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The increased demands on water resources in northern China have had a significant impact on groundwater systems in the last three to four decades, including reductions in groundwater recharge capacity and overall water quality. These changes limit the potential for groundwater uses in this area. This paper discusses the issues surrounding groundwater system use in the eight basins of northern China as water resources have been developed. The results demonstrate that the recharge zone has shifted from the piedmont to the agricultural area, and that the total recharge rate in the basins tended to decrease. This decrease in arid inland basins was mainly caused by both the excessive use of water in the watershed area and irrigated channel anti-seepage. In semi-arid basins, the decrease observed in the groundwater recharge rate is related to an overall reduction in precipitation and increasing river impoundment. In addition, intensive exploitation of groundwater resources has resulted in disturbances to the groundwater flow regime in arid and semi-arid inland basins. Arid inland basins demonstrated fast falling groundwater levels in the piedmont plains resulting in declines of spring flow rates and movement of spring sites to lower locations. In the semi-arid basins, i.e. the North China Plain and the Song-nen Plain, groundwater depression cones developed and intersected regional groundwater flow. The semi-arid basins of the North China Plain and the Song-nen Plain have experienced significant hydrochemical evolution of groundwater characterized by changing water type including increase of TDS and pollutants.  相似文献   

刘志春  王梦恕 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):281-288
隧道对地下水环境影响科学评价一直是隧道工程界难以回避又备受困扰的技术难题之一,掌握工程因素对地下水资源流失量及水位变化的影响规律是开展地下水环境影响评价的理论基础。以350 km/h高速铁路双线隧道V级围岩“半包”防水复合式衬砌为计算原型,通过隧道瞬态渗流模型分析了地下水资源流失量及水位变化随时间的变化规律。进一步研究了工程因素中水位埋深、施工方法、施工时间、喷射混凝土厚度、喷射混凝土抗渗性能、喷射混凝土开裂渗漏、地层注浆加固方式、地层注浆加固范围、注浆体抗渗性能及隔断墙对地下水资源流失量及水位变化的影响规律。根据工程因素的影响规律,探讨了施工期及运营期地下水环境保护的控制方法和技术措施。  相似文献   

Based on the actual meteorological data that characterize statistically significant changes in the air temperature and the amount of precipitation in the southwest of the Moscow artesian basin, the conditions that form the water balance and groundwater recharge are modeled. The comparison of the calculated longterm average values for the previous (1965–1988) and recent (1989–2012) periods made it possible to estimate the climate changes in the elements of water balance and groundwater recharge. Based on the maps of longterm average groundwater recharge for these periods, which were constructed using the results of modeling, the estimation of the change in natural resources of groundwater in the territory was performed, showing an increase of 9% (780000 m3/day).  相似文献   

苏锡常地区实例证明,沿用单一的取水许可制度已很难解决地下水资源超采及由此引发的地面沉降地质灾害问题,地下水资源管理目标应定位于地质环境保护前提下的科学适度开采。对苏北沿海盐城、大丰地面沉降区现行的地下水资源管理制度进行了探索性补充设计,重点探讨了地下水开采权交易模型和地下水资源动态规划机制,为该地区今后的地下水资源管理提供了思路。  相似文献   

研究目的】中国南方岩溶地区干旱缺水等问题异常突出,岩溶地下水赋存和分布的复杂,开发利用率低,基于多年调查研究工作为基础,系统总结南方岩溶区地下水资源特征,研讨水资源保障对策。【研究方法】基于南方岩溶区地下水资源特点、地下水系统类型、地下水系统空间结构的叠置性和时空分布不均性分析,提出南方岩溶区水资源保障对策。【研究结果】南方岩溶区可从以下三方面充分发挥地下水资源安全保障作用,一是掌握地下水赋存分布规律,发挥分散供水和应急供水作用;二是加强调蓄工程建设,解决水资源时空分布不均问题;三是建立与生态重建和经济发展相结合的地下水资源可持续利用模式。【结论】南方岩溶区地下水赋存条件复杂,具有表层带岩溶水系统、岩溶地下河与管道流系统、岩溶大泉系统以及分散排泄地下水系统多种类型,规模大小不一,开发利用形式多样;在垂向上具有叠置性,水空分布严重不均;开发利用潜力较大。在地球科学系统论的指导下,查明岩溶水资源赋存分布规律,科学评价地下水资源量,因地制宜制定水资源开发利用和保护方案,为脱贫攻坚、生态文明建设和乡村振兴提供技术支撑。创新点:以系统水文地质环境地质综合调查和地下水开发利用示范工作为基础,系统总结南方岩溶区地下水资源特点;针对岩溶区水资源安全保障问题,分析其主要原因,提出了水资源保障对策。  相似文献   

