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We assembled a sample of Seyfert 1 galaxies, quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) and low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs) observed by ASCA , the central black hole masses of which have been measured. We found that the X-ray variability (which is quantified by the 'excess variance' σ rms2) is significantly anti-correlated with the central black hole mass, and it is likely that a linear relationship of σ rms2∝ M bh−1 exists. It can be interpreted that the short time-scale X-ray variability is caused by some global coherent variations in the X-ray emission region, which is scaled by the size of the central black hole. Hence the central black hole mass is the driving parameter of the previously established relation between X-ray variability and luminosity. Our findings favour the hypothesis that the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and QSOs harbour smaller black holes than the broad-line objects, and can also easily explain the observational fact that high-redshift QSOs have greater variability than local AGNs at a given luminosity. Further investigations are needed to confirm our findings, and a large sample X-ray variability investigation can give constraints on the physical mechanisms and evolution of AGNs.  相似文献   

We present the results of concurrent X-ray and optical monitoring of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 79 over a period of more than 5 yr. We find that on short to medium time-scales (days to a few tens of days) the 2–10 keV X-ray and optical u - and V -band fluxes are significantly correlated, with a delay between the bands consistent with 0 d. We show that most of these variations may be well reproduced by a model where the short-term optical variations originate from reprocessing of X-rays by an optically thick accretion disc. The optical light curves, however, also display long time-scale variations over thousands of days, which are not present in the X-ray light curve. These optical variations must originate from an independent variability mechanism and we show that they can be produced by variations in the (geometrically) thin disc accretion rate as well as by varying reprocessed fractions through changes in the location of the X-ray corona.  相似文献   

We present an XMM–Newton observation of the Seyfert–LINER (low-ionization nuclear emission-line region) galaxy NGC 7213. The RGS soft X-ray spectrum is well fitted with a power law plus soft X-ray collisionally ionized thermal plasma  ( kT = 0.18+0.03−0.01 keV)  . We confirm the presence of Fe  i , Fe  xxv and Fe  xxvi Kα emission in the EPIC spectrum and set tighter constraints on their equivalent widths of  82+10−13, 24+9−11  and 24+10−13 eV, respectively. We compare the observed properties together with the inferred mass accretion rate of NGC 7213 with those of other Seyfert and LINER galaxies. We find that NGC 7213 has intermediate X-ray spectral properties lying between those of the weak active galactic nucleus found in the LINER M81 and higher-luminosity Seyfert galaxies. There appears to be a continuous sequence of X-ray properties from the Galactic Centre through LINER galaxies to Seyferts, probably determined by the amount of material available for accretion in the central regions.  相似文献   

Note from the editor: This article is a re-print of the original, which appeared in Astron. Nachr. 319 (1/2), 7 (1998). In the original version the figure was ruined in the process of paper production and the scientific content of the paper considerably degraded. Instead of printing only the correct figure, thus loosing the scientific context, we decided to re-print the whole article. We describe how recent X-ray surveys have led to advances in the understanding of ultrasoft narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. The number of known ultrasoft narrow-line Seyfert 1s has increased greatly in recent years due to X-ray surveys, and it is now possible to obtian high quality 0.1–10 keV spectral and variability measurements for a large number of these galaxies. We generalize some of the correlations between X-ray properties and optical emission line properties,focusing on how the ROSAT band spectral slope appears to be directly connected to the Boroson & Green (1992) primary eigenvector. We discuss how ultrasoft narrow-line Seyfert 1s may well have extremal values of a primary physical parameter, and we describe new projects that should further improve our understanding of these extreme representatives of Seyfert activity.  相似文献   

