-alkaline (orogenic) basalts. The K2O values (mean 0.7 wt.%) obtained from lavas of the Mariana Islands are significantly higher than the K2O values (about 0.33 wt.%) from volcanics of the Izu chain to the north. Inasmuch as the substantial scatter in location of earthquake foci beneath both arcs prevents accurate delineation of the upper boundary of the Benioff zone, it presently cannot be determined whether this discrepancy in K2O values reflects a difference in depth from the volcanic are to the dipping seismic zone or relates to other phenomena. The older volcanic islands within the Mariana-Bonin island chain apparently defined an island arc system during Eocene to Miocene time. This indicates that the present plane of convergence between the Pacific plate and the Philippine Sea plate has defined the convergence between these plates since Eocene time.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands consist of seven basaltic shield volcanoes whose submerged portion is much more voluminous than the subaerial part of each island. Like so many other volcanic oceanic islands, the indicative deposits of explosive felsic volcanism are not a common feature on the Canary archipelago. Hitherto, they have only been documented from the central islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife, which are the largest volcanic complexes of the islands. On the other Canary Islands, the presence of felsic rocks is mostly restricted to intrusions and a few lava flows, generally within the succession in the oldest parts of individual islands. In this paper, we present a detailed stratigraphic, lithological and sedimentological study of a significant felsic pumice deposit on the island of El Hierro, referred here as the Malpaso Member, which represents the only explosive episode of felsic volcanism found on the Canary Islands (outside of Gran Canaria and Tenerife). The products of the eruption indicate a single eruptive event and cover an area of about 15 km2. This work provides a detailed stratigraphic and chronological framework for El Hierro, and four subunits are identified within the member on the basis of lithological and granulometric characteristics. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of an explosive eruption in a setting where the activity is typified by effusive basaltic events. Given the style and the spatial distribution of the Malpaso eruption and its products, a future event with similar characteristics could have a serious impact on the population, infrastructure and economy of the island of El Hierro.  相似文献   

Located at the North-Eastern part of Algeria (Tellian Atlas), Constantine has crucial administrative, economic, scientific and cultural importance. It has continuously experienced significant urban evolutions during the different periods of its history. The city is located in an active seismic region within Algeria and has been struck in the past by several moderate and strong earthquakes. The strongest earthquake recorded since the beginning of instrumental seismology took place on October 27, 1985 with a magnitude M \(_\mathrm{S}=\) 5.9. Constantine presents a high seismic risk, because of its dense housing and high population density (2,374 inhabitants/km \(^{2})\) . This requires a risk assessment in order to take preventive measures and reduce the losses in case of potential major earthquake. For this purpose, a scenario based approach is considered. The building damage assessment methodology adopted for the Algerian context is adapted from HAZUS approach. In the present case, the effective Algerian seismic code response spectrum (RPA 99/2003) is considered as a seismic hazard model. The prediction of the expected damages is performed for a set of almost 29,000 buildings.  相似文献   

It has been observed that post-critically reflected S-waves and multiples from the Moho discontinuity could play a relevant role on the ground motion due to medium to strong size earthquakes away from the source. Although some studies investigated the correlation between the Moho reflections amplitudes and the damage in the far field, little attention was given to the frequency content of these specific phases and their scaling with magnitude. The 2012 Emilia seismic sequence in northern Italy, recorded by velocimetric and accelerometric networks, is here exploited to investigate Moho reflections and multiples (SmSM). A single station method for group velocity-period estimation, based on the multiple filter technique, is applied to strong motion data to detect SmSM. Amplitude and frequency scaling with magnitude is defined for earthquakes from \(\hbox {Mw}=3.9\) to \(\hbox {Mw}=5.9\) . Finally, the ability of SmSM to affect the ground motion for a maximum credible earthquake within the Po plain is investigated by extrapolating observed engineering parameters. Data analysis shows that high amplitude SmSM can be recognized within the Po plain, and at the boundaries between the Po plain and the Alpine chain, at epicentral distances larger than 80 km, in the period range from 0.25 to 3 s and in the group velocity window from about 2.6 to 3.2 km/s. 5 % damped pseudo-spectral accelerations at different periods (0.3, 1.0 and 2.0 s), and Housner intensities, are obtained from data characterized by large amplitude SmSM. A scaling relationship for both pseudo-spectral accelerations and Housner intensities is found for the earthquakes of the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence. \(\hbox {I}_{\mathrm{MCS}}\) from VII to VIII is estimated, as a result of SmSM amplitude enhancement, at about 100 km for a maximum credible earthquake ( \(\hbox {Mw}=6.7\) ) in the Po plain, showing that moderate to high damage cloud be caused by these specific phases.  相似文献   

