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Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses were made of representative samples of calcite and quartz from the carbonate deposits in the Tolfa Mountains mining district. Measurements were also made of hydrogen isotope compositions, filling temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in these minerals. There are three stages of mineralization at Tolfa. In stage I, characterized by calc-silicate hornfels, the carbonates have relatively high 18O values of 14.5 to 21.6 suggesting a rather low water/rock ratio. 13C values of –0.3 to 2.1 indicate that appreciable decarbonation or introduction of deep-seated carbon did not occur. Stage II is marked by phanerocrystalline carbonates; 18O values of 13.1 to 20.0 and 13C values of 0.7 to 5.0 identify them as hydrothermal veins rather than marbles. D values of –56 to –50 for inclusion fluids suggest a possible magmatic component to the hydrothermal fluid. Filling temperatures of coarse-grained samples of Calcite II are 309° to 362° C with a salinity range of 5.3 to 7.1 weight percent NaCl. Calculated 18O values of 11–12 for these fluids are again indicative of low water/rock ratios. The sparry calcites of stage III have 18O and 13C values of 8.1 to 12.9 and –1.7 to 3.2, respectively. D values of inclusion fluids are –40 to –33, clearly heavier than in earlier stages and similar to values of modern local ground waters. A salinity measurement of <0.1 weight percent NaCl in a sample of Calcite III is compatible with a relatively unaltered ground water origin for this fluid. Precipitation of the sparry calcite took place at much lower temperatures, around 160° C. For quartz, 18O values of 9.3 to 12.4 and D values for inclusions of –53 to –28 are consistent with its late occurrence and paragenetic link with associated carbonates.  相似文献   

Summary Polymetallicmajor veins of the West Carbery district (County Cork) are compared with the nearby stratiform-disseminated copper mineralization in metasedimentary rocks, containingminor veins (metamorphic quartz veins and veinlets). These stratiform deposits are hosted by non-marine Devonian sediments (Old Red Sandstone), metamorphosed in the Hercynian orogeny. In sulphides from the stratiform deposits and minor veins, isotopic compositions of sulphur (34S) range from – 21.00 to + 5.14%0, consistent with the vein sulphide being remobilized stratiform-disseminated sulphide, and the latter being of diagenetic bacteriogenic origin. Sulphate (barite), found in veins separate from the sulphides, has 34S + 12.3 to + 15.7%0. consistent with groundwater origin. In minor-vein quartz, fluid inclusions have homogenization temperatures consistent with trapping under the estimated peak-metamorphic conditions (300–400°C, 1–3 kbar).In the major veins, sulphide 34S (–15.8 to –4.2 0) suggest remobilization of diagenetic sulphide. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes suggest deposition from metamorphic fluids (calculated 18OH2O approximately + 8 to + l3%0, measured range of D –52.2 to –27.3%0). Immiscible C02-bearing fluids were trapped in the temperature range 280–350°C with fluid pressure < ca. 600 bar. The inferred pressure-temperature history is attributed to late-metamorphic uplift, with fluid pressures falling below lithostatic. The sulphide-bearing veins are interpreted as a small-scale example of redistribution of mineral deposits by metamorphic fluids.
Die Genese Cu führender Quarzgdnge durch metamorphe Remobilisation aus stratiformen Rotsedimenten, SW County Cork, Irland
Zusammenfassung Polymetallische Erzgänge (major veins) des westlichen Carbery Distriktes (County Cork) werden mit kleineren Gängchen (minor veins), die in den benachbarten, eine disseminierte stratiforme Cu-Vererzung führenden, Metasedimenten liegen, verglichen. Diese stratiformen Lagerstätten sind an nichtmarine devonische Sedimente (Old Red Sandstone), die während der hercynischen Orogenese metamorphisiert wurden, gebunden. Die Zusammensetzung der Schwefelisotope (34S) der Sulfide in der disseminierten Vererzung und in den kleineren Gängen variiert von –21.00 bis –5.14%0. Diese Zusammensetzung ist mit der Interpretation, daß der Schwefel in den Gängchen aus den stratiformen disseminierten Sulfiden remobilisiert wurde, die ihrerseits diagenetischbakteriogene Signatur zeigen, konsistent: Die 345-Werte der Sulfate (Baryt) in den Gängchen variieren von + 12.3 bis + 15.7%0, was mit einer Herkunft aus Grundwässern übereinstimmt. Die Homogenisierungs-Temperaturen der FlüsBigkeitseinschlüsse in Quarz der Gängchen sind mit einem Einschluß der Fluide während des Höhepunktes der Metamorphose (300–400°C, l-3 kbar) konsistent.In den polymetallischen Erzgängen weisen die 34S-Werte (–15.8 bis –4.2%0) auf die Remobilisation diagenetischen Schwefels, die Sauerstoff und Wasserstoffisotope auf Ausfällung aus metamorphen Wässern hin. Die berechneten 18O-Werte liegen zwischen ca. +8 bis +13%0 die gemessenen H-Werte zwischen –52.2 bis –27.3%0. Nicht mischbare C02-führende Fluide wurden im Temperaturbereich von 280–350°C bei Fluid-Drucken < ca. 600 bar eingeschlossen. Der abgeleitete P-T Pfad wird mit spätmetamorpher Hebung, während der der Fluiddruck unter den lithostatischen Druck fiel, erklärt. Die Sulfid-führenden Gänge werden als kleinmaßstäbliche Beispiele für Wiederverteilung von Minerallagerstätten durch metamorphe Fluide gedeutet.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

