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A re-compilation of magnetic data in the Weddell Sea is presented and compared with the gravity field recently derived from retracked satellite altimetry. The previously informally named ‘Anomaly-T,’ an east–west trending linear positive magnetic and gravity anomaly lying at about 69°S, forms the southern boundary of the well-known Weddell Sea gravity herringbone. North of Anomaly-T, three major E–W linear magnetic lows are shown, and identified with anomalies c12r, c21–29(r) and c33r. On the basis of these, and following work by recent investigators, isochrons c13, c18, c20, c21, c30, c33 and c34 are identified and extended into the western Weddell Sea. Similarly, a linear magnetic low lying along the spine of the herringbone is shown and provisionally dated at 93–96 Ma. Anomaly-T is tentatively dated to be M5n, in agreement with recent tectonic models.Although current tectonic models are generally in good agreement to the north of T, to the south interpretations differ. Some plate tectonic models have only proposed essentially north–south spreading in the region, whilst others have suggested that a period of predominantly east–west motion (relative to present Antarctic geographic coordinates) occurred during the mid-Mesozoic spreading between East and West Gondwana. We identify an area immediately to the south of T which appears to be the southerly extent of N–S spreading in the herringbone. Following recent work, the extreme southerly extent of the N–S directed spreading of the herringbone is provisionally dated M9r/M10. In the oldest Weddell Sea, immediately to the north and east of the Antarctic shelf, we see subtle features in both the magnetic and gravity data that are consistent with predominantly N–S spreading in the Weddell Sea during the earliest opening of East and West Gondwana. In between, however, in a small region extending approximately from about 50 km south of T to about 70°S and from approximately 40° to 53°W, the magnetic and gravity data appear to suggest well-correlated linear marine magnetic anomalies (possible isochrons) perpendicular to T, bounded and offset by less well-defined steps and linear lows in the gravity (possible fracture zones). These magnetic and gravity data southwest of T suggest that the crust here may record an E–W spreading episode between the two-plate system of East and West Gondwana prior to the initiation of the three-plate spreading system of South America, Africa and Antarctica. The E–W spreading record to the east of about 35°W would then appear to have been cut off at about M10 time during the establishment of N–S three-plate spreading along the South American–Antarctic Ridge and then subducted under the Scotia Ridge.  相似文献   

A new airborne magnetic survey of the southeastern Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent Weddell Sea embayment (WSE) region suggests a continuity of geological structure between the eastern Antarctic Peninsula and the attenuated continental crust of the Filchner Block. This has implications for the reconstructed position of the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains block in Gondwana, which is currently uncertain. Palaeomagnetic data indicate that it has migrated from a Palaeozoic position between South Africa and Coats Land to its current position as a microplate embedded in central West Antarctica. The most obvious route for migration is between the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea embayment. Evidence that geological structures are continuous across the boundary places constraints on the timing and pathway of migration. Magnetic textures suggest the presence of shallow features extending from the Beaumont Glacier Zone (BGZ) in the west for at least 200 km into the Weddell Sea embayment. These data suggest that the Eastern Domain of the Antarctic Peninsula and the stretched continental crust of the Filchner Block share a common recent, probably post-Early Jurassic, history. However, examination of deep anomalies indicates differences in the magnetic characteristics of the two blocks. The boundary may mark either the edge of extended continental crust, or a discontinuity between two, once separated, blocks. This discontinuity, or pre-Late Jurassic Antarctic Peninsula terrane boundaries to the west, may have allowed the passage of the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains block to its present location.  相似文献   

