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Organisms and chemicals preserved in sediment cores from the Chesapeake estuary in mid-Atlantic USA are consistent with a precolonial landscape covered with a diversity of forests and marshes, large and small. During the past 300 years, many of the wetlands have been drained, and the landscape was converted to agricultural fields and urban and suburban development. During this time, sources of nitrogen have diversified, and loadings have increased. Since precolonial time, the mesohaline estuary has become increasingly eutrophic and anoxic. Estuaries and coastal regions throughout the world have experienced similar conditions in their recent history. These changes are recorded in Chesapeake sediment cores by increases in ragweed pollen, dry taxa, sedimentation rates, nitrogen influxes, and a major change in estuarine autotrophs from benthic to planktonic. In many areas, attempts to reverse estuarine eutrophication and anoxia have centered on restoring streams and riparian areas and reducing fertilizer use on agricultural lands. However, data from soils and historical reports and the paleoecological record suggest that to reduce the effects of modern nitrogen inputs, it may be necessary to locate and enhance denitrifying areas throughout the watershed.  相似文献   

Degraded water quality due to water column availability of nitrogen and phosphorus to algal species has been identified as the primary cause of the decline of submersed aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and its subestuaries. Determining the relative impacts of various nutrient delivery pathways on estuarine water quality is critical for developing effective strategies for reducing anthropogenic nutrient inputs to estuarine waters. This study investigated temporal and spatial patterns of nutrient inputs along an 80-km transect in the Choptank River, a coastal plain tributary and subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, from 1986 through 1991. The study period encompassed a wide range in freshwater discharge conditions that resulted in major changes in estuarine water quality. Watershed nitrogen loads to the Choptank River estuary are dominated by diffuse-source inputs, and are highly correlated to freshwater discharge volume. in years of below-average freshwater discharge, reduced nitrogen availability results in improved water quality throughout most of the Choptank River. Diffuse-source inputs are highly enriched in nitrogen relative to phosphorus, but point-source inputs of phosphorus from sewage treatment plants in the upper estuary reduce this imbalance, particularly during summer periods of low freshwater discharge. Diffuse-source nitrogen inputs result primarily from the discharge of groundwater contaminated by nitrate. Contamination is attributable to agricultural practices in the drainage basin where agricultural land use predominates. Groundwater discharge provides base flow to perennial streams in the upper regions of the watershed and seeps directly into tidal waters. Diffuse-source phosphorus inputs are highly episodic, occurring primarily via overland flow during storm events. Major reductions in diffuse-source nitrogen inputs under current landuse conditions will require modification of agricultural practices in the drainage basin to reduce entry rates of nitrate into shallow groundwater. Rates of subsurface nitrate delivery to tidal waters are generally lower from poorly-drained versus well-drained regions of the watershed, suggesting greater potential reductions of diffuse-source nitrogen loads per unit effort in the well-drained region of the watershed. Reductions in diffuse-source phosphorus loads will require long-term management of phosphorus levels in upper soil horizons. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00021  相似文献   

The natural aging process of Chesapeake Bay and its tributary estuaries has been accelerated by human activities around the shoreline and within the watershed, increasing sediment and nutrient loads delivered to the bay. Riverine nutrients cause algal growth in the bay leading to reductions in light penetration with consequent declines in sea grass growth, smothering of bottom-dwelling organisms, and decreases in bottom-water dissolved oxygen as algal blooms decay. Historically, bay waters were filtered by oysters, but declines in oyster populations from overfishing and disease have led to higher concentrations of fine-sediment particles and phytoplankton in the water column. Assessments of water and biological resource quality in Chesapeake Bay and tributaries, such as the Potomac River, show a continual degraded state. In this paper, we pay tribute to Owen Bricker’s comprehensive, holistic scientific perspective using an approach that examines the connection between watershed and estuary. We evaluated nitrogen inputs from Potomac River headwaters, nutrient-related conditions within the estuary, and considered the use of shellfish aquaculture as an in-the-water nutrient management measure. Data from headwaters, nontidal, and estuarine portions of the Potomac River watershed and estuary were analyzed to examine the contribution from different parts of the watershed to total nitrogen loads to the estuary. An eutrophication model was applied to these data to evaluate eutrophication status and changes since the early 1990s and for comparison to regional and national conditions. A farm-scale aquaculture model was applied and results scaled to the estuary to determine the potential for shellfish (oyster) aquaculture to mediate eutrophication impacts. Results showed that (1) the contribution to nitrogen loads from headwater streams is small (about 2 %) of total inputs to the Potomac River Estuary; (2) eutrophic conditions in the Potomac River Estuary have improved in the upper estuary since the early 1990s, but have worsened in the lower estuary. The overall system-wide eutrophication impact is high, despite a decrease in nitrogen loads from the upper basin and declining surface water nitrate nitrogen concentrations over that period; (3) eutrophic conditions in the Potomac River Estuary are representative of Chesapeake Bay region and other US estuaries; moderate to high levels of nutrient-related degradation occur in about 65 % of US estuaries, particularly river-dominated low-flow systems such as the Potomac River Estuary; and (4) shellfish (oyster) aquaculture could remove eutrophication impacts directly from the estuary through harvest but should be considered a complement—not a substitute—for land-based measures. The total nitrogen load could be removed if 40 % of the Potomac River Estuary bottom was in shellfish cultivation; a combination of aquaculture and restoration of oyster reefs may provide larger benefits.  相似文献   

