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In China, the land resource per person is poor withregard to the huge number of population. According tothe recent data from the National Land Bureau, theaverage land per person is 0. 11 ha, much less than0. 25 ha, the average land per person in the world(FAN, 1997). On the other hand, a large scale ofrural land is to be transmitted into urban land upon thefast proceeding of urbanization. At present, the urbanpopulation occupies about 30% of the total in China. Ifthe percent become 50% (th…  相似文献   

To ensure the effectiveness of the operation of artificial precipitation enhancement, a potential region for the operation should be determined in advance.As cloud microphysical measurements needed for the determination of the potential region of cloud seeding are not available before the operation of routine precipitation enhancement, a new method based on the growth process of ice crystal is put forward for determining the potential region using the numerical weather prediction model output.The ice supersaturation, accumulated water vapor within minus temperature layer (≥9 mm), and upward water vapor transportation are adopted as criteria to determine the potential time, height and region of cloud seeding, and the real-time radar images are applied to make decisions on the seeding commanding.The criteria and Doppler radar images are studied in a case of precipitation enhancement characterized by significant water vapor supply from the north part of a tropical cyclone in the northwest Pacific, which shows that the ocean plays a crucial role in the advection transportation of water vapor to the potential region of the coastal area.The study presents a new method to determine the potential region of precipitation enhancement using macro-physical quantities under ice crystal growth environment.The method possesses a clear physical significance and can be readily applied with the required and easily predicted parameters.  相似文献   

孤岛馆陶组注水开发储层性质动态变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
综合利用取心资料、实验室分析化验数据和矿场动态测井资料,研究了孤岛油田低含水期、中高含水期、特高含水期馆陶组砂岩油层岩性、物性、含油性和电性的变化特征。经过长期的注水开发,造成油层泥质含量、碳酸盐含量、含油饱和度和束缚水饱和度降低,平均孔隙直径增大,岩石粒度中值提高,导致渗透率、孔隙度增大。在物性总体增大的同时,孔渗参数的分异度增加;同时,也会由于水敏和速敏的影响使物性变差。声波时差和自然电位、感应电阻率都发生了明显变化,不同岩性的储层参数变化程度有差异,粉砂岩的变化程度小于细砂岩。  相似文献   

针对惠民凹陷大芦家地区各断块地层单元划分不一致,沉积相认识存在分歧等问题,依据旋回级次、旋回性质等,将馆陶组三段划分出2个四级旋回、4个五级旋回、16个六级旋回;并以岩芯及室内分析资料、测井资料等为主要依据,综合分析岩石类型、粒度及结构特征、垂向粒序变化、层理构造类型及自然电位曲线形态等。结果表明:惠民凹陷大芦家地区馆陶组三段主要发育冲积扇及辫状河;冲积扇主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带、漫流席状砂、远端砂丘等微相;辫状河主要发育心滩,辫状河道充填,天然堤、漫滩和道间洼地沉积,泛滥平原沉积,废弃河道等微相;2个四级旋回的沉积相类型及空间展布特征相似;第Ⅰ五级旋回在研究区中偏西部属冲积扇沉积,主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带微相,在东部属扇前平原沉积;第Ⅱ五级旋回早期以辫状河沉积为主,河道规模较大,仅在第Ⅱ1六级旋回的东北部位见冲积扇的辫流砂岛及辫流沟道微相;第Ⅱ五级旋回中期属辫状河沉积,河道规模减小,2个河道群自NW向SE方向流动;第Ⅱ五级旋回晚期河道规模更小,逐渐向曲流河沉积过渡。  相似文献   


The Asmari Formation consists of shallow marine sedimentary rocks deposited on ramp setting .Lar-ger benthic foraminifera collected from Asmri Formation are dominated by hyaline and porcelanouse forms , in-cluding Amphistegina, Nummulites, Archaias, Astrotrillina, Miogypsinella, Miogypsinoides, Lepidocyclina, Operculina, Spiroclypeous and Miliolids.The presence of Nummulites cf.vascus in the lower part of the forma-tion allows the age to be determined as Rupelian .The occurrence of Borelis pygmae is an index taxon of the Ru-pelian-Chattian and indicates Early Chattian of SBZ 21-22 in the study section .The first appearance of Mio-gypsinella akadagensis shows Late Chattian ( SBZ 23) and defines the upper boundary of the SBZ 21-22.The new data are the first evidences showing that the shallow marine Asmari Formation is attributed to Oligocene (Rupelian-Chattian) age for this region.  相似文献   

The high-mineral contents of some thermal waters are believed to have medicinal properties. Numerous spas and bathhouses might be built at these hot springs to take advantage of theses supposed healing properties such as skin diseases, rheumatism and so on. This paper is to find thermal reservoir and to classify the kinds of water. The majority of thermal springs are found discharging from igneous centers of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic fields of the western Yemen (research area). Structurally these volcanisms are connected to N-NW faults that are parallel to the main Red Sea trend. Temperature and pH values of the thermal spring range 37℃~96℃, and 6.3 ~8.7 respectively. The Yemeni thermal waters indicate high variability in composition since they are ofNa (K) -C1, Na-HCO3 and Ca (Mg) -SO4 types, whereas the surficial waters have the typical worldwide Ca (Mg) -HCO3 composition. Different liquid phase geothermometers,such as SiO2, K2/Mg and Na/K. Estimated reservoir temperatures ranging 70 ~ 140℃ perform equilibrium temperature evaluation of the thermal reservoirs.  相似文献   

