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Subseasonal forecast skills and biases of global summer monsoons are diagnosed using daily data from the hindcasts of 45-day integrations by the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2. Predictions for subseasonal variability of zonal wind and precipitation are generally more skillful over the Asian and Australian monsoon regions than other monsoon regions. Climatologically, forecasts for the variations of dynamical monsoon indices have high skills at leads of about 2 weeks. However, apparent interannual differences exist, with high skills up to 5 weeks in exceptional cases. Comparisons for the relationships of monsoon indices with atmospheric circulation and precipitation patterns between skillful and unskillful forecasts indicate that skills for subseasonal variability of a monsoon index depend partially on the degree to which the observed variability of the index attributes to the variation of large-scale circulation. Thus, predictions are often more skillful when the index is closely linked to atmospheric circulation over a broad region than over a regional and narrow range. It is also revealed that, the subseasonal variations of biases of winds, precipitation, and surface temperature over various monsoon regions are captured by a first mode with seasonally independent biases and a second mode with apparent phase transition of biases during summer. The first mode indicates the dominance of overall weaker-than-observed summer monsoons over major monsoon regions. However, at certain stages of monsoon evolution, these underestimations are regionally offset or intensified by the time evolving biases portrayed by the second mode. This feature may be partially related to factors such as the shifts of subtropical highs and intertropical convergence zones, the reversal of biases of surface temperature over some monsoon regions, and the transition of regional circulation system. The significant geographical differences in bias growth with increasing lead time reflect the distinctions of initial memory capability of the climate system over different monsoon regions.  相似文献   

为了解高分辨率区域数值模式降水预报在云南的预报效果和误差特点,针对华南中尺度模式、华东区域数值预报业务模式和中央气象台GRAPES-Meso模式对2017年9月—2018年12月云南降水预报进行检验分析。结果表明:华东模式降水预报效果整体最好,其降水的振幅接近实况,晴雨准确率也是最高,而华南和GRAPES模式空报率和漏报率普遍偏高。三种模式对滇东北、滇中西部、滇西北北部≥0.1 mm降水预报评分普遍较低,对滇南、滇西南、滇西边缘地区的评分普遍较高。在滇东北北部、滇中西部、及滇西北北部地区三种模式对≥10 mm降水TS评分普遍较低。对于≥25 mm降水,华东模式和华南模式在滇中、滇西地区的TS评分高于GRAPES模式。对于≥50 mm降水,华东模式和华南模式在滇东南、滇西南、滇西边缘及金沙江河谷沿线TS评分高于GRAPES模式。对于云南强降水天气过程,≥0.1 mm降水华南模式预报效果较好,但10 mm和25 mm以上量级降水华东模式的预报效果较好,≥50.0 mm则是GRAPES模式更具参考价值。  相似文献   

设计了适用于四维变分同化系统的扰动预报模式GRAPESPF。根据GRAPES的地形追随坐标非静力原始方程组,采用小扰动分离方法推导微分形式的线性扰动预报方程组,并利用与GRAPES非线性模式相似的数值求解方案求解线性扰动微分方程组。在设计扰动预报模式时采用了两个时间层半隐式半拉格朗日方案对动量方程、热力学方程、水汽方程和连续方程进行时间差分,空间差分方案的变量分布水平方向采用Arakawa C跳点网格,垂直方向采用Charney/Phillips跳层。利用代数消元法进一步推导得到只包含未来时刻扰动Exner气压的亥姆霍兹方程,进而通过广义共轭余差法(GCR)求解,在此基础上得到未来时刻扰动量的预报值。基于所开发的扰动模式开展了数值试验。首先在非线性模式中施加一个中尺度初始扰动高压,得到初始扰动在非线性模式中的后续演变,然后将相同的初始扰动作为扰动模式的初值进行时间积分,将扰动模式预报的结果与非线性模式的结果做了对比。结果表明,所开发的扰动模式GRAPESPF较好地模拟了惯性重力内波的传播过程:初始高压扰动激发了一个迅速向外传播的惯性重力内波,...  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology which is very useful to design shape-preserving advection finite difference scheme on general E-grid horizontal arrangement of variables through introducing a two-step shape-preserving positive definite advection scheme in the moisture equation of the LASG-REM (LASG regional E-grid eta-coordinate forecast model). By trial-forecasting six local heavy raincases, the efficiency of the shape-preserving advection scheme in practical application has been examined. The LASG-REM with the shape-preserving advection scheme has a good forecasting ability for local precipitation.  相似文献   

