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Boundary-Layer Meteorology - The Obukhov length, although often adopted as a characteristic scale of the atmospheric boundary layer, has been introduced purely based on a dimensional argument...  相似文献   

We present a method to detect influences of boundary-layer processes on surface-layer measurements, using statistics and spectra of surface-layer variables only. We validated our detection method with boundary-layer measurements. Furthermore, we confirm that Monin–Obukhov similarity functions fit well to temperature-variance data obtained at two different homogeneous surfaces. However, we found that humidity variance measurements deviate from the universal functions above one of the two studied surfaces for days on which entrained air reached the surface layer. These results confirm that Monin–Obukhov similarity theory should be used with care in the analysis of surface-layer data. Finally, we propose the use of an extra term in flux-variance relations that depends on the entrainment ratio for humidity and on the boundary-layer height. If boundary-layer measurements are not available, we show how the entrainment ratio for humidity can be approximated from the skewness of the humidity distribution.  相似文献   

Monin–Obukhov similarity functions for the structure parameters of temperature and humidity are needed to derive surface heat and water vapour fluxes from scintillometer measurements and it is often assumed that the two functions are identical in the atmospheric surface layer. Nevertheless, this assumption has not yet been verified experimentally. This study investigates the dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of sensible heat and water vapour, with a specific focus on the difference between the Monin–Obukhov similarity functions for the structure parameters. Using two datasets collected over homogeneous surfaces where the surface sources of sensible heat and water vapour are well correlated, we observe that under stable and very unstable conditions, the two functions are similar. This similarity however breaks down under weakly unstable conditions; in that regime, the absolute values of the correlations between temperature and humidity are also observed to be low, most likely due to large-scale eddies that transport unsteadiness, advection or entrainment effects from the outer layer. We analyze and demonstrate how this reduction in the correlation leads to dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of these two scalars and the corresponding Monin–Obukhov similarity functions for their structure parameters. A model to derive sensible and latent heat fluxes from structure parameters without measuring the friction velocity is tested and found to work very well under moderately to strongly unstable conditions (−z/L > 0.5). Finally, we discuss the modelling of the cross-structure parameter over wet surfaces, which is crucial for correcting water vapour effects on optical scintillometer measurements and also for obtaining surface sensible and latent heat fluxes from the two-wavelength scintillometry.  相似文献   

Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) is commonly used to model the wind-speed profile at altitudes relevant to wind-power production (e.g. 10–200 m). Though reasonably accurate for unstable to weakly stable stratification, this approach becomes less accurate under increasingly stable stratification, largely due to the constant-flux surface layer assumed by MOST becoming shallower than the altitude range of interest. Furthermore, above the surface layer, the Coriolis force has a considerable influence on the wind-speed profile (in particular in the formation of low-level jets) that cannot be modelled using similarity theory. Our goal is to compare the accuracy of alternative extrapolation models that are more physically appropriate above the surface layer. Using data from the 213-m Cabauw meteorological tower in the Netherlands between July 2007 and June 2008, it is shown that MOST is accurate only at low altitudes and low stability, and breaks down at high altitudes and high stability. Local similarity is generally more accurate than MOST across all altitudes and stabilities, though the model requires turbulent flux data at multiple altitudes that is generally impractical. In contrast, a two-layer MOST–Ekman model is found to be comparable to the other models at low stability ranges and considerably more accurate in the high stability range, while requiring only a measure of surface stability and the geostrophic wind.  相似文献   

The Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) functions fε and fT, of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). ε, and the structure parameter of temperature, CT2, were determined for the stable atmospheric surface layer using data gathered in the context of CASES-99. These data cover a relatively wide stability range, i.e. ζ=z/L of up to 10, where z is the height and L the Obukhov length. The best fits were given by fε = 0.8 + 2.5ζ and fT= 4.7[ 1+1.6(ζ)2/3], which differ somewhat from previously published functions. ε was obtained from spectra of the longitudinal wind velocity using a time series model (ARMA) method instead of the traditional Fourier transform. The neutral limit fε =0.8 implies that there is an imbalance between TKE production and dissipation in the simplified TKE budget equation. Similarly, we found a production-dissipation imbalance for the temperature fluctuation budget equation. Correcting for the production-dissipation imbalance, the ‘standard’ MOST functions for dimensionless wind speed and temperature gradients (φm and φm) were determined from fε and fT and compared with the φm and φh formulations of Businger and others. We found good agreement with the Beljaars and Holtslag [J. Appl. Meteorol. 30, 327–341 (1991)] relations. Lastly, the flux and gradient Richardson numbers are discussed also in terms of fε and fT.  相似文献   

