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陈荣华  罗灼礼 《中国地震》1995,11(2):116-120
文章从一个简单的地震活动层次模型出发,推导地震活动性中几个经验公式以及地震活动的时、空和震源大小分维性质。研究结果表明:(1)震级和频度关系式即Gutenberg-Richter公式中的比例系数b值等于震级和平均震中距关系式中的比例系数b1的2倍,并且b值也等于震级和平均时间间隔关系式中的比例系数b2。(2)平均震中距分维值为2,平均时间间隔分维值为1,震源大小分布的分维值的2b。  相似文献   

震级转换关系及其对地震活动性参数的影响研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
本文根据1990-2007年《中国地震年报》中同时给出Ms和ML、且震源深度〈70km的6577个浅源地震资料,经统计回归得到了全国和各地震区Ms与ML之间的经验关系。新的震级转换关系接近于Ms=ML,本文建议在需要进行震级标度转换时,对于没有测定Ms的低震级地震可直接使用Ms=ML进行转换。与目前广泛使用的震级转换关系相比,采用本文建议的震级转换方法后,全国各地震区5级以上地震的数量基本没有变化,但5级以下地震的数量有明显增加,导致由此统计得到的各地震区震级.频度关系中的b值有不同程度的增大。此外,用地震数量直接得到的4级以上地震的年平均发生率V4有明显增高,且部分地震区甚至增加了50%以上。在高震级地震发生率不变的情况下,地震活动性参数的上述变化反映了对地震区地震活动水平的估计有提高,可能导致概率地震危险性分析结果的提高,对地震区划和工程场地地震安全性评价有重要意义。  相似文献   

云南10次大震前地震活动分形研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
石绍先  范杨 《中国地震》1996,12(4):367-377
本文通过1965-1993年发生在云南及邻区8组10次6.8≤M≤7.7大震前空间容量维、关联维、信息熵等多种参数系统的计算研究,发现10次大震前降维减熵异常十分显著。  相似文献   

Pan Hua 《中国地震研究》2007,21(3):318-326
For several seismic statistical zones in North China,the key factors causing uncertainties in the important seismicity parameters b and ν_4 and the features of their uncertainties are discussed in this paper.The magnitude of uncertainty is also analyzed.It can be seen that the key influencing factors are statistical period,methods of processing statistical samples,lower limit magnitude and the annual average occurrence ratio of large earthquakes.The variation ranges of b and ν_4 in the Tancheng-Lujiang zone are as high as 0.2 and 1.4 respectively,which are similar to those in the Fenwei zone.They are much smaller however in the Hebei zone because of its sufficient statistical samples.  相似文献   

地震活动因子A值及其在华北地震中期预报中的运用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王炜 《中国地震》1999,15(1):35-45
在综合考虑了地震活动时,空,强3方面的震兆特征的基础上,定义了地震活动因子A值。使用1972-1996年期间华北地区地震资料进行了A值的空间扫描。结果表明:绝大部分中强以上地震前2-3年,在未来震中周围出现较大范围的A值中期异常区域,有很好的预报效果。另外还就A值进行中期预报的有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

龙锋  蒋长胜  冯建刚  唐兰兰 《地震》2012,32(3):98-108
尽管地震空区理论在中长期地震预测中起着重要的作用,但大地震复发在时间上的丛集或非线性行为使得在中长期地震预测研究中依然需要同时考虑非地震空区的、历史地震破裂区的潜在大地震危险性。为了探索能基于观测资料分析的、鉴别历史地震破裂区(包括历史、史前地震破裂的地震空区)大地震复发危险性的技术方法,在南北地震带中北段挑选出8个具有不同离逝时间的历史大地震破裂区,分析这些破裂区现代地震活动性的量化特征,以初步探索判定潜在大地震危险性紧迫程度的地震活动性方法。结果表明,反映地震序列衰减状态的p值和反映地震活动率的a值与这些历史破裂区最晚大地震的离逝时间有较好的对应关系,但也有部分破裂区可能由于复杂的断层结构与运动性质,对应关系并不明确;反映构造应力积累状况的b值则难于反映离逝时间演化阶段的信息。b值的时间扫描结果显示,大部分历史破裂区的b值随时间演化平稳,但1879年甘肃武都8级地震破裂区的b值则表现为明显的涨落,并存在持续20年的降低趋势。对比分析认为,1933年四川茂县7.5级、1976年四川松潘—平武两次7.2级地震破裂区目前仍处于序列衰减期,不具备再次发生7级以上地震的背景;公元842年迭部7级地震破裂区北缘低b值的玛曲段比迭部段更具危险性;1879年武都8级地震破裂区的b值持续降低也可能反映该区处于新的一轮孕震期。  相似文献   

