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We use a set of Stäckel potentials to obtain a local approximation for an effective third integral in axisymmetric systems. We present a study on the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach. We apply it to three trial potentials of various flattenings, corresponding to nearly ellipsoidal, discy and boxy density isophotes. In all three cases, a good fit to the potential requires only a small set of Stäckel potentials, and the associated Stäckel third integral provides a very satisfactory, yet analytically simple, approximation to the trial potentials effective third integral.  相似文献   

We have obtained long-slit spectroscopy for a sample of nine S0 galaxies in the Fornax Cluster using the FORS2 spectrograph at the 8.2-m European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT). From these data, we have extracted the kinematic parameters, comprising the mean velocity, velocity dispersion and higher moment h 3 and h 4 coefficients, as a function of position along the major axes of these galaxies. Comparison with published kinematics indicates that earlier data are often limited by their lower signal-to-noise ratio and relatively poor spectral resolution. The greater depth and higher dispersion of the new data mean that we reach well beyond the bulges of these systems, probing their disc kinematics in some detail for the first time. Qualitative inspection of the results for individual galaxies shows that they are not entirely simple systems, perhaps indicating a turbulent past. None the less, we are able to derive reliable circular velocities for most of these systems, which points the way towards a study of their Tully–Fisher relation. This study, along with an analysis of the stellar populations of these systems out to large galactocentric distances, will form the bases of future papers exploiting these new high-quality data, hopefully shedding new light on the evolutionary history of these systems.  相似文献   

Elliptical galaxies are modelled as Sérsic luminosity distributions with density profiles (DPs) for the total mass adopted from the DPs of haloes within dissipationless ΛCDM (cold dark matter) N -body simulations. Ellipticals turn out to be inconsistent with cuspy low-concentration NFW models representing the total mass distribution, neither are they consistent with a steeper −1.5 inner slope, nor with the shallower models proposed by Navarro et al., nor with NFW models 10 times more concentrated than predicted, as deduced from several X-ray observations – the mass models, extrapolated inwards, lead to local mass-to-light ratios that are smaller than the stellar value inside an effective radius ( R e), and to central aperture velocity dispersions that are much smaller than observed. This conclusion remains true as long as there is no sharp steepening (slope < −2) of the dark matter DPs just inside 0.01 virial radii.
The very low total mass and velocity dispersion produced within R e by an NFW-like total mass profile suggests that the stellar component should dominate the dark matter component out to at least R e. It should then be difficult to kinematically constrain the inner slope of the DP of ellipticals. The high-concentration parameters deduced from X-ray observations appear to be a consequence of fitting an NFW model to the total mass DP made up of a stellar component that dominates inside and a dark matter component that dominates outwards.
An appendix gives the virial mass dependence of the concentration parameter, central density and total mass of the Navarro et al. model. In a second appendix are given single integral expressions for the velocity dispersions averaged along the line of sight, in circular apertures and in thin slits, for general luminosity density and mass distributions, with isotropic orbits.  相似文献   

We use three-integral models to infer the distribution function (DF) of the boxy E3–E4 galaxy NGC 1600 from surface brightness and line-profile data on the minor and major axes. We assume axisymmetry and that the mass-to-light ratio is constant in the central ∼1 R e. Stars in the resulting gravitational potential move mainly on regular orbits. We use an approximate third integral K from perturbation theory and write the DF as a sum of basis functions in the three integrals E , L z and K . We then fit the projected moments of these basis functions to the kinematic observables and deprojected density, using a non-parametric algorithm. The deduced dynamical structure is radially anisotropic, with σ θ σ r ≈ σ φ σ r ≈0.7 on the major axis. Both on the minor axis and near the centre the velocity distribution is more isotropic; thus the model is flattened by equatorial radial orbits. The kinematic data are fitted without the need for a central black hole; the central mass determined previously from ground-based data therefore overestimates the actual black-hole mass. The mass-to-light ratio of the stars is M L V =6  h 50. The anisotropy structure of NGC 1600 with a radially anisotropic main body and more nearly isotropic centre is similar to that found recently in NGC 1399, 2434, 3379 and 6703, suggesting that this pattern may be common amongst massive elliptical galaxies. We discuss a possible merger origin of NGC 1600 in the light of these results.  相似文献   