Estuaries are productive and ecologically important ecosystems, incorporating environmental drivers from watersheds, rivers, and the coastal ocean. Climate change has potential to modify the physical properties of estuaries, with impacts on resident organisms. However, projections from general circulation models (GCMs) are generally too coarse to resolve important estuarine processes. Here, we statistically downscaled near-surface air temperature and precipitation projections to the scale of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and estuary. These variables were linked to Susquehanna River streamflow using a water balance model and finally to spatially resolved Chesapeake Bay surface temperature and salinity using statistical model trees. The low computational cost of this approach allowed rapid assessment of projected changes from four GCMs spanning a range of potential futures under a high CO2 emission scenario, for four different downscaling methods. Choice of GCM contributed strongly to the spread in projections, but choice of downscaling method was also influential in the warmest models. Models projected a ~2–5.5 °C increase in surface water temperatures in the Chesapeake Bay by the end of the century. Projections of salinity were more uncertain and spatially complex. Models showing increases in winter-spring streamflow generated freshening in the Upper Bay and tributaries, while models with decreased streamflow produced salinity increases. Changes to the Chesapeake Bay environment have implications for fish and invertebrate habitats, as well as migration, spawning phenology, recruitment, and occurrence of pathogens. Our results underline a potentially expanded role of statistical downscaling to complement dynamical approaches in assessing climate change impacts in dynamically challenging estuaries.  相似文献   

During a reward program for Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus), 40 federally endangered shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) were captured and reported by commercial fishers between January 1996 and January 2000 from the Chesapeake Bay. Since this is more than double the number of published records of shortnose sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay between 1876 and 1995, little information has been available on distributions and movement. We used fishery dependent data collected during the reward program to determine the distribution of shortnose sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay. Sonically-tagged shortnose sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River were tracked to determine if individuals swim through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Shortnose sturgeon were primarily distributed within the upper Chesapeake Bay. The movements of one individual, tagged within the Chesapeake Bay and later relocated in the canal and Delaware River, indicated that individuals traverse the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.  相似文献   