We present here the first study of the X-ray properties of an evolutionary sample of merging galaxies. Both ROSAT PSPC and HRI data are presented for a sample of eight interacting galaxy systems, each believed to involve a similar encounter between two spiral discs of approximately equal size. The mergers span a large range in age, from completely detached to fully merged systems.
A great deal of interesting X-ray structure is seen, and the X-ray properties of each individual system are discussed in detail. Along the merging sequence, several trends are evident: in the case of several of the infrared bright systems, the diffuse emission is very extended, and appears to arise from material ejected from the galaxies. The onset of this process seems to occur very soon after the galaxies first encounter one another, and these ejections soon evolve into distorted flows. More massive extensions (perhaps involving up to 1010 M⊙ of hot gas) are seen at the 'ultraluminous' peak of the interaction, as the galactic nuclei coalesce.
The amplitude of the evolution of the X-ray emission through a merger is markedly different from that of the infrared and radio emission, however. Although the X-ray luminosity rises and falls along the sequence, the factor by which the X-ray luminosity increases, relative to the optical, appears to be only about a tenth of that seen in the far-infrared. This, we believe, may well be linked with the large extensions of hot gas observed.
The late, relaxed remnants appear relatively devoid of gas, and possess an X-ray halo very different from that of typical ellipticals, a problem for the 'merger hypothesis', whereby the merger of two disc galaxies results in an elliptical galaxy. However, these systems are still relatively young in terms of total merger lifetime, and they may still have a few Gyr of evolution to go through before they resemble typical elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

We present a flux variability study of simultaneous RXTE and EUVE observations of the highly variable Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051. We find a strong correlation between variability in the EUV and medium-energy X-ray bands, indicating that both are sampling the same power-law continuum. The lag between the two bands is less than 20 ks and, depending on model assumptions, may be <1 ks. We examine the consequences of such a small lag in the context of simple Comptonization models for the production of the power-law continuum. A lag of <1 ks implies that the size of the Comptonizing region is less than 20 Schwarzschild radii for a black hole of mass >106 M.  相似文献   

We have studied the correlation among X-ray absorption, optical reddening and nuclear dust morphology in Seyfert 2 galaxies. Two main conclusions emerge: (i) the Balmer decrement and the amount of X-ray absorption are anticorrelated over a wide range of column density,     – the correlation no longer applies to Compton-thick objects     , although they span a comparable range in Balmer decrement; (ii) Compton-thin Seyfert 2s seem to prefer nuclear environments, which are rich in dust on scales of hundreds of parsecs. On the other hand, Compton-thick Seyferts indifferently exhibit 'dust-poor' and 'dust-rich' environments. These results support an extension of the Seyfert unification scenario (as recently proposed by Matt ), where Compton-thick Seyfert 2s are observed through compact 'torii', whereas Compton-thin ones are obscured by dust on much larger scales.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the question of whether existing X-ray observations of Seyfert galaxies are sufficiently sensitive to detect quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) similar to those observed in the X-ray variations of Galactic black holes (GBHs). We use data from XMM–Newton and simulated data based on the best Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ) long-term monitoring light curves to show that if X-ray QPOs are present in Seyfert X-ray light curves – with similar shapes and strengths to those observed in GBHs, but at lower frequencies commensurate with their larger black hole masses – they would be exceedingly difficult to detect. Our results offer a simple explanation for the present lack of QPO detections in Seyferts. We discuss the improvements in telescope size and monitoring patterns needed to make QPO detections feasible. The most efficient type of future observatory for searching for X-ray QPOs in active Galactic nuclei (AGN) is an X-ray All-Sky Monitor (ASM). A sufficiently sensitive ASM would be ideally suited to detect low-frequency QPOs in nearby AGN. The detection of AGN QPOs would strengthen the AGN–GBH connection, and could serve as powerful diagnostics of the black hole mass and the structure of the X-ray emitting region in AGN.  相似文献   

We present evidence of flux variability, on both short (hours) and long (months) time-scales, of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7172. These results are based on the ASCA observation of NGC 7172 performed in 1996 May. The source was detected at a rather low flux level, about 3 times fainter than its usual state (including 1 yr before, when it was also observed by ASCA ).   The source also varied by about 30 per cent during the observation, confirming the presence of a type 1 nucleus in its centre. However, its spectrum appears to be flatter than the typical Seyfert 1 spectrum (in agreement with findings on other Seyfert 2s), posing problems for the unification model unless complex absorption is invoked.  相似文献   

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