The Archean Eye Dashwa Lakes pluton (2672±24 Ma) has domains of mineralogically fresh isotropic granite, domains that have undergone bulk hydrothermal alteration, and at least eleven sets of sequential fracture arrays, each with distinctive mineral assemblages. Fresh granite is characterized by whole rock 18O=8.1 to 8.6 and primary magmatic quartz-feldspar (+1.3), quartz-biotite (5.2 to 5.4) and quartz-magnetite (+9.8) fractionations. Magmatic fluids had a calculated isotopic composition of 18O=7.9±0.5, and D=–80±5. These isotropic volumes of the granite have not experienced significant incursion of external thermal waters. Pegmatites, quartz-molybdenite veins, and phlogopite-muscovite coated fractures are sporadically distributed in the granite, and were precipitated from high-temperature magmatic fluids where 18O=8.0 to 10.3 and D=–80±5.The most abundant variety of fracture filling assemblage is epidote-quartz-chlorite±muscovite: fractures are bounded by domains of mineralogically similar bulk hydrothermal alteration of the granite. These minerals formed at 160 to 280° C, in the presence of NaCl, and NaCl-MgCl2 brines (up to 25 wt% NaCl equivalent) of probable evolved marine water origin ( 18O=+0.4 to +3.8, D=–10 to –35) undergoing transient boiling. Upper plateau 40Ar/39Ar ages for the muscovite are 2650±15 Ma. Sequentially in the chronology of fracture-infiltration events, calcite-fluorite veins were deposited from boiling fluids at 340 to 390° C, isotopically characterized by 18O=4.7 and 13C=–5; and rare prehnite-chlorite lined fractures formed at 250 to 290° C. A generation of adularia-bearing veins precipitated at 140 to 230° C, from CaCl2-NaCl brines, where 18O=0 to –6.5 and D=–10 to –30. Incremental 40Ar/39Ar age spectra on the K-feldspar yield an upper plateau of 1100 Ma. Subsequently, hematite developed during reactivation of earlier fractures, at 140 to 210° C in the presence of fluids characterized by 18O=–0.4 to –5.4 and D=–15 to –25. Arrays of open fractures partially occupied by gypsum and goethite reflect a fluid infiltration event at temperatures <50° C. Many of the earlier generations of fracture minerals have transgranular fracture infillings which record the presence of low temperature (88–190° C), hypersaline CaCl2-NaCl brines. Narrow fractures lined with clays±calcite are sites for seepage of modern ground-waters. The isotopic signature of clay ( 18O=12 to 20, D=–80±5) plots near the line for modern kaolinites, confirming its formation in the presence of recent surface waters. Calcites coexisting with the clay minerals, and in fractured pegmatite show a common isotopic signature ( 18O=23±0.5, 13C=–13.6), indicating precipitation from modern groundwaters, where reactivated fractures have acted as conduits for infiltration of surface waters to depths of 200 m. Intermittent fracture-infiltration has occurred over 2.7 Ga. The early sequences of fracture-related fluid flow are interpreted in terms of devolatilization of the granite, followed by thermal contraction fracturing, incursion of marine water and convective cooling in the Archean. Hematite and adularia fracture fillings correspond to a stage when meteoric water infiltrated the volcanicplutonic terrain during Proterozoic and later times. Episodic fracture-fluid expulsion events may have been driven by seismic pumping, in response to magmatically and tectonically induced stresses within the Shield, with surface waters penetrating to depths of 15 km in the crust.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the auriferous quartz veins of the Val-dOr vein field, Abitibi, Quebec, Canada, demonstrates that the C, O, S isotope composition of silicate, carbonate, borate, oxide, tungstate and sulphide minerals have a range in composition comparable to that previously determined for the whole Superior Province. The oxygen isotope composition of quartz from early quartz–carbonate auriferous veins ranges from 9.4 to 14.4 whereas later quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have 18Oquartz values ranging from 9.2 to 13.8 . Quartz-carbonate veins have carbonate (18O: 6.9–12.5 ; 13C: –6.2– –1.9 ) and pyrite (34S: 1.2 and 1.9 ) isotope compositions comparable to those of quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins (18O: 7.9–11.7 ; 13C: –8.0 – –2.4 ; 34S: 0.6–6.0 ). 18Oquartz values in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins have a variance comparable to analytical uncertainty at the scale of one locality, irrespective of the type of structure, the texture of the quartz or its position along strike, across strike or down-dip a vein. In contrast, the oxygen isotope composition of quartz in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins displays a regional distribution with higher 18O values in the south-central part of the vein field near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone, and which 18O values decrease regularly towards the north. Another zone of high 18O values in the northeast corner of the region and along the trace of the Senneville Fault is separated by a valley of lower 18O values from the higher values near the Cadillac Tectonic Zone. Oxygen isotope isopleths cut across lithological contacts and tectonic structures. This regional pattern in quartz-tourmaline-carbonate veins is interpreted to be a product of reaction with country rocks and mixing between (1) a deep-seated hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin with minimum 18O=8.5 , 13C=0.6 and 34S=–0.4 , and (2) a supracrustal fluid, most likely Archean seawater with a long history of water-rock exchange and with maximum 18O=3.9 , 13 C=–5.6 and 34S=5.0 .  