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As a result of structural–geological and metallogenic studies and taking into account earlier works, it is established that the Oka ore district formed mainly in the Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic under conditions of tectonomagmatic reworking of cratonic terranes and allochtonous oceanic (ophiolitic) terranes over them. The reworking was initiated by island-arc, accretionary–collisional, and plume-related igneous complexes, which arose due to opening and subsequent closure of marginal structures pertaining to the Paleoasian Ocean. Active Middle and Late Paleozoic volcanic and plutonic processes gave rise to the redistribution of ore matter and formation of new mineral deposits.  相似文献   

The geological–structural features and gold-potential perspective of the Tokur ore–placer cluster in the Amur Province have been studied. This ore–placer cluster is a syncline composed of Paleozoic blackshale sequence, which is cut through by Late Paleozoic and Late Mesozoic intrusions. A granitoid massif is suggested at the depth on the basis of geophysical data. The cluster is distinguished by high productivity. Approximately 37 t gold from ore deposits, primarily from the Tokur deposit, and 60 t from placers have been mined out. The Tokur deposit is compared with the Natalka and Degdekan deposits from the Yana–Kolyma Province. Perspectives of the cluster area for large gold–quartz deposits and technogenic gold placers have been estimated.  相似文献   

Tourmalines from the Kalinovka porphyry copper deposit with epithermal bismuth-gold-basemetal mineralization and the Michurino gold-silver-base-metal prospect have been studied in the South Urals. Tourmaline from the Kalinovka deposit occurs as pockets and veinlets in quartz-sericite metasomatic rock and propylite. The early schorl-“oxy-schorl” [Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) = 0.66?0.81] enriched in Fe3+ is characterized by the homovalent isomorphic substitution of Fe3+ for Al typical of propylites at porphyry copper deposits. The overgrowing tourmalines of the second and third generations from propylite and quartz-sericite metasomatic rock are intermediate members of the dravite-magnesio-foitite solid solution series [Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) = 0.05?0.46] with homovalent substitution of Mg for Fe2+ and coupled substitution of X ? + YAl for XNa + YMg. These substitutions differ from the coupled substitution of YAl + WO2? for YFe2+ + WOH? in tourmaline from quartz-sericite rocks at porphyry copper deposits. At the Michurino prospect, the tourmaline hosted in the chlorite-pyrite-quartz veins and veinlets with Ag-Au-Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization is an intermediate member of the dravite-magnesio-foitite solid solution series [Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) = 0.20?0.31] with homovalent substitution of Mg for Fe2+ and coupled substitutions of X ? + YAl for XNa + YMg identical to that of late tourmaline at the Kalinovka deposit. Thus, tourmalines of the porphyry and epithermal stages are different in isomorphic substitutions, which allow us to consider tourmaline as an indicator of super- or juxtaposed mineralization.  相似文献   

New data on the chemical and rare-element composition and age of the rocks referred earlier to the Iruney suite of the Kamchatka Isthmus are received. In the recent structure these rocks compose the structural–strata complexes of the nappe-folded Lesnovsky Rise. Radiolarian analysis data substantiate that the deposits belonging to the Ening series and the middle and upper parts of the Iruney suite were formed in a single sedimentation basin in the Campanian time. The discovery of a new occurrence of Prunobrachidae representatives on the Kamchatka Peninsula allows us to draw wide interregional correlations and reconstruct the sedimentation conditions. The studied volcanites relate to different igneous series and were formed in geodynamic conditions of the marginal sea and the volcanic arc. The igneous rocks of the Ening stratum are similar to the N-MOR and OI basalts that were formed within the marginal sea (Iruney Marginal Sea) basin. The Upper Cretaceous formations of the eastern slope of the Sredinny Range were formed within the volcanic rise with the island-arc type of volcanism. The younger Eocene igneous rocks of the neo-autochthon (granites and granodiorites) and the volcanic rocks of the Kinkil suite mark a new orogenic stage of development of the Kamchatka margin.  相似文献   

P–T conditions during skarn formation in the 75.5 Ma old Ocna de Fier-Dognecea (SW Romania) ore district are assessed in this work using a combination of petrogenetic grids, Berman's TWEEQU programme, and several independent geothermobarometers. These were applied both to hornfelses surrounding the skarn and to the granodiorite which caused the skarn and contact metamorphism. The results are consistent and point to a peak metamorphic temperature of 700 ± 50 °C, decreasing away from the contact, and to a pressure of 2.8 ± 1 kbar, equivalent to ∼10 km depth in the region. These results quantify the qualitative idea that skarn mineralisation normally forms in a high T, low P contact metamorphic environment. Received: 13 February 1998 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