Summary  The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) has been widely used to simulate relatively short-term atmospheric processes. To perform full-year to multi-year model integrations, a climate version of RAMS (ClimRAMS) has been developed, and is used to simulate diurnal, seasonal, and annual cycles of atmospheric and hydrologic variables and interactions within the central United States during 1989. The model simulation uses a 200-km grid covering the conterminous United States, and a nested, 50-km grid covering the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado. The model’s lateral boundary conditions are forced by six-hourly NCEP reanalysis products. ClimRAMS includes simplified precipitation and radiation sub-models, and representations that describe the seasonal evolution of vegetation-related parameters. In addition, ClimRAMS can use all of the general RAMS capabilities, like its more complex radiation sub-models, and explicit cloud and precipitation microphysics schemes. Thus, together with its nonhydrostatic and fully-interactive telescoping-grid capabilities, ClimRAMS can be applied to a wide variety of problems. Because of non-linear interactions between the land surface and atmosphere, simulating the observed climate requires simulating the observed diurnal, synoptic, and seasonal cycles. While previous regional climate modeling studies have demonstrated their ability to simulate the seasonal cycles through comparison with observed monthly-mean temperature and precipitation data sets, this study demonstrates that a regional climate model can also capture observed diurnal and synoptic variability. Observed values of daily precipitation and maximum and minimum screen-height air temperature are used to demonstrate this ability. Received September 27, 1999 Revised December 11, 1999  相似文献   


A þrst climate simulation performed with the novel Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) is presented. The CRCM is based on fully elastic non‐hydrostatic þeld equations, which are solved with an efþcient semi‐implicit semi‐Lagrangian (SISL) marching algorithm, and on the parametrization package of subgrid‐scale physical effects of the second‐generation Canadian Global Climate Model (GCMII). Two 5‐year integrations of the CRCM nested with GCMII simulated data as lateral boundary conditions are made for conditions corresponding to current and doubled CO2 scenarios. For these simulations the CRCM used a grid size of 45 km on a polar‐stereographic projection, 20 scaled‐height levels and a time step of 15 min; the nesting GCMII has a spectral truncation of T32, 10 hybrid‐pressure levels and a time step of 20 min. These simulations serve to document: (1) the suitability of the SISL numerical scheme for regional climate modelling, (2) the use of GCMII physics at much higher resolution than in the nesting model, (3) the ability of the CRCM to add realistic regional‐scale climate information to global model simulations, and (4) the climate of the CRCM compared to that of GCMII under two greenhouse gases (GHG) scenarios.  相似文献   

区域集合预报扰动方法研究进展综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
集合预报方法是解决单一数值预报不确定性问题的有效手段,而针对强天气预报的中尺度区域集合预报技术已逐渐受到国内外的重视。对于区域集合预报而言,由于其不确定性来源较为复杂,如何发展有效的扰动方法是研究的热点和难点。本文根据国内外区域集合预报的研究进展,从初值扰动、模式扰动以及侧边界扰动三个方面进行了总结和回顾,并对扰动方法的发展趋势进行了介绍。对于初值扰动,较为主流的方法有动力降尺度,沿用传统的由全球集合扰动方法发展而来的技术为区域集合产生初值,以及专门为区域集合设计的扰动方法。鉴于这些方法各有利弊,目前对于初值扰动方法的研究已经开始发展充分包含大尺度和小尺度不确定性信息的混合扰动方法。区域集合预报模式扰动的研究以物理过程扰动为主,典型方法为多物理过程组合以及随机物理过程扰动,其中多物理过程组合方法简单有效,而随机物理过程扰动方法的物理意义更为明确,是物理过程扰动的趋势。通过多模式组合进行模式扰动的方法也开展了一些相关研究,且对于台风等强天气预报均显示出相对于单模式集合较好的效果。侧边界扰动的主流方法是由大尺度集合预报场来为区域集合提供不同的侧边界,研究结果表明此种侧边界扰动方法简便易行,且有助于提高区域集合预报较长预报时效离散度和预报技巧。  相似文献   

A high resolution regional climate model (RCM) is used to simulate climate of the recent past and to project future climate change across the northeastern US. Different types of uncertainties in climate simulations are examined by driving the RCM with different boundary data, applying different emissions scenarios, and running an ensemble of simulations with different initial conditions. Empirical orthogonal functions analysis and K-means clustering analysis are applied to divide the northeastern US region into four climatologically different zones based on the surface air temperature (SAT) and precipitation variability. The RCM simulations tend to overestimate SAT, especially over the northern part of the domain in winter and over the western part in summer. Statistically significant increases in seasonal SAT under both higher and lower emissions scenarios over the whole RCM domain suggest the robustness of future warming. Most parts of the northeastern US region will experience increasing winter precipitation and decreasing summer precipitation, though the changes are not statistically significant. The greater magnitude of the projected temperature increase by the end of the twenty-first century under the higher emissions scenario emphasizes the essential role of emissions choices in determining the potential future climate change.  相似文献   