The high-mineral contents of some thermal waters are believed to have medicinal properties. Numerous spas and bathhouses might be built at these hot springs to take advantage of theses supposed healing properties such as skin diseases, rheumatism and so on. This paper is to find thermal reservoir and to classify the kinds of water. The majority of thermal springs are found discharging from igneous centers of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic fields of the western Yemen (research area). Structurally these volcanisms are connected to N-NW faults that are parallel to the main Red Sea trend. Temperature and pH values of the thermal spring range 37℃-96℃, and 6.3-8.7 respectively. The Yemen/thermal waters indicate high variability in composition since they are ofNa (K) -CI, Na=HCO3 and Ca (Mg) =SO4 types, whereas the surficial waters have the typical worldwide Ca (Mg) -HCO3 composition. Different liquid phase geothermometers,such as SiO2, K^2/Mg and Na/K. Estimated reservoir temperatures ranging 70℃-140℃ perform equilibrium temperature evaluation of the thermal reservoirs.  相似文献   

There is a great difference between the distribution and evolvement characteristics of slope geological hazard in the same geographical location and climatic conditions,taking the similar structural-genetic connection in Wudongde reservoir area of Jinshajiang River valley for example.In all engineering geological conditions,the chronologic age and attitude of strata,and the lithologic association factors control the distributions and evolvement characteristics of slope geological hazard in the studied area.The study shows that the slopes in geological evolution are in different stages.The conclusion helps to understand the types and the intensity of geological disasters.  相似文献   

In order to understand the diagenesis and its influence on Porosity and Permeability of sandstones from Yingcheng Formation in Jinshan field,aPPlying thin sections,casting and scanning electron microsc...  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in the coastal area of the Changjiang Estuary on four cruises from August 2002 to May 2003. The seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic arsenic (DIAs) distributions were analyzed. The results showed that the distributions of DIAs were mainly influenced by Water (KSSW). The concentration of the total dissolved the terrestrial input and the intrusion of the Kuroshio Subsurface inorganic arsenic (TDIAs) decreased consecutively from winter to summer, while it increased in autumn. The distributions of TDIAs showed some relationships with salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM). The relationships between DIAs speciation (including arsenite [ As( Ⅲ ) ] and arsenate [ As( Ⅴ ) ]), biological activity and the availabilities of the phosphate were investigated in the study area for the cruise August 2002. The ratio of As (Ⅲ)/TDIAs increased with the decrease of phosphate concentrations. In the bottom water, the As( Ⅲ )/TDIAs ratio decreased with the increasing of N/P. The concentration of TDIAs decreased 28.7% approximately after the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HAB) because of the uptake of arsenate by algae. Further study is needed about the arsenic source/sink relationships in their vertical or horizontal profiles and the uptake mechanism during the occurrence of harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

赤水地区上三叠统须家河组源岩特征及天然气成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细致观测了野外剖面,并进行了相关的室内分析化验,对比研究了赤水地区与四川盆地其他地区上三叠统须家河组烃源岩分布特征、有机质类型及丰度,结合赤水地区须家河组天然气的主要地球化学特征,揭示了赤水地区须家河组的源岩特征,初步探讨了其天然气成因。结果表明,研究区须家河组的天然气主要来源于下伏地层。  相似文献   

In order to reveal the sedimentary environment of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation of Qingbaikou System in Tonghua, Jilin Province, the mineral composition and petrochemistry of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation were analyzed. The mineral compositions of five carbonate rock samples in Nanfen Formation mainly consist of calcite, with minor clay minerals and quartz, and the rock type is siliceous marlite. The Mn/Sr va-lues range from 1.52 to 4.08, with an average of 2.64, indicating that the carbonate rocks experienced weak diagenesis; the Sr/Ba values range from 1.26 to 2.51, with an average of 1.93, indicating marine environment; the ratio of Mg/Al ranges from 35.33 to 86.34, with an average of 62.95, indicating the seawater environment, which is consistent with the result from Sr/Ba; the MgO/CaO values range from 0.01 to 0.04, with an average of 0.02, indicating humid environment; the values of V/(V+Ni) range from 0.63 to 0.73, with an average of 0.70, indicating anoxic environment. In summary, geochemical analyses show that the Nanfen Formation carbonate rocks are marine deposits, in a warm, humid, anoxic environment with poor flow of seawater, and subsequently underwent weak diagenetic alteration.  相似文献   

干热岩作为一种清洁的新能源,具有热能大、分布广、开发利用对环境影响小、不受季节等自然条件影响的优势。美国在20世纪70年代即进行了干热岩开发利用研究工作,而干热岩的勘查开发利用在我国尚处于起步阶段,因此对干热岩勘查、开发技术开展研究有着非常现实的意义。该文在简述国内外对干热岩研究现状的基础上,对利津县干热岩的地热地质条件、干热岩的热储特征及开发利用条件进行了分析,计算了资源量,并提出了干热岩开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

