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龙门山推覆构造带与地震活动 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以重磁资料为基础,研究了龙门山地区的深部构造与地震活动的关系。认为:①龙门山推覆构造带可分成泸定——灌县,灌县——北川,北川——广元三大段;②在龙门山推覆构造带西侧沿小金、迭溪、平武一线存在隐伏推覆,是未来中强地震活动的主要场所。 相似文献
帕米尔北缘弧形推覆构造带东段的基本特性与现代地震活动 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
帕米尔北缘弧形推覆构造带东段由强烈活动的艾卡尔特弧形活动褶皱-逆断裂带与卡兹克阿尔特征弧形活动褶皱-逆断裂带南,北两条巨型边缘形构造带及其间的推覆构造构成,每个弧形带分别由多个不同级别的,相对独立的次级弧形构造组成,每个弧形构造实际上就是一个独立的逆冲推断席体,都有其各自独特的几何学,运动学,动力学特征,但同时又具有相似性特征,独立地震破裂区或形变带与独立活动的弧形推覆构造可能具有一定的对应关系。 相似文献
河南省叶县一邓州的反射地震剖面给出了秦岭地壳构造模型.东秦岭深部构造可分为3个区域:华北克拉通、扬子克拉通和秦岭碰撞缝合带.华北克拉通是稳定的地壳;扬子地壳要比稳定的华北地壳更具流变性质,有多层滑脱,至少可分辨出4个滑脱面:陡岭滑脱面、武当滑脱面、扬子滑脱面和地壳底部滑脱面;秦岭碰撞缝合带宽约100km,向南倾,倾角约15°,地壳结构呈菱形块体样式.秦岭地区的上部地壳为巨型推覆构造,可分为北秦岭和南秦岭两个推覆体,各由主推覆体和前缘叠瓦扇组成.前印支期,秦岭地壳向南俯冲,秦岭古生代海盆闭合.在碰撞的后期,秦岭下部地壳向扬子作A型俯冲,而上部地壳则发生大规模由北向南的推覆。 相似文献
河南省叶县一邓州的反射地震剖面给出了秦岭地壳构造模型.东秦岭深部构造可分为3个区域:华北克拉通、扬子克拉通和秦岭碰撞缝合带.华北克拉通是稳定的地壳;扬子地壳要比稳定的华北地壳更具流变性质,有多层滑脱,至少可分辨出4个滑脱面:陡岭滑脱面、武当滑脱面、扬子滑脱面和地壳底部滑脱面;秦岭碰撞缝合带宽约100km,向南倾,倾角约15°,地壳结构呈菱形块体样式.秦岭地区的上部地壳为巨型推覆构造,可分为北秦岭和南秦岭两个推覆体,各由主推覆体和前缘叠瓦扇组成.前印支期,秦岭地壳向南俯冲,秦岭古生代海盆闭合.在碰撞的后期,秦岭下部地壳向扬子作A型俯冲,而上部地壳则发生大规模由北向南的推覆。 相似文献
东秦岭秦岭杂岩中的长英质高压麻粒岩及其地质意义初探 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
东秦岭松树沟一带秦岭杂岩中长英质高压麻粒岩的特征矿物组合为石榴石+蓝晶石+微纹碱性长石+石英+金红石。它的形成条件为800~900℃和1.3~1.6GPa,并遭受了600~650℃和0.8~1.0 GPa以及500~600℃和0.3~0.6Gpa两个阶段退变质作用的改造,分别形成珍珠云母+多硅白云母+斜长石(PlⅠ)+石英和矽线石+黑云母+斜长石(PlⅡ)+微斜长石+石英两期退变质矿物组合,共同构成一个早期降温降压和后期再降压降温的两阶段顺时针演化的P-T轨迹。 相似文献
东秦岭造山带岩石圈热结构及断面模型 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
东秦岭岩石圈热结构热状态十分不均匀,沿断面可分成华北地块、北秦岭、南秦岭、扬子地块4大特征,其分界明显,南秦岭为“热区”,北秦岭为“冷区”。商丹断裂带具81.3mW·m~(-2)高热流值,是南北秦岭的分界线,是多期构造运动的活动带,是扬子与华北的缝合带。加里东期扬子向华北俯冲碰撞;印支-燕山期俯冲板片由于“去层状化作用”断开下沉,软流圈上侵,岩石圈土地幔变薄。后因华北岩石圈下部插入扬子俯冲板片中形成穿插构造,商丹断裂带成为现今向南倾的走滑断裂带。中上地壳有不同时期的大规模逆冲推覆体、断块向南叠置;下地壳缩短成“漏头”状下滑,地壳增厚造成东秦岭造山带现今独特复杂的岩石圈五层结构模型。 相似文献
已经利用近垂直反射地震叠偏剖面得到太平洋板块西向俯冲远程应力场形成上部地壳滑脱断裂的证据,在此基础上,利用油气地震叠偏剖面发现中远程的蒙古—鄂霍茨克缝合带、远程的太平洋板块西向俯冲带在松辽盆地滨北地区浅部基底共同作用形成的逆冲推覆断裂系统.该断裂系统基本呈双向形式,纵向与横向上表现出不均匀的强度,向西逆冲推覆的断裂系统厚度范围可达到约3~4 km,向东的断裂系统厚度范围可达到约1~2 km,断裂系统组构比较复杂.经过对控盆断裂孙吴—双辽断裂两侧地球物理场分布特征的分析,认为松辽盆地浅部基底的逆冲推覆断裂系统是叠加在孙吴—双辽断裂之上的新的断裂系统.考虑到蒙古—鄂霍茨克缝合带在远离1000多公里之外所产生的内蒙古阴山—燕山大型逆冲推覆断裂带以及松辽盆地的区域构造位置,认为在松辽盆地南部和滨北地区孙吴—双辽断裂构造线之外也应该存在浅部基底内的逆冲推覆断裂. 相似文献
Structural features and petroleum geology of the fold-thrust belt in the southern Tarim basin, China
The west Kunlun fold-thrust belt (WKFTB) and the Altun fold-thrust belt (AFTB) are respectively located in the southern margin of the Tarim basin, NW China. The analyses of typical structures and regional dynamics of the fold-thrust belts reveal their different structural and petroleum features and mechanisms. WKFTB differs from AFTB by abundant fault-related folds and triangles zones, and was formed by northward extrusion