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope geochemistry and chemical composition of clinopyroxene crystals from Alban Hills pyroclastic deposits constrain the petrological evolution of ultrapotassic Roman-type rocks. Volcanic eruptions in the 560–35 ka time interval produced thick pyroclastic deposits bearing clinopyroxene phenocrysts with recurrent chemical characteristics. Clinopyroxenes vary from Si–Mg-rich to Al–Fe-rich with no compositional break, indicating that they were derived from a continuous process of crystal fractionation. Based on the 18O and trace element data no primitive samples were recovered: monomineralic clinopyroxene cumulates set the oxygen isotope composition of primary magmas in the range of uncontaminated mantle rocks (5.5), but their REE composition resulted from extensive crystal fractionation. Departing from these mantle-like 18OCpx values the effects of crustal contamination of clinopyroxene O-isotope composition were identified and used to monitor chemical variations in the parental magma. 18O values in Si–Mg-rich clinopyroxene are slightly higher than typical mantle values (5.9–6.2), and the low REE contents are representative of early stages of magmatic differentiation. 18O values as high as 8.2 are associated with Al–Fe3+-rich clinopyroxene showing high REE contents. These 18O values are characteristic of crystals formed during the late magmatic stages of each main eruptive phase. Geochemical modelling of 18O values vs. trace element contents indicates that these ultrapotassic magmas were derived from fractional crystallization plus assimilation of limited amounts of carbonate wall rocks starting from a primary melt, and from interaction with CO2 derived from country rocks during crystal fractionation.  相似文献   

Hydrothermally-altered mesozonal synmetamorphic granitic rocks from Maine have whole-rock 18O (SMOW) values 10.7 to 13.8. Constituent quartz, feldspar, and muscovite have 18O in the range 12.4 to 15.2, 10.0 to 13.2, and 11.1 to 12.0, respectively. Mean values of Q–F ( 18Oquartz 18Ofeldspar)=2.4 and Q–M ( 18Oquartz 18Omuscovite)=3.3 are remarkably uniform (standard deviations of both are 0.2). Measured Q–F and Q–M values demonstrate that the isotopic compositions of the minerals are altered from primary magmatic 18O values but that the minerals closely approached oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium at subsolidus temperatures. Analyzed muscovites have D (SMOW) values in the range –65 to –82.Feldspars in the granitic rocks are mineralogically altered to either (a) muscovite+calcite, (b) muscovite+calcite+epidote, (c) muscovite+epidote, or (d) muscovite only. A consistent relation exists between the assemblage of secondary minerals and the oxygen isotope composition of whole rocks, quartz, and feldspar. Rocks with assemblage (a) have whole-rock 18O>12.1 and contain quartz and feldspar with 18O>13.8 and >11.4, respectively. Rocks with assemblages (b), (c), and (d) have whole-rock 18O<11.4 and contain quartz and feldspar with 18O< 13.1 and <11.0, respectively. The correlation suggests that the mineralogical alteration of the rocks was closely coupled to their isotopic alteration.Three mineral thermometers in altered granite suggest that the hydrothermal event occurred in the temperature range 400°–150° C, 100°–150° C below the peak metamorphic temperature inferred for country rocks immediately adjacent to the plutons. Calculations of mineral-fluid equilibria indicate that samples with assemblage (a) coexisted during the event with CO2-H2O fluids of and 18O=10.8 to 12.2 while samples with assemblages (b), (c), or (d) coexisted with fluids of and 18O=9.4 to 10.1. Compositional variations of the hydrothermal fluids were highly correlated: fluids enriched in CO2 were also enriched in 18O. Because CO2 was added to the granites during hydrothermal alteration and because fluids enriched in CO2 were enriched in 18O, some or all of the variation in 18O of altered granites may have been caused by addition of 18O to the rocks during the hydrothermal event. The source of both the CO2 and 18O could have been high-18O metasedimentary country rocks. The inferred change in isotopic composition of the granites is consistent with depletion of the metacarbonate rocks in 18O close to the plutons and with large volumes of fluid that were inferred from petrologic data to have infiltrated the metacarbonate rocks during metamorphism.A close approach of minerals to oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium in altered mesozonal rocks from Maine is in marked contrast to hydrothermally-altered epizonal granites whose mineral commonly show large departures from oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium. The difference in oxygen isotope systematics between altered epizonal granites and altered mesozonal granites closely parallels a differences between their mineralogical systematics. Both differences demonstrate the important control that depth exerts on the products of hydrothermal alteration. Deeper hydrothermal events occur at higher temperature and are longer-lived. Minerals and fluid have sufficient time to closely approach both isotope exchange and heterogeneous chemical equilibrium. Shallower hydrothermal events occur at lower temperatures and are shorter-lived. Generally there is insufficient time for fluid to closely approach equilibrium with all minerals.  相似文献   

