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Although benthic macrophytes must be considered in monitoring programs to establish the ecological status of transitional and coastal waters in the European Union, the patterns of variability in species composition of macrophyte assemblages in Mediterranean coastal lagoons has scarcely been studied. In this work the spatial (both vertical and horizontal) and seasonal dynamics of macrophyte assemblages in a coastal lagoon (Mar Menor) are compared with those of open coastal assemblages in the SW Mediterranean to analyze any biological variability in lagoon assemblages and the factors that determine such variability. Different assemblages, characterized by well defined groups of species, can be described according to their isolation from the open sea and the type of substratum; at the same time, a vertical zonation pattern, similar to that found in all marine communities but more compressed, exists. This implies that when applying the EU Water Framework Directive or assessing environmental impact, a lagoon should not be considered spatially uniform and unique unit but as a mosaic of assemblages.  相似文献   

Patterns of species richness are governed by processes that act at vastly different spatial scales. In the marine system of southwest Australia, macroalgal assemblage structure and richness is thought to be strongly influenced by both the Leeuwin Current, which acts at large regional spatial scales, and small-scale processes such as competition, wave disturbance and habitat heterogeneity. We examined macroalgal species richness and diversity at multiple spatial scales using a three-factor hierarchal design. Spatial extents ranged from metres (between quadrats) to many hundreds of kilometres (between regions), and the study encompassed almost 2000 km of temperate coastline. Macroalgal assemblages were highly speciose and the number, identity, and diversity of species varied considerably at all spatial scales. Small scale variability, at the scale of site or quadrat, contributed most to total variation in species richness and diversity, suggesting that small-scale processes are important drivers of ecological pattern in this system. Species richness, diversity and taxonomic distinctness increased sequentially along the coastline, from warmer to cooler waters. Small scale variability was most likely maintained by wave disturbance and habitat heterogeneity at these scales, while regional scale diversity and richness clines were attributed to the fact that most species had cool-water affinities and the southern coast of Australia is a hotspot of floral speciation and diversity. Macroalgal assemblages in southwest Australia are speciose and largely endemic, and biodiversity patterns are structured by multiple processes operating at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

The fish assemblages of the Ebrié lagoon (Ivory Coast) were sampled by experimental fishing over the entire lagoon using a purse seine net. The sampling was conducted in the two main hydroclimatic seasons for this ecosystem, i.e. in the dry season (March–April) and in the wet season (August–September). The results obtained showed a fish assemblage organized around a consistently occurring group of twenty species. When analysed in terms of ecological categories, the seasonal influence led to a cycle in the assemblages from freshwater to marine around this permanent species pool, with a seasonal renewal of the assemblage. At the scale of the lagoon, there were variations in the composition of the assemblages that clearly distinguished the western part from the eastern one. The limit was situated at the Vridi canal, a wide artificial channel permanently connecting the lagoon to the sea. To the west, the assemblage was characterised by a strong spatial uniformity and low seasonal variability. To the east, the assemblage formed two different entities; one assemblage with pronounced freshwater affinities occurring in a side arm and the other assemblage with great seasonal variability under the alternating influence of seawater in the dry season and freshwater in the wet season. This part of the lagoon functioned somewhat like a typical estuary.  相似文献   

