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A useful tool to elucidate past tectonic environments is the geochemistry of volcanic and sedimentary rocks when used together.The regional structural setting of the Oman Mountains indicates that deep-water sediments and volcanic rocks formed adjacent to the rifted Arabian margin in the Late Triassic near the axis of a narrow ocean basin of Red Sea-type. Tholeiitic to trachytic extrusives formed seamounts associated with Late Triassic reefal build-ups. “Immobile” trace element compositions point to a within-plate origin. The interbedded and overlying Late Triassic deep-sea sedimentary cover comprises ribbon radiolarites and both distal siliclastic and calcareous turbidites that accumulated on an abyssal plain at least ca. 180 km northeast of the Arabian continent. Associated ferromanganiferous oxide-sediments are interpreted as chemical precipitates derived from high-temperature vents in the spreading axis of the young ocean basin. Pervasive regional subsidence took place during end Triassic/Early Jurassic time.Later, in the Cretaceous, oceanic crust was consumed in a northeast-dipping subduction zone. MORB-type crust was subducted while Late Triassic volcanic edifices and sedimentary cover were accreted. During eventual trench-margin collision the Semail ophiolite split into blocks allowing sub-ophiolite melange rocks to be expelled upwards through corridors, creating the Batinah Melange. As the ophiolite nappe ploughed inboard over already thrust-assembled abyssal plain sediments (Hawasina Complex), some duplexes were uplifted, oversteepened, overturned and then slid backwards onto the ophiolite to form the Batinah Sheets.  相似文献   

The Yanchang Formation is extensively developed in the Ordos Basin and its surrounding regions. As one of the best terrestrial Triassic sequences in China and the major oil-gas bearing formations in the Ordos Basin, its age determination and stratigraphic assignment are important in geological survey and oil-gas exploration. It had been attributed to the Late Triassic and regarded as the typical representative of the Upper Triassic in northern China for a long time, although some scholars had already proposed that the lower part of this formation should be of the Middle Triassic age in the mid-late 20th century. In this paper, we suggest that the lower and middle parts of the Yanchang Formation should be of the Ladinian and the bottom possibly belongs to the late Anisian of the Middle Triassic, mainly based on new fossils found in it and high resolution radiometric dating results. The main source rocks, namely the oil shales and mudstones of the Chang-7, are of the Ladinian Age. The upper part of the Yanchang Formation, namely the Chang-6 and the above parts, belongs to the Late Triassic. The uppermost of the Triassic is missed in most parts of the Ordos Basin. The Middle-Upper Triassic Series boundary lies in the Yanchang Formation, equivalent to the boundary between Chang-7 and Chang-6. The Ladinian is an important palaeoenvironmental turning point in the Ordos Basin. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the basin are coincidence with that of the Sichuan Basin and the main tectonic movement of the Qinling Mountains. It indicates that tectonic activities of the Qinling Mountains are related to the big palaeoenvironmental changes in both the Ordos and Sichuan Basins, which are caused by the same structural dynamic system during the Ladinian.  相似文献   

下扬子天目山盆地火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS定年及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天目山盆地是下扬子江南隆起带保存较完整的中生代火山盆地,中生代火山岩系岩性自下而上主要为流纹岩-英安岩-安山岩。对盆地内黄尖组下段流纹岩和英安岩分别进行了锆石 LA-ICP MS定年,分别获得了133.6±1.5 Ma(MSWD=0.73)和135.0±2.1 Ma(MSWD=0.78)的锆石U-Pb年龄,指示天目山盆地黄尖组火山岩时代为早白垩世。天目山盆地火山活动起始时间和长江中下游地区晚中生代火山活动基本一致,说明江南隆起带和长江中下游地区在早白垩世均处于强烈拉张环境。  相似文献   

Three upper Miocene calc-alkaline volcanic centers are spaced about 100 km apart in the northeast-trending transition zone between the Columbia Plateau and Basin and Range geologic provinces. These centers are transverse to contemporaneous andesitic vents of the western Cascades Sardine Formation. Some of the Miocene volcanic features in northeast Oregon resemble those of linear volcanic belts that are associated with subduction, but structural patterns do not support the existence of an upper Miocene subduction zone in northeast Oregon. Major east-trending fold axes and northwest-trending faults indicate that north-south compression and east-west extension were the dominant deformational events in this region. It is suggested that the origin of these calc-alkaline rocks is related to their particular tectonic setting and not to subduction.  相似文献   