The Yuerya gold deposit in eastern Hebei Province, China, is located on the eastern margin of the North China Craton and is hosted by Mesozoic Yanshanian granitoid rocks and adjacent Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation carbonates. The auriferous quartz veins in this deposit are dominated by pyrite, with subordinate sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena in a quartz-dominated gangue that also contains calcite, dolomite, barite, apatite, and fluorite. Gold is present as native gold and electrum, which are generally present as micron-size infillings in microfissures within pyrite and less commonly as tiny inclusions within pyrite, quartz, and tellurobismuthite. The pyrite in this deposit has high Co/Ni ratios and contains elevated concentrations of both of these elements, suggesting that the Yuerya gold deposit has a magmato-hydrothermal origin and that the ore-forming fluids that formed the deposit leached trace elements such as Co, Ni, As, and Au during passage through Archean metamorphic rocks, Mesoproterozoic carbonates, and the Yanshanian Yuerya granitoid. Pyrite in the study area has S/Se ratios and S isotopic compositions that suggest that the sulfur (and by inference the gold) within the deposit was sourced from magmato-hydrothermal fluids that were probably originally derived from Archean metamorphic rocks and Yanshanian granitoids. Tellurobismuthite in the study area is closely intergrown with gold and was the single telluride phase identified during this study. The fineness of gold associated with tellurobismuthite is greater than the fineness of gold associated with pyrite, although the fine particle size of the gold surrounded by tellurobismuthite means that the recovery of this gold is difficult, in turn meaning that the tellurobismuthite has little significance to the economics of the Yuerya gold deposit. Only trace amounts of sulfides are associated with the tellurobismuthite within the Yuerya gold deposit, suggesting that this mineral was deposited under conditions of low fS2 and/or high fTe2. In addition, the presence of tellurides within the Yuerya gold deposit reflects a genetic relationship between the deposit and magmatism. Quartz from mineralized veins in the study area has δ18O values of 11.2‰–12.9‰ and the fluids that formed these veins have δD values of − 78.3‰ to − 72.1‰. The δ34S values of pyrite within the deposit are rather restricted (2.3‰–3.5‰). These data, combined with the trace element geochemistry of sulfides within the deposit, suggest that the formation of the Yuerya gold deposit was closely related to both Archean metamorphic rocks and the Yanshanian Yuerya granitoid.  相似文献   

Detailed geological observations and analytical studies make it possible to distinguish two groups of fluid-explosion breccias (FEB) in the Vysokogorskoe tin deposit of the Kavalerovo ore district. These breccias are assumed to be related to different stages of geological (geodynamic) evolution and played different roles in ore formation. The earlier breccias (79–69 Ma), which were altered by boron metasomatism and subsequent main tin mineralization, were most probably formed at the Cretaceous subduction stage. The later breccias (55–51 Ma) are syngenetic to the dacite (rhyolite) porphyry dikes of the Paleocene–Eocene transform stage. They were formed after precipitation of the majority of the cassiterite, but prior to the latest quartz–fluorite–carbonate stage of ore formation. According to the Sillitoe classification, the explosion breccias of the Vysokogorskoe deposit correspond to a magmatic–hydrothermal genetic type. They are characterized by multiple brecciation and intersection by small bodies of porphyritic rhyolites.  相似文献   

The enrichment of gold–quartz ores from the Rodionovskoe deposit in chalcophile elements (Au, Ag, As, Sb) is established. The ores are characterized by small negative Eu anomalies and low REE contents, which are typical of magmatic fluids. Slight enrichment of ores in Bi is evidence of the possible involvement of magmatic fluid in ore formation, which may have been superimposed on early metamorphic quartz veins and veinlets. The variously oriented REE patterns also indicate the presence of another magmatic fluid source, which could be related to the post-ore granitic intrusion. These results generally confirm the metamorphic–magmatic model of the formation of the gold–quartz deposits of the Yana–Kolyma belt. Our data are of practical interest for regional metallogenic forecasts, search, and evaluation of gold deposits.  相似文献   

