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We describe results of an active-source seismology experiment across the Chilean subduction zone at 38.2°S. The seismic sections clearly show the subducted Nazca plate with varying reflectivity. Below the coast the plate interface occurs at 25 km depth as the sharp lower boundary of a 2–5 km thick, highly reflective region, which we interpret as the subduction channel, that is, a zone of subducted material with a velocity gradient with respect to the upper and lower plate. Further downdip along the seismogenic coupling zone the reflectivity decreases in the area of the presumed 1960 Valdivia hypocentre. The plate interface itself can be traced further down to depths of 50–60 km below the Central Valley. We observe strong reflectivity at the plate interface as well as in the continental mantle wedge. The sections also show a segmented forearc crust in the overriding South American plate. Major features in the accretionary wedge, such as the Lanalhue fault zone, can be identified. At the eastern end of the profile a bright west-dipping reflector lies perpendicular to the plate interface and may be linked to the volcanic arc.  相似文献   

The 2004 M = 9.2 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake profoundly altered the state of stress in a large volume surrounding the ∼1400 km long rupture. Induced mantle flow fields and coupled surface deformation are sensitive to the 3-D rheology structure. To predict the post-seismic motions from this earthquake, relaxation of a 3-D spherical viscoelastic earth model is simulated using the theory of coupled normal modes. The quasi-static deformation basis set and solution on the 3-D model is constructed using: a spherically stratified viscoelastic earth model with a linear stress–strain relation; an aspherical perturbation in viscoelastic structure; a 'static' mode basis set consisting of Earth's spheroidal and toroidal free oscillations; a "viscoelastic" mode basis set; and interaction kernels that describe the coupling among viscoelastic and static modes. Application to the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake illustrates the profound modification of the post-seismic flow field at depth by a slab structure and similarly large effects on the near-field post-seismic deformation field at Earth's surface. Comparison with post-seismic GPS observations illustrates the extent to which viscoelastic relaxation contributes to the regional post-seismic deformation.  相似文献   

The Pisco earthquake ( M w 8.0; 2007 August 15) occurred offshore of Peru's southern coast at the subduction interface between the Nazca and South American plates. It ruptured a previously identified seismic gap along the Peruvian margin. We use Wide Swath InSAR observations acquired by the Envisat satellite in descending and ascending orbits to constrain coseismic slip distribution of this subduction earthquake. The data show movement of the coastal regions by as much as 85 cm in the line-of-sight of the satellite. Distributed-slip model indicates that the coseismic slip reaches values of about 5.5 m at a depth of ∼18–20 km. The slip is confined to less than 40 km depth, with most of the moment release located on the shallow parts of the interface above 30 km depth. The region with maximum coseismic slip in the InSAR model is located offshore, close to the seismic moment centroid location. The geodetic estimate of seismic moment is 1.23 × 1021 Nm ( M w 8.06), consistent with seismic estimates. The slip model inferred from the InSAR observations suggests that the Pisco earthquake ruptured only a portion of the seismic gap zone in Peru between 13.5° S and 14.5° S, hence there is still a significant seismic gap to the south of the 2007 event that has not experienced a large earthquake since at least 1687.  相似文献   

Physical models of subduction investigate the impact of regional mantle flow on the structure of the subducted slab and deformation of the downgoing and overriding plates. The initial mantle flow direction beneath the overriding plate can be horizontal or vertical, depending on its location with respect to the asthenospheric flow field. Imposed mantle flow produces either over or underpressure on the lower surface of the slab depending on the initial mantle flow pattern (horizontal or vertical, respectively). Overpressure promotes shallow dip subduction while underpressure tends to steepen the slab. Horizontal mantle flow with rates of 1–10 cm yr−1 provides sufficient overpressure on a dense subducting lithosphere to obtain a subduction angle of  ∼60°  , while the same lithospheric slab sinks vertically when no flow is imposed. Vertical drag force (due to downward mantle flow) exerted on a slab can result in steep subduction if the slab is neutrally buoyant but fails to produce steep subduction of buoyant oceanic lithosphere. The strain regime in the overriding plate due to the asthenospheric drag force depends largely on slab geometry. When the slab dip is steeper than the interplate zone, the drag force produces negative additional normal stress on the interplate zone and tensile horizontal stress in the overriding plate. When the slab dip is shallower than the interplate zone, an additional positive normal stress is produced on the interplate zone and the overriding plate experiences additional horizontal compressive stress. However, the impact of the mantle drag force on interplate pressure is small compared to the influence of the slab pull force since these stress variations can only be observed when the slab is dense and interplate pressure is low.  相似文献   

A recent tomographic study proposed that high-pore pressure in the deeper portion of the locked zone of a subduction thrust resulting from metamorphic dehydration reactions may cause long-term slow slip events. The study used the concept of 'critical fault stiffness', which derives from laboratory-derived rate- and state-dependent friction laws. To test the proposition, we execute 2-D model calculations using laboratory-derived rate- and state-dependent friction laws. Our numerical result is against the proposition, but it can also be explained by the concept of the critical fault stiffness. We agree that metamorphic dehydration reactions definitely produce a bulk property of high fluid saturation, but we caution that they do not necessarily lead to high-pore pressure in the fault zone.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for determining Moho depth, lithosphere thinning factor (γ= 1 − 1/β) and the location of the ocean–continent transition at rifted continental margins using 3-D gravity inversion which includes a correction for the large negative lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly within continental margin lithosphere. The lateral density changes caused by the elevated geotherm in thinned continental margin and adjacent ocean basin lithosphere produce a significant lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly which may be in excess of −100 mGal, and for which a correction must be made in order to determine Moho depth accurately from gravity inversion. We describe a method of iteratively calculating the lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly using a lithosphere thermal model to give the present-day temperature field from which we calculate the lithosphere thermal density and gravity anomalies. For continental margin lithosphere, the lithosphere thermal perturbation is calculated from the lithosphere thinning factor (γ= 1 − 1/β) obtained from crustal thinning determined by gravity inversion and breakup age for thermal re-equilibration time. For oceanic lithosphere, the lithosphere thermal model used to predict the lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly may be conditioned using ocean isochrons from plate reconstruction models to provide the age and location of oceanic lithosphere. A correction is made for crustal melt addition due to decompression melting during continental breakup and seafloor spreading. We investigate the sensitivity of the lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly and the predicted Moho depth from gravity inversion at continental rifted margins to the methods used to calculate and condition the lithosphere thermal model using both synthetic models and examples from the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

In a tectonically active setting large earthquakes are always threats; however, they may also be useful in elucidating the subsurface geology. Instrumentally recorded seismicity is, therefore, widely utilized to extend our knowledge into the deeper crust, especially where basement is involved. It is because the earthquakes are triggered by underground stress changes that usually corresponding to the framework of geological structures. Hidden faults, therefore, can be recognized and their extension as well as orientation can be estimated. Both above are of relevance for assessment on seismic hazard of a region, since the active faults are supposed to be re-activated and cause large earthquakes. In this study, we analysed the 1999 October 22 earthquake sequence that occurred in southwestern Taiwan. Two major seismicity clusters were identified with spatial distribution between depths of 10 and 16 km. One cluster is nearly vertical and striking 032°, corresponding to the strike-slip Meishan fault (MSF) that generated the 1906 surface rupture. Another cluster strikes 190° and dips 64° to the west, which is interpreted as west-vergent reverse fault, in contrast to previous expectation of east vergence. Our analysis of the focal solutions of all the larger earthquakes in the 1999 sequence with the 3-D distribution of all the earthquakes over the period 1990–2004 allows us reinterpret the structural framework and suggest previously unreognized seismogenic sources in this area. We accordingly suggest: (1) multiple detachment faults are present in southwestern Taiwan coastal plain and (2) additional seismogenic sources consist of tear faults and backthrust faults in addition to sources associated with west-vergent fold-and-thrust belt.  相似文献   

Two simple end-member models of a subduction channel have been proposed in the literature: (i) the 'pressure-imposed' model for which the pressure within the channel is assumed to be lithostatic, the channel walls have negligible strength with respect to lateral pressure gradients, and the channel geometry therefore varies with time and (ii) the 'geometry-imposed' model of constant channel geometry, rigid walls and resultant lateral variation in pressure. Neither of these models is realistic, but they provide lower and upper bounds to potential pressure distributions in natural subduction zones. The critical parameter is the relative strength of the confining plates, reflected in the effective viscosity ratio between the channel fill and the walls. The assertion that the 'geometry-imposed' model is internally inconsistent is incorrect—it merely represents one bound to possible behaviour and a bound that may be approached for realistic values of the effective viscosity for weak channel fill (e.g. unconsolidated ocean-floor sediments) and relatively cold and strong subducting and overriding lithospheric plates.  相似文献   

Standard data and methods, such as the inversion of seismic and GPS data, have been used extensively to infer the details of the 2004 December 26 earthquake. The unprecedented large size of this event gave the opportunity to modern altimeters to provide the first clear records of a tsunami in deep ocean, therefore allowing us to study the rupture history from an independent perspective. We invert the Jason-1 and Topex–Poseidon altimetry records, considering the new constraints available on the geometry of the fault plane, and taking them into account in a 3-D rupture model. The data are corrected for the non-negligible effect of satellite motion during measurements. Our results show that the rupture propagated over the 1500 km of subduction zone initially identified by the aftershock distribution, with a magnitude of   M w= 9.1  . Our solution compares well with the latitudinal distribution of slip inferred from other data sets, with a maximum of energy release north of Sumatra, and two other slip patches near the Nicobar and Andaman islands. Based on waveform comparison, we assert that the shallow portion of the megathrust offshore Banda Aceh had slip amplitudes of more than 20 m. Also, we find that significant amounts of slip (about 10 m) concentrated below the Andaman islands and did not propagate on the shallow portion of the interface. Although synthetic tests tend to show less resolution in the northern part of the rupture, this solution is compatible with the near-field data (GPS, coral heads and imagery), and would allow one to explain the apparent paradox between the large local displacements and the moderate tsunami observed locally. Finally, we demonstrate the rapidly dominating effect of propagation and slip distribution over the rupture velocity, and how it precludes the direct estimate of this latter parameter.  相似文献   

The highest intermediate depth moment release rates in Indonesia occur in the slab beneath the largely submerged segment of the Banda arc in the Banda Sea to the east of Roma, termed the Damar Zone. The most active, western-part of this zone is characterized by downdip extension, with moment release rates (∼1018 Nm yr–1 per 50 km strike length) implying the slab is stretching at ∼10−14 s−1 consistent with near complete slab decoupling across the 100–200 km depth range. Differential vertical stretching along the length of the Damar Zone is consistent with a slab rupture front at ∼100–200 km depth beneath Roma propagating eastwards at ∼100 km Myr–1. Complexities in the slab deformation field are revealed by a narrow zone of anomalous in-plane P -axis trends beneath Damar, where subhorizontal constriction suggests extreme stress concentrations ∼100 km ahead of the slab rupture front. Such stress concentrations may explain the anomalously deep ocean gateways in this region, in which case ongoing slab rupture may have played a key role in modulating the Indonesian throughflow in the Banda Sea over the last few million years.  相似文献   

A model of plate kinematics in Gondwana breakup   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Around 4370 km of new seismic reflection data, collected along the East Greenland margin between 71°30'N and 77°N in 2003, provide a first detailed view of the sediment distribution and tectonic features along the East Greenland margin. After processing and converting the data to depth, we correlated ODP-Site 913 stratigraphy into the new seismic network. Unit GB-2 shows the greatest glacial sediment deposits beneath the East Greenland continental shelf. This unit is characterized by the beginning of prograding sequences and has, according to our stratigraphic correlation, a Middle Miocene age. It might have been caused by rapid changes in sea level and/or glacial erosion by an early ice sheet or glaciers along the coast. A basement high, presumably a 360 km long basement structure at 77°N–74°54'N, prevents continuous sediment transport from the shelf into the deep sea area in times before 15 Myr. The origin of this prominent structure remains speculative since no rock sample from this structure is available. Seaward dipping reflectors at the eastern flank of this structure strongly support that it is a volcanic construction and is most likely emplaced on continental or transitional crust. The compilation of sediment thickness provide an insight into the regional sediment distribution in the Greenland Basin. An average sediment thickness of 1 km is observed. The north bordering Boreas Basin has a sediment thickness of 1.8 km close to the Greenland fracture zone (GFZ).  相似文献   

The post-seismic response of a viscoelastic Earth to a seismic dislocation can be computed analytically within the framework of normal-modes, based on the application of propagator methods. This technique, widely documented in the literature, suffers from several shortcomings; the main drawback is related to the numerical solution of the secular equation, whose degree increases linearly with the number of viscoelastic layers so that only coarse-layered models are practically solvable. Recently, a viable alternative to the standard normal-mode approach, based on the Post–Widder Laplace inversion formula, has been proposed in the realm of postglacial rebound models. The main advantage of this method is to bypass the explicit solution of the secular equation, while retaining the analytical structure of the propagator formalism. At the same time, the numerical computation is much simplified so that additional features such as linear non-Maxwell rheologies can be simply implemented. In this work, for the first time, we apply the Post–Widder Laplace inversion formula to a post-seismic rebound model. We test the method against the standard normal-mode solution and we perform various benchmarks aimed to tune the algorithm and to optimize computation performance while ensuring the stability of the solution. As an application, we address the issue of finding the minimum number of layers with distinct elastic properties needed to accurately describe the post-seismic relaxation of a realistic Earth model. Finally, we demonstrate the potentialities of our code by modelling the post-seismic relaxation after the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake comparing results based upon Maxwell and Burgers rheologies.  相似文献   

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