地热资源作为一种绿色、可持续利用的矿产资源备受关注。沂源县位于鲁中低山丘陵区,基岩大面积出露,大部分地区缺少地热形成的保温盖层,南麻悦庄盆地为中、新生代沉降盆地,是沂源县地热形成最为有利的区域。在分析南麻悦庄盆地地热地质钻探、岩屑编录、产能测试、水质化验,以及浅层地温孔测温等成果及数据资料的基础上,对盆地构造及地层发育特征、水文地质、地热地质、地温场特征等进行深入综合研究;发现寒武奥陶纪碳酸盐岩裂隙岩溶热储是盆地内主要热储层,推测在盆地东北部热储层温度最高可达60℃,盖层为其上的石炭纪、侏罗纪、白垩纪、古近纪和第四纪地层,盆地沉降中心发育厚度超过900m,保温效果好,地热水来自盆地南部大气降水入渗后径流补给,热源以深部热流为主,断裂构造沟通深部热流也是盆地内热储层的增温热源之一,地热水中偏硅酸、碘化物含量达到医疗热矿水浓度。构造附近或交会处浅层地温明显升高的区域为进一步地热勘查的靶区,开发利用建议以地热为主题打造康养、旅游特色文化村(镇)。  相似文献   

Eyl has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics. It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution. On the basis of the research of core analyses, well logging data analyses, sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses, the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Eyl, and have carried out Eyl sedimentary environments and its origin. The result shows that Eyl desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   

Ey1 has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics.It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution.On the basis of the research of core analyses,well logging data analyses,sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses,the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Ey1,and have carried out Ey1 sedimentary environments and its origin.The result shows that Ey1 desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   

Ey1 has the unique desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection structure as its one of the most important characteristics. It is very important to clarify sedimentary characteristics and its origin for Yitong Graben and its sedimentary facies and tectonic evolution. On the basis of the research of core analyses, well logging data analyses, sedimentary facies analyses and seismic reflection structure analyses, the authors have concluded the sedimentary characteristics of Ey1, and have carried out Ey1 sedimentary environments and its origin. The result shows that Ey1 desultory-weak or gap seismic reflection may be a series of small scale secondary sediment fans superimposition.  相似文献   

通过采用地面物探、钻探和井下巷探、钻探相结合的综合勘探方法,对鲁村井田深部进行了补充勘探,并对井田以往地质资料进行了重新对比分析,发现该井田-400~-1 300 m的埋深范围内不但存在以往认为已被剥蚀缺失的太原组上部地层,还保存了较完整的山西组,尤其是在该段地层中新发现了5个局部可采煤层,为井田增加了资源储量、延长了服务年限。填补了沂源煤田太原组上部和山西组含煤地层资料的空白。  相似文献   

Petroleum geologists have paid great attentions to the volcanic reservoirs of Songliao Basin in NE China. There are plenty of subvolcanic rocks in the Songliao Basin accompanying the Early Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation. The logging data show the good reservoir potential of these intrusive rocks but the distribution characteristics and formation mechanisms of these reservoirs are not clearly understood. Based on the previous studies by using coring,cuts and logging data of Yingtai rift depression,the reservoirs' characteristics of intrusive rocks are presented. There are two types of intrusive rocks namely the syenodiorite-porphyrite and diabase which occur as laccolith and / or sill,both having the characteristics of low gamma and high density with little primary porosity and permeability. The prevalent reservoir porosity is the secondary porosity,such as spongy / cavernous pore,tectonic fracture. The laboratory data of porosity of diabase can reach 6. 7%,but the permeability is less than 0. 6 × 10~(-3)μm~2,median pressure is high,indicating that the pore throat of this kind reservoir is small.The maximum logging porosity is about 12%. The change of porosity does not correlate to the buried depth. It is the major significant differences in the distributive characteristics compared to the normal sedimentary rock reservoirs. Most of intrusive rocks underwent alteration diagenesis whilst some were subjected to precipitation diagenesis. The spongy and cavernous pore can be formed during the alteration processes of plagioclase to illite and pyroxene to chlorite. The secondary porosity is greatly correlated with the alteration intensity of matrix,plagioclase and pyroxene. There are pyroxenes and more plagioclases in diabase,which cause the higher alteration intensity than the syenodiorite-porphyrites in the same acid fluid. So the porosity of diabase is higher than that of syenodiorite-porphyrites. The top or / and bottom part of intrusive rocks develop the higher porosity. Because those parts are easy to contact formation fluid,and the shrink fractures give the more surface for reaction between fluid and rock. The porosity of intrusive rocks is same to the volcanic rocks in Yingtai rift depression and Xujiaweizi rift depression which bear the prolific gas. It suggests good reservoir potential. Intrusive rocks are hosted by the dark mudstone which indicates semi-deep and deep lake facies belt.  相似文献   

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