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1900~2000年的IGRF(国际地磁参考场)资料使研究20世纪中地磁场的变化规律成为可能,在20世纪中,即使从19世纪起,地球偶极子磁场发生了较大的变化,偶极矩一直保持衰减的势头,地心轴的所有3个分量都是减小的.地磁南极的位置变化在1930年左右发生大的转折,1960年起向西和向南快速移动,偶极子轴在纬度方面变化只有1°左右,经度变化在3°左右,离磁极倒转的条件差得远. 相似文献
近源时域电磁场具有信号强、探测深度大和精度高等优点,但传统瞬变电磁场理论中偶极子近似在近源区会引起较大误差,推导瞬变电磁场直接时域解析式是解决这一问题的关键.本文在点电荷微元假设下通过时域格林函数,采用分离变量等方法推导出了上半空间一次有源波动场和反射波的时域解析式和下半空间二次无源波动场的时域解析式,结合均匀半空间瞬变电磁场的边界条件给出了均匀半空间瞬变电磁场的直接时域解析式,进而利用第一型曲线积分,通过沿回线源叠加推导出圆回线源在瞬变电磁场中的直接时域解析式.然后在半空间表面上,与传统的电偶极源假设下的表达式作了比较.数值结果表明两者在远源区的计算结果相差甚微,而近源区则存在很大误差.本文利用真正点元(点电荷)严密推导给出的均匀半空间表面上瞬变电磁场的直接时域解析式适用于全场区探测,克服了偶极子假设下只适用远场区的不足,为瞬变电磁法的进一步发展和实际勘探提供了新的理论基础. 相似文献
对于包含n层线性、均匀、各向同性的水平成层导电介质,本文应用汉克尔变换及其逆变换推导求得了位于顶层导电媒质中的时谐垂直电偶极子在该层产生的电磁场的表达通式.通过这些表达式能够很方便地求得包含任意多层导体半空间中的电磁场.文中最后计算了导电半体空间和二层导电介质中时谐垂直电偶极子产生的电磁场,验正了本文所得结果的正确性。 相似文献
土壤氡(Rn)射气测量是探测隐伏断裂的存在,判定断裂的位置、走向、倾向的一种有效手段。通过在胜利油田进行的氡射气探测并结合其它勘探手段,发现该区主要的隐伏潘动断裂有无棣—益都断裂、胜北断裂和埕子口断裂。其中,无棣—益都断裂活动性最强。 相似文献
An analytical formulation is developed for the resultant electromagnetic field of an oscillating vertical magnetic dipole located over a thin conductive sheet of infinite extent. The sheet is characterized by a conductivity-thickness product or conductance d that may be a function of the horizontal coordinates. The system of integral equations arising in the general formulation is simplified greatly when azimuthal symmetry prevails. Numerical results for a Gaussian variation of d in the radial direction are presented for the case of a symmetrically located source. These results are for the fields at the level of the source dipole over the conductive sheet. It is shown that the quadrature response of the sheet is enhanced when there is rapid variation of the conductance. The null in the resultant wave tilt is also found to be shifted toward the direction of increasing conductance. 相似文献
在空间域偶层位法的基础上,研究了完整的频率域偶层位曲面位场处理和转换方法.该法可应用于平面或曲面、规则网或非规则网的位场数据处理和转换.通过对偶层面z坐标和计算面z坐标平移不同的量来加速正演快速收敛和保证反演稳定、快速收敛;提出了适合于不规则网曲面处理和转换的核心算法——单点快速Fourier变换;提出了频率域不规则网曲面处理和转换方法技术.通过以上技术措施解决了大数据量特别是曲面不规则网的位场处理和转换问题,模型试算以及实际资料处理验证了该方法的应用效果. 相似文献
利用层状大地中偶极源响应的正演算法, 计算地中电偶极源激发的极低频地震电磁场并分析其在地球环境下的传播特征.设计了多个水平层状地球模型, 分别模拟和展示了深埋地中的电偶极源的响应和空间分布特征.重点分析了含地壳波导+LAI波导模型的高阻大地中, 倾斜电偶极源激励响应随观测点的偏移距和垂直位置、激励源深度、地壳波导结构和参数变化时各场量响应的幅频特征.研究表明, 用倾斜电偶极源模拟和分析高阻大地中孕震电磁辐射的响应及在大地电磁系统中的传播特性是可行的; 模拟的高阻大地中的电磁辐射在地壳波导和LAI波导中均表现有慢衰减或幅值增强特性, 但两个波导效应具有不同的频率选择性; 高阻大地中的电磁辐射在波导的高阻介质中具有幅值强、衰减慢的特点.建议在高阻地层出露的地表、井中或海底的高阻岩层中以及大气层中布设测站. 相似文献