Ten years after the USAC (U.S.Argentina–Chile) Project, which was the most comprehensive aeromagnetic effort in the Antarctic Peninsula and surrounding ocean basins, questions remain regarding the kinematics of the early opening history of the Weddell Sea. Key elements in this complex issue are a better resolution of the magnetic sequence in the western part of the Weddell Sea and merging the USAC data set with the other magnetic data sets in the region. For this purpose we reprocessed the USAC data set using a continuation between arbitrary surfaces and equivalent magnetic sources. The equivalent sources are located at a smooth crustal surface derived from the existing bathymetry/topography and depths estimated by magnetic inversions. The most critical area processed was the transition between the high altitude survey over the Antarctic Peninsula and the low altitude survey over the Weddell Sea that required downward continuation to equalize the distance to the magnetic source. This procedure was performed with eigenvalue analysis to stabilize the equivalent magnetic source inversion.The enhancement of the Mesozoic sequence permits refining the interpretation of the seafloor-spreading anomalies. In particular, the change in shape and wavelength of an elongated positive in the central Weddell Sea suggests that it was formed during the Cretaceous Normal Polarity Interval. The older lineations in the southwestern Weddell Sea are tentatively attributed to susceptibility contrasts modeled as fracture zones. Numerical experimentation to adjust synthetic isochrons to seafloor-spreading lineations and flow lines to fracture zones yields stage poles for the opening of the Weddell Sea since 160 Ma to anomaly 34 time. The corresponding reconstructions look reasonable within the known constraints for the motions of the Antarctic and South America plates. However, closure is not attained between 160 and 118 Ma if independent published East Antarctica–Africa–South America rotations are considered. The lack of closure may be overcome by considering relative motion between the Antarctic Peninsula and East Antarctica until 118 Ma time, an important component of convergence.  相似文献   

Seismic multi-channel data collected during Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions in 1976–1977 and 1978–1979 outline aspects of the Cenozoic depositional environment in the Weddell Sea Embayment. Acoustic basement, probably representing the East Antarctic craton, is exposed in a 50–100 km wide swath along the ice barrier between 78°S–75.5°S on the eastern side of the Crary Trough. The shelf prograded westward and northward from the craton into a subsiding basin colinear with the Transantarctic Mountain Range. Measured sediment thicknesses exceed 5 km. During middle and late Tertiary times a submarine fan complex—the Crary Fan—developed on the southeastern margin of the Weddell Sea Embayment. The glacially eroded Crary Trough is located at the contact between the craton and a sedimentary basin to the west. The entire sedimentary section is undisturbed by faulting or folding, which indicates that any movements related to Cenozoic uplift of the Trans-Antarctic Mountains and/or relative motion of East Antarctica had little effect in the area north of the Filchner Ice Shelf east of 41°W.  相似文献   

The Polish Geophysical Expedition to West Antarctica in the summer of 1979–1980 was organized by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the expedition was to carry out studies of deep structures of the Earth's crust by reflection, refraction and deep seismic sounding methods. Special attention was paid to tectonically active zones and to the contact zones between the blocks of the Earth's crust and the lithospheric plates. Geophysical measurements were carried out in the area extending between 61° and 65°S and between 56° and 66°W. The measurements covered the southern Shetlands, the Antarctic Peninsula, the Bransfield Strait, the Drake Passage, the Palmer Archipelago, the Gerlache Strait and the Bismarck Strait towards the southern Pacific.Deep seismic soundings were made along profiles with a total length of about 2000 km. Seismic reflection measurements were made along profiles about 1100 km long. A detailed analysis of the seismic wave field shows that the structure of the Earth's crust in this part of West Antarctica is very complex. Numerous deep fractures divide the Earth's crust into blocks of different physical properties. The thickness of the Earth's crust changes from 32 km in the region of the South Shetland Islands to 40–45 km in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula. A preliminary geodynamical model of this part of West Antarctica is presented.  相似文献   

