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We describe amphibolite-facies shear zones affecting an orthogneiss from the Armorican Hercynian belt (Ile d’Yeu, western France). The deformation pattern is consistent with top-to-the-South thrusting followed by E–W extension, as documented elsewhere in the region. Shearing was accompanied by channelled fluid flow that transformed the orthogneiss into a peraluminous micaschist. Structural and mineralogical data indicate rather early strain localization. Then, temperature increase associated with crustal thickening favoured more distributed deformations marked by shear zone stretching and the development of a HT regional foliation. Chemical analyses made across five shear zones show mass transfers that mainly implied losses in Ca and Na, and gains in H2O, Mg, and K. Most results indicate constant volume transformation, but some suggest records of either gains or losses of volume (between +20% and −30%). This might reflect variable records of fluid-rock interactions according to the timing of initiation and subsequent evolution of individual shear zones, early thrusting stages being marked by up-temperature flow, and late thrusting stages by down-temperature flow. δ18O analyses suggest that fluids experienced significant isotopic exchange with orthogneisses.  相似文献   

Deformation adjacent to faults and shear zones is traditionally thought to correlate with slip. Inherited structures may control damage geometry, localizing fluid flow and deformation in a damage aureole around structures, even after displacement has ceased. In this paper we document a post-shearing anastomosing foliation and fracture network that developed to one side of the Mesoarchean Marmion Shear Zone. This fracture network hosts the low-grade, disseminated Hammond Reef gold deposit. The shear zone juxtaposed a greenstone belt against tonalite gneiss and was locked by an intrusion that was emplaced during the final stages of suturing. After cessation of activity, fluids channeled along fault- and intrusion-related fractures led to the pervasive sericitization of feldspars. Foliated zones resulted from flattening in the weaker sericite-rich tonalite during progressive alteration without any change in the regional NW-SE shortening direction. The anastomosing pattern may have been inherited from an earlier ductile fabric, but sericite alteration and flattening fabrics all formed post-shearing. Thus, the apparent foliated fracture network adjacent to the Marmion Shear Zone is a second-order effect of shear-related damage, distinct in time from shear activity, adjacent to an effectively dormant shear zone. This phenomenon has implications for understanding the relative timing of fault zone activity, alteration and (in this case) gold mineralization related to long-term fault zone permeability.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了剪切波速测试方法 ,重点论述单孔速度检层法的基本原理、测试技术以及剪切波速度在地震安全性评价中应用  相似文献   

The Helgedal Zone is the Caledonian, heterogeneously deformed base of the Jotun Complex, within the Jotun-Valdres Nappe Complex (Sognefjell, South Norway). It consists of an anastomosing system of shear zones isolating lozengeshaped lenses of less deformed rocks. Structural and geometrical features are described to define the type of deformation and to evaluate the tectonic significance of this zone. Granulitic gabbros and pegmatitic dykes are deformed together in the highly strained mylonitic zones. Microtextural investigations indicate that the quantitative relation between mafic and felsic minerals and the content of quartz determine the different behaviour of the two rock types during deformation.  相似文献   

High-pressure granulite facies rocks of the Bacariza Formation (Cabo Ortegal, NW Spain) were syn-metamorphically deformed at the contacts with the bounding units (peridotite and eclogite massifs). This enabled the formation of meter-thick, spectacular shear zones with reworked and transposed foliations and lineations. The texturally stable mineral assemblage of the new fabrics records an intense, ductile deformation of the mineral aggregate at temperatures of 700–800 °C associated with amalgamation of eclogite, high-pressure granulitic rocks and ultramafic sheets in deep portions of a subduction channel. The lattice preferred orientation of the main constituent minerals (garnet, augite, amphibole, plagioclase, quartz and biotite) discloses the active deformation mechanisms at the scale of the mineral grains and the relationships with the deformation at larger scales. Overprinting relationships of the metamorphic assemblages demonstrates that partitioning and deformation localization occurred at different scales under similar high-grade conditions. Complete macroscopic transposition in the shear zones was complementary to meso and microscopic partitioning of deformation intensity and mechanisms between different lithological layers and mineral species.  相似文献   