通过鸡冠山隧道涌水实例及广泛收集岩溶地区隧道涌水案例,总结出岩溶地区隧道季节变动带涌水具有反应时间快、水量大、泥沙重的特点,并综合分析地下水季节变动带隧道的水文地质特征,将其划分为一般山岭隧道及向斜构造地下水位变动带两种类型,且对两种类型涌水机理进行了阐述。岩溶地区隧道前期勘察应重点划分隧道岩溶地下水系统及地下水动力分带,查明岩溶发育特征与规律;施工期和运行期应结合岩溶揭露情况和涌水情况开展针对性的补充勘察,做好降雨、涌水过程和涌水压力监测,判断和预测最大外水压力和涌水量。针对涌水问题,提出封堵和排泄两种处理思路:施工开挖揭露的岩溶现象不可盲目封堵,需尽可能维持原通道的通畅,针对可能涌水的隧道衬砌设计不可仅考虑围岩结构,应充分考虑外水压力,做好围岩固结灌浆;常规隧道“环形排水系统+中心沟”排水系统可靠性差,针对大流量涌水,多采用泄水洞排水。   相似文献   

Land subsidence is a serious problem in Taiwan’s Yunlin area due to groundwater overpumping. There are safety risks in the high-speed railway structures in the areas of Siluo, Huwei, Tuku, and Yuanchang towns that run from north to south in the Yunlin area. Therefore, it is important to increase the groundwater recharge and to remedy the land subsidence in this area. The purpose of this study is to use the stream-flow estimation model (SF) and the groundwater flow numerical software MODFLOW (MF) to estimate the stream infiltration with consideration to the variation of the river water level in the Hsinhuwei River. The Ferris analytical model (FA) and MF are used to estimate the increased stream infiltration after the water level of the river rises. The hydraulic parameters required for each model are obtained from field observations and laboratory experiments. The results indicate that the assessment of the stream infiltration obtained through the SF and MF models are 264.2 × 104 and 170.9 × 104 m3/year, respectively. When the river water level increases by about 2.5 m, the annual stream infiltration obtained through the FA and MF models significantly increases by 31.6 × 104 and 26.4 × 104 m3/year, respectively. Taken together, the stream storages estimated using these two models indicate that an increasing efficiency of groundwater recharge is within the range of 10.0–18.5%.  相似文献   

Water resources in northern Cameroon have continuously been reducing over the past years. Many studies have suggested two principal causes: (1) human activities such as poor farming practices, unsustainable use of water resources, increased demand of water, deforestation, land-use change, etc., (2) human-induced climate change. Northern Cameroon in this study includes: the Adamawa, North and Far North regions located closer to the Sahel regions of Africa. These regions are already water stressed because of their location and any further change in climate with rising temperature would impact water resource either positively or negatively. Time series analysis and a 12-month standardized precipitation index (SPI12) with digital data between 1957 and 2006 were used to investigate the variation of water resources in northern Cameroon. Results obtained varies between the different regions with an increased annual trend in temperature and precipitation for Ngaoundere (Adamawa region) and Garoua (north region), whereas Maroua (far north region) had a decreased annual trend in both precipitation and temperature. Further variability results obtained from a SPI12 show that wetter period out number drought period in all three regions. The study concluded that water resources vary with the changing climatic condition and the severity of the impact varies from region to region. Furthermore, water deficiency in northern Cameroon might not be due to climate change. The reasons might be a combination of poor water management and other factors such population growth, the environmental condition, etc.  相似文献   

