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Ash produced by a volcanic eruption on Iceland can be hazardous for both the transatlantic flight paths and European airports and airspace. In order to begin to quantify the risk to aircraft, this study explored the probability of ash from a short explosive eruption of Hekla Volcano (63.98°N, 19.7°W) reaching European airspace. Transport, dispersion and deposition of the ash cloud from a three hour ‘explosive’ eruption with an initial plume height of 12 km was simulated using the Met Office's Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment, NAME, the model used operationally by the London Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre. Eruptions were simulated over a six year period, from 2003 until 2008, and ash clouds were tracked for four days following each eruption.Results showed that a rapid spread of volcanic ash is possible, with all countries in Europe facing the possibility of an airborne ash concentration exceeding International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) limits within 24 h of an eruption. An additional high impact, low probability event which could occur is the southward spread of the ash cloud which would block transatlantic flights approaching and leaving Europe. Probabilities of significant concentrations of ash are highest to the east of Iceland, with probabilities exceeding 20% in most countries north of 50°N. Deposition probabilities were highest at Scottish and Scandinavian airports. There is some seasonal variability in the probabilities; ash is more likely to reach southern Europe in winter when the mean winds across the continent are northerly. Ash concentrations usually remain higher for longer during summer when the mean wind speeds are lower.  相似文献   

Ground tilt measurements demonstrate that Askja is in a state of unrest, and that in the period 1988–1991 a maximum 48±3 rad tilt occurred down towards the centre of the caldera. This is consistent with 126 mm of deflation at the centre of the caldera with a 2.5–3.0 km depth to the source of deformation. The volume of the subsidence bowl is 6.2x106 m3. When combined with high precision microgravity measurements, the overall change in sub-surface mass may be quantified. After correction for the observed elevation change using the free air gradient of gravity measured for each station, the total decrease in mass is estimated to be less than 109 kg. A small residual ground inflation and net gravity increase in the southeastern part of the caldera may be caused by dyke intrusion in this region. The minimum dimensions of such an intrusion or complex of intrusions are 1 m width, up to 100 m deep and up to several hundred metres thick.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2007,43(1):118-152
The large-scale volcanic lineaments in Iceland are an axial zone, which is delineated by the Reykjanes, West and North Volcanic Zones (RVZ, WVZ, NVZ) and the East Volcanic Zone (EVZ), which is growing in length by propagation to the southwest through pre-existing crust. These zones are connected across central Iceland by the Mid-Iceland Belt (MIB). Other volcanically active areas are the two intraplate belts of Öræfajökull (ÖVB) and Snæfellsnes (SVB). The principal structure of the volcanic zones are the 30 volcanic systems, where 12 are comprised of a fissure swarm and a central volcano, 7 of a central volcano, 9 of a fissure swarm and a central domain, and 2 are typified by a central domain alone.Volcanism in Iceland is unusually diverse for an oceanic island because of special geological and climatological circumstances. It features nearly all volcano types and eruption styles known on Earth. The first order grouping of volcanoes is in accordance with recurrence of eruptions on the same vent system and is divided into central volcanoes (polygenetic) and basalt volcanoes (monogenetic). The basalt volcanoes are categorized further in accordance with vent geometry (circular or linear), type of vent accumulation, characteristic style of eruption and volcanic environment (i.e. subaerial, subglacial, submarine).Eruptions are broadly grouped into effusive eruptions where >95% of the erupted magma is lava, explosive eruptions if >95% of the erupted magma is tephra (volume calculated as dense rock equivalent, DRE), and mixed eruptions if the ratio of lava to tephra occupy the range in between these two end-members. Although basaltic volcanism dominates, the activity in historical time (i.e. last 11 centuries) features expulsion of basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite magmas that have produced effusive eruptions of Hawaiian and flood lava magnitudes, mixed eruptions featuring phases of Strombolian to Plinian intensities, and explosive phreatomagmatic and magmatic eruptions spanning almost the entire intensity scale; from Surtseyan to Phreatoplinian in case of “wet” eruptions and Strombolian to Plinian in terms of “dry” eruptions. In historical time the magma volume extruded by individual eruptions ranges from ∼1 m3 to ∼20 km3 DRE, reflecting variable magma compositions, effusion rates and eruption durations.All together 205 eruptive events have been identified in historical time by detailed mapping and dating of events along with extensive research on documentation of eruptions in historical chronicles. Of these 205 events, 192 represent individual eruptions and 13 are classified as “Fires”, which include two or more eruptions defining an episode of volcanic activity that lasts for months to years. Of the 159 eruptions verified by identification of their products 124 are explosive, effusive eruptions are 14 and mixed eruptions are 21. Eruptions listed as reported-only are 33. Eight of the Fires are predominantly effusive and the remaining five include explosive activity that produced extensive tephra layers. The record indicates an average of 20–25 eruptions per century in Iceland, but eruption frequency has varied on time scale of decades. An apparent stepwise increase in eruption frequency is observed over the last 1100 years that reflects improved documentation of eruptive events with time. About 80% of the verified eruptions took place on the EVZ where the four most active volcanic systems (Grímsvötn, Bárdarbunga–Veidivötn, Hekla and Katla) are located and 9%, 5%, 1% and 0.5% on the RVZ–WVZ, NVZ, ÖVB, and SVB, respectively. Source volcano for ∼4.5% of the eruptions is not known.Magma productivity over 1100 years equals about 87 km3 DRE with basaltic magma accounting for about 79% and intermediate and acid magma accounting for 16% and 5%, respectively. Productivity is by far highest on the EVZ where 71 km3 (∼82%) were erupted, with three flood lava eruptions accounting for more than one half of that volume. RVZ–WVZ accounts for 13% of the magma and the NWZ and the intraplate belts for 2.5% each. Collectively the axial zone (RVZ, WVZ, NVZ) has only erupted 15–16% of total magma volume in the last 1130 years.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of geological, geophysical, and geochemical studies for three geothermal zones of Hengill Volcano, Iceland: Nesjavellir, Hellisheidi, and Hveragerdi. We discuss the relationships between global tectonics and high-temperature geothermal systems in Iceland. The bulk of this review is devoted to studies of the physical, geochemical, and mineralogic parameters for the three areas. A separate discussion concerns surface phenomena, as well as the origin of thermal water. This review covers studies of the main aquifer complexes: Miocene/Lower Pliocene plateau basalts, Upper Pliocene/Pleistocene lavas and volcanoclastics involving tillite horizons, an aquifer complex of Holocene lava sheets as thick as 1 km, and an aquifer complex of Upper Pleistocene/Holocene alluvial eolian deposits and formations of bottom moraines. We consider a conceptual model of geothermal reservoirs characteristic for the Hengill geothermal fields.  相似文献   