The tectonic settings of the different stages of the magmatic activity in the middle-south section of the Da Hinggan Mts. are analyzed through measuring the isotopic ages of the Mesozoic volcano-plutonic rocks from this area, and thus the tectono-magmatic evolution series are consequently determined as the initial mantle upwelling marked by the Late Triassic invasion of basic-ultrabasic rocks containing mantle-source enclaves, middle-upper crust extension marked by intrusion of the Early-Middle Jurassic diobase dike swarms, dramatic ruption of the Late Jurassic trachitic volcanic rocks, the Early Cretaceous nonorogenic alkalic-subalkalic granite invasion and the formation of the basic dike swarms and basalts. It is thus inferred that the uprise of the Da Hinggan Mts. in the Mesozoic is closely reiated to the upwelling of the deep magma in the mantle upwarping settings. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 249472143).  相似文献   

In order to provide references of the subduction process of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate beneath the Jiamusi Block, this paper studied the clastic rocks of the Nanshuangyashan Formation using modal analysis of sandstones, mudstone elements geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb dating. These results suggest the maximum depositional age of the Nanshuangyashan Formation was between the Norian and Rhaetian (206.8 ±4.6 Ma, mean standard weighted deviation (MSWD) = 0.17). Whole‐rock geochemistry of mudstone indicates that source rocks of the Nanshuangyashan Formation were primarily felsic igneous rocks and quartzose sedimentary rocks, which were mainly derived from the stable continental block and a magmatic arc. Detrital zircon analysis showed the Nanshuangyashan Formation samples recorded four main age groups: 229–204 Ma, 284–254 Ma, 524–489 Ma and 930–885 Ma, and the provenances were attributed to the Jiamusi Block and a Late Triassic magmatic arc near the study area. Furthermore, the eastern Jiamusi Block was a backarc basin, affected by the subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate in the Late Triassic, but the magmatic arc related to the subduction near the study area finally died out due to tectonic changes and stratigraphic erosion.  相似文献   

The Jurassic stratigraphy in China is dominated by continental sediments. Marine facies and marine-terrigenous facies sediment have developed locally in the Qinghai-Tibet area, southern South China, and northeast China. The division of terrestrial Jurassic strata has been argued, and the conclusions of biostratigraphy and isotope chronology have been inconsistent.During the Jurassic period, the North China Plate, South China Plate, and Tarim Plate were spliced and formed the prototype of ancient China. The Yanshan Movement has had a profound influence on the eastern and northern regions of China and has formed an important regional unconformity. The Triassic-Jurassic boundary(201.3 Ma) is located roughly between the Haojiagou Formation and the Badaowan Formation in the Junggar Basin, and between the Xujiahe Formation and the Ziliujing Formation in the Sichuan Basin. The early Early Jurassic sediments generally were lacking in the eastern and central regions north of the ancient Dabie Mountains, suggesting that a clear uplift occurred in the eastern part of China during the Late Triassic period when it formed vast mountains and plateaus. A series of molasse-volcanic rock-coal strata developed in the northern margin of North China Craton in the Early Jurassic and are found in the Xingshikou Formation, Nandailing Formation, and Yaopo Formation in the West Beijing Basin. The geological age and markers of the boundary between the Yongfeng Stage and Liuhuanggou Stage are unclear. About 170 Ma ago, the Yanshan Movement began to affect China. The structural system of China changed from the near east-west Tethys or the Ancient Asia Ocean tectonic domain to the north-north-east Pacific tectonic domain since 170–135 Ma. A set of syngenetic conglomerate at the bottom of the Haifanggou or Longmen Fms. represented another set of molasse-volcanic rock-coal strata formed in the Yanliao region during the Middle Jurassic Yanshan Movement(Curtain A1). The bottom of the conglomerate is approximately equivalent to the boundary of the Shihezi Stage and Liuhuanggou Stage. The bottom of the Manas Stage creates a regional unconformity in northern China(about 161 Ma, Volcanic Curtain of the Yanshan Movement, Curtain A2). The Jurassic Yanshan Movement is likely related to the southward subduction of the Siberian Plate to the closure of the Mongolia-Okhotsk Ocean. A large-scale volcanic activity occurred in the Tiaojishan period around 161–153 Ma. Note that 153 Ma is the age of the bottom Tuchengzi Formation, and the bottom boundary of the Fifth Stage of the Jurassic terrestrial stage in China should have occurred earlier than this. This activity was marked by a warming event at the top of the Toutunhe Formation, and the change in the biological assembly is estimated to be 155 Ma. The terrestrial Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary(ca. 145.0 Ma) in the Yanliao region should be located in the upper part of Member 1 of the Tuchengzi Formation, the Ordos Basin in the upper part of the Anding Formation, the Junggar Basin in the upper part of the Qigu Formation, and the Sichuan Basin in the upper part of the Suining Formation The general characteristics of terrestrial Jurassic of China changed from the warm and humid coal-forming environment of the Early-Middle Jurassic to the hot, dry, red layers in the Late Jurassic. With the origin and development of the Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis flora, the Yanliao biota was developed and spread widely in the area north of the ancient Kunlun Mountains, ancient Qinling Mountains, and ancient Dabie Mountain ranges in the Middle Jurassic, and reached its great prosperity in the Early Late Jurassic and gradually declined and disappeared and moved southward with the arrival of a dry and hot climate.  相似文献   

