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We investigate the dust radiative forcing and its feedback on the Arabian Peninsula’s wet season climate using the International Centre for Theoretical Physics-Regional Climate Model (ICTP-RegCM4). We have found that the dust plumes exert a negative (positive) radiative forcing at the surface (top of the atmosphere) by reducing incoming solar radiation reaching the ground and locally heating up the atmosphere column. Consequently, the surface air temperature is cooler, hence indicating a decrease in the warm bias and an increase in the temperature gradient. This reduces the geopotential heights and enhances the low-level wind convergence, suggesting stronger upward motion. These changes increase evaporation, the difference between precipitation and evaporation in the atmosphere and rainfall over the Peninsula, indicating an intensification of the hydrologic cycle. The decrease in the precipitation dry bias and the large reduction in the temperature warm bias caused by the impact of dust over the entire Peninsula represent a significant success for the RegCM4 simulation. Therefore, the inclusion of dust in the simulation of the Arabian Peninsula’s climate for the wet season contributes to an improved performance of this regional climate model over the region.  相似文献   

RegCM4.3, a high-resolution regional climate model, which includes five kinds of aerosols(dust, sea salt,sulfate, black carbon and organic carbon), is employed to simulate the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) from 1995 to 2010 and the simulation data are used to study the possible impact of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on EASM.The results show that the regional climate model can well simulate the EASM and the spatial and temporal distribution of aerosols. The EASM index is reduced by about 5% by the natural and anthropogenic aerosols and the monsoon onset time is also delayed by about a pentad except for Southeast China. The aerosols heat the middle atmosphere through absorbing solar radiation and the air column expands in Southeast China and its offshore areas. As a result, the geopotential height decreases and a cyclonic circulation anomaly is generated in the lower atmosphere. Northerly wind located in the west of cyclonic circulation weakens the low-level southerly wind in the EASM region. Negative surface radiative forcing due to aerosols causes downward motion and an indirect meridional circulation is formed with the low-level northerly wind and high-level southerly wind anomaly in the north of 25° N in the monsoon area, which weakens the vertical circulation of EASM. The summer precipitation of the monsoon region is significantly reduced,especially in North and Southwest China where the value of moisture flux divergence increases.  相似文献   

Summary Strong stable layers are a common occurrence during western Colorado's winter. Analysis of radiosonde observations indicate wintertime boundary layer heights are near 500 m. The terrain in this region consists of mountains that rise approximately 1500–2000 m above the ground to the east, providing an effective blocking barrier. An experiment is described to observe upwelling and downwelling, longwave and shortwave radiative fluxes at two sites in western Colorado during January and February 1992, for combinations of clear, cloudy, snow covered, and bare ground periods. Analysis of the observations and the surface energy budget for typical Bowen ratios provides a better understanding of the role of radiation in maintaining and destroying stable layers.During the day, the surface received a net gain of energy from radiation, while at night there was a net loss. Over snow, the 24-hour net radiative flux was small and either positive or negative. Over bare soil, the 24-hour net radiative flux was positive but still small. There is little difference in the net radiative flux between clear and cloudy days; the reduction of the incident solar flux by clouds is nearly compensated by the hindering of the longwave cooling. The cumulative effects of the 24-hour net radiative flux were negative over snow early in the experiment. The 24-hour values shifted to near zero as the snow albedo decreased and were positive for bare ground.If the daytime net radiative flux is partitioned into sensible and latent heat flux using typical Bowen ratios, the daytime sensible heat available for destroying boundary layers is small for the low solar angles of the winter season. With a Bowen ratio of 0.5, the daytime sensible heat flux available is only 0.3 to 1.2 MJ m–2 over a snow surface and 1.4 to 2.3 MJ m–2 over soil. These heat fluxes will not build a deep enough boundary layer to break a typical wintertime inversion. The 24-hour sensible heat flux was negative at both sites for the entire experiment with this Bowen ratio.The radiation observations and the use of typical Bowen ratios lead to the conclusion that the net radiation will sustain or strengthen a stable atmosphere in the winter season in western Colorado. Analysis of the radiosonde observations confirm this result as the boundary layer depths were less than 500 m early in the experiment and grew to only 700 m later in the experiment.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

