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Anandpur Sahib area of Rupnagar district (Punjab) was investigated using an integrated multi-disciplinary approach of geomorphological, structural, drainage and morphotectonic analysis through satellite data and GIS. Most commonly used geomorphic indices viz., channel sinuosity, drainage basin asymmetry, basin elongation ratio, mountain front sinuosity and valley floor to valley width ratio index have been used to identify the geomorphic indicators of active tectonics in the area. Existence of fluvial anomalies viz., abrupt changes in flow direction, flow against gradient, beheaded streams and river terraces reflect the strong structural control on the fluvial features. Asymmetric nature of drainage basin, elongated nature of the sub-watersheds, straight to curvilinear mountain fronts and narrow incised valley floors further substantiate the role of active tectonics in the region.  相似文献   

Studies on water resources and hydrogeology of an area have become much easier with the help of Remote Sensing Technology. As an attempt to evaluate hydrogeology and ground water conditions of the tehsil Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda district, a hydromorphogeological map of the area was prepared through visual interpretation of satellite imagery. The study shows that the study area, a part of the Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain, is occupied by a large number of sand-dune complexes deposited by the ancient Satluj River while traversing the area during the past. Later on reworking of sand-dunes by aeolian action and their physical removal for agricultural purposes resulted in the present landscape of a plain land with sanddune complexes. Unconsolidated Quaternary alluvial sediments consisting of fine to medium-grained sand with admixture of kankar and some clay constitute the aquifer system of the area. Studies show that ground water occurs under both confined and unconfined conditions with water table at shallow depths. But the quality of the ground water is poor to marginal in most of the area except in the vicinity of main canal (Kotla Branch) where water seepage from canals has made the ground water good in quality.  相似文献   

Bist Doab interfluvial tract in the north-western part of Punjab, India, has been investigated for geomorphic signatures of active tectonics using remotely sensed data and geographical information system (GIS). The anomalous river flow, abrupt changes in flow direction, angular drainage, compressed meanders, asymmetry of river bends, high channel sinuosity, abandoned channels, water-logged and marshy areas observed along the courses of Beas and Sutlej rivers and their tributaries indicate tectonically active nature of the terrain. The strong control exercised by the NE-SW and NW-SE trending lineaments on the drainage network is well evident in the form of long straightened slope deviatory courses, definite changes in channel pattern and sharp knee bend turns taken by the seasonal rivulets. The asymmetric and elongated nature of watersheds and straight to curvilinear mountain fronts quantified through morphotectonic analysis are characteristic of tectonically active settings and further corroborate the evidence of active tectonics.  相似文献   

A detailed-reconnaissance soil survey of the Sangrur district was undertaken through systematic aerial photo-interpretation technique and a soil map on 1: 50,000 scale showing the association of soil series prepared. The salt-affected soils have been grouped into 4 soil associations and 8 soil series based on the diffrences in texture, drainge, profile development and degree of deterioration. The salt-affected soils are found both in plains and Channels. The piain unit without distinct parcelling (barren) white and fine textured tones represented the association of salic Natraqualfs (Ghabdan series) and Aquic Natruststalfs (Kaheru series). The piain units partly cultivated whitish-gray, fine to medium textured tones consisted of a association of Natraquic Calciorthids (Langrian and Narikc series) and Natraquic Camborthids (Isri Series). Lastly, the piain units with pattern of dark-tone and light mottles (mottled-iones,) distinct parceiling, cultivated consists of Typic Ustochrepts (Balewal series), Aquic Camborthids (Phaguwala series) and Natraquic Calciorthids (Marike series). The filled up Channels whitish-gray tones, concave relief, cultivated comprise wet soils (Jatwan series) which have been classified as Aeric Halaquepts. It is found that about 17% of the mapped area in Sangrur district is salt-affected, out of which 12% consisiing Ghabdan, Kaheru, Langrian and Isri series is severely salt-affected and rest 5% consisting, Phaguwala, Narike and Jatwan series is moderately to slightly affected.  相似文献   

A scheme called National Food Security Mission was launched by Government of India in 2007 for wheat, rice and pulses crops. At the request of Ministry of Agriculture for monitoring intensification of pulses a project called Pulses Intensification was taken up in Rabi season 2012–2013. Reliable statistics using advanced methods is very important for variety of pulse crops. Remotely sensed data can help in pre-harvest area estimation of pulse crops. Pulses in India are grown as partly scattered and partly contiguous crop. Growth in scattered areas and poor vegetation canopy of some of the pulse crops poses a challenge in its identification and discrimination using remotely sensed data. National Inventory of Rabi pulse crops in major growing regions of northern and southern parts of India was attempted. Multi-date AWiFS data and multi-date NDVI products of AWiFS of Rabi season 2014–2015 were used to study spectral-temporal behavior of pulse crops. Pulse crops accuracies of more than 95 % was observed in contiguous areas and 50–80.77 % in scattered regions. All India area estimate of Rabi pulses for the year 2014–2015 was 8963.327 ‘000 ha.  相似文献   