The Hruškovec quarry of basaltoid rocks is situated on the northwestern slopes of Mt. Kalnik, within the Zagorje–Mid-Transdanubian zone, a part of the North-western Dinarides. The basaltoids are inter-bedded with radiolarites of the Middle and Upper Triassic age (Langobardian, Carnian–Norian). Spilites, altered diabases and meta-basalts form part of Triassic volcanic-sedimentary sequence, made of sandstones, shales, micritic limestone, altered vitric tuffs and radiolarian cherts, incorporated tectonically into the Jurassic–Cretaceous mélange.  相似文献   

The Upper Triassic Langjiexue Group in southeastern Tibet has long been an enigmatic geological unit. It belongs tectonically to the northern Tethys Himalayan zone, but provenance signatures of the detritus it contains are significantly different from those of typical Tethys Himalayan sandstones. Because the Langjiexue Group is everywhere in fault contact with Tethys Himalayan strata, its original paleogeographic position has remained controversial for a long time. According to some researchers, the Langjiexue Group was deposited onto the northern edge of the Indian passive continental margin, whereas others interpreted it as an independent block accreted to the northern Indian margin only during final India-Asia convergence and collision in the Paleocene. This study compares the Langjiexue Group and coeval Upper Triassic strata of the southern Tethys Himalayan zone(Qulonggongba Formation). Our new provenance data indicate that Qulonggongba Formation sandstones contain common felsic volcanic rock fragments, minor plagioclase, and euhedral to subhedral zircon grains yielding Late Paleozoic to Triassic ages. These provenance features compare well with those of the Langjiexue Group. Because the Qulonggongba Formation certainly belongs to the Tethys Himalayan zone, the provenance similarity with the Langjiexue Group indicates that the latter is also an in situ Tethys Himalayan sedimentary sequence rather than part of an exotic block. Volcanic detritus including Late Paleozoic to Triassic zircon grains in both Langjiexue Group and Qulonggongba Formation are interpreted to have been derived from the distant Gondwanide orogen generated by Pan-Pacific subduction beneath the southeastern margin of Gondwana. The Qulonggongba Formation, deposited above marlstones of the lower Upper Triassic Tulong Group, is overlain by India-derived coastal quartzose sandstones of the uppermost Triassic Derirong Formation. Deposition of both the Qulonggongba Formation and the Langjiexue Group were most likely controlled by regional tectonism, possibly a rifting event along the northern margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