The demand for sensitive biological tools to assess the environmental quality of coastal waters at broad spatial scales is increasing. Many of the tools used are based on the taxonomic composition of biotic assemblages. They usually require a valuable taxonomic expertise while are unique reflecting the overall ecosystem integrity. Here, we evaluate the potential indicator value of several features of the epiphytic community (overall assemblage composition, species richness, and proportion of the main taxonomic groups) growing on the seagrass Posidonia oceanica leaves. We do so by empirically examining their changes along a disturbance gradient where multiple human activities have interactive and cumulative impacts, sampling at different spatial scales and at two different depths (5 and 15 m). Our results show that the specific composition of the epiphytic assemblages (i.e. species composition) closely reflects, in the deep meadows, the combined effects of different anthropogenic stressors along the gradient, showing an integrative and non-specific response. Similarly, an increase in the proportion of hydrozoans, and a decrease in the proportion of rhodophytes and chlorophytes are observed in deep meadows along the gradient. In shallow meadows, grazing and biotic features of the seagrass seem the main forcing factors determining species composition, and therefore masking the response of epiphytes to the deterioration gradient. After address the effect of natural sources of variability (water depth, within- and between-meadow heterogeneity), changes in epiphyte assemblages and in the proportion of hydrozoans, rhodophytes and chlorophytes in relatively deep meadows seem promising monitoring tools for detecting coastal environmental deterioration.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether the variability in the structure of the epiphytic assemblages of leaves and rhizomes of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica differed between depths at a large spatial scale. A hierarchical sampling design was used to compare epiphytic assemblages at two different depths (10 and 20 m) in terms of both species composition and abundance and patterns of spatial variability in the Tuscan Archipelago (North Western Mediterranean Sea, Italy). Results showed significant differences in the structure of assemblages on rhizomes and leaves at different depths. These differences were related to species composition and abundance; differences were not significant for total biomass, total percentage cover and percentage cover of animals and algae. Whereas the higher variability was observed among shoots in all the studied systems, patterns of spatial variability at the other spatial scales investigated differed between the two studied depths. Moreover, in the present study, analogous patterns between depths resulted for both the assemblages of leaves and rhizomes, suggesting that factors that change with depth can be responsible for the spatial variability of both the assemblages (leaves and rhizomes), and operate regardless of the microclimatic conditions and the structure of assemblages.  相似文献   

Variability of fish assemblages across habitat structures can depend on spatial scales. A hierarchical sampling design was used to assess the spatial variability of temperate fish assemblages in different habitats and at multiple scales. Underwater visual censuses were carried out along the coasts of Elba Island (NW Mediterranean) on Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky algal reefs and sandy habitat at three spatial scales, namely tens of metres (individual replicates), hundreds of metres (sites) and tens of kilometres (locations). At the assemblage level, there was a clear relationship between fish and habitat type and the observed habitat‐related differences were largely dependent on species identity. Fish assemblages on P. oceanica beds and rocky reefs shared a high number of species, whereas overlap with sandy assemblages was negligible. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences in fish assemblages among habitats, although there was also a significant habitat × site interaction. These differences relied mainly upon assemblage composition and species richness. Assemblages on rocky reefs and P. oceanica meadows usually harboured a higher number of species and individuals compared with sandy assemblages. Nevertheless, the patterns of habitat‐related differences in species richness and, especially, in the total number of fish, changed significantly from site to site. Eight species showed significant differences over habitats, but they were not consistent due to the interaction of habitat with site. Predictability of fish at both assemblage and population levels decreased with the scale of observation, and the spatial pattern of fish observed at the smallest scale was likely dependent on factors other than habitat type.  相似文献   

The consistency of habitat-related differences in coastal lagoon fish assemblages was assessed across different spatial and temporal scales. Multimesh gillnets were used to sample assemblages of fish on a monthly basis for 1-year in three habitats (shallow seagrass, shallow bare and deep substrata) at two locations (>1 km apart), in each of two coastal lagoons (approximately 500 km apart), in southeastern Australia. A total of 48 species was sampled with 34 species occurring in both lagoons and in all three habitats; species caught in only one lagoon or habitat occurred in low numbers. Ten species dominated assemblages and accounted for more than 83% of all individuals sampled. In both lagoons, assemblages in the deep habitat consistently differed to those in the shallow strata (regardless of habitat). Several species were caught more frequently or in larger numbers in the deep habitat. Assemblages in the two shallow habitats did not differ consistently and were dominated by the same species and sizes of fish, possibly due to habitat heterogeneity and the scale and method of sampling. Within each lagoon, very few between location differences in assemblages within each habitat were observed. Consistent differences in assemblages were detected between lagoons for the shallow bare and deep habitats, indicating there were some intrinsic differences in ichthyofauna between lagoons. Assemblages in spring differed to those in summer, which differed to those in winter for the shallow bare habitat in both lagoons, and the deep habitat in only one lagoon. Fish-habitat relationships are complex and differences in the fish fauna between habitats were often temporally inconsistent. This study highlights the need for greater testing of habitat relationships in space and time to assess the generality of observations and to identify the processes responsible for structuring assemblages.  相似文献   

