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From the IPCC 4th Assessment Report published in 2007, ocean thermal expansion contributed by ~ 50% to the 3.1 mm/yr observed global mean sea level rise during the 1993–2003 decade, the remaining rate of rise being essentially explained by shrinking of land ice. Recently published results suggest that since about 2003, ocean thermal expansion change, based on the newly deployed Argo system, is showing a plateau while sea level is still rising, although at a reduced rate (~ 2.5 mm/yr). Using space gravimetry observations from GRACE, we show that recent years sea level rise can be mostly explained by an increase of the mass of the oceans. Estimating GRACE-based ice sheet mass balance and using published estimates for glaciers melting, we further show that ocean mass increase since 2003 results by about half from an enhanced contribution of the polar ice sheets – compared to the previous decade – and half from mountain glaciers melting. Taking also into account the small GRACE-based contribution from continental waters (< 0.2 mm/yr), we find a total ocean mass contribution of ~ 2 mm/yr over 2003–2008. Such a value represents ~ 80% of the altimetry-based rate of sea level rise over that period. We next estimate the steric sea level (i.e., ocean thermal expansion plus salinity effects) contribution from: (1) the difference between altimetry-based sea level and ocean mass change and (2) Argo data. Inferred steric sea level rate from (1) (~ 0.3 mm/yr over 2003–2008) agrees well with the Argo-based value also estimated here (0.37 mm/yr over 2004–2008). Furthermore, the sea level budget approach presented in this study allows us to constrain independent estimates of the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) correction applied to GRACE-based ocean and ice sheet mass changes, as well as of glaciers melting. Values for the GIA correction and glacier contribution needed to close the sea level budget and explain GRACE-based mass estimates over the recent years agree well with totally independent determinations.  相似文献   

Sea level variability during the Quarternary is simulated using a stochastic climate model, and a sensitivity relation for the change in net oceanic evaporation due to a change in sea surface temperature. In the application of this relation, it is assumed that the greater part of the change in net oceanic evaporation causes changes in the land ice storage, rather than being directly returned to the ocean by rivers. The analysis suggests that the observed sea level changes can be interpreted as due to the transfer of heat to the deep ocean from the surface mixed layer, arising from random radiation perturbations of the same variance as would give rise to the interannual variability of the global temperature series. The paradox is that glacial conditions (increase in ice storage) are favoured by positive (temperate) sea surface temperature anomalies, and interglacial conditions (decrease in ice storage) by negative (temperate) sea surface temperature anomalies. The evolution of both these regimes, which are inherently unstable, appears to be controlled by the deep water formation process, while albedo feedback is of minor importance. Fluvial feedback, (in which as the ice storage increases the fluvial inflow decreases), however, is found to be an important process, and a small sensitivity of river inflow to storage is consistent with forcing by random variability or by astronomical forcing. A simple analytical model incorporating the key processes of oceanic evaporation and fluvial feedback is presented. The analysis points to the importance of an accurate river model for climate system modelling.  相似文献   