The Canyon Mountain ophiolite, Oregon, is exceptional in lacking sheeted dikes, basaltic pillow lavas, and sediments that are characteristic of many other ophiolites. Instead, the uppermost portion of the complex consists of a significant volume of plagiogranites, which, in addition to minor basalts, intrude a large section of keratophyres believed to be of volcanic origin. The trend of intrusive rocks and of bedding in the keratophyres is mostly parallel to layering in the underlying gabbroic cumulates and to contacts between units in the remainder of the ophiolite. It is suggested that the plagiogranites, basalts, and keratophyres comprise a sill complex. Both the plagiogranites and the keratophyres are similar, respectively, to low-K2O plutonic and extrusive rocks of island arcs. The mineralogy and penetrative deformation structures of the ultramafic and some of the gabbroic rocks of the ophiolite indicate greater depth of formation, related to magmatism and diapirism above a Benioff zone. Radiometric age dates of plagiogranites confine the minimum age of the complex to the Early Permian. The Canyon Mountain ophiolite may thus be correlative with other fragments of a Lower Permian arc terrane throughout northeastern Oregon which were chaotically mixed during renewed subduction in middle to late Triassic time.  相似文献   

Results of a systematic paleomagnetic study are reported based on Late Carboniferous to Early Permian sedimentary rocks on the north slope of the Tanggula Mountains,in the northern Qiangtang terrane(NQT),Tibet,China.Data revealed that magnetic minerals in limestone samples from the Zarigen Formation(CP^z)are primarily composed of magnetite,while those in sandstone samples from the Nuoribagaribao Formation(Pnr)are dominated by hematite alone,or hematite and magnetite in combination.Progressive thermal,or alternating field,demagnetization allowed us to isolate a stable high temperature component(HTC)in 127 specimens from 16 sites which successfully passed the conglomerate test,consistent with primary remnance.The tilt-corrected mean direction for Late Carboniferous to Early Permian rocks in the northern Qiangtang terrane is D_s=30.2°,I_s=-40.9°,k_s=269.0,a_(95)=2.3°,N=16,which yields a corresponding paleomagnetic pole at 25.7°N,241.5°E(dp/dm=2.8°/1.7°),and a paleolatitude of 23.4°S.Our results,together with previously reported paleomagnetic data,indicate that:(1)the NQT in Tibet,China,was located at a low latitude in the southern hemisphere,and may have belonged to the northern margin of Gondwana during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian;(2)the Paleo-Tethys Ocean was large during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian,and(3)the NQT subsequently moved rapidly northwards,perhaps related to the fact that the Paleo-Tethys Ocean was rapidly contracting from the Late Permian to Late Triassic while the Bangong Lake-Nujiang Ocean,the northern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean,expanded rapidly during this time.  相似文献   

Accurately determining the age of the Tuchengzi Formation has direct influence on confirming the boundary between the Jurassic and the Cretaceous systems in northern Hebei-western Liaoning, and on related geological problems in China. However, the Tuchengzi Formation mainly consists of sedimentary rocks, with a poor fossil record and especially lack of index fossils. The Tuchengzi Formation is also lack of the type of volcanic rocks that can provide an isotopic age. Therefore, the age of the Tuchengzi Formation has been uncertain. Based on our systematic dating of the tuff interbedded in the Tuchengzi Formation of Chengde and Jinlingsi-Yangshan basins in northern Hebei-western Liaoning, combined with the dating results of previous researchers, here we suggest that the age range of the Tuchengzi Formation in northern Hebei-western Liaoning is from 147 Ma to 136 Ma. It implied that the Tuchengzi Formation was mainly formed in the Early Cretaceous. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 90714010)  相似文献   

Potassium-argon dating of volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Andean region of central Chile has revealed previously unrecognized episodes of igneous activity during Cretaceous and Cenozoic time. These results indicate the need to re-evaluate the classic stratigraphic subdivisions that have evolved on lithologic rather than time-stratigraphic criteria.Four radiometric age groups have been identified in the coast range volcanic belt:
1. (1) Las Chilcas Formation — Early Cretaceous continental volcanic strata (120-110 m.y.).
2. (2) Lo Valle Formation — Late Cretaceous continental volcanic strata (78-65 m.y.).
3. (3) Late Oligocene extrusive volcanics (31-28 m.y.).
4. (4) Early Miocene intrusive volcanics (20.6–19.5 m.y.).
Two radiometric age groups have also been identified in the adjacent Andean Cordillera:
1. (1) Farellones Formation — continental volcanic strata (18.5–17.3 m.y.).
2. (2) Early Pliocene extrusive volcanics (5-4 m.y.).
An older group of continental volcanic strata in the Andes represented by the Abanico Formation remains undated but is intruded by plutons dated at 19.5 and 24 m.y.Available chronologic evidence indicates that volcanic activity moved eastward from the coast range volcanic belt to the Andean Cordillera between 20 and 18 m.y. ago and remained there to the present time.  相似文献   