The fjords of southwestern Spitsbergen (European Arctic) are a climatically sensitive area neighbouring the mixing zone of warm northward-flowing Atlantic water-masses and cold Arctic Water. Owing to reasonably high accumulation rates, these settings are especially suitable for providing high-resolution sedimentary records of regional hydrological and environmental changes. A sediment core spanning the last millennium was retrieved from the outer Hornsund fjord basin, 14C dated and analysed for sediment grain size, ice-rafted debris (IRD), the distribution of benthic foraminifera and their oxygen and carbon stable isotope composition. The record of sub-centennial resolution reveals three distinctive periods: the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age (∼AD 1600–1900) and 20th-century warming. The marine record obtained is well correlated with regional high-resolution ice-core records as well as with atmospheric palaeotemperature reconstructions and sea-ice data. The colder periods stay in phase with the greater influence of less saline, cold Arctic Water indicated by subtle changes in benthic foraminifera assemblages and the δ18O signal, which is dominated by changes in salinity. The IRD record clearly indicates that tidewater glaciers were present in SW Spitsbergen throughout the last millennium, and most actively from the late 16th century until the end of the 19th century.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distributions of salinity, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate material (SPM), and dissolved nutrients were determined during 1983 in the Choptank River, an estuarine tributary of Chesapeake Bay. During winter and spring freshets, the middle estuary was strongly stratified with changes in salinity of up to 5‰ occurring over 1 m depth intervals. Periodically, the lower estuary was stratified due to the intrusion of higher salinity water from the main channel of Chesapeake Bay. During summer this intrusion caused minimum oxygen and maximum NH4 + concentrations at the mouth of the Choptank River estuary. Highest concentrations of SPM, particulate carbon (PC), particulate nitrogen (PN), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) occurred in the upper estuary during the early spring freshet. In contrast, minimum soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) concentrations were highest in the upper estuary in summer when freshwater discharge was low. In spring, PC:PN ratios were >13, indicating a strong influence by allochthonous plant detritus on PC and PN concentrations. However, high concentrations of PC and PN in fall coincided with maximum chlorophyll a concentrations and PC:PN ratios were <8, indicating in situ productivity controlled PC and PN levels. During late spring and summer, DIN concentrations decreased from >100 to <10 μg-at l?1, resulting mainly from the nonconservative behavior of NO3 ?, which dominated the DIN pool. Atomic ratios of both the inorganic and total forms of N and P exceeded 100 in spring, but by summer, ratios decreased to <5 and <15, respectively. The seasonal and spatial changes in both absolute concentrations and ratios of N and P reflect the strong influence of allochthonous inputs on nutrient distributions in spring, followed by the effects of internal processes in summer and fall.  相似文献   

Total maximum daily loads for nitrogen (N) are currently being established for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. While we know inorganic N is bioavailable in the environment and therefore its input contributes to cultural eutrophication, the bioavailability of organic N is unclear. Using bioassay experiments, we examined the impact of effluent-derived organic nitrogen (EON) from wastewater treatment plants on natural water samples collected along an estuarine/salinity gradient within the lower Chesapeake Bay watershed. All of the inorganic N and between 31% and 96% of the EON was removed during biotic bioassays within the first 2 days. Further, there was substantial abiotic reactivity of effluent N when it was added to natural water samples. Results demonstrate that organic and inorganic N in effluent is removed to support the growth of microbial communities. These are the first results aimed at assessing the reactivity of EON in natural waters along an estuarine/salinity gradient.  相似文献   

Massive blooms of the harmful alga Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef occurred in the lower Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries during the summers of 2007 and 2008. The Lafayette and Elizabeth Rivers appeared to act as initiation grounds for these blooms during both years. However, in 2008 there were also localized sites of initiation and growth of populations within the mesohaline portion of the James River. Bloom initiation appeared to be correlated with intense, highly localized rainfall events during neap tides. Subsequent spring tides increased tidal flushing and transport of C. polykrikoides from the Lafayette and Elizabeth Rivers into the lower James River where it was transported upriver by local estuarine circulation. Blooms dissipated in response to increased wind-driven mixing associated with frontal systems moving through the region. A combination of physical factors including, seasonal rainfall patterns, increased stratification, nutrient loading, spring-neap tidal modulation, and complex estuarine mixing and circulation allowed C. polykrikoides to spread and form massive blooms over large portions of the tidal James River and the lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Climate effects on hydrology impart high variability to water-quality properties, including nutrient loadings, concentrations, and phytoplankton biomass as chlorophyll-a (chl-a), in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Resolving long-term trends of these properties requires that we distinguish climate effects from secular changes reflecting anthropogenic eutrophication. Here, we test the hypothesis that strong climatic contrasts leading to irregular dry and wet periods contribute significantly to interannual variability of mean annual values of water-quality properties using in situ data for Chesapeake Bay. Climate effects are quantified using annual freshwater discharge from the Susquehanna River together with a synoptic climatology for the Chesapeake Bay region based on predominant sea-level pressure patterns. Time series of water-quality properties are analyzed using historical (1945–1983) and recent (1984–2012) data for the bay adjusted for climate effects on hydrology. Contemporary monitoring by the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) provides data for a period since mid-1984 that is significantly impacted by anthropogenic eutrophication, while historical data back to 1945 serve as historical context for a period prior to severe impairments. The generalized additive model (GAM) and the generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) are developed for nutrient loadings and concentrations (total nitrogen—TN, nitrate?+?nitrate—NO2?+?NO3) at the Susquehanna River and water-quality properties in the bay proper, including dissolved nutrients (NO2?+?NO3, orthophosphate—PO4), chl-a, diffuse light attenuation coefficient (K D (PAR)), and chl-a/TN. Each statistical model consists of a sum of nonlinear functions to generate flow-adjusted time series and compute long-term trends accounting for climate effects on hydrology. We present results identifying successive periods of (1) eutrophication ca. 1945–1980 characterized by approximately doubled TN and NO2?+?NO3 loadings, leading to increased chl-a and associated ecosystem impairments, and (2) modest decreases of TN and NO2?+?NO3 loadings from 1981 to 2012, signaling a partial reversal of nutrient over-enrichment. Comparison of our findings with long-term trends of water-quality properties for a variety of estuarine and coastal ecosystems around the world reveals that trends for Chesapeake Bay are weaker than for other systems subject to strenuous management efforts, suggesting that more aggressive actions than those undertaken to date will be required to counter anthropogenic eutrophication of this valuable resource.  相似文献   