Particles in shear enclose important information about a rock's past and can potentially be used to decipher the kinematic history and mechanical behavior of a certain outcrop or region. Isolated rigid clasts in shear zones often exhibit systematic inclinations with respect to the shear-plane at small angles, tending towards the instantaneous stretching direction of the shear zone. This shape preferred orientation cannot be easily explained by any of the analytical theories used in geology. It was recently recognized that a weak mantle surrounding the clast or a slipping clast–matrix interface might be responsible for the development of the observed inclinations. Physical considerations lead us to conjecture that such mantled, rigid clasts can be effectively treated as voids that are not allowed to change their shape. The resulting equivalent void conjecture agrees well with numerical and field data and has the following important geological implications. (i) Clasts in shear zones can have stable positions in simple shear without the requirement of an additional pure shear component. (ii) The stable orientation can be approached either syn- or antithetically; hence, the clast can rotate against the applied shear sense. (iii) The strain needed to develop a strong shape preferred orientation is small (γ≈1) and therefore evaluations based on other theories may overestimate strain by orders of magnitude. (iv) The reconstruction of far-field shear flow conditions and kinematic vorticity analysis must be modified to incorporate these new findings.  相似文献   

Shear zones are common structures in orogenic belts and elucidation of the tectonic evolution of these orogenic belts to a large degree depends on understanding the kinematics and timing of shear deformation. However, there is a lack of an accurate, fast and convenient way to determine the timing of deformation. In this paper, we apply the ESR (electron spin-resonance spectroscopy) dating method to three syntectonic quartz veins from the Funiushan tectonic belt in the Qinling orogenic belt in central China. The results agree well with the available ages of deformation in the area obtained through other dating methods. This demonstrates the accuracy and feasibility of using the ESR method to date quartz crystals formed during deformation. The method is fast and convenient, and satisfies the accuracy requirement. It is an effective means for determining the timing of deformation, especially in areas with intensive fluid activity during deformation.  相似文献   

Two distinct generations of fluid flow associated with shear zone activity have been identified in Willyama Supergroup rocks of the southern Curnamona Province in northeastern South Australia. Fluids in the first event are inferred to have been sourced from the devolatilisation of Willyama Supergroup metasedimentary rocks during prograde metamorphism associated with the (1.61–1.58 Ga) Mesoproterozoic Olarian Orogeny. The second episode of fluid flow occurred during the (c. 500 Ma) Cambrian Delamerian Orogeny and resulted in localised rehydration of the Willyama Supergroup. Fluids were isotopically light and most likely sourced from prograde Delamerian metamorphism and dehydration of fault rocks and entrained meteoric waters that originally were involved in (c. 700 Ma) Neoproterozoic Adelaidean rifting. A key outcome of this study is the identification of this previously unrecognised fluid flow system that was active during the Delamerian Orogeny.  相似文献   

To model the cracking behaviour of brittle materials, different existing methods for treating the fracture zone can be used. The inner softening band (ISB) approach belongs to those methods which introduce a displacement discontinuity in which a constitutive relationship between opening displacements and tractions is assumed. This group of methods avoids difficulties in the localization zone caused by ambiguous definitions of strain measures and fracture zone widths. Whichever method is used, it is important that the proper amount of energy is dissipated. This is achieved automatically in ISB without the introduction of any extra material parameters other than the elastic constants and those describing the softening curve. Variations in mesh sizes and arrangements have shown no great influence on the total response, and the crack pattern is a part of the solution in contrast to most other methods in which it must be presumed. The concept is simple and inner softening bands have been successfully implemented within triangular three-node elements and preliminary within six-node triangular elements. The results obtained so far from various kinds of tests have shown very good performance and further development is planned.  相似文献   

The age of pseudotachylite formation in the crustal-scale Cauvery Shear Zone system of the Precambrian Southern Granulite Terrain (South India) has been analyzed by laser-probe 40Ar–39Ar dating. Laser spot analyses from a pseudotachylite from the Salem–Attur shear zone have yielded ages ranging from 1214 to 904 Ma. Some evidence for the presence of excess Ar is indicated by the scatter of ages from this locality. The host gneiss preserves Palaeoproterozoic Rb–Sr whole rock–biotite ages (2350 ± 11 to 2241 ± 11 Ma). A mylonite in the Koorg shear, ca. 200 km to the north, yielded an age of 895 ± 17 Ma the consistency of the age distribution from spot analyses precludes the presence of significant excess Ar. Despite published evidence for the growth of high-grade minerals within some components of the Cauvery Shear Zone during the Pan-African event (700–550 Ma), the pseudotachylites in this study provide no evidence for Pan-African formation. Instead they document the first evidence for Mesoproterozoic tectonism in the Cauvery Shear Zone system, thus prompting a review of the correlation between the Cauvery Shear Zone system and the large-scale shear zones located elsewhere in eastern Gondwana.  相似文献   