To use basin stratigraphy for studying past climate change, it is important to understand the influence of evolving boundary conditions (river discharge and sediment flux, initial bathymetry, sea level, subsidence) and the complex interplay of the redistribution processes (plumes, turbidity currents, debris flows). To provide understanding of this complexity, we have employed source to sink numerical models to evaluate which process dominates the observed variability in a sedimentary record of two coastal Pacific basins, Knight Inlet in British Columbia and the Eel Margin of northern California.During the last glacial period, the Eel River supplied comparatively more sediment with a less variable flux to the ocean, while today the river is dominated by episodic events. Model results show this change in the variability of sediment flux to be as important to the deposit character as is the change in the volume of sediment supply. Due to the complex interaction of flooding events and ocean storm events, the more episodic flood deposits of recent times are less well preserved than the flood deposits associated with an ice-age climate.In Knight Inlet, the evolving boundary conditions (rapidly prograding coastline, secondary transport by gravity flows from sediment failures) are a strong influence on the sedimentary record. The delta and gravity flow deposits punctuate the sedimentary record formed by hemipelagic sedimentation from river plumes. Missing time intervals due to sediment failures can take away the advantage of the otherwise amplified lithologic record of discharge events, given the enclosed nature of the fjord basin.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare sea level trends observed at a few selected tide gauges of good quality records with thermosteric (i.e., due to ocean temperature change) sea level trends over 1950–1998 using different gridded ocean temperature data sets from Levitus et al. (2000) [Levitus, S., Stephens, C., Antonov, J.I., Boyer, T.P., 2000. Yearly and Year-Season Upper Ocean Temperature Anomaly Fields, 1948–1998. U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. pp. 23.], Ishii et al. (2003) [Ishii, M., Kimoto, M., Kachi, M., 2003. Historical ocean subsurface temperature analysis with error estimates, Mon. Weather Rev., 131, 51–73.] and Levitus et al. (2005) [Levitus S., Antonov, J.I., Boyer, T.P., 2005. Warming of the world ocean, 1955–2003. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L02604. doi:10.1029/2004GL021592.]. When using the Levitus data, we observe very high thermosteric rates at sites located along the northeast coast of the US, north of 37°N. Such high rates are not observed with the Ishii data. Elsewhere, thermosteric rates agree reasonably well whatever the data set. Excluding the northeast US coastline sites north of 37°N, we compare tide gauge-based sea level trends with thermosteric trends and note that, in spite of a significant correlation, the latter are too small to explain the observed trends. After correcting for thermosteric sea level trends, residual (observed minus thermosteric) trends have an average value of 1.4 ± 0.5 mm/year, which should have an eustatic (i.e., due to ocean mass change) origin. This result supports the recent investigation by Miller and Douglas (2004) [Miller, L., Douglas, B.C., 2004. Mass and volume contributions to 20th century global sea level rise. Nature 428, 406–408.] which suggests that a dominant eustatic contribution is needed to explain the rate of sea level rise of the last decades observed by tide gauges, and shows that Cabanes et al. (2001) [Cabanes, C., Cazenave, A., Le Provost, C., 2001. Sea level rise during past 40 years determined from satellite and in situ observations. Science 294, 840–842.] arrived at an incorrect conclusion due to peculiarities in the gridded Levitus et al. (2000) [Levitus, S., Stephens, C., Antonov, J.I., and Boyer, T.P., 2000. Yearly and Year-Season Upper Ocean Temperature Anomaly Fields, 1948–1998. U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. pp. 23.] data set.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the ocean circulation to changes in North Atlantic surface fluxes has become a major factor in explaining climate variability. The role of the Antarctic Bottom Water in modulating this variability has received much less attention, limiting the development of a complete understanding of decadal to millennial time-scale climate change. New analyses indicate that the southern deepwater source may change dramatically (e.g., experience a decrease of as much as two thirds during last 800 years). Such change can substantially alter the ocean circulation patterns of the last millennium. Additional analyses indicate that the Southern Hemisphere led the Northern Hemisphere changes in some of the glacial cycles of Pleistocene, implying a seesaw-type oscillation of the global ocean conveyor. The potential for melting of sea ice and ice sheets in the Antarctica associated with global warming can cause a further slowdown of the southern deepwater source. These results demand an assessment of the role of the Southern Ocean in driving changes of the global ocean circulation and climate. Systematic model simulation targeting the ocean circulation response to changes in surface salinity in the high latitudes of both Northern and Southern Hemispheres demonstrate that meltwater impacts in one hemisphere may lead to a strengthening of the thermohaline conveyor driven by the source in the opposite hemisphere. This, in turn, leads to significant changes in poleward heat transport. Further, meltwater events can lead to deep-sea warming and thermal expansion of abyssal water, that in turn cause a substantial sea-level change even without a major ice sheet melting.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that anthropogenic modification of land hydrology (e.g. through groundwater mining, dam building, irrigation, deforestation, wetlands drainage, and urbanization) could significantly impact sea-level rise, although the magnitude and sign of this effect have been widely debated. This paper attempts a comprehensive overview of the effects of human activities on land hydrology. Estimates are provided for the volumes of water associated with each of the major anthropogenic processes and the corresponding equivalent in sea level.Groundwater mining; and runoff from paved and built-up areas are two major sources of water added to the ocean. In contrast, storage of water behind dams, losses through percolation, and evapotranspiration from irrigated fields withhold water that would otherwise flow to the sea. The net effect of these processes holds back the equivalent of 0.8 +- 0.4 mm/yr from sea-level rise. This is a magnitude comparable to, but in the opposite direction from the currently observed sea-level rise of 1–2 mm/yr. These estimates are still preliminary, awaiting better documentation. Coupling of improved land hydrology models with GCMs will help in analysis of feedbacks, especially the partitioning of water among runoff, infiltration, and evaporation.  相似文献   

