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New deep seismic reflection data provide images of the crust and uppermost mantle underlying the eastern Middle Urals and adjacent West Siberian Basin. Distinct truncations of reflections delineate the late-orogenic strike-slip Sisert Fault extending vertically to ∼28 km depth, and two gently E-dipping reflection zones, traceable to 15–18 km depth, probably represent normal faults associated with the opening of the West Siberian Basin. A possible remnant Palaeozoic subduction zone in the lower crust under the West Siberian Basin is visible as a gently SW-dipping zone of pronounced reflectivity truncated by the Moho. Continuity of shallow to intermediate-depth reflections suggest that Palaeozoic accreted island-arc terranes and overlying molasse sequences exposed in the hinterland of the Urals form the basement for Triassic and younger deposits in the West Siberian Basin. A highly reflective lower crust overlies a transparent mantle at about 43 km depth along the entire 100 km long seismic reflection section, suggesting that the lower crust and Moho below the eastern Middle Urals and West Siberian Basin have the same origin.  相似文献   

The crustal structure of the central Eromanga Basin in the northern part of the Australian Tasman Geosyncline, revealed by coincident seismic reflection and refraction shooting, contrasts with some neighbouring regions of the continent. The depth to the crust-mantle boundary (Moho) of 36–41 km is much less than that under the North Australian Craton to the northwest (50–55 km) and the Lachlan Fold Belt to the southeast (43–51 km) but is similar to that under the Drummond and Bowen Basins to the east.The seismic velocity boundaries within the crust are sharp compared with the transitional nature of the boundaries under the North Australian and Lachlan provinces. In particular, there is a sharp velocity increase at mid-crustal depths (21–24 km) which has not been observed with such clarity elsewhere in Australia (the Conrad discontinuity?).In the lower crust, the many discontinuous sub-horizontal reflections are in marked contrast to lack of reflecting horizons in the upper crust, further emphasising the differences between the upper and lower crust. The crust-mantle boundary (Moho) is characterised by an increase in velocity from 7.1–7.7 km/s to a value of 8.15 + 0.04 km/s. The depth to the Moho under the Canaway Ridge, a prominent basement high, is shallower by about 5 km than the regional Moho depth; there is also no mid-crustal horizon under the Canaway Ridge but there is a very sharp velocity increase at the Moho depth of 34 km. The Ridge could be interpreted as a horst structure extending to at least Moho depths but it could also have a different intra-crustal structure from the surrounding area.The sub-crustal lithosphere has features which have been interpreted, from limited data, as being caused by a velocity gradient at 56–57 km depth with a low velocity zone above it.Because of the contrasting crustal thicknesses and velocity gradients, the lithosphere of the central Eromanga Basin cannot be considered as an extension of the exposed Lachlan Fold Belt or the North Australian Craton. The lack of seismic reflections from the upper crust indicates no coherent accoustic impedance pattern at wavelengths greater than 100 m, consistent with an upper crustal basement of tightly folded meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanic rocks. The crustal structure is consistent with a pericratonic or arc/back-arc basin being cratonised in an episode of convergent tectonics in the Early Palaeozoic. The seismic reflections from the lower crust indicate that it could have developed in a different tectonic environment.  相似文献   

C. Bois 《地学学报》1992,4(1):99-108
Deep seismic reflection images from a set of profiles shot in Western Europe have been reviewed and compared, and tentative conclusions have been proposed concerning the evolution of the layered lower crust and the Moho. The disappearance of Variscan mountain roots is related to the set-up of a new Moho at a typical 30-km depth and the creation of seismic layering in the lower crust. Deep seismic profiles suggest that these processes resulted, at least in part, from magmatic intrusion, partial crustal melting and metamorphism of deep crustal rocks into eclogite. On the other hand, the layered lower crust is greatly attenuated beneath Cretaceous basins and Tertiary rifts in relation to prominent Moho upwellings. The unusual amplitude of the Moho reflection and the presence of anomalously high seismic velocities in the lowermost crust beneath the Tertiary rifts suggest that the Moho and part of the layering are comparatively young features related to interactions between crust and mantle. Beneath Triassic-Jurassic basins, the layered lower crust was not affected by the subsidence of the basement, with the whole crustal thinning being entirely concentrated in the upper crust. This indicates that the layered lower crust and the Moho were formed or restored during or after the main rifting phase. Seismic data reveal constraints on the processes that affect the crust-mantle transition and seem to restore the Moho to its typical depth after any mechanical deformation of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

