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The Mendejin pluton is located in the Mianeh area, NW Iran, 550 km from Tehran. This pluton is probably of Oligo-Miocene age and is the result of extensive magmatism which occurred during and after the Alpine Orogeny. Similar plutons are common in the Alborz–Azarbaijan structural zone of Iran, and it is likely that there are concealed plutons related to this extensive Cenozoic magmatism, but due to their youth and low rates of erosion they have not yet been exposed. The Mendejin pluton is a composite body made up of four types of plutonic rocks: pink tonalite, grey tonalite, diorite and aplite. The pink tonalite is porphyritic and contains phenocrysts of plagioclase, K-feldspar and hornblende in a groundmass consisting of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, hornblende, zircon, monazite, leucoxene, apatite and hematite. The grey porphyritic tonalite has more biotite, pyroxene and pyrite and less accessory phases compared with the pink tonalite. The diorite has a microporphyritic texture with phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende and augite. This rock also occurs as xenoliths in the Mendejin pluton. The aplitic dykes are the youngest magmatic products at Mendejin. The Mendejin tonalite contains more Cl, As, S, Cu, Ni and Zn than the global granite. These rocks are of I-type, peraluminous and calc-alkaline, with medium to high potassium, and were formed as part of a volcanic arc. The Mendejin pluton contains up to 8 ppb gold and could potentially have been the source of an economic gold deposit by leaching of Au from wall rocks and deposition in extensive hydrothermally altered marginal zones.  相似文献   

Gold Bar is one of several Carlin-type gold mining districts located in the Battle Mountain–Eureka trend, Nevada. It is composed of one main deposit, Gold Bar; five satellite deposits; and four resources that contain 1.6 Moz (50 t) of gold. All of the deposits and resources occur at the intersection of north-northwest- and northeast-trending high-angle faults in slope facies limestones of the Devonian Nevada Group exposed in windows through Ordovician basin facies siliciclastic rocks of the Roberts Mountains allochthon. Igneous intrusions and magnetic anomalies are notably absent. The Gold Bar district contains a variety of discordant and stratabound jasperoid bodies, especially along the Wall Fault zone, that were mapped and studied in some detail to identify the attributes of those most closely associated with gold ore and to constrain genetic models. Four types of jasperoids, J0, J1, J2, and J3, were distinguished on the basis of their geologic and structural settings and appearance. Field relations suggest that J0 formed during an early event. Petrographic observations, geochemistry, and δ18O values of quartz suggest it was overprinted by the hydrothermal event that produced ore-related J1, J2, and J3 jasperoids and associated gold deposits. The greater amount of siliciclastic detritus present in J0 jasperoids caused them to have higher δ18O values than J1,2,3 jasperoids hosted in underlying limestones. Ore-related jasperoids are composed of main-ore-stage replacements and late-ore-stage open-space filling quartz with variable geochemistry and an enormous range of δ18O values (24.5 and −3.7‰). Jasperoids hosted in limestones with the most anomalous Au, Ag, Hg, ±(As, Sb, Tl) concentrations and the highest δ18O values are associated with the largest deposits. The 28‰ range of jasperoid δ18O values is best explained by mixing between an 18O-enriched fluid and an 18O-depleted fluid. The positive correlation between the sizes of gold deposits and the δ18O composition of jasperoids indicates that gold was introduced by the 18O-enriched fluid. The lowest calculated δ18O value for water in equilibrium with late-ore-stage quartz at 200°C (−15‰) and the measured δD value of fluid inclusion water extracted from late-ore-stage orpiment and realgar (−116‰) indicate that the 18O-depleted fluid was composed of relatively unexchanged meteoric water. The source of the 18O-enriched ore fluid is not constrained. The δ34S values of late-ore-stage realgar, orpiment, and stibnite (5.7–15.5‰) and barite (31.5–40.9‰) suggest that H2S and sulfate were derived from sedimentary sources. Likewise, the δ13C and δ18O values of late-stage calcite (−4.8 to 1.5‰ and 11.5 to 17.4‰, respectively) suggest that CO2 was derived from marine limestones. Based on these data and the apparent absence of any Eocene intrusions in the district, Gold Bar may be the product of a nonmagmatic hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