本文选择2012年8月16~17日降水个例,利用WRFV3.5天气模式模拟研究青藏高原东坡的地形坡度、坡向及覆盖短波辐射效应(Effect of Slope,Aspect and Shading,ESAS)。结果显示,ESAS产生的短波辐射强迫(强迫)空间分布与坡度大小一致,表现为坡度大时强迫大,坡度小时强迫小;朝西坡向为负强迫,坡向朝东为正强迫,正负强迫分别超过20和32W m-2。地形覆盖使得坡度和坡向在青藏高原东坡(高原东坡)上产生的地面短波辐射通量变化(辐射通量变化)整体向东南移入盆地,位移后的辐射通量增减仍然和高原东坡的坡度、坡向分布一致。地表热通量、地表温度在白天的变化和辐射通量变化分布一致,均在四川盆地内有一条高值带,且形状类似高原东坡和盆地的衔接线;EASA对地面各热通量的影响可以延续到夜间,使得夜间地表热通量变化和高值区位置与白天相似,但变化幅度减小。水汽混合比和风场的变化均具有与潜热变化相似的空间形态,在夜间尤其明显。潜热的增加(减小)可能引起风速增减加(减小),并最终导致降水的改变。   相似文献   

A numerical modelling study is presented focusing on the effects of mesoscale sea-surface temperature (SST) variability on surface fluxes and the marine atmospheric boundary-layer structure. A basic scenario is examined having two regions of SST anomaly with alternating warm/cold or cold/warm water regions. Conditions upstream from the anomaly region have SST values equal to the ambient atmosphere temperature, creating an upstream neutrally stratified boundary layer. Downstream from the anomaly region the SST is also set to the ambient atmosphere value. When the warm anomaly is upstream from the cold anomaly, the downstream boundary layer exhibits a more complex structure because of convective forcing and mixed layer deepening upstream from the cold anomaly. An internal boundary layer forms over the cold anomaly in this case, generating two distinct layers over the downstream region. When the cold anomaly is upstream from the warm anomaly, mixing over the warm anomaly quickly destroys the shallow cold layer, yielding a more uniform downstream boundary-layer vertical structure compared with the warm-to- cold case. Analysis of the momentum budget indicates that turbulent momentum flux divergence dominates the velocity field tendency, with pressure forcing accounting for only about 20% of the changes in momentum. Parameterization of surface fluxes and boundary-layer structure at these scales would be very difficult because of their dependence on subgrid-scale SST spatial order. Simulations of similar flow over smaller scale fronts (<5 km) suggest that small-scale SST variability might be parameterized in mesoscale models by relating the effective heat flux to the strength of the SST variance.  相似文献   

The impacts of optical properties on radiative forcing due to dust aerosol   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
There are large uncertainties in the quantitative assessment of radiative effects due to atmospheric dust aerosol. The optical properties contribute much to those uncertainties. The authors perform several sensitivity experiments to estimate the impacts of optical characteristics on regional radiative forcing in this paper. The experiments involve in refractive indices, single scattering aibedo, asymmetry factor and optical depth. An updated dataset of refractive indices representing East Asian dust and the one recommended by the World Meteorology Organization (WMO) are contrastively analyzed and used. A radiative transfer code for solar and thermal infrared radiation with detailed aerosol parameterization is employed. The strongest emphasis is on the refractive indices since other optical parameters strongly depend on it, and the authors found a strong sensitivity of radiative forcing on refractive indices. Studies show stronger scattering, weaker absorption and forward scattering of the East Asian dust particles at solar wavelengths, which leads to higher negative forcing, lower positive forcing and bigger net forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) than that of the WMO dust model. It is also found that the TOA forcings resulting from these two dust models have opposite signs in certain regions, which implies the importance of accurate measurements of optical properties in the quantitative estimation of radiative forcing.  相似文献   