A deep seismic‐reflection transect in western Victoria was designed to provide insights into the structural relationship between the Lachlan and the Delamerian Orogens. Three seismic lines were acquired to provide images of the subsurface from west of the Grampians Range to east of the Stawell‐Ararat Fault Zone. The boundary between the Delamerian and Lachlan Orogens is now generally considered to be the Moyston Fault. In the vicinity of the seismic survey, this fault is intruded by a near‐surface granite, but at depth the fault dips to the east, confirming recent field mapping. East of the Moyston Fault, the uppermost crust is very weakly reflective, consisting of short, non‐continuous, west‐dipping reflections. These weak reflections represent rocks of the Lachlan Orogen and are typical of the reflective character seen on other seismic images from elsewhere in the Lachlan Orogen. Within the Lachlan Orogen, the Pleasant Creek Fault is also east dipping and approximately parallel to the Moyston Fault in the plane of the seismic section. Rocks of the Delamerian Orogen in the vicinity of the seismic line occur below surficial cover to the west of the Moyston Fault. Generally, the upper crust is only weakly reflective, but subhorizontal reflections at shallow depths (up to 3 km) represent the Grampians Group. The Escondida Fault appears to stop below the Grampians Group, and has an apparent gentle dip to the east. Farther east, the Golton and Mehuse Faults are also east dipping. The middle to lower crust below the Delamerian Orogen is strongly reflective, with several major antiformal structures in the middle crust. The Moho is a slightly undulating horizon at the base of the highly reflective middle to lower crust at 11–12 s TWT (approximately 35 km depth). Tectonically, the western margin of the Lachlan Orogen has been thrust over the Delamerian Orogen for a distance of at least 25 km, and possibly over 40 km.  相似文献   

横跨银川盆地北西西向的深地震反射剖面,清晰揭示了银川盆地边界断裂以及整个地壳的结构构造特征,这对研究具活动大陆裂谷性质的银川盆地浅-深构造关系具有重大的意义。贺兰山东麓山前断裂、黄河断裂作为银川盆地的西、东边界断裂,前者为一条缓倾斜、延伸至上、下地壳边界的犁式断裂,而后者则为一条切穿地壳并延伸进入上地幔的深大断裂。根据深地震反射剖面揭示的地壳结构特征,银川盆地浅部结构并非前人认为的"堑中堑"结构,而是表现为由一系列东倾犁式正断层控制的新生代断陷。略微下凹的Moho面几何形态以及厚2~3.2 km的层状强反射带为下地壳最显著的反射特征。Moho面深度与强反射带厚度变化趋势与银川盆地沉积厚度变化趋势几乎一致。本文认为,强反射带的成因可能是由源自地幔的基性岩浆以岩席状的形式底侵进入地壳底部造成的,而这部分形成强反射带的物质可能补偿了因银川盆地断陷而造成的地壳减薄,最终导致银川盆地之下Moho面并未像之前所认为的那样隆起。  相似文献   