The eruption that started in the Hekla volcano in South Iceland on 17 January 1991, and came to an end on 11 March, produced mainly andesitic lava. This lava covers 23 km2 and has an estimated volume of 0.15 km3. This is the third eruption in only 20 years, whereas the average repose period since 1104 is 55 years. Earthquakes, as well as a strain pulse recorded by borehole strainmeters, occurred less than half an hour before the start of the eruption. The initial plinian phase was very short-lived, producing a total of only 0.02 km3 of tephra. The eruption cloud attained 11.5 km in height in only 10 min, but it became detached from the volcano a few hours later. Several fissures were active during the first day of the eruption, including a part of the summit fissure. By the second day, however, the activity was already essentially limited to that segment of the principal fissure where the main crater subsequently formed. The average effusion rate during the first two days of the eruption was about 800 m3 s–1. After this peak, the effusion rate declined rapidly to 10–20 m3 s–1, then more slowly to 1 m3 s–1, and remained at 1–12 m3 s–1 until the end of the eruption. Site observations near the main crater suggest that the intensity of the volcanic tremor varied directly with the force of the eruption. A notable rise in the fluorine concentration of riverwater in the vicinity of the eruptive fissures occurred on the 5th day of the eruption, but it levelled off on the 6th day and then remained essentially constant. The volume and initial silica content of the lava and tephra, the explosivity and effusion rate during the earliest stage of the eruption, as well as the magnitude attained by the associated earthquakes, support earlier suggestions that these parameters are positively related to the length of the preceeding repose period. The chemical difference between the eruptive material of Hekla itself and the lavas erupted in its vicinity can be explained in terms of a density-stratified magma reservoir located at the bottom of the crust. We propose that the shape of this reservoir, its location at the west margin of a propagating rift, and its association with a crustal weakness, all contribute to the high eruption frequency of Hekla.  相似文献   