The analysis of Landsat imagery has enabled to demarcate the exact limits of the Piedmont Zone (Kandi Area) an important geomorphic unit of the Bist Doab. The study reveals that this Piedmont has the shape of a large fan and covers aboutone third of the total area of Bist Doab.  相似文献   

This study presents a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based geostatistical and visualization analysis of crop suitability in two blocks of sub-mountain area of Punjab under diversification programme. It combines the limitation approach of land capability classification, productivity potential evaluation procedure and crop suitability evaluation framework of FAO. Two blocks from the sub mountain Siwalik region of Punjab viz., Mahalpur and Garhshankar were selected. This study evaluates the capabilities of the study area for traditional crops like wheat, paddy and maize, and recently introduced crops like sugarcane, sunflower, pea, rapeseed-mustard, potatoes and kinnow for agricultural diversification. The suitability of the crops has been worked out at the village level. About 35–40 per cent of total area mostly in Siwallik hills is not fit for growing any type of crop. Sandy texture, uneven topography, moderately steep slopes and excessive drainage are responsible for unsuitability of this area. The GIS based suitability analysis for traditional crops as well as for new crops, under diversification of agriculture has been undertaken. The geostatistical analysis points towards suitability of relatively large areas for new crops like sunflower, potato, pea (green) and sugarcane. Forty three and 14 per cent of total area has been found highly suitable and suitable respectively for growing green pea - a cash crop. Thirty three per cent of total area is suitable for growing kinnow fruit. The success of diversification programme is subject to logical government policy in terms of providing cold storage, food processing facility and marketing infrastructure.  相似文献   

Ghagghar river in the alluvial plains of Punjab and Haryana, north-west India exhibits the phenomenon of avulsion in its middle and lower reaches. Study of aerial photographs shows that it has abandoned a 25 km long meander belt between Badshahpur and south of Jaswantpura which lies to the north of the present channel. The present channel course lies at a lower elevation on the flood plain away from the levee deposits which acted as an alluvial ridge.  相似文献   

Landscape characterization gives an overall information on the status of Land Use and Land Cover(LULC),changes in its composition and the impact of natural and human influences operating at different spatial and temporal scales.This information can be used to monitor changes in natural forest resources and protected areas,delineate potential conservation areas and can serve in effective management of ecologically fragile landscapes.In the present study,geo-spatial tools were used to characterize the landscape of Sariska National Park and its surroundings.Satellite data was used to prepare LULC maps for 1989 and 2000,change detection analysis and computation of landscape metrics.Climatic data,field records and modeling tools were used to map the po-tential spread of two invasive species,Prosopis juliflora and Adhatoda vasica.The results show that the forest area increased from 1989 to 2000,indicating better management practices.Landscape metrics(PAFRAC,PLADJ and AI)also support this argument.Improvements in the degraded forest can further enhance this effect.The entire reserve however is suitable for the invasion of P.juliflora and A.vasica but is more pronounced in Boswellia serrata and Anogeissus pendula-Acacia catechu(open)forests.A detailed landscape characterization map can help forest managers to make important policy decisions concerning issues such as in-vasive species.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the world and any alterations might lead to changes in their bio-physical, socio-economic and climatic conditions. Wetland dynamics as an index of land use change were studied. Satellite remote sensing was utilized to understand the periodic and seasonal dynamics of Samaspur wetlands using Landsat and RESOURCESAT-1 temporal data. Index-based (i.e., Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)) classification resulted in meaningful discrimination of wetland classes. Results indicate (i) effective water spread areas have increased to optimum capacity at 1990 due to the influence of Sharda canal, (ii) expansion of the agricultural area has led to reduction of the wetland buffer area, and (iii) increase in vegetation biomass due to pesticide-fertilizer runoff and sedimentation load. We also reiterate (i) free availability of the Landsat satellite data in public domain facilitating such monitoring studies and (ii) availability and utility of SWIR band information in wetland classification exercise. The study concludes that policy-driven measures have both long and short term impacts on land use and its natural wetland ecosystems; and the characterizing the later serves as indictor of the former and perhaps vice versa.  相似文献   

Conventional aerial Photographs coupled with the old and present topographical maps are used to map the flood affected areas of emphemeral streams around Mahilpur in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab State. These streams have their origin in the Sub-mountainous zone of Siwaliks in Punjab and being turbulent in nature are the main cause of Soil erosion in the Siwaliks. In the plains such streams spread out and deposit large amount of sand eroded from the Siwaliks over fertile lands resulting them unproductive. An endeavour has been made by the authors to delineate and study the past and present flood affected areas of these ephemeral streams in the light of flood protection measures; Soil conservation measures; and improved agricultural practices adopted by the State Government and the individual inhabitants of the area.  相似文献   