A 2-D gravity model, incorporating geophysical and geological data, is presented for a 110 km long transect across the northern Rhine Graben, coinciding with the 92 km long DEKORP 9-N seismic reflection profile. The Upper Rhine Graben is marked by a prominent NNE-striking negative anomaly of 30–40 mgal on Bouguer gravity maps of SW Germany. Surface geological contacts, borehole data and the seismic reflection profile provide boundary constraints during forward modelling.
Short-wavelength (5–10 km) gravity features can be correlated with geologic structures in the upper few km. At deeper levels, the model reflects the asymmetry visible in the seismic profile; a thicker, mostly transparent lower crust in the west and a thinner, reflective lower crust in the east. From west to east Moho depth changes from 31 to 26–28 km. The entire 40 mgal minimum can be accounted for by the 2–3 km of light sedimentary fdl in the graben, which masks the gravitational effects of the elevated Moho. The thickened lower crust in the west partly compensates for the mass deficit from the depressed Moho. A further compensating feature is a relatively low density contrast at the crust-mantle boundary of 0.25 g cm-3. The Variscan must displays heterogeneity along the profile which cuts at an angle across the strike of Variscan structures. The asymmetry of the integrated crustal model, both at the surface and at depth suggests an asymmetric mechanism of rift development.  相似文献   

Collisional structures from the closure of the Tornquist Ocean and subsequent amalgamation of Avalonia and Baltica during the Caledonian Orogeny in the northern part of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in the SW Baltic Sea are investigated. A grid of marine reflection seismic lines was gathered in 1996 during the DEKORP-BASIN '96 campaign, shooting with an airgun array of 52 l total volume and recording with a digital streamer of up to 2.1 km length. The detailed reflection seismic analysis is mainly based on post-stack migrated sections of this survey, but one profile has also been processed by a pre-stack depth migration algorithm. The data provides well-constrained images of upper crustal reflectivity and lower crustal/uppermost mantle reflections. In the area of the Caledonian suture, a reflection pattern is observed with opposing dips in the upper crust and the uppermost mantle. Detailed analysis of dipping reflections in the upper crust provides evidence for two different sets of reflections, which are separated by the O-horizon, the main decollement of the Caledonian deformation complex. S-dipping reflections beneath the sub-Permian discontinuity and above the O-horizon are interpreted as Caledonian thrust structures. Beneath the O-horizon, SW-dipping reflections in the upper crust are interpreted as ductile shear zones and crustal deformation features that evolved during the Sveconorwegian Orogeny. The Caledonian deformation complex is subdivided into (1) S-dipping foreland thrusts in the north, (2) the S-dipping suture itself that shows increased reflectivity, and (3) apparently NE-dipping downfaulted sedimentary horizons south of the Avalonia–Baltica suture, which may have been reactivated during Mesozoic normal faulting. The reflection Moho at 28–35 km depth appears to truncate a N-dipping mantle structure, which may represent remnant structures from Tornquist Ocean closure or late-collisional compressional shear planes in the upper mantle. A contour map of these mantle reflections indicates a consistent northward dip, which is steepest where there is strong bending of the Caledonian deformation front. The thin-skinned character of the Caledonian deformation complex and the fact that N-dipping mantle reflections do not truncate the Moho indicate that the Baltica crust was not mechanically involved in the Caledonian collision and, therefore, escaped deformation in this area.