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岛屿是我国领土的重要组成部分,对国家安全和国防军事意义非凡.岛屿的地下水资源尤为珍贵,地下水流场模拟是研究地下水分布规律的重要手段.水文地质条件复杂、可利用的观测井较少等原因,造成了基岩岛屿水文地质模型概化精度不高、初始条件难以获取等问题.为克服基岩岛屿地下水流场模拟的诸多困难,将珠海外伶仃岛作为研究区,利用数字高程模型数据开展地质地貌建模;利用探地雷达法、直流电法与地质分析对岛屿进行探测,获取了地层数据;采用地下水遥感评估法,利用实测井位数据,确定了地下水的初始水位,进而对基岩岛屿地下水流场进行建模;最终,通过对外伶仃岛地下水流场的数值模拟得出地下水模拟流场图.岛上多个测点的探测水位值与模拟水位相关性较好,其拟合优度R2为0.8722.由此可见,综合遥感、物探、水文地质手段等技术方法获取的数据,采用地下水模拟软件或程序实现基岩岛屿地下水流场的数值模拟,是基岩岛屿地下水资源研究的一个有效方法.  相似文献   

溃坝水流数值模拟研究进展   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
史宏达  刘臻 《水科学进展》2006,17(1):129-135
溃坝问题在水利工程的设计管理中具有重要地位,也是广大学者长期以来一直关注和研究的课题。回顾和总结了国内外对溃坝水流演进问题的研究进展:介绍了溃坝水流的数学模型及解析解法存在的困难,进而讨论了数值解法的最新进展;论述了求解溃坝水流一维问题的有限差分法、近似黎曼解的Godunov格式法、Boltzmann法、KFVS法和二维问题的TVD格式法、间断有限元法、有限体积法、特征线法,并分析了各种方法的适用范围和优缺点,及讨论了限制函数的使用;介绍了利用自由水面追踪方法计算溃坝水流的研究进展,并根据目前存在的不足和实际工程的需要,提出了进一步研究的方向和发展趋势。  相似文献   

The repeated solution in time of the linear system arising from the finite element integration of coupled consolidation equations is a major computational effort. This system can be written in either a symmetric or an unsymmetric form, thus calling for the implementation of different preconditioners and Krylov subspace solvers. The present paper aims at investigating when either a symmetric or an unsymmetric approach should be better used. The results from a number of representative numerical experiments indicate that a major role in selecting either form is played by the preconditioner rather than by the Krylov subspace method itself. Two other important issues addressed are the size of the time integration step and the possible lumping of the flow capacity matrix. It appears that ad hoc block constrained preconditioners provide the most robust algorithm independently of the time step size, lumping, and symmetry. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在分析大区域地下水流数值模型构建缘起的前提下,系统论述了近年来地下水流数值模拟在大区域地下水资源评价、水文地质参数确定、地面沉降、溶质运移、海水入侵、盐渍化、风险评估、地下水管理及地表水与地下水的联合开发利用等方面的国内外研究应用现状;归纳、总结了目前大区域地下水流数值模型在灵敏度分析、裂隙和岩溶介质中模型建立、基于地下水流数值模拟的溶质运移模型建立、地下水流数值模型构建所需工作量等理论和方法研究及实际建模过程中存在的一些问题;展望了今后大区域地下水流数值拟在研究范围、模拟技术与方法以及与其它模型耦合等方面的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The St. Lawrence Lowlands platform, Quebec, Canada, is a densely-populated area, heavily dependent on groundwater resources. In 1999, the Geological Survey of Canada initiated a large-scale hydrogeological assessment study over a 1,500 km2 region northwest of Montreal. The objectives were to define the regional groundwater flow, and to give quantitative estimates of the groundwater dynamic parameters and of the available groundwater resources. The applied approach consisted of defining the hydrogeologic framework, hydraulic properties of the aquifer units, and groundwater dynamic components. Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks represent regional aquifer units. Coarse Quaternary fluvio-glacial sediments locally overlay the rock sequence and constitute an interface aquifer unit. Fine marine sediments confine most of the regional aquifers. Collected GIS based information was synthesized in a finite element numerical model. The regional saturated steady-state flow was calibrated under current stress conditions assuming an equivalent porous medium approach. Water budget calculations show that the total groundwater flow in regional aquifers amounts to 97.7 Mm3/y. Infiltration from precipitation provides 86.6% of the groundwater supply, while 9.6% comes from subsurface inflow and the remaining 3.8% is induced recharge from surface waters. Discharge from regional aquifers occurs through flow to streams (76.9%), groundwater withdrawal (18.4%), and underground outflow (4.7%).
Resumen La plataforma de Tierras Bajas San Lorenzo, Quebec, Canadá, es un área densamente poblada que depende fuertemente de recursos de agua subterránea. En 1999 el Servicio Geológico de Canadá inició un estudio de evaluación hidrogeológica a gran escala sobre un área de 1,500 km2 en la región noroeste de Montreal. Los objetivos fueron definir el flujo regional de agua subterránea y aportar estimados cuantitativos de los parámetros dinámicos de agua subterráne y de los recursos disponibles de agua subterránea. El enfoque aplicado consistió en definir el marco hidrogeológico, propiedades hidráulicas de las unidades acuíferas, y los componentes dinámicos de agua subterránea. Rocas sedimentarias del Paleozoico Inferior representan unidades regionales de acuíferos. Sedimentos fluvio-glaciares Cuaternarios gruesos sobreyacen localmente la secuencia rocosa y constituyen una unidad acuífera interfacial. Sedimentos marinos finos confinan la mayoría de acuíferos regionales. Información colectada basada en SIG se sintetizó en un modelo numérico de elemento finito. El flujo regional saturado en régimen permanente se calibró bajo condiciones de stress asumiendo un enfoque de medio poroso equivalente. Los cálculos de balance hídrico muestran que el flujo total de agua subterránea en acuíferos regional alcanza 97.7 Mm3/año. Infiltración a partir de lluvia aporta el 86.6% del abastecimiento al agua subterránea, mientras que el 9.6% proviene de entradas subsuperficiales y el restante 3.8% consiste de recarga inducida a partir de aguas superficiales. La descarga proveniente de acuíferos regionales ocurre a través de flujo a ríos (76.9%), utilización de agua subterránea (18.4%), y salida subterránea (4.7%).