The Mount Lofty Ranges comprises interlayered marbles, metapsammites, and metapelites that underwent regional metamorphism during the Delamarian Orogeny at 470–515 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions increased from lowermost biotite grade (350–400°C) to migmatite grade (700°C) over 50–55 km parallel to the lithological strike of the rocks. With increasing metamorphic grade, 18O values of normal metapelites decrease from 14–16 to as low as 9.0, while 18O values of calcite in normal marbles decrease from 22–24 to as low as 13.2 These isotopic changes are far greater than can be accounted for by devolatilisation, implying widespread fluid-rock interaction. Contact metamorphism appears not to have affected the terrain, suggesting that fluid flow occurred during regional metamorphism. Down-temperature fluid flow from synmetamorphic granite plutons (18O=8.4–8.6) that occur at the highest metamorphic grades is unlikely to explain the resetting of oxygen isotopes because: (a) there is a paucity of skarns at granite-metasediment contacts; (b) the marbles generally do not contain low-XCO2 mineral assemblages; (c) there is insufficient granite to provide the required volumes of water; (d) the marbles and metapelites retain a several permil difference in 18O values, even at high metamorphic grades. The oxygen isotope resetting may be accounted for by along-strike up-temperature fluid flow during regional metamorphism with time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 5x109 moles/m2 (105 m3/m2). If fluid flow occurred over 105–106 years, estimated intrinsic permeabilities are 10-20 to 10-16m2. Variations in 18O at individual outcrops suggest that time-integrated fluid fluxes and intrinsic permeabilities may locally have varied by at least an order of magnitude. A general increase in XCO2 values of marble assemblages with metamorphic grade is also consistent with the up-temperature fluid-flow model. Fluids in the metapelites may have been derived from these rocks by devolatilisation at low metamorphic grades; however, fluids in the marbles were probably derived in part from the surrounding siliceous rocks. The marble-metapelite boundaries preserve steep gradients in both 18O and XCO2 values, suggesting that across-strike fluid fluxes were much lower than those parallel to strike. Up-temperature fluid flow may also have formed orthoamphibole rocks and caused melting of the metapelites at high grades.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304 Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   

Peak metamorphic temperatures for the coesite-pyrope-bearing whiteschists from the Dora Maira Massif, western Alps were determined with oxygen isotope thermometry. The 18O(smow) values of the quartz (after coesite) (18O=8.1 to 8.6, n=6), phengite (6.2 to 6.4, n=3), kyanite (6.1, n=2), garnet (5.5 to 5.8, n=9), ellenbergerite (6.3, n=1) and rutile (3.3 to 3.6, n=3) reflect isotopic equilibrium. Temperature estimates based on quartz-garnet-rutile fractionation are 700–750 °C. Minimum pressures are 31–32 kb based on the pressure-sensitive reaction pyrope + coesite = kyanite + enstatite. In order to stabilize pyrope and coesite by the temperature-sensitive dehydration reaction talc+kyanite=pyrope+coesite+H2O, the a(H2O) must be reduced to 0.4–0.75 at 700–750 °C. The reduced a(H2O) cannot be due to dilution by CO2, as pyrope is not stable at X(CO2)>0.02 (T=750 °C; P=30 kb). In the absence of a more exotic fluid diluent (e.g. CH4 or N2), a melt phase is required. Granite solidus temperatures are 680 °C/30 kb at a(H2O)=1.0 and are calculated to be 70°C higher at a(H2O)=0.7, consistent with this hypothesis. Kyanite-jadeite-quartz bands may represent a relict melt phase. Peak P-T-f(H2O) estimates for the whiteschist are 34±2 kb, 700–750 °C and 0.4–0.75. The oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz (18O=11.6) and garnet (18O=8.7) in the surrounding orthognesiss is identical to that in the coesitebearing unit, suggesting that the two units shared a common, final metamorphic history. Hydrogen isotope measurements were made on primary talc and phengite (D(SMOW)=-27 to-32), on secondary talc and chlorite rite after pyrope (D=-39 to -44) and on the surrounding biotite (D=-64) and phengite (D=-44) gneiss. All phases appear to be in nearequilibrium. The very high D values for the primary hydrous phases is consistent with an initial oceanicderived/connate fluid source. The fluid source for the retrograde talc+chlorite after pyrope may be fluids evolved locally during retrograde melt crystallization. The similar D, but dissimilar 18O values of the coesite bearing whiteschists and hosting orthogneiss suggest that the two were in hydrogen isotope equilibrium, but not oxygen isotope equilibrium. The unusual hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of the coesite-bearing unit can be explained as the result of metasomatism from slab-derived fluids at depth.  相似文献   

Emerald deposits in Swat, northwestern Pakistan, occurring in talc-magnesite and quartz-magnesite assemblages, have been investigated through stable isotope studies. Isotopic analyses were performed on a total of seven emeralds, associated quartz (seven samples), fuchsite (three samples) and tourmaline (two samples) from the Mingora emerald mines. The oxygen isotopic composition ( 18O SMOW) of emeralds shows a strong enrichment in18O and is remarkably uniform at + 15.6 ± 0.4 (1,n = 7). Each of the two components of water in emerald (channel and inclusion) has a different range of hydrogen isotopic composition: the channel waters being distinctly isotopically heavier (D = –51 to –32 SMOW) than the other inclusion waters (D = –96 to –70 SMOW). Similarly the oxygen isotopic compositions of tourmaline and fuchsite are relatively constant ( 18O = + 13 to + 14 SMOW) and show enrichment in18O. The 18O values of quartz, ranging from + 15.1 to + 19.1 SMOW, are also high (+ 16.9 ± 1.4 1, n = 7). The meanD of channel waters measured from emerald (–42 ± 6.6 SMOW) and that of fluid calculated from hydrous mineralsDcalculated (–47 ± 7.1 SMOW) are consistent with both metamorphic and magmatic origin. However, the close similarity between the measuredD values of the hydroxyl hydrogen in fuchsite (–74 to –6 SMOW) and tourmaline (–84 and –69 SMOW) with pegmatitic muscovite and tourmaline suggests that the mineralization was probably caused by modified (18O-enriched) hydrothermal solutions derived from an S-type granitic magma. The variation in the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of magnesite, locally associated with emerald mineralization, is also very restricted ( 13 –3.2 ± 0.7%, PDB; 18O + 17.9 ± 1.27 SMOW). On the basis of the isotopic composition of fluid ( 13C –1.8 ± 0.7 PDB; 18O + 13.6 ± 1.2 SMOW calculated for the 250-550 °C temperature), it is proposed that the Swat magnesites formed due to the carbonation of previously serpentinized ultramafic rocks by a CO2-bearing fluid of metamorphic origin.  相似文献   