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and refraction data were collected west of New Zealand's South Island parallel to the Pacific–Australian Plate boundary. The obliquely convergent plate boundary is marked at the surface by the Alpine Fault, which juxtaposes continental crust of each plate. The data are used to study the crustal and uppermost mantle structure and provide a link between other seismic transects which cross the plate boundary. Arrival times of wide-angle reflected and refracted events from 13 recording stations are used to construct a 380-km long crustal velocity model. The model shows that, beneath a 2–4-km thick sedimentary veneer, the crust consists of two layers. The upper layer velocities increase from 5.4–5.9 km/s at the top of the layer to 6.3 km/s at the base of the layer. The base of the layer is mainly about 20 km deep but deepens to 25 km at its southern end. The lower layer velocities range from 6.3 to 7.1 km/s, and are commonly around 6.5 km/s at the top of the layer and 6.7 km/s at the base. Beneath the lower layer, the model has velocities of 8.2–8.5 km/s, typical of mantle material. The Mohorovicic discontinuity (Moho) therefore lies at the base of the second layer. It is at a depth of around 30 km but shallows over the south–central third of the profile to about 26 km, possibly associated with a southwest dipping detachment fault. The high, variable sub-Moho velocities of 8.2 km/s to 8.5 km/s are inferred to result from strong upper mantle anisotropy. Multichannel seismic reflection data cover about 220 km of the southern part of the modelled section. Beneath the well-layered Oligocene to recent sedimentary section, the crustal section is broadly divided into two zones, which correspond to the two layers of the velocity model. The upper layer (down to about 7–9 s two-way travel time) has few reflections. The lower layer (down to about 11 s two-way time) contains many strong, subparallel reflections. The base of this reflective zone is the Moho. Bi-vergent dipping reflective zones within this lower crustal layer are interpreted as interwedging structures common in areas of crustal shortening. These structures and the strong northeast dipping reflections beneath the Moho towards the north end of the (MCS) line are interpreted to be caused by Paleozoic north-dipping subduction and terrane collision at the margin of Gondwana. Deeper mantle reflections with variable dip are observed on the wide-angle gathers. Travel-time modelling of these events by ray-tracing through the established velocity model indicates depths of 50–110 km for these events. They show little coherence in dip and may be caused side-swipe from the adjacent crustal root under the Southern Alps or from the upper mantle density anomalies inferred from teleseismic data under the crustal root.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山的崛起和青藏高原的隆升被认作是印度板块和亚洲板块中、新生代以来汇聚、碰撞、挤压的结果,是典型的陆-陆碰撞地带。此文介绍了在喜马拉雅山区进行的第一次深反射地震试验的结果。试验剖面布置在北喜马拉雅地区内,从喜马拉雅山山脊南的帕里到康马南的萨马达共中15点(CMP)叠加剖面上表现出如下特点:①显示了在地壳中部有一强反射带,向北缓倾斜下去,延长达100km以上。它可能代表了一个活动的道冲断裂或是一条巨大的拆离带,印度地壳整体或下地壳沿此拆离层俯冲到藏南之下;②上部地壳的反射,显示了上地壳存在着大规模的叠瓦状结构;③下地壳的反射显示了塑性流变特征;④在测线南部莫霍反射明显,深度达72─75km,发现了南部有双莫霍层的存在;⑤试验中还取得莫霍层下面32s、38s、48s等双程走时的多条反射,均向北倾斜,反射同相轴延续较长,信息丰富,反映了上地幔的成层结构。这些结果对印度大陆地壳整体或其下地壳俯冲到藏南特提斯喜马拉雅地壳之下并导致西藏南端地壳增厚的观点给予了实质性的支持。  相似文献   

