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A detailed high-pressure experimental study of two mafic xenoliths, in which coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene (± plagioclase, spinel and olivine) were crystallized over a P–T range of 10–30 kbar and 950–1200°C, has revealed significant differences in temperatures from those estimated for coexisting garnets and clinopyroxenes using the Ellis & Green Fe–Mg exchange thermometer. The results show perfect matching at 30 kbar, 1150–1200°C, but increasing deviation at lower pressure and lower temperature, with the Ellis & Green calibration reaching a Δ T (overestimate) of c. 145°C at 10–12 kbar and 950°C. The grossular content of the garnet increases from c. 21 mol.% at 10 kbar to 26–31 mol.% at 30 kbar. These results confirm other recent experimental studies that show that the pressure correction, and possibly to a lesser extent the correction for grossular content, applied by Ellis & Green, are not appropriate for lower pressure conditions, and give estimated temperatures that are significantly high when applied to granulitic terranes formed at c. 10 kbar. The new reconnaissance results allow a graphical interpolation of a garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometer based on the Fe–Mg exchange reaction which should be applicable to assemblages formed under lower crustal conditions.  相似文献   

The garnet-olivine Fe-Mg exchange geothermometer and the garnet-olivine-plagioclase geobarometer have been simultaneously calibrated using reversed experimental data based on the model reactions and between 900 and 1500 °C at 9.1–95.0 kbar and between 4.7 and 7.0 kbar at 750–1050 °C, respectively. The resulting garnet-olivine thermometer reproduces experimental temperatures mostly within ±75 °C and the garnet-olivine-plagioclase barometer reproduces experimental pressures well within ±0.19 kbar. These new thermobarometers use the same garnet and olivine activity models and are thermodynamically consistent. Application of these thermobarometers to garnet peridotites from mantle xenoliths, orogenic garnet peridotites over the world and the Adirondack olivine-bearing metagabbros yielded reasonable P–T results. The present garnet-olivine thermometer can be used to measure medium-high-grade to ultrahigh-grade, low-pressure to ultrahigh–high-pressure garnet peridotites and metagabbros, whereas the garnet-olivine-plagioclase barometer has limited application to garnet-olivine-plagioclase-bearing granulites.  相似文献   

碎屑流堆积物颗粒识别和统计是碎屑流灾害的研究重点。文章基于图像处理孔隙(颗粒)及裂隙图像识别与分析系统(PCAS),以贵州纳雍普洒村崩塌-碎屑流为例,结合纳雍崩塌堆积物粒径实测结果,通过阐释识别过程中阈值、孔喉封闭半径、最小孔隙面积的参数意义,研究PCAS软件在碎屑流颗粒识别与统计中的应用,并提出了颗粒识别时这些参数的选取方法。分析结果表明:(1)PCAS能自动准确地识别碎屑流堆积物颗粒与孔隙,相比人工计数更精细,所识别堆积物各区小颗粒比重较大,0~2 m颗粒粒径各区占比都在50%以上;(2)当阈值为170(像素)时能获得精细的二值图像,颗粒与孔隙得到了准确地区分;(3)不同参数取值下获得堆积物颗粒粒径分布结果不同,碎屑流堆积物颗粒识别宜采用较大的孔喉封闭半径和较小孔隙面积,当二者比值为3/30(像素)时能更好地反应颗粒粒径分布情况;(4)PCAS具有较高的可行性,统计结果显示,各粒径含量变化趋势与人工统计相近,两种统计方法各粒径占比、分布规律基本吻合,说明利用PCAS可以实现对崩塌碎屑流颗粒粒径分布的高效便捷分析。  相似文献   

