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A closed-form wave equation analytic solution of two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of outof-plane(SH) waves by an almost semi-circular shallow cylindrical hill on a flat, elastic and homogeneous half space is proposed by applying the discrete Fourier series expansions of sine and cosine functions. The semi-circular hill problem is discussed as a special case for the new formulated equation.Compared with the previous semi-circular cases solutions, the present method can give surface displacement amplitudes which agrees well with previous results. Although the proposed equation can only solve the problem of SH-waves diffracted by almost semi-circular shallow hills, the stress and displacement residual amplitudes are numerical insignificantly everywhere. Moreover, the influences of the depth-towidth ratio(a parameter defined in this paper to evaluate the shallowness of the topography of hills) on ground motions are presented and summarized. The limitations and errors of truncation from Graf's addition theorem and Fourier series equations in the present paper are also discussed.  相似文献   

Scattering of plane SH waves by a circular- arc hill with a circular tunnel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionEarthquakedamageinvestigationsandtheoreticalanalysesshowthatahillamplifiesincidentwavestremendouslyduetomulti-reflectionofthewaveswithinthehill;notabledynamicstressconcentrationisobservedonwallofatunnel(Pao,Mow,1973;Lee,Trifunac,1979).Therefore,itmaybeassumedthattheexistenceofatunnelinahillmighthavegreateramplificationeffectonthegroundmotionnearby,andthedynamicstressconcentrationofthetunnelinthehillmightbemorenotable.Itiscommonthattherailwaysorhighwaysarethroughahilloramountainwi…  相似文献   

A closed-form solution of two-dimensional scattering of plane SH waves by a cylindrical hill of circular-arc cross-section in a half-space is presented using the wave functions expansion method. The solution is reduced to solving a set of infinite linear algebraic equations, using the auxiliary functions and the exterior region form of the Graf's addition theorem. Numerical solutions are obtained by truncation of the infinite equations and their accuracies are demonstrated by convergence of the numerical results and by the extent to which the numerical results fit the exact boundary conditions with increasing the truncation order. The numerical results for some typical cases are then presented for checking accuracies of various numerical methods. The effects of the height-to-width ratio of the hill on surface ground motion are finally illustrated.  相似文献   

Diffraction of plane SH waves by a semi-circular cavity in half-space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a closed-form solution for diffraction of plane SH waves by a semi-circular cavity in half-space by using wave function expansion method. Accuracy of the solution is checked by the displacement residual and stress residual along the boundaries. Numerical results show that there are notable differences for response amplitudes between a semi-circular cavity and a whole-circular cavity in a half-space.  相似文献   

A closed-form analytical solution of surface motion of a semi-elliptical cylindrical hill for incident plane SH waves is presented. Although some previous analytical work had already dealt with hill topography of semi-circular and shallow circular, our work aims at calculating surface motion of very prolate hill for high incident frequency, and explaining the special vibrating properties of very prolate hill. Accuracy of the solution is checked by boundary conditions, numerical results for surface motion of oblate and prolate hills are calculated, and some conclusions are obtained.  相似文献   

文章利用“契合”思想,给出了地下弹性夹杂与地面上的等腰三角形凸起地形引起的SH波散射问题的解析解答。利用复平面下坐标移动,通过区域Ⅰ和区域Ⅱ以及区域Ⅱ和区域Ⅲ的“公共边界”位移应力连续条件,建立起求解该问题的无穷代数方程组并截断有限项进行求解,最后通过具体算例及结果分析得出相应结论。  相似文献   

Diffraction of a two-dimensional (2D) semi-circular cavity in a half-space under incident SH-waves is studied using the classic wave function expansion method with a new de-coupling technique. This so-called “improved cosine halfrange expansion” algorithm exhibits an excellent performance in reducing displacement residual errors at two rim points of concern. The governing equations are developed in a manner that minimizes the residues of the boundary conditions. Detailed derivation and analysis procedures as well as truncation of infinite linear governing equations are presented. The semi-circular cavity model presented in this paper, due to its simple profile, is expected to be used in seismic wave propagation studies as a benchmark for examining the accuracies of various analytical or numerical methods for mixed-boundary wave propagation problems.  相似文献   

