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Summary. A direct calculation is made of the effect on the Chandler wobble of 1287 earthquakes that occurred during 1977–1983. The hypocentral parameters (location and origin time) and the moment tensor representation of the best point source for each earthquake as determined by the 'centroidmoment tensor' technique were used to calculate the change in the Chandler wobble's excitation function by assuming this change is due solely to the static deformation field generated by that earthquake. The resulting theoretical earthquake excitation function is compared with the 'observed' excitation function that is obtained by deconvolving a Chandler wobble time series derived from LAGEOS polar motion data. Since only 7 years of data are available for analysis it is not possible to resolve the Chandler band and determine whether or not the theoretical earthquake excitation function derived here is coherent and in phase with the 'observed' excitation function in that band. However, since the power spectrum of the earthquake excitation function is about 56 dB less than that of the 'observed' excitation function at frequencies near the Chandler frequency, it is concluded that earthquakes, via their static deformation field, have had a negligible influence on the Chandler wobble during 1977–1983. However, fault creep or any type of aseismic slip that occurs on a time-scale much less than the period of the Chandler wobble could have an important (and still unmodelled) effect on the Chandler wobble.  相似文献   

Summary . Plots of seismic velocity and density of rock samples show that a range of densities is possible for rocks of each seismic velocity and vice versa. although a single linear relationship is often assumed in crustal gravity calculations. Because of the scatter, whenever rocks of known seismic velocity are converted to density using this relationship, a reduction is made to the resolving power of the resulting gravity calculation. If these rocks reach thicknesses of more than a few kilometres, then the uncertainties become significant when compared with the size of commonly observed gravity anomalies. Examples are considered from the North Sea, Mississippi and Carolina Trough. It is concluded that the use of a seismic velocity measurement as the only indication of rock density does not provide a useful constraint when attempting to reproduce observed gravity variations. An appropriate model for isostatic compensation is probably the most important factor for successful predictions of crustal structure on the basis of gravity data.  相似文献   

A methodology is proposed for the quantification of volcanic explosions based on three parameters derived from broad-band seismic signals: the counter force of the eruption F , the power of the explosion P and the duration of the upward movement of the gas slug in the conduit to the free surface of magma, D . This methodology was applied to the 2004–2005 sequence of explosions at Volcán de Colima, Mexico. The broad-band records of more than 100 explosive events were obtained at a distance of 4 km from the crater. We determined the counter force of the eruption by modelling the low-frequency impulse of the seismic records of 66 volcanic explosions and estimated the power of 116 explosions from the spectra of the high-frequency impulse. The power of Colima explosions spans five orders of magnitude; the counter force spans four orders of magnitude. We show that the power of a volcanic explosion is proportional to the counter force of the eruption. These parameters may be used for the elaboration of a scale of volcanic explosions.  相似文献   

Summary. In this study, seismological techniques are combined with surface observations to investigate the faulting associated with three large earthquakes in western Turkey. All involved normal faulting that nucleated at 6–10 km depth with dips in the range 30–50°. The two largest earthquakes, at Alaşehir (1969.3.28) and Gediz (1970.3.28), were clearly multiple events and their seismograms indicate that at least two discrete subevents were involved in producing the observed surface faulting. In addition, their seismograms contain later, longer-period signals that are likely to represent source, not structure or propagation, complexities. These later signals can be modelled by subevents with long time functions on almost flat detachment-type faults.
As a result of these observations, we propose a model for the deformation of the lower crust, in which brittle failure of the top part occurs when high strain rates are imposed during an earthquake that ruptures right through the upper, brittle crust. Under these special circumstances, seismic motion occurs on discrete faults in the lower crust, which otherwise normally deforms by distributed creep. In the case of the normal faults studied here, motion in the uppermost lower crust takes place on shallow dipping faults that are downward continuations of the steeper faults that break to the surface. The faults thus have an overall listric geometry, flattening into a weak zone below the brittle layer at a depth that is probably dependent on the termperature gradient. This interpretation explains why detachment-type mechanisms are not seen in first motion fault plane solutions of normal faulting earthquakes, and suggests an origin for the Metamorphic Core Complexes seen in the Basin and Range Province, which probably represent flat lower crustal faults, analogous to those postulated at Alaşehir and Gediz, that have been uplifted to the surface.  相似文献   

Telluric distortion occurs when electric charges accumulate along near-surface inhomogeneities. At low frequencies, the electric currents associated with these charges can be neglected compared to currents induced deeper in the Earth. At higher frequencies, the magnetic fields associated with these currents may be significant. Some parameters describing the distortion magnetic fields can be estimated from measured magneto-telluric impedance matrices. For regional magnetic fields aligned with regional strike directions, parameters associated with the distortion magnetic field component parallel to the regional magnetic field are undeterminable, whereas parameters associated with the distortion magnetic field component perpendicular to the regional magnetic field can be estimated. Optimal estimates are straightforward even for the realistic case of measurement errors that are correlated between elements of a measured impedance matrix. In a simple example of a 1-D anisotropic model with anisotropy direction varying with depth, the modelling of distortion magnetic fields results in regional impedance estimates corresponding more closely to the responses of uncoupled isotropic models, allowing sensible interpretation of an additional one and a half decades of data.  相似文献   

Two end‐member models have been proposed for the Paleogene Andean foreland: a simple W‐E migrating foreland model and a broken‐foreland model. We present new stratigraphic, sedimentological and structural data from the Paleogene Quebrada de los Colorados (QLC) Formation, in the Eastern Cordillera, with which to test these two different models. Basin‐wide unconformities, growthstrata and changes in provenance indicate deposition of the QLC Formation in a tectonically active basin. Both west‐ and east‐vergent structures, rooted in the basement, controlled the deposition and distribution of the QLC Formation from the Middle Eocene to the Early Miocene. The provenance analysis indicates that the main source areas were basement blocks, like the Paleozoic Oire Eruptive Complex, uplifted during Paleogene shortening, and that delimits the eastern boundary of the present‐day intraorogenic Puna plateau. A comparison of the QLC sedimentary basin‐fill pattern with those of adjacent Paleogene basins in the Puna plateau and in the Santa Bárbara System highlights the presence of discrete depozones. These reflect the early compartmentalization of the foreland, rather than a stepwise advance of the deformation front of a thrust belt. The early Tertiary foreland of the southern central Andes is represented by a ca. 250‐km‐wide area comprising several deformation zones (Arizaro, Macón, Copalayo and Calchaquí) in which doubly vergent or asymmetric structures, rooted in the basement, were generated. Hence, classical foreland model is difficult to apply in this Paleogene basin; and our data and interpretation agree with a broken‐foreland model.  相似文献   

Postcollisional tectonic movements in orogens and their adjacent foreland basins related to intraplate stresses and the presence of a remnant slab are likely to induce significant deformations overprinting the existing patterns of nappe emplacement. In the Carpathian Bend Zone, Romania, vertical motions associated with very limited postorogenic intraplate shortening are of similar magnitude as those generally caused by large orogenic deformations. In the Latest Miocene–Pliocene, up to 6 km of postcollisional sediments of remarkably parallel stratification were deposited in a basin extending over a large part of the present‐day orogen. The Early Quaternary featured a dramatical change as the orogen was uplifted while subsidence continued in the basin, tilting the basin flank adjacent to the orogen to a vertical position. The remnant slab presently below the Bend zone in Vrancea is the prime mechanism to have driven the Pliocene subsidence. The Quaternary changes and the eastwards migration of the pattern of vertical motions can be explained by large‐scale folding, in response to the overall compressive regime that is recorded in the whole Pannonian‐Carpathian area.  相似文献   

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