Late Hercynian U-bearing carbonate veins within the metamorphic complex of La Lauzière are characterized by two parageneses. The first is dominated by dolomite or ankerite and the second by calcite and pitchblende. Fluids trapped in the dolomites and ankerites at 350–400° C are saline waters (20 to 15 wt % eq. NaCl) with D –34 to –49. In the calcite they are less saline (17 to 8 wt % eq. NaCl) and trapped at 300–350° C with D –50 to –65. All fluids contain trace N2, CO2 and probably CH4. The carbonates have 13C –8 to –14. and derived their carbon from organic matter. Evolution of the physico-chemical conditions from dolomite (ankerite) to calcite deposition was progressive.H and O-isotope studies indicate the involvement of two externally derived fluids during vein development. A D-rich ( –35) low fO2, saline fluid is interpreted to have come from underlying sediments and entered the hotter overlying metamorphic slab and mixed with more oxidizing and less saline U bearing meteoric waters during regional uplift. This evidence for a sedimentary formation water source for the deep fluid implies that the metamorphic complex overthrusted sedimentary formations during the Late-Hercynian.  相似文献   

18O values of unaltered olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts in boninites from several areas range from 5.8 to 7.4 and indicate that the source for most boninites is more 18O-rich than MORBs and other oceanic basalts. The source for oxygen and other major elements is most likely a refractory portion of the mantle having a 18O value of up to 7.0 to which must be added a small amount of H2O-rich fluid to induce partial melting. This fluid, which is derived from subducted crust, is the vehicle for LREEs including Nd. The variable, normally low Nd values typical of boninites do not correlate with the 18O values.Post eruptive exchange of oxygen in the glass of boninites with that of sea water at low temperatures (<150° C) produces 18O values of >10 in optically fresh glass. Hydration of the glass has increased the water contents of most boninites from estimated magmatic values of 1–2 wt% to 2–4 wt% and produced D values of < –80, which may be lower than the original magmatic D values. In contrast to most submarine pillow basalts, the magmatic volatile composition of boninite lavas has been extensively modified as a result of post eruptive interaction with seawater.  相似文献   

Mo mineralization within the Galway Granite at Mace Head and Murvey, Connemara, western Ireland, has many features of classic porphyry Mo deposits including a chemically evolved I-type granite host, associated K- and Si-rich alteration, quartz vein(Mace Head) and granite-hosted (Murvey) molybdenite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and magnetite mineralization and a gangue assemblage which includes quartz, muscovite and K-feldspar. Most fluid inclusions in quartz veins homogenize in the range 100–350°C and have a salinity of 1–13 eq. wt.% NaCl. They display Th-salinity covariation consistent with a hypothesis of dilution of magmatic water by influx of meteoric water. CO2-bearing inclusions in an intensely mineralized vein at Mace Head provide an estimated minimum trapping temperature and pressure for the mineralizing fluid of 355°C and 1.2 kb and are interpreted to represent a H2O-CO2 fluid, weakly enriched in Mo, produced in a magma chamber by decompression-activated unmixing from a dense Mo-bearing NaCl-H2O-CO2 fluid. 34S values of most sulphides range from c. 0 at Murvey to 3–4 at Mace Head and are consistent with a magmatic origin. Most quartz vein samples have 18O of 9–10.3 and were precipitated from a hydrothermal fluid with 18O of 4.6–6.7. Some have 18O of 6–7 and reflect introduction of meteoric water along vein margins. Quartz-muscovite oxygen isotope geothermometry combined with fluid inclusion data indicate precipitation of mineralized veins in the temperature range 360–450°C and between 1 and 2 kb. Whole rock granite samples display a clear 18O-D trend towards the composition of Connemara meteoric waters. The mineralization is interpreted as having been produced by highlyfractionated granite magma; meteoric water interaction postdates the main mineralizing event. The differences between the Mace Head and Murvey mineralizations reflect trapping of migrating mineralizing fluid in structural traps at Mace Head and precipitation of mineralization in the granite itself at Murvey.  相似文献   

M. Deb 《Mineralium Deposita》1986,21(4):313-321
The sulfur isotope composition of 86 sulfide minerals from the Middle Proterozoic, metamorphosed, stratiform, sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-CU sulfide deposits of Dariba and Sindeswar Kalan located within the Rajpura-Dariba belt in Rajasthan, NW India, have been determined. In addition, 16 carbonaceous and 2 carbonate rock samples from the ore zone have been analyzed for their Ctot and Corg contents and carbon isotope compositions. The sulfur isotope compositions range from 9.1 to –6.7 (mean value of 1.9). Increasing 34S values stratigraphically upward are observed, particularly for pyrite and pyrrhotite suggesting a syngenetic origin for the sulfur. No marked lateral isotopic variations or isotopic variation in minerals from successive laminae in banded ore samples occur. Fractionation of sulfur isotopes between coexisting sulfides suggests that the original