板岩遇水软化的微观结构及力学特性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过偏光显微镜、电子扫描电镜、粉晶X射线衍射,测定板岩泡水过程中吸水率、润湿角的变化,不同浸泡时间下的矿物颗粒微观结构、孔隙度的变化,并通过三轴压缩实验,研究了板岩泡水后发生软化的过程与机理。研究表明:板岩在浸泡后吸水率受板岩内层理面的产状、密度等参数的影响而改变,随着泡水时间的增加,吸水率在最初两天内变化较大,后期变化不太明显;板岩内部矿物颗粒在浸泡过程中产生体积膨胀,胶结变得松散,颗粒膨胀的时间稍滞后于吸水率的变化过程;三轴压缩实验结果显示,板岩浸泡后发生软化,峰值抗压强度随着吸水率增加按负对数规律降低;微观结构分析及润湿角的降低趋势表明,随浸泡时间延长,矿物颗粒之间的毛细管力、表面张力降低,使得板岩内部黏结力降低,宏观上则体现为岩石发生软化;在垂直于层理面方向更易发生体积膨胀,因此岩石在浸泡后更易沿着层理面产生破坏。  相似文献   

李志刚  徐光黎  黄鹏  赵欣  伏永朋  苏昌 《岩土力学》2018,39(5):1737-1746
为研究鄂西北地区板岩的力学特性及各向异性特征,开展了志留系粉砂质板岩的单轴压缩和巴西劈裂试验,分析了试样的力学特性和各向异性特征以及在不同荷载作用下的变形破坏模式,揭示了不同破坏模式的力学机制,并通过数值分析研究了不同板理面角度板岩边坡破坏模式及力学机制。研究结果表明,粉砂质板岩中的板理面是影响岩体力学行为的弱面,使得粉砂质板岩表现出明显的各向异性的特征。在单轴压缩条件下,粉砂质板岩在垂直板理面方向比平行板理面方向更易变形,变形量更大;平行板理面方向加载时试样破坏类型为竖向劈裂型张拉破坏,其实质是压杆失稳;垂直板理面加载时试样的破坏类型为穿切板理面的劈裂型剪切破坏;所测得的力学参数各向异性也较明显。在劈裂荷载作用下,粉砂质板岩的破坏模式主要有张拉劈裂破坏和沿板理面剪切破坏两种,所得抗拉强度在平行板理面方向上最大,在垂直板理面方向上最小,两个方向上的抗拉强度均小于抗压强度。由于板理面间的抗拉强度极低,在受到与板理面呈小角度相交的劈裂荷载作用时,容易产生沿板理面的张拉劈裂或拉剪破坏,在实际工程中应尽量避免板理面间的受拉破坏和沿板理面的拉剪破坏。在边坡工程中,板理面倾向、倾角对边坡破坏模式及力学机制有较大影响,边坡防护治理需充分考虑这一影响。上述研究为粉砂质板岩区岩质边坡防护治理以及其他岩石工程设计与施工提供理论依据与技术基础。  相似文献   

安芳  朱永峰 《岩石学报》2010,26(8):2275-2286
京希-伊尔曼德金矿位于新疆北天山吐拉苏盆地的西北缘,赋存于泥盆纪-早石炭世火山-沉积地层底部的凝灰岩、凝灰质砂岩中,围岩经历了绢云母化、黄铁矿化、多期硅化和角砾化、碳酸盐化和重晶石化,金矿化与硅化围岩紧密伴生。矿体呈透镜状、层状和似层状,产状与围岩基本一致,主要由热液角砾岩型矿石组成,其热液演化期由四个阶段组成:I:硅化及绢云母化——在围岩凝灰岩和凝灰质砂岩中形成大量浸染状石英、绢云母和少量黄铁矿;II:角砾化及硅化——形成含金热液角砾岩a,角砾为早期蚀变围岩,胶结物为烟灰色玉髓状石英、黄铁矿、毒砂和少量金矿物;III:角砾化及硅化——形成含金热液角砾岩b,角砾为热液角砾岩a和蚀变围岩,胶结物为细粒石英、黄铁矿、毒砂和少量金矿物;IV:方解石-重晶石阶段——形成大量粗大的方解石-重晶石脉。京希-伊尔曼德金矿成矿流体本身富集V、Cr、Ni、Cu、Sb,且其中的Mn、Co、Zn、Bi以及大离子亲石元素LILE主要来自火山岩围岩。从成矿早期到晚期,成矿流体轻稀土元素逐渐富集、氧化性增强。水-岩体系氢、氧同位素组成模拟计算表明,京希-伊尔曼德金矿成矿流体主要为与区内火山岩再平衡的岩浆水,其中金浓度为1×10-6~2×10-6,形成该矿需要约1×108~0.5×108t岩浆热液,蚀变围岩和矿石中黄铁矿富集轻稀土元素。角砾化作用及其伴随的氧逸度升高是导致金沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