The volume of Antarctic ice at the Last Glacial Maximum is a key factor for calculating the past contribution of melting ice sheets to Late Pleistocene global sea level change. At present, there are large uncertainties in our knowledge of the extent and thickness of the formerly expanded Antarctic ice sheets, and in the timing of their release as meltwater into the world’s oceans. This paper reviews the four main approaches to determining former Antarctic ice volume, namely glacial geology, glacio-isostatic studies, glaciological modelling, and ice core analysis and attempts to reconcile these to give a ‘best estimate’ for ice volume. In the Ross Sea there was a major expansion of grounded ice at the Last Glacial Maximum, accounting for 2.3–3.2 m of global sea level. At some time in the Weddell Sea a large grounded ice sheet corresponding to c. 2.7 m of global sea level extended to the shelf break. However, this ice expansion has not yet been confidently dated and may not relate to the Last Glacial Maximum. Around East Antarctica there was thickening and advance offshore of ice in coastal regions. Ice core evidence suggests that the interior of East Antarctica was either close to its present elevation or thinner during the last glacial so the effect of East Antarctica on sea level depends on the net balance between marginal thickening and interior thinning. Suggested East Antarctic contributions vary from a 3–5.5 m lowering to a 0.64 m rise in global sea level. The Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet thickened and extended offshore at the Last Glacial Maximum, with a sea level equivalent contribution of c. 1.7 m. Thus, the Antarctic ice sheets accounted for between 6.1 and 13.1 m of global sea level fall at the Last Glacial Maximum. This is substantially less than has been suggested by most previous studies but the maximum figure matches well with one modelling estimate. The timing of Antarctic deglaciation is not well known. In the Ross Sea, terrestrial evidence suggests deglaciation may have begun at c. 13,000 yr BP1 but that grounded ice persisted until c. 6,500 yr BP. Marine evidence suggests the western Ross Sea was deglaciated by c. 11,500 yr BP. Deglaciation of the Weddell Sea is poorly constrained. Grounded ice in the northern Antarctic Peninsula had retreated by c. 13,000 yr BP, and further south deglaciation occurred sometime prior to c. 6,000 yr BP. Many parts of coastal East Antarctica apparently escaped glaciation at the LGM, but in those areas that were ice-covered deglaciation was underway by 10,000 yr BP. With existing data, the timing of deglaciation shows no firm relation to northern hemisphere-driven sea level rise. This is probably due partly to lack of Antarctic dating evidence but also to the combined influence of several forcing mechanisms acting during deglaciation.  相似文献   

Thick (∼800 m) basaltic successions from the eastern Antarctic Peninsula have been dated in the interval 180–177 Ma and preserve a transition from a continental margin arc to a back-arc extensional setting. Amygdaloidal basalts from the Black Coast region of the eastern margin of the Antarctic Peninsula represent a rare onshore example of magmatism associated with back-arc extension that defines the early phase of Weddell Sea rifting and magmatism, and Gondwana breakup. The early phase of extension in the Weddell Sea rift system has previously been interpreted to be related to back-arc basin development with associated magnetic anomalies attributed to mafic-intermediate magmatism, but with no clearly defined evidence of back-arc magmatism. The analysis provided here identifies the first geochemical evidence of a transition from arc-like basalts to the development of depleted back-arc basin basalts in the interval 180–177 Ma. The exposed Black Coast basaltic successions are interpreted to form a minor component of magmatism that is also defined by onshore sub-ice magnetic anomalies, as well as the extensive magnetic anomalies of the southern Weddell Sea. Back-arc magmatism is also preserved on the Falkland Plateau where intrusions postdating 180 Ma are associated with early phase rifting in the Weddell Sea rift system. Back-arc extension was probably short-lived and had ceased by the time the northern Weddell Sea magmatism was emplaced (<175 Ma) and certainly by 171 Ma, when an episode of silicic magmatism was widespread along the eastern Antarctic Peninsula. Previous attempts to correlate mafic magmatism from the eastern Antarctic Peninsula to the Ferrar large igneous province, or, as part of a bimodal association with the Chon Aike silicic province are both dismissed based on age and geochemical criteria.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection data acquired by Marine Arctic Geological Expedition (MAGE) of Murmansk, Russia in 1990 provide the first view of the geological structure of the Arctic region between 77–80°N and 115–133°E, where the Eurasia Basin of the Arctic Ocean adjoins the passive-transform continental margin of the Laptev Sea. South of 80°N, the oceanic basement of the Eurasia Basin and continental basement of the Laptev Sea outer margin are covered by 1.5 to 8 km of sediments. Two structural sequences are distinguished in the sedimentary cover within the Laptev Sea outer margin and at the continent/ocean crust transition: the lower rift sequence, including mostly Upper Cretaceous to Lower Paleocene deposits, and the upper post-rift sequence, consisting of Cenozoic sediments. In the adjoining Eurasia Basin of the Arctic Ocean, the Cenozoic post-rift sequence consists of a few sedimentary successions deposited by several submarine fans. Based on the multichannel seismic reflection data, the structural pattern was determined and an isopach map of the sedimentary cover and tectonic zoning map were constructed. A location of the continent/ocean crust transition is tentatively defined. A buried continuation of the mid-ocean Gakkel Ridge is also detected. This study suggests that south of 78.5°N there was the cessation in the tectonic activity of the Gakkel Ridge Rift from 33–30 until 3–1 Ma and there was no sea-floor spreading in the southernmost part of the Eurasia Basin during the last 30–33 m.y. South of 78.5°N all oceanic crust of the Eurasia Basin near the continental margin of the Laptev Sea was formed from 56 to 33–30 Ma.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Peninsula has been part of a magmatic arc since at least Jurassic times. The South Shetland Islands archipelago forms part of this arc, but it was separated from the Peninsula following the Pliocene opening of the Bransfield Strait. Dikes are widespread throughout the archipelago and are particularly accessible on the Hurd Peninsula of Livingston Island. The host rocks for the dikes are represented by the Miers Bluff Formation, which forms the overturned limb of a large-scale fold oriented 63/23 NW. The orientation of minor structures indicates a fold axis oriented NNE–SSW (24/0). Structural analysis of the dikes and their host rocks shows that the tectonic regime was similar to other parts of the archipelago and that only minor changes of the stress field occurred during dike emplacement.Based on crosscutting field relationships and geochemical data, six early Paleocene to late Eocene intrusive events can be distinguished on Hurd Peninsula. In contrast to calc-alkaline dikes from other parts of the South Shetland Islands, the majority of the Hurd Peninsula dikes are of tholeiitic affinity. Nd and Pb isotope data indicate a significant crustal component, particularly during initial magmatic activity.Plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar and whole rock K–Ar ages show that dike emplacement peaked during the Lutetian (48.3 ± 1.5, 47.4 ± 2.1, 44.5 ± 1.8 and 43.3 ± 1.7 Ma) on Hurd Peninsula and also further northeast on King George Island. Dike intrusion continued on Livingston Island at least until the Priabonian (37.2 ± 0.9 Ma). The type of magma sources (mantle, slab, crust and sediment) did not change, though their relative magmatic contributions varied with time.During Cretaceous and Early Paleogene times, the Antarctic Peninsula including the South Shetland Islands was situated southwest of Patagonia; final separation from South America occurred not before the Eocene. Thus, the geological evolution of Livingston Island is related as much to the development of Patagonia as of Antarctica, and needs to be considered within the history of southernmost South America.  相似文献   