of the west Kunlun orogen. AFTB was affected synchronously by northward extrusion of the Altun orogen and the sinistral strike-slipping of the Altun Fault, so it is characterized by the minor scale and the monotonous structural styles. The Aqike anticline and the Aqike fault, of which the strikes are orthogonal to the strike of the fold-thrust belts, are regarded as the adjustive structures between both of the fold-thrust belts. The oil-gas pools of WKFTB develop mainly in the faulted-related anticline traps, but the oil-gas pools of AFTB develop mainly in the low fault-block and anticlines traps related with the paleo-uplifts. There are different exploration countermeasures for both of the fold-thrust belts. 相似文献
Three microtine species are recovered from the Zhangping Caves of the Qingling Mountains, namely Microtus oeconomus, Caryomys inez and Caryomys eva. They are climate-sensitive ones with different ecological habits, therefore their distribution well corresponds to environmental variations. Statistical comparison of the distribution of fossil microtines and their counterparts nowadays displays that the climate variation of the studied area and its contiguity since the middle Pleistocene are: warm and humid at 493 ka ago, cool and humid at 259 ka ago―cold and humid at 205 ka ago―cool and humid at 28 ka ago, and warm and dry at present. 相似文献
浮游动物作为食物链中重要的初级消费者,其群落结构特征是水生态系统健康评价的重要指标之一.本研究于2017年秋季和2018年春季对渭河干流及秦岭北麓五条典型支流开展了系统的水环境及浮游动物群落调查.结果表明,渭河干流营养盐浓度整体高于秦岭北麓支流,干流浊度远高于支流.两次调查共鉴定出浮游动物种类数136种(原生动物65种,轮虫44种,枝角类15种,桡足类12种),其中2017年秋季渭河干流浮游动物种类数、密度和生物量分别为14种、9.02 ind./L和0.0051 mg/L,秦岭北麓支流为37种、42.78 ind./L和0.0229 mg/L;2018年春季渭河干流浮游动物种类数、密度和生物量分别为52种、292.89 ind./L和0.1734 mg/L,秦岭北麓支流为68种、70.15 ind./L和0.0508 mg/L.秋季渭河干流下游浮游动物种类数、密度和生物量最低,而春季随上、中、下游三者均依次增大;秋季秦岭支流中罗敷河浮游动物密度和生物量最高,而春季灞河最高.春、秋两季干支流间浮游动物优势种差异较小,但秋季优势种种类数少于春季.秋季渭河干流中游Shannon-Wiene... 相似文献
The constraints of strain partitioning and geochronology in Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belts on Qinling orogenic belt 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
SONG ChuanZhong ZHANG GuoWei WANG YongSheng LI JiaHao CHEN ZeChao & CAI ZhiChuan School of Resources Environment Hefei University of Technology Hefei China Department of Geology Northwest University Xi’an 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2009,52(3):300-312
The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt lies between the North China Block and Qinling Mountains, including the Luonan-Luanchuan
fault zone and the strong deformation zone to the north of the fault. The ductile shear zone, imbricate brittle fault and
duplex structure in the fault zone now are the expression of the same tectonic event in different depth. Such lineation structure