Magmatic PGE and Ni–Cu deposits form in contrasting geologic environments and periods. PGE deposits predominantly occur in large layered intrusions emplaced during the late Archean and early Proterozoic into stabilized, relatively S-poor cratonic lithosphere that provides enhanced preservation potential. The magmas ascend through intracratonic sutures where extension and rifting is limited. Crystallization under conditions of low regional stress, with limited magma-induced sagging due to underlying thick buoyant sub-continental mantle lithosphere, is consistent with their laterally continuous layering. Most of the global resources occur in three large intrusions: Bushveld, Great Dyke and Stillwater. Due to the large size (tens of kilometres) and limited complexity of the deposits, they are relatively easy to locate and delineate. As a result, the search space is relatively mature and few new discoveries have been made in the last few decades. The parental magmas to the intrusions are predominantly derived from the convecting mantle but, in addition, the involvement of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle is suggested by the relative Pt enrichment of most of the major deposits. In contrast to the PGE deposits, Ni–Cu deposits form throughout geologic time, but with the largest deposits being younger than ca. 2 Ga. The sulfide ores are concentrated under highly dynamic conditions within lava channels and magma conduits. The deposits are preferentially located near craton margins towards which mantle plumes have been channelled and where mantle magmas can readily ascend through abundant trans-lithospheric structures. Magma flow is focused and locally enhanced by shifting compressive–extensional tectonic regimes, and abundant S-rich crustal rocks provide an external S source that is required for the majority of deposits. The igneous bodies hosting the deposits tend to be irregular and small, tens to hundreds of metres in width and height, and are difficult to locate. As a result, the search space remains relatively immature. Understanding their tectonic setting helps reduce the prospective search space for world-class examples.  相似文献   

More than 20 layered intrusions were emplaced at c. 1075 Ma across > 100 000 km2 in the Mesoproterozoic Musgrave Province of central Australia as part of the c. 1090–1040 Ma Giles Event of the Warakurna Large Igneous Province (LIP). Some of the intrusions, including Wingellina Hills, Pirntirri Mulari, The Wart, Ewarara, Kalka, Claude Hills, and Gosse Pile contain thick ultramafic segments comprising wehrlite, harzburgite, and websterite. Other intrusions, notably Hinckley Range, Michael Hills, and Murray Range, are essentially of olivine-gabbronoritic composition. Intrusions with substantial troctolitic portions comprise Morgan Range and Cavenagh Range, as well as the Bell Rock, Blackstone, and Jameson–Finlayson ranges which are tectonically dismembered blocks of an originally single intrusion, here named Mantamaru, with a strike length of > 170 km and a width of > 20 km, constituting one of the world's largest layered intrusions.Over a time span of > 200 my, the Musgrave Province was affected by near continuous high-temperature reworking under a primarily extensional regime. This began with the 1220–1150 Ma intracratonic Musgrave Orogeny, characterized by ponding of basalt at the base of the lithosphere, melting of lower crust, voluminous granite magmatism, and widespread and near-continuous, mid-crustal ultra-high-temperature (UHT) metamorphism. Direct ascent of basic magmas into the upper crust was inhibited by the ductile nature of the lower crust and the development of substantial crystal-rich magma storage chambers. In the period between c. 1150 and 1090 Ma magmatism ceased, possibly because the lower crust had become too refractory, but mid-crustal reworking was continuously recorded in the crystallization of zircon in anatectic melts. Renewed magmatism in the form of the Giles Event of the Warakurna LIP began at around 1090 Ma and was characterized by voluminous basic and felsic volcanic and intrusive rocks grouped into the Warakurna Supersuite. Of particular interest in the context of the present study are the Giles layered intrusions which were emplaced into localized extensional zones. Rifting, emplacement of the layered intrusions, and significant uplift all occurred between 1078 and 1075 Ma, but mantle-derived magmatism lasted for > 50 m.y., with no time progressive geographical trend, suggesting that magmatism was unrelated to a deep mantle plume, but instead controlled by plate architecture.The Giles layered intrusions and their immediate host rocks are considered to be prospective for (i) platinum-group element (PGE) reefs in the ultramafic–mafic transition zones of the intrusions, and in magnetite layers of their upper portions, (ii) Cu–Ni sulfide deposits hosted within magma feeder conduits of late basaltic pulses, (iii) vanadium in the lowermost magnetite layers of the most fractionated intrusions, (iv) apatite in unexposed magnetite layers towards the evolved top of some layered intrusions, (v) ilmenite as granular disseminated grains within the upper portions of the intrusions, (vi) iron in tectonically thickened magnetite layers or magnetite pipes of the upper portions of intrusions, (vii) gold and copper in the roof rocks and contact aureoles of the large intrusions, and (viii) lateritic nickel in weathered portions of olivine-rich ultramafic intrusions.  相似文献   

The Strel’tsovka and Antei uranium deposits located in the Strel’tsovka caldera are unique in ore resources. According to the considered mathematical model, the uranium source of these deposits was related to the middle-lower crustal silicic magma chambers or had mantle origin. Boundary conditions of the model are based on modern views of physicochemical conditions of hydrothermal process in the Strel’tsovka ore field and factors governing ore deposition therein. Modeling results are consistent with morphology of orebodies and ultimate uranium resources of the deposits and thus confirm indirectly that the physicochemical parameters of the ore-forming system are coherent. The maximal duration of uranium ore deposition is estimated at 500 ka.  相似文献   

