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《China Geology》2018,1(4):556-565
Evaluations of resources and environmental carrying capacities (GRECC) are the premise of land space planning and use control. Resource allocations and environmental capacity are the basic conditions that restrict development in a region. In this paper, based on a systematic review of China’s geological environment, groundwater resources, mineral resources, other geological resources and the environmental carrying capacity research status, the relationship between the natural resource environmental system and the socio-economic system is studied. Then a “coordination theory of resources and environmental carrying” is proposed. Next, on the basis of an evaluation experiment performed at different scales and for different types of regions, the technical methods for an evaluation of the geological resources and environmental carrying capacity at the regional (inter-provincial) and provincial scales in China are established for the first time. This paper presents a standardized method based on technical ideas, evaluation methods, and index systems for geological resource and environmental carrying capacity evaluation. Finally, an evaluation of the groundwater resource carrying capacity in China is used as an example for the demonstration of the groundwater resource background and use of state evaluation methods.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the negative effects on geological environment caused by groundwater exploitation and its distribution. There are seven main types of the geological environment negative effects, which are generally as follows:(1) Constant decrease of groundwater level is mainly distributed in China(East Asia), India(South Asia), Tajikistan(Central Asia) and Saudi Arabia(West Asia);(2) land subsidence occurs mainly in eastern plains of East Asia and west Siberian Plain of North Asia;(3) seawater intrusion occurs mainly in China, Japan and South Korea in East Asia, Philippines and Indonesia in Southeast Asia, the Indian coastal areas in South Asia;(4) groundwater level decline caused by groundwater exploitation in oil fields;(5) mining collapse is mainly in 50° to 70° north latitude band;(6) the total area of karst collapse in China of East Asia is as much as 197.05 km~2; and(7) ground fracture is mainly distributed in the North China Plain, Fenwei Plain and the Yangtze River Delta. Asia can be divided into 6 zones in terms of the geological environment negative effect caused by groundwater exploitation. According to analysis, with the increasing intensity of human activities, geological environment issues become more and more serious, therefore it is vital to control the human activities within the scope of 5× 10~5 people/km~2 to 9.9× 10~5 people/km~2 for the effective control of the size of the affected area by geological environment problems.  相似文献   

Mangalore, one of the fastest growing cities along the west coast of India has witnessed a leap in industrialisation and urbanisation during the last decade. This study focuses on the quality of the groundwater of Mangalore city. The results are compared with an earlier study to record the change in water quality over a decade. HCO3 and Na were found exceeding the highest desirable limit of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Indian Standards Institute (ISI) standards for drinking water. The pH values at seven localities are not within the limits prescribed by WHO or ISI (highest desirable level or maximum permissible level). The present study shows that there has been an enrichment of chemical constituents during the last decade and that the Gurupur River, which flows parallel to the coast, plays an important role in impeding saltwater intrusion along the coast.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):455-462
The Luanhe River Delta is located in the center of the Circum-Bohai Sea Economic Zone. It enjoys rapid economic and social development while suffering relatively water scarcity. The overexploitation of groundwater in the Luanhe River Delta in recent years has caused the continuous drop of groundwater level and serious environmental and geological problems. This study systematically analyzes the evolution characteristics of the population, economy, and groundwater exploitation in the Luanhe River Delta and summarizes the change patterns of the groundwater flow regime in different aquifers in the Luanhe River Delta according to previous water resource assessment data as well as the latest groundwater survey results. Through comparison of major source/sink terms and groundwater resources, the study reveals the impacts of human activities on the groundwater resources and ecological environment in the study area over the past 30 years from 1990 to 2020. The results are as follows. The average annual drop rate of shallow groundwater and the deep groundwater in the centers of depression cones is 0.4 m and 1.64 m, respectively in the Luanhe River Delta in the past 30 years. The depression cones of shallow and deep groundwater in the study area cover an area of 545.32 km2 and 548.79 km2, respectively, accounting for more than 10% of the total area of the Luanhe River Delta. Overexploitation of groundwater has further aggravated land subsidence. As a result, two large-scale subsidence centers have formed, with a maximum subsidence rate of up to 120 mm/a. The drop of groundwater level has induced some ecological problems in the Luanhe River Delta area, such as the zero flow and water quality deterioration of rivers and continuous shrinkage of natural wetlands and water. Meanwhile, the proportion of natural wetland area to the total wetland area has been decreased from 99% to 8% and the water area from 1776 km2 to 263 km2. These results will provide data for groundwater overexploitation control, land subsidence prevention, and ecological restoration in plains and provide services for water resources management and national land space planning.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Based on the geological and hydrogeological conditions along with dynamic changes of groundwater level,this paper analyzes the hydrodynamic characteristics of saltwater intrusion in the study area.According to monitoring data of groundwater quality,the distribution characteristics of macro component are analyzed,and then fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is adopted to evaluate the impact of saltwater intrusion on groundwater environment.Concerning the influence degree of groundwater environment,the study area is divided into brine area,seriously influenced area,moderately influenced zone,slightly influenced zone and uninfluenced zone.The results can offer references for prevention and control of saltwater intrusion as well as the protection of water resources.  相似文献   