Precambrian granulite-facies rocks occur in significant proportion in the East Antarctic Precambrian shield. Ages of metamorphic and deformational events range from 2500 m.y. to about 500 m.y., but some rocks are much older, notably the approximately 3500 m.y. ages for crust formation in Enderby Land. Mineral assemblages over most of the area are typical of the hornblende granulite facies, and sparse temperature pressure estimates indicate metamorphism at 700–800°C and 5–8 kbar at reduced water pressures. A terrane of exceptional interest is the Napier complex of Enderby Land, where sapphirine-quartz ± garnet, sillimanite-orthopyroxene, osumilite, and inverted pigeonite are associated with pyroxene-granulite-facies rocks. Metamorphic conditions are estimated to have reached 900°–980°C, 7–9 kbar, and pH2O < 0.5 kbar. Metamorphism in the Napier complex, and possibly in other parts of East Antarctica, may be associated with large loss of fluid rather than massive influx of CO2.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula and the northern Weddell and Scotia Seas were investigated for their ice-rafted debris (IRD) content by lithofacies logging and counting of particles >0.2 cm from core x-radiographs. The objective of the study was to determine if there are iceberg-rafted units similar to the Heinrich layers of the North Atlantic that might record periodic, widespread catastrophic collapse of basins within the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Quaternary. Cores from the Antarctic Peninsula margin contain prominent IRD-rich units, with maximum IRD concentrations in oxygen isotope stages 1, 5, and 7. However, the greater concentration of IRD in interglacial stages is the result of low sedimentation rates and current winnowing, rather than regional-scale episodes of increased iceberg rafting. This is also supported by markedly lower mass accumulation rates (MAR) during interglacial periods versus glacial periods. Furthermore, thinner IRD layers within isotope stages 2–4 and 6 cannot be correlated between individual cores along the margin. This implies that the ice sheet over the Antarctic Peninsula did not undergo widespread catastrophic collapse along its western margin during the late Quaternary (isotope stages 1–7). Sediment cores from the Weddell and Scotia Seas are characterized by low IRD concentrations throughout, and the IRD signal generally appears to be of limited regional significance with few strong peaks that can be correlated between cores. Tentatively, this argues against pervasive, rapid ice-sheet collapse around the Weddell embayment over the last few glacial cycles.  相似文献   