The authors present a case study investigating the impacts of dust aerosols on surface atmospheric variables and energy budgets in a semi-arid region of China. Enhanced observational meteorological data, radiative fluxes, near-surface heat fluxes, and concentrations of dust aerosols were collected from Tongyu station, one of the reference sites of the International Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project (CEOP), during a typical dust storm event in June 2006. A comprehensive analysis of these data show that in this semi-arid area, higher wind velocities and a continuously reduced air pressure were identified during the dust storm period. Dust storm events are usually associated with low relative humidity weather conditions, which result in low latent heat flux values. Dust aerosols suspended in the air decrease the net radiation, mainly by reducing the direct solar radiation reaching the land surface. This reduction in net radiation results in a decrease in soil temperatures at a depth of 2 cm. The combination of increased air temperature and decreased soil temperature strengthens the energy exchange of the atmosphere-earth system, increasing the surface sensible heat flux. After the dust storm event, the atmosphere was dominated by higher pressures and was relatively wet and cold. Net radiation and latent heat flux show an evident increase, while the surface sensible heat flux shows a clear decrease.  相似文献   

The Asian dust forecasting model, Mongolian Asian Dust Aerosol Model (MGLADAM), has been operated by the National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring of Mongolia since 2010, for the forecast of Asian dust storms. In order to evaluate the performance of the dust prediction model, we simulated Asian dust events for the period of spring 2011. Simulated features were compared with observations from two sites in the dust source region of the Gobi desert in Mongolia, and in the downstream region in Korea. It was found that the simulated wind speed and friction velocity showed a good correlation with observations at the Erdene site (one of the sites in the Gobi desert). The results show that the model is proficient in the simulation of dust concentrations that are within the same order of magnitude and have similar start and end times, compared with PM10 observed at two monitoring sites in the Gobi regions. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the dust simulation ranges up to 200 μg m?3 because of the high concentrations in source regions, which is three times higher than that in the downstream region. However, the spatial pattern of dust concentration matches well with dust reports from synoptic observation. In the downwind regions, it was found that the model simluated all reported dust cases successfully. It was also found that the RMSE in the downwind region increased when the model integration time increased, but that in the source regions did not show consistent change. It suggests that MGLADAM has the potential to be used as an operational dust forecasting model for predicting major dust events over the dust source regions as well as predicting transported dust concentrations over the downstream region. However, it is thought that further improvement in the emission estimation is necessary, including accurate predictions in surface and boundary layer meteorology. In the downwind regions, background PM10 concentration is considerably affected by other aerosol species, suggesting that a consideration of anthropogenic pollutants will be required for accurate dust forecasting.  相似文献   

使用RegCM4.6区域气候模式,选取Emanuel和Mix(Grell+Emanuel)两种积云对流参数化方案,以2016年为例,分别对中国地区云短波辐射强迫及其涉及的物理量进行数值模拟,揭示其时空分布特征,并探究两种积云对流参数方案模拟效果的差异及其原因。结果表明:从季节平均来看,全国地表云短波辐射强迫均为负值,云对地表为冷却效应,冬季最小,春夏季较大。塔里木盆地四季均为辐射强迫低值区,夏季冷却效应最弱,辐射强迫绝对值低于40 W·m-2;全天空地表净短波辐射分布也呈显著季节差异,除夏季外均呈由南向北逐渐递减的分布趋势;晴空地表净短波辐射在横断山脉处和塔里木盆地处均比较低,其中春季最为明显;两个方案所得的季节空间分布特征大致相同,但在数值上存在差异。春季时全国大部分地区全天空地表净短波辐射通量差异最大,在55 W·m-2左右,晴空地表净短波辐射通量在青藏高原处差异在60W·m-2左右。  相似文献   