Deep seismic reflection data across the Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province, northeastern Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, have provided information on its crustal architecture and on several of its highly mineralised belts. The seismic reflection data allow interpretation of several prominent crustal scale features, including an eastward thickening of the crust, subdivision of the crust into three broad layers, the presence of a prominent east dip to the majority of the reflections and the interpretation of three east-dipping crustal-penetrating shear zones. These east-dipping shear zones are major structures that subdivide the region into four terranes. Major orogenic gold deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province are spatially associated with these major structures. The Laverton Tectonic Zone, for example, is a highly mineralised corridor that contains several world-class gold deposits plus many smaller deposits. Other non crustal-penetrating structures within the area do not appear to be as well endowed metallogenically as the Laverton structure. The seismic reflection data have also imaged a series of low-angle shear zones within and beneath the granite–greenstone terranes. Where the low-angle shear zones intersect the major crustal-penetrating structures, a wedge shaped geometry is formed. This geometry forms a suitable fluid focusing wedge in which upward to subhorizontal moving fluids are focused and then distributed into the nearby complexly deformed greenstones.  相似文献   

论述了氢化物形成的普遍性、氢化物的物理化学性质、元素周期系各类元素的氢化物类型。认为一些金属离子、非金属离子在酸性介质中与硼氢化钾(钠)作用及金属锌等强还原剂作用生成氢化物。综述了氢化物的形成在分析测试领域的应用:试样分解、分离富集、容量分析、光度分析、原子光谱分析、质谱分析。  相似文献   

常规DST地层测试工具不适用于煤层气井。为了解决煤层气井DST测试中的难题,避免井下开关井困难和动作管柱误操作,通过对DST测试理论及煤储层特征的分析,研制出外膨胀式封隔器和井下电磁开关阀组成的煤层气井DST测试专用设备,并对目标煤层进行了DST测试。研究结果表明:煤层气井DST测试专用设备结构简单,操作方便;其测试结果可靠,工期短,成本低;适用于煤层裸眼测试和套管测试。  相似文献   

Zoltá  n N 《岩石学报》2004,20(4):837-854
本文总结并报导了斯洛伐克西喀尔巴阡山脉内侧的石炭纪岩石中产出的菱镁矿和滑石成因的最新资料.这些矿床赋存于Veporicum构造超单元中和该超单元与Gemericum的接触带中.北部Sinec成矿带是主要的菱镁矿和滑石矿化区,产出的主要矿床有Kokava,Sinec,Samo,Hnsta-Mutnik等矿床.而南部的Ochtina成矿带只产有菱镁矿床,主要矿床包括在Dubrava地体上的Dubrava,Mikov?JedL'vec;Luben韐,Ochtina,Kosice-Bankov,Banisko,Medvedia等矿床.菱镁矿形成于变质M1期石炭系中方解石被白云石和菱镁矿连续交代过程(北矿带成矿温度为280~400℃,南矿带成矿温度为370~420℃;Radvanec&Prochska,2001;Kodera&Radvanec,2002).Permoscythian蒸发卤水提供了Mg.成矿事件和华力西期碰撞后运动有关.拉伸构造和高热流值促使成矿热液系统的产生.滑石矿化则形成于稍晚的不同期变质事件(M2),成矿流体来源也与菱镁矿化不同.构造的、微构造的、变质的以及地质年代学的数据将滑石成矿作用和阿尔卑斯上白垩系的构造地热事件AD2联系在一起.AD2事件是阿尔卑斯碰撞(AD1)地壳加厚和变质核杂岩体起源的结果,体现在地壳不整合面上的区域拉伸,及开放系统中大规模热液流动.这一过程在更靠近Veporic热穹的北带区域(Sinec剪切带)很显著,而向着Veporic热穹的周围部分(南Ochtina带),M2变质过程和块滑石化则逐渐减弱.Sinec剪切带是北Sinec带中突出的AD2-AD3结构,白云石/菱镁矿透镜体(在M1期交代造成的)和相伴随的岩石夹杂在AD1中更坚硬的基底岩石之中.本研究证明了AD2中块滑石化的普遍性,滑石和白云石2形成于拉伸显微构造中(变质过程M2;温度为490~540℃,压力为240~330MPa).在Sinec带中AD3阶段的对偶剪切作用形成了该带中的滑石矿.它是AD2事件从去顶到区域扭压剪切的动力学转变过程的逐步延续.北Sinec带使AD3变形处于由坚硬岩石包围的软岩石的狭窄的剪切带中,而在南Ochtina带中AD3变形产生在由里面漂浮着坚硬碳酸盐块的软的岩石柱中.在Ochtina带中,在AD2和AD3阶段由于M2期较低的P-T条件和变形梯度导致了该区有经济价值的滑石矿化不发育.总之,现有的研究结果能用作阿尔卑斯型地体中菱镁矿和滑石找矿的基本标志.  相似文献   