1949年前中国的两个地震研究系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了1949年前中国从事地震研究工作的2个系统。主要介绍了在蒋丙燃和竺可桢2位先生先后领导下由王应伟和金咏深等所做的工作。着重介绍了《近世地震学》和这一论著的主要观点。第2个是地质系统,介绍了翁文灏先生以及他在《锥指集》中对地震发生和预测方面的各种论点。  相似文献   

前兆地震活动图象及其在地震预报中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘蒲雄 《中国地震》1993,9(2):112-120
本文根据长、中和短期预报研究对主要地震活动图象加以归类和简述。结果表明:(1)利用地震活动图象进行中、短期预报,预报时间量程可能达到1、2年,甚至几个月,但要进一步缩短预报的时间尺度就十分困难,除非有明显的前震序列活动;(2)地震活动图象分析,对于辨认未来主震(尤其是强主震)的位置是有效的;(3)强震和中强震前的图象特点是有区别的,据此,可以大概估计未来主震的震级。不过图象的空间尺度与主震震级无明显的相关性;(4)信号震、前兆震群和前震(包括早期前震)的确定应考虑到异常的地震活动时空图象。  相似文献   

— Analysis of the Koyna-Warna earthquake catalog (1968–1996) shows that on an average there is a positive correlation between the b value (decrease) and fractal dimensions (decrease in both D2s and D2t) of earthquake epicenters 0.5 and 2.5 years prior to 1973 (M5.2) and 1980 (M5.5) events, respectively, except a negative correlation for about five years (1988–1993) prior to the 1993/1994 sequence (M5.4). This positive correlation indicates a weaker clustering, or that the epicenters tend to fill the two-dimensional plane. While the origin of the negative correlation seems to be that during periods of large events (low b value), there is strong clustering around the main shock epicenter (high fractal dimension). Interestingly, during the last year (1995–1996) of the studied period both the b value and correlation dimensions rose significantly, suggesting that stress release occurs through increased levels of low magnitude and increasingly scattered seismicity, suggesting an increased risk of larger magnitude events. Incidentally, during 2000 three earthquakes of magnitude M 5.0, one earthquake of M 4.0, 45 earthquakes of magnitude M 3.0–3.9, and several thousand earthquakes of M < 3 have occurred in the region. Thus it can be inferred that at local scales the relationship yields both positive and negative correlation that appears to be controlled by different modes of failure within the active fault complex.Acknowledgement. The authors are grateful to Dr. B.K. Rastogi of NGRI for providing the catalog of Koyna earthquakes and for useful scientific discussions. The comments of Dr. I. G. Main have improved the quality of paper for which we extend to him our sincere thanks. One of the authors (AOM) thanks the Third World Academy of Science and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India for the Postdoctoral Fellowship award under which this work was carried out.  相似文献   

系统地对山西定襄七岩泉的水氡含量进行了分析,发现其高值异常和华北及晋冀蒙交界区的中强地震有较好的对应关系。认为,该泉水氡异常变化与地震活动存在同源关系。  相似文献   

The data of the strike-slip offset along the Xiaojiang active fault can be obviously grouped.The groups of small orders of magnitude data within 100 m show clear linear characteristics of increments between 8 m and 12 m,which indicates that the segments of the Xiaojiang active fault is of characteristic seismicity and the distribution of the values of each group indicates that there are smaller earthquakes and creep between two large earthquakes along each segment of the Xiaojiang active fault.The interval between two characteristic large earthquakes can be calculated with the increments for two groups of slip data and the slip rate of the fault.Furthermore,the frequency of smaller earthquakes can also be estimated by comparing the distributions of the displacements of the large earthquakes with the distributions of the values of each group of data.The groups of large slip displacements show that there is close relationship between the records of the displacements of the fault and the changes of the cli  相似文献   

地震活动性研究及其应用于地震预测的一些问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王健 《中国地震》2005,21(3):451-456
依据20世纪上半叶的强震资料对全球地震活动性进行的研究结果显示,强震活动呈带状分布,其实质是揭示了全球大尺度地壳介质的非均匀性。地震带与板块的活动密不可分,对认识板块活动做出了应有的贡献。基于悠久的历史地震资料和地质构造活动特征划分了20多条地震带,这是对大陆内部地壳介质非均匀性的一种认识,也是统计预测方法的基础之一。  相似文献   

Seismicity in Major Seismotectonic Provinces of Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismicity parameters,i.e.,seismic activity rate,X,the so-called Gutenberg-Richter b value(orβ),and maximum possible magnitude,Mmax,for major seismotectonic provinces of Iran are estimated through the application of Kijko and SellevolPs uncertainty models.The uncertainty models facilitated the estimation of seismic activity parameters from incomplete and uncertain data files in the catalog of earthquakes in major seismotectonic provinces of Iran.Zagros has the highest seismic activity rate,and is characterized by the occurrence of mainly small-and mid-sized earthquakes.Kopeh Dagh has the lowest activity rate but is characterized by a greater occurrence of major earthquakes.However,the Makran and Alborz-Azarbayejan seismotectonic provinces are most likely the regions which are capable of generating great earthquakes.  相似文献   

