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The paper examines how land and forest management policies were elaborated in French Indochina circa 1900–40. It places their development in the context of a scientific and economic discourse about the value of land and forest resources, the most appropriate ways in which they might be exploited and the relationship between colonial science and indigenous knowledge. By focusing on debates and laws relating to the development of small‐scale and plantation farming systems (Land Code legislations) and forest management and exploitation (Forest Code legislations) the paper seeks to ground arguments about Western conceptions of the “tropics” within a discussion of national policy development and impacts. Focusing primarily on Cochinchina and Annam (southern and central Vietnam) and drawing on materials from French archives, the paper shows how changes in both attitudes and legislation have had lasting consequences on systems of property rights in forest management and on the place and status of indigenous peoples in Indochina.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. From Montreal to Madras, from Barbados to Burma, the lodges of Freemasons dotted the landscape of the British Empire from the eighteenth century to the twentieth. Together with the British grand lodges under whose authority they met, these lodges constituted a vast network that extended across the oceans and linked Freemasons in Britain's colonies to the metropole and to each other. In this article I use the fraternity to demonstrate how the age of empire can serve as a laboratory for studying transoceanic networks, institutions, and identities. Looking first at the broad imperial context, I demonstrate how the global Masonic network developed and describe its functions during the long nineteenth century. I then focus on the British North Atlantic as a case study of the brotherhood's role in connecting people on various sides of a particular ocean basin by offering practical services and encouraging an “imperialist” identity that helped consolidate the British Empire.  相似文献   

通过运用生态足迹计算方法,对长沙县2005年的生态足迹进行了计算,得出长沙县人均生态足迹是2.52hm^2/人,以及全县人均生态承载力为0.60 hm^2/人,从而可以看出全县人均生态赤字为1.92 hm^2/人,远远高于全国平均水平。全县生态赤字最多的是化石燃料土地,然后依次为耕地、水域、草地,这表明全县对自然环境的影响已经大大地超出了生态环境承载力,工业的飞速发展对化石燃料的消耗和耕地的占用的急剧增加是产生生态赤字的主要原因,同时人们生活水平的提高也对生态环境造成极大的压力。  相似文献   

Recent research has highlighted the value of employing the idea of networks to describe the interrelatedness of today's globalizing economy. Networks facilitate flows of knowledge, ideas, managerial techniques and capital between firms both within and across political borders. This paper argues that the reconstruction of social connections through which information is created, given value and exchanged is fundamental to an understanding of not only contemporary but also historical patterns of economic globalization. We focus on the networks of the capitalist elite running 12 major multinational enterprises, active across British imperial territories, between c .1900 and c .1930. An examination is made of the economic and spatial interlocks between firms created by board members who were multiple directors. Social underpinnings of multiple directorates are examined by exploring the common, overlapping social spheres within which individuals engaged. A clearer grasp of the ways in which corporate activity operated in the early 1900s can provide a better understanding of the social context of global economic operations.  相似文献   

Geographical studies of corporate behavior tend to overlook reactions from competitors and implicitly equate expansion with success. The paper challenges this tradition by discussing the defense of a troubled department store company against hostile takeover bids by expansionary strategies. The expansion was directed initially towards the bidders' home markets to create potential conflicts with antitrust laws. When the bidders retreated, the expansion was refocused on growth markets to maximize both corporate size and thereby also the financial resources needed for its takeover.  相似文献   

生态城市是未来城市发展的必然趋势。对生态城市的内涵和本质进行探讨,在城市地理学、生态学、经济学等理论指导和实践应用的基础上,对昆明市的城市生态建设现状进行分析.并借助于计量地理学、数理统计等方法和手段,以定量化方式从城市生态系统结构、功能和协调度3方面构建了昆明生态城市的评价指标体系,利用层次分析法(AHP)进行分析,最后据此得出昆明市城市生态综合指数.通过对评价结果的综合分析从城市生态结构、功能和协调度3方面提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

论建设生态城市的立足点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从生态城市的内涵、结构组成、功能及特点等生态城市有关的基本理论分析入手,探讨建设生态城市的理论依据.在分析中国建设生态城市所面临的问题和现状的基础上提出中国建设生态城市的基本立足点,可以概括为:(1)以城乡共同发展为准则;(2)以加大科研投入,提高教育水平,提高人口素质为先导;(3)以生态修复为基础;(4)以发展循环的经济为核心;(5)以加强环境立法,提高环境管理效率为手段.  相似文献   