不同含水条件下板岩力学实验研究与理论分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以南水北调西线的板岩为研究对象,进行了不同泡水条件下的三轴压缩实验,通过引入相对吸水率的定义,分析了吸水率变化对岩石强度、弹性模量及泊松比等力学参数的影响,并从微观的角度分析了试样发生变化的机理,得出如下结论:(1)板岩在泡水后三轴抗压强度发生降低,最大降低辐度达46 %左右,抗压强度随相对吸水率的变化可以用函数式来有效的描述;(2)在泡水后,板岩的弹性模量与泊松比随着吸水率的增大而增大,但由于板岩自身各向异性明显,规律性不是特别明显,只能近似用关系式来模拟;(3)理论分析证实:实际泡水条件下的岩样,在受力挤压后,会经历排水与不排水两种过程,随着吸水率的提高,弹性模量与泊松比增大,验证了实验结果;(4)利用微观力学模型初步证实:泡水后板岩颗粒的吸水性与颗粒间毛细管力的减小是造成板岩泡水后发生软化的原因。  相似文献   

A half-century of investigations are summarized here on the youngest Hawaiian volcano, L?ihi Seamount. It was discovered in 1952 following an earthquake swarm. Surveying in 1954 determined it has an elongate shape, which is the meaning of its Hawaiian name. L?ihi was mostly forgotten until two earthquake swarms in the 1970s led to a dredging expedition in 1978, which recovered young lavas. The recovery of young lavas motivated numerous expeditions to investigate the geology, geophysics, and geochemistry of this active volcano. Geophysical monitoring, including a real-time submarine observatory that continuously monitored L?ihi's seismic activity for 3 months, captured some of the volcano's earthquake swarms. The 1996 swarm, the largest recorded in Hawaìi, was preceded earlier in the year by at least one eruption and accompanied by the formation of a ∼300-m deep pit crater, Pele's Pit. Seismic and petrologic data indicate that magma was stored in a ∼8-9 km deep reservoir prior to the 1996 eruption.Studies on L?ihi have altered conceptual models for the growth of Hawaiian and other oceanic island volcanoes, and refined our understanding of mantle plumes. Petrologic and geochemical studies of L?ihi lavas showed that the volcano taps a relatively primitive part of the Hawaiian plume, producing a wide range of magma compositions. These compositions have become progressively more silica-saturated with time, reflecting higher degrees of partial melting as the volcano drifts toward the center of the hotspot. Helium and neon isotopes in L?ihi glasses are among the least radiogenic found at ocean islands, and may indicate a relatively deep and undegassed mantle source for the volcano. The north-south orientation of L?ihi rift zones indicates that they may have formed beyond the gravitational influence of the adjacent older volcanoes. A new growth model indicates that L?ihi is older, taller and more voluminous than previously thought. Seismic and bathymetric data have clarified the importance of landsliding in the early formation of ocean island volcanoes. However, a fuller understanding of L?ihi's internal structure and eruptive behavior awaits installation of monitoring equipment on the volcano.The presence of hydrothermal activity at L?ihi was initially proposed based on nontronite deposits on dredged samples that indicated elevated temperatures (31 °C), water temperature, methane and 3He anomalies, and clumps of benthic micro-organisms in the water column above the volcano in 1982. Submersible observations in 1987 confirmed a low temperature geothermal system (15-30 °C) prior to the 1996 formation of Pele's Pit. The sulfide mineral assemblage (wurtzite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite) deposited after the pit crater collapsed are consistent with hydrothermal fluids with temperatures >250 °C, although the highest measured temperature was ∼200 °C. Vent temperatures decreased to ∼60 °C during the 2004 dive season indicating a waning of the current phase of hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