The VRANCEA99 seismic refraction experiment is part of an international and multidisciplinary project to study the intermediate depth earthquakes of the Eastern Carpathians in Romania. As part of the seismic experiment, a 300-km-long refraction profile was recorded between the cities of Bacau and Bucharest, traversing the Vrancea epicentral region in NNE–SSW direction.

The results deduced using forward and inverse ray trace modelling indicate a multi-layered crust. The sedimentary succession comprises two to four seismic layers of variable thickness and with velocities ranging from 2.0 to 5.8 km/s. The seismic basement coincides with a velocity step up to 5.9 km/s. Velocities in the upper crystalline crust are 5.96.2 km/s. An intra-crustal discontinuity at 18–31 km divides the crust into an upper and a lower layer. Velocities within the lower crust are 6.7–7.0 km/s. Strong wide-angle PmP reflections indicate the existence of a first-order Moho at a depth of 30 km near the southern end of the line and 41 km near the centre. Constraints on upper mantle seismic velocities (7.9 km/s) are provided by Pn arrival times from two shot points only. Within the upper mantle a low velocity zone is interpreted. Travel times of a PLP reflection define the bottom of this low velocity layer at a depth of 55 km. The velocity beneath this interface must be at least 8.5 km/s.

Geologic interpretation of the seismic data suggests that the Neogene tectonic convergence of the Eastern Carpathians resulted in thin-skinned shortening of the sedimentary cover and in thick-skinned shortening in the crystalline crust. On the autochthonous cover of the Moesian platform several blocks can be recognised which are characterised by different lithological compositions. This could indicate a pre-structuring of the platform at Mesozoic and/or Palaeozoic times with a probable active involvement of the Intramoesian and the CapidavaOvidiu faults. Especially the Intramoesian fault is clearly recognisable on the refraction line. No clear indications of the important Trotus fault in the north of the profile could be found. In the central part of the seismic line a thinned lower crust and the low velocity zone in the uppermost mantle point to the possibility of crustal delamination and partial melting in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The Otway Basin in southeastern Australia formed on a triangular‐shaped area of extended continental lithosphere during two extensional episodes in Cretaceous to Miocene times. The extent of the offshore continental margin is highlighted by Seasat/Geosat satellite altimeter data. The crustal architecture and structural features across this southeast Australian margin have been interpreted from offshore‐onshore wide‐angle seismic profiling data along the Otway Continental Margin Transect extending from the onshore Lake Condah High, through the town of Portland, to the deep Southern Ocean. Along the Otway Continental Margin Transect, the onshore half‐graben geometry of Early Cretaceous deposition gives way offshore to a 5 km‐thick slope basin (P‐wave velocity 2.2–4.6 km/s) to at least 60 km from the shoreline. At 120 km from the nearest shore in a water depth of 4220 m, sonobuoy data indicate a 4–5 km sedimentary sequence overlying a 7 km thick basement above the Moho at 15 km depth. Major fault zones affect the thickness of basin sequences in the onshore area (Tartwaup Fault Zone and its southeast continuation) and at the seaward edge of the Mussel Platform (Mussel Fault). Upper crustal basement is interpreted to be attenuated and thinned Palaeozoic rocks of the Delamerian and Lachlan Orogens (intruded with Jurassic volcanics) that thin from 16 km onshore to about 3.5 km at 120 km from the nearest shore. Basement rocks comprise a 3 km section with velocity 5.5–5.7 km/s overlying a deeper basement unit with velocity 6.15–6.35 km/s. The Moho shallows from a depth of 30 km onshore to 15 km depth at 120 km from the nearest shore, and then to about 12 km in the deep ocean at the limits of the transect (water depth 5200 m). The continent‐ocean boundary is interpreted to be at a prominent topographic inflection point 170 km from shore at the bottom of the continental slope in 4800 m of water. P‐wave velocities in the lower crust are 6.4–6.8 km/s, overlying a thin transition zone to an upper mantle velocity of 8.05 km/s beneath the Moho. Outstandingly clear Moho reflections seen in deep‐marine profiling data at about 10.3 s two‐way time under the slope basin and continent‐ocean boundary place further strong controls on crustal thickness. There is no evidence of massive high velocity (>7 km/s) intrusives/underplate material in the lower crust nor any synrift or early post‐rift subaerial volcanics, indicating that the Otway continental margin can be considered a non‐volcanic margin, similar in many respects to some parts of the Atlantic Ocean margins e.g. the Nova Scotia ‐ Newfoundland margin off Canada and the Galicia Bank off the Iberian Peninsula. Using this analogue, the prominent gravity feature trending northwest‐southeast at the continent‐ocean boundary may indicate the presence of highly serpentinised mantle material beneath a thin crust, but this has yet to be tested by detailed work.  相似文献   