We conducted a quantitative assessment of estuarine ecosystem responses to reduced phosphorus and nitrogen loading from sewage treatment facilities and to variability in freshwater flow and nonpoint nutrient inputs to the Patuxent River estuary. We analyzed a 19-year dataset of water quality conditions, nutrient loading, and climatic forcing for three estuarine regions and also computed monthly rates of net production of dissolved O2 and physical transport of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP) using a salt- and water-balance model. Point-source loading of DIN and DIP to the estuary declined by 40–60% following upgrades to sewage treatment plants and correlated with parallel decreases in DIN and DIP concentrations throughout the Patuxent. Reduced point-source nutrient loading and concentration resulted in declines in phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and light-saturated carbon fixation, as well as in bottom-layer O2 consumption for upper regions of the estuary. Despite significant reductions in seaward N transport from the middle to lower estuary, chl-a, turbidity, and surface-layer net O2 production increased in the lower estuary, especially during summer. This degradation of water quality in the lower estuary appears to be linked to a trend of increasing net inputs of DIN into the estuary from Chesapeake Bay and to above-average river flow during the mid-1990s. In addition, increased abundance of Mnemiopsis leidyi significantly reduced copepod abundance during summer from 1990 to 2002, which favored increases in chl-a and allowed a shift in total N partitioning from DIN to particulate organic nitrogen. These analyses illustrate (1) the value of long-term monitoring data, (2) the need for regional scale nutrient management that includes integrated estuarine systems, and (3) the potential water quality impacts of altered coastal food webs.  相似文献   

A previously observed shift in the relationship between Chesapeake Bay hypoxia and nitrogen loading has pressing implications on the efficacy of nutrient management. Detailed temporal analyses of long-term hypoxia, nitrogen loads, and stratification were conducted to reveal different within-summer trends and understand more clearly the relative role of physical conditions. Evaluation of a 60-year record of hypoxic volumes demonstrated significant increases in early summer hypoxia, but a slight decrease in late summer hypoxia. The early summer hypoxia trend is related to an increase in Bay stratification strength during June from 1985 to 2009, while the late summer hypoxia trend matches the recently decreasing nitrogen loads. Additional results show how the duration of summertime hypoxia is significantly related to nitrogen loading, and how large-scale climatic forces may be responsible for the early summer increases. Thus, despite intra-summer differences in primary controls on hypoxia, continuing nutrient reduction remains critically important for achieving improvements in Bay water quality.  相似文献   

Some confusion exists concerning the early life history of ladyfish,Elops saurus, as a result of the use of confusing terms in describing the three morphologically and ecologically distinct growth phases of this species. This has resulted in conflicting data on the occurrence of stage I (leptocephali) and stage II (early metamorphic) larvae in oligohaline and mesohaline estuarine zones. The early life history ofE. saurus is reviewed relative to the collection of 17 stage II larvae at the freshwater transition zone of the James River, Virginia. There are no known spawning populations ofE. saurus north of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. These collections represent the first recurrent record north of Cape Hatteras and for Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