Rocks of Late Cretaceous, Early Jurassic and Late Triassic age, collected in northern Mexico yield the following pole positions: 169.3°E57.9°N (Cretaceous), 70.7°E76.0°N (?Jurassic) and 119.2°E76.4°N (?Late Triassic). The Triassic and Cretaceous poles are not significantly different from those class-A poles (Hicken et al., 1972) of the North American craton. It is therefore suggested that the North American craton may be traced south as far as 23°N and inferentially a further four degrees (to the Mexican volcanic belt).The results from the La Boca Formation are interpreted as indicating a much greater age (Late Precambrian-Early (Paleozoic) than is currently assigned to that formation.  相似文献   


江西省相山火山盆地是我国第一大、世界第三大火山岩型铀矿田,其西部牛头山一带铀矿勘探中发现深部有大垂幅的Pb-Zn-Ag矿化.60多年来,以该矿田为对象开展的研究取得了一系列丰硕成果,但对火山机构的认识仍不确定.我们采集了涵盖该火山盆地主要地质体的1386块钻孔岩芯标本和243块地表岩石标本,开展了电阻率、磁化率、密度等物性参数测量,并在火山盆地中施测了19条MT剖面(2条骨干剖面和17条精细剖面),对3000 m以浅主要地层、岩体和断裂带等目标地质体的三维展布特征进行了解译和三维建模.研究结果表明:(1)相山火山盆地具有变质岩-花岗岩双基底.基底变质岩系顶界面表现为南北分带(三隆间两凹)和东西分块(两垒夹一堑)的三维地质格局;南西部有加里东期花岗岩侵入,具有似层状的空间展布特征;盆地基底变质岩系与上覆火山-沉积岩盖层之间呈连续的水平低阻异常带,不整合界面清晰.(2)打鼓顶组火山岩呈似层状产出,主要分布于盆地西部;在河元背-船坑-杏树下一带识别出近东西走向厚层的流纹英安岩凹槽,相山铀矿田西部探明的主要铀矿床分布在该凹槽内或其边缘.鹅湖岭组火山岩总体形态呈蘑菇状,在盆地中部厚度较大.在相山主峰半径约2 km的范围内,发现自下而上贯通式的低阻异常,推测是鹅湖岭组碎斑熔岩喷发的通道相(火山颈相),其火山颈呈陡立管状,深部向南东倾伏,浅部向南东撒开.后期花岗斑岩呈岩墙-岩床组合状,总体构成一个向西开口的环形岩体.打鼓顶期主要岩浆通道位于相山顶-巴山之间,次岩浆通道位于河元背;鹅湖岭期火山活动主岩浆通道也位于相山顶-巴山之间,次岩浆通道位于河元背、阳家山(芙蓉山)、严坑和柏昌.(3)火山盆地中断裂构造发育,MT测量结果显示存在7条北东向、4条北西向和1条南北向格架性断裂构造(其中一条新发现的北东向断裂隐伏于白垩纪红盆之下),盆地北部发育1条弧形火山塌陷构造,表现为大规模延续的低阻异常带.