An analytical solution for scattering of plane P waves by a semi-cylindrical hill was derived by using the wave function expansion method, and convergence of the solution and accuracy of truncation were verified. The effect of incident frequency and incident angle on the surface motion of the hill was discussed, and it was shown that a hill greatly amplifies incident plane P waves, and maximum horizontal displacement amplitudes appear mostly at the inclined incidence of waves, which are located at the half-space; and maximum vertical displacement amplitudes emerge mostly at the vertical incidence of waves, which are situated at the hill.  相似文献   

Scattering of SH waves by a scalene triangular hill   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>The influence of local landforms on ground motion is an important problem.The antiplane response of a scalene triangular hill to incident SH waves is studied in this paper by using a complex function,moving coordinates and auxiliary functions.First,the model is divided into two domains:a scalene triangular hill with a semi-circular bottom;and a half space with a semi-circular canyon.Wave functions that satisfy the zero-stress condition at the triangular wedges and at the horizontal surface are constructed in both domains.Then,considering the displacement continuity and stress equilibrium, algebraic equations are established.Finally,numerical examples are provided to illustrate the influence of the geometry of the hill and the characteristics of the incident waves on the ground motions.  相似文献   

弹性层状半空间中凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对Wolf理论进行拓展,使之可解决凸起地形对波的散射问题,进而利用间接边界元法,求解了弹性层状半空间中凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用问题。本文模型的显著特点之一是考虑了层状半空间的动力特性以及层状半空间和凸起地形的阻尼;特点之二是计算精度高。文中以基岩上单一土层中半圆凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用为例进行了数值计算分析。研究表明,基岩上单一土层中凸起地形对入射平面SH波放大作用和均匀半空间中凸起地形有着本质的差别;土层动力特性不仅影响凸起地形地表位移的幅值,还会影响地表位移的频谱;阻尼会显著降低凸起地形对高频波的放大作用。  相似文献   

A closed-form wave function analytic solution of two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of incident plane SH-waves by a fl exible wall on a rigid shallow circular foundation embedded in an elastic half-space is presented. This research generalizes the previous solution by Trifunac in 1972, which tackled only the semi-circular foundation, to arbitrary shallow circular-arc foundation cases, and is thus comparatively more realistic. Ground surface displacement spectra at higher frequencies are also obtained. As an analytical series solution, the accuracy and error analysis of the numerical results are also discussed. It was observed from the results that the rise-to-span ratio of the foundation profi le, frequency of incident waves, and mass ratios of different media(foundation-structure-soil) are the three primary factors that may affect the surface ground motion amplitudes near the structure.  相似文献   

This paper studies three-dimensional diffraction of obliquely incident plane SH waves by twin infinitely long cylindrical cavities in layered poroelastic half-space using indirect boundary element method. The approach is validated by comparison with the literature, and the effects of cavity interval, incident frequency, and boundary drainage condition on the diffraction are studied through numerical examples. It is shown that, the interaction between two cavities is significant and surface displacement peaks become large when two cavities are close, and the surface displacement may be significantly amplified by twin cavities, and the influence range with large amplification can be as wide as 40 times of the cavity radius. Surface displacements in dry poroelastic case and saturated poroelastic cases with drained and undrained boundaries are evidently different under certain circumstances, and the differences may be much larger than those in the free-field response.  相似文献   

采用直接刚度法计算自由场动力响应,以层状半空间中移动斜线均布荷载动力格林函数模拟散射波场,采用间接边界元方法求解了层状半空间中沉积谷地对斜入射平面SH波的三维散射问题.由于文中采用的层状场地三维动力刚度矩阵是精确的,且用于模拟散射波场的均布移动斜线荷载可以直接施加在沉积交界面处而不存在奇异性,所以本文方法具有很高精度.文中以均匀半空间和基岩上单一土层中沉积谷地对入射SH波的散射为例进行了数值计算,研究表明,沉积谷地对地震波的三维散射与二维散射之间存在本质差别;层状半空间中沉积谷地与均匀半空间中沉积谷地附近地表位移存在显著差异.  相似文献   