exists in the tectonic belts as mineral lineation, elongation lineation, crenulation lineation, sheath folds and so on, indicating
NE-directed plate motion. Fold axes and thrusts in the strong deformation zone are inclined to the Luonan-Luanchuan fault
zone at small angles. The structures with different natures show a regular pattern, produced during oblique convergence of
plates. The convergence factors are as follows: The direction of plate convergence is 22°, 31° and the angle between the plate
convergence direction and plate boundary is 73°, 82° respectively in the west and east segment. The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic
belt was deformed strongly in 372 Ma, resulted from Erlangping back-arc ocean basin subduction sinistrally and obliquely to
North China Block during the collision of North China Block and South China Block.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40372097 and 40772131) 相似文献
Early period of early Permian tubular cyanobacteria reef in the eastern part of south Qinling Mountains 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A typical reef occurs in the eastern part of south Qinling Mountains in Sanlixia, Xunyang, Shaanxi Province. The reef, extending in north-south direction, was built up by various kinds of calcareous tubes including Girvanella, tubular cyanobacteria and problem microbials. The bioclastic bank, built up by algal clasts, foraminiferous, and fusulinids, formed the reef basement, on which dasyclads baffle bioclasts formed the original bafflestone at a small scale on the reef basement, and then a mass of bindstone was made up by all kinds of calcareous tubes and algae. On lateral part the reef is cryptalgal mudstone. The reef that occurred in the geosynclinal area is so familiar with one of the platforms in many respects, such as in reef structure, morphology and building mold. This indicates that building organisms have amazing adaptability and identity for building capacity in the two kinds of geotectonic background mentioned above. 相似文献
结合岩石磁学、磁化率各向异性度与区域构造分析了西秦岭温泉岩体的侵位机制及意义.温泉岩体的样品的平均磁化率km值总体很大,岩石磁学表明对于磁化率较低的样品,顺磁性矿物(如黑云母等)对磁化率的贡献较大,而少量铁磁性矿物(如磁铁矿等)可能作为剩磁载体.对于磁化率较高的样品,其主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿;花岗岩样品的校正磁化率各向异性度PJ总体小于1.2,显示了岩体为流动磁组构的特征,磁化率椭球体形态参数T总体大于0,扁率E总体大于1,以压扁椭球体为主;岩体的磁面理同磁线理相比更为发育,样品的磁面理普遍表现出围绕岩体边界分布的特点,且倾角较陡;而在岩体内部磁线理与磁面理分布相对散乱,定向性差,这一特征说明温泉岩体的磁组构主要由侵位时的侧向挤压作用形成的;虽然岩体的磁组构特征总体显示了N-NEE和SW向的挤压作用,但岩体侵位时由商丹缝合带闭合所产生的垂直于缝合带方向的挤压作用已相对较弱.本文认为,温泉岩体侵位时是一种弱挤压环境,或者是一种相对稳定的环境甚至可能是一种相对引张的背景,这与温泉岩体形成于后碰撞环境,秦岭造山带已演化至后碰撞拆沉作用发生的伸展阶段所反映的区域构造背景是一致的. 相似文献