The Setouchi volcanic rocks include high-Mg andesites (HMAs) and garnet-bearing dacite–rhyolite, and are sporadically distributed along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. New U–Pb zircon ages and geological and geochemical data are presented for those rocks in the Western Setouchi region (W-Setouchi). Previous studies referred to the altered andesite in the W-Setouchi as “pre-Setouchi volcanic rocks.” However, on the basis of the new U–Pb age (14.4 Ma ± 0.3 Ma) and geochemical characteristics, we redefine it as the Jikamuro Formation, part of the Setouchi volcanic rocks. Incompatible elements are more enriched in the Jikamuro Formation rocks than in the Setouchi HMAs. The characteristic element compositions may be explained by mixing of compositionally different magmas, including subducted sediment melts, plus a contribution from crustal contamination. A stress-inversion technique with Bingham distribution method was applied to the orientations of felsic and mafic dikes within the Setouchi volcanic rocks, and indicates paleo-stress conditions during the period of Setouchi volcanism in the W-Setouchi. The analysis reveals NNW-extensional stresses and a strike-slip stress. We infer that the former represents extensional conditions during the main period of volcanism and the latter represents a stress transition during the most recent period of volcanism (after 12 Ma).  相似文献   

Widespread Mesozoic magmatism occurs in the Korean Peninsula (KP). The status quo is poles apart between the northern and southern parts in characterizing its distribution and nature, with the nearly absence of any related information in North Korea. We have the opportunity to have conducted geological investigations in North Korea and South Korea during the past ten years through international cooperation programs. This led to the revelation of a number of granitoids and related volcanic rocks and thus facilitates the comparison with those in East China and Japan. Mesozoic granitoids in the KP can be divisible into three age groups: the Triassic group with a peak age of ~220 Ma, the Jurassic one of ~190–170 Ma and the late Early Cretaceous one of ~110 Ma. The Triassic intrusions include syenite, calc-alkaline to alkaline granite and minor kimberlite in the Pyeongnam Basin of North Korea. They have been considered to form in post-orogenic settings related to the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) or the Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt (DSOB). The Jurassic granitoids constitute extensive occurrence in the KP and are termed as the Daebo-period magmatism. They correlate well with coeval counterparts in NE China encompassing the northeastern part of the North China Craton (NCC) and the eastern segment of the CAOB. They commonly consist of biotite or two-mica granites and granodiorites, with some containing small dark diorite enclaves. On one hand, Early Jurassic to early Middle Jurassic magmatic rocks are rare in most areas of the NCC, whilst Middle-Late Jurassic ones are not developed in the KP. On the other hand, both NCC and KP host abundant Cretaceous granites. However, the present data revealed contrasting age peaks, with ~130–125 Ma in the NCC and ~110–105 Ma in the KP. Cretaceous granites in the KP comprise the dominant biotite granites and a few amphibole granites. The former exhibit mildly fractionated REE patterns and zircon ε Hf(t) values from -15 to -25, whereas the latter feature strongly fractionated REE patterns and zircon ε Hf(t) values from -10 to -1. Both granites contain inherited zircons of ~1.8–1.9 or ~2.5 Ga. These geochemical characters testify to their derivation from re-melting distinct protoliths in ancient basement. Another Cretaceous magmatic sub-event has been entitled as the Gyeongsang volcanism, which is composed of bimodal calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of 94–55 Ma and granitic-hypabyssal granitic bodies of 72–70 Ma. Synthesizing the Mesozoic magmatic rocks across the KP, NCC and Japan can lead to the following highlights: (1) All Triassic granites in the NCC, KP and Japan have similar characteristics in petrology, chronology and geochemistry. Therefore, the NCC, KP and Japan tend to share the same tectonic setting during the Triassic, seemingly within the context of Indosinian orogensis. (2) Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous magmatic rocks in the NCC seem to define two episodes: episode A from 175 to 157 Ma and episode B from 157 to 135 Ma. Jurassic magmatic rocks in the KP span in age mainly from 190 to 170 Ma, whereas 160–135 Ma ones are rare. With the exception of ~197 Ma Funatsu granite, Jurassic magmatic rocks are absent in Japan. (3) Cretaceous granites in the KP have a peak age of ~110, ~20 Ma younger than those in the NCC, while Japan is exempt from ~130–100 Ma granites. (4) The spatial-temporal distribution and migratory characteristics of the Jurassic-Cretaceous magmatic rocks in Japan, KP, and NE China-North China indicate that the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate might not be operative before Late Cretaceous (~130–120 Ma). (5) Late Cretaceous magmatic rocks (~90–60 Ma) occur in the southwestern corner of the KP and also in Japan, coinciding with the metamorphic age of ~90–70 Ma in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of Japan. The magmatic-metamorphic rock associations and their spatial distribution demonstrate the affinities of sequentially subduction zone, island arc and back-arc basin from Japan to Korea, arguing for the Pacific plate subduction during Late Cretaceous. (6) This study raises another possibility that the Mesozoic cratonic destruction in the NCC, which mainly occurred during ~150–120 Ma, might not only be due to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate, but also owe much to the intraplate geodynamic forces triggered by other adjacent continental plates like the Eurasian and Indian plates.  相似文献   