刘晓  唐辉明  刘瑜 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3399-3405
滑坡体的变形表现出复杂的非线性演化特征,为克服传统分析方法在处理系统不确定性方面的不足,引入集对分析(SPA)理论,并结合模糊马尔可夫(fuzzy-Markov)理论来对滑坡SPA模型中的不确定系数进行二次预测,提出了滑坡变形SPA-fuzzy-Markov预测新模型。针对fuzzy-Markov子系统,分别提出了基于相关系数和特征值方差的多维空间模糊马尔可夫链拟合效果检验的两个新方法,并据此定量考察fuzzy-Markov子系统对参数响应的敏感性,用以确定最佳的模型参数组合。运用上述理论模型对刘家沱滑坡变形监测成果进行分析,综合定量考察了模型对模糊区间重合等级和马尔可夫状态转移步数这两个参数的敏感程度。结果表明:该算例条件下状态转移步数为敏感因子;与单纯SPA模型相比,复合模型能够进一步提高整体预测精度,在岩土监测分析领域中具有良好的实用价值;同时fuzzy-Markov理论的引入也为深化SPA基础理论研究提供了一条途径,不仅在岩土监测领域,在其他相关领域也具有理论和实用价值。  相似文献   

The viscosity of a synthetic andesite-like melt was measured in the low viscosity range (101-106 Pa s) using the falling sphere(s) method and in the high viscosity range (108-1013 Pa s) using parallel-plate viscometry. Falling sphere experiments with melts containing 2.3 and 5.6 wt.% H2O were carried out in an internally heated gas pressure vessel (IHPV) at 500 MPa confining pressure. The sinking velocity of Pt and Pd spheres and in one case of a corundum sphere was used to measure the melt viscosity. In addition, a creep experiment was performed at ambient pressure using a glass containing 2.73 wt.% H2O . A more water-rich glass (5.6 wt.% H2O ) was investigated with a high pressure parallel-plate viscometer at 400 MPa confining pressure in an IPHV. By combining our new data with previous results for a similar melt composition we derived the following expression to describe the viscosity η (in Pa s) as a function of temperature T (in K) and water content w (in wt.%)

笔者从勘查地球化学角度,利用研究区元素丰度、变异系数和混乱度对体系进行了元素分布分配时空规律的研究。在此基础上笔者对大型矿集区的识别与预测进行了初步探讨,建立了预测模型。并提出利用元素丰度、变异系数、混乱度来评价大型矿集区时应注意表生地球化学作用,同时指出该模型适用于“元素富集体与其赋存地质体存在内在关系”这一重要条件。总结出新疆石炭系火山碎屑岩应为金的找矿重点。  相似文献   

基于数据智能可视化分析的滑坡信息化施工研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用信息化施工技术进行大型滑坡整治,既安全又经济。笔者探讨了基于大量监测数据处理为核心的信息化施工技术。采用数据可视化技术对大型滑坡巨大数据进行分析处理,确定了滑动面位置、滑动方向和对滑坡进行危险性分区。将支持向量机方法用于预测滑坡变形。将智能和可视化分析结果用于滑坡动态优化设计中,并用一个实际工程实例论述了方法的思路。  相似文献   

A comparison of the diamond productions from Panda (Ekati Mine) and Snap Lake with those from southern Africa shows significant differences: diamonds from the Slave typically are un-resorbed octahedrals or macles, often with opaque coats, and yellow colours are very rare. Diamonds from the Kaapvaal are dominated by resorbed, dodecahedral shapes, coats are absent and yellow colours are common. The first two features suggest exposure to oxidizing fluids/melts during mantle storage and/or transport to the Earth's surface, for the Kaapvaal diamond population.

Comparing peridotitic inclusions in diamonds from the central and southern Slave (Panda, DO27 and Snap Lake kimberlites) and the Kaapvaal indicates that the diamondiferous mantle lithosphere beneath the Slave is chemically less depleted. Most notable are the almost complete absence of garnet inclusions derived from low-Ca harzburgites and a generally lower Mg-number of Slave inclusions.

Geothermobarometric calculations suggest that Slave diamonds originally formed at very similar thermal conditions as observed beneath the Kaapvaal (geothermal gradients corresponding to 40–42 mW/m2 surface heat flow), but the diamond source regions subsequently cooled by about 100–150 °C to fall on a 37–38 mW/m2 (surface heat flow) conductive geotherm, as is evidenced from touching (re-equilibrated) inclusions in diamonds, and from xenocrysts and xenoliths. In the Kaapvaal, a similar thermal evolution has previously been recognized for diamonds from the De Beers Pool kimberlites. In part very low aggregation levels of nitrogen impurities in Slave diamonds imply that cooling occurred soon after diamond formation. This may relate elevated temperatures during diamond formation to short-lived magmatic perturbations.