The electromagnetic response of a horizontal electric dipole transmitter in the presence of a conductive, layered earth is important in a number of geophysical applications, ranging from controlled‐source audio‐frequency magnetotellurics to borehole geophysics to marine electromagnetics. The problem has been thoroughly studied for more than a century, starting from a dipole resting on the surface of a half‐space and subsequently advancing all the way to a transmitter buried within a stack of anisotropic layers. The solution is still relevant today. For example, it is useful for one‐dimensional modelling and interpretation, as well as to provide background fields for two‐ and three‐dimensional modelling methods such as integral equation or primary–secondary field formulations. This tutorial borrows elements from the many texts and papers on the topic and combines them into what we believe is a helpful guide to performing layered earth electromagnetic field calculations. It is not intended to replace any of the existing work on the subject. However, we have found that this combination of elements is particularly effective in teaching electromagnetic theory and providing a basis for algorithmic development. Readers will be able to calculate electric and magnetic fields at any point in or above the earth, produced by a transmitter at any location. As an illustrative example, we calculate the fields of a dipole buried in a multi‐layered anisotropic earth to demonstrate how the theory that developed in this tutorial can be implemented in practice; we then use the example to examine the diffusion of volume charge density within anisotropic media—a rarely visualised process. The algorithm is internally validated by comparing the response of many thin layers with alternating high and low conductivity values to the theoretically equivalent (yet algorithmically simpler) anisotropic solution, as well as externally validated against an independent algorithm. 相似文献
利用1950.0,1960.0,1970.0,1980.0,1990.0等年代的地磁资料,建立了时空变量统一的三维中国地磁基本场模式。结果表明,所建立的时空变量统一的三维中国地磁基本场模式是成功的,可行的。本文还以此模式场作为正常场,计算出1970.0年中国地磁异常场,并把地磁异常与地质构造(岩性分布)相比较,发现两者有着密切的关系。 相似文献
高密度电法是重要物探方法之一,由于它具有施工快捷、分辨率高、可靠性好、图像直观等优点,已被广泛应用于寻找金属非金属矿、地下水及各类工程地质勘察等众多领域.目前,该方法在数据资料处理方面还局限在二维图像.本文结合在山西阳泉复杂采空区利用高密度电法和高精度GPS测量联合勘察的工程实例,基于WinDisp软件平台,实现了高密度电法的三维数据场可视化,构建了视电阻率参数下的三维地质体结构模型,并且可以任意移动、旋转、切片、分层显示、实时显示真实地理坐标等.该模型客观、真实、形象地反映了电性异常的三维地质结构,为高分辨率预测复杂采空区的空间分布特征提供了直观、可靠的资料. 相似文献
2016年夏季在青海大通地区获得一次局地雷暴云内的电场探空资料,结合雷达、地闪定位资料,详细分析了该雷暴的地闪活动特征及云内的电荷结构.结果显示,该雷暴过程的负地闪在时间上呈间歇性发生,在空间分布上表现为不连续,且所有的正地闪都发生于雷暴的成熟阶段.在雷暴成熟阶段与消散阶段过渡期获得云内的垂直电场廓线表明,雷暴内的电荷结构在探空阶段呈四极性,最下部为处于暖云区内负电荷区,往上依次改变极性.最上部的正电荷区由于数据丢失无法判断其上边界外,其余3个电荷区的海拔高度分别为:5.5~5.7 km(3.4~2.3℃)、5.7~6.2 km(2.3~-0.4℃)和6.2~6.6 km(-0.9~-1.7℃),对应的电荷密度为-1.81 nC·m-3、2.47 nC·m-3和-1.76 nC·m-3.其中,下部正电荷区的强度最大,其次为上部的负电荷区.通过分析电荷区分布与正地闪活动的关系,认为暖云区内负电荷区的形成有利于诱发下部正电荷区的对地放电. 相似文献
The use of a hand-held thermal camera during the 2002–2003 Stromboli effusive eruption proved essential in tracking the development
of flow field structures and in measuring related eruption parameters, such as the number of active vents and flow lengths.