地震活动性的定量化及其在地震中期预报中的应用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
王炜  王峥峥 《中国地震》1999,15(2):116-127
在分析描述地震活动性的各类参数的基础上,认为A(b)值可以较好地定量描述一个地区的地震活动增强和平静特征。作者用1972 ̄1996年期间华北地区地震资料进行A(b)值空间扫描。结果表明绝大部分中强以上地震前2 ̄3年,在未来震中周围出现较大范围A(b)值中期异常区域,有很好的预报效果。文中还就A(b)值进行中期预报的有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The seismicity factor A-value is defined by synthesizing the seismicity precursors in time, space and magnitude in this paper. The seismicity data of moderate or small earthquakes during 1972 ~ 1996 in North China are used to perform spacial scanning of seismicity factor A-value. The result shows that there are obviously anomaly zones of A-value with better prediction effect in the mid-term of 2~3 years before most moderately strong earthquakes. Some problems regarding the mid-term prediction using A-value have been discussed.  相似文献   

大凉山断裂带与安宁河-则木河断裂带的地震活动性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩渭宾  蒋国芳 《地震研究》2005,28(3):207-212
通过对比分析,研究了大凉山断裂带和安宁河-则木河断裂带的地震活动性。认为在历史上安宁河-则木河断裂带的地震活动无论是频次还是强度都高于大凉山断裂带,这与活断层及古地震研究的结论是一致的。而且,地震活动性分段比较的结果显示,普格附近的空段2和冕宁附近的空段1发生强震的可能性最大,其次为西昌钝角交汇区.另外,需要注意强震前先发生中强震的可能性。  相似文献   

地震活动性参数b值和年发生率的一种取值方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈繁銮 《华南地震》1999,19(4):41-45
介绍了一种将历史地震与现代小震统计结果相协调,去不可靠或不稳定数据段确定地震活动性参数b值,以及通过不同震级下限地震频度的时间滑动分析,选取现今与历史相近,且具较高震级下限的统计结果,推算4级以上地震年发生度v4的方法。计算给出了东南沿海地震带及其南带,北带的b值和v4值。  相似文献   

The Tatun Volcano Group (TVG) is located at the northern tip of Taiwan, near the capital Taipei and close to two nuclear power plants. Because of lack of any activity in historical times it has been classified as an extinct volcano, even though more recent studies suggest that TVG might have been active during the last 20 ka. In May 2003 a seismic monitoring project at the TVG area was initiated by deploying eight three-component seismic stations some of them equipped with both short-period and broadband sensors. During the 18 months observation period local seismicity mainly consisted of high frequency earthquakes either occurring as isolated events, or as a continuous sequence in the form of spasmodic bursts. Mixed and low frequency events were also present during the same period, even though they occurred only rarely. Arrival times from events with clear P-/S-wave phases were inverted in order to obtain a minimum 1D velocity model with station corrections. Probabilistic nonlinear earthquake locations were calculated for all these events using the newly derived velocity model. Most high frequency seismicity appeared to be concentrated near the areas of hydrothermal activity, forming tight clusters at depths shallower than 4 km. Relative locations, calculated using the double-difference method and utilising catalogue and cross-correlation differential traveltimes, showed insignificant differences when compared to the nonlinear probabilistic locations. In general, seismicity in the TVG area seems to be primarily driven by circulation of hydrothermal fluids as indicated by the occurrence of spasmodic bursts, mixed/low frequency events and a b-value (1.17 ± 0.1) higher than in any other part of Taiwan. These observations, that are similar to those reported in other dormant Quaternary volcanoes, indicate that a magma chamber may still exist beneath TVG and that a future eruption or period of unrest should not be considered unlikely.  相似文献   

利用地震活动性指数A(6)值系统地定量化地对青藏高原北部地区1970年以来发生的中强地震的地震活动性特征进行了分析,确定了地震活动性增强异常的判据,即A(6)值≥4.5时为高值(地震活动性增强)异常。地震活动性增强异常出现后1~3个月为发震优势时段,其次是4~6个月。该判据通过了预报效能尺值评分的检验,可以用于地震预报实践。  相似文献   

以东北地震区为例,基于G-R关系的震级-频度分布原理,研究了东北地震区最小完整性震级MC的时间分布特征和各时段的空间分布特征,统计了研究区内的地震活动性参数,探讨了小震资料完整性分析对地震活动性参数和地震危险性计算结果的影响。研究表明:对区域小震资料进行完整性分析,可以在低地震活动地区获得较准确的地震活动性参数,更好地反映了该区未来的地震活动趋势。本文的研究方法和结论可供地震资料完整性分析和地震活动性分析时参考。  相似文献   

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