Kuo  Chun-Chao  Gan  Thian Yew  Wang  Jingwen 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(7):3561-3581
Climate Dynamics - A regional climate model, WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model), was set-up and fine-tuned to simulate the possible impacts of climate change to the Mackenzie River Basin...  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Viticulture represents an important economic activity for Greek agriculture. Winegrapes are cultivated in many areas covering the whole Greek territory, due to...  相似文献   

MJO prediction in the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the primary mode of tropical intraseasonal climate variability and has significant modulation of global climate variations and attendant societal impacts. Advancing prediction of the MJO using state of the art observational data and modeling systems is thus a necessary goal for improving global intraseasonal climate prediction. MJO prediction is assessed in the NOAA Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) based on its hindcasts initialized daily for 1999–2010. The analysis focuses on MJO indices taken as the principal components of the two leading EOFs of combined 15°S–15°N average of 200-hPa zonal wind, 850-hPa zonal wind and outgoing longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere. The CFSv2 has useful MJO prediction skill out to 20 days at which the bivariate anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) drops to 0.5 and root-mean-square error (RMSE) increases to the level of the prediction with climatology. The prediction skill also shows a seasonal variation with the lowest ACC during the boreal summer and highest ACC during boreal winter. The prediction skills are evaluated according to the target as well as initial phases. Within the lead time of 10 days the ACC is generally greater than 0.8 and RMSE is less than 1 for all initial and target phases. At longer lead time, the model shows lower skills for predicting enhanced convection over the Maritime Continent and from the eastern Pacific to western Indian Ocean. The prediction skills are relatively higher for target phases when enhanced convection is in the central Indian Ocean and the central Pacific. While the MJO prediction skills are improved in CFSv2 compared to its previous version, systematic errors still exist in the CFSv2 in the maintenance and propagation of the MJO including (1) the MJO amplitude in the CFSv2 drops dramatically at the beginning of the prediction and remains weaker than the observed during the target period and (2) the propagation in the CFSv2 is too slow. Reducing these errors will be necessary for further improvement of the MJO prediction.  相似文献   

用结构分析方法分析了2006年6月3日西安突发性暴雨探空信息的大气垂直结构特征。结果表明:暴雨发生前和暴雨过程中垂直探空信息具有独特的结构特征,说明突发性的核心问题在于结构特征的转折性;大气的超低温、滚流方向等均是大气结构转折变化的先兆信息。揭示了突发灾害天气可预测性,为区域性暴雨的预测提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

An upgraded version of the Eta model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Upgrades implemented over a number of years in an open source version of the Eta model, posted at the CPTEC web site http://etamodel.cptec.inpe.br/, are summarized and examples of benefits are shown. The version originates from the NCEP’s Workstation Eta code posted on the NCEP web site http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/wrkstn_eta, which differs from the NCEP’s latest operational Eta by having the WRF-NMM nonhydrostatic option included. Most of the upgrades made resulted from attention paid to less than satisfactory performance noted in several Eta results, and identification of the reasons for the problem. Others came from simple expectation that including a feature that is physically justified but is missing in the code should help. The most notable of the upgrades are the introduction of the so-called sloping steps, or discretized shaved cells topography; piecewise-linear finite-volume vertical advection of dynamic variables; vapor and hydrometeor loading in the hydrostatic equation, and changes aimed at refining the convection schemes available in the Eta. Several other modifications have to do with the calculation of exchange coefficients, conservation in the vertical diffusion, and diagnostic calculation of 10-m winds. Several examples showing improved performance resulting from the dynamics changes are given. One includes a case of unrealistically low temperatures in several mountain basins generated by a centered vertical advection difference scheme’s unphysical advection from below ground, removed by its replacement with a finite-volume scheme. Another is that of increased katabatic winds in the Terra Nova Bay Antarctica region. Successful forecast of the severe downslope zonda wind case in the lee of the highest peaks of the Andes is also shown, and some of the recent successful verification results of the use of the upgraded model are pointed out. The code is used at numerous places, and along with setup information it is available for outside users at the CPTEC Eta web site given above.  相似文献   

基于湖南汛期区域持续性暴雨典型环流分型,利用1961—2016年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和异常度方法对湖南6月区域持续性暴雨环流型进行客观识别,并结合动力和水汽输送条件,确定湖南6月区域持续性暴雨强信号并客观量化表征,建立湖南6月区域持续性暴雨预报定量化概念模型。结果表明:43次历史区域持续性暴雨过程的回报准确率达到81%,2017—2018年3次区域持续暴雨过程试报准确率为2/3,说明该概念模型有一定预报能力,能为湖南暴雨预报业务服务提供技术支持。将该概念模型与各类模式预报产品相结合,还可开展区域持续性暴雨的中期和延伸期预报。  相似文献   