Based on deep geophysical detections, we have reconstructed the crustal structure from the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau to the Jiangnan-Xuefeng orogenic belt. The results suggest that the Yangtze Block was overthrusted by crustal materials in its NW direction from the eastern Tibetan Plateau but in its SE direction from the Jiangnan orogen. These overthrusting effects control the crustal structure from the western Sichuan to the western area of the Jiangnan orogen-Xuefeng orogenic belt. The eastward extruded materials from the eastern Tibetan Plateau were blocked by the rigid basement in the Sichuan Basin, where upper-middle crust was overthrusted whereas the lower crust was underthrusted beneath the Sichuan Basin. The underthrusted unit was absorbed by crustal folding, shortening and thickening in the Yangtze Block, forming the Xiongpo and Longquan Mountains tectonic belts and resulting in the NW-directed thrusting of the Pujiang-Chengdu-Deyang fault, and the western hillsiden fault in the Longquan Mountain. These results provide resolution to the controversy where the eastward extrusion material from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had gone. Overall, that Yangtze Block was subjected to thrusting of the crustal materials from the orogenic belts over its both sides. This finding has implications for the study of the intracontinental orogenic mechanism in South China, the reconstruction of tectonic evolutionary history and the kinematics processes during the lateral extrusion of the Tibet Plateau. 相似文献
对陕西榆林—重庆鱼泉综合地球物理大断面中在陕西户县经中秦岭至镇巴测段的重力场给以分析和探讨.文中给出了中秦岭造山带(或中秦岭块体) 的地壳密度结构、Moho界面深度与山根构造特征.并重点分析研究了本测段的重力异常在其地壳结构与构造解释中所明显反应的断裂构造(带).即中秦岭北侧断裂构造带;中秦岭中部断裂构造系;中秦岭南侧的宁陕断裂构造带;安康(石泉西南)断裂构造带;芭蕉口断裂构造;城口断裂构造带北延段;镇巴断裂构造带;鱼渡断裂构造和铁溪断裂构造.并对各断裂构造带对应的重力异常段计算其水平方向导数Vxz,给出了断裂构造的分布位置、形态、倾向等要素.最后从重力学角度对中秦岭造山带的地壳结构与断裂构造具有的衔接与过渡特征作了相应的探搉. 相似文献
The studied region is located in the Northern Qing- hai-Tibet Plateau, the southern fringe of the Qaidam Basin, about 80 km south away from Golmud City of Qinghai Province (Fig. 1). The Eastern Kunlun oro- genic belt tectonically belongs to a joint zone between the Paleo-Asian Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan- Himalayan Tectonic Domain. Owing to the repeated tectonic movements, its geological structures have become much complicated and the degrees of defor- mation, metamorphism and disl… 相似文献
当前受国内外地学界广泛关注的秦岭印支造山带,其前身是地球自转速度缓慢变化过程中派生的纬向剪切力和重力共同作用下,于惯性力最大的上地壳所产生的受东西向走滑正断层控制的盆\|山系,而不是洋壳俯冲形成的沟\|弧\|盆系;其造山机制是南秦岭断陷盆地上地壳底部刚硬的结晶基底,对北秦岭断隆山软弱的中地壳塑性层俯冲所造成的壳内冲叠造山带,而不是整个岩石圈对软流层俯冲导生的板块碰撞造山带;其动力是212 Ma前发生于加拿大安大略省直径100 km撞击坑的陨击事件,促使地球自转速度急剧变慢所派生的由南向北的强烈挤压作用,而不是地幔对流带动板块漂移碰撞;其超高压变质带是壳内俯冲动力作用所致,而不是陆壳俯冲到100 km以深温压环境的产物;其立交桥式构造,是异常地幔响应了地壳上部新产生的不同方向的中\|新生代断陷盆地引起的重力失衡作用的结果,而不是地幔柱主动隆升造成与原来东西向造山带的非耦合关系. 相似文献