The 26 s peak in the ambient seismic noise spectrum is persistently excited and observed at stations globally. Using noise cross-correlation functions (NCFs), the location suggests that the source could be situated in the Gulf of Guinea and Fiji Basin. However, the Fiji Basin was proposed to be the mirror site (near antipode) of the Gulf of Guinea source instead of an independent source, assuming that the surface waves more efficiently propagate along the major-arc paths of oceanic movements. To investigate the propagation of the Rayleigh waves along continental and oceanic paths, we analyzed the surface wave data recorded from an earthquake near the Gulf of Guinea and found that Rayleigh waves travel along continental minor-arc paths more efficiently than along oceanic major-arc paths. We then located the source in the western Pacific Ocean from group velocities measured with earthquake data by using the travel time misfit in NCFs after calibration and concluded that the source is in the Vanuatu Islands. Moreover, the temporal variation of the 26 s microseismic peak observed in the western Pacific seismic stations is very different from that in stations near the Gulf of Guinea, which suggests that they are excited by independent sources. Therefore, the Vanuatu source should be an independent microseismic source. As it is close to volcanoes in the Vanuatu islands, the Pacific 26 s microseismic source might be excited by magmatic processes, which are also responsible for very-long-period volcanic tremors.  相似文献   

The search for the Figure of the Earth is rooted in the age-old wonder about the world we live in. The ancient mythical notions have developed, under the tutelage of Greek systematic thought, into specific questions of the shape and size of the Earth. The history of these questions, now spanning more than two millenia, shows a continuous refinement in formulation, as each bona fide answer prompted refined measurements which, in turn, started a new round of problems. The change in concept of what one was looking for was, and still is, closely connected with the technical capability and its potential for further development. This change in concept is traced here from ancient times to the present throungh some of its milestones: Anaximander's partly invisible celestial sphere and Pythagoras' spherical Earth; Eratosthenes' exemplary combination of astronomy and land surveying for the dual purpose of determining the size of the spherical Earth and making a map of the habitable world; the identical dual purpose followed by the Académie Royale des Sciences in the 17th century, but on a more sophisticated technical level; the challenge to the spherical concept by Newton's gravitational theory and the absorption of that theory into a wider concept of the Figure of the Earth; the acknowledgment of the irregular geoid by Gauss, Bessel, and Helmert, and the changed significance of the ellipsoid; Heiskanen's and Vening Meinesz' ‘Basic Hypothesis of Geodesy’ concerning the hydrostatic equilibrium of the Earth, and O'Keefe's contradiction on the basis of satelite data; the dream of global surveys come true through satellite geodesy and the accompanying inclusion of the outer gravity field of the Earth into the concept of its Figure; and lastly, the present and projected capability of high precision measurement and the widening of the concept of the Figure of the Earth from 3-dimensional rigidity to 4-dimensional time-dependence.  相似文献   

Surveys of near-event seismic activity were made at two principal locations in the Cascade Range in Oregon during the summers of 1969 and 1970. A tripartite array of ultrasensitive high frequency seismometers was deployed about 7.5 km north of the Mt. Hood summit with one of the 1-km legs oriented broadside to the dormant volcano. Seismometers were emplaced over olivine andesite flows associated with the Pinnacle, one of the parasitic cones formed on the flanks of the strato-volcano. During 16 days of operation on the north slope, 53 near events were recorded, most of which originated within the upper crust and were associated with the north-south trending zone of the Cascade Range. Event magnitudes for these near events range from ?1.7 to +1.8 and determination of b-values in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship was ?0.80, indicating a probable tectonic mechanism for the shocks. During the late summer of 1970, a four-station array was operated at Crater Lake Park about 13 km south-southwest of the caldera rim. In addition, an ultraportable outlier station was operated at two locations north of the caldera that resulted from the collapse of ancient Mt. Mazama some 6,600 years ago. Only a limited number of near events with S-P intervals of 4 sec or less were detected at Crater Lake; a larger number were recorded with S-P intervals longer than 4 sec. Event epicenters for the Crater Lake area are broadly distributed in azimuth, indicating the complex structure underlying the Cascade Range in southern Oregon. Crater Lake is located astride the broad upwarp of crystalline pre-Cenozoic rocks believed to extend northeast from the Klamath Mountains to the Ochoco Uplift of central Oregon. Major regional structural trends are also shown by the north-south trending belts of the Cascade volcanoes, probably related to deep fracture zones, and by the northeast-trending shear zones that exist in the Basin and Range province to the southeast of Crater Lake. Regional gravity and aeromagnetic surveys indicate that Crater Lake lies at the intersection of these zones that probably provided the conduits for the rise of magma that ultimately led to the collapse of Mt. Mazma and the formation of Crater Lake. Epicenters for near events recorded at this juncture do not reflect these linear trends and, indeed, a generally smaller incidence of near-event activity was recorded at Crater Lake than was recorded at Mt. Hood. Magnitudes for Crater Lake events with S-P intervals of 4 sec or more range from +0.25 to +2.19, and an examination of the relationship between cumulative frequency and magnitude for these events yields a b-value in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship of ?1.16, indicating the events at Crater Lake, like those detected at Mt. Hood, are associated with tectonic rather than volcanic sources. Events for which depth determinations were made show these sources to be within the crust, occurring in the upper 10 km of the earth’s crust. The relatively low incidence of small magnitude near events within the Oregon Cascade Range shows the aseismicity of the mountain chain which is consistent with the low incidence of earthquakes of a magnitude of 4.5 or greater detected for the volcanic range. The volcanoes of the Cascade Range in Oregon are dormant, and only small numbers of shocks are now being generated, probably from isostatic adjustments within the crust. The Cascade volcanic range, which once was a seismically active island are chain associated with subduction zones off the northwestern coast of America, has moved into a passive phase in which most seismic activity in western Oregon now occurs along the ridge and fracture zones offshore and within the Willamette Downwarp west of the dormant chain.  相似文献   

Refraction surveys conducted by the Oil & Natural Gas Commission in the Cambay Basin, Gujarat, Rajahmundry area, Andhra Pradesh and near Rajamahal Traps, West Bengal, have indicated longitudinal velocities of the order of 4.2 to 5.8 km/sec for the Traps. Measurements of velocities by Sonic log in wells drilled for oil in the Cambay basin yielded values, ranging from 4.8 to 5.1 km/sec. While Sonic log velocities compare well with field refraction measurements, published values for trap basalt determined in the laboratories in India by various workers indicate a consistently high value of 6.6–7.2 km/sec. The distinctly lower value obtained by refraction methods can be attributed to weathering effects, thickness of trap flows, unsuspected inter-trappeans, dispersion in layered rocks etc. The mean values for the Traps of the Cambay, Rajamundry and Rajmahal areas come out to 4.78, 4.10 and 4.81 km/sec respectively.  相似文献   

The Method of Splitting Tsunamis (MOST) model adapted by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for tsunami forecasting operations is praised for its computational efficiency, associated with the use of splitting technique. It will be shown, however, that splitting the computations between \(x\) and \(y\) directions results in specific sensitivity to the treatment of land–water boundary. Slight modification to the reflective boundary condition in MOST caused an appreciable difference in the results. This is demonstrated with simulations of the Tohoku-2011 tsunami from the source earthquake to Monterey Bay, California, and in southeast Alaska, followed by comparison with tide gage records. In the first case, the better representation of later waves (reflected from the coasts) by the modified model in a Pacific-wide simulation resulted in twice as long match between simulated and observed tsunami time histories at Monterey gage. In the second case, the modified model was able to propagate the tsunami wave and approach gage records at locations within narrow channels (Juneau, Ketchikan), to where MOST had difficulty propagating the wave. The modification was extended to include inundation computation. The resulting inundation algorithm (Cliffs) has been tested with the complete set of NOAA-recommended benchmark problems focused on inundation. The solutions are compared to the MOST solutions obtained with the version of the MOST model benchmarked for the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program in 2011. In two tests, Cliffs and MOST results are very close, and in another two tests, the results are somewhat different. Very different regimes of generation/disposal of water by Cliffs and MOST inundation algorithms, which supposedly affected the benchmarking results, have been discussed.  相似文献   

We apply a newly developed numerical method to improve the Moho geometry by the implementation of gravity data. This method utilizes expressions for the gravimetric forward and inverse modeling derived in a frequency domain. Methods for a spectral analysis and synthesis of the gravity field and crust density structures are applied in the gravimetric forward modeling of the consolidated crust-stripped gravity disturbances, which have a maximum correlation with the (a priori) Moho model. These gravity disturbances are obtained from the Earth’s gravity disturbances after applying the topographic and stripping gravity corrections of major known anomalous crust density structures; in the absence of a global mantle model, mantle density heterogeneities are disregarded. The isostatic scheme applied is based on a complete compensation of the crust relative to the upper mantle density. The functional relation is established between the (unknown) Moho depths and the complete crust-stripped isostatic gravity disturbances, which according to the adopted isostatic scheme have (theoretically) a minimum correlation with the Moho geometry. The system of observation equations, which describes the relation between spherical functions of the isostatic gravity field and the Moho geometry, is defined by means of a linearized Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. The Moho depths are determined based on solving the gravimetric inverse problem. The regularization is applied to stabilize the ill-posed solution. This numerical procedure is utilized to determine the Moho depths globally. The gravimetric result is presented and compared with the seismic Moho model. Our gravimetric result has a relatively good agreement with the CRUST2.0 Moho model by means of the RMS of differences (of 3.5 km). However, the gravimetric solution has a systematic bias. We explain this bias between the gravimetric and seismic Moho models by the unmodelled mantle heterogeneities and uncertainties in the CRUST2.0 global crustal model.  相似文献   

The rhyodactic O’Leary Porphyry which forms the Pleistocene (0.233±0.37 m.y.) volcanic domes of O’Leary Peak and Darton Dome in the San Francisco Volcanic Field (northern Arizona, U.S.A.) contains sanidine phenocrysts with oligoclase mantles (rapakivi texture). Rapakivi texture occurs worldwide in silicic rocks of many ages and has been attributed to various igneous and metamorphic processes. The O’Leary Porphyry contains both mantled and unmantled sanidine (both are Or63–69 Ab30–36An1), oligoclase and quartz phenocrysts, labradorite (An53Ab45Or2) and kaersutite xenocrysts and andesite xenoliths. The compositional range of oligoclase is the same (An11–26Ab70–80Orr–10) for the rapakivi mantles, the oligoclase phenocrysts, and the oligoclase crystals poikilitic within sanidines. Most mantles are discontinuous. The sanidine appears to have been resorbed prior to mantling. Experimental melting studies on the O’Leary Prophyry show that, for a 15 wgt.% water system, plagioclase crystallized prior to sanidine and quartz crystallized last. The O’Leary Porphyry, although inhomogeneous, plots on a Q-Or-Ab-An diagram well within the plagioclase stability field. Poikilitic plagioclases within sanidines further support crystallization of plagioclase prior to sanidine in the O’Leary Porphyry. Exsolution of a ternary feldspar to form a plagioclase mantle is the most commonly accepted igneous theory of rapakivi texture formation but has been eliminated as the origin of the O’Leary Porphyry rapakivi. Petrologic models by Tuttle and Bowen and by Stewart are rejected for the O’Leary rapakivi because of inconsistencies with the O’Leary occurrences. Two theories are viable for the O’Leary rapakivi texture. First, is a decrease in water vapor pressure which would enlarge the plagioclase stability field possibility causing mantling of metastable sanidines. The second and preferred theory is that of an addition of sodium and calcium by basification (chemical assimilation without melting) of the xenoliths within the O’Leary Porphyry. This would move the bulk composition of the melt into the plagioclase field possibly resulting in crystallization of plagioclase on sanidine crystals. Diffusion of sodium and calcium from the xenoliths to sanidine would result in mantling only those crystals near to the xenoliths. Later, convection would result in distribution throughout the melt of rapakivi, unmantled sanidines, and xenolithic kaersutite as is seen in the porphyry. Basic xenoliths are extremely common in rapakivi-bearing rocks. Those within the O’Leary Porphyry are andesitic and show resorption, and in some areas of O’Leary Peak itself, have been drawn out into schlieren.  相似文献   

Chemicals, especially silica, have been suspected to cause genetic alterations in pottery industry workers. The present study aims to analyze the frequency of chromosomal aberrations (CA), micronucleus (MN) and DNA damage (comet assay) in the peripheral blood lymphocytes and the immunological alterations workers chronically exposed to silica and in control subjects. In our study, 50 silica exposed workers and 35 control subjects were recruited and silica level was measured by respirable dust and respirable quartz concentrations of badge dosimeter. The serum immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, and IgA) of all the subjects were measured by using ELISA method. The individuals exposed to silica have a significant increase in the frequency of CA, MN and the total DNA damage (p < 0.05). Immunoglobulin elevation on silica exposed workers was statistically significant (p < 0.05) on comparison with their respective controls. Investigation of the smoking and alcohol habitats coupled with silica exposure in exposed and control subjects represents alcohol consumption and smoking as additional risk factors and must be avoided. Multiple linear regression analysis obtained for CA, MN and comet assay confirm these tests as biomarkers for silica exposed pottery workers. Some confounding factors also showed significant influence on exposed subjects. These results indicate the mutagenic risk in the working environment has a high probability of association with the silica dust exposure in pottery industries. Nevertheless, the present study will create awareness and public concern not only among the silica exposed workers but also to the welfare of their progeny.  相似文献   

The volcanic history of Somma-Vesuvius indicates that salic products compatible with an origin by fractionation within a shallow magma chamber have been repeatedly erupted («Plinian» pumice deposits). The last two of these eruptions, (79 A.D. and 3500 B.P.) were carefully studied. Interaction with calcareous country rocks had limited importance, and all data indicate that differentiated magmas were produced by crystal-liquid fractionation within the undersaturated part of petrogeny’s residua system at about 1 kb water pressure. The solid-liquid trend indicates that the derivative magmas originated by fractionation of slightly but significantly different parental liquids. Some lavas of appropriate composition were selected as parental liquids to compute the entity of the fractionation. Results suggest that in both bases a fractionation of about 70 weight % was needed to produce liquids with the composition of the pumice. The combination of all data indicates that the two Plinian eruptions were fed by a magma chamber (3–4 km deep) having a volume of approx. 2.0–2.5 km3. The temperature of the magma that initially entered the chamber was about 1100°C, whereas the temperature of the residual liquids erupted was Plinian pumice was 800° and 850°C respectively. There is no evidence that such a magma chamber existed at Vesuvius after the 79 A.D. eruption. These results have relevant practical implications for volcanic hazard and monitoring and for geothermal energy.  相似文献   