Geological and geophysical data over the Antarctic margin are reviewed to define those areas where thick sedimentary sequences occur which may have potential to source hydrocarbons. Where possible, the Waples-Lopatin model has been used to calculate whether the degree of maturation of the sediments is sufficient for hydrocarbons to have been generated.Significant sedimentary sequences occur along the continental margins of Wilkes Land, western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctic Peninsula and Ellsworth Land and, as basins or troughs, on the continental shelf of Prydz Bay, Weddell Sea and Ross Sea. Maturation assessments are possible for western Dronning Maud Land, eastern Weddell Sea, western Antarctic Peninsula, Ellsworth Land and Ross Sea regions. Within the great limitations of the data, only western Weddell Sea and Ross Sea basins have maturation values sufficient for the generation of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Brenda L. Hall   《Quaternary Science Reviews》2009,28(21-22):2213-2230
A history of Holocene glaciation in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic affords insight into questions concerning present and future ice-sheet and mountain-glacier behavior and global climate and sea-level change. Existing records permit broad correlation of Holocene ice fluctuations within the region. In several areas, ice extent was less than at present in mid-Holocene time. An important exception to this is the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which has undergone continued recession throughout the Holocene, probably in response to internal dynamics. The first Neoglacial ice advances occurred at 5.0 ka, although some sites (e.g., western Ross Sea) lack firm evidence for glacial expansion at that time. Glaciers in all areas underwent renewed growth in the past millennium, and most have subsequently undergone recession in the past 50 years, ranging from near-catastrophic in parts of the Antarctic Peninsula to minor in the western Ross Sea region and sections of East Antarctica. This magnitude difference likely reflects the much greater warming that is taking place in the Antarctic Peninsula region today as compared to East Antarctica.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of marine sediment from the southern Drake Passage were analyzed to reconstruct variations in sediment provenance and transport paths during the late Quaternary. The 5.95 m gravity core used in this study records paleoenvironmental changes during the last approximately 600 ka. Down-core variations in trace element, rare earth element, and Nd and Sr isotopic compositions reveal that sediment provenance varied according to glacial cycles. During glacial periods, detrital sediments in the southern Drake Passage were mostly derived from the nearby South Shetland Islands and shelf sediments. In contrast, interglacial sediments are composed of mixed sediments, derived from both West Antarctica and East Antarctica. The East Antarctic provenance of the interglacial sediments was inferred to be the Weddell Sea region. Sediment input from the Weddell Sea was reduced during glacial periods by extensive ice sheets and weakened current from the Weddell Sea. Sediment supply from the Weddell Sea increased during interglacial periods, especially those with higher warmth such as MIS 5, 9, and 11. This suggests that the influence of deep water from the Weddell Sea increases during interglacial periods and decreases during glacial periods, with the degree of influence increasing as interglacial intensity increases.  相似文献   

