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M. L. Manchanda H. S. Iyer B. M. Singh Jitendra Prasad 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1983,11(3):67-74
The use of Landsat imagery at 1:1 M and 1:250,000 and aerial photos on 1:65,000 and 1:20,000 scale have been used to study landuse. It has been possible to achieve identification using Landsat imagery up to utility level ( level 1 and II ) and with the aerial photographs further subdivisions of utility into management and identification (level III and IV) . 相似文献
B. M. Singh M. L. Manchanda H. S. Iyer L. M. Pande Jitendra Prasad B. R. M. Rao 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1983,11(3):1-13
A critical appraisal of the need and use of remote sensing techniques for land use mapping with particular reference to Indian conditions have been made. Land use classification system based on physiography, utility, management and identification have been suggested using remote sensing techniques at different levels of mapping. 相似文献
A. Bhattacharya 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1983,11(3):57-64
Land use on earth’s landscape primarily indicates the degree of human activity which in turn reflects the man’s life style. Though land use is controlled by several factors like soil, hydrologic, climatic, socio-economic and political yet geology and gecmorphology play an important role. The basic lanscape formation depends mainly on the inherent lithology and sturcture. Certain landforms in the present landscape are such that they are suitable to a particular land use, and the human being from the very beginning without knowing this natural relationship between the landform and landuse, have been using that part of land for that particular use only. Remote sensing techniques are used effectively to map the landforms, to find out the land use pattern and to delineate the lithology and structure. Some examples from east coast deltaic plains and sedimentary terrain of Tripura state have been given here to show the influence of geology and geomorphology on broad land use pattern. 相似文献
Prioritization of sub-watersheds based on morphometric and land use analysis using remote sensing and GIS techniques 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Akram Javed Mohd Yousuf Khanday Rizwan Ahmed 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2009,37(2):261-274
Watershed prioritization has gained importance in natural resources management, especially in the context of watershed management.
Morphometric analysis has been commonly applied to prioritization of watersheds. The present study makes an attempt to prioritize
sub-watersheds based on morphometric and land use characteristics using remote sensing and GIS techniques in Kanera watershed
of Guna district, Madhya Pradesh. Various morphometric parameters, namely linear and shape have been determined for each sub-watershed
and assigned ranks on the basis of value/relationship so as to arrive at a computed value for a final ranking of the sub-watersheds.
Land use/land cover change analysis of the sub-watersheds has been carried out using multi-temporal data of IRS LISS II of
1989 and IRS LISS III of 2001. The study demonstrates the significant land use changes especially in cultivated lands, open
scrub, open forest, water bodies and wastelands from 1989 to 2001. Based on morphometric and land use/land cover analysis,
the sub-watersheds have been classified into three categories as high, medium and low in terms of priority for conservation
and management of natural resources. Out of the seven sub-watersheds, two sub-watersheds viz., SW1 and SW6 qualify for high
priority, whereas SW7 has been categorised as medium priority based on the integration of morphometric and land use change
analysis. 相似文献
S. Mukherjee S. Shashtri C. K. Singh P. K. Srivastava M. Gupta 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2009,37(3):527-537
The monitoring of land use/land covers (LULCs) is an indispensable exercise for all those involved in executing policies to
optimize the use of natural resources and minimize the ill impacts on the environment. The study here aims at analyzing the
changes that occurred in LULC over a time span from 1990 to 2005 using multi date data of a part of Punjab. The digital data
consisted of two sets of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data and one set of IRS-1C data. Utilizing hybrid classification technique
for interpretation and on field validation, it has been found that canal irrigation leads to changes in LULC as there is a
change in cropping pattern as well as increase in water logged area. 相似文献
Mahrokh Moknatian Michael Piasecki Fred Moshary Jorge Gonzalez 《Transactions in GIS》2019,23(4):841-859
This article presents an improved algorithm for optimization and development of a digital bathymetric model (DBM) for Lake Azuei (LA) (Haiti) and Lake Enriquillo (LE) (Dominican Republic) using the ANUDEM method. Both sonar data and contour lines of the lakes’ layout extracted using Landsat imagery were compiled for bathymetry development. We show that the performance of the ANUDEM method was strongly dependent on the density and irregularity of the spatial distribution of the data. Changing the resolution of the output grids and deriving auxiliary topographically corrected contours improved the ANUDEM performance and minimized the systematic errors of the method. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between measured and interpolated depths, characterized by a root mean square error of less than 0.71 m (LE) and 0.96 m (LA), and a median difference of ?0.009 m (LE) and 0.012 m (LA) on average. The shape reliability analysis revealed a relationship between accuracy and the depth and slope values, increasing in the center of the lakes where they are deep and the slope is gentle. 相似文献