isotopic pattern was basically preserved during the amphibolite-facies metamorphism suffered by the deposits. Corg in carbonaceous rocks ranges 0.5–9.3 wt%, with 13C values between –21 and –31 (mean of –25.4) in keeping with the biogenic derivation of the carbon. Recrystallized dolostones have 13C values close to –14.4Geological evidence and isotopic features are consistant with the following genetic scheme: (a) base-metal ores along the belt formed from geothermal emanations carrying H2S, produced by the chemical reduction of seawater sulfates and leaching of mafic volcanics, in a semiclosed (with respect to SO4), shallow-water, rift-related basin with high biological activity; (b) pyrite and pyrrhotite formed diagenetically by bacterial reduction of sulfate in pore seawater in a system open to H2S, thus bringing about the gradual enrichment of 34S in these minerals stratigraphically upward; and (c) northward in the belt, at Sindeswar Kalan, the basin of ore deposition was relatively more open.  相似文献   

New sulphur and sulphate-oxygen isotope measurements for the main discordant and stratiform lead-zinc-barite orebodies at Silvermines Co. Tipperary, allow reappraisal of previously offered differing interpretations (Graham, 1970; Greig et al., 1971) of the bearing of sulphur isotopes on the genesis of this important Irish deposit. The following aspects of the data are confirmed: barite 34 S-values range from 17–21, similar to lower Carboniferous seawater sulphate: stratiform sulphide lens pyrites have 34 S-values ranging from –13 to –36; vein sulphide 34 S-values range from –8 to 4; sulphide 34 S-values increase upwards and outwards respectively in the related discordant and stratiform G orebodies; galena-sphalerite isotope palaeotemperatures are not too consistent, ranging from 40 to 430°C (using the calibration of Czamanske and Rye (1974). New facts are as follows: barite 18O-values range from –13 to –17, stratiform barites ranging from 13 to 14.5; sulphides separated from a single stratiform ore lens hand specimen usually have 34 Ssl > 34 Sga > 34 Spy; the outward decrease in 34 S-values in the stratiform G orebody is confined to the first few hundred feet only; pyrite 34 S-values progressively increase downwards through one stratiform sulphide orebody; yet variations of 13 occur within a single colloform pyrite structure from another stratiform orebody. It is concluded that there were at least two sources of sulphur, seawater sulphate and deep-seated sulphur. The former was the dominant source of all sulphate and, via biogenic reduction, of the sulphur in the bulk of the stratiform sulphide. The latter was the source of the sulphur in the vein sulphides. There was minimal isotopic interaction between the cool seawater sulphate and the warm unwelling ore fluid sulphur species, even though the latter precipitated under near isotopic equilibrium conditions when the temperature dropped and/or the pH and Eh increased. The lack of isotopic equilibrium between pyrite and ore sulphides in the stratiform ore lenses may result from the latter having precipitated slightly later than the former because of solubility relationships. Overall the present isotopic evidence supports considerable geological evidence favoring a syngenetic origin for the stratiform Silvermines orebodies.  相似文献   

Nd, Sr and O isotopic data were obtained from silicic ash-flow tuffs and lavas at the Tertiary age (16–9 Ma) Timber (Mountain/Oasis Valley volcanic center (TMOV) in southern Nevada, to assess models for the origin and evolution of the large-volume silicic magma bodies generated in this region. The large-volume (>900 km3), chemically-zoned, Topopah Spring (TS) and Tiva Canyon (TC) members of the Paintbrush Tuff, and the Rainier Mesa (RM) and Ammonia Tanks (AT) members of the younger Timber Mountain Tuff all have internal Nd and Sr isotopic zonations. In each tuff, high-silica rhyolites have lower initial Nd values (1 Nd unit), higher87Sr/86Sr, and lower Nd and Sr contents, than cocrupted trachytes. The TS, TC, and RM members have similar Nd values for high-silica rhyolites (-11.7 to -11.2) and trachytes (-10.5 to -10.7), but the younger AT member has a higher Nd for both compositional types (-10.3 and -9.4). Oxygen isotope data confirm that the TC and AT members were derived from low Nd magmas. The internal Sr and Nd isotopic variations in each tuff are interpreted to be the result of the incorporation of 20–40% (by mass) wall-rock into magmas that were injected into the upper crust. The low Nd magmas most likely formed via the incorporation of low 18O, hydrothermally-altered, wall-rock. Small-volume rhyolite lavas and ash-flow tuffs have similar isotopic characteristics to the large-volume ash-flow tuffs, but lavas erupted from extracaldera vents may have interacted with higher 18O crustal rocks peripheral to the main magma chamber(s). Andesitic lavas from the 13–14 Ma Wahmonie/Salyer volcanic center southeast of the TMOV have low Nd (-13.2 to -13.8) and are considered on the basis of textural evidence to be mixtures of basaltic composition magmas and large proportions (70–80%) of anatectic crustal melts. A similar process may have occurred early in the magmatic history of the TMOV. The large-volume rhyolites may represent a mature stage of magmatism after repeated injection of basaltic magmas, crustal melting, and volcanism cleared sufficient space in the upper crust for large magma bodies to accumulate and differentiate. The TMOV rhyolites and 0–10 Ma old basalts that erupted in southern Nevada all have similar Nd and Sr isotopic compositions, which suggests that silicic and mafic magmatism at the TMOV were genetically related. The distinctive isotopic compositions of the AT member may reflect temporal changes in the isotopic compositions of basaltic magmas entering the upper crust, possibly as a result of increasing basification of a lower crustal magma source by repeated injection of mantle-derived mafic magmas.