The Seongsan district in the Jindo–Haenam basin of southwest Korea comprises Precambrian gneissic basement, overlain and intruded by Cretaceous volcanic (98–71 Ma) and plutonic (86–68 Ma) rocks, respectively. Haenam Formation volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks are the dominant rock type exposed in the district and are the main host to high-sulphidation (82–77 Ma) and low-sulphidation (79–73 Ma) epithermal deposits. The Eunsan and Moisan low-sulphidation epithermal deposits have similar vein mineralogy, zoned hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages, structural framework and interpreted deformation events. These similarities suggest that they formed by district-scale hydrothermal fluid flow at about 77.5 Ma. At this time, ore fluid movement along subvertical WNW-trending faults was particularly focussed in dilatant fault bends, jogs, and at intersections with N-trending splays. At Eunsan, Au–Ag ore shoots coincide with these areas of structural complexity, whereas at Moisan, narrower ore zones correspond with several parallel, poorly connected veins. A secondary control on the location of ore zones is the intersection between mineralised WNW-striking structures and rocks of the Haenam Formation. The higher permeability and porosity of these rocks, in comparison with mudstones and siltstones of the underlying Uhangri Formation, resulted in the more efficient lateral migration of ore fluids away from subvertical faults and into wall rocks. The intersection between subvertical WNW-striking faults and the gently dipping Haenam Formation imparts a low angle SW plunge to both ore bodies. WNW-striking post-mineralisation faults displace ore zones up to 100 m and complicate the along-strike exploration and mining of WNW-trending ore zones. Future exploration strategies in the district involve the systematic testing of WNW-trending mineralised structures along strike from known deposits, with a particular emphasis on identifying structurally complex areas that experienced local dilation during the mineralisation event. Poorly exposed regions have historically been under-explored. However, based on the proposed exploration model for the Eunsan and Moisan deposits, these areas of poor outcrop are now considered important target areas for hidden ore bodies using ground-based geophysical exploration tools, such as seismic surveys.  相似文献   

Mississippi Valley type (MVT) Pb–Zn deposits can occur in orogenic thrust belts. However, the relationship between MVT ore-forming processes and thrusting is unclear. The 1500-km-long Sanjiang Metallogenic Belt in Tibetan Plateau is an important thrust-controlled MVT ore province with 860 Mt at 0.76–2.3% Pb, 0.3–6.1% Zn. The Zhaofayong MVT ore cluster in the Changdu area is a typical sample. The orebodies in this ore cluster are hosted in limestone, controlled by secondary faults to regional thrusts and forming along these faults. Two Pb–Zn mineralization stages in this cluster are recognized. Stage I is characterized by coarse and euhedral galena + sphalerite + calcite + fluorite + barite and Stage II by fine grained sphalerite + galena + pyrite + calcite. Sm–Nd isotopic dating of calcite forming in Stage I yields isochron ages of 41.1–38.1 Ma, suggesting the mineralization formed during extension following the first regional compression in the Changdu area. The connection between Stage I mineralization and the regional thrusting in the Changdu area can extend to the whole Sanjiang belt. Two stages of regional Pb–Zn mineralization are recognized between 65 Ma and 30 Ma and between 30 Ma and 16 Ma in the belt. The two Pb–Zn mineralization stages are consistent with those regional episodic thrusting activities and both of them immediately occurred after the episodic thrusting. An interpretation of the regional Pb–Zn mineralization is that regional compression forced the movement of hydrothermal fluids along regional thrust-nappe detachment faults and subsequent post-thrust extension caused the migration of hydrothermal fluids to the ore forming locations. The two mineralization stages in the Sanjiang Belt indicate complex processes related to India–Eurasia collision and the gradually younger mineralization ages from southeast to northwest indicate the collision follows the same direction.  相似文献   

Zinc mineralization in Devonian carbonates of the Lennard Shelf, northern Canning Basin is similar in many respects to that of the Mississippi Valley‐type including estimated minimum temperatures of sulphide precipitation between 70 and 110°C. Apparent apatite fission track ages for Precambrian granitic basement and for detrital apatites in Devonian carbonates in and near Pb‐Zn mineralization generally range between 260 and 340 Ma, with Precambrian samples tending to have slightly older apatite fission track ages than the Devonian carbonates. These apparent ages are younger than the stratigraphic age of the material analysed, indicating that appreciable annealing of fission tracks in apatite has occurred in post‐Devonian times. Mean horizontal confined track lengