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The margins of the deep-water sedimentary basins west of Ireland contain a number of large clusters (provinces) of spectacular carbonate mounds and build-ups. These basins have a complex development history involving the interplay of rift tectonics, thermal subsidence, igneous activity and oceanographic variations. The Porcupine and Rockall basins both rest upon thin continental crust, the consequence of major rift episodes in Permo-Triassic, Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times. Phases of volcanism occurred in the Early Cretaceous and especially in the Early Cenozoic. Fluid flow within the basins is likely to have been controlled by the overall basin geometry and by the distribution and linkage of permeable strata with fault systems, stratal surfaces and unconformities. A number of regional unconformities, controlled by both basin tectonic and regional oceanographic effects, can be mapped and correlated throughout the Porcupine and Rockall basins. The youngest of these unconformities (C10: Early Pliocene) can be traced throughout much of the NW European Atlantic margin. It forms the horizon on which virtually all the carbonate mounds in the basins develop, suggesting a geologically instantaneous mound nucleation and growth event. Although the control on their development is uncertain, the mound clusters show a spatial association with lithified strata, buried contourite and deltaic deposits, slope failure features and with the basin margins. Analysis of these relationships points to a combination of geological and oceanographic processes controlling mound initiation and growth.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of some dynamical processes that influence the benthic dynamics within the carbonate mound provinces located at the Porcupine Bank/Sea Bight margin, NE Atlantic. The depth range of the mounds in this region (600–1,000 m) marks the upper boundary of the Mediterranean outflow water above which Eastern North Atlantic Water dominates. Both water masses are carried northwards by the eastern boundary slope current. In the benthic boundary layer both the action of internal waves, and other tidal period baroclinic waves, may enhance the bottom currents and add to both the residual and maximum flow strength. Both residual and maximum bottom currents vary at different mound locations, with stronger currents found at Belgica (SE Porcupine Sea Bight) mound and Pelagia (NW Porcupine Bank) mound regions, whilst weakest currents are found at the Hovland and Magellan Mounds at the northern Sea Bight margin. The differences may be attributed to the presence of internal waves (Pelagia) or bottom intensified diurnal waves (Belgica). These different dynamical regimes are likely to have implications for the distribution patterns of live coral at the different locations.  相似文献   

Cold water coral covered carbonate mounds at the south‐west margin of the Rockall Trough form ridges several kilometres long and up to 380 m high. Piston cores obtained at three mound crests reveal the complex internal structure of the mound build up, with alternating unlithified coral‐dominated intervals and lithified intervals. The most recent lithified interval is covered by corals embedded in a fine‐grained matrix, comprising ca 11 000 years of continuous mound evolution. Before this time 230Th/U dating shows the presence of several hiatuses in mound build‐up. Aragonitic coral material is absent or only present as mouldic porosity in the lithified intervals and coccoliths display widespread overgrowth. Downcore X‐ray fluorescence scanning, computer tomography scan images and petrographic observations indicate different degrees of diagenetic alteration. The upper boundary of the most recent lithified interval shows some erosional features, but petrographic observations indicate that initial lithification of the sediments is not related to this erosive event or to long‐term non‐sedimentation, but to earlier sub‐surface diagenesis. Organic matter oxidation and the subsequent lowering of the saturation state of the carbonate system drives dissolution of the unstable aragonitic coral skeletons. Depending on the openness of the system, this can lead to precipitation of a more stable low‐magnesium carbonate. A model is presented describing the sedimentary and diagenetic processes leading to the formation of lithified intervals.  相似文献   

On the basis of bathymetric and seismic data, obtained during cruises 37 (2005) and 41 (2006) of R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrentiev, a new structural scheme of transverse faults in the forearc of the Central Kuril Islands was compiled, the fault kinematics was studied, and a model of the extension zone in the structural pattern of the study area was proposed. According to this model, the trench rollback and development of back-arc basins resulted from the continuous supply of material into the upper mantle convection cell owing to subduction and an increase in the dynamic pressure that pushes the subducting plate, causing it to migrate toward the ocean.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the Jurassic–Cretaceous stratigraphic evolution of fore-arc deposits exposed along the west coast of the northern Antarctic Peninsula. In the South Shetland Islands, Upper Jurassic deep-marine sediments are uncomformably overlain by a Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastic sequence that crops out on Livingston, Snow and Low islands. U-Pb zircon ages are presented for the upper Anchorage Formation (153.1 ± 1.7 Ma) and the Cape Wallace granodiorite of Low Island (137.1 ± 1.7 Ma) as well as 40Ar/39Ar ages of 136–139 Ma for Low Island andesites. Data are also presented for a U-Pb age of 109.0 ± 1.4 Ma for the upper volcanic succession of Snow Island. In combination with published stratigraphy, these data provide a refined chrono- and litho-stratigraphic framework for the deposits herein referred to as the Byers Basin. Tentative correlation is explored with previously described deposits on Adelaide and Alexander islands, which could suggest further continuation of the Byers Basin towards the south. We also discuss possible correlation of the Byers Basin with the Larsen Basin, a sequence that shows the evolution of foreland to back-arc deposits more or less contemporaneously with the fore-arc to intra-arc evolution of the Byers Basin.  相似文献   

The Lost City Hydrothermal Field at 30°N, near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is an off-axis, moderate temperature, high-pH (9-10.8), serpentinite-hosted vent system. The field is hosted on ∼1.5 Ma crust, near the summit of the Atlantis Massif. Within the field, actively venting carbonate chimneys tower up to 60 m above the seafloor, making them the tallest vent structures known. The chemistry of the chimneys and vent fluids is controlled by serpentinization reactions between seawater and underlying peridotite. Mixing of <40-91 °C calcium-rich vent fluids with seawater results in the precipitation of variable mixtures of aragonite, calcite, and brucite. The resultant deposits range from tall, graceful pinnacles to fragile flanges and delicate precipitates that grow outward from fissures in the bedrock. In this study, mineralogy, petrographic analyses, major and trace element concentrations, and Sr isotopic compositions are used to propose a model for the growth and chemical evolution of carbonate chimneys in a serpentinite-hosted environment. Our results show that nascent chimneys are characterized by a porous, interlacing network of aragonite, and brucite minerals that form extremely fragile structures. The chemistry of these young deposits is characterized by ∼10 wt% Ca and up to 27 wt% Mg, extremely low trace metal concentrations, and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios near 0.70760. During aging of the chimneys, progressive reactions with seawater result in the dissolution of brucite, the conversion of aragonite to calcite, and infilling of pore spaces with calcite. The oldest chimneys are dominated by calcite, with bulk rock values of up to 36 wt% Ca and <1 wt% Mg. These older structures contain higher concentrations of trace metals (e.g., Mn and Ti), and have Sr isotope ratios near seawater values (0.70908). Exposed ultramafic rocks are prevalent along the Mid-Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian Ocean ridge networks and it is likely that other Lost City-type systems exist.  相似文献   

Sparker and shallow drilling data indicate that the Quaternary deposits in the Central Deep of the Barents Sea are mainly composed of glacigenic sediments. They comprise basal till and proximal and distal glaciomarine sediments deposited during the last glacial cycle. Apparent glaciotectonic features imply strong glacial erosion of Mesozoic bedrock. The general ice movement is assumed to have been from off Novaya Zemlya and it is concluded that the whole eastern Barents Sea was covered by the Late Weichselian ice-sheet.  相似文献   

异地碳酸盐岩块体是指已固结或半固结的、经过一定距离搬运再沉积而产于正常沉积地层中规模 较大的碳酸盐岩块,它和碳酸盐岩重力流沉积均属于再沉积碳酸盐岩。文章分析了岩崩、岩屑崩坍、海底滑坡、 滑塌和碎屑流沉积的过程,讨论了异地碳酸盐岩块体的沉积机制;归纳了异地碳酸盐岩块体形成的主要地质背 景,认为异地碳酸盐岩块体可见于活动大陆边缘、被动大陆边缘、海山和前陆盆地等地质环境中;着重介绍了 异地碳酸盐岩块体和碳酸盐岩重力流沉积的研究进展,即线源式的碳酸盐岩裙沉积和点源式的碳酸盐岩海底扇 沉积;最后,阐释了滑来岩块、滑塌堆积和碎屑流沉积的区别与联系,总结了孤立碳酸盐岩块体的搬运沉积机 制,对比区分了碳酸盐岩裙沉积和碳酸盐岩海底扇的沉积特征,认为它们在斜坡环境、沉积物类型和沉积特征 等方面存在诸多不同。  相似文献   

Ultramafic rocks in Jamaica are dunites with minor lherzolite, often serpentinised, and are part of a dismembered ophiolite complex. In Tobago, dunites, wehrlites, pyroxenites and hornblendites form the lower part of a plutonic complex of island arc affinity. The mineral assemblages and chemistry reflect these differences. Chromite in Jamaica is high in Al and Mg, whereas in Tobago it is rich in Fe, as in Alaskan-type intrusives. Ni-Cu-PGE assemblages in Jamaica are pentlandite, with later low temperature heazlewoodite, awaruite and native copper, the latter with Pt and Pd. In Tobago an assemblage of pentlandite, pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite is much less affected by later alteration. PGE phases also occur. The dunites in Jamaica have sufficient MgO to be a potential source of olivine. The higher Fe in olivine from Tobago indicates that olivine cumulates in plutonics from island arc settings are a less suitable source of the mineral. Ni-laterites in Jamaica are unlikely because of high topographic relief. The prospect for Ni-laterites in Tobago is low as there is little Ni in the olivines. Chrysotile asbestos, talc and magnesite are absent in both islands. This is probably a consequence of the lack of secondary serpentine recrystallisation to form fibrous chrysotile veins, the deep tectonic level and lack of hydrothermal circulation for magnesite to form, and the absence of metamorphic/metasomatic events and/or late stage extension tectonics which might have yielded talc. Received: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 4 March 1999  相似文献   

Graphite deposits result from the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks rich in carbonaceous matter or from precipitation from carbon-bearing fluids (or melts). The latter process forms vein deposits which are structurally controlled and usually occur in granulites or igneous rocks. The origin of carbon, the mechanisms of transport, and the factors controlling graphite deposition are discussed in relation to their geological settings. Carbon in granulite-hosted graphite veins derives from sublithospheric sources or from decarbonation reactions of carbonate-bearing lithologies, and it is transported mainly in CO2-rich fluids from which it can precipitate. Graphite precipitation can occur by cooling, water removal by retrograde hydration reactions, or reduction when the CO2-rich fluid passes through relatively low-fO2 rocks. In igneous settings, carbon is derived from assimilation of crustal materials rich in organic matter, which causes immiscibility and the formation of carbon-rich fluids or melts. Carbon in these igneous-hosted deposits is transported as CO2 and/or CH4 and eventually precipitates as graphite by cooling and/or by hydration reactions affecting the host rock. Independently of the geological setting, vein graphite is characterized by its high purity and crystallinity, which are required for applications in advanced technologies. In addition, recent discovery of highly crystalline graphite precipitation from carbon-bearing fluids at moderate temperatures in vein deposits might provide an alternative method for the manufacture of synthetic graphite suitable for these new applications.  相似文献   

Seventy skarn-type gold deposits, including 1 super-large, 19 large and 24 medium-sized, are known from different geotectonic units of China. They contain a total resource of approximately 1000 t of gold (625 t in South China), and account for 20% of China's gold reserves. These skarn deposits are sited in collisional orogenic belts, fault-controlled magmatic belts and reactivated cratonic margins. All of the Chinese skarn gold provinces were affected by Phanerozoic collisional orogenesis. The timing of the metallogenic events and the spatial–temporal distribution of the Chinese skarn gold deposits indicates that they were formed during ore-forming processes linked to the transition from shortening to extension in the geodynamic evolution of a collision orogen, and not to subduction systems as is commonly advocated for porphyry copper systems around the Pacific Rim.  相似文献   

