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随着计算机技术的迅速发展,当今世界已进入信息化时代,对资源共享、信息交流的要求日趋强烈,它冲击着人的传统观念与传统办公模式,由计算机技术引发的现代办公方式的改变,提高着办事效率,促进着生产力发展。网络技术已成为计算机技术的核心,是未来发展的方向 相似文献
川西乡城地区的玻镁安山岩基质中辉石微晶具有奇特的枝晶形貌。通过高倍率光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,较详细地分析了辉石枝晶的形貌细节。辉石枝晶一般发育三级分枝,各分枝间以近于90°和110°交角沿单斜辉石结晶学主轴方位优先生长,各级分校具有整体一致的光学性质,如同单个晶体。玻镁安山岩浆流动性大,呈薄层状。快速冷凝作用和强的结晶能力是辉石枝晶发育的前提条件。初步探讨了在远离平衡态结晶时,辉石枝晶生长方式和界面稳定性对晶体形貌的控制作用。 相似文献
从技术和工程的角度,论述了煤矿局域网的设计和实施过程中布线系统设计、技术选型、设备选择、网络安全、IP地址规划以及可靠性等几个典型问题. 相似文献
宜昌地质调查中心局域网采用千兆以太网星型拓扑结构,主干提供千兆带宽,用户桌面提供百兆带宽。设计完成3幢建筑共11个楼层内639个信息点、2个设备间和1个中心机房的综合布线。设计布署服务器、主干交换机、支干交换机、路由器、UPS等设备。实现文字、数据、声音、图形、图象、视频等多媒体信息的综合传输应用,满足新形势下地质调查、科学研究、项目管理等方面的信息传输需求。 相似文献
为实现钻井指挥部对各钻井站点钻采工艺的远程监控,在前期钻井工艺参数自动实时监测的单机研发基础上,本文应用TIA portal软件进行主站从站组网监控研究,实验设备用Siemens1200PLC做主控机,用Siemens200PLC做从站控制机监控钻采现场工艺参数,通过主控机与各从站点组态,实现主控机对从站主从控制。装机后在钻采现场进行了无线网传输实验,实验结果表明:应用互联网通信技术解决无线网断点续传问题,能够实现了钻采实时监控数据短距离传输。 相似文献
西藏丁青蛇绿岩的东杂岩体是一种与玻镁安山岩(Boninite)有关的特殊的蛇绿岩类型。其 堆晶斜方辉石岩、辉长岩和辉绿岩的岩石化学、微量元素以及稀土元素的地球化学特征均与西太平洋诸岛(伊豆—马利亚纳、巴布亚新几内亚、新喀里多尼亚等)的玻镁安山岩相似。此外,超镁铁质构造岩中的橄榄石和顽火辉石富镁,指示残余地幔具强烈亏损的性质。尖晶石的Cr含量中等至较高,与深海橄榄岩及大洋中脊玄武岩中的尖晶石不同。堆晶岩和辉长岩中的古铜辉石富镁,斜长石富钙,也明显不同于典型大洋中脊环境的特征,表明丁青东蛇绿岩形成的环境不像大洋中脊或弧后盆地,而可能是在洋内俯冲带之上的岛弧底部。 相似文献
主要介绍了一个完全基于宽带局域网结构的小区智能化系统,其结构十分简单,数据流程清晰明了。在技术上运用最新的32位ARM芯片和DSP芯片,使用H.263和G.726音视频编解码方式,整合了小区智能化各种项目的数据和信息。使智能化管理高度集成化、高度标准化。同时还介绍了系统各个部分的功能以及使用情况。 相似文献
目前,地球化学样品分析质量管理多为单机版程序,为了在局域网上实现样品接收、重新编号、分配任务、数据上传和质量监控等功能。基于.net framework3.5、Microsoft Visual Studio 2005、Microsoft SQL server 2005数据库服务器、采用ADO数据库访问技术开发了地球化学样品分析质量管理系统,完成了局域网在地球化学样品分析质量管理中的应用。 相似文献
Geodatabase是美国环境系统研究所(ESRI)提出的第三代地理数据模型,在分析和总结城市排水系统规划涉及的内容以及前人进行的有关GIS应用于城市排水系统规划的基础上,对Geodatabase数据模型与城市排水系统规划集成的优势进行分析,并提出了基于Geodatabase的辅助城市排水系统规划的新型解决方案。在北京市污水处理厂合理布局规划项目中,该解决方案得以成功应用,并被证明在城市排水系统建模、规划数据管理以及规划方案生成效率等方面,较传统的第二代地理数据模型更具优势。 相似文献
介绍了晶安高科污染源的来源、采取的措施及综合治理、利用方法.使废水指标由PH11~12;SS<1000mg/l;CODcr≤200mg/l;氨氮≤200mg/l降到PH6~9;SS<70mg/l;CODcr≤100mg/l;氨氮≤15mg/l;酸雾指标由HCl500~800mg/m3达到小于25~40mg/m3;炉窑烟气由林格曼黑度5,烟尘浓度2700~5191mg/Nm3降到林格曼黑度1,烟尘浓度小于200mg/Nm3;硅渣可生产复合絮凝剂和白炭黑,不仅可改善环境影响,而且可回收盐酸和利用废资源,可给企业带来经济效益. 相似文献
The study considered the effect of the integration of the health services on family planning in Trinidad and Tobago. A drop-out study was based on a sample of six clinics, three representing integrated and three clinics that were non-integrated or vertical. Efforts were also made to solicit the views of a sample of drop outs, current acceptors and health-care providers.The study found that there were characteristics of the population from which acceptors were drawn that were more important in explaining utilization than the question of integration or non-integration of the clinics. Many of the problems were organizational and could, with adequate financing, be met by an even higher level of integration. 相似文献
国土规划所需的数据来自于土地、水、矿产等多主题数据,数据生产、存储、调用的方式具有多样性,给数据集成应用带来了极大的困扰。为了解决这个问题,在分析地理标记语言(GML)格式特征的基础上,提出了一种基于GML的国土规划多源异构数据集成模型,分析了基于该模型的多源异构数据集成技术流程,实现了Map GIS数据、Arc GIS数据向GML数据的转换和集成分析。实践验证,该方法在一定程度上可满足国土规划应用的需求。 相似文献
将地质资源环境调查与空间规划相结合,是规范土地开发行为、规避地质环境风险、有效利用地质资源的重要手段之一。统筹考虑地质调查成果内容和空间管制分区评价需求,应用Meta分析法计算指标权重,提出了一套以空间规划管制分区为切入点的矿地融合空间规划管制方案,并选取苏州中心城区进行了实证分析。结果表明,苏州市区建设用地适宜性较好,较适宜建设区域面积较大,主要分区在工业园区、相城区和吴江区,基本能满足近期规划的需求,从城镇扩展、生态用地保护、中心城区开发边界3个方面提出空间规划管制发展方向,证明未来城市建设应向南北两个方向发展。 相似文献
This article explores the spatial differentiation and integration between the post-disaster victims and the indigenous peasants 8 years after a rapid off-site resettlement oriented by governments in New Beichuan. Data were broadly collected from placement documents, questionnaires, interviews and site measurement by empirical research and on-site investigation in 2014. The resettlement plan was introduced and analyzed for housing resettlement, open space systems, public facilities allocation and resettlement policies. Based on statistical analysis of the questionnaire data and observation on the usage of the built environment, problems