The Asian Dust Aerosol Model 2 with the MM5 meteorological model has been employed to estimate the dust emission, dust concentration, and wet and dry deposition of dust in the Asian region for the month of March in 2010. It is found that the model simulates quite reasonably the dust (PM10) concentrations both in the dust source region and the downstream region of Korea. The starting and ending times of most dust events and their peak concentration occurrence times are well simulated. The monthly mean maximum surface dust concentration (PM10) is found to be 267???g?m?3 in the domain of central northern China (CNC). Monthly total maximum dust emission of more than 32?t km?2 and that of deposition of more than 25.4?t km?2 (dry deposition of 24?t km?2 and wet deposition of 1.4?t km?2) are found to occur in the domain CNC, whereas the monthly mean minimum surface dust concentration (PM10) is found to be 0.2???g?m?3 in the domain of the Tibetan Plateau, where the monthly total dust emission (4?kg?km?2) and the monthly total dust deposition (9?kg?km?2) are found to be minimum. This monthly total dust deposition of 9?kg?km?2 (dry deposition of 7?kg?km?2 and wet deposition of 2?kg?km?2) is as large as 2.25 times of that of emission (4?kg?km?2), suggesting net dust influx toward the Tibetan Plateau from the surrounding dust source regions. It is also found that the ratio of the total dust deposition to the total dust emission in the source region increases toward the downstream direction from 0.4 in the upstream source region of Taklimakan to 0.80 in the downstream source region of northeastern China. More than 90% of the total dust deposition is found to be contributed by dry deposition due to the lack of precipitation in the dust source region. The monthly mean dust concentration (PM10) is found to decrease with distance away from the dust source region. The monthly mean dust concentration of 62???g?m?3 over the Yellow Sea (YES) decreases to 4.3???g?m?3 over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean (NWP). The monthly total dust deposition in the downstream region is also found to decrease away from the source region from 2.33?t km?2 (dry deposition of 1.36?t km?2 and wet deposition of 0.97?t km?2) over the domain YES to 1.45?t km?2 (dry deposition of 0.16?t km?2 and wet deposition of 1.30?t km?2) over the domain NWP. A large amount of the total dust deposition over the seas is contributed by wet deposition (more than 90%), causing a small decreasing rate of the total dust deposition with distance from the source region. The estimated dust deposition could adversely impact the eco-environmental system significantly in the downstream regions of the Asian dust source region, especially over the seas.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the mass distributions, direct and semi-direct effects of different biomass burning aerosols (BBAs) over South Africa using the 12-year runs of the Regional Climate Model (RegCM4). The results were analyzed and presented for the main BB season (July–October). The results show that Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal and the eastern parts of Limpopo are the main local source areas of BBAs in South Africa. In comparison to carbonaceous aerosols, BB-induced sulfate aerosol mass loading and climatic effects were found to be negligible. All carbonaceous aerosols reduce solar radiation at the surface by enhancing local atmospheric radiative heating. The climatic feedback caused by BBAs, resulted in changes in background aerosol concentrations. Thus, on a regional scale, climatic effects of BBAs were also found in areas far away from the BBA loading zones. The feedback mechanisms of the climate system to the aerosol radiative effects resulted in both positive and negative changes to the low-level columnar averaged net atmospheric radiative heating rate (NAHR). Areas that experienced an NAHR reduction showed an increase in cloud cover (CC). During the NAHR enhancement, CC over arid areas decreased; whereas CC over the wet/semi-wet regions increased. The changes in surface temperature (ST) and surface sensible heat flux are more closely correlated with BBA semi-direct effects induced CC alteration than their direct radiative forcing. Furthermore, decreases (or increases) in ST, respectively, lead to the reductions (and enhancements) in boundary layer height and the vice versa on surface pressure. The direct and semi-direct effects of BBAs also jointly promoted a reduction and rise in surface wind speed that was spatially highly variable. Overall, the results suggest that the CC change induced by the presence of radiatively interactive BBAs is important to determine alterations in other climatic variables.  相似文献   

青藏高原地面热源对亚洲季风爆发的热力影响   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
利用多年NCEP/NCAR再分析全球逐候平均气象场资料和逐旬感热、潜热资料,对亚洲夏季风爆发期间青藏高原及其邻近地区地面加热场的特征进行分析。着重讨论了高原和邻近地区感热加热对亚洲夏季风爆发的影响,具体分析了高原感热加热对亚洲夏季风推进的影响机制,以及对热带低层西风气流的作用。结果发现,中纬度主原的感热加热所造成的经、纬向热力差异是导致亚洲夏季风爆发的原因。亚洲夏季风建立区域和时间的差异与高原感热加热的区域性有关。高原感热加热在南海夏季风爆发前后对南海地区低层西风所流所起的作用不同,在季风爆发前是加速低层西风,在季风爆发后起削弱西风气流的作用。对亚洲夏季风爆发早年和晚年的感热加热进行了对比分析,发现亚洲夏季风爆发时间的年际变化与热源的年际变化有关。  相似文献   