The advantages of passive supplemental dampers for performance enhancement of new and existing structures have been demonstrated extensively in the past. The big amount of experimental tests carried out all over the world on framed structures upgraded by energy dissipating bracing (EDB) systems based on hysteretic dampers (HDs), have shown their effectiveness in reducing seismic effects on buildings. The mechanical characteristics of the HDs in some cases may be different from those arising by the design procedure due to industrial tolerance or because of some damage suffered during previous earthquakes. In order to assess the robustness of this technique, in terms of capacity of seismic vibrations control even for significant changes in the mechanical characteristics of the EDB system respect to the design ones, in this paper experimental tests and parametric nonlinear time history analysis have been carried out changing the characteristics of the HD stiffness and strength. The experimental results refer to the shaking table tests performed at the Structural Laboratory of the University of Basilicata within a wide research program, named Joint Experimental Testing on Passive and semiActive Control Systems. The program has been completely funded by the Italian Department of Civil Protection within the activity of the Research Line 7 of the ReLUIS (Italian Network of University Laboratories of Earthquake Engineering) 2005–2008 project. A displacement-focused design procedure has been considered to evaluate the mechanical characteristics of the dissipating system, with the aim of limiting inter-storey drifts after frame yielding. From the experimental point of view, two design solutions have been tested for chevron braces equipped with HD, assuming the same stiffness but different values of both ductility demand and yield strength of the HDs. Moreover, parametric studies have been performed through numerical simulations. This paper provides an overview of the experimental set up and briefly summarizes the experimental outcomes and the comparison with the results of numerical nonlinear time history analysis. Moreover, the results of the parametric analysis for the assessment of the performances of the dissipating system in controlling structural response are presented.  相似文献   

Dr. Gordon Andrew Macdonald’s publication list reflects the developments in volcanology over more than 40 years. Of his publications, 227 are recorded in this bibliography, which is divided into three sections: Scientific articles, Books, and Miscellaneous papers.  相似文献   

Tanna, one of the southernmost islands of the New Hebrides volcanic arc, is made of Late Pliocene to Recent island arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites, with SiO2 contents ranging from 45 to 57%. These lavas are highly porphyritic (30–50% in volume): phenocrysts of plagioclase are the most abundant, together with olivine and clinopyroxene. The groundmass contain plagioclase, augite, olivine, magnetite and glass; pigeonite, tridymite, sanidine and, rarely, biotite may also occur. The olivines and clinopyroxenes show an iron enrichment from the cores of phenocrysts to their rims and the groundmass crystals, but their compositional variations are not correlated with the Mg/Fe ratio of bulk host rocks, the most Fe-rich compositions being found in Mg-rich lavas. Plagioclase compositions range from An95 to An60 in the basalts and An60 to An50 in the andesites, but, within each group, they are not correlated with SiO2 or Na2O contents of host lavas. Consequently, the bulk major element compositions of Tanna volcanic rocks cannot be considered as primarily controlled by crystal separation from successive liquids. The oxyde-SiO2 variations diagrams, and the modal compositions and mineral chemistry show that crystal accumulation is the predominant mechanism accounting for bulk rock compositions. However, this does not exclude fractional crystallization: the variation of the calculated groundmass mineralogy strongly suggest the occurrence of crystal removal mainly clinopyroxene and magnetite.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal disease mapping can be viewed as a multivariate disease mapping problem with a given order of the geographic patterns to be studied. As a consequence, some of the techniques in multivariate literature could also be used to build spatio-temporal models. In this paper we propose using the smoothed ANOVA multivariate model for spatio-temporal problems. Under our approach the time trend for each geographic unit is modeled parametrically, projecting it on a preset orthogonal basis of functions (the contrasts in the smoothed ANOVA nomenclature), while the coefficients of these projections are considered to be spatially dependent random effects. Despite the parametric temporal nature of our proposal, we show with both simulated and real datasets that it may be as flexible as other spatio-temporal smoothing models proposed in the literature and may model spatio-temporal data with several sources of variability.  相似文献   

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