利用长江中下游成矿带多学科深部探测剖面于2009年11月至2011年3月间采集的天然地震数据,通过天然地震接收函数成像等分析研究,得到了研究区地壳和上地幔结构的清晰图像。接收函数成像结果显示研究区内Moho面深度存在着明显的起伏变化,在长江中下游成矿带(指剖面穿过的长江中下游成矿带宁芜矿集区,下同)下方存在着"幔隆构造"。在剖面东南端(即扬子克拉通北缘),Moho面相对稳定,深度约为30km;在茅山和江南断裂附近,Moho面存在上下起伏现象;在剖面中部或宁芜矿集区下方,Moho面存在明显隆起,深度只有28km;在郯庐断裂带下方,Moho面明显加深,深度达到36km;进一步向北到华北地台南缘,Moho面深度逐渐恢复到了32km左右的平均深度水平。其次,我们在接收函数成像结果中发现,长江中下游成矿带与其周边下地壳结构存在着明显的差异,成矿带的下地壳具有显著的地震波方位各向异性。扬子克拉通北缘的下地壳呈高速的近水平状结构,地震波各向异性特征不明显;与此相比,长江中下游成矿带的下地壳虽然也呈近水平状结构特征,但是,对于沿成矿带走向方向传播的地震波,其下地壳具有高速特征,而对于垂直于成矿带走向方向上传播的地震波,其下地壳却又表现为低速特征,这意味着成矿带的下地壳存在着平行于成矿带走向(即近北东—南西)方向的地震波各向异性,我们解释其是下地壳熔融并沿成矿带走向水平流动导致矿物晶体定向排列的结果。最后,在郯庐断裂以西的华北地台南缘观测到一条从上地壳延伸到中下地壳的南南东向倾斜的转换震相,我们推测它可能是合肥盆地内地壳伸展构造的反映。此外,我们发现接收函数成像结果中观测到的"幔隆构造"与远震P波层析成像结果在成矿带下方150km深度上显示的上地幔低速异常(江国明等,另文发表)存在着良好的对应关系,我们解释它们是软流圈物质上涌的遗迹。综合天然地震接收函数成像、远震P波层析成像和前人关于岩浆岩等方面的研究成果,我们认为长江中下游成矿带现今的下地壳可能是中生代发生成矿作用的多级岩浆房系统的一部分,成矿带的形成可能是类似MASH过程的产物。首先,软流圈物质上涌导致了长江中下游成矿带及其周边拉张环境的形成,在其上部地壳中形成了一系列伸展构造;然后,软流圈物质通过底侵进入长江中下游成矿带的原下地壳并与原下地壳物质发生同化作用,形成类埃达克质岩浆;接着,类埃达克质岩浆沿着伸展、拆离构造上升到地壳浅部形成不同层次的岩浆房和侵入岩体,并与围岩作用形成矿床。  相似文献   

From densely covered seismic refraction data obtained in 1978 (Urach experiment) and 1984 (“Schwarzer Zollern-Wald” experiment) and from seismic reflection data and results from previous refraction investigations, a three-dimensional crustal model of southwest Germany was derived. Travel-time and amplitude information of seismic refraction data were interpreted with two-dimensional forward modeling (ray tracing) to calculate two crustal cross sections in southwest Germany. These results fill a gap in the existing data and enabled the construction of a detailed three-dimensional crustal model.While seismically the upper crust is laterally homogeneous (5.9–6.0 km/s) throughout the area, the middle and lower crust show pronounced lateral variations in thickness, velocity, and reflectivity. The Moho is a flat surface at a relatively shallow depth (25–26 km). We classify the middle and lower crust of southwest Germany into two characteristic crustal types. Type I consists of a mid-crustal low-velocity zone (5.4–5.8 km/s) overlying a thick (> 10 km), high-velocity (6.6–6.8 km/s) lower crust. Type II has no prominent mid-crustal low-velocity zone, and a thin (< 10 km), low-velocity (6.3–6.4 km/s) lower crust. The crustal types correlate with the major geologic units exposed in the area: Type I is present beneath the Black Forest, forming the eastern flank of the Rhinegraben and beneath the Swabian Jura, while Type II is present beneath the intervening Triassic sediments. Beneath the South German Molasse Basin, a low-velocity zone is also present in the upper middle-crust. Seismic reflection investigations have shown that the lower crust in southwest Germany comprises a stack of layers of alternating high- and low-velocities. The lateral variation of the reflectivity of this laminated lower crust has been recognized even on refraction data. We found that high-reflectivity of the lower crust correlates to high average velocity (6.7–6.8 km/s) in the lower crust (Type I). Thus, the average velocity of the lower crust in southwest Germany seems to be an indicator of the intensity of its lamination. The uppermost mantle has a velocity of 8.3 km/s in the area and a strong, positive velocity gradient.  相似文献   