Augustine, an island volcano in Lower Cook Inlet, southern Alaska, erupted in January, 1976, after 12 years of dormancy. By April, when the eruptions ended, a new lava dome had been extruded into the summit crater and about 0.1 km3 of pyroclastics had been deposited on the island, mainly as pyroclastic debris avalanches and pumice flows. The ventclearing phase in January was highly explosive and we have been able to document 13 major vulcanian eruptions.The timing, thermal energy, mass loading of fine particles and the horizontal dispersion of these eruption clouds were determined from radar measurements of cloud height, reports of pilots flying in plumes, satellite photography, seismic records and infrasonic detection of air waves. A lower estimate of the mass of fine (r < 68 μm) particles injected into the troposphere from the 13 main eruptions in January is 5.5–18 × 1012 g. The corresponding mass loading of fine particles within individual eruption clouds is 0.3–1 g m−3. We calculated thermal energies of 4 × 1014 to 35 × 1014 J for individual eruptions by applying convective plume rise theory to observed cloud heights and seismically determined eruption durations. This energy range compares favorably with the 4–16 × 1014 J of thermal energy, calculated from the cooling of juvenile material contained in a typical eruption cloud.The vulcanian eruption clouds stayed intact for at least 700 km downwind. Satellite images in both visible and infrared wavebands, showing the Gulf of Alaska just after sunrise on January 23, reveal a series of puffs strung out downwind from the volcano, 20–30 km in diameter and with their tops at altitudes of about 8 km, overlying a continuous plume at altitude 4 km. Each puff corresponded to a seismically and infrasonically timed eruption. A substantial portion of the material injected into the atmosphere between January 22 and 25 was rapidly transported by the subpolar jet stream through southwestern Canada and the western United States, then northeast across the States into the Atlantic. The clouds were observed passing over Tucson, Arizona, on January 25 at an elevation of 7 km.Several of the eruptions penetrated into the stratosphere. Sun photometer measurements, taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, six weeks after the eruption, showed an increased stratospheric optical thickness of 0.01 (wavelength 0.5 μm), which decayed in about 5 months. The maximum column mass loading of the veil was 4–10 × 10−7 g cm−2. The mass of the veil, spread-ever a fourth of the earth's surface, is 10 to 100 times larger than can be accounted for by assuming that injected ash and converted sulfate particles from the 13 main Augustine eruptions are the only components contributing to the stratospheric turbidity observed at Mauna Loa.  相似文献   

The detailed stratigraphic study of the pyroclastic surge units S1, IU, and S3 produced during the most violent phases of the 1982 eruption of El Chichón volcano, contains a complex succession of hydromagmatic events triggered by the interaction of different proportions of magma and external water. Component analyses of the horizons within single units reveal that almost all wet and cohesive horizons contain ash aggregates. Based on their morphology and internal structure four different types of aggregates were distinguished: (a) accretionary lapilli, (b) armored lapilli, (c) irregular aggregates, and (d) cylindrical aggregates. The first three types have been described in the volcanological literature (field and experimental studies); cylindrical forms are reported here for the first time. These hollow cylindrical aggregates consist of concentric layers of crystals and glass fragments set in a finer-grained matrix. They formed around millimeter-size foliage fragments that are locally preserved in the interior of the aggregates as scorched or completely carbonized vestiges. SEM analyses suggest different mechanisms of formation for the four types of aggregates. Irregular aggregates and armored lapilli formed nearly instantaneously, whereas accretionary lapilli and cylindrical aggregates resulted from progressive aggregation of ash in different regions of the eruptive cloud.All types of ash aggregates contain fractured particles. This common feature suggests that particles ruptured during fragmentation prior to the growth of the aggregates. Broken clasts with cracks filled by a fine-grained matrix only occur inside the cylindrical ash aggregates and to a lesser degree in some types of accretionary lapilli. This suggests that small thermal contrasts at the contact of warm particles with the colder fine-grained matrix of the aggregate cause existing small fractures to propagate and open as the already weakened clasts deform slightly. The occurrence of all four types of aggregates in some horizons indicates that several mechanisms of aggregation occurred nearly simultaneously. The pyroclastic clouds therefore were not only stratified in terms of density but the content of fluid phases also were not uniform. A dark-red, Fe-rich amorphous film (locally rich in P and S) envelops the particles and fosters their preservation in the deposits by forming a hard shell. The composition of this cement reflects the abundance of these elements in acid fluids of hydrothermal systems that were intersected by the conduit during the eruption. In distal areas, fallout aggregates were incorporated by dissipating pyroclastic surges.  相似文献   

The AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius is certainly one of the most investigated explosive eruptions in the world. This makes it particularly suitable for the application of numerical models since we can be quite confident about input data, and the model predictions can be compared with field-based reconstruction of the eruption dynamics. Magma ascent along the volcanic conduit and the dispersal of pyroclasts in the atmosphere were simulated. The conduit and atmospheric domain were coupled through the flow conditions computed at the conduit exit. We simulated two different peak phases of the eruption which correspond to the emplacement of the white and gray magma types that produced Plinian fallout deposits with interlayered pyroclastic flow units during the gray phase. The input data, independently constrained and representative of each of the two eruptive phases, consist of liquid magma composition, crystal and water content, mass flow rate, and pressure–temperature–depth of the magma at the conduit entrance. A parametric study was performed on the less constrained variables such as microlite content of magma, pressure at the conduit entrance, and particle size representative of the eruptive mixture. Numerical results are substantially consistent with the reconstructed eruptive dynamics. In particular, the white eruption phase is found to lead to a fully buoyant eruption plume in all cases investigated, whereas the gray phase shows a more transitional character, i.e. the simultaneous production of a buoyant convective plume and pyroclastic surges, with a significant influence of the microlite content of magma in determining the partition of pyroclast mass between convective plumes and pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

Shishaldin Volcano, in the central Aleutian volcanic arc, became seismically restless during the summer of 1998. Increasing unrest was monitored using a newly installed seismic network, weather satellites, and rare local visual observations. The unrest culminated in large eruptions on 19 April and 22-23 April 1999. The opening phase of the 19 April eruption produced a sub-Plinian column that rose to 16 km before rapidly dissipating. About 80 min into the 19 April event we infer that the eruption style transitioned to vigorous Strombolian fountaining. Exceptionally vigorous seismic tremor heralded the 23 April eruption, which produced a large thermal anomaly observable by satellite, but only a modest, 6-km-high plume. There are no ground-based visual observations of this eruption; however we infer that there was renewed, vigorous Strombolian fountaining. Smaller low-level ash-rich plumes were produced through the end of May 1999. The lava that erupted was evolved basalt with about 49% SiO2. Subsequent field investigations have been unable to find a distinction between deposits from each of the two major eruptive episodes.  相似文献   

Lateral migration of magma away from Miyakejima volcanic island, Japan, generated summit subsidence, associated with summit explosions in the summer of 2000. An earthquake swarm beneath Miyakejima began on the evening of 26 June 2000, followed by a submarine eruption the next morning. Strong seismic activity continued under the sea from beneath the coast of Miyakejima to a few tens of kilometers northwest of the island. Summit eruptive event began with subsidence of the summit on 8 July and both explosions and subsidence continued intermittently through July and August. The most intense eruptive event occurred on 18 August and was vulcanian to subplinian in type. Ash lofted into the stratosphere fell over the entire island, and abundant volcanic bombs were erupted at this time. Another large explosion took place on 29 August. This generated a low-temperature pyroclastic surge, which covered a residential area on the northern coast of the island. The total volume of tephra erupted was 9.3×106 m3 (DRE), much smaller than the volume of the resulting caldera (6×108 m3). Migration of magma away from Miyakejima was associated with crustal extension northwest of Miyakejima and coincident shrinkage of Miyakejima Island itself during July–August 2000. This magma migration probably caused stoping of roof rock into the magma reservoir, generating subsurface cavities filled with hydrothermal fluid and/or magmatic foam and formation of a caldera (Oyama Caldera) at the summit. Interaction of hydrothermal fluid with ascending magma drove a series of phreatic to phreatomagmatic eruptions. It is likely that new magma was supplied to the reservoir from the bottom during waning stage of magmas migration, resulting in explosive discharge on 18 August. The 18 August event and phreatic explosions on 29 August produced a conduit system that allowed abundant SO2 emission (as high as 460 kg s–1) after the major eruptive events were over. At the time of writing, inhabitants of the island (about 3,000) have been evacuated from Miyakejima for more than 3 years.  相似文献   