Very few coral reefs are located close enough to large cities to study the influence of large urban populations on reef assemblages. An exception is the Thousand Islands reef complex to the north of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and one of the largest conurbations in the world. Here we present data from a detailed survey where sponge assemblages were assessed at 30 patch reefs associated with islands in three coastal zones along an in-to-offshore gradient. Sponge assemblages are described at three taxonomic levels of detail (species, genus and family level). We recorded a total of 118 sponge species, 64 genera and 36 families, Aaptos suberitoides (Brønsted, 1934), Clathria (Thalysias) reinwardti (Vosmaer, 1880), Petrosia (Petrosia) nigricans (Lindgren, 1897) and Xestospongia testudinaria (Lamarck, 1813) were the most common species overall. There was a pronounced difference in composition among zones with the most distinct difference between the inshore zone and the other two zones. The inshore environment was characterised by very high turbidity and low live coral cover; the dominant substrate consisted of algal turf and sand. Environmental conditions improved and sponge diversity increased further offshore, although most areas appeared to have been affected by some form of disturbance. Ordinations were also largely congruent, at species, generic and family levels of taxonomic resolution. This indicates that variation in composition at higher taxonomic levels is a good indicator of variation at lower taxonomic levels, at least when there is a pronounced environmental gradient.  相似文献   

The importance of transitional water ecosystems as nursery habitats and feeding grounds for fish species is well-known. Detailed studies of colonization patterns of fish guilds in response to biotic and abiotic drivers are however unevenly distributed among ecosystem types. We address here the temporal variability of fish assemblages in small non-tidal lagoons in the Mediterranean basin. The study was carried out at the Acquatina lagoon (Lecce, Italy) where four stations, situated in two habitat types along a confinement gradient, were sampled twice per month for one year with fyke nets. Forty-five taxa ranging across 20 families were collected, with the most abundant species, Atherina boyeri, accounting for more than 95% of total abundance. Pooling all species together (excluding sand smelt), the structural features of the assemblage, relative abundance of families, and abundance of individual species all showed significant temporal patterns. Mean abundance peaked in Summer and Autumn and fell in Winter, whereas taxonomic richness and diversity were highest in Summer and lowest in Spring. Within the fish assemblage, multivariate ordination showed temporal segregation of species belonging to the same family or genus and expected to be functionally similar, suggesting that they avoid competition for space and resources by timing inward migration and peak occurrence differently. Of the environmental driving forces, which also showed temporal patterns of variation, salinity was the main factor affecting the distribution of individuals and species. The catch of young individuals of several marine species confirmed the role of this small lagoon as a nursery and feeding area, and emphasized the need for further studies.  相似文献   