青藏高原是由印度板块和亚洲板块于50~60 Ma碰撞而形成的全球最高最大的高原,已成为多数国内外学者的共识.然而,关于它的岩石圈变形机制却是长期争论的问题.深地震反射剖面是精细揭示岩石圈结构、分辨变形样式的有效技术.重新处理的松潘地块一西秦岭造山带深地震反射剖面揭示出岩石圈变形的细节,以地壳上部的双重逆冲构造、地壳中部...  相似文献   

In 1991, a deep seismic reflection line, MPNI-9101, was acquired in the southern North Sea from the Mesozoic Broad Fourteens Basin, across the West Netherlands Basin onto the London-Brabant Massif (LBM). The resultant section shows a strongly reflective lower crust beneath the area of Mesozoic basin development. This lower crustal reflectivity continues to be strong beneath the LBM. The travel time to the base of the reflective zone increases from approximately 11.0 s beneath the Mesozoic basins to 12.5 s beneath the LBM, suggesting a southward thickening of the crust (Rijkers et al., 1993). Based on these travel times and information from deep wells and refraction surveys. Moho depth is estimated to increase from about 31 km beneath the Mesozoic basins to about 38 km beneath the LBM. This difference in depth to the Moho can partly be explained by coaxial stretching of the crust beneath the Mesozoic basins. In comparison with the Mesozoic basins, the crust beneath the LBM was thickened during the Caledonian and Variscan orogenies.  相似文献   

A hitherto unknown terrane and its bounding sutures have been revealed by a combined study of normal-incidence and wide-angle seismic data along the BABEL profile in the Baltic Sea. This Intermediate Terrane is situated between a Northern Terrane of Svecofennian age and a Southwestern Terrane of Gothian age. It is delimited upwards by two low-angle and oppositely dipping sutures and occupies mainly middle and lower crustal levels with a width of 300 km at Moho level. The 1.86 Ga suture against the Northern Terrane is imaged by a prominent almost continuous NE-dipping crustal reflection from 3.5 to 14 s twt over 175 km. Where it downlaps on the Moho, sub-Moho velocities change from 8.2 to 7.8 km/s (±0.2) over less than 25 km. A relatively strong, NE-dipping normal-incidence and wide-angle reflection at 19–23 s twt indicates that the suture extends into the upper mantle. The pervasive NE-dipping reflection fabric of the Intermediate Terrane is interpreted as shear zones that developed during collision and possibly were reactivated by later events. High Poisson's ratios suggest a mafic composition or high fluid content. The 1.86 Ga collision was probably succeeded by continental break-up and removal of an unknown continent, except for the Intermediate Terrane. Subsequent formation of an east-dipping subduction zone further to the west led to the emplacement of 1.81-1.77-Ga-old granitoids in the southern part of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt. The 1.65-1.60 Ga suture against the Southwestern Terrane is defined by a semi-continuous band of strong SW-dipping reflections between 3 and 8 s twt over 65 km, which are interpreted as a low-angle thrust zone along which Gothian crust overrode the Intermediate Terrane. The identification of three individual seismic terranes in the southeastern part of the Baltic Shield provides new evidence for Palaeoproterozoic plate tectonic processes.  相似文献   

We use teleseismic body waveforms to explore S-wave layered velocity structures beneath 30 portable digital seismic stations deployed around western Yunnan Province. Results show that the Moho depth in this region is ∼40 km and decreases in general from north to south, consistent with previous geophysical studies. Associated with this lateral variation of the Moho depth, the lower crust above the Moho discontinuity has a 15–25 km thick zone with an S-wave velocity lower than that of the upper crust. This lower velocity zone might be interpreted as a lower crust weak channel, which may mechanically partially decouple the upper-crust deformation from the underlying mantle. Thus, the inverted S-wave velocity structure could provide new evidence for the lateral flow of lower crust in the build-up of the south-eastern Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

