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为达到在水陆边界模糊条件下自动提取淤泥质海岸水边线的目的,试验了一种基于样条二进小波àtrous小波变换和自动阈值获取相结合的方法,基于高分影像自动提取水边线。同时将Sobel算子,Log算子,Canny算子提取的水边线结果和本方法提取的水边线结果进行定性和定量比较,结果表明,本方法可以有效去除水陆边界模糊条件下高分影像中的噪声,快速自动地提取水边线。从方法学上解决水陆边界模糊条件下的水边线自动提取困难的难题,为进一步确定海岸线奠定坚实基础,大量节省人力、物力和财力。 相似文献
江苏岸外辐射沙洲区域动态变化的遥感研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
江苏近岸海域分布的辐射沙洲,南北长200km,东西宽90km;以弶港为顶点,由10余条呈条带状的大型沙脊向北、东和东南方向伸展而成,在近岸部分低潮时出露的大小沙洲总计70余个,0m以上的沙洲面积达2100km^2多,是江苏海岸带的重要组成部分。辐射沙洲作为一个特殊的地貌体系,以其形态 相似文献
江苏北部(下称苏北)岸外辐射沙洲形态特殊,面积广大,是我国唯一、世界罕见的沉积动力地貌特征类型区。开展该区的调査和研究对苏北海岸带开发和海洋沉积动力学理论研究都具有非常重要的意义。近年来我国学者通过大量海洋水文、泥沙、海底地形和地貌调查研究,对苏北海岸的成因和岸外沙洲的演变提出了许多新的看法(王文清等,1982)。本文通过对历史资料和1958-1993年苏北海岸带调査资料、卫星照片等的对比分析,以及利用数值模拟方法的诊断,指出水动力是苏北海岸和岸外沙洲形成和演变的主要作用力。 相似文献
准确提取海岸水边线是海岸线变迁研究中必不可少的基本工作。本文以海南省陵水黎族自治县2016年的GF-2影像为数据源,在大气校正和正射校正等预处理的基础上,结合数学形态学处理等方法,采用NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index)阈值法、ISOADTA (Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique Algorithm)、SVM (Support Vector Machine)和面向对象法(Object-Oriented Classification,OOC)等4种不同方法来对海岸水边线进行提取,并对其提取结果进行定性和定量评估,进而分析比较了这4种方法在提取人工海岸、砂质海岸和基岩海岸等3种不同海岸类型的水边线时的提取效果和提取精度。结果表明,SVM方法在3种海岸水边线上的总体提取效果最好,总体提取精度最高。 相似文献
根据1988~2008 年的4 景TM 影像, 对江苏辐射沙洲地区5 条主要潮沟的动态演变研究方法进行了探讨。针对潮沟的特殊地形和复杂多变情况, 引入数学中的中轴线概念, 提出了遥感中轴线法, 通过中轴线位置的变化定量地表述潮沟演变。根据GIS 中Voronoi 图(V 图)的特性, 将中轴线的求取转换成V 图的生成过程, 用ArcGIS 软件实现, 将传统的目视解译方法改进为自动提取, 提取不同时相影像中轴主轴。研究结果表明: (1)用遥感中轴线法对不同时期的大型潮沟进行分析, 可较快、较准确地揭示潮沟的动态演变; (2)比较1988~2008 年的潮沟轴线, 西洋深槽变化最大, 西岸蚀退、东岸东移; 其他4 条潮沟均在南北方向上做往复摆动, 且逐渐趋于平缓。中轴线法可以实现对潮沟动态演变快速、准确地监测以及为整个辐射沙洲的开发建设提供理论基础。 相似文献
为调查辽宁省黄海沿岸人工岸线上潮间带大型海藻多样性情况, 于2011 年10 月至2012 年6 月在大连湾、獐子岛、旅顺及丹东进行采样, 并与其附近天然岸线上海藻进行对比。调查结果显示, 在人工岸线上共发现17 种海藻, 以红藻与绿藻为主, 其中11 种可在相邻天然岸线发现。海藻多样性天然岸线>混合岸线>人工岸线, 但人工岸线上绿藻种类与天然岸线上的基本相同。在大连湾及獐子岛地区, 无机氮低的海域, 海藻多样性高; pH 高的海域, 海藻多样性高。调查中发现有人工岸线与天然岸线共存的混合岸线, 此岸线可看作是生境岸线(living shoreline)的一个变形, 为生物保护及生态恢复提供了新思路。 相似文献
Tidal flow past a headland was modelled and the resulting sandbank formation due to bedload transport by eddy systems was examined with particular emphasis on the role of Coriolis. The headland configuration was extended to the more complex case of a headland with a detached island and the role of Coriolis in sandbank formation was again examined. In the headland case, the contribution of Coriolis resulted in the expected change in bed level at the centre of the residual eddies (positive contribution for the cyclonic eddy and negative change for the anticyclonic eddy). In the headland/island case, the role of Coriolis in the resulting bed level change was a function of eddy shedding from the island, defined by the island wake parameter. When eddy shedding occurred, the inclusion of Coriolis had a large magnitude effect on creating flood/ebb sandbank asymmetry. When eddies remained attached to the island, Coriolis had a minor role in the magnitude of this asymmetry. 相似文献
This paper focuses on the use of imaging spectroscopy for the mapping of sediment characteristics on a tidal sandbank in the Westerschelde, called the Molenplaat. On June 8, 2004, during low tide, a HyMap™ scanner recorded the Molenplaat at 4 m pixel resolution. The hyperspectral data were radiometrically calibrated, geometrically corrected, and atmospherically corrected to give apparent surface reflectance data. On the calibrated and corrected dataset a supervised binary classification was performed, based on linear discriminant analysis. Simultaneous to the flight, 25 sediment samples were collected in the field and analysed in the lab to define the median grain size, the water content, the total organic matter content and the chlorophyll-a concentration. These