琉球弧前盆地位于菲律宾海板块北部与欧亚板块汇聚部位,发育于琉球海沟北部增生楔与琉球岛弧之间,是典型“沟-弧-盆”体系的组成单元。现利用多道地震资料,首次建立琉球弧前盆地的层序地层格架,分析其新生代层序地层特征,阐明弧前盆地沉积充填演化过程,并探讨各盆地主要物源。通过地震剖面解释分析,表明:①始新世为岛弧变质基底沉积期,晚渐新世晚期-早中新世阶段发育残余伸展盆地基底沉积,属于浅海环境,主要受岩浆活动影响,发育火山碎屑岩相;②中中新世-第四纪时期是弧前盆地的主体沉积期,盆地从半深海沉积环境向深海环境过渡,发育典型深海沉积相,局部为火山碎屑岩相;中中新世时北部的南琉球群岛是弧前盆地主要物源区;晚中新世至第四纪时期,台湾岛东北部陆区成为对该弧前盆地贡献最大的物源区,而南琉球群岛的物源供给量降为次要地位。该研究结果是对琉球岛弧及周缘构造控盆作用研究的拓展,并对台湾岛陆地与东部海域“源-汇”系统研究有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The East Qinling–Dabie orogenic belt accommodates the largest Mo ore district in the world. It contains 8.43 Mt of proven Mo metal reserves which accounts for 66% of the total proven Chinese Mo reserves. The Mo ore district includes 24 deposits and 12 occurrences, with four major types of Mo mineral systems, i.e., porphyry, porphyry-skarn, skarn and hydrothermal veins. The latter can be further subdivided into quartz vein and carbonatite vein types. Although Mo mineralization in the belt began in the Paleoproterozoic (1680 ± 24 to 2044 ± 14 Ma), all economically significant deposits were formed during the Mesozoic. Re/Os dating of molybdenite has shown that there are three episodes of Mo mineralization, i.e., Late Triassic (233–221 Ma), Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (148–138 Ma) and Early to middle Cretaceous (131–112 Ma).Late Triassic Mo deposits developed as molybdenite–quartz veins and carbonatite vein types. Stable isotope systematics (C, O, S) and high contents of Re and Sr indicate that the carbonatite Mo veins are mantle-derived. Porphyry and porphyry–skarn Mo mineral deposits were formed in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and Early to middle Cretaceous. The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous granite porphyries that are associated with the Mo deposits usually occupy less than 1.5 km2 at the surface and are situated in the East Qinling area, far west of China's continental margin. On the other hand, the Early to middle Cretaceous batholiths and granite porphyries, , with associated Mo deposits are located in the Dabieshan area and eastern part of the East Qinling area. The Late Jurassic to Early Creataceous granitoids and related Mo deposits possibly formed in a back-arc extensional setting of the Eurasian continental margin, which was probably triggered by the oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate. The Early to middle Cretaceous batholiths and granite porphyries are linked to the tectonic regime of lithospheric thinning, asthenospheric upwelling and partial melting of the crust, induced by a change in Izanagi Plate motion parallel to the continent margin.In the East Qinling–Dabie belt there are vein type Pb–Zn–Ag deposits surrounding porphyry and/or porphyry–skarn Mo (W) deposits, forming well defined ore clusters. The same spatial arrangement (i.e., porphyry Mo stockworks and outlying Pb–Zn–Ag ore veins) is also observed at the deposit scale. Thus, Mo porphyry stockworks and distal polymetallic veins belong to the same ore system and may reflect an outward temperature decrease from the highly fractionated granite plutons. Both, porphyry stockworks and polymetallic veins, can be used as vectors for further prospecting.  相似文献   

In the Eurasian continent there are three huge metallogenic belts of Cu and Mo porphyry deposits, comprising the Paleozoic Central Asian Ore Belt in the north, the Tethyan Eurasian Ore Belt of Jurassic to Cenozoic age in the southwest, and the East Margin Ore Belt of the Eurasian Continent of Jurassic to Cretaceous age in the east. The latter is considered to be part of the vast Circum-Pacific ore belt. Some of the main features of the spatial–temporal distribution of Cu and Mo porphyry systems and related geodynamic processes of the three metallogenic belts are described. In particular, the key role of post-subduction – related porphyry ore systems is emphasized, comprising collisional and post-collisional Cu–Mo porphyry deposits during the geological history of the Eurasian continent. The recurrent feature of these ore systems and related felsic rocks is their derivation from partial melting of stagnant or residual oceanic slabs, and mixing with a variable amount of crustal material during magma ascent to shallower levels.  相似文献   

A program is developed for modeling the accumulation of deep-water, shallow-sea, reef and fragmentary carbonate deposits in marine environments. The formation of the Maldives carbonate platform is modeled using the developed program. The comparison of the modeling results and the geological cross-section demonstrates that the algorithms allow the construction of geological cross-sections in sufficient detail.  相似文献   