金矿尾矿是砷污染的重要来源,不同冶炼工艺形成的尾矿中砷的赋存状态有很大差异,不同的砷形态会直接影响其在环境中的迁移转化行为,确认砷的存在形态是修复砷污染场地研究中的重要内容。本文针对浮选法和生物氧化法两种不同浸金方法的尾矿,采用pH计和氧化还原电位自动测定仪测量尾矿的物理性质(pH、氧化还原电位),采用X射线衍射和X射线荧光光谱分析尾矿的矿物物相和主要成分,电子探针分析砷的存在形态。表征结果表明,浮选法尾矿和生物氧化法尾矿的物理性质都会因堆置环境的变化而变化,其Eh、pH和零电荷点都大致相同,pH≈8.5,样品零电荷点(pHPZC)大约为8.5。由于两种尾矿都属于碱性环境,因此在修复方法的选择上也受到限制,如只适合在酸性条件下进行的电动修复法就不适用于这两种尾矿,修复试剂的选择也以碱性物质和铁的氧化物(氢氧化物)为主。浮选法尾矿的主要矿物类型为石英、白云石和黏土矿物,化学主要成分是Si和Al,尾矿呈灰白色,其中砷的含量约为754 μg/g左右,主要以毒砂(FeAsS)形式存在;而生物氧化法尾矿的主要矿物类型为石膏,化学主要成分是Fe、Ca和S,尾矿呈红棕色,其中砷的含量约为26350 μg/g,主要以毒砂(FeAsS)和五氧化二砷(As2O5)形式存在。两种浸金工艺每一道工序的不同,都会造成两种尾矿在矿物相、主要成分和其中砷存在形态上的差异。因此在进行尾矿原位修复工作时,应考虑不同浸金方法对尾矿堆置环境和砷存在形态的影响,从而选择出一种更加合适、廉价、高效的修复方法和试剂。


A better understanding of genesis and palaeoenvironmental setting of the Scisti silicei Formation (Lagonegro units, southern Italy) was achieved by means of geochemical analysis integrated with new stratigraphic information. Data show that major and trace element geochemistry of ancient clay-rich beds and banded cherts add new insights into the Mesozoic evolution of the Lagonegro basin. Sedimentary contributions to Jurassic shales sampled during this study were mainly derived from two major sources: (i) a dominant terrigenous fine-grained component, having affinity with average upper continental crust that had not undergone intense weathering and (ii) biogenic siliceous material. The latter component occurs in clay-rich layers from the “basal member” of the Scisti silicei Formation.

Composition varies up section and accounts for changes in the detrital supply due to bathymetric oscillations. The compositional variations from the basal to the overlying member are consistent with a distal source passing in time to a more “proximal” source, as indicated by sharp changes in the concentrations of detrital elements (Ti, Zr and Nb). It is likely that increased detrital input occurred through turbidity current deposition. Finally, the chemical features of the clay-rich layers from the upper cherty portion of the studied succession imply a progressive deepening of the basin.

The lack of any mafic and hydrothermal contributions in the Jurassic shales as well as the continental nature of detrital input suggests that the Lagonegro basin was located between two carbonate platforms, in accordance with the classical restoration of the African–Apulian palaeomargin. Thus, the basin acted as a preferential sink connected to the African cratonic areas through a southern entry point.  相似文献   

新疆西昆仑奥尔托喀讷什锰矿地质、地球化学及成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来,西昆仑玛尔坎苏地区富锰矿找矿取得重大突破,新发现奥尔托喀纳什等大型锰矿床。该矿床层位稳定,厚度较大,Mn平均品位达35%以上,为中国最富的碳酸锰矿床,属于典型的海相沉积型锰矿床。锰矿体主要赋存于晚石炭世喀拉阿特河组地层中,该组岩性为一套浅海碳酸盐岩台地相沉积建造组合,可划分为台内浅滩、潮坪、开阔台地、局限台地等4个相类型。成矿分为三个期次,第一期为沉积成岩成矿期,矿石矿物由菱锰矿、锰方解石、硼锰矿组成;第二期为热液改造期,形成锰镁绿泥石、红锰矿、硫锰矿、锰方解石(脉)、重结晶菱锰矿、蔷薇辉石及滑石、石膏等;第三期为表生氧化期,发育少量软锰矿、水锰矿、硬锰矿等。锰矿石具有较低的Fe/Mn比值、V/(V+Ni)比值和强烈的Ce正异常,表明Mn是在氧化环境下,以氧化物或氢氧化物的形式沉积富集。含锰岩系顶、底板岩石中含较多成熟度较差的中酸性火山岩岩屑,以及具有较低Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)、Y/Ho、Co/Ni比值的锰矿石,说明其成矿物质来源于海底热水活动。奥尔托喀纳什锰矿具有"内源外生"的特点,锰矿石及菱锰矿具有负的δ~(13)C值(-23.3‰~-13.2‰),表明锰矿经历了先成锰氧化物或氢氧化物、再被还原转化成菱锰矿的过程。此外,有机质所导致的更为强烈的还原作用是本矿床富锰矿形成的重要机制。后期构造叠加致使矿体发生变形,矿体形态受褶皱控制。矿石受到强烈改造,形成锰镁绿泥石、红锰矿、蔷薇辉石等,晚期经历氧化淋滤作用形成软锰矿、水锰矿等。  相似文献   