Generally high Cr-contents of pyrope garnets (inside and outside of diamonds) indicate that the mantle lithosphere beneath the Slave originally formed as a residue of melt extraction at relatively low pressures (within the stability field of spinelperidotites), possibly during the extraction of oceanic crust. After emplacement of this depleted, oceanic mantle lithosphere into the Slave lithosphere during a subduction event, secondary metasomatic enrichment occurred leading to strong re-enrichment of the deeper (>140 km) lithosphere. Because of the extent of this event and the occurrence of lower mantle diamonds, this may be related to an upwelling plume, but it may equally just reflect a long term evolution with lower mantle diamonds being transported upwards in the course of “normal” mantle convection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The high-grade rocks (metapelite, quartzite, metagabbro) of the Hisøy-Torungen area represent the south-westernmost exposures of granulites in the Proterozoic Bamble sector, south Norway. The area is isoclinally folded and a metamorphic P–T–t path through four successive stages (M1-M4) is recognized. Petrological evidence for a prograde metamorphic event (M1) is obtained from relict staurolite + chlorite + albite, staurolite + hercynite + ilmenite, cordierite + sillimanite, fine-grained felsic material + quartz and hercynite + biotite ± sillimanite within metapelitic garnet. The phase relations are consistent with a pressure of 3.6 ± 0.5 kbar and temperatures up to 750–850°C. M1 is connected to the thermal effect of the gabbroic intrusions prior to the main (M2) Sveconorwegian granulite facies metamorphism. The main M2 granulite facies mineral assemblages (quartz+ plagioclase + K-feldspar + garnet + biotite ± sillimanite) are best preserved in the several-metre-wide Al-rich metapelites, which represent conditions of 5.9–9.1 kbar and 790–884°C. These P–T conditions are consistent with a temperature increase of 80–100°C relative to the adjacent amphibolite facies terranes. No accompanying pressure variations are recorded. Up to 1-mm-wide fine-grained felsic veinlets appear in several units and represent remnants of a former melt formed by the reaction: Bt + Sil + Qtz→Grt + lq. This dehydration reaction, together with the absence of large-scale migmatites in the area, suggests a very reduced water activity in the rocks and XH2O = 0.25 in the C–O–H fluid system was calculated for a metapelitic unit. A low but variable water activity can best explain the presence or absence of fine-grained felsic material representing a former melt in the different granulitic metapelites. The strongly peraluminous composition of the felsic veinlets is due to the reaction: Grt +former melt ± Sil→Crd + Bt ± Qtz + H2O, which has given poorly crystalline cordierite aggregates intergrown with well-crystalline biotite. The cordierite- and biotite-producing reaction constrains a steep first-stage retrograde (relative to M2) uplift path. Decimetre- to metre-wide, strongly banded metapelites (quartz + plagioclase + biotite + garnet ± sillimanite) inter-layered with quartzites are retrograded to (M3) amphibolite facies assemblages. A P–T estimate of 1.7–5.6 kbar, 516–581°C is obtained from geothermobarometry based on rim-rim analyses of garnet–biotite–plagioclase–sillimanite–quartz assemblages, and can be related to the isoclinal folding of the rocks. M4 greenschist facies conditions are most extensively developed in millimetre-wide chlorite-rich, calcite-bearing veins cutting the foliation.  相似文献   