The Katla volcano in Iceland is characterized by subglacial explosive eruptions of Fe–Ti basalt composition. Although the nature and products of historical Katla eruptions (i.e. over the last 1,100 years) at the volcano is well-documented, the long term evolution of Katla’s volcanic activity and magma production is less well known. A study of the tephra stratigraphy from a composite soil section to the east of the volcano has been undertaken with emphasis on the prehistoric deposits. The section records ∼8,400 years of explosive activity at Katla volcano and includes 208 tephra layers of which 126 samples were analysed for major-element composition. The age of individual Katla layers was calculated using soil accumulation rates (SAR) derived from soil thicknesses between 14C-dated marker tephra layers. Temporal variations in major-element compositions of the basaltic tephra divide the ∼8,400-year record into eight intervals with durations of 510–1,750 years. Concentrations of incompatible elements (e.g. K2O) in individual intervals reveal changes that are characterized as constant, irregular, and increasing. These variations in incompatible elements correlate with changes in other major-element concentrations and suggest that the magmatic evolution of the basalts beneath Katla is primarily controlled by fractional crystallisation. In addition, binary mixing between a basaltic component and a silicic melt is inferred for several tephra layers of intermediate composition. Small to moderate eruptions of silicic tephra (SILK) occur throughout the Holocene. However, these events do not appear to exhibit strong influence on the magmatic evolution of the basalts. Nevertheless, peaks in the frequency of basaltic and silicic eruptions are contemporaneous. The observed pattern of change in tephra composition within individual time intervals suggests different conditions in the plumbing system beneath Katla volcano. At present, the cause of change of the magma plumbing system is not clear, but might be related to eruptions of eight known Holocene lavas around the volcano. Two cycles are observed throughout the Holocene, each involving three stages of plumbing system evolution. A cycle begins with an interval characterized by simple plumbing system, as indicated by uniform major element compositions. This is followed by an interval of sill and dyke system, as depicted by irregular temporal variations in major element compositions. This stage eventually leads to a formation of a magma chamber, represented by an interval with increasing concentrations of incompatible elements with time. The eruption frequency within the cycle increases from the stage of a simple plumbing system to the sill and dyke complex stage and then drops again during magma chamber stage. In accordance with this model, Katla volcano is at present in the first interval (i.e. simple plumbing system) of the third cycle because the activity in historical time has been characterized by uniform magma composition and relatively low eruption frequency.  相似文献   

During the early part of a seismic swarm preceding eruption and caldera formation at Miyakejima Volcano, discoloured sea surfaces were observed 1.5 km off the western coast of Miyakejima on 27 June 2000. A later survey of the area using a multi-beam side scan sonar and a remotely operated small submarine revealed four craters of 20–30 m diameter aligned east-west in a 100×10–30 m area on the seafloor, with hot water at 140°C being released from one of the centres. Each crater consists of submarine spatter overlain in part by scoria lapilli. Dredged spatter from the craters was fresh, and there was no evidence of activity of marine organisms on the spatter surface, indicating that the discoloured sea surface resulted from magmatic eruption on the seafloor. This eruption occurred when a westward-propagating seismic swarm, initiated beneath Miyakejimas summit, passed through the area. Finding new magma on the seafloor demonstrates that this seismic swarm was associated with intruding magma, moving outward from beneath Miyakejima. Submarine spatter shows flattened shapes with a brittle crust formed by cooling in water, and its composition is aphyric andesite of 54 wt% SiO2. The spatter is similar in whole rock and mineral composition to spatter erupted in 1983. However, the wide range of Cl in melt inclusions in plagioclase of the 27 June submarine spatter shows that it is not simply a remnant of the 1983 magma, which has only high Cl melt inclusions in plagioclase. The mixed character of melt inclusions suggests involvement of a magma with low Cl melt inclusions. The magma erupted explosively on 18 August from Miyakejimas summit, considered as the second juvenile magma in this eruption, contains low Cl melt inclusions in plagioclase. Based on these observations and the eruption sequence, we present the following model: (1) A shallow magma chamber was filled with a remnant of 1983 magma that had evolved to a composition of 54–55 wt% SiO2. (2) Injection of the 18 August magma into this chamber generated a mixed magma having a wide range of Cl in melt inclusions contained plagioclase. The magma mixing might have occurred shortly before the submarine eruption and could have been a trigger for the initiation of the removal of magma from the chamber as an extensive dyke, which eventually led to caldera subsidence.Editorial responsibility: S Nakada, T Druitt  相似文献   