金矿尾矿是砷污染的重要来源,不同冶炼工艺形成的尾矿中砷的赋存状态有很大差异,不同的砷形态会直接影响其在环境中的迁移转化行为,确认砷的存在形态是修复砷污染场地研究中的重要内容。本文针对浮选法和生物氧化法两种不同浸金方法的尾矿,采用pH计和氧化还原电位自动测定仪测量尾矿的物理性质(pH、氧化还原电位),采用X射线衍射和X射线荧光光谱分析尾矿的矿物物相和主要成分,电子探针分析砷的存在形态。表征结果表明,浮选法尾矿和生物氧化法尾矿的物理性质都会因堆置环境的变化而变化,其Eh、pH和零电荷点都大致相同,pH≈8.5,样品零电荷点(pHPZC)大约为8.5。由于两种尾矿都属于碱性环境,因此在修复方法的选择上也受到限制,如只适合在酸性条件下进行的电动修复法就不适用于这两种尾矿,修复试剂的选择也以碱性物质和铁的氧化物(氢氧化物)为主。浮选法尾矿的主要矿物类型为石英、白云石和黏土矿物,化学主要成分是Si和Al,尾矿呈灰白色,其中砷的含量约为754μg/g左右,主要以毒砂(FeAsS)形式存在;而生物氧化法尾矿的主要矿物类型为石膏,化学主要成分是Fe、Ca和S,尾矿呈红棕色,其中砷的含量约为26350μg/g,主要以毒砂(FeAsS)和五氧化二砷(As2O5)形式存在。两种浸金工艺每一道工序的不同,都会造成两种尾矿在矿物相、主要成分和其中砷存在形态上的差异。因此在进行尾矿原位修复工作时,应考虑不同浸金方法对尾矿堆置环境和砷存在形态的影响,从而选择出一种更加合适、廉价、高效的修复方法和试剂。  相似文献   

武素茹  宋义  谷松海  郭芬  孙鑫 《岩矿测试》2015,34(6):659-664
鉴别锰矿与锰冶炼渣对于锰矿进口贸易和环境保护具有重要意义,由于锰冶炼渣与一些锰矿具有相似的元素组成,都含有锰和硅铝镁钙等杂质元素,仅从元素含量的高低无法准确将其鉴别。本文按国别收集我国主要进口锰矿及不同工艺的主要锰冶炼渣作为研究样品,应用X射线荧光光谱、X射线衍射及傅里叶变换红外光谱技术相结合,建立了锰矿与锰冶炼渣的鉴别方法。在元素组成上,锰冶炼渣的硅含量较高,水淬渣和空气冷却渣的钙含量较高。在物相上,锰矿的特征物相包括软锰矿、氧化锰、方锰矿、菱锰矿等;而锰冶炼渣因为经过冶炼的过程存在硅酸铁、锰橄榄石等特征峰,从而对样品属性进行鉴别。红外光谱显示,锰矿在600~400 cm~(-1)范围内有两个强吸收带,并单独或者同时在1420 cm~(-1)处有特征吸收峰;而锰冶炼渣在960 cm~(-1)左右有宽强吸收峰。本法建立了锰矿的物相谱图库及锰冶炼渣的物相特征,并充分利用红外光谱技术作了有力佐证,确定了锰矿及其冶炼渣的主要区别点。  相似文献   