New stratigraphical and micropalaeontological data, supplemented by detailed sedimentological and petrographical observations, have been obtained from an almost completely exposed Oligocene-Miocene succession near Celalli in the Zara-Hafik basin, which forms part of a long-lived zone of subsidence associated with the North Anatolian Fault system. Four laterally extensive lithostratigraphical units have been distinguished and ostracod microfaunas indicate that the lower two units are of Middle Oligocene age, while bivalve/brachiopod faunas from the third unit are also Oligocene. The status of the uppermost unit of redbeds remains equivocal, but microfaunas from the capping marls are of lowermost Miocene age.The basal brown sandstone unit was formed in a shallow marine environment dominated by southwards transport of sand by offshore-directed storm-surges, with associated east-west longshore movement also important. The discordantly succeeding limestone unit records a phase of carbonate bar migration across the basin while the third formation (in which medium-scale facies cyclicity is prominent) was formed in a southwards-prograding coastal plain complex, following a renewal of terrigenous supply to this region. The late Oligocene-Miocene redbed unit resulted from continued terrestrial progradation and is characterised by alluvial deposits formed by small, southwards-flowing streams of high sinuosity, ultimately succeeded by carbonate and evaporitic deposits marking the early Miocene marine transgression.Stratigraphical analysis of sandstone petrography reveals a gradual change in provenance through the Oligocene, from sources of »oceanic« character (rich in ophiolitic rocks) to those of »continental« nature (with silicic metamorphics and sedimentary cover-rocks prominent), and the compositional data thus accord with models suggesting closure of a small oceanic or arc-related basin in this region during the late Palaeogene.
Zusammenfassung Aus einer nahezu vollständig aufgeschlossenen Schichtenfolge des Oligozän und Miozän im Gebiet von Celalli im Zara-Hafik-Becken/Türkei werden neue Daten zur Stratigraphie und Mikropaläontologie vorgestellt. Diese werden ergänzt durch sedimentologische und petrographische Beobachtungen. Das Becken ist Teil einer Zone mit lange anhaltender Subsidenz, die mit dem System des Nordanatolischen Lineaments in Verbindung steht. Es lassen sich vier lateral aushaltende lithostratigraphische Einheiten unterscheiden, von denen die beiden unteren mit Ostracoden-Mikrofaunen in das Mittel-Oligozän eingestuft werden. Nach Muschel- und Brachiopoden-Faunen ist die dritte Einheit ebenfalls oligozänen Alters. Das Alter der obersten Einheit von Rotsedimenten ist nicht genau bekannt, doch besitzen die Mikrofaunen der hangenden Mergel ein tiefstmiozänes Alter.Der basale braune Sandstein wurde in einem flachmarinem Milieu gebildet, das von einem südwärts gerichteten Sandtransport durch ablandige Sturmwellen beherrscht wird. Zusätzlich ist eine ost-west-gerichtete Küsten-Längsdrift von Bedeutung. Die diskordant darüber lagernde Kalkfolge wurd durch eine Phase von durch das Becken wandernden karbonatischen Bänken aufgebaut. Die dritte Einheit (in der eine Fazies-Zyklizität mittlerer Größe vorherrscht) baute sich in dem südwärts vorschreitenden Komplex einer Küstenebene auf, die einer neuerlichen terrigenen Schüttung in diesem Gebiet folgt. Die spätoligozän-miozäne Einheit von Rotsedimenten ist das Ergebnis weiter voranschreitender terrestrischer Sedimente. Sie besteht aus alluvialen Ablagerungen von kleinen nach Süden fließenden Flüssen mit hoher Sinuosität, gefolgt von karbonatischen und evaporitischen Bildungen, die die frühmiozäne Transgression anzeigen.Die stratigraphische Analyse der Sandstein-Petrographie offenbart einen allmählichen Wandel der Provenienz im Oligozän, der von »ozeanischem« Liefergebiet (reich an ophiolithischen Gesteinen) zu »kontinentalem« (mit vorherrschend kieseligen Metamorphiten und sedimentärer Bedeckung) überwechselt. Die Zusammensetzung stimmt mit Modellen überein, die die Schließung eines kleinen ozeanischen oder inselbogen-artigen Beckens während des späten Paläogens nahelegen.