羌塘盆地位于青藏高原中部,经历了多期复杂构造运动,是研究青藏高原演化的良好窗口.本文利用1 ∶ 20万重力和磁力数据,基于1 ∶ 50万地表地质信息约束,反演获得了羌塘盆地中部区域中上地壳的三维密度和磁性结构,揭示了南、北羌塘坳陷、班公湖—怒江缝合带、可可西里—金沙江缝合带和龙木错—双湖缝合带的密度和磁性特征.根据反演结果,认为:主要构造单元与密度和磁化率异常有良好的对应关系,下地壳和上地幔是羌塘盆地大范围低值重力异常的重要来源;可可西里—金沙江缝合带向下切割较深,引起磁异常的岩浆岩大量存在于中地壳;双湖至唐古拉山一线不存在贯穿羌塘盆地的“中央隆起带”;北羌塘广泛分布的火山岩主要存在于上地壳,来源可能是下地壳和上地幔的低密度岩浆岩体;印度板块俯冲的前缘可能影响到了羌塘盆地下方.


The Karalar-Ye?iller area lies on the estern flank of the Kazda \(\bar g\) i massif in northwestern Anatolia (Asiatic Turkey), and includes about 600 square kilometers, of which approximately 80% is covered by rhyodacite-quartz latite extrusive rocks, and a comagmatic granodiorite-quartz monzonite batholith, and stocks, all of middle Miocene age. Extrusive rocks consist chiefly of rhyodacite lava flows of the Hallaçlar Formation and quartz latite-rhyodacite ash-flow tuff, lava, and mudflow deposits of the overlying Dede Tepe Formation. These volcanic rocks lie on a basement composed, in asceding stratigraphic order, of: 1) pre-Permian Kalabak sequence, 2) Upper Triassic Halilar Formation, 3) post-Upper Triassic Ba \(\bar g\) burun Formation, and 4) allochthons of middle Permian: and Upper Jurassic limestone. Intrusion of a granodiorite-quartz monzonite batholith during the middle Miocene was accompanied or shortly followed by extensive alteration and base metal mineralization of the Hallaçlar and older rocks. Intrusion of six rhyodacitequartz latite stocks followed the main phase of hydrothermal alteration. At least one of these stocks may have contributed material to the Dede Tepe Formation of middle Miocene age. Field relations, petrologic, and geochemical data as well as radiometric age dates suggest that the intrusive and extrusive rocks are comagmatic. Parent magma is probably derived from partial melting of subducted oceanic crust and accompanying oceanic sediments. Geologic relations locally indicate assimilation of sialic crust by the grandiorite-quartz monzonite batholith.  相似文献   

To constrain the depositional age of the lowermost Nakdong Formation in the Early Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin, SHRIMP U–Pb age determination was carried out on zircon separates. The U–Pb compositions of detrital zircons from the Nakdong Formation yield a wide range of ages from the Archean to the Cretaceous but show a marked contrast in age distribution according to the geographical locations within the basin. The provenance of the southern Nakdong Formation is dominantly the surrounding Yeongnam Massif, which is composed of Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and Triassic to Jurassic plutonic rocks, whereas the central to northern Nakdong Formation records significant sediment derivation from the Okcheon Metamorphic Belt, which is distributed to the northwest, in addition to the contribution from the Yeongnam Massif. It is suggested that the maximum depositional age of the Nakdong Formation is ca 127 Ma, based on its youngest detrital zircon age population. The onset of its deposition at 127 Ma coincided with the tectonic inversion in East Asia from a compressional to an extensional geodynamic setting, probably due to the contemporaneous change in the drift direction of the Izanagi Plate and its subsequent oblique subduction.  相似文献   

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