邬立  刘坡拉 《中国岩溶》2009,28(3):288-292
针对深埋岩溶隧道衬砌外水压力展开研究,根据隧道排水量和衬砌水压力模型的理论推导,结合试验进行分析。结果表明,衬砌上水压在采取排水措施后随排水量的增加而减小;但是当注浆材料渗透系数降低到1.65×10-6 m/s、注浆厚度到55 cm后,衬砌上水压随注浆范围的增大变化已经不太明显,说明注浆半径的选取有一个合理范围。注浆圈可以起到控制排水的作用,当给定了隧道某一段的合理排放量以后,就可以确定注浆的范围和注浆水平。   相似文献   

成都拟建国际会展中心供气工程府河输气隧道在府河河底以下40m,采用“竖井+隧道+竖井”方案。隧址位于府河及其Ⅰ级阶地,隧道涌水问题严重。为保证施工、运营的安全,在分析隧址区水文地质条件的基础上,对隧道涌水做出初步预测评价,为施工提供依据.  相似文献   

石期河流域岩溶水系统及其水资源构成分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在深入研究石期河流域岩溶水系统含水介质结构特征、水资源形成的基础上,通过对流域岩溶水总排泄口流量动态长观资料系列的分析,选择2005年丰水期内最后一次洪峰(年内最大洪峰)后的流量衰减过程,根据该过程的数据资料建立本流域岩溶水总排泄口的流量衰减方程,并利用该流量衰减方程对流域岩溶水资源的构成进行定量分析研究.结果表明,石期河流域岩溶水系统在2005年最大洪峰状态下,可自然排泄的岩溶水资源总量为69 469.95×104 m3, 其中:流域坡面产流占3.64%,赋存于大型溶洞或管道中的溶洞-管道水占4.53%,赋存于小型管道或强岩溶化裂隙中的管道-裂隙水占74.10%,赋存于细小溶蚀裂隙中的溶隙水占17.73%.从衰减期的初始时刻起,它们各自可供消耗(可作为有效利用岩溶水资源)的时效分别为2日、8日、35日和126日以上.  相似文献   

Long-term intake of high-fluoride groundwater causes endemic fluorosis. This study, for the first time, discovered that the salt lake water intrusion into neighboring shallow aquifers might result in elevation of fluoride content of the groundwater. Two cross-sections along the groundwater flow paths were selected to study the geochemical processes controlling fluoride concentration in Yuncheng basin, northern China. There are two major reasons for the observed elevation of fluoride content: one is the direct contribution of the saline water; the other is the undersaturation of the groundwater with respect to fluorite due to salt water intrusion, which appears to be more important reason. The processes of the fluorine activity reduction and the change of Na/Ca ratio in groundwater induced by the intrusion of saline water favor further dissolution of fluorine-bearing mineral, and it was modeled using PHREEQC. With the increase in Na concentration (by adding NaCl or Na2SO4 as Na source, calcium content kept invariable), the increase of NaF concentration was rapid at first and then became slower; and the concentrations of HF, HF2, CaF+, and MgF+ were continuously decreasing. The geochemical conditions in the study area are advantageous to the complexation of F with Na+ and the decline of saturation index of CaF2, regardless of the water type (Cl–Na or SO4–Na type water).  相似文献   

新疆哈密是资源性缺水地区,冰川是该区主要的供给水源。为了对该区冰川和水文水资源的现状和未来变化做出合理评价和预估,以榆树沟6号冰川和庙尔沟冰帽为代表,结合野外实测资料以及近年来在冰川变化领域所取得的相关研究成果,综合分析了在气候变暖背景下新疆哈密地区冰川近年来的变化过程及对水资源的影响。结果表明,1972-2011年,榆树沟6号冰川厚度平均减薄20 m,减薄速率约为0.51 m/a,冰川末端退缩254 m,年均退缩约6.5 m。由于强烈消融,冰川表面径流发育明显,且在末端有冰碛湖形成。相比之下,庙尔沟冰帽消融速率相对较小,对气候变暖的敏感度较低,这与冰帽类型和所处海拔较高有直接关系。综合分析发现,流域有无冰川覆盖及覆盖的比率大小,直接造成哈密地区不同流域近期河川径流变化的差异。  相似文献   