with the spatial usage and mismatches between the specific spatial requirements and subjective planning intention of integration are analyzed and preliminary findings are shown. The results showed that the excessive pursuit of speed and deficiency in economically self-sustaining efforts might contribute to insufficient attention given to spatial, social and economic aspects and leads to inevitable and long-standing problems, such as housing quality problems, neighborhoods management and security concerns, contradictions between the housing layout and local living habits, different spatial usage preferences between the indigenous peasants and post-disaster migrants, and disequilibrium of public facility allocation. 相似文献
唐钢设计院网络通过千兆交换机在主干网络上提供1 000M的独享带宽,通过中心交换机与各部室的工作站和服务器连结.为防范由单个计算机安全事故引起的系统瘫痪和损失,根据网络结构特点及可操作性原则,从划分网络区域着手,采取了加强网络登陆认证,合理配置防火墙、不同网络安全域的隔离及访问控制、MAC地址绑定等技术与措施,并制定相应管理制度,保障设计院网络安全运行. 相似文献
Budapest is going to take over Vienna's gateway functions esp. in case Berlin succeeds to be a global city of Central Europe and will develop a parallel urban system like the present one of London and Paris for Western Europe. Budapest will be able to fulfill the role of a subregional continental centre. To prove these expectations, the paper discusses the competitiveness of the Hungarian capital, compared to Prague and Warsaw. The advantageous position of Budapest lies partly in its geographic situation, partly in the reforms giving way to private enterprise in the last decades of socialism. Most of the Central European post-communist capital cities, with the exception of Ljubljana and Bratislava, are large and developed enough to enter a European urban competition. Belgrade and Zagreb will be delayed due to the civil war in their region; Bucharest and Sofia have infrastructural, economic and social problems, while Budapest, Prague and Warsaw may have an opportunity to join the developed European urban network. Their chances are examined in this study, with special regard to the Hungarian capital. 相似文献
Research of the interrelation between regional planning, division into economic districts and urban-planning, division into economic districts and urban planning is here emphasised. In the USSR development of a network of territorial economic complexes, economic districts including subregions of the II and III order, economic subregions and microdistricts is continuous. The outlook of regional planning is defined by the elaboration of its scientific theory including the geographical concept of regional planning. The use of geographical methods widens the scientific basis for the development of a systems approach and improves forecasting, the choice of aims and strategy of developing production, population distribution and the solution of ecological problems. The efficiency of regional planning depends not only on purely economic advantages, but on a more sensible use of nature. Regional planning is concerned with bio-economic systems, and must avoid conflict between the most important subsystems, natural and anthropogenic. Preservation of ecological balance has become the most important task of regional planning. When locating industrial enterprises in the process of regional planning, ecological factors are taken into account to an ever-increasing degree. The main tasks of regional planning concerning the distribution of agriculture stem from the aim of interrelated development of all elements of the agrarian and industrial complex. During the scientific and technical revolution the distribution of production orientates more and more and not towards individual towns but towards a system of populated areas. Systematic improvement of conurbations and their transformation into group systems of populated areas, regulated according to plan and having a broader economic and territorial base, are the most important task of regional planning and urban development. 相似文献