Regularly oriented orthopyroxene (opx) and forsterite (fo) inclusions occur as opx + rutile (rt) or fo + rt inclusion domains in garnet (grt) from Otrøy peridotite. Electron diffraction characterization shows that forsterite inclusions do not have any specific crystallographic orientation relationships (COR) with the garnet host. In contrast, orthopyroxene inclusions have two sets of COR, that is, COR‐I: <111>grt//<001>opx and {110}grt~//~{100}opx (~13° off) and COR‐II: <111>grt//<011>opx and {110}grt~//~{100}opx (~14° off), in four garnet grains analysed. Both variants of orthopyroxene have a blade‐like habit with one pair of broad crystal faces parallel/sub‐parallel to {110}grt plane and the long axis of the crystal, <001>opx for COR‐I and <011>opx for COR‐II, along <111>grt direction. Whereas the lack of specific COR between forsterite and garnet, along with the presence of abundant infiltrating trails/veinlets decorated by fo + rt at garnet edges, provide compelling evidence for the formation of forsterite inclusions in garnet through the sequential cleaving–infiltrating–precipitating–healing process at low temperatures, the origin of the epitaxial orthopyroxene inclusions in garnet is not so obvious. In this connection, the reported COR, the crystal habit and the crystal growth energetics of the exsolved orthopyroxene in relict majoritic garnet were reviewed/clarified. The exsolved orthopyroxene in a relict majoritic garnet follows COR‐III: {112}grt//{100}opx and <111>grt//<001>opx. Based on the detailed trace analysis on published SEM images, these exsolved orthopyroxene inclusions are shown to have the crystal habit with one pair of broad crystal faces parallel to {112}grt//{100}opx and the long crystal axis along <111>grt//<001>opx. Such a crystal habit can be rationalized by the differences in oxygen sub‐lattices of both structures and represents the energetically favoured crystal shape of orthopyroxene inclusions in garnet formed by solid‐state exsolution mechanism. Considering the very different COR, crystal habit, as well as crystal growth direction, the orthopyroxene inclusions in garnet of the present sample most likely had been formed by mechanism(s) other than solid‐state exsolution, regardless of their regularly oriented appearance in garnet and the COR specification between orthopyroxene and garnet. In fact, the crystallographic characteristics of orthopyroxene and the similar chemical compositions of garnet at opx + rt inclusion domains, fo + rt inclusion domains/trails and garnet rim suggest that the orthopyroxene inclusions in the garnet are most likely formed by similar cleaving‐infiltration process as forsterite inclusions, though probably at an earlier stage of metamorphism. This work demonstrates that the oriented inclusions in host minerals, with or without specific COR, can arise from mechanism(s) other than solid‐state exsolution. Caution is thus needed in the interpretation of such COR, so that an erroneous identification of exhumation from UHP depths would not be made.  相似文献   

Examination of the interaction area of conjugate faults yields evidence of a yet unknown structural pattern. Analogue experiments revealed the evolution of this pattern during the interaction process. A fault propagating towards the highly active section of another conjugate fault becomes increasingly deflected towards the obtuse angle side of the conjugate system while approaching until joining it. During this process, the tip of the curved propagating fault retains its shear sense until immediately before joining with the highly active fault—a process called “confluence” in this report. Under constant remote stress, the deflected fault now becomes dominant. A fault branch splits off at the point where deflection commences, propagating straight ahead of the original direction, and may dissect the former master fault. Alternating activity at both of the faults finally produces the known intersection patterns. Further studies of the proposed concept on natural examples are recommended due to the close geometric similarity of the evolutionary structural stages and natural fault patterns.  相似文献   

褶皱冲断带油气资源丰富,统计表明全球探明油气储量约14%分布在褶皱冲断带。自从1815年地质学家第一次以模拟实验的方式验证了褶皱形成于岩层遭受水平挤压变形的二百多年来,针对褶皱冲断带的物理模拟实验研究无疑是最卓有成效的研究领域方向之一。本文从追溯早期模拟实验先驱,到近二十年来国内外相关研究进展综述,着重分析和评述物理模拟实验研究对于前陆褶皱冲断带构造理论发展的主要贡献。强调造山带临界楔体理论以及基底滑脱层强度、流体超压和变形岩层内聚强度等对构造变形过程的控制作用。主要介绍的实验性标志成果有:(1)褶皱冲断带构造变形的生长规律;(2)褶皱冲断带的构造变形机制;(3)褶皱冲断带中构造变形的主控因素。我们的目的是提供引人入胜的物理模拟实验研究成果,吸引更多现在和未来的研究人员理解和重视物理模拟工作,借助日益进步的实验装置和技术方法,促进盆地构造研究在学科发展道路上,一步步实现从定性走向定量、从二维走向三维、从几何学和运动学走向动力学的飞跃。  相似文献   