Résumé La plateforme Lowllands du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada, est une aire densément peuplée, dépendant grandement des ressources en eau souterraine. En 1999, le Service Géologique du Canada a initié une étude hydrogéologique à grande-échelle sur 1500 km2 au Nord-Ouest de Montréal. Le sobjectifs ont été de définir la dynamique de lécoulement régional, et de donner des estimations quantitatives des paramètres dynamiques des ressources disponibles en eau souterraine. Lapproche utilisée consista à définir le cadre hydrogéologique de travail, les propriétés hydrauliques des unités aquifères, et les composantes dynamiques des eaux souterraines. Les roches sédimentaires du Paléozoïque Inférieur représentent les unités aquifères régionales. Les sédiments marins fins confinent la plus grande partie des aquifères régionaux. Les informations de base, collectées dans un SIG, ont été synthétisées dans un modèle numérique aux éléments finis. Lécoulement permanent régional, en zone saturée, a été calibré en conditions de stress en assumant une approche de milieu poreu équivalent. Les calculs du bilan hydrologique montrent que lécoulement total des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères régionaux atteind 97,7 Mm3/an. Linfiltration à partir des précipitations apporte 86.6% de leau souterraine exploitée; sachant que 9,6% proviennent découlement de subsurfaces, et que les 3,8% restants proviennent de la recharge via les eaux de surface. Le débit pompé des aquifères régionaux apparaît à travers lécoulement des cours deau, le rabattement des eaux souterraines (18.4%), et lécoulement ascendant (4.7%).

条件模拟是一种计算非常耗时的高精度三维插值算法。针对串行条件模拟算法计算时间过长的问题,提出基于GPU的并行条件模拟算法,并进行储量估算。对条件模拟算法进行并行分析,利用GPU的高度并行性,构建CUDA通用计算开发环境,实现串行条件模拟算法到并行条件模拟算法的转换,使条件模拟算法的时间复杂度从O(n)降至O(logn)。并对西藏甲玛铜矿进行了储量估算。实验结果表明,在安装普通NVIDIA显卡的计算机以及估算精度不下降的情况下,GPU并行条件模拟的计算效率比CPU串行条件模拟的计算效率提高了60倍以上。  相似文献   

Using a three-dimensional finite element model, this study characterizes groundwater flow in a costal plain of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The model characterization involved taking field data describing the aquifer system and translating this information into input variables that the model code uses to solve governing equations of flow. Geological geometry and the number of aquifers have been analyzed based on a large amount of geological, hydrogeological and topographical data. Results of study demonstrate a high correlation between the ground surface elevation and the groundwater level in the shallow coastal aquifer. For calibrating the numerical groundwater model, the groundwater flow was simulated in steady state. In addition, the groundwater level and trend in the transient state has also been elucidated. The numerical result provides excellent visual representations of groundwater flow, presenting resource managers and decision makers with a clear understanding of the nature of the types of groundwater flow pathways. Results build a base for further analysis under different future scenarios.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of debris flow and its application   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Debris flow is the flow of solid-fluid mixture and was treated as the flow of a continuum in routing in this study. A mathematical model was proposed to describe debris flow including deposition process and then solved numerically with suitable boundary conditions. Laboratory experiments were also conducted for comparison and calibration of the numerical results as well as for investigation of debris flow phenomena. The numerical model was also applied to simulate the debris flow caused by heavy rainfall in Tungman village of Hualien County located in the east of Taiwan on 23 June 1990. The simulated bed topographies in alluvial fan were in good agreement with those obtained from laboratory experiments and field observations.  相似文献   