北京北部有小汤山和沙河2个地热田,呈三角形展布,东部边界为黄庄-高丽营断裂,西部边界为南口-孙河断裂.北部边界为阿苏卫-小汤山断裂。热储层为蓟县系雾迷山组、铁岭组和寒武系-奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶裂隙含水层.热储盖层为青白口系页岩、石炭系-二叠系砂页岩和侏罗系火山岩隔水层。该区雨水、浅层基岩冷水和深层基岩热水的H、O同位素组成基本上都落在克雷格降水线上,表明区内冷水与热水均来源于大气降水。热水的^3H值表现出北高南低的特点.说明热水与冷水一样自北向南流动。重点分析了深层热水开采对浅层地震观测井中冷水动态的影响,以及这种影响在不同的水文地质条件、离开采井不同距离和不同测项方面表现出的差异。结果表明,北京北部深层热水开采对浅层冷水动态的影响距离约为5km.对位于导水断裂带附近的观测井的影响最为明显。  相似文献   

王一清  吴自军 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022020008-2022020008
海底地下水排泄(submarine groundwater discharge,SGD)不仅是全球水循环的重要组成部分,也是各种溶解化学物质由陆向海输送的重要而隐蔽通道。本文在分析全球海洋锶来源的基础上,综述了多种岩性含水层条件下SGD锶的地球化学行为及其控制因素,并利用已有的SGD通量和高分辨率全球岩性数据,计算出更为保守和精确的SGD锶通量及同位素组成,确认了SGD是海洋贫放射成因锶的重要来源之一,起到平衡河流输入的富放射成因锶的作用。  相似文献   

The advection of fluids from sediments into the coastal ocean provides a source of nutrients, metals, carbon, and chemical tracers. Of these tracers radium isotopes have proved to be useful in quantifying fluxes of the other components and evaluating sources. Models that use radium must evaluate assumptions that are inherent in the models. The results of these studies demonstrate that submarine groundwater discharge must be considered as a significant source of nutrients, carbon, and metals to the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

王一清  吴自军 《地质论评》2022,68(3):1079-1088
海底地下水排泄( submarine groundwater discharge, SGD)不仅是全球水循环的重要组成部分,也是各种溶解化学物质由陆向海输送的重要而隐蔽通道。笔者等在分析全球海洋锶来源的基础上,综述了多种岩性含水层条件下SGD锶的地球化学行为及其控制因素,并利用已有的SGD通量和高分辨率全球岩性数据,计算出更为保守和精确的SGD锶通量及同位素组成,确认了SGD是海洋贫放射成因锶的重要来源之一,起到平衡河流输入的富放射成因锶的作用。  相似文献   

青藏高原暖湿化对柴达木水资源与环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
党学亚  常亮  卢娜 《中国地质》2019,46(2):359-368
通过分析研究格尔木和德令哈两个典型流域气象要素、径流及全盆地土地覆盖类型面积的变化,发现青藏高原暖湿化对柴达木盆地水资源与环境影响显著。研究区气温明显上升、干旱指数显著下降,暖湿化明显。2000—2016年与1960—1999年相比,格尔木和德令哈年均气温分别上升了1.7℃和1.3℃、年均降水量分别增加了2 mm和63 mm、年均径流量分别增加了240×10~6和90×10~6m~3。2000—2012年全盆地裸地减少,草地、永久冰雪、水体面积、开放灌丛面积增加,植被生态向好发展。暖湿化促使降水量增加是河川径流量和水资源增加及生态环境改善的主要原因。现阶段暖湿化环境对盆地水资源开发利用和生态环境保护有利,但其对改善环境的可持续性需要进一步监测和研究。  相似文献   

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