In response to climatic warming, eustatic sea level has been predicted to rise by about 50 cm in the next century. While feedbacks between vegetation growth and sediment deposition tend to allow marshes to maintain their morphology under a constant rate of sea level rise, recent observations of marsh deterioration suggest that changes in the rate of sea level rise may induce loss of economically and ecologically important marshland. We have developed a three dimensional model of tidal marsh evolution that couples vegetation growth and sediment transport processes including bed accretion and wave erosion. We use the model to simulate the response of marshes and tidal flats along the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia to 100 yr forecasts of sea level change. Under low sea level-rise scenarios, the delta and its marshes prograde slightly, consistent with historical measurements. While accretionary processes greatly mediate the response to increased rates of sea level rise, vegetation zones transgress landward under median and high sea level rise rate scenarios. In these scenarios, low marsh erosion and constriction of high marsh vegetation against a dyke at its landward edge result in a 15–35% loss of marshland in the next century. Several important behavioral changes take place after 2050, suggesting that predictions based on field observations and short term model experiments may not adequately characterize (and sometimes underestimate) long-term change. In particular, the replacement of highly productive high marsh vegetation by less productive low marsh vegetation results in continued reduction of the system's total biomass productivity, even as the rate of loss of vegetated area begins to decline.  相似文献   

Role of Arctic sea ice in global atmospheric circulation: A review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Formed by the freezing of sea water, sea ice defines the character of the marine Arctic. The principal purpose of this review is to synthesize the published efforts that document the potential impact of Arctic sea ice on remote climates. The emphasis is on atmospheric processes and the resulting modifications in surface conditions such as air temperature, precipitation patterns, and storm track behavior at interannual timescales across the middle and low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere during cool months. Addressed also are the theoretical, methodological, and logistical challenges facing the current observational and modeling studies that aim to improve our awareness of the role that Arctic sea ice plays in the definition of global climate. Moving towards an improved understanding of the role that polar sea ice plays in shaping the global climate is a subject of timely importance as the Arctic environment is currently undergoing rapid change with little slowing down forecasted for the future.  相似文献   

Impacts of cosmic bodies into oceans and seas lead to the formation of very high waves. Numerical simulations of 3-km and 1-km comets impacting into a 4 km depth ocean with a velocity of 20 km/sec have been conducted. For a 1-km body, depth of the interim crater in the sea bed is about 8 km below ocean level, and the height of the water wave is 10 m at a distance of 2000 km from the impact point. As the water wave runs into shallows, a huge tsunami hits the coast. The height of the wave strongly depends on the coastal and sea bed topography.If the impact occurred near the shore, the huge mass of water strikes the cliffs and the near shore mountain ridges and can cause displacement of the rocks, initiate landslides, and change the relief. Thus, impact into oceans and seas is an important geological factor.Cosmic bodies of small sizes are disrupted by aerodynamic forces. Fragments of a 100-m radius comet striking the water surface create an unstable cavity in the water of about 1 km radius. Its collapse also creates tsunami.A simple estimate has been made using the light curves from recent atmosphere explosions detected by satellites. The results of our assessment of the characteristics of meteoroids which caused these intense light flashes suggests that fragments of a 25-m stony body with initial impact velocity 15 to 20 km/sec will hit the surface. For a 75-m iron body striking the sea with a depth of 600 m, the height of the wave is 10 m at 200–300 km distance from the impact.  相似文献   