文章通过对杭州湾北岸孔深为237.80 m的BZK04钻孔进行沉积物岩性、微体古生物、孢粉组合、粒度含量、古地磁和OSL测年的综合分析,讨论研究区更新世以来沉积环境演变及古气候变迁特征,建立第四纪多重地层划分对比框架。结果显示, BZK04孔岩心自下而上可分为基岩长河组碳质泥岩(Ech)和早更新世以来的嘉兴组(N-Qp1 j)、前港组(Qp2q)、东浦组(Qp3d)、宁波组(Qp3n)、镇海组(Qhzh)地层;有孔虫鉴定为11属17种,其中包括16种底栖有孔虫,1种浮游有孔虫;介形类鉴定为8属8种;孢粉分析显示含37种类型,其中木本植物花粉18种,草本植物花粉11种,蕨类孢子8种,孢粉组合中木本植物含量最高,约为85.1%,蕨类孢子次之,约为8.7%,草本植物花粉含量仅为6.3%。根据岩性分层特征、沉积相、孢粉、有孔虫及介形虫以及粒度分布频率曲线对钻孔的沉积环境进行综合分析,可将沉积环境记录划分18个孢粉组合带和七个古气候旋回变迁,其中早更新世为河流相和河湖相沉积,揭示第三暖期—第4冷期的两个古气候旋回;中更新世以河流相、湖泊相和河湖相为主,揭示第五暖期—第6冷期的两个古气候旋回;晚更新世以潮坪相、河口湾相、浅海相沉积为主,对应第七暖期—第8冷期的两个古气候旋回;全新世时期为潮坪相和河湖相沉积,对应大西洋期和亚北方期。研究结果为进一步掌握长江三角洲南翼更新世以来的第四纪沉积环境变化、地层划分和古气候演变等提供基础资料。  相似文献   

We evaluated the prevalence of partial migration, coexisting resident and migratory life history types, within six white perch (Morone americana) populations in sub-estuaries (Upper Bay, and Potomac, Choptank, Nanticoke, James, and York Rivers) of the Chesapeake Bay. Otolith stable isotope (δ18O) values were used to resolve fish habitat use along an estuarine salinity gradient and define resident or migratory behavior. The majority of adults within Upper Bay and Potomac River populations were resident, whereas individuals from the Choptank, Nanticoke, James, and York Rivers were predominantly migratory. Beyond population differences, large interannual variability in life history types was observed, likely due to differences in estuarine conditions that influence growth rate of individuals (e.g., temperature, zooplankton density). Because we observed partial migration in all study populations, we suggest that this trait is characteristic of this species, permitting plastic responses to variation in the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Due to the unpredictable nature of intense storms and logistical constraints of sampling during storms, little is known about their immediate and long-term impacts on water quality in adjacent aquatic ecosystems. By combining targeted experiments with routine monitoring, we evaluated immediate impacts of two successive storm events on water quality and phytoplankton community response in the tidal James River and compared these findings to a non-storm year. The James River is a subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay and sampling was conducted before, during, and after Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm (TS) Lee in 2011 and during the same time period (late summer/early fall) in 2012 when there were no storms. We collected and compiled data on nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations, phytoplankton abundance, nitrogen uptake, primary productivity rates, and surface salinity, temperature, and turbidity in the meso- and polyhaline segments of the James River. Hurricane Irene introduced significant amounts of freshwater over the entire James River and Chesapeake Bay watersheds, while rainfall from TS Lee fell primarily on the tidal fresh region of the James River and headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay. Dinoflagellates dominated the algal community in the meso- and polyhaline segments prior to the storms in 2011, and a mixed diatom community emerged after the storms. In the mesohaline river segment, cyanobacteria abundance increased after TS Lee when salinities were depressed, likely due to washout from the oligohaline and tidal fresh regions of the river. In 2012, dinoflagellates dominated the community in both segments of the river during late summer but diatoms were also abundant and their biomass fluctuated throughout the summer and fall. Cyanobacteria were not present in either segment. Overall, we observed that the high-intensity rainfall from Hurricane Irene combined with high flushing in the headwaters as a result of TS Lee likely reduced primary productivity and altered community composition in the mesohaline segment but not the more estuarine-influenced polyhaline segment. Understanding the influence of high freshwater flow with a short residence time associated with storms is key to the planning and management of estuarine restoration as such disturbances are projected to increase as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in natural estuarine habitat of North Carolina in 1991, the widespread impact of the toxic dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida (gen. et sp. nov.), popularly called the “phantom” dinoflagellate, on North Carolina fish stocks has been established, yet little is known about its influence outside of North Carolina estuaries. Here, we document the presence of P. piscicida in Chesapeake Bay. A fish kill was observed after inoculating an aquarium containing mummichogs with sediment samples from Jenkins Creek, a brackish creek (salinity 11‰) of the Chesapeake Bay system. P. piscicida was the cause of the kill, as supported by morphological, physiological, and histological evidence. The appearance and behavior of the algae and symptoms associated with fish mortality were consistent with those previously observed in P. piscicida-associated aquaria fish kills in North Carolina. The discovery of P. piscicida in Chesapeake Bay supports the speculation that these toxic dinoflagellates have a dramatic and far-reaching impact on fish stocks in shallow, eutrophic estuaries along the eastern United States.  相似文献   

The fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay include sandy shoals, seagrass meadows, intertidal mud flats, and marshes. A characterization of a fringing ecosystem was conducted to provide initialization and calibration data for the development of a simulation model. The model simulates primary production and material exchange in the littoral zone of lower Chesapeake Bay. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) properties of water and sediments from sand, seagrass, intertidal silt-mud, and intertidal marsh habitats of the Goodwin Islands (located within the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia, CBNERR-VA) were determined seasonally. Spatial and temporal differences in sediment microalgal biomass among the habitats were assessed along with annual variations in the distribution and abundance ofZostera marina L. andSpartina alterniflora Loisel. Phytoplankton biomass displayed some seasonality related to riverine discharge, but sediment microalgal biomass did not vary spatially or seasonally. Macrophytes in both subtidal and intertidal habitats exhibited seasonal biomass patterns that were consistent with other Atlantic estuarine ecosystems. Marsh sediment organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen differed significantly from that of the sand, seagrass, and silt habitats. The only biogeochemical variable that exhibited seasonality was low marsh NH4 +. The subtidal sediments were consistent temporally in their carbon and nitrogen content despite seasonal changes in seagrass abundance. Eelgrass has a comparatively low C:N ratio and is a potential N sink for the ecosystem. Changes in the composition or size of the vegetated habitats could have a dramatic influence over resource partitioning within the ecosystem. A spatial database (or geographic information system, GIS) of the Goodwin Islands site has been initiated to track long-term spatial habitat features and integrate model output and field data. This ecosystem characterization was conducted as part of efforts to link field data, geographic information, and the dynamic simulation of multiple habitats. The goal of these efforts is to examine ecological structure, function, and change in fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Baltic clams (Macoma balthica) were the predominant food items of 323 canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria) collected throughout Chesapeake Bay during 1970–1979. Natural vegetation constituted 4% of the food volume. Widgeongrass (Ruppia maritima) and redhead grass (Potamogeton perfoliatus) constituted the greatest percent volume and frequency of occurrence among the plant species, whereas wild celery (Vallisneria americana) constituted only a trace of the food volume. These results contrast with historical records of food habits of canvasbacks in Chesapeake Bay. Canvasback population estimates during the 1970’s were examined to detect annual and seasonal changes in distribution. Linear regression analyses of winter canvasback populations in the bay showed a significant decline in the upper-bay and middle-bay populations, but no significant changes in the lower-bay and Potomac River populations. The changes in winter distribution and abundance of the canvasback appear related to changes in natural food availability, which is the result of altered environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The decline of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay has been associated with increasing anthropogenic inputs, and restoration of the bay remains a major goal of the present multi-state “Bay Cleanup” effort. In order to determine SAV response to water quality, we quantified the water column parameters associated with success of transplants and natural regrowth over a three-year period along an estuarine gradient in the Choptank River, a major tributary on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. The improvement in water quality due to low precipitation and low nonpoint source loadings during 1985–1988 provided a natural experiment in which SAV was able to persist upstream where it had not been for almost a decade. Mean water quality parameters were examined during the growing season (May–October) at 14 sites spanning the estuarine gradient and arrayed to show correspondence with the occurrence of SAV. Regrowth of SAV in the Choptank is associated with mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen <10 μM; mean dissolved phosphate <0.35 μM; mean suspended sediment <20 mg l?1; mean chlorophylla in the water column <15 μg l?1; and mean light attenuation coefficient (Kd) <2 m?1. These values correspond well with those derived in other parts of the Chesapeake, particularly in the lower bay, and may provide managers with values that can be used as target concentrations for nutrient reduction strategies where SAV is an issue.  相似文献   

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