In porous sediments of the Ishikari Lowland, there is a gradual increase in the background geothermal gradient from the Ishikari River (3–4 °C 100 m–1) to the southwest highland area (10 °C 100 m–1). However, the geothermal gradient at shallow depths differs in detail from the background distribution. In spite of convective heat-flow loss generally associated with groundwater flow, heat flow remains high (100 mW m–2) in the recharge area in the southwestern part of the Ishikari basin, which is part of an active geothermal field. In the northeastern part of the lowland, heat flow locally reaches 140 mW m–2, probably due to upward water flow from the deep geothermal field. Between the two areas the heat flow is much lower. To examine the role of hydraulic flow in the distortion of the isotherms in this area, thermal gradient vs. temperature analyses were made, and they helped to define the major components of the groundwater-flow system of the region. Two-dimensional simulation modeling aided in understanding not only the cause of horizontal heat-flow variations in this field but also the contrast between thermal properties of shallow and deep groundwater reservoirs. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A conceptual model of the Lake Warden coastal wetlands system, Western Australia, was developed using hydraulic, chemical and stable isotopic data, and formed the basis for a groundwater flow model using the finite element numerical code (FEFLOW). The system to be modeled is complex. The surface water and groundwater within the wetlands system show varying salinity and isotopic composition over short distances and time frames. As a first step, the flow model was calibrated to observed groundwater levels measured since 2001 for both steady state and transient stresses. Particle tracking analysis was conducted to test the source areas of water discharging to the lakes within the wetlands system. The analysis was able to delineate the connectivity between the lakes in the wetland and the flow path. Enrichment of isotopic concentration is evident along a NE–SW transect and the data set provides a means for calibrating a detailed transport model. The study incorporates the varying deuterium composition of the water bodies directly into a transport model and a good match between observed and simulated temporal variations along the transect indicates that the model closely simulated the dynamics of water exchange between the lakes and groundwater within the system.  相似文献   

李朗  姚炳魁  黄晓燕 《江苏地质》2014,38(2):273-277
通过建立符合该地区承压地下水赋存条件和渗流特征的地下水三维数值模型,并在模型识别、验证的基础上,根据各承压含水层的水位控制要求,调整现有地下水的开采布局,以乡镇为单位,确定出各含水层的地下水可开采资源量及最优开采布局,并预测2011—2020年底逐年地下水水位动态变化情况。  相似文献   

目前"井孔-含水层"系统处理的三种主要方法:基于线汇理论的井孔模拟、高渗透系数法和渗流-管流耦合模型,评述了各种方法的优缺点,重点指出了传统线源(汇)法理论上的缺陷及实际应用中的局限性。概括了MODFLOW,TOUGH2,FEFLOW等地下水数值模拟软件对井孔含水层模拟的方法;应加强井周小尺度水流水质的精细研究,并研究井周水流运动对水质的作用,以及对大尺度地下水模拟的影响。  相似文献   

方腔回流区水流运动特性三维数值分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
建立了一个三维水动力学模型,对方腔回流区水流运动特性进行了模拟分析。数学模型以三维浅水环流方程为基础,在垂向空间引入σ坐标变换,采用高分辨率半隐有限元离散格式。计算结果与解析解及水槽试验数据吻合良好。应用该模型对方腔回流区的水流运动特性进行了计算分析,进一步揭示了方腔回流运动的非定常非对称不封闭特性、流动结构表现为竖轴环流与立面环流相叠加、流速沿垂线分布相对均匀等流动规律。  相似文献   

苏锡常地区主采层地下水流数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本次数值模拟是从苏锡常整个大区域考虑,建立统一的主采层地下水流模拟模型,通过对水文地质概念模型的重新认识及边界条件的合理概化,较大程度地减少了人为因素引起的误差.利用已校正过的模型对该地区禁采后地下水水位恢复情况进行了预测,结果显示该模型较适用于实际.  相似文献   