长白山天池火山喷发的气候效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
约发生于1000年前的长白山天池火山喷发对全球气候产生过非常显著的影响,本文用一二维能量平衡模式模拟了天地火山的那次喷发对全球气候的影响。结果表明:天池火山喷发形成的平流层气溶胶可维持3年长的时间,并对到达地表的太阳辐射有非常明显的削弱。引起的北半球平均最大降温可达0.85℃。天池火山大喷发对全球气候影响的时间超过6年。  相似文献   

An explosive eruption occurred on Bezymyannyi Volcano December 24, 2006. The distribution of ashfall deposits over the peninsula was studied. The tephra was investigated for its chemical, mineral, and grain-size composition, its water-soluble complex was studied. About 30 000 tons of water-soluble substances along with 7 million tons of ash entered the environment over an area of over 8000 km2. Information is supplied for this eruption from various sources and its geological impact has been estimated. The total volume of erupted pyroclastics was 0.01–0.014 km3, of which 0.004 km3 consisted of ash and 0.006–0.01 km3 were pyroclastic flow deposits.  相似文献   

The Hekla eruption cloud on 26–27 February 2000 was the first volcanic cloud to be continuously and completely monitored advecting above Iceland, using the C-band weather radar near the Keflavík international airport. Real-time radar observations of the onset, advection, and waning of the eruption cloud were studied using time series of PPI (plan-position indicator) radar images, including VMI normal, Echotop, and Cappi level 2 displays. The reflectivity of the entire volcanic cloud ranges from 0 to >60 dBz. The eruption column above the vent is essentially characterised by VMI normal and Cappi level 2 values, >30 dBz, due to the dominant influence of lapilli and ash (tephra) on the overall reflected signal. The cloud generated by the column was advected downwind to the north-northeast. It is characterised by values between 0 and 30 dBz, and the persistence of these reflections likely result from continuing water condensation and freezing on ash particles. Echotop radar images of the eruption onset document a rapid ascent of the plume head with a mean velocity of ~30 to 50 m s–1, before it reached an altitude of ~11–12 km. The evolution of the reflected cloud was studied from the area change in pixels of its highly reflected portions, >30 dBz, and tied to recorded volcanic tremor amplitudes. The synchronous initial variation of both radar and seismic signals documents the abrupt increase in tephra emission and magma discharge rate from 18:20 to 19:00 UTC on 26 February. From 19:00 the >45 dBz and 30–45 dBz portions of the reflected cloud decrease and disappear at about 7 and 10.5 h, respectively, after the eruption began, indicating the end of the decaying explosive phase. The advection and extent of the reflected eruption cloud were compared with eyewitness accounts of tephra fall onset and the measured mass of tephra deposited on the ground during the first 12 h. Differences in the deposit map and volcanic cloud radar map are due to the fact that the greater part of the deposit originates by fallout off the column margins and from the base of the cloud followed by advection of falling particle in lower level winds.Editorial responsibility: P. Mouginis-Mark  相似文献   

The results of a hydroacoustic monitoring experiment in the Kelut Crater lake, Indonesia, prior to its 1990 eruption, are presented, with the benefit of hindsight. Indeed, the underwater noise levels in three widely separated frequency bands, together with the lake water temperature, was radio-transmitted and almost continuously recorded from a period of quiescence of the volcano till the onset of its 10 February 1990, eruption, which destroyed the monitoring buoy. The comparative analysis of the noise variations in the three bands, together with seismic and temperature data, have shed light on the mechanisms underlying the pre-eruptive activity. The three acoustic levels had shown conspicuous, yet distinctive, changes prior to the eruption. Acoustic level in the low-frequency (1–50 Hz) band, which increased one year before the resumption of seismic activity and the lake warming up, is interpreted as the result of boiling at depth. The source of high-acoustic level in the audiometric (500–5000 Hz) range is clearly the bubbling of volcanic gases, occurring as a strong convective column in the middle of the lake. From the variations of this audiometric level, we have estimated that the degassing rate in the lake increased by a hundred-fold during the pre-eruptive period. Variations of ultrasonic (20–100 kHz) frequency acoustic level seem to be related with pressure and thermal changes within the hydrothermal system and its rock matrix beneath the lake. In conclusion, this experiment demonstrates the potential of hydroacoustic monitoring as an early warning system at crater lake volcanoes.  相似文献   

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