Impacts of cosmic bodies into oceans and seas lead to the formation of very high waves. Numerical simulations of 3-km and 1-km comets impacting into a 4 km depth ocean with a velocity of 20 km/sec have been conducted. For a 1-km body, depth of the interim crater in the sea bed is about 8 km below ocean level, and the height of the water wave is 10 m at a distance of 2000 km from the impact point. As the water wave runs into shallows, a huge tsunami hits the coast. The height of the wave strongly depends on the coastal and sea bed topography. If the impact occurred near the shore, the huge mass of water strikes the cliffs and the near shore mountain ridges and can cause displacement of the rocks, initiate landslides, and change the relief. Thus, impact into oceans and seas is an important geological factor. Cosmic bodies of small sizes are disrupted by aerodynamic forces. Fragments of a 100-m radius comet striking the water surface create an unstable cavity in the water of about 1 km radius. Its collapse also creates tsunami. A simple estimate has been made using the light curves from recent atmosphere explosions detected by satellites. The results of our assessment of the characteristics of meteoroids which caused these intense light flashes suggests that fragments of a 25-m stony body with initial impact velocity 15 to 20 km/sec will hit the surface. For a 75-m iron body striking the sea with a depth of 600 m, the height of the wave is 10 m at 200–300 km distance from the impact.  相似文献   

Sea level trends and inter-annual variability in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 1960–2000 is explored by comparing observations from tide gauges with sea level hindcasts from a barotropic 2D circulation model, and two full primitive equation 3D ocean circulation models, a regional one and the Mediterranean component of a global one,. In the 2D model, 50% of the sea level variance was found to result from the wind and atmospheric pressure forcing. In the 3D models, 20% of the sea level variance was explained by the steric effects. The sea level residuals at the tide gauges locations, calculated by subtraction of the 2D model output from the sea level observations are significantly correlated (r = 0.4) with the steric signals from the 3D models. After the removal of the atmospheric and the steric contributions the tide-gauge sea level records indicate a period where sea level was stable (1960–1975) and a period where sea level was rising (1975–2000) with rates in the range 1.1–1.8 mm/yr. A part of the residual trend can be explained by the contribution of local land movements (0.3 mm/yr) while its major part indicates a global signal, probably mass addition, appearing after 1975.  相似文献   

Long-term series of almost 14 years of altimetry data (1992–2005) have been analysed along with Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and temperature and salinity profiles to investigate sea level trends over the Mediterranean Sea. Although sea level variations are mainly driven by the steric contribution, the mass-induced component plays some role in modulating its oscillation. A spatially averaged positive trend of 2.1 ± 0.6 mm/year has been observed, but a change in sign in 2001 seems to appear. Steric effects (mainly on thermal origin) account for  55% of sea level trend. Although Mediterranean Sea is a semi-enclosed basin, this value is comparable to that reported for the global ocean. Sea level rise is particularly important in the Levantine basin south of Crete with values up to 10 ± 1 mm/year. Other areas of sea level rise are localised throughout the Levantine basin and in the Adriatic and Alboran Seas, with more moderate values. Sea level drop areas are localised in the Algerian basin, between the Balearic Islands and the African coasts and, particularly, in the Ionian basin. In this area, negative trends as high as − 10 ± 0.8 mm/year are detected mainly due to the mass-induced contribution, which suggests decadal changes of surface circulation. The inferred sea level trends have been correlated with North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) indices and a low but significant correlation has been detected between sea level in the Levantine and Balearic basins and NAO index.  相似文献   