We present a catalogue of galaxies in Abell 3653 from observations made with the 2-degree field (2dF) spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Of the 391 objects observed, we find 111 are bona fide members of Abell 3653. We show that the cluster has a velocity of   cz = 32 214 ± 83  km s−1 ( z = 0.10 738 ± 0.00 027)  , with a velocity dispersion typical of rich, massive clusters of  σ cz = 880+66−54  . We find that the cD galaxy has a peculiar velocity of  683 ± 96  km s−1  in the cluster rest frame – some 7σ away from the mean cluster velocity, making it one of the largest and most significant peculiar velocities found for a cD galaxy to date. We investigate the cluster for signs of substructure, but do not find any significant groupings on any length scale. We consider the implications of our findings on cD formation theories.  相似文献   

The shape of the dark matter halo in the early-type galaxy NGC 2974   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present H  i observations of the elliptical galaxy NGC 2974, obtained with the Very Large Array. These observations reveal that the previously detected H  i disc in this galaxy is in fact a ring. By studying the harmonic expansion of the velocity field along the ring, we constrain the elongation of the halo and find that the underlying gravitational potential is consistent with an axisymmetric shape.
We construct mass models of NGC 2974 by combining the H  i rotation curve with the central kinematics of the ionized gas, obtained with the integral-field spectrograph SAURON. We introduce a new way of correcting the observed velocities of the ionized gas for asymmetric drift, and hereby disentangle the random motions of the gas caused by gravitational interaction from those caused by turbulence. To reproduce the observed flat rotation curve of the H  i gas, we need to include a dark halo in our mass models. A pseudo-isothermal sphere provides the best model to fit our data, but we also tested an NFW halo and modified Newtonian dynamics, which fit the data marginally worse.
The mass-to-light ratio M / L I increases in NGC 2974 from 4.3 M/L, I at one effective radius to 8.5 M/L, I at 5  R e. This increase of M / L already suggests the presence of dark matter: we find that within 5  R e at least 55 per cent of the total mass is dark.  相似文献   

We use numerical simulations to investigate the cusp at the centre of elliptical galaxies caused by the slow growth of a supermassive black hole. We study this problem for axisymmetric models of galaxies with or without rotation. The numerical simulations are based on the 'perturbation particles' method, and use GRAPEs to compute the force arising from the cusp. We study the way in which the density cusp is affected by the initial flattening of the model, as well as the role played by initial rotation. The logarithmic slope of the density cusp is found to be very much insensitive to flattening; as a consequence, we deduce that tangential velocity anisotropy – which supports the flattening – is also of little influence on the final cusp. We investigate, via two different kinds of rotating models, the efficiency with which a rotation velocity component builds within the cusp. A cusp in rotation develops only for models where a net rotation component is initially present at high energy levels. The eventual observation of a central rotational velocity peak in elliptical galaxies has, therefore, some implications for the galaxy dynamical history.  相似文献   

The modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), suggested by Milgrom as an alternative to dark matter, implies that isothermal spheres with a fixed anisotropy parameter should exhibit a near-perfect relation between the mass and velocity dispersion of the form M ∝ σ  4. This is consistent with the observed Faber–Jackson relation for elliptical galaxies: a luminosity–velocity dispersion relation with large scatter. However, the observable global properties of elliptical galaxies comprise a three-parameter family; they lie on a 'fundamental plane' in a logarithmic space consisting of central velocity dispersion, effective radius ( r e) and luminosity. The scatter perpendicular to this plane is significantly less than that about the Faber–Jackson relation. I show here that, in order to match the observed properties of elliptical galaxies with MOND, models must deviate from being strictly isothermal and isotropic; such objects can be approximated by high-order polytropic spheres with a radial orbit anisotropy in the outer regions. MOND imposes boundary conditions on the inner Newtonian regions which restrict these models to a dynamical fundamental plane of the form where the exponents may differ from the Newtonian expectations ( α =2, γ =1). Scatter about this plane is relatively insensitive to the necessary deviations from homology.  相似文献   

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