The steep underlying slope on which the flow field was emplaced resulted in a characteristic flow field morphology. This comprised
a proximal shield, where flow stacking and inflation caused piling up of lava on the relatively flat ground of the vent zone,
that fed a medial–distal lava flow field. This zone was characterized by the formation of lava tubes and tumuli forming a
complex network of tumuli and flows linked by tubes. Most of the flow field was emplaced on extremely steep slopes and this
had two effects. It caused flows to slide, as well as flow, and flow fronts to fail frequently, persistent flow front crumbling
resulted in the production of an extensive debris field. Channel-fed flows were also characterized by development of excavated
debris levees in this zone (Calvari et al. 2005). Collapse of lava flow fronts and inflation of the upper proximal lava shield made volume calculation very difficult. Comparison
of the final field volume with that expecta by integrating the lava effusion rates through time suggests a loss of ~70% erupted
lava by flow front crumbling and accumulation as debris flows below sea level. Derived relationships between effusion rate,
flow length, and number of active vents showed systematic and correlated variations with time where spreading of volume between
numerous flows caused an otherwise good correlation between effusion rate, flow length to break down. Observations collected
during this eruption are useful in helping to understand lava flow processes on steep slopes, as well as in interpreting old
lava–debris sequences found in other steep-sided volcanoes subject to effusive activity. 相似文献
根据流体场的扩散理论和对流理论,建立了扩散系数与对 流速度为常量或变量情况下的氡气场三维状态方程;对于陷落柱柱体侧面有源氡气场和柱体 体内有源氡气场两种理论模型,给出了不同系数和边界条件下的数值解的形式. 针对模型的 特点及其边界条件用差分法分别进行了数值计算,结果表明陷落柱氡气场的空间形态 分布特征. 野外实测和模型试验的结果相互吻合. 相似文献
Riverbank filtration (RBF) has been widely used throughout the world as an effective means to regulate surface water and groundwater resources and pretreat raw water for municipal water supply. The quality of the water from a riverside well field and the mixing ratios of surface water and groundwater is primarily impacted by the hydrodynamic processes in the RBF system. The RBF system is largely controlled by the water exploiting system in addition to the natural hydrologic condition of the river–aquifer system. As one of the most important design parameters of the riverside well field, the drawdown of groundwater level greatly determines the water head differences between the river water and groundwater as well as the field flow net, which subsequently impacts the mixing of river water and groundwater and water quality significantly. This study aimed to improve the understanding of the mixing process between the surface water and groundwater and estimate the impact of the RBF on the mixing ratio of surface water–groundwater and water quality quantitatively. A set of field pumping tests with various groundwater level drawdowns were carried out independently and successively at a riverside field with a single pumping well near the Songhua River in Northeast China in August 2017. During these tests, the water levels and hydrochemical parameters of the Songhua River, the adjacent aquifer, and the pumping well were monitored. The dynamic mixing process of the river water and groundwater and water quality under various drawdown conditions were analysed systematically using analytical methods. The results obtained from Dupuit method and the Mirror Image method in conjunction with the Hydrochemical Tracing method showed that the pumping water directly from the river water reached 60% ± 10% after a steady flow net was established. The larger the proportion of the pumping water captured from the river, the better quality of the pumping water was, because the quality of the river water (only limited to some water quality parameters monitored which were minority) was better than that of the groundwater. The results also showed that total Fe, TDS, total hardness, COD Mn, and K + were relatively sensitive to the changes of groundwater drawdown, and their concentrations decreased with an increase in the groundwater drawdown. It can be concluded that both the mixing ratio of the surface water and the groundwater and the water quality of the riverside well field can be regulated through adjusting the designed drawdown of the groundwater level, which is helpful for the design and the optimization of the riverside well water intake engineering. 相似文献
This paper examines the cause of color variations of trachytic pumices which are essentially uniform in chemical composition
and proposes a geological model for their formation. A pyroclastic sequence of distinct subunits with brown, buff, and black
pumices was deposited during the 5000-B.P. eruption of a tuff ring in the central Meidob volcanic field (Sudan). Subunits
of buff pumices locally contain minor amounts of streaky pumice with pale-gray and dark-gray domains. The combined evidence
of petrographic studies, chemical analyses of whole pumices and groundmass separates, electron microprobe analyses, optical
spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetic susceptibility measurements show that color variations of the
pumice clasts are related to the size and distribution of Fe 3+-rich oxide microcrysts. Buff pumice and light-gray domains of streaky pumice have a colorless, transparent groundmass with
very few microcrysts. Dark-gray domains of streaky pumice contain abundant hematite and/or magnetite microcrysts visible in
thin section within a transparent, colorless glass groundmass. The groundmass of the black pumice clasts is brown in thin
section which is most likely caused by submicroscopic magnetite microcrysts. Brown pumice clasts have a mixed groundmass consisting
of brown domains and domains with opaque microcrysts in transparent glass. Variations in the eruption dynamics have been inferred
from lithological observations. Subunits of black pumices are related to eruption pulses with low magma discharge and high
water/magma mass ratio, whereas subunits of buff pumice were deposited during eruption pulses with high magma discharge and
low water/magma mass ratio. Brown pumices represent the top part of the magma body, and the initial stage of the eruption
probably had a low magma discharge. Streaky pumices are interpreted as the product of syn-eruptive mixing of Fe 3+-rich oxide microcryst-bearing magma and microcryst-free magma.
Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997 相似文献