Monitoring coastal zone land use and land cover changes of Abu Dhabi using remote sensing 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Coastal zones are most vulnerable for landuse changes in this rapid industrialization and urbanization epoch. It is necessary
to evaluate land use — land cover (LULC) changes to develop efficient management strategies. The main objective of this paper
is to evaluate and quantity Abu Dhabi coastal zone LULC changes from 1972 to 2000 using multi-temporal LANDSAT satellite data
and digital change detection techniques. Supervised classification coupled with expert visual interpretation techniques were
used to produce LULC classified images with an accuracy of 88%. Change detection process was achieved by applying post-classification
comparison techniques in ENVI software. From this study it has been observed that the important coastal landuse types of Abu
Dhabi coast .i.e. wetlands and woody Vegetation (Mangrove, represented by a single species,Avicennia marina) have been reduced drastically in their extent due to reclamation, dredging, tipping and other anthropogenic activities along
the coastal zone. However, it has been observed that there is rapid increase in the man-made plantation and managed vegetation
from 1990 to 2000 due to the Abu Dhabi government initiation. This study has given good insight into Abu Dhabi coastal zone
changes during last 3 decades. 相似文献
Rajeev Kumar Jaiswal Rajesh Saxena Saumitra Mukherjee 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1999,27(2):123-128
Land use/land cover changes over a period of 30 years were studied using remote sensing technology in a part of Gohparu block, Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh. Land use/ land cover maps were prepared by visual interpretation of two period remotely sensed data. Post-classification comparison technique was adopted for this purpose. The loss of vegetation cover was estimated to be 22 percent and 14 percent of the land was found to have been tranformed into wasteland between 1967 and 1996. Overall rate of change was found to be 1.8 percent per year during this period. 相似文献
遥感组合指数与不同分类技术结合提取农业用地方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
多光谱遥感影像因具有丰富的波谱信息,提高了地表覆盖的辨识能力,利用遥感数据高精度自动提取专题信息是目前研究的热点和难点。本文以北京市ASTER影像为例,通过对城市生态环境中土地类型及其光谱特征规律分析,组合归一化差异植被指数、修正归一化差异水体指数和归一化差异建筑指数三种指数,制作组合指数新影像。对组合指数影像采用基于支持向量机的面向对象分类方法进行农业用地信息提取,同时将该方法分别与基于原始影像、组合指数影像的最大似然及支持向量机的分类方法进行对比分析。实验结果表明:组合归一化差异指数影像压缩了数据维数,降低了覆盖地物相关性,易于农业用地信息提取。对组合指数影像采用基于支持向量机的面向对象分类方法精度达95.701%。 相似文献
全面、现势的土地利用基础图件是一个国家摸清其土地资源家底,进行土地资源合理利用、规划和科学管理的基础和前提条件。本文从数据源、处理手段与采用的技术方法对土地利用基础图件更新的技术体系进行了研究,基于图件更新技术流程的三个主要环节对图件更新方法进行了系统分析和分类总结,继而提出了一套集RS/GIS/GPS技术于一体的图件更新技术方法与流程;同时依托具有自主知识产权的遥感数据处理平台CASM Im-ageInfo,将整个作业流程一体化,构建了适合我国具体国情的实用和可操作性强的土地利用基础图件更新软件系统,实现了土地利用基础图件的快速更新。 相似文献
S. K. Pathan P. Jothimahi D. Sampat Kumar S. P. Pendharkar 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1989,17(3):11-22
Bombay Metropolitan Region covering an area of about 4,360 sq. km. was selected for urban land use studies and for urban land use zoning. Urban land use mapping was carried out using SPOT multispectral linear array imagery on 1∶25,000 scale employing visual analysis tehcniques. Fifteen maps were prepared depicting the spatial distribution of various urban classes in the Greater Bombay and New Bombay regions. Sixteen urban land use maps were also prepared using Landsat TM data showing the distribution of land use pattern on 1∶50,000 scale for the entire metropolitan region. Urban land use zoning was carried out based upon suitability index on 1∶250,000 scale. This map provides information on the areas to be used for construction and areas to be kept under green belt in the metropolitan region. This study is a joint venture of Space Applications Centre with Bombay Metropolitan Development authority. 相似文献
M M Jana 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1997,25(2):105-111
River basin management and development are most important for utilising and conserving the water resources in any region where the average annual rainfall is highly fluctuating, the North Bengal is one of such region. Though there are a large number of rivers having a large catchment area in the hills and carry a huge amount of water during rainy season but they are completely dry in winter and summer. The upper part of majority of river basins arc highly sensitive to water erosion and land slides due to deforestation, intensive cultivation, increased settlements in sloping and erosion prone areas. So, floods in the rainy season and droughts in summer months are frequent features in North Bengal. In view of this proper management and effective conservation of land and water resources is necessary to develop the region. An integrated river basin management consisting soil conservation, afforestation, flood control, and adoption of suitable cropping pattern is essential for economic development of North Bengal. 相似文献
S. Natarajan N. Y. Gajbe M. L. Manchanda 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1986,14(1):17-24