The sea level series of Stockholm in the Baltic Sea, commencing already in 1774, is analysed in various ways together with contemporary climate data, in order to investigate long-term sea level changes and their relations to climate changes.First, a study of the eustatic rise of sea level, based on annual mean sea levels, is peformed, and compared with other sea level and climate studies. It is concluded that the general climatic rise of sea level has increased significantly (99.9%) from about 0.0 mm/year during the end of the Little Ice Age, to about 1.0 mm/year during the past century, characterized by melting of glaciers. Such sea level changes due to northern hemisphere climate variations since 800 A.D. have (hitherto) probably always kept within −1.5 and +1.5 mm/year, with an average fairly close to zero.Second, an investigation of the sea level variability, also based on annual mean sea levels, is performed together with temperature and wind variabilities. It is found that the interannual sea level variability of the Baltic Sea has decreased significantly (98%) from the end of the 1700s to the beginning of the 1900s; after that it has increased significantly (95%) again. Precisely the same is found to apply to winter climate or, more specifically, to the interannual winter temperature variability and the interannual winter wind variability. The common origin of all these long-term changes turn out to be two consecutive winter wind processes over the North and Baltic Seas, especially the Baltic entrance. From the end of the 1700s to the beginning of the 1900s, there has been a rapidly decreasing number of dominating winter winds from northeast, and after that there has been an increasing number of dominating winter winds from southwest. This may indicate corresponding long-term changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation.Third, using monthly mean sea levels together with corresponding wind data, seasonal variations are investigated. The seasonal sea level variation in the Baltic Sea has increased significantly (99%) since the early 1800s, together with a shift of the maximum from late summer to early winter. It is found that the main origin is a secular change of the winter wind conditions over the Baltic entrance, with increasing southwesterly winds in early winter. This might also be related to a long-term change in the North Atlantic Oscillation.  相似文献   

Mechanisms affecting the heat and carbon content of the Glacial Tropical Ocean (21,000 years BP) remain controversial. Exchange with the deep ocean via vertical mixing and the overturning circulation is one aspect that is clearly relevant to greenhouse gas concentrations and future climate change. We examined evidence of the possible role of the shallow overturning contribution on the Glacial Tropical Ocean temperature and carbonate ion concentration. Compared to the present, we find that the Glacial tropical upper ocean (0–1000 m) had enhanced vertical gradients in temperature and carbonate ion concentration, reduced turbulent diffusivity (vertical mixing rate) (by 20% or more), and weakened Ekman pumping in middle-latitudes, all consistent with reduced shallow overturning. The weakened property exchanges between the tropical upper ocean and the ocean below (cold with high total dissolved carbon-dioxide concentration) provide a unified explanation for both the unexpectedly-small sea surface cooling and the lower carbon-dioxide content in the Glacial tropical upper ocean and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

In this study, more than 13 yr of merged altimetry sea level anomalies (SLA) data were used to analyze the trends of sea level variations in the South China Sea (SCS). The result shows that the mean sea level over the SCS has a rise rate of 11.3 mm/yr during 1993–2000 and a fall rate of 11.8 mm/yr during 2001–2005. The geographical distribution of the sea level variations over the SCS is asymmetric with a pronounced variation existing in the deep water. The trends of thermosteric sea level variations were also examined using Ishii data and MITgcm assimilation data. The result indicates that the thermal change of the upper layer of the SCS has a significant contribution to the sea level variations. Heat budget analysis suggests that heat advection may be a key factor influencing the thermal change. Apart from thermal contribution, the effect of water exchange on the sea level variations was also studied.  相似文献   

海洋潮汐和大气、海洋、海冰之间存在复杂的相互作用,它对地球气候有复杂而深远的影响。海潮对流经大陆沿岸或大陆架的洋流有很强烈的作用。潮汐流产生混合湍动;潮汐耗散和内潮波效应对海洋环流的传输和循环也有一定的影响。1995年前后,使用TOPEX/POSEIDON测高卫星资料。建立了十多个海潮模型。研究表明,1994-1996年期间发展起来的正压波海潮模型在深海的精度为2—3cm,空间分辨率为50km量级,在浅海区域的精度显著下降。近年来运用更加成熟精细的流体动力学理论模型,在数据同化技术中使用时间跨度更长的测高资料,已经建立了一些改进的海潮模型。该文使用验潮站潮汐常数、测高资料以及交叉点资料,评估了6个海潮模型在浅海区域(包括中国海海域)的表现,以应用于今后对海平面的研究。初步分析表明,浅海区域的海平面高度的误差仍然相当显著。要发展海洋潮汐模型需要进一步减小潮汐混淆效应,提高长周期潮汐的精度,尤其在浅海区域。模型的改进必将增进对潮汐现象的认识,促进学科间进行相互融合和相互渗透的研究(例如潮汐摩擦引起的月球自转的长期缓慢减速、地球内部结构的物理学研究等)。  相似文献   