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope ratios have been determined in 27 selected volcanic rocks from Iceland together with their whole rock chemistry. The 34S of analyzed basalts ranges from –2.0 to +0.4 with an average value of –0.8 Tholeiitic and alkaline rocks exhibit little difference in 34S values but the intermediate and acid rocks analyzed have higher 34S values up to +4.2 It is suggested that the overall variation in sulfur isotope composition of the basalts is caused by degassing. The small range of the 34S values and its similarity to other oceanic and continental basalts, suggest that the depleted mantle is homogeneous in its sulfur isotope composition. The 34S of the depleted mantle is estimated to be within the range for undegassed oceanic basalts, –0.5 to +1.0  相似文献   

Monomineralic domains of chlorite, corundum and Cr muscovite coexist over a kilometer scale within ultramafic schists of the Harare greenstone belt (2.73 Ga). This exotic lithological association includes the conjunction of some of the most aluminous (Al2O388 wt%) and potassic (K2O10 wt%) rocks known. The paragenetic sequence developed from chloritecorundumcorundum+ diaspore: Cr muscovite variably overprinted both the corundum and chloritite domains. Terminal stages were marked by sporadic production of andalusite+quartz, and finally margarite.Chlorite (Cr2O3=0.31–2.65 wt%), corundum (0.79–2.66 wt%), and diaspore are all Cr-rich varieties. The chromian (Cr2O33.86 wt%) paragonitic muscovite incorporates up to 17% of the paragonite molecule, and significant Mg and Fe substitutions.The suite of rocks are characterized by chondritic Ti/Zr ratios (–x=107), systematically enhanced Cr (up to 14000 ppm) and Ni (up to 1200 ppm) abundances, low levels of the alteration-insensitive incompatible elements Th, Ta, Nb. Chlorite, corundum and Cr muscovite represent progressive stages in the incremental metasomatic alteration of a komatiite precursor. Mass balance calculations, constrained by the isochemical behaviour of Ti, Zr and Hf reveal that the komatiite chloritite transformation involved volumetric contractions of 60% by hydrothermal leaching of Si, Fe, Mn, Ca and Na. Reaction of chloritite to corundum involved further volumetric reductions of 50% due to essentially quantitative loss of Si, Fe, Mn, Mg, K and Ca. Conversion of corundum to muscovite required additions of Si, K, Fe, Mn, Mg, Rb and Ba at 50–200% dilation. K, Rb, Ba, Li and Cs are enriched by up to 2×103 over background abundances in ultramafic rocks, and the suite is also enriched in B, Se, Te, Bi, As, Sb and Au. REE were extensively leached during chloritite-corundum stages, whereas LREE additions accompany development of muscovite. Ti, Zr, Hf and Al were all concentrated by selective leaching of mobile components, but absolute additions of Al accompanied development of the corundum domains due to Al precipitation in response to depressurization.Corundum ( 18O=3.5–4.8), muscovite ( 18O=6.7–7.5) and chlorite (4.5–5.6) are isotopically uniform and formed at 380–520° C from a fluid where 18O=5.6–6.9. The corundum is 18O depleted relative to either igneous or anatectic counterparts (Ocor=7.6–8.2), or to gibbsitic laterites ( 18O=12–17).Previous genetic schemes involving metamorphism of exhalites or bauxite, or Si-undersaturation of magmas, can all be ruled out from the data. The chloritite, corundum, Cr-muscovite association represents sequential alteration products of ultramafic rocks by high temperature, low pH hydrothermal solutions carrying LIL-elements, and in which excursions of pH and/or degree of quartz undersaturation account for the mineralogical transitions. A deep level acid epithermal system, or fluid advection across steep inverted thermal gradients in a thrust regime could account for required hydrothermal conditions.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition of veins, pressure shadows, mylonites and fault breccias in allochthonous Mesozoic carbonate cover units of the Helvetic zone show evidence for concurrent closed and open system of fluid advection at different scales in the tectonic development of the Swiss Alps. Marine carbonates are isotopically uniform, independent of metamorphic grade, where 13C=1.5±1.5 (1 ) and 18O=25.4±2.2 (1 ). Total variations of up to 2 in 13C and 1.5 in 18O occur over a cm scale. Calcite in pre- (Type I) and syntectonic (Type II) vein arrays and pressure shadows are mostly in close isotopic compliance with the matrix calcite, to within ±0.5, signifying isotopic buffering of pore fluids by host rocks during deformation, and closed system redistribution of carbonate over a cm to m scale. This is consistent with microstructural evidence for pressure solution — precipitation deformation.Type III post-tectonic veins occur throughout 5 km of structural section, extend several km to the basement, and accommodate up to 15% extension. Whereas the main population of Type III veins is isotopically undistinguishable from matrix carbonates, calcite in the largest of these veins is depleted in 18O by up to 23 but acquired comparable 13C values. This generation of veins involved geopressurized hydrothermal fluids at 200 to 350° C where 18O H2O=–8 to +20, representing variable mixtures of 18O enriched pore and metamorphic fluids, with 18O depleted meteoric water. Calc-mylonites ( 18O=25 to 11) at the base of the Helvetic units, and syntectonic veins from the frontal Pennine thrust are characterized by a trend of 18O depletion relative to carbonate protoliths, due to exchange with an isotopically variable reservoir ( 18O H2O=20 to 4). The upper limiting value corresponds to carbonate-buffered pore fluid, whereas the lower value is interpreted as 18O-depleted formation brines tectonically expelled at lithostatic pressure from the crystalline basement. Carbonate breccias in one of the large scale late normal faults exchanged with infiltrating 18O-depleted meteoric surface waters ( 18O=–8 to –10).During the main ductile Alpine deformation, individual lithological units and associated tectonic vein arrays behaved as closed systems, whereas mylonites along thrust faults acted as conduits for tectonically expelled lithostatically pressured reservoirs driven over tens of km. At the latest stages, marked by 5 to 15 km uplift and brittle deformation, low 18O meteoric surface waters penetrated to depths of several km under hydrostatic gradients.