本文应用联邦德国的一个实例,介绍了大比例尺(1:5000)彩红外航空像片应用于森林灾害调查的程序和方法。总结了彩红外航空像片判读树种和林木受损害等级的标志;并分析了不同树种、年龄和海拔高度等因素对林木受损害程度的影响;最后提出了调查精度。结果表明:利用彩红外航空像片调查林木因大气污染、病虫害、自然灾害等因子影响而受损的程度的方法,可以为合理经营规划森林资源快速提供较精确的信息。  相似文献   

Various geomorph.ological features associated with fluvial processes of the river Satluj are mapped using photo-interpretation techniques with a view to assess the environmental status of the area in the north-east of Ludhiana (Punjab State). Features mapped include braided river channels, oxbow lakes and meander scrolls. The younger alluvium supports good vegetation and cultivation because of -shallow depth of water level; though prone to annual floods in the lower levels and major floods in the higher levels. It is saved from these hazards by providing bunding on both sides of river isolated sand deposit patches have been demarcated in the older alluvium. Shifting of the main river channel towards north is noticed as it has gradually shifted from its earlier course which lies towards south.  相似文献   

Present study deals with the vegetation type mapping, structure and composition analysis of the tropical forests, spread over 1,294 km2 area in South Andaman Islands. Seventeen vegetation classes spreading over 89.92% forested area of the islands were mapped with the overall accuracy of 88.89%. Evergreen, semi-evergreen and mangrove forests were reasonably well distributed forests, while moist deciduous and littoral evergreen were narrowly restricted. The stocking was quite variable across the forest types. 60.04% of forested area was under medium to high canopy density. Secondary and degraded forest types were mapped. Information on floristic composition, structure and diversity of various forest types were obtained from 84 field sample plots. An inventory of 423 species of plants from 101 families included 155 trees, 84 shrubs, 150 herbs and 84 climbers. Tree density and mean basal area ranged from 517 to 900 stems ha−1 and 36.15 to 53.58 m2 ha−1 respectively. Evergreen forests accounted for highest diversity followed almost equally by semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests.  相似文献   

Satellite derived vegetation vigour has been successfully used for various environmental modeling since 1972. However, extraction of reliable annual growth information about natural vegetation (i.e., phenology) has been of recent interest due to their important role in many global models and free availability of time-series satellite data. In this study, usability of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) and Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) based products in extracting phenology information about evergreen, semi-evergreen, moist deciduous and dry deciduous vegetation in India was explored. The MODIS NDVI and EVI time-series data (MOD13C1: 5.6 km spatial resolution with 16 day temporal resolution—2001 to 2010) and GIMMS NDVI time-series data(8 km spatial resolution with 15 day temporal resolution—2000 to 2006) were used. These three differently derived vegetation indices were analysed to extract and understand the vegetative growth rhythm over different regions of India. Algorithm was developed to derive onset of greenness and end of senescence automatically. The comparative analysis about differences in the results from these products was carried out. Due to dominant noise in the values of NDVI from GIMMS and MODIS during monsoon period the phenology rhythm were wrongly depicted, especially for evergreen and semi-evergreen vegetation in India. Hence, care is needed before using these data sets for understanding vegetative dynamics, biomass cestimation and carbon studies. MODIS EVI based results were truthful and comparable to ground reality. The study reveals spatio-temporal patterns of phenology, rate of greening, rate of senescence, and differences in results from these three products.  相似文献   

胶州湾湿地是山东半岛面积最大的河口海湾型湿地,对于完善青岛城市生态功能具有重要意义。通过对胶州湾区域2003,2007和2011年3个时相SPOT-5卫星遥感数据的解译,得到相应年份的分类后影像,在此基础上计算各个地物类型的面积,得到胶州湾湿地核心区、实验区和缓冲区的面积变化图表以及相应区域地物类型的组成架构和质量评价系数。分析结果表明:胶州湾湿地的面积变化与质量变化并不一致,其湿地面积呈下降趋势,湿地质量在2003~2007年呈现下降趋势,而在2007~2011年却有所回升,这是由人为因素和自然因素共同影响导致的,其中人为因素占主导。  相似文献   

Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) — P4 Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) data were used to estimate Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) in the coastal waters off Chennai and to study the distribution along the coast. Surface water samples were collected during May and October 2000 synchronized with satellite overpass, and quantitative estimates of Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) were done. OCM — Data Analysis System (DAS) software developed by the Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad was used for OCM data processing and analysis. The field data and OCM derived SSC showed a correlation of r = 0.85 and r = 0.95 for the months of May and October respectively.  相似文献   

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