The operational Asian Dust Aerosol Model (ADAM)1 in Korea Meteorological Administration has been modified to the ADAM2 model to be used as an operational forecasting model all year round not only in Korea but also in the whole Asian domain (70-160°E and 5-60°N) using the routinely available World Meteorological Organization (WMO) surface reporting data and the Spot/vegetation Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data for the period of 9 years from 1998 to 2006. The 3-hourly reporting WMO surface data in the Asian domain have been used to re-delineate the Asian dust source region and to determine the temporal variation of the threshold wind speed for the dust rise. The dust emission reduction factor due to vegetation in different surface soil-type regions (Gobi, sand, loess, and mixed soil) has been determined with the use of NDVI data. It is found that the threshold wind speed for the dust rise varies significantly with time (minimum in summer and maximum in winter) and surface soil types with the highest threshold wind speed of 8.0 m?s?1 in the Gobi region and the lowest value of 6.0 m?s?1 in the loess region. The statistical analysis of the spot/vegetation NDVI data enables to determine the emission reduction factor due to vegetation with the free NDVI value that is the NDVI value without the effect of vegetation and the upper limit value of NDVI for the dust rise in different soil-type regions. The modified ADAM2 model has been implemented to simulate two Asian dust events observed in Korea for the periods from 31 March to 2 April 2007 (a spring dust event) and from 29 to 31 December 2007 (a winter dust event) when the observed PM10 concentration at some monitoring sites in the source region exceeds 9,000 μg m?3. It is found that ADAM2 model successfully simulates the observed high dust concentrations of more than 8,000 μg m?3 in the dust source region and 600 μg m?3 in the downstream region of Korea. This suggests that ADAM2 has a great potential for the use of an operational Asian dust forecast model in the Asian domain.  相似文献   

沙尘气溶胶对半干旱区微气象学特征影响的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
沙尘气溶胶通过改变地表—大气间的短波及长波辐射从而对地气间热量传输产生影响,进而影响到地表能量收支平衡以及近地面层气象要素的分布。半干旱区是我国干旱化表现最为剧烈的地区,也是沙尘暴频发地区和主要源区之一。本文利用吉林通榆半干旱区国际协调强化观测计划基准站2006年4~6月近地层微气象、地表辐射通量和沙尘气溶胶浓度观测资料,对比分析了该地区在典型沙尘暴天气、扬沙天气和晴朗天气等不同天气状况下近地层各气象要素、地表能量平衡及辐射收支的变化特征。结果表明,沙尘气溶胶对半干旱地区地面微气象学特征及辐射收支具有明显的影响,且表现出不同于干旱区的若干特性:半干旱区沙尘天气下的平均风速比晴天高约2m.s-1,而相对湿度则降低了约35%。相对而言,气温和浅层地温的变化对沙尘的影响响应较弱。半干旱区在沙尘天气时地表净辐射小于晴天,感热/潜热通量分别约占净辐射的55%和30%,分别远大于/远小于晴天时的情形。该地区气溶胶质量浓度与日均感热、相对湿度、潜热等要素具有明显的相关,相关系数分别高达0.70、-0.75和-0.62。相比之下,干旱区沙尘天气时的感热通量要小于晴天时的值,而且气象要素的响应更加剧烈。  相似文献   

Asian dust events occurred in Asia during March 2010 were simulated using the Asian Dust Aerosol Model 2 (ADAM2). The performance of the model for simulations of surface dust concentrations and dust event occurrences was tested at several monitoring sites located in the dust source region and the downstream region of Korea. The observed and modeled dust event occurrences at each monitoring site were defined with the hourly observed and modeled dust concentrations that were used to evaluate the performance of the model by constructing a contingency table for the dust event occurrence. It was found that the model simulated quite well the starting and ending times of dust events with their peak dust concentrations for most dust events occurred both in the dust source region and the downstream region of Korea. However, the model failed to simulate a few dust events observed in both regions mainly due to the inaccurate simulations of the meteorological fields. Inaccurate simulations of wind speeds have caused for the model to simulate dust events poorly in the dust source region whereas poor simulations of precipitation of the fifth-generation mesoscale model (MM5) model have led to miss dust events in the downstream region of Korea. The contingency table made with the hourly data for the dust event occurrence made it possible to evaluate the ADAM2 model for the simulation of the dust event occurrence. It was found that the model has the probabilistic simulation capability for dust events of about 78% with the hit rate of more than 83% and the false alarm rate of about 27% for the dust events occurred during March in 2010. The probabilistic capability of the model could be much improved by improving the meteorological model (MM5 model).  相似文献   

中国地区春季沙尘气溶胶短波辐射气候效应数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用耦合了起沙模型(MEDM)的区域气候模式RegCM3,模拟研究了2000年春季中国地区沙尘气溶胶短波辐射气候效应。结果表明,春季中国沙尘气溶胶垂直负荷的大值区主要位于南疆盆地和阿拉善高原。引入沙尘气溶胶后,中国地区地表均出现负的辐射强迫,地面气温普遍降低,中低层(400 hPa层以下)大气温度则呈上升趋势。沙尘源区及其下游地区总云量及降水主要呈减少趋势,云量与降水的分布特征与空中流场的变化趋势一致性较好。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution, radiative forcing, and climatic effects of tropospheric ozone in China during summer were investigated by using the regional climate model RegCM4. The results revealed that the tropospheric ozone column concentration was high in East China, Central China, North China, and the Sichuan basin during summer. The increase in tropospheric ozone levels since the industrialization era produced clear-sky shortwave and clear-sky longwave radiative forcing of 0.18 and 0.71 W m–2, respectively, which increased the average surface air temperature by 0.06 K and the average precipitation by 0.22 mm day–1 over eastern China during summer. In addition, tropospheric ozone increased the land–sea thermal contrast, leading to an enhancement of East Asian summer monsoon circulation over southern China and a weakening over northern China. The notable increase in surface air temperature in northwestern China, East China, and North China could be attributed to the absorption of longwave radiation by ozone, negative cloud amount anomaly, and corresponding positive shortwave radiation anomaly. There was a substantial increase in precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It was related to the enhanced upward motion and the increased water vapor brought by strengthened southerly winds in the lower troposphere.  相似文献   

我国西北大气沙尘气溶胶的辐射效应   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
沈志宝  魏丽 《大气科学》2000,24(4):541-548
利用HEIFE地面辐射平衡观测资料和同期NOAA-11/AVHRR卫星遥感资料定量估算春季我国西北大气沙尘的辐射效应。大气沙尘减小地面净辐射冷却地面,对地-气系统和大气的辐射效应均与地表反照率有关,严重浑浊的沙尘大气在沙漠为短波加热和长波冷却,在绿洲则相反,但净效应都是加热。文中给出了4月大气浑浊度系数约由0.1增大到0.6,在沙漠和绿洲上空沙尘层(850~600 hPa)内大气的附加短波、长波和净加热/冷却率。  相似文献   

本文采用欧洲中心7层网格点逐月平均全球资料和同期美国KWBC的太平洋海温资料分析了1982年1月~1983年12月ElNino期间和1988年1月 ̄1989年12月LaNina期间大气加热场的特征。结果表明,海表温度异常时,海面向上输送的感热、潜热通量变化并不大,有时甚至出现和海温距平变化相反的趋势,而另一方面,各辐射量和凝结加热量变化却很重要。进一步本文又分别以多年平均的12月、ElNino及LaNina强盛时的1982年12月和1988年12月的实测海温和实测大气资料为初值作了数值模拟,模拟的大气状况与真实大气状况一致。根据资料分析和数值模拟的结果,本文认为作大尺度中长期天气预报及研究海气相互作用时应充分考虑辐射收支和凝结加热量的变化。  相似文献   

利用内蒙古科尔沁沙地和沈阳地区同步气象要素梯度观测和地面大气颗粒物(PM2.5和PM10)质量浓度观测资料,分析了中国北方地区2020年5月10日一次大范围扬沙天气过程微气象学和沙尘输送特征。结果表明:受大尺度天气系统影响,此次沙尘天气过程中科尔沁沙地不同高度(<20 m)风速均明显增加,各层相对湿度和浅层地表含水量有所降低,较强湍流动力作用配合干燥的土壤和大气环境有利于沙源地区地表大量的沙尘粒子释放到大气中。此后这些沙尘粒子随较强的西北气流集中在2—3 km以下高度向下游地区输送。受沙尘输送的影响,沈阳地区10日小时平均PM10浓度最高达817μg·m-3,能见度减小至3.7 km。此外,科尔沁沙地起沙过程中能见度与摩擦速度存在明显的反相关关系(相关系数R2=0.93),与湍流动力学热通量相关性相对较小,表明湍流动力作用在此次起沙过程占主导作用。  相似文献   

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