地下水数值计算与应用研究进展综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
地下水数值计算是研究分析地下水各种问题的重要手段。文中对近年来地下水数值模拟计算相关方法研究进展、地下水数值模拟工作程序的方法论、地下水数值模拟的参数反演方法、国际流行的地下水数值模型及软件平台、目前国内地下水数值模型的相关应用等几个方面进行了综述,力图从相对全面的角度认识当前地下水计算技术的发展。在回顾地下水以上研究进展的基础上,对现代信息技术在地下水数值计算技术中的积极促进作用、地下水更深入和复杂规律的研究、地下水研究与其他学科之间的综合集成和协同互补等发展趋势进行了探讨,为相关研究人员提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Systematic field mapping of fracture lineaments observed on aerial photographs shows that almost all of these structures are positively correlated with zones of high macroscopic and mesoscopic fracture frequencies compared with the surroundings. The lineaments are subdivided into zones with different characteristics: (1) a central zone with fault rocks, high fracture frequency and connectivity but commonly with mineral sealed fractures, and (2) a damage zone divided into a proximal zone with a high fracture frequency of lineament parallel, non-mineralized and interconnected fractures, grading into a distal zone with lower fracture frequencies and which is transitional to the surrounding areas with general background fracturing. To examine the possible relations between lineament architecture and in-situ rock stress on groundwater flow, the geological fieldwork was followed up by in-situ stress measurements and test boreholes at selected sites. Geophysical well logging added valuable information about fracture distribution and fracture flow at depths. Based on the studies of in-situ stresses as well as the lineaments and associated fracture systems presented above, two working hypotheses for groundwater flow were formulated: (i) In areas with a general background fracturing and in the distal zone of lineaments, groundwater flow will mainly occur along fractures parallel with the largest in-situ rock stress, unless fractures are critically loaded or reactivated as shear fractures at angles around 30° to σH; (ii) In the influence area of lineaments, the largest potential for groundwater abstraction is in the proximal zone, where there is a high fracture frequency and connectivity with negligible fracture fillings. The testing of the two hypotheses does not give a clear and unequivocal answer in support of the two assumptions about groundwater flow in the study area. But most of the observed data are in agreement with the predictions from the models, and can be explained by the action of the present stress field on pre-existing fractures.  相似文献   

The region known as Pampa Plain, in Argentina, is a vast area characterized by slopes of less than 0.05%. The surface sediment is silty sand, mainly Aeolian, referred to as Pampean Loess, which is a phreatic aquifer unit of utmost importance for the water supply of the region. On account of the slight gradient, hydrogeological analyses using only hydraulic measurements are difficult to perform, often leading to confusing results. Thus, the study presented relies on hydrochemical modeling and isotopic determinations as well. The study area comprises three catchments in the inter-mountainous area corresponding to El Moro, Tamangueyú and Seco creeks, and covering 2,570 km2 in the province of Buenos Aires. Measurements of piezometric levels and samples of groundwater, surface water and rainwater were carried out between January and March 2005. Major ion results were analyzed by means of hydrochemical graphs and hydrogeochemical modelling using NETPATH. The resulting data show that it is possible to identify local changes in recharge, flow direction and stream/groundwater relationship by using hydrochemical and isotopic information, which may become a useful and more precise tool for the study of particularly flat landscapes.  相似文献   

本文通过对近些年来水-气二相流数值模拟进展情况的分析,总结了在水-气二相流模拟过程中,各个主要参数或物理过程的数学概化方法,以及近年来在求解水气二相流方程和污染运移方程的方法上的改进情况。并在此基础上提出了需进一步研究解决的问题。  相似文献   

Groundwater flow fields in aquifers are often determined by water level data measured in monitoring wells. The flow field can be further refined by mass balance simulations, especially when groundwater level data is limited. The mass balance simulation is based on the principle of mass conservation and relies on water quality data in the same aquifer. The approach is applied to the Luohe aquifer in the Binchang area, China. The water-rock interactions and the hydrogeochemical evolution were studied along four typical flow paths. The study indicates that groundwater in the Luohe formation flows from the southern border to the interior of the Ordos Basin. The southern border, approximately 1,400 km2, is a recharge zone, where the Luohe formation outcrops. The total dissolved solids of the groundwater in the southern boarder are less than 1 g/l, and the hydrochemistry type is HCO3–Na. This new finding refines the flow field of the water-bearing formation, and an additional 1,400 km2 is included in the water resource planning of the area.  相似文献   

Long-term groundwater monitoring has been carried in the model locality of the landslide area at Třebenice, situated in the northern part of the Czech Republic in Cretaceous claystones to marlstones. Primarily, long-term fluctuation of the groundwater and piezometric levels has been monitored. Monitoring of groundwater flow was carried out in selected wells also by the photometry logging method using a dilution technique of a marked liquid. On the basis of these results, the pattern of the groundwater flow through the landslide area was determined in lithologically homogeneous Cretaceous claystones to marlstones. Interpretation of monitoring results indicated that water flows preferentially through the zone of near-surface loosening of the claystone rock massif, in general parallel to the slope inclination between 8 and 10-m depth below ground level. This zone exhibits a higher permeability given by 1–2 orders of hydraulic conductivity compared with overlying strata and underlying rock in which this zone is closed. This verified pattern of groundwater flow has a significant effect on the stability of the sliding slope and it is one of the main factors affecting the evolution of landslides on the slopes formed by these rocks.  相似文献   

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