The easternmost domain of the Borborema Province, northeastern Brazil, presents widespread, extensional-related high-temperature metamorphism during the Brasiliano (=Pan-African) orogeny. This event reached the upper amphibolite to granulite facies and provoked generalized migmatization of Proterozoic metapelitic rocks of the Seridó Group and tonalitic to granodioritic orthogneisses of the Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement. We report new geochronological data based on electron microprobe dating of monazite from metapelitic migmatite and leuconorite within the high-T shear zones that make up the eastern continuation of the huge E–W Patos shear belt. These data were also constrained by using the Sm–Nd isotopic systematic on garnet from a syntectonic alkaline granite and two garnet-bearing leucosomes. The results suggest an age of about 578 to 574 Ma for the peak of the widespread high-T metamorphism. This event is best recorded by Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock ages. The U–Th–Pb isotopes on monazite of the metapelitic migmatite show a younger thermal event at 553 ± 10 Ma. When compared to the Sm–Nd garnet-whole rock ages, the U–Th–Pb electron probe monazite ages seem to record an event of slightly lower temperatures after the peak of the high-T metamorphism. This may reflect the difference in the isotopic behavior of the geochronological methods employed. Otherwise, the U–Th–Pb ages on monazites could indicate an event not yet very well defined. In anyway, this paper reveals the partial or even complete re-opening and resetting of the U–Th–Pb isotopic system produced by the action of low-T Ca-rich fluid.  相似文献   

The Norumbega fault system in the Northern Appalachians in eastern Maine experienced complex post-Acadian ductile and brittle deformation from middle through late Paleozoic times. Well-preserved epizonal ductile shear zones in Fredericton belt metasedimentary rocks and granitic batholiths that intrude them provide valuable information on the nature, geometry, and evolution of orogen-parallel strike-slip Norumbega faulting. Metasedimentary rocks were ductilely sheared into phyllonite schistose mylonite, whereas granite into mylonite within the ductile shear zones. Ductile shearing took place at conditions of the lower greenschist facies with peak temperatures on the order of 300–350° based on comparison of plastic quartz and brittle feldspar microstructures, confirming a shallow crustal environment during faulting.Ductile shear strain was partitioned into two major shear zones in easternmost Maine—the Waite and Kellyland zones—but these zones converge toward the southwest. Megascopic, mesoscopic, and microscopic kinematic indicators confirm that fault motion in both zones was dominantly dextral strike-slip. Detailed mapping, especially in the plutonic rocks, reveals a complex ductile deformation history in the area where the Waite and Kellyland zones converge. Shear strain is broadly distributed in the rocks between Kellyland and Waite zones, and increases toward their junction. Multiple dextral high-strain zones oblique to both zones resemble megascopic synthetic c′ shear bands. Together with the Kellyland and Waite master shear zones, these define a megascopic S–C′ structure system produced in a regional-scale dextral strike-slip shear duplex that developed in the transition zone between the deeper (south-central Maine) and shallower (eastern Maine) segments of the Norumbega fault system.Granite plutons caught within the strike-slip shear duplex were intensely sheared and progressively smeared into long and narrow slivers identified by this study. The western lobe of the Deblois pluton and the Lucerne pluton have been recognized as the sources, respectively of the Third Lake Ridge and Morrison Ridge granite slivers. Restoration of both granite slivers to their presumed original positions yields approximately 25 km of dextral strike-slip displacement along only the Kellyland and synthetic ductile shear zones.  相似文献   

Seismics method were used to evaluate shallow geological conditions at 33 sites in the vicinity of Paducah, Kentucky. A combined set of P- and S-wave seismic refraction and reflection soundings were used, in addition to local borehole information, to produce structure maps of (1) a shallow (< 30 m deep) horizon believed to represent an unconformity surface at the top of the Eocene, and (2) the Paleozoic bedrock surface (< 85 to > 160 m deep). Shear-wave velocity contrasts across the shallow unconformity were generally 2-to-1 while the contrast at the top of the Paleozoic bedrock exceeds 5-to-1. These seismic boundaries have been determined to be very important in modelling and interpreting earthquake ground motion amplification in the Paducah area. The quality and accuracy of the data, and the cost effective nature of the methods, suggest that other communities in areas at risk to damage from seismic activity, with foundation conditions comparable to Paducah, might benefit from similar characterization in order (1) to identify seismically hazardous, near-surface, geological conditions, and (2) to develop geological models that could be used in computer simulations of site response.  相似文献   