Zircon fission track (ZFT), apatite fission track (AFT) and (U–Th)/He thermochronometric data are used to reconstruct the Cenozoic exhumation history of the South China continental margin. A south to north sample transect from coast to continental interior yielded ZFT ages between 116.6 ± 4.7 Ma and 87.3 ± 4.0, indicating that by the Late Cretaceous samples were at depths of 5–6 km in the upper crust. Apatite FT ages range between 60.9 ± 3.6 and 37.3 ± 2.3 Ma with mean track lengths between 13.26 ± 0.16 µm and 13.95 ± 0.19 µm whilst AHe ages are marginally younger 47.5 ± 1.9–15.3 ± 0.5 Ma. These results show the sampled rocks resided in the top 1–1.5 km of the crust for most of the Cenozoic. Thermal history modeling of the combined FT and (U–Th)/He datasets reveal a common three stage cooling history which differed systematically in timing inland away from the rifted margin. 1) Initial phase of rapid cooling that youngs to the north, 2) a period of relative (but not perfect) thermal stasis at ~ 70–60 °C which increases in duration from the south to the north; 3) final-stage cooling to surface temperatures that initiated in all samples between 15 and 10 Ma. The timing and pattern of rock uplift and erosion does not fit with conventional passive margin landscape models that require youngest exhumation ages to be concentrated at or close to the rifted margin. The history of South China margin is more complex aided by weakened crust from the active margin period that immediately preceded rifting and opening of the South China Sea. This rheological inheritance created a transition zone of steeply thinned crust that served as a flexural filter disconnecting the northern margin of the South China block and site of active rifting to the south. Consequently whilst the South China margin displays many features of a rifted continental margin its exhumation history does not conform to conventional images of a passive margin.  相似文献   

The Philippine Sea plate is subducting under the Eurasian plate beneath the Chugoku-Shikoku region, southwestern Japan. We have constructed depth contours for the continental and oceanic Mohos derived from the velocity structure based on receiver function inversion. Receiver functions were calculated using teleseismic waveforms recorded by the high-density seismograph network in southwestern Japan. In order to determine crustal velocity structure, we first improved the linearized time-domain receiver function inversion method. The continental Moho is relatively shallow ( 30 km) at the coastline of the Sea of Japan and at the Seto Inland Sea, and becomes deeper–greater than 40 km–around 35°N and 133.8°E. Near the Seto Inland Sea, a low-velocity layer of thickness 10 km lies under the continental Moho. This low-velocity layer corresponds to the subducting oceanic crust of the Philippine Sea plate. The oceanic Moho continues to descend from south to northwest and exhibits complicated ridge and valley features. The oceanic Moho runs around 25 km beneath the Pacific coast and 45 km beneath the Seto Inland Sea, and it extends to at least to 34.5°N. The depth variation of the Moho discontinuities is in good qualitative agreement with the concept of isostasy. From the configurations of both the continental and oceanic Mohos, we demonstrate that the continental lower crust and the subducting oceanic crust overlap beneath the southern and central part of Shikoku and that a mantle wedge may exist beneath the western and eastern part of Shikoku. The southern edge of the overlapping region coincides with the downdip limit of the slip area of a megathrust earthquake.  相似文献   

Seismotectonics of Taiwan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
High-quality seismicity data and focal mechanism solutions obtained during 1973–1983 by the permanent Taiwan Telemetered Seismographic Network and several temporary local seismographic networks are used for a detailed study of the seismotectonics of the Taiwan area. Seismicity distribution in southern Taiwan clearly reveals an east-dipping Benioff zone which has a thickness of about 30 km and begins to deepen along 121°E at a dip angle of 55°–60°. The leading edge of this Benioff zone reaches a depth of about 180 km between 21°N and 22°N, but tapers off to a shallower depth of about 100 km from 22°N to 23°N. The presence of this seismic zone implies that subduction of the South China Sea plate under the Philippine Sea plate extends from Luzon northward to about 23°N. The position of the northern boundary of the South China Sea plate, as tentatively defined according to the seismicity distribution, passes through southern Taiwan from the offshore area in the Taiwan Strait west of Kaohsiung in an east-northeast direction to the Taitung area where a triple junction probably lies. Seismicity is found to disappear abruptly below a certain depth in many parts of Taiwan. This phenomenon may be attributed to the frictional to quasiplastic transition in the crust or upper mantle. Comparison of shallow seismicity with surface faults and fractures shows that all areas of active shallow seismicity are marked by densely-developed faults and fractures. However, the converse is not necessarily true. This may be partly due to the relatively short duration of seismicity data and partly due to excessive weakening of some of the severely faulted and fractured areas. Finally, focal mechanism solutions for west central Taiwan and the Kuangfu-Fuli area in eastern Taiwan predominantly show a maximum horizontal compression in the SE-NW direction which can be related to collision between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates. However, focal mechanism solutions for both the Hualien area in eastern Taiwan and the Tainan area in southwestern Taiwan show remarkable irregularities which may result from local tectonic complexities.  相似文献   