Introduction Scattering of incident waves by local topographies is one of the most attractive topics in the field of engineering seismology. They can be resolved by either a numerical method or an analyti-cal method. The numerical methods include finite difference method, finite element method, boundary element method, etc. The analytical method is the wave function expansion method. Al-though numerical methods can be used for arbitrary-shaped topographies, the analytical solutions are still …  相似文献   

Soil-structure interaction (SSI) of a building and shear wall above a foundation in an elastic half-space has long been an important research subject for earthquake engineers and strong-motion seismologists. Numerous papers have been published since the early 1970s; however, very few of these papers have analytic closed-form solutions available. The soil-structure interaction problem is one of the most classic problems connecting the two disciplines of earthquake engineering and civil engineering. The interaction effect represents the mechanism of energy transfer and dissipation among the elements of the dynamic system, namely the soil subgrade, foundation, and superstructure. This interaction effect is important across many structure, foundation, and subgrade types but is most pronounced when a rigid superstructure is founded on a relatively soft lower foundation and subgrade. This effect may only be ignored when the subgrade is much harder than a flexible superstructure: for instance a flexible moment frame superstructure founded on a thin compacted soil layer on top of very stiff bedrock below. This paper will study the interaction effect of the subgrade and the superstructure. The analytical solution of the interaction of a shear wall, flexible-rigid foundation, and an elastic half-space is derived for incident SH waves with various angles of incidence. It found that the flexible ring (soft layer) cannot be used as an isolation mechanism to decouple a superstructure from its substructure resting on a shaking half-space.  相似文献   

SH波作用下浅埋裂纹附近半圆形凸起的地震动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Green函数、复变函数及多极坐标法研究了浅埋裂纹附近的半圆形凸起地形对SH波的散射问题。首先求解出适合本问题的Green函数,即含有半圆形凸起的弹性半空间内任意一点承受时间谐和的出平面线源荷载作用时位移场的解答。然后,从半圆形凸起地形对SH波的散射问题出发,利用本问题的Green函数在基体内构造裂纹。最后给出了浅埋裂纹附近的半圆形凸起地形对SH波散射的位移场。通过算例讨论了裂纹对地表位移幅值的影响,结果表明裂纹在一定情况下具有减震作用。  相似文献   

半空间异质隆起的出平面动力响应:闭合级数解答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用分区思想和辅助函数方法,利用波函数展开技术,提出了水平地表圆形非匀质隆起出平面动力响应的闭合级数解答。将解答归结为一组无穷代数方程组的求解,解答的数值结果可由无穷方程的截断计算得出。计算结果表明,给出的闭合解答在宽频带内能很快收敛。  相似文献   

In this paper, antiplane response of an isosceles triangular hill to incident SH waves is studied based on the method of complex function and by using moving coordinate system. The standing wave function, which can satisfy the governing equation and boundary condition, is provided. Furthermore, numerical examples are presented; the influences of wave number and angle of the incident waves and the angle of the hill's peak on ground motion are discussed.  相似文献   

含峭壁V形峡谷对地震SH波散射的解析解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



An analytical approach is used to study the torsional vibrations of a rigid circular foundation resting on saturated soil to obliquely incident SH waves. Biot’s poroelastic dynamic theory is considered to characterize the saturated soil below the foundation, which is solved by Hankel transform later. In order to consider the scattering phenomena caused by the existence of the foundation, the total wave field in soil is classified into free-field, rigid-body scattering field and radiation scattering field. According to the classification of wave field and the mixed boundary-value conditions between the soil and the foundation, torsional vibrations of the foundation are formulated in two sets of dual integral equations. Then, the dual integral equations are reduced to Fredholm integral equation of the second kind to be solved. Combining with the dynamic equilibrium equations of the foundation, the expressions for the torsional vibrations of the foundation are obtained. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the influence of excitation frequency, incident angle, the torsional inertia moment of the foundation and permeability of the saturated half-space on the torsional vibrations of the foundation.  相似文献   

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