A condition is derived for consistency of the standard-equation with Monin–Obukhov (MO) similarity theory of thestably-stratified surface layer. The condition is derivedby extending the procedure used to derive the analogous condition forneutral theory to stable stratification. It is shown that consistencywith MO theory requires a function of flux Richardson number, Rif, to be absorbed into either of two closure parameters, c 1 or c 2.Inconsistency, on the other hand, results if constant values of these are maintained for all Rif, as is done in standardapplication of the equation, and the large overpredictions ofturbulence found in such application to the one-dimensionalstable atmospheric boundary layer (1D-SBL) are traced to thisinconsistency. Guided by this, we formulate a MO-consistent-equation by absorbing the aforementioned function intoc 1, and combine this with a Level-2.5 second-orderclosure model for vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivities.Numerical predictions of the 1D-SBL by the modified model converge to a quasi-steady state, rectifying the predictive failure of the standard -equation for the case.Quasi-steady predictions of non-dimensional variables agree stronglywith Nieuwstadt's theory. Qualitative accuracy of predictionsis inferred from comparisons to field data, large-eddy simulationresults and Rossby-number similarity relationships.  相似文献   

A non-iterative analytical scheme is developed for unstable stratification that parametrizes the Monin–Obukhov stability parameter \(\zeta \) (\({=}z{/}L\), where z is the height above the ground and L is the Obukhov length) in terms of bulk Richardson number (\(Ri_B\)) within the framework of Businger–Dyer type similarity functions. The proposed scheme is valid for a wide range of roughness lengths of heat and momentum. The absolute relative error in the transfer coefficients of heat and momentum is found to be less than 1.5% as compared to those obtained from an iterative scheme for Businger–Dyer type similarity functions. An attempt has been made to extend this scheme to incorporate the similarity functions having a theoretically consistent free convection limit. Further, the performance of the scheme is evaluated using observational data from two different sites. The proposed scheme is simple, non-iterative and relatively more accurate compared to the schemes reported in the literature and can be used as a potential alternative to iterative schemes used in numerical models of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

In scintillometry Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) is used to calculate the surface sensible heat flux from the structure parameter of temperature (CT2){(C_{T^2})} . In order to prevent saturation a scintillometer can be installed at an elevated level. However, in that case the observation level might be located outside the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) and thus the validity of MOST questioned. Therefore, we examine two concepts to determine the turbulent surface sensible heat flux from the structure parameter at elevated levels with data obtained at 60-m height on the Cabauw tower (the Netherlands). In the first concept (MOSTs) CT2{C_{T^2}} is still scaled with the surface flux, whereas in the second (MOSTl) CT2{C_{T^2}} is scaled with the local sensible heat flux. The CT2{C_{T^2}} obtained from both concepts is compared with direct observations of CT2{C_{T^2}} using a sonic anemometer/thermometer. In the afternoon (when the measurement height is located within the ASL) both concepts give results that are comparable to the directly observed values of CT2{C_{T^2}} . In the morning (data outside the ASL), our data do not unequivocally support either of the two concepts. First, the peak in CT2{C_{T^2}} that occurs when the measurement height is located in the entrainment zone disqualifies the use of MOST. Second, during the morning transition, local scaling shows the correct pattern (zero flux and a minimum in CT2{C_{T^2}}) but underestimates CT2{C_{T^2}} by a factor of ten. Third, from the best linear fit a we found that the slope of MOSTl gave better results, whereas the offset is closer to zero for MOSTs. Further, the correlation between the direct observations and MOST-scaled results is low and similar for the two concepts. In the end, we conclude that MOST is not applicable for the morning hours when the observation level is above the ASL.  相似文献   

Nested simulations of a downslope windstorm over Cangshan mountain, Yunnan, China, have been used to demonstrate a method of topographic smoothing that preserves a relatively large amount of terrain detail compared to typical smoothing procedures required for models with terrain-following grids to run stably. The simulations were carried out using the Met Office Unified Model(Met UM) to investigate downslope winds. The smoothing method seamlessly blends two terrain datasets to which uniform smoo...  相似文献   