Field investigation together with a number of geochemical petrographical analyses, as well as absolute K-Ar age determinations and geophysical data, allow the recognition of an evolutionary sequence of geodynamic events which have affected the northern region of Antarctic Peninsula and the adjacent islands.A significant volcanic calc-alkaline belt, which developed on the northwestern margin of the Antarctic Peninsula during the Cretaceous to Middle Tertiary, is indicative of active subduction of the Antarctic plate in that area. This activity decreases during the Lower Miocene, giving way to an expansive phase represented by the Bransfield Rift. These extensional processes are dominant during the Pliocene, creating a rift system in southeastern Bransfield towards Larsen. Both the Bransfield and Larsen systems comprise one “fan-like rift system”, associated with the Prince Gustav Rift and the Scotia Arc micro-plate. Ejection of abundant pyroclastic material generated a large plateau of palagonite hyaloclastites of basaltic alkaline composition. During the Pleistocene-Recent, the extensional activity continued, as evidenced by the active volcanic fractures represented in Bransfield by the Deception, Penguin and Bridgeman volcanic centres; in the Prince Gustav Rift by Paulet Islands and others, and in Larsen by the Coley, Seal Nunatak and Argo volcanic centres. The latter is characterized by basaltic olivine-alkaline effusions. These rifts and the continental blocks are affected by a series of fractures with a N60°–70°W strike, which could be directly associated with the Hero Fracture Zone extending northwest of the South Shetland Islands Trench.  相似文献   

Magnetic observations over the area of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) and the Ross Sea have been compiled into a digital database that furnishes a new regional scale view of the magnetic anomaly crustal field in this key sector of the Antarctic continent. This compilation is a component of the ongoing IAGA/SCAR Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project (ADMAP). The aeromagnetic surveys total 115 000 line km, and are distributed across the Victoria Land sector of the TAM, the Ross Sea, and Marie Byrd Land. The magnetic campaigns were performed within the framework of the national and international Italian–German–US Antarctic research programs and conducted with differing specifications during nine field seasons from 1971 until 1997. Generally flight line spacing was less than 5 km while survey altitude varied from about 610 to 4000 m above sea level for barometric surveys and was equal to 305 m above topography for the single draped survey. Reprocessing included digitizing the old contour data, improved levelling by means of microlevelling in the frequency domain, and re-reduction to a common reference field based on the DGRF90 model. A multi-frequency grid procedure was then applied to obtain a coherent and merged total intensity magnetic anomaly map. The shaded relief map covers an area of approximately 380 000 km2. This new compilation provides a regional image of the location and spatial extent of the Cenozoic alkaline magmatism related to the TAM–Ross Sea rift, Jurassic tholeiites, and crustal segments of the Early Palaeozoic magmatic arc. A linear, approximately 100-km wide and 600-km long Jurassic rift-like structure is newly identified. Magnetic fabric in the Ross Sea rift often matches seismically imaged Cenozoic fault arrays. Major buried onshore pre-rift fault zones, likely inherited from the Ross Orogen, are also delineated. These faults may have been reactivated as strike-slip belts that segmented the TAM into various crustal blocks.  相似文献   

Fifteen new K–Ar ages in the range of 79–31 Ma are partially confirmed by three 40Ar/39Ar plateaus and isochron data of 64.9±0.4, 55.5±0.1 and 52.8±0.6 Ma. The new geochronological data reveal a much more detailed picture of the subduction imprint in the Hurd Peninsula. Using cutting relationships, the dyke emplacement history is divided into four episodes. The Late Cretaceous–Paleocene dykes in the range of 80–60 Ma are related to the main magmatism in Livingston Island and most likely reflect the final stages of subduction of the proto-Pacific oceanic crust. The Early Eocene dykes (56–52 Ma) fill the gap in volcanic activity 70–50 Ma ago. They are the only magmatic event manifested at this time in the region. The 45–42 Ma dykes may be related to the intrusion of the Barnard Point tonalite. Three samples of Oligocene age appear to represent the last igneous activities on the Hurd Peninsula prior to the opening of the Bransfield Strait.  相似文献   

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