Wind‐blown sand movement, considered as a particle‐laden two‐phase flow, was simulated by a new numerical code developed in the present study. The discrete element method was employed to model the contact force between sand particles. Large eddy simulation was used to solve the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer. Motions of sand particles were traced in the Lagrangian frame. Within the near‐surface region of the atmospheric boundary layer, interparticle collisions will significantly alter the velocity of sand. The sand phase is quite dense in this region, and its feedback force on fluid motion cannot be ignored. By considering the interparticle collision and two‐phase interaction, four‐way coupling was achieved in the numerical code. Profiles of sand velocity from the simulations were in good agreement with experimental measurements. The mass flux shows an exponential decay and is comparable to reported experimental and field measurements. The turbulence intensities and shear stress of sand particles were estimated from particle root‐mean‐square velocities. Distributions of slip velocity and feedback force were analysed to reveal the interactions between sand particles and the continuous fluid phase.  相似文献   

沿海地区地下水环境问题日益突出,进行地下水水化学特征及演化规律的研究,能够更有效地开展地下水环境的监测和保护。以青岛市崂山区地下水为研究对象,综合运用统计分析、主成分分析、Piper图解法、HFE-D图解法、Chadha’s矩形图法等方法,对研究区海水入侵特征与地下水化学特征演化进行分析,探究地下水水化学特征及演化规律,并进一步评价了海水入侵现状。结果表明,研究区地下水以Na+、Ca2+、Cl−、${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$为主要优势离子,地下水化学类型多为Cl·SO4-Na型和SO4·Cl-Ca·Mg型。地下水中Cl−浓度变化幅度较大,且其均值超出了有无海水入侵的分界值(250 mg·L−1),地下水可能发生一定程度的海水入侵;青岛市崂山区地下水呈中性至弱碱性(pH均值=7.0~8.0),是沿海地区长期的水文地球化学过程的影响;地下水化学变化主要受自然因素(岩石与水的相互作用)或人为因素(农业和家庭活动)的控制;采用反距离加权(IDW)方法,结合地理信息系统(GIS),进行海水入侵位置的空间映射,研究结果表明崂山区海水入侵主要分布于江家土寨东−浦里社区北入侵段,王哥庄−港西−港东入侵段、仰口湾入侵段、登瀛村−栲栳岛入侵段。  相似文献   

The Húsavík–Flatey Fault (HFF) is an oblique dextral transform fault, part of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ), that connects the North Volcanic Zone of Iceland and the Kolbeinsey Ridge. We carry out stress inversion to reconstruct the paleostress fields and present-day stress fields along the Húsavík–Flatey Fault, analysing 2700 brittle tectonic data measured on the field and about 700 earthquake focal mechanisms calculated by the Icelandic Meteorological Office. This allows us to discuss the Latest Cenozoic finite deformations (from the tectonic data) as well as the present-day deformations (from the earthquake mechanisms). In both these cases, different tectonic groups are reconstructed and each of them includes several distinct stress states characterised by normal or strike-slip faulting. The stress states of a same tectonic group are related through stress permutations (σ1σ2 and σ2σ3 permutations as well as σ1σ3 reversals). They do not reflect separate tectonic episodes. The tectonic groups derived from the geological data and the earthquake data have striking similarity and are considered to be related. The obliquity of the Húsavík–Flatey Fault implies geometric accommodation in the transform zone, resulting mainly from a dextral transtension along an ENE–WSW trend. This overall mechanism is subject to slip partitioning into two stress states: a Húsavík–Flatey Fault-perpendicular, NE–SW trending extension and a Húsavík–Flatey Fault-parallel, NW–SE trending extension. These three regimes occur in various local tectonic successions and not as a regional definite succession of tectonic events. The largest magnitude earthquakes reveal a regional stress field tightly related to the transform motion, whereas the lowest magnitude earthquakes depend on the local stress fields. The field data also reveal an early extension trending similar to the spreading vector. The focal mechanism data do not reflect this extension, which occurred earlier in the evolution of the HFF and is interpreted as a stage of structural development dominated by the rifting process.  相似文献   

在利用遥感数据和地理信息系统(GIS)技术的矿产资源勘查与评价中,矿化蚀变信息提取和构造信息提取起着至关重要的作用。以缅甸铜金矿为例,利用ETM+遥感图像,采用比值法、阈值分割和主成分分析(PCA)提取羟基蚀变信息;利用数字高程模型和遥感数据提取与铜金矿化有关的线环构造,结合地质资料和上述信息,利用证据权和分形方法进行整合,确定该研究区的成矿远景区。结果发现,已知铜金矿均分布于成矿靶区中,综合信息可为下一步的矿产资源勘探工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   

在利用遥感数据和地理信息系统(GIS)技术的矿产资源勘查与评价中,矿化蚀变信息提取和构造信息提取起着至关重要的作用。以缅甸铜金矿为例,利用ETM+遥感图像,采用比值法、阈值分割和主成分分析(PCA)提取羟基蚀变信息;利用数字高程模型和遥感数据提取与铜金矿化有关的线环构造,结合地质资料和上述信息,利用证据权和分形方法进行整合,确定该研究区的成矿远景区。结果发现,已知铜金矿均分布于成矿靶区中,综合信息可为下一步的矿产资源勘探工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Heat capacity, thermal expansion, and compressibility data have been obtained for a number of selected phases of the system NaAlSiO4-LiAlSiO4-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. All C p measurements have been executed by DSC in the temperature range 133–823 K. The data for T ≥ 223 K have been fitted to the function C p (T) = a + cT  −2 + dT  −0.5 + fT  −3, the fit parameters being The thermal expansion data (up to 525 °C) have been fitted to the function V 0(T) = V 0(T) [1 + v 1 (TT 0) + v 2 (T−T 0)2], with T 0 = 298.15 K. The room-temperature compressibility data (up to 6 GPa) have been smoothed by the Murnaghan equation of state. The resulting parameters are These data, along with other phase property and reaction reversal data from the literature, have been simultaneously processed by the Bayes method to derive an internally consistent thermodynamic dataset (see Tables 6 and 7) for the NaAlSiO4-LiAlSiO4-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O quinary. Phase diagrams generated from this dataset are compatible with cookeite-, ephesite-, and paragonite-bearing assemblages observed in metabauxites and common metasediments. Phase diagrams obtained from the same database are also in agreement with the cookeite-free, petalite-, spodumene-, eucryptite-, and bikitaite-bearing assemblages known to develop in the subsolidus phase of recrystallization of␣lithium-bearing pegmatites. It is gratifying to note that the cookeite phase relations predicted earlier by Vidal and Goffé (1991) in the context of the system Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O agree with our results in a general way. Received: 19 May 1998 / Accepted: 25 June 1998  相似文献   

应用含量—频数分形方法对广东大宝山矿田不同范围多介质、多比例尺地球化学场进行比较分析研究,认为成矿元素在不同比例尺与介质中呈基本一致的复杂多重分形特点,该特点是区域元素形成规模矿的一个必要条件,但不是充分条件;提出成矿元素连续多重分形的分维值减小转折点所代表的局部异常样品数所占比例在各比例尺采样介质中均大于2%,而非成矿元素该比例值可能远小于1%;拟合精度明显影响含量—频数分形曲线的类型与性质。  相似文献   

目前储集层分类方法多数只是从储集层的物性特征角度进行分类,而没有从储集层的成因机制进行分类。通过利用分析化验资料、钻测井资料和测试资料,对北部湾盆地乌石凹陷东区始新统流沙港组三段Ⅱ油组(L3Ⅱ油组)的沉积特征、成岩作用和构造特征进行分析,进而研究其对储集层物性的影响,并对储集层进行分类。结果表明: L3Ⅱ油组主要发育扇三角洲内前缘水下分流河道、外前缘水下分流河道和席状砂3种沉积微相;成岩相主要识别出泥质杂基充填相、不稳定组分溶蚀相和强压实致密相3种成岩相;裂缝相则以无裂缝相为主,局部可观察到高角度和网状裂缝相。在此基础上通过三者的叠加对储集层的岩石物理相进行分类命名,划分出内前缘水下分流河道—泥质杂基充填相—高角度裂缝相等9种不同的岩石物理相。根据不同的岩石物理相特征,总结归纳出了Ⅰ类好储集层、Ⅱ类中等储集层和Ⅲ类差储集层共3类储集层,实现了从储集层成因机制的角度对储集层进行分类和评价。  相似文献   

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