The Bardoc Tectonic Zone (BTZ) of the late Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, is physically linked along strike to the Boulder-Lefroy Shear Zone (BLSZ), one of the richest orogenic gold shear systems in the world. However, gold production in the BTZ has only been one order of magnitude smaller than that of the BLSZ (∼100 t Au vs >1,500 t Au). The reasons for this difference can be found in the relative timing, distribution and style(s) of deformation that controlled gold deposition in the two shear systems. Deformation within the BTZ was relatively simple and is associated with tight to iso-clinal folding and reverse to transpressive shear zones over a <12-km-wide area of high straining, where lithological contacts have been rotated towards the plane of maximum shortening. These structures control gold mineralisation and also correspond to the second major shortening phase of the province (D2). In contrast, shearing within the BLSZ is concentrated to narrow shear zones (<2 km wide) cutting through rocks at a range of orientations that underwent more complex dip- and strike-slip deformation, possibly developed throughout the different deformation phases recorded in the region (D1–D4). Independent of other physico-chemical factors, these differences provided for effective fluid localisation to host units with greater competency contrasts during a prolonged mineralisation process in the BLSZ as compared to the more simple structural history of the BTZ.  相似文献   


The present contact caused by the superposition of the Alpujarride complex over that of the Nevado-Filabride in the western area of Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Filábres corresponds to a detachment. The deformation in the footwall associated with this contact, produced mylonitic fabrics with a significant stretching-lineation, over which brittle structures are superimposed. The deformation in the hanging wall associated with this contact is, on the other hand, essentially brittle. These deformations are subsequent to a series of syn-to post-metamorphic structures related to thrust phases.

The micro- and meso-structures indicate that the hanging wall has moved towards the west-south-west.

Other brittle structures, which began during the same extensional regime, are superimposed on the detachment and have continued to develop up to the present time. These structures were produced in an extensional regime with a non-coaxial deformation component and suggest the possibility of a tectonic evolution similar to that described for core complexes in the USA.  相似文献   

The gold mineralization of the Hutti Mine is hosted by nine parallel, N–S trending, steeply dipping, 2–10 m wide shear zones, that transect Archaean amphibolites. The shear zones were formed after peak metamorphism during retrograde ductile D2 shearing in the lower amphibolite facies. They were reactivated in the lower to mid greenschist facies by brittle–ductile D3 shearing and intense quartz veining. The development of a S2–S3 crenulation cleavage facilitates the discrimination between the two deformation events and contemporaneous alteration and gold mineralization. Ductile D2 shearing is associated with a pervasively developed distal chlorite–sericite alteration assemblage in the outer parts of the shear zones and the proximal biotite–plagioclase alteration in the center of the shear zones. D3 is characterized by development of the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration, which forms a centimeter-scale alteration halo surrounding the laminated quartz veins and replaces earlier biotite along S3. The average size of the laminated vein systems is 30–50 m along strike as well as down-dip and 2–6 m in width.Mass balance calculations suggest strong metasomatic changes for the proximal biotite–plagioclase alteration yielding mass and volume increase of ca. 16% and 12%, respectively. The calculated mass and volume changes of the distal chlorite–sericite alteration (ca. 11%, ca. 8%) are lower. The decrease in δ18O values of the whole rock from around 7.5‰ for the host rocks to 6–7‰ for the distal chlorite–sericite and the proximal biotite–plagioclase alteration and around 5‰ for the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration suggests hydrothermal alteration during two-stage deformation and fluid flow.The ductile D2 deformation in the lower amphibolite facies has provided grain scale porosities by microfracturing. The pervasive, steady-state fluid flow resulted in a disseminated style of gold–sulfide mineralization and a penetrative alteration of the host rocks. Alternating ductile and brittle D3 deformation during lower to mid greenschist facies conditions followed the fault-valve process. Ductile creep in the shear zones resulted in a low permeability environment leading to fluid pressure build-up. Strongly episodic fluid advection and mass transfer was controlled by repeated seismic fracturing during the formation of laminated quartz(-gold) veins. The limitation of quartz veins to the extent of earlier shear zones indicate the importance of pre-existing anisotropies for fault-valve action and economic gold mineralization.  相似文献   

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