four parameters play a crucial role in sediment stability and macrofaunal habitat definition. Prior to the classification, a feature selection, based on sequential floating forward search (SFFS), was performed. For each of the four parameters two to three bands were retained for the classification. These bands were most frequently selected in the visible and near infrared parts of the spectrum, except for the organic matter content where also SWIR bands were used. The overall classification accuracy was highest for the water content (88%), the median grain size (88%) and the chlorophyll-a concentration (84%). The organic matter content, for which three instead of two classes were distinguished, scored somewhat lower but still reached 80%. The classifications were limited to a small number of classes in order to obtain reliable statistics with a small number of training samples. The spatial patterns in the classified images indicated that the four parameters under study are highly correlated. In most cases coarse sediment coincided with dry conditions, low organic matter and low concentrations of chlorophyll-a. The wet and muddy parts of the Molenplaat were in general characterised by a notably higher amount of organic matter and chlorophyll-a. The individual classification results for the median grain size, the water content and the chlorophyll-a concentration were combined to generate a sediment ecotope map. The presented study illustrates how airborne hyperspectral data can be used to achieve accurate classified maps of intertidal sediment ecotope types, applying feature selection and a binary classification approach. 相似文献
对堆积海岸平衡岸线轮廓的三个表达式进行了分析和对比,其中平衡岸线轮廓表达式在一定程度上包含了潮流作用对岸线塑造的影响,适用于对凹岸和沙质海岸岸线轮廓的分析,同时也适用于对凸岸和淤泥质海岸岸线轮廓的分析,因而较基本平衡岸线形态方程和B.A.保保夫堆积岸弧方程适用范围更广。利用平衡岸线轮廓表达式,对舟山群岛金塘山和册子山附近水道的两段岸线轮廓进行了分析,结果表明:两岸段均为堆积岸弧,且理论弧长与实测弧长、理论半径与实测半径的值接近,说明理论岸线与实际岸线形态吻合得较好,同时,金塘山西部岸段较册子山西部岸段岸线形态更趋稳定,但两岸线均未达到稳定状态,目前仍处于演变过程中。 相似文献
条子泥一期工程对条子泥发育影响及工程防护措施 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过历史和现场观测资料并结合遥感卫片资料,对条子泥匡围一期工程两年多的建设过程中,由工程所引起对条子沙洲西大港、东大港、条鱼港等主要的潮沟,及相应的潮盆系统和二分水的剧烈变化进行了分析研究,总结了潮沟摆动治理经验。治理方法主要为丁坝群结合砼连锁块镇压排布防护技术等。 相似文献
Statistical analysis and forecasts of long-term sandbank evolution at Great Yarmouth, UK 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
Dominic E. Reeve Jos M. Horrillo-Caraballo Vanesa Magar 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2008,79(3):387-399
A data-driven model has been developed to analyse the long-term evolution of a sandbank system and to make ensemble predictions in a period of 8 years. The method uses a combination of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, (to define spatial and temporal patterns of variability), jack-knife resampling, (to generate an ensemble of EOFs), a causal auto-regression technique, (to extrapolate the temporal eigenfunctions), and straightforward statistical analysis of the resulting ensemble of predictions to determine a ‘forecast’ and associated uncertainty. The methodology has been applied to a very demanding site which includes a curved shoreline and a group of mobile nearshore sandbanks. The site is on the eastern coast of the UK and includes the Great Yarmouth sandbanks and neighbouring shoreline. A sequence of 33 high quality historical survey charts reaching back to 1848 have been used to analyse the patterns and to predict morphological evolution of the sandbank system. The forecasts demonstrate an improved skill relative to an assumption of persistence, but suffer in locations where there are propagating features in the morphology that are not well-described by EOFs. 相似文献