鹤壁市生态足迹分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态足迹分析是一种基于生物物理量的可持续发展度量方法,是一种基于考虑人类及其发展与生态环境关系的方法。通过跟踪区域能源与资源消费,并将其转化为相应的生物生产性土地面积,与生态承载力相比较,判定区域的可持续发展状态。采用鹤壁市2002年的统计数据进行生态足迹分析,结果表明,2002年鹤壁市生态足迹为6.9279hm^2/人,人均生态承载力面积为0.3781hm^2,生态赤字为6.5498hm^2/人,揭示了当前鹤壁市处于一种不可持续的发展状态。  相似文献   

本文对采自中国、法国、比利时等国43块黄土样品进行实验室处理后,分析对比了它们在碳酸盐含量、粒度组成、重矿物组成及粘土矿物成分方面的共同特性及差异性。结果表明,中国黄土碳酸盐含量稳定,西欧不同类型的黄土碳酸盐含量差别很大。在粒度组成上,欧亚黄土并没有本质的差别,但西欧不同层位的黄土粒度组成呈有规律变化。对西欧重矿物的分析可以追溯黄土的物质来源,粘土矿物含量在欧亚不同黄土中也有差别。比较结果说明,欧洲的黄土堆积受第四纪冰期、间冰期的气候波动影响较大,中国黄土在堆积期间始终处在干旱、半干旱的气候条件下。  相似文献   

菲尔德斯半岛潮间带生物生态学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
198 7年 1 1月 - 1 989年 3月我们连续跨年度在菲尔德斯半岛潮间带 -浅海区域系统地进行了生态学考察 ,获得了宝贵的第一手资料。在生物组成及其生态分布的研究中 ,我们分别选择了长城湾、马尔什基地、生物湾、阿德雷岛、半三角及无名岛进行定期观察、取样 ,它们分别代表了岩石、石砾、泥沙滩、暴浪及隐蔽性内湾等各类生态类型。数量分法的引进是生态学研究中的一大进步 ,使之成为一门精密学科。本文在数量方法的使用中 ,引入了生物量、频度与覆盖度等手段 ,丰富了数量方法的内容。菲尔德斯半岛就象整个南极区域一样 ,其食物网是较为简单的。以黑背海鸥为代表的海鸟和南极鳕 ,南极银鱼等占据了营养级的顶层 ,肉食性的螺类和草食性的帽贝位于中间层次 ,大型底栖与微观浮游藻类构成营养级底层。菲尔德斯半岛习见的微生物种类有黄杆菌、纤维粘细菌、莫拉氏菌等 ,它们是腐食食物网的重要组成部分。菲尔德斯半岛潮间带生物的季节变化一般表现为三种形式。其一是生物群落结构的变化 ;其二是生物分布空间的变化 ;其三是严酷的冬季几乎所有的潮间带生物种类几近绝迹。由于生物季节的短暂与分布空间的狭小 ,生物的种间竞争是相当激烈的。岩相底质的同质性与异质性以及软相底质中的表附与底内生物等不同生态类型 ,  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Twenty‐five million Americans play golf on the nation's 16,000 courses each year. These golf courses constitute a significant national landscape feature. Since 1878, when the game arrived in the United States, golf has filtered down the urban, economic, and social hierarchies to become accepted by and accessible to most Americans. During the ensuing thirteen decades the number, location, and layout of the nation's golf courses have responded to many of the same driving forces that impacted the nation, including decentralization, growth of the middle class, war, economic depression, suburbanization, and the increasing role of the federal government. Four epochs of golf‐course growth and diffusion show the growing acceptance of the sport and depict where courses were most likely to be constructed as a result of the prevailing forces of each epoch.  相似文献   

The discovery, extraction, and monopolistic control of key natural resources was a priority of New Spain's colonial administration. Managing the region's abundant resources, however, often proved difficult for the Spanish Crown. Human and environmental challenges impeded protoindustrial growth and development, and monopolistic control of resources often met resistance. In this article I examine these processes in the context of New Spain's little‐known monopoly on sulphur—a yellow, powdery mineral the Crown jealously guarded as its own. Sulphur was critical for gunpowder and explosives production, yet the Crown often failed to produce enough of it to meet the growing demand by its military and the silver blast‐mining industry. Colonial documents reveal administrators’ attempts to improve sulphur production through reform measures, which included advising sulphur miners on how to discover sulphur deposits and, eventually, how to develop their mines. Efforts to improve sulphur production were moderately successful, although the process was messy and inefficient.  相似文献   

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