宁夏贺兰石是中国砚用名石之一,开发应用越来越广泛,对其进行系统的基础研究具有重要的现实意义。但目前仅有初步的人工实验,缺乏系统的矿物学研究。本文采用常规宝玉石学测试结合薄片鉴定、X射线荧光光谱、X射线粉晶衍射等矿物谱学分析测试方法,解析贺兰石的宝石学特征、化学成分、岩石结构及矿物组成特征。结果表明:贺兰石主要组成矿物为水云母~绢云母,次为褐铁矿(氧化铁质)、石英(砂质碎屑)、绿泥石和微量的赤铁矿、金红石、电气石等;主要化学成分为SiO_2、Al_2O_3、TFe_2O_3、K_2O、MgO、TiO_2、CaO、P_2O_5;折射率1.56~1.57,密度2.81~2.86g/cm~3,摩氏硬度3~4。初步探讨了贺兰石致色成因,基于Fe元素形态及含量与贺兰石颜色具相关关系,认为Fe元素是宁夏贺兰石致色的主要因素。本研究基本确定了贺兰石的大部分特征参数,为后续建立准确的命名及鉴定方法提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

The Caxias gold deposit, located in the São Luís Craton, is hosted by a steeply dipping strike-slip shear zone crosscutting schists and a fine-grained, hydrothermally altered tonalite (Caxias Microtonalite). Petrography and whole-rock geochemistry have characterized both pelitic and mafic protoliths for the hosting schists. The Caxias Microtonalite shows major and trace element behavior compatible with modern calc-alkaline, metaluminous, subduction-related granitoids. Geochronological studies on the Caxias Microtonalite have defined a minimum crystallization age of 1985±4 Ma, obtained by single-zircon Pb evaporation, and Sm–Nd crustal residence age (TDM) of 2.17 Ga, with Nd(T) +0.74, suggesting a juvenile protolith. The exact origin and role of the Caxias Microtonalite remain uncertain. It may be interpreted as representing either a late manifestation of the regionally dominant Tromaí magmatism, or a juvenile episode unrelated to this major magmatism. Rock, quartz veins, and saprolite geochemistry have shown that As, Sb, Ba, Rb, V, Cr, Co, and Ni, as well as Au, are useful elements that can be used in exploration for similar deposits in the region.  相似文献   

玄武岩的鉴定通常采用显微镜镜下判定,鉴定结果容易受到鉴定人员的专业水平和主观因素、切片方位的影响,光性特征有差异,再者颗粒细小的矿物还受到光学显微镜本身放大倍数的限制也很难准确鉴定。当前的鉴定方法已由传统的显微镜向现代分析仪器(X射线衍射仪、电子探针、X射线荧光光谱仪等)综合研究方向发展。本文采用X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)和显微镜镜下观测相结合的方法,对安徽女山玄武岩(未经蚀变)和团山玄武岩(经过蚀变)进行鉴定,并采用X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)和电子探针对鉴定结果进行验证。结果表明:女山玄武岩用显微镜鉴定主要由基质(74%,斜长石44%+辉石30%)和斑晶(13%)组成,还含有少量金属矿物(8%)及较大颗粒石英捕掳晶(5%);其中,基质部分的斜长石经XRD分析可进一步确定为拉长石,辉石主要为普通辉石(单斜辉石),少量金属矿物为钛铁矿。团山玄武岩用显微镜鉴定主要由基质(75%,斜长石50%+辉石25%)和斑晶(9%)组成,还含有少量绿泥石充填的杏仁体;其中,基质部分的斜长石经XRD分析可进一步确定为微斜长石,蚀变矿物为蒙脱石而非薄片鉴定中的绿泥石。综合XRD和相关技术鉴定结果可确定,女山玄武岩主要矿物为拉长石、辉石、钛铁矿;团山玄武岩主要矿物为微斜长石、辉石、蒙脱石。研究显示,单独的显微鉴定技术在含蚀变矿物的玄武岩鉴定中会产生较大偏差,而结合XRD等多种分析测定技术可以快速鉴定出矿物种类,尤其对颗粒较小的矿物鉴定的准确度更高。  相似文献   

The early Carboniferous Shuanggou ophiolite lies in the middle segment of the Ailao Shan orogenic belt between the South China Block to the north and the Indochina Block to the south. The ophiolite consists of meta-peridotite, gabbro, diabase and basalt, capped by radiolarian-bearing siliceous rocks. No layered gabbros or sheeted dikes have been observed. The meta-peridotite underwent low degrees of partial melting, consistent with the low magma budget of this oceanic lithosphere. Whole-rock rare earth element analyses of gabbro indicate a geochemical affinity with normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, consistent with the crystallization order of plagioclase followed by clinopyroxene recognized in the gabbros. The ophiolite is believed to have formed in a small, slow-spreading oceanic basin. Collision of the Indochina Block with the South China Block in the late Paleozoic was responsible for the closure of the oceanic basin and emplacement of the ophiolite in the Ailao Shan orogenic belt.  相似文献   