The change in the global mean atmospheric pressure between glacial and interglacial periods is evaluated at sea level. This change originates in a modification of topography and in a possible variation in the atmospheric mass. In this calculation the atmosphere is at hydrostatic equilibrium, and the parameters describing the glacial period are varied in a plausible range. The result, with constant atmospheric mass, is a mean sea level pressure decrease of 9–15 hPa linked with the deglaciation. The corresponding pressure change at the reference level corresponding to the present day sea level does not exceed one hPa. When considering only the change in the atmospheric mass, an increase which does not exceed 2 hPa is found, linked with the deglaciation.  相似文献   

Sea level observed by altimeter during the 1993–2004 period, thermosteric sea level from 1945 through 2004, and tide gauge records are analyzed to investigate the interannual variability of sea level in the South China Sea (SCS) and its relationship with ENSO (El Niño and Southern Oscillation). Both the interannual variations of the observed sea level and the thermosteric sea level are closely related to ENSO. An ‘enigma’ that the SST and sea level in the SCS have inverse response to ENSO is revealed. It is found that the thermosteric sea level has an excellent correspondence to seawater temperature at 100 m depth, and their variations are unsynchronized to SST. Detailed analysis denotes that the warming of seawater occurs only in the upper 75 m during and after the mature phase of El Niño, while the cooling appears in the layers deeper than 75 m during El Niño years. The volume transports between the SCS and the adjacent oceans and the anomalous Ekman pumping contribute a lot for the sea level fall in the developing stage of El Niño, while the mass exchange, which is dominated by precipitation, plays a more significant role in the following continuous negative sea level anomalies.  相似文献   

The primary goal of exobiological research is to reach a better understanding of the processes leading to the origin, evolution and distribution of life on Earth or elsewhere in the universe. In this endeavour, scientists from a wide variety of disciplines are involved, such as astronomy, planetary research, organic chemistry, palaeontology and the various subdisciplines of biology including microbial ecology and molecular biology. Space technology plays an important part by offering the opportunity for exploring our solar system, for collecting extraterrestrial samples, and for utilizing the peculiar environment of space as a tool. Exobiological activities include comparison of the overall pattern of chemical evolution of potential precursors of life, in the interstellar medium, and on the planets and small bodies of our solar system; tracing the history of life on Earth back to its roots; deciphering the environments of the planets in our solar system and of their satellites, throughout their history, with regard to their habitability; searching for other planetary systems in our Galaxy and for signals of extraterrestrial civilizations; testing the impact of space environment on survivability of resistant life forms. This evolutionary approach towards understanding the phenomenon of life in the context of cosmic evolution may eventually contribute to a better understanding of the processes regulating the interactions of life with its environment on Earth.  相似文献   

极移的变化与多种激发息息相关,这些激发包括大气表面压力和大气风、海底压力和洋流、陆地水分布以及气候变暖导致的海平面变化,并且可以通过有效角动量函数来估计.在极移预报中,通过刘维尔方程融合有效角动量函数,并利用最小二乘与自回归组合的方法进行拟合及外推,同时,对自回归模型的可调节参数设置更多的选择,在不同的极移预报阶段,对于不同分量的预报匹配更优的参数,有效地提高了极移的预报精度.在441次1–90 d的极移预报实验中,短中期的预报改善更为明显,在1–6 d和7–30 d的极移X预报结果中,分别有56.9%和53.5%优于国际地球自转服务(International Earth Rotation Service, IERS)的预报;在1–6 d和7–30 d的极移Y预报结果中,分别有66.5%和59.7%优于IERS的预报.整体上,极移Y的预报精度比极移X的预报精度有更多的提升,以IERS的地球定向参数(Earth Orientation Parameters, EOP)产品EOP 14C04 (IAU2000A)为参考,极移X预报在第1 d、第5 d的MAE (Mean Absolute...  相似文献   

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