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope fractionation between coexisting calcite and grpahite ( 13Ccc-gr) has been determined in metamorphosed limestones and calc-silicate rocks from the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the northern Kiso district. In this district, the Ryoke metamorphic rocks, ranging from the lower greenschist facies to the upper amphibolite facies, are widely distributed. The fractionation of 13C/12C between calcite and graphite decreases regularly with increasing metamorphic grade and is independent of absolute 13C values of calcite. This evidence suggests that carbon isotopic exchange equilibrium has been attained during metamorphism even in the greenschist facies and isotopic modification, possibly caused by retrogressive metamorphism, is not distinguished. For T=270–650° C, the fractionation is expressed by the following equation: 13Ccc-gr=8.9×106T–2–7.1 (T in °K).This equation has a slope steeper than the current results on the 13Ccc-gr versus 106T–2 diagram. It can be used as a potential geothermometer for almost the entire temperature range of metamorphism. 13C values of carbonaceous matter in unmetamorphosed limestones in this district are approximately –22, due to its biogenic origin. Graphite from metamorphosed limestones is also considered to be of biogenic origin but shows enrichment of 13C due to isotopic exchange with calcite. 13C values of graphite as well as 13Ccc-gr confirm that zone II represents the lowest grade zone of Ryoke metamorphism. The maximum equilibrium fractionation of 13C between calcite and graphite is considered to be approximately 23%, which corresponds to 270° C. Below this temperature, it seems that carbon isotopic exchange between the minerals does not occur.Calcite in marble from the higher grade zones has relatively lower 13C and 18O values. The depletion of heavy isotopes is considered to be caused by the loss of 13C and 18O enriched carbon dioxide during decarbonation reactions. For oxygen, it is considered that isotopic exchange with metamorphic fluids plays an important role in lowering the 18O value of calcite in some higher grade marbles.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous, granitic pegmatite-aplite dikes in southern California have been known for gem-quality minerals and as a commercial source of lithium. Minerals, whole-rock samples, and inclusion fluids from nine of these dikes and from associated wall rocks have been analyzed for their oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope compositions to ascertain the origins and thermal histories of the dikes. Oxygen isotope geothermometry used in combination with thermometric data from primary fluid inclusions enabled the determination of the pressure regime during crystallization.Two groups of dikes are evident from their oxygen isotope compositions (18Oqtz+10.5 in Group A, and +8.5 in Group B). Prior to the end of crystallization, Group A pegmatites had already extensively exchanged oxygen with their wall rocks, while Group B dikes may represent a closer approximation to the original isotopic composition of the pegmatite melts. Oxygen isotope fractionations between minerals are similar in all dikes and indicate that the pegmatites were emplaced at temperatures of about 730 ° to 700 ° C. Supersolidus crystallization began with the basal aplite zone and ended with formation of quench aplite in the pocket zone, nearly to 565 ° C. Subsolidus formation of gem-bearing pockets took place over a relatively narrow temperature range of about 40 ° C (approximately 565–525 ° C). Nearly closed-system crystallization is indicated.Hornblende in gabbroic and noritic wall rocks (Dw.r. = –90 to –130) in the Mesa Grande district crystallized in the presence of, or exchanged hydrogen with, meteoric water (D –90) prior to the emplacement of the pegmatite dikes. Magmatic water was subsequently added to the wall rocks adjacent to the pegmatites.Groups A and B pegmatites cannot be distinguished on the basis of their hydrogen isotope compositions. A decrease in D of muscovite inward from the walls of the dikes reflects a decrease in temperature. D values of H2O from fluid inclusions are: –50 to –73 (aplite and pegmatite zones); –62 to –75 (pocket quartz: Tourmaline Queen and Stewart dikes); and –50 ± 4 (pocket quartz from many dikes). The average 13C of juvenile CO2 in fluid inclusions in Group B pegmatites is –7.9. In Group A pegmatities, 13C of CO2 is more negative (–10 to –15.6), due to exchange of C with wall rocks and/or loss of 13C-enriched CO2 to an exsolving vapor phase.Pressures during crystallization of the pockets were on the order of 2,100 bars, and may have increased slightly during pocket growth. A depth of formation of at least 6.8 km (sp. gr. of over burden = 3.0, and P fiuid=P load) is indicated, and a rate of uplift of 0.07 cm/yr. follows from available geochronologic data.  相似文献   

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