Flow and turbulence above urban terrain is more complex than above rural terrain, due to the different momentum and heat transfer characteristics that are affected by the presence of buildings (e.g. pressure variations around buildings). The applicability of similarity theory (as developed over rural terrain) is tested using observations of flow from a sonic anemometer located at 190.3 m height in London, U.K. using about 6500 h of data. Turbulence statistics—dimensionless wind speed and temperature, standard deviations and correlation coefficients for momentum and heat transfer—were analysed in three ways. First, turbulence statistics were plotted as a function only of a local stability parameter z/Λ (where Λ is the local Obukhov length and z is the height above ground); the σ i /u * values (i = u, v, w) for neutral conditions are 2.3, 1.85 and 1.35 respectively, similar to canonical values. Second, analysis of urban mixed-layer formulations during daytime convective conditions over London was undertaken, showing that atmospheric turbulence at high altitude over large cities might not behave dissimilarly from that over rural terrain. Third, correlation coefficients for heat and momentum were analyzed with respect to local stability. The results give confidence in using the framework of local similarity for turbulence measured over London, and perhaps other cities. However, the following caveats for our data are worth noting: (i) the terrain is reasonably flat, (ii) building heights vary little over a large area, and (iii) the sensor height is above the mean roughness sublayer depth.  相似文献   

The status of the numerical reproduction of the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) by current global models was assessed through diagnoses of four pairs of coupled and uncoupled simulations. Slow eastward propagation of the MJO, especially in low-level zonal wind, is realistic in all these simulations. However, the simulated MJO suffers from several common problems. The MJO signal in precipitation is generally too weak and often eroded by an unrealistic split of an equatorial maximum of precipitation into a double ITCZ structure over the western Pacific. The MJO signal in low-level zonal wind, on the other hand, is sometimes too strong over the eastern Pacific but too weak over the Indian Ocean. The observed phase relationship between precipitation and low-level zonal wind associated with the MJO in the western Pacific and their coherence in general are not reproduced by the models. The seasonal migration in latitude of MJO activity is missing in most simulations. Air–sea coupling generally strengthens the simulated eastward propagating signal, but its effects on the phase relationship and coherence between precipitation and low-level zonal wind, and on their geographic distributions, seasonal cycles, and interannual variability are inconsistent among the simulations. Such inconsistency cautions generalization of results from MJO simulations using a single model. In comparison to observations, biases in the simulated MJO appear to be related to biases in the background state of mean precipitation, low-level zonal wind, and boundary-layer moisture convergence. This study concludes that, while the realistic simulations of the eastward propagation of the MJO are encouraging, reproducing other fundamental features of the MJO by current global models remains an unmet challenge.
Chidong ZhangEmail:

1.IntroductionEINifioisthemostoutstandinginterannualvariabilityintheocean.Itiswellknownthattheheatsourcedrivingtheatmosphericgeneralcirculationismainlywithinthetropics.EINinooccursinthetropicalPacificandthewarmingoftheoceanduringtheEINinocancoveralar...  相似文献   

The weighted correlation coefficient of the predicted and observed anomalies and the ratio of the weighted norm of predicted anomaly to the observed one, both together, are suggested to be suitable for the estimating of the correctness of climate prediction. The former shows the similarity of the two patterns, and the later indicates the correctness of the predicted intensity of the anomaly. The weighting function can be different for different emphasis, for example, a constant weight means that the correlation coefficient is the conventional one, but same non-uniform weight leads to the ratio of correct sign of the anomaly, the stepwise weight leads lo the formulation of correctness of prediction represented by grades of the anomaly, and so on.Three methods for making correction to the prediction are given in this paper. After subtracting lie mean error of the prediction, one method is developed for maximizing the similarity between the predicted and observed patterns, based on the transformation of the spatial coordinates. Another method is to minimize the mean difference between the two fields. This method can also be simplified as similar to the “optimum interpolation” in the objective analysis of weather chart. The third method is based on the expansion of the anomaly into series or EOF, where the coefficients are the predicted but the EOFs are taken as the “observed” calculated from historical samples.  相似文献   