杨小川  张春 《江苏地质》2008,32(2):144-147
新沂市的矿产资源开发利用程度低,潜力大,矿山开采规模小、资源浪费严重,采矿毁坏土地和植被,破坏生态环境,对自然地貌景观破坏严重;采矿掘进面高差大,边坡陡立,埋下诱发山体崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害隐患,易造成人员伤亡事故;露采矿山地质环境整治滞后,绝大多数露采矿山地质环境没有得到有效整治。根据露采矿山开采中存在的问题,提出了包括管理措施、工程技术措施和经济政策措施等地质环境恢复治理措施。  相似文献   

海洋区域地质调查近年来逐渐得到重视,海洋地质调查技术的发展也为开展海洋区域地质调查奠定了基础。上海地区社会经济发展对地质工作的需求,为摸清上海市长江口及邻近海域的地质现状提出了必然要求。本文在系统整理长江口及邻近海域地质资料的基础上,重点分析了区内存在的重点地质问题和研究存在的问题,根据海洋地质调查的技术发展,结合国内相关地区的调查经验,对长江口及邻近海域内区域地质调查进行了展望,提出了采用综合物探技术、地质取样和测试分析进行综合地质环境调查的建议,并对具体采用的调查技术和调查内容进行了论述。  相似文献   

Based on the geological and hydrogeological conditions along with dynamic changes of groundwater level, this paper analyzes the hydrodynamic characteristics of saltwater intrusion in the study area. According to monitoring data of groundwater quality, the distribution characteristics of macro component are analyzed, and then fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is adopted to evaluate the impact of saltwater intrusion on groundwater environment. Concerning the influence degree of groundwater environment, the study area is divided into brine area, seriously influenced area, moderately influenced zone, slightly influenced zone and uninfluenced zone. The results can offer references for prevention and control of saltwater intrusion as well as the protection of water resources.  相似文献   

Based on the mapping of groundwater resources and environmental geology in China and its surrounding regions, Groundwater Ecological Environment Map of Asia is drawn to broadly reflect the ecological situation of Asian groundwater, categorize its ecological environment into three basic types and elaborate the research categories. This paper analyzes and summarizes the major characteristics and distribution regularities of the groundwater ecological environment of Asia to reveal the key related problem so as to provide a necessary reference for the construction and planning of One Belt and One Road.  相似文献   

城市地质工作贯穿于城市建设发展的全过程,是城市规划建设和经济社会发展的重要基础支撑,是未来地质工作的重要发展方向。围绕各城市规划建设、运行、转型升级、选址布局、防灾减灾、美化环境等所亟需的自然资源与城镇化进程中面临的各种地质环境问题,结合甘肃省情对地质工作的需求,提出甘肃省城市地质工作在未来8年里的总体战略构想,开展基础性综合地质填图、多要素城市地质调查、城市地质信息化智慧化建设,对城市开发建设、地质资源绿色利用、地方重大工程建设、城市生态安全体系构建,提供地质支撑。  相似文献   

海岸带经济圈的崛起与发展,使地质环境的开发利用与保护的协同成为新课题.长江河口地区相对敏感与脆弱的地质环境系统,使其在经济发展进程中,易诱发、衍生环境地质问题及地质灾害.充分认识地质环境条件的制约作用,有助于趋利避害、防患未然.结合长江河口上海沿岸经济带的发展建设规划,通过区域内地质条件与土地、地下水等自然资源的供需分析,阐述潜在环境地质问题的受控制约因素及变化发展趋势,籍此探讨海岸带地区规划建设与地质生态环境保护协调统一的宏观准则与技术途径.  相似文献   