引用区域气候参数理论,对降水进行了定量化长期预报试验,以验证其有效性。结果证明该方法具有较高的预报准确率,可用于专业服务。  相似文献   

河西走廊东部大风气候特征及预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用河西走廊东部1971—2010年4个气象站大风(≥6级,即10min平均风速≥10.8~13.8m/s)资料,系统分析了该区大风的时空分布、强度和持续性等气候特征。结果表明,河西走廊东部大风天气主要发生在山区和沙漠边缘;年、年代际大风日数总体呈减少趋势,3—5月是大风的高发期,占全年大风日数的34.8%~56.8%,其次是2月、6月和11月;各强度大风日数的变率较大,随着大风强度的增强,大风日数迅速减少;大风天气具有持续性特征,最大风速大多出现在持续大风时段内。采用2003—2007年逐日20时ECMWF数值预报格点场资料,按照Press准则进行预报因子初选,运用逐步回归预报方法进行预报因子精选,使用最优子集回归建立大风预报方程,并用双评分准则(CSC,couple score criterion)确定各季节各地大风预报全局最优的显著性方程,预报方程通过了α=0.01的显著性检验。预报方程回代拟合率为66.7%~73.4%,预报准确率为58.8%~67.5%,达到了一定的预报水平,可为大风的业务预报提供客观有效的指导产品。采用最大靠近原则确定了大风预报临界值和预报、预警的级别。  相似文献   

面雨量是流域防汛抗洪调度的重要依据,单模式的确定性预报无法反映面雨量的多种可能性,为了解决面雨量预报存在不确定性的问题,本文基于中国气象局区域集合预报系统(China Meteorological Administration-Regional Ensemble Prediction System,CMA-REPS)降水结果对海河流域集合预报面雨量开展了适用性评估和分析,结合高分辨率格点实况资料对其2020—2022年5—8月面雨量进行检验,并依检验结果开展了集合预报面雨量产品及跨度预报产品研发。检验表明CMA-REPS集合预报对海河流域面雨量预报有改进:1)海河流域集合平均面雨量预报的绝对误差明显优于控制预报,在空间分布上表现为南部河系预报误差较大,中部次之,北部最小。2)模糊评分表明小雨和中雨量级集合平均预报更贴近实况,而暴雨量级则需进一步参考集合成员的极端性。3) TS及Bias评分表明集合平均在小雨量级预报效果较好,中雨及以上量级在预报后期改进更加明显。4)概率预报评分发现CMA-REPS对海河流域中部河系中雨以下面雨量有较好的表现,而南部河系的评分则低于中部河系。开发集合预报面雨量产品并对海河流域两次致洪暴雨过程检验发现:1)集合成员对24 h大暴雨等级面雨量的预报有较高的概率,与实况量级相当,对极端降水有较好的提示。2)24 h内集合平均具有较好的评分,而24~48 h,75%分位数产品对于强降水过程预报效果更好;本文依据检验结果开发的集合预报混合百分位产品及跨度预报产品对于强降水有较好的参考性。3)依据概率预报随时间的变化曲线对面雨量进行平滑拟合,可以得到更贴近于实况的逐小时面雨量预报产品。  相似文献   

利用基于 RegCM2的区域气候模式并单向嵌套澳大利亚 CSIRO R21L9全球海-气耦合模式,进行了温室气体二氧化碳浓度倍增对中国气候变化影响的数值试验研究。控制试验结果表明:区域模式由于具有较高的分辨率,因而对中国区域地面气温和降水的模拟效果较全球模式有了较大提高;模式对 2×CO2敏感性试验结果表明了在 CO2浓度倍增情况下,由于温室效应,中国区域的地面气温将有明显升高,降水也将呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

Summary A semi-implicit non-hydrostatic mesoscale forescasting model, which is used operationally in the United Kingdom Meteorological Office, has been reformulated using two time levels and semi-Lagrangian advection so as to permit longer timesteps. The boundaries are found to be an important influence on the model's stability and two methods of suppressing wave reflection are described with the aid of a one-dimensional experiment. The model's responses to two dimensional flow over a ridge and to three-dimensional flow over an isolated mountain are then demonstrated. The reformulated model is more efficient than the original provided a timestep at least twice as long can be used. It is also superior both in having minimal damping (except at the boundaries), and in the accuracy of the advection scheme.  相似文献   

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