A soil and land use survey of Mewat area, Haryana, was carried out using the aerial photographs of 1:50,000. Four major physiographic units namely hills, piedmont plain, intermontante basin and Yamuna alluvial plain were recognised. The land use was studied in relation to the physiographic units. The legend adopted for land use classification has physiography at first level, utility at second level and management and identification at third and fourth levels respectively. Of the total area of 161,103 ha surveyed, 131,637 ha (81.72%) are cultivated. Of this 75,967 ha (47.16%) irrigated and 55,670 ha (34.56%) is unirrigated. Under uncultivated area, barren lands cover 14,224 ha (8.82%), forests occupy 3,463 ha (5.25%), settlements cover 3,300 (2.05%), water bodies occupy 1,312 ha (0.81%) and roads, railway lines, canals and drains constitute 2,167 ha (1.55%). 相似文献
Ranjana R Gawande A K Srivastava A Jeyaram 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2002,30(1-2):95-104
Detailed geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological and land use/land cover studies have been carried out for the Kamthi and adjoining areas of district Nagpur by visual interpretation method of remote sensing data of IRS LISS III, FCC of bands 2, 3 and 4. The interpreted data is supplemented as well as cross-checked by field visits to add minor details of lithounits, nature of lithological contacts, geological and geomorphological features. On the basis of these studies, the various lithounits: Archaean metasediments, the Talchir Shale. the Barakar Sandstone, the Kamthi Sandstone, basalt and alluvium have been mapped. Geomorphological units are mainly of denudational and fluvial origins and are represented by dissected plateaus, pediplains, pediments and alluvium. The land use/land cover study shows that a major part of the area is covered by agricultural land followed by built up and waste land. The flowing and stagnant water bodies, mine and mine dump have also been identified. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to delineate the area with reference to ground water prospects into excellent, very good to good, moderate and poor ground water prospect zones. It has been observed that the sandstone lithounits form excellent aquifers while the basalt and shale form moderate to poor aquifers respectively. 相似文献
S. Chinnamani R. Kaliaperumal S. Thillai Govindarajan R. Sakthivadivel 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1983,11(3):39-43
The paper summarises a part of the results of an on-going project for quantifying the land use changes in Bhavani basin (Geographic co-ordinates N lat 10°55′ - 11°45′,E Long. 76°30′ - 77°45′). Landsat and aerial data have been used in monitoring the dynamic changes in land use patterns. Visually interpreted Landsat MSS data of two different dates in conjunction with the historic data acquired from the Survey of India topographic maps and field data were used in this investigation. Also land use changes over two test-sites in the basin were studied using aerial photographs. During the study, it has been observed that a direct correlation exists between the rainfall and the area irrigated. The repetitive coverage of the satellite data are found to be quite remarkable, especially the 1:250,000 False Colour Composites (FCC) in assessing rapidly the temporal land use changes of a region at a cheaper cost. 相似文献
This paper describes different change detection techniques, including image differencing, image rationing, image regression and change vector analysis (CVA) to assess their effectiveness for detecting land use/cover change in a Mediterranean environment. Three Landsat TM scenes recorded on 7 July 1985, 27 July 1993 and 21 July 2005 were used to minimize change detection error introduced by seasonal differences. Images were geometrically, atmospherically and radiometrically corrected. The four change detection techniques were applied and an object-based supervised classification was used as a crossclassification to determine ‘from–to’ change which enabled assessment of the four techniques. The change vector analysis resulted in the largest overall accuracy of 75.25 and 75.55% for the 1985–1993 and 1993–2005 image pairs, respectively. The ratio yielded the least accurate results with an overall accuracy of 59.10 and 61.05% for the 1985–1993 and 1993–2005 image pairs, respectively. Different change detection algorithms have their own merits and advantages. However, the change vector analysis change detection technique was the most accurate model for handling the variability present in Mediterranean land use/cover. 相似文献
R. S. Dwivedi K. Sreenivas K. V. Ramana P. R. Reddy G. Ravi Sankar 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2006,34(4):351-367
Realizing the potential of spaceborne multispectral measurements in providing spatial information on natural resources, and
of Geographic Information System (GIS) in integrating such information with the socio-economic data and other collateral information
to arrive at derivative information, we report here the results of a study which was taken up in a watershed in Charkhari
block of Mahoba district, northern India, to generate the information on natural resources from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
(IRS-1B) Linear Imaging Self-scanning Sensor (LISS-II) images through a systematic visual interpretation, and its subsequent
integration with the collateral information in a GIS environment to develop optimal land use plan/action plan for sustainable
development of its land resources. Since permanent vegetation cover in the watershed has been dwindling due to population
pressure, the need for establishing more vegetation cover has been stressed. 相似文献