The Jinsha River runs across the Hengduanshan north-south tectonic zone where neotectonism was relatively strong, accompanied by various geologic hazards. In this case, it seems necessary to make a quantitative assessment and grading of the engineering geological environment for the planning and development of hydropower projects on the Jinsha River.The studies of crustal structures and activities of neotectonic fault blocks provide a three-dimensional geomechan-ics model for us to make an assessment of the engineering geological environment. Based on the survey data and results from geologic hazard risk analysis, a hierarchical analysis model on the quality of the engineering geological environment is established with respect to the crustal stability, ground stability, and rock and soil mass stability. Nine factors relevant to the geological environment are selected and five levels are used for the quality grades: very bad, bad, mediocre, good, very good. The result indicates that active deep faults ha  相似文献   

殷跃平 《第四纪研究》1998,18(2):190-190
三峡工程库区移民总人口达120万人,在1993~1997年一期移民中,共安置了8.2万移民,移民迁建任务将于2009年前完成。因此,二期、三期移民工作比一期任务更为艰巨、时间更为紧迫。库区地处渝东、鄂西山区地带,山峦叠蟑,河谷深切,地势东高西低。地貌形态受岩性、地质构造的控制,以三峡起点奉节为界,东为中低山峡谷区,西为低山丘陵宽谷区。山地高程1000~1400m,谷宽一般150~250m,均为碳酸盐岩组成,紫红色保罗系红层及工程地质性质较差的软弱地层被夹在峡谷间,形成相对平缓开阔的宽谷段,巴东、巫山及种归县城就坐落在这些地段。低山、丘陵宽谷区以一系列平行带状山脉为骨架,其间分布相对较低的台状山  相似文献   

永定河之名诞生于1698年。永定河跨越延庆盆地、北京西山和北京平原3大地貌单元,是北京的母亲河。门头沟区为永定河山峡,有沿河城断裂、马兰黄土和永定河断裂等地质现象,应考虑沿岸的地学旅游开发;石景山区为永定河冲洪积扇的顶部带,应考虑城市地下空间发展的布局;丰台区横跨永定河两岸,有卢沟桥、河西的长辛店砾岩与河东的古河道,应考虑防止地下水污染的措施;房山区位于永定河西岸,有房山世界地质公园、董家林西周遗址和良乡地热田,应考虑地学旅游开发和低炭经济发展;大兴区位于永定河东岸,有以庞各庄西瓜为代表的永定河沙带作物、南海子湿地和亦庄工业开发区,应考虑沙地农作物的分区与工业开发区的关系。永定河沿岸5区的开发要考虑地质背景,实现科学发展观。  相似文献   

With the ever-accelerating economic and social growth in Asia, the sustainable development of environment, economy and society of Asia and beyond, is severely constrained by a series of grave issues, such as global climate change, population explosion, resource shortage, and rampant disasters. The need for study on groundwater resources and environment in Asia as part of the efforts to tackle global climate change looms even larger. In analyzing how global changes of modern times and human activities are related to primary geo-environment, the groundwater environment serial maps of Asia introduces a new concept for mapping geo-environment of Asia that connects the geological background to groundwater environment. The serial maps reveal the geographic environment that is closely related to groundwater, the special-temporal features of the geo-environment and how it is distributed. The study is vital not only to the harmonious development among environment, economy and society as well as ecological progress in Asia, but also to the strategic requirements posed by the “One Belt One Road”.  相似文献   

长江经济带地质环境综合调查工程进展与主要成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保护长江生态环境,近年来,中国地质调查局组织实施了"长江经济带地质环境综合调查工程".通过采用环境地质调查、评价、监测以及专题研究和综合研究相结合等方法,取得了一批重要成果和认识:①初步构建了长江经济带地质资源环境综合信息管理与服务平台,系统梳理了长江经济带与重点区域的资源环境条件和重大地质问题,提出相关建议;②创新地将"光纤技术"应用于地面沉降和地裂缝监测,相关成果引领了光纤监测技术发展;③编制了1:5万比例尺的环境地质调查技术标准和要求;④创新形成了3个层次环境地质调查合作机制,探索建立了3种尺度资源环境承载能力评价方法体系和大流域环境地质工作模式;⑤建立了江汉平原地球关键带监测网络,编制了平原区地球关键带调查技术方法指南;⑥提出了长江流域重大水利工程与生态地质环境多元响应研究思路,创新构建了一套多模态传感器调查系统,提出了重大水利工程对地质环境影响新判断;⑦建立了长江中下游不同沉积单元区第四纪地层多重划分对比序列,构建了重点地区第四系三维地质结构模型,提出了长江贯通时限和演化新认识;⑧编制了流域、经济区和城市系列地质调查报告和图集,成果转化与服务成效显著.该工程进展及成果提升了长江经济带地质调查工作水平,可为区域国土空间规划、绿色生态廊道打造、立体交通走廊建设、产业转型升级、新型城镇化建设以及脱贫攻坚工作等提供科技支撑.  相似文献   