大青山位于华北克拉通西部孔兹岩带中段,古元古代晚期孔兹岩系(上乌拉山岩群)十分发育。近年来,在上乌拉山岩群中分辨出一套古元古代早期变质碎屑沉积岩(大青山表壳岩,榴云片麻岩),它们遭受强烈变质变形和深熔作用改造,形成古元古代早期石榴石花岗岩。包头哈德门沟是古元古代早期榴云片麻岩典型出露区,并有古元古代早期石榴石花岗岩(哈德门沟石榴石花岗岩)形成。由榴云片麻岩经深熔榴云片麻岩再到石榴石花岗岩,浅色体增多,石榴石增多且颗粒增大,黑云母减少,石榴石包裹黑云母、石英、斜长石等矿物。石榴石岩的锆石呈浑圆状,普遍具核-幔-边或核-边结构,碎屑锆石年龄为~2.5Ga,变质锆石年龄为~2.45Ga和~1.90Ga。锆石形态、内部结构和年龄与榴云片麻岩、深熔榴云片麻岩和石榴石花岗岩中的锆石类似,但记录了古元古代晚期变质事件年龄。石榴石花岗岩与榴云片麻岩和深熔榴云片麻岩的地球化学组成特征总体上类似,高Al2O3含量和FeO T/MgO比值,CaO含量和K2O/Na2O比值存在较大变化,富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、P和Ti。研究表明:1)浅色体和石榴石花岗岩中的石榴石是黑云母转熔的产物,并非岩浆结晶形成的;2)石榴石岩是在石榴石花岗岩岩浆形成之后进一步演化过程中石榴石不断地发生运移、分异和聚集的结果;3)尽管哈德门沟石榴石花岗岩具有一定或较大的规模,但具有深熔岩浆的性质;4)石榴石花岗岩地球化学组成变化与熔融母岩组成变化和深熔及岩浆演化过程中残余矿物相石榴石、锆石局部变化有关。  相似文献   

新疆阿希金矿矿床地质和地球化学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
安芳  朱永峰 《矿床地质》2009,28(2):143-156
阿希金矿是新疆西天山产出的一个大型浅成低温热液型金矿,赋矿围岩为晚泥盆世火山岩,矿体以石英脉型为主,其热液成矿期由以下4个阶段组成:玉髓状石英阶段(Ⅰ),黄铁矿-石英脉阶段(Ⅱ),白铁矿-碳酸盐-石英脉阶段(Ⅲ),重品石-碳酸盐脉阶段(Ⅳ),其中阶段Ⅱ和阶段Ⅲ是主要的金成矿阶段,银金矿为主要的含金矿物,从阶段Ⅱ[195~285℃,logf(S2)=6.7~-13]到阶段Ⅲ[95~190℃,logf(S2)=-15.8~-25.6],成矿流体的温度和硫逸度明显降低.成矿流体与围岩作用导致流体中大离子亲石元素含量升高.阶段Ⅰ(δEu=1.17~1.52)和阶段Ⅱ(δEu=0.44~0.93)脉体的Eu异常和Eu含量区别显著,表明阶段Ⅱ成矿作用发生在相对还原的环境.阶段Ⅰ脉体具有轻稀土元素强烈富集而重稀土元素相对亏损的稀土元素配分模式(La/Yb=4.5~36.2),而阶段Ⅱ和阶段Ⅳ脉体轻重稀土元素分馏较弱(La/Yb=1.2~2.0),阶段Ⅳ重晶石-碳酸盐脉(∑REE=67.5×10<'6>)以较高的稀土元素含量而区别于阶段Ⅱ(∑REE=1.0×10<'-6>~4.2×10<'-6>),说明重品石和碳酸盐矿物对REE的分异有重要影响.不同阶段脉体与围岩火山岩的地球化学特征表明,阶段Ⅰ成矿流体以与火山岩围岩有关的火山热液为主,进入阶段Ⅱ,大气水开始加入,引起成矿流体温度和硫逸度强烈降低,并导致金在阶段Ⅱ和阶段Ⅲ沉淀成矿.  相似文献   

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