A network of deep seismic refraction profiles in Northern Germany consisting of parts of the European Geotraverse (EGT) and additional new Unes is interpreted. The most striking result is the proof of an approximately 10 km thick high-velocity layer in the lower crust. Its P-wave velocity of 6.9-7.5 km s−1 is typical for shield crusts or lower crust in extensional environments intruded by mafic magma. The layer is observed in an area of roughly 150 × 180 km north of the Elbe river and seems to continue north-east, at least up to the Caledonian deformation front at the southern edge of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High. It correlates spatially with an area of high positive gravity anomalies. Here, a Moho topography of several kilometres, which had already been postulated on the basis of gravity inversions and sporadic near-vertical PMP reflections, could be confirmed by the interpretation of seismic wide-angle records. The termination of the high-velocity lower crust at the Lower Elbe Lineament, which strikes parallel to the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone, contributes to its definition as a major lineament in the context of central European tectonics.  相似文献   

Crustal studies within the Japanese islands have provided important constraints on the physical properties and deformation styles of the island arc crust. The upper crust in the Japanese islands has a significant heterogeneity characterized by large velocity variation (5.5–6.1 km/s) and high seismic attenuation (Qp=100–400 for 5–15 Hz). The lateral velocity change sometimes occurs at major tectonic lines. In many cases of recent refraction/wide-angle reflection profiles, a “middle crust” with a velocity of 6.2–6.5 km/s is found in a depth range of 5–15 km. Most shallow microearthquakes are concentrated in the upper/middle crust. The velocity in the lower crust is estimated to be 6.6–7.0 km/s. The lower crust often involves a highly reflective zone with less seismicity, indicating its ductile rheology. The uppermost mantle is characterized by a low Pn velocity of 7.5–7.9 km/s. Several observations on PmP phase indicate that the Moho is not a sharp boundary with a distinct velocity contrast, but forms a transition zone from the upper mantle to the lower crust. Recent seismic reflection experiments revealed ongoing crustal deformations within the Japanese islands. A clear image of crustal delamination obtained for an arc–arc collision zone in central Hokkaido provides an important key for the evolution process from island arc to more felsic continental crust. In northern Honshu, a major fault system with listric geometry, which was formed by Miocene back arc spreading, was successfully mapped down to 12–15 km.  相似文献   

陆陆碰撞过程是板块构造缺失的链条。印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞造就了喜马拉雅造山带和青藏高原的主体。然而,人们对印度板块在大陆碰撞过程中的行为尚不了解。如大陆碰撞及其碰撞后的大陆俯冲是如何进行的、印度板块是俯冲在青藏高原之下还是回转至板块上部(喜马拉雅造山带内)以及两者比例如何,这些仍是亟待解决的问题。印度板块低角度沿喜马拉雅主逆冲断裂(MHT)俯冲在低喜马拉雅和高喜马拉雅之下已经被反射地震图像很好地揭示。然而,关于MHT如何向北延伸,前人的研究仅获得了分辨率较低的接收函数图像。因而,MHT和雅鲁藏布江缝合带之间印度板块的俯冲行为仍是一个谜。喜马拉雅造山楔增生机制,也就是印度地壳前缘的变形机制,反映出物质被临界锥形逆冲断层作用转移到板块上部,或是以韧性管道流的样式向南溢出。在本次研究中,我们给出在喜马拉雅造山带西部地区横过雅鲁藏布江缝合带的沿东经81.5°展布的高分辨率深地震反射剖面,精细揭示了地壳尺度结构构造。剖面显示,MHT以大约20°的倾斜角度延伸至大约60 km深度,接近埋深为70~75 km的Moho面。越过雅鲁藏布江缝合带运移到北面的印度地壳厚度已经不足15 km。深地震反射剖面还显示中地壳逆冲构造反射发育。我们认为,伴随着印度板块俯冲,地壳尺度的多重构造叠置作用使物质自MHT下部的板块向其上部板块转移,这一过程使印度地壳厚度减薄了,同时加厚了喜马拉雅地壳。  相似文献   

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