Résumé De nouvelles données stratigraphiques et micropaléontologiques, associées à des observations sédimentologiques et pétrographiques détaillées ont été recueillies dans une série oligocène-miocène exposée de manière presque complète près de Celalli dans le bassin de Zara-Hafik, lequel fait partie d'une zone de subsidence de longue durée associée au système de failles de l'Anatolie du Nord. Quatre unités lithostratigraphiques d'extension latérale notable ont été distinguées. Les deux unités inférieures sont datées de l'Oligocène moyen par une microfaune à Ostracodes, et la troisième de l'Oligocène par une faune à brachiopodes et autres bivalves; l'âge de l'unité supérieure reste incertain, mais les marnes terminales renferment une microfaune éo-miocène.L'unité inférieure, constituée de grès bruns, s'est formée dans un milieu marin peu profond dans lequel le sable était transporté à la fois vers le large (vers le Sud), par des vagues de tempête, et vers l'Ouest parallèlement au rivage. La deuxième unité, discordante et de nature calcaire, témoigne de la migration d'une barre carbonatée à travers le bassin. La troisième unité, caractérisée par une disposition cyclique des faciès à moyenne échelle, a été élaborée dans un complexe de plaine côtière progressant vers le Sud, comme suite à de nouveaux apports terrigènes. La quatrième unité (Oligocène tardif-Miocène), formée de couches rouges, résulte d'une sédimentation continentale continue et consiste en alluvions déposées par de petits cours d'eau très sinueux coulant vers le Sud; ces couches sont surmontées finalement de dépôts carbonates et évaporitiques marquant la transgression éo-miocène.L'analyse pétrographique du grès, opérée en fonction de la stratigraphie, révèle au cours de l'Oligocène un changement graduel de provenance, depuis un domaine nourricier de type »océanique« (riche en ophiolites) jusqu'à un domaine de type »continental« (à dominance de roches métamorphiques et sédimentaires siliceuses). Ces données sont en accord avec un modèle suggérant la fermeture d'un petit bassin océanique ou d'arc insulaire pendant le Paléogène tardif.

Zara-Hafik, , . . , . 4 , . . , , , . , . . . , , , . — . , , , . ( ) , . , , , , .

In order to investigate whether geochemical, physiographic and lithological differences in two end‐member sedimentary settings could evoke varied microbe–sediment interactions, two 25 cm long sediment cores from contrasting regions in the Central Indian Basin have been examined. Site TVBC 26 in the northern siliceous realm (10°S, 75·5°E) is organic‐C rich with 0·3 ± 0·09% total organic carbon. Site TVBC 08 in the southern pelagic red clay realm (16°S, 75·5°E), located on the flank of a seamount in a mid‐plate volcanic area with hydrothermal alterations of recent origin, is organic‐C poor (0·1 ± 0·07%). Significantly higher bacterial viability under anaerobic conditions, generally lower microbial carbon uptake and higher numbers of aerobic sulphur oxidizers at the mottled zones, characterize core TVBC 26. In the carbon‐poor environment of core TVBC 08, a doubling of the 14C uptake, a 250 times increase in the number of autotrophic nitrifiers, a four‐fold lowering in the number of aerobic sulphur oxidizers and a higher order of denitrifiers exists when compared with core TVBC 26; this suggests the prevalence of a potentially autotrophic microbial community in core TVBC 08 in response to hydrothermal activity. Microbial activity at the northern TVBC 26 is predominantly heterotrophic with enhanced chemosynthetic activity restricted to tan‐green mottled zones. The southern TVBC 08 is autotrophic with increased heterotrophic activity in the deepest layers. Notably, the bacterial activity is generally dependent on the surface productivity in TVBC 26, the carbon‐rich core, and mostly independent in TVBC 08, the carbon‐poor, hydrothermally influenced core. The northern sediment is more organic sink‐controlled and the southern sediment is more hydrothermal source‐controlled. Hydrothermal activity and associated rock alteration processes may be more relevant than organic matter delivery in these deep‐sea sediments. Thus, this study highlights the relative importance of hydrothermal activity versus organic delivery in evoking different microbial responses in the Central Indian Basin sediments.  相似文献   

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