Natural assemblages show large variability at multiple scales in space and time as a consequence of several abiotic and biological factors. This study was conducted in conditions of high turbidity of the water and examined the spatio-temporal variability and the vertical distribution at two different depths of a low rocky subtidal assemblage. Algal and invertebrate organisms were sampled at a range of spatial scales extending from meters to a few kilometers, over a period of 21 months. Results indicated that patterns of distribution and abundance of organisms differed between the two depths and at the smallest spatial scales examined. These differences were due to differences in relative abundance rather than differences in composition of taxa. Results showed that assemblages varied largely among dates of sampling, suggesting that temporal variability of these organisms may be more important than previously stated. The patchy distribution and the peculiar life traits of most taxa of these assemblages allowed the concept of metapopulation and metacommunity to be applied to this system. This might have implications for predictions of the responses of subtidal assemblages to environmental changes due to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to identify the main environmental drivers shaping temporal and spatial dynamics of macrobenthic communities within a eutrophic coastal lagoon. Sediments in the óbidos lagoon showed a gradient of increasing metal contamination from the inlet area to inner branches. The mid-lower lagoon area exhibited an intermediate contaminated condition between the inlet and upstream areas, suggesting that the effects of the organic loadings into the lagoon may be reflected until this area. This transitional feature was corroborated by biological data, with macrobenthic assemblages displaying characteristics of down- and upstream areas. Macrobenthic abundance peaked in winter, which was associated with a higher nutrient availability (mainly ammonium) and the proliferation of green macroalgae in mid-lower and inner lagoon areas. However, massive macroalgae growth resulted in a sharp decrease of macrobenthic diversity and abundance in spring, particularly where the higher amounts of decaying algae were detected. Higher dissimilarities between assemblages were detected during winter (and spring, for trophic composition), while in summer, differences were highly attenuated. The least contaminated area (close to the sea inlet) experienced smaller temporal variations for environmental variables, as well as the lowest temporal biological variability. This area was dominated by carnivores, which were related with increased salinity. Deposit-feeders were numerically dominant in the lagoon, being generally spread within organically enriched sandy and muddy areas. The high concentration of chlorophyll a and suspended particulate matter in water was reflected in the abundance of deposit-feeders/suspension-feeders, taking benefit of the high primary productivity. On the other hand, deposit-feeders/herbivores responded to the decay of macroalgae mats in the sediment. Biological associations varied with the biological data used (taxonomic versus trophic group composition; abundance versus biomass), highlighting the relevance of the combination of different data analysis' approaches. In general, BIOENV analysis indicated total phosphorus, biomass of Ulva, metals and organic carbon and nitrogen as being significantly influencing benthic patterns. On the other hand, discrepancies in ecological behaviours of some taxa were also detected in the present study stressing the need for additional studies on the relationships between macrobenthic communities and environmental variables. Implications of the present results for monitoring studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic sufficiency approach has been proposed as a surrogate for the typical analysis of speciesabundance data, especially in conditions involving prominent pollution gradients. Here, we evaluate the use of taxonomic sufficiency with infralittoral macrobenthic data derived from samples taken in a moderate polluted subtropical environment in southeastern Brazil, analysing five taxonomic levels and including two functional levels throughout polychaete feeding guilds and trophic groups. The data were collected seasonally at nine stations and studied for two abundance data series (0.5 and 1.0 mm sieve mesh-size). The results showed a similar ordination pattern between the two sieve mesh-size, but with the 0.5 mm sieve data a different pattern was observed during austral summer. A slight loss of information was detected using genus, family, polychaete species and their feeding guilds as taxonomic/ functional units. These results together with those of the cost/ benefit ratio, suggested that the family level seemed to be sufficient to detect the impact caused by moderate pollution in this shallow-water, subtropical environment. In additional, through the use of feeding guilds, similar patterns are obtained. Correlation analysis showed that chlorophyll a, total organic matter, zinc, and chromium sediment content were the variables that best explained the biological pattern observed and not always the best correlation coefficient occurring at the species level. The feeding guild approach seems to be useful and generates interpretable results similar to those obtained with the species level of the whole macroinfauna. The results showed an important cost reduction in the sample processing, suggesting that it is possible to adopt a coarser taxonomic level monitoring program even in species-rich communities.  相似文献   