为保护长江生态环境,近年来,中国地质调查局组织实施了“长江经济带地质环境综合调查工程”。通过采用环境地质调查、评价、监测以及专题研究和综合研究相结合等方法,取得了一批重要成果和认识: ①初步构建了长江经济带地质资源环境综合信息管理与服务平台,系统梳理了长江经济带与重点区域的资源环境条件和重大地质问题,提出相关建议; ②创新地将“光纤技术”应用于地面沉降和地裂缝监测,相关成果引领了光纤监测技术发展; ③编制了1:5万比例尺的环境地质调查技术标准和要求; ④创新形成了3个层次环境地质调查合作机制,探索建立了3种尺度资源环境承载能力评价方法体系和大流域环境地质工作模式; ⑤建立了江汉平原地球关键带监测网络,编制了平原区地球关键带调查技术方法指南; ⑥提出了长江流域重大水利工程与生态地质环境多元响应研究思路,创新构建了一套多模态传感器调查系统,提出了重大水利工程对地质环境影响新判断; ⑦建立了长江中下游不同沉积单元区第四纪地层多重划分对比序列,构建了重点地区第四系三维地质结构模型,提出了长江贯通时限和演化新认识; ⑧编制了流域、经济区和城市系列地质调查报告和图集,成果转化与服务成效显著。该工程进展及成果提升了长江经济带地质调查工作水平,可为区域国土空间规划、绿色生态廊道打造、立体交通走廊建设、产业转型升级、新型城镇化建设以及脱贫攻坚工作等提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

随着岩盐矿床逐步得到开发利用,盐矿开采过程中引发的地质环境问题也日益受到人们的关注,而目前对盐矿开采引发的地面沉降和地下水污染等地质环境问题以理论研究居多,鲜有实际监测数据支撑,虽然有少量盐矿开展了监测工作,但其监测范围也多限于单个矿区、监测内容多为单个地质环境问题(如地面沉降的专项监测)。洪泽盐盆地质环境监测网是我国首个在整个盐盆范围内(覆盖现有开采区及规划开采区)统一规划建设的、集地面沉降和地下水污染为一体的综合监测网络,它的建设不仅极大地全面推进了洪泽盐盆矿山地质环境保护的进程,而且其建设经验、监测手段、运行管理模式也为其他地区盐类矿床的地质环境保护提供了有效的借鉴,同时,长期的监测数据也能为进一步研究盐矿开采区的地质环境问题提供可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   

Groundwater is as an important geological agent. Moving groundwater may change the geological environment and cause geological hazards. Therefore, the interaction between groundwater and geo-environment has attracted increasing attention of hydrogeologists, geotechnical engineers and environmental geologists. In general, three main types of interaction between groundwater and the geological environment are identified in this paper, with several special processes for each one. These types include physical interaction, with processes of lubrication, softening or weakening and strengthening of bound water, chemical interaction with processes of ion exchange, dissolution, hydration, hydrolysis, corrosion and oxidation-reduction, and mechanical interaction with processes of hydrostatic pressure and hydrodynamic pressure. The interactions between groundwater and the geological environment can affect the deformability and strength of rock or soil masses. The geological process, engineering activity and heat can change the geo-stress field, recharge, throughflow and discharge conditions of groundwater. The consequence of interactions between groundwater flow and geo-stress changes the geological environment. Meanwhile, the interaction processes can induce geological hazards, such as reservoir-induced earthquakes, landslides, flooding of mines, ground engineering hazards, instability of dams, the collapse of cavities in carbonate and evaporate rocks, land subsidence and earthquakes.  相似文献   

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