The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), which is a non-hydrostatic numerical model, has been used to investigate the impact of terrain shape and large-scale forcing on the Antarctic surface-wind regime, focusing on their roles in establishing favorable flow conditions for the formation of katabatic flow jumps. A series of quasi-2D numerical simulations were conducted over idealized slopes representing the slopes of Antarctica during austral winter conditions. Results indicate that the steepness and variations of the underlying slope play a role in the evolution of near-surface flows and thus the formation of katabatic flow jumps. However, large-scale forcing has a more noticeable effect on the occurrence of this small-scale phenomenon by establishing essential upstream and downstream flow conditions, including the upstream supercritical flow, the less stably stratified or unstable layer above the cold katabatic layer, as well as the cold-air pool located near the foot of the slope through an interaction with the underlying topography. Thus, the areas with steep and abrupt change in slopes, e.g. near the coastal areas of the eastern Antarctic, are preferred locations for the occurrence of katabatic flow jumps, especially under supporting synoptic conditions.  相似文献   

Since most land surfaces are non-uniform on meteorological model scales, usually applied flux-profile relationships to obtain surface flux densities cannot be used. Therefore, some modellers assume that these relations are scale-invariant if the local bulk transfer parameters are replaced by effective parameters. This approach leads to wrong results for grid cells that contain subgrid areas that differ largely with respect to stability. Hence, in such cases, the surface energy balance needs to be solved for each subgrid area separately. Therefore, to obtain the correct flux densities in all situations, for each grid cell in the horizontal domain of meteorological models, subgrid areas that differ with respect to stability need to be identified.  相似文献   

Pan  Yongjie  Lyu  Shihua  Li  Suosuo  Gao  Yanhong  Meng  Xianhong  Ao  Yinhuan  Wang  Shujin 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2017,127(3-4):1011-1022

Soils containing gravel (particle size ≥2 mm) are widely distributed over the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP). Soil mixed with gravel has different thermal and hydrological properties compared with fine soil (particle size <2 mm) and thus has marked impacts on soil water and heat transfer. However, the most commonly used land models do not consider the effects of gravel. This paper reports the development of a new scheme that simulates the thermal and hydrological processes in soil containing gravel and its application in the QTP. The new scheme was implemented in version 4 of the Community Land Model, and experiments were conducted for two typical sites in the QTP. The results showed that (1) soil with gravel tends to reduce the water holding capacity and enhance the hydraulic conductivity and drainage; (2) the thermal conductivity increases with soil gravel content, and the response of the temperature of soil mixed with gravel to air temperature change is rapid; (3) the new scheme performs well in simulating the soil temperature and moisture—the mean biases of soil moisture between the simulation and observation reduced by 25–48 %, and the mean biases of soil temperature reduced by 9–25 %. Therefore, this scheme can successfully simulate the thermal and hydrological processes in soil with different levels of gravel content and is potentially applicable in land surface models.


AForecastingModelofVectorSimilarityinPhaseSpaceforFloodandDroughtovertheHuanghe-Huaihe-HaihePlaininChinaZhouJiabin(周家斌);WangY...  相似文献   

First of all, I wish to thank the Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS) Editorial Board for recom-mending the publication of this original letter, summarizing my personal perspective on the reform of AAS, that was distributed during its 19 December 2001 Board meeting. The letter has now been significantly im-proved by the incorporation of many helpful comments and suggestions from extensive email discussions conducted among over 60 foreign participants, including several board members of AAS, as well as from numerous personal communications (see the acknowledgements section).  相似文献   

A diagnostic study of the impact of El Niño on the precipitation in China   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The impact of El Niño on the precipitation in China for different seasons are investigated diagnostically. It is found that El Niño can influence the precipitation in China significantly during its mature phase. In the Northern winter, spring and autumn, the positive precipitation anomalies are found in the southern part of China during the El Niño mature phase. In the Northern summer, the patterns of the precipitation anomalies in the El Niño mature phase are different from those in the other seasons. The negative precipitation anomalies appear in both southern and northern parts of China, while in between around the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River valleys the precipitation anomalies tend to be positive. In the Northern winter, spring and autumn, the physical process by which El Niño affects the precipitation in the southern part of China can be explained by the features of the circulation anomalies over East Asia during the El Niño mature phase (Zhang et al., 1996). The appearance of an anticyclonic anomaly to the north of the maritime continent in the lower troposphere during the El Niño mature phase intensifies the subtropical high in the western Pacific and makes it shift westward. The associated southwesterly flow is responsible for the positive precipitation anomalies in the southern part of China. In the Northern summer, the intensified western Pacific subtropical high covers the southeastern periphery of China so that the precipitation there becomes less. In addition, the weakening of the Indian monsoon provides less moisture inflow to the northern part of China.  相似文献   

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