Macroalgae are useful organisms to monitor the environmental quality and to detect impacts due to anthropogenic activities. However, it is very important to identify the scales of variation in natural assemblages, particularly for the detection of environmental impacts. Otherwise, changes due to anthropogenic impacts may be confused with differences due to natural temporal variability. Another important task is to determine the appropriate level of taxonomical effort needed to detect changes in the assemblage structure. Many taxonomical surrogates, at higher taxonomic levels than that of species, have been proposed but, the consistence in space and time of the results produced by surrogates with those obtained at specific level should be tested. The objectives of this study are to identify the seasonal patterns of tidepool macroalgal communities using objective procedures and to test the consistence between the patterns obtained considering data at the species level and functional groups. Results showed that the seasonal pattern obtained using functional groups and species was consistent. Tidepool macroalgal assemblages showed a seasonal pattern with significant differences between spring–summer and autumn–winter. This pattern can be explained by changes in environmental variables and the seasonal development of the dominating species. Ulva spp. and the non-indigenous species Grateloupia turuturu were the species responsible for this pattern due to their high seasonality in terms of biomass. Finally, the abundance and species diversity within the corticated functional group was proposed as indicator of environmental impacts due to its relatively constant abundance and its sensitivity to environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Variation partitioning is an important tool to investigate the importance of spatial structure to species distribution in communities, but its use is lacking in marine ecosystems. The influence of rare species and the level of taxonomic resolution are important features to be considered when planning sampling designs and efforts for community studies. We tested the significance of spatial and environmental components to species distribution of a polychaete community, considering how the results varied among models with increasingly rare species (and contrasting metrics), and among models with distinct taxonomic levels. For all models evaluated, both spatial and environmental components significantly explained the structure of species distribution. However, spatial processes explained a higher percentage of variance than environmental ones in almost all models. The inclusion of rare species did not influence the outcome in most models, with the exception of a Chi‐square distance model with all species included. Family taxonomic level was sufficient to detect the relative contribution of both components, but the number of environmental variables included in the model was higher for the genus level. The influence of rare species was related to the metric applied to the analysis. If weight to rare species is not desirable, the use of a few dominant species coupled with the Hellinger function can provide a good surrogate to the whole sampled community in variation partition analysis. The genus level is suggested as an appropriate taxonomic level with which to evaluate the relevance of spatial and environmental components in polychaete community studies.  相似文献   

We used stable C and N isotope ratios of tissues from 29 fish species from a large subtropical lagoon in southern Brazil to examine spatial variability in isotopic composition and vertical trophic structure across freshwater and estuarine habitats. Nitrogen isotope ratios indicated a smooth gradation in trophic positions among species, with most fishes occupying the secondary and tertiary consumer level. Fish assemblages showed a significant shift in their carbon isotopic signatures between freshwater and estuarine sites. Depleted carbon signatures (from −24.7‰ to −17.8‰) were found in freshwater, whereas more enriched signatures (from −19.1‰ to −12.3‰) were obtained within the estuarine zone downstream. Based on our survey of the C3 and C4 plants and isotopic values for phytoplankton and benthic microalgae reported for ecosystems elsewhere, we hypothesized that the observed δ13C differences in the fish assemblage between freshwater and estuarine sites is due to a shift from assimilating organic matter ultimately derived from C3 freshwater marsh vegetation and phytoplankton at the freshwater site (δ13C ranging from −25‰ to −19‰), to C4 salt-marsh (e.g. Spartina) and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima), benthic microalgae and marine phytoplankton at the estuarine sites (from −18‰ to −12‰). Our results suggested that fish assemblages are generally supported by autochthonous primary production. Freshwater fishes that likely were displaced downstream into the estuary during periods of high freshwater discharge had depleted δ13C values that were characteristic of the upper lagoon. These results suggest that spatial foodweb subsidies can occur within the lagoon.  相似文献   

Sponges are important components of coral reef fauna, although little is known of their temporal dynamics. Sponges dominate the lagoon system at Palmyra Atoll in the Central Pacific, which may not be its natural state. Here we examined the temporal variability and recruitment rates of these sponge assemblages to determine if they are stable and examined the evidence that a recent transition has occurred from a coral‐ to sponge‐dominated system. We found 24 sponge species in permanent quadrats in the lagoon between 2009 and 2011, and 11 species on our recruitment panels. The sponge assemblage composition and abundance did not vary significantly between years and appear stable. Many sponge recruits were found in both years that the panels were examined although higher rates were recorded in the second year of the study. While it seems very possible that a change to a sponge‐dominated lagoon is associated with declining environmental quality at Palmyra as a result of modifications over 70 years ago, without pre‐modification data on reef assemblage composition this remains speculative. Our observations of short‐term temporal stability in the sponge assemblages at Palmyra highlight the potential for sponge‐dominated reef states to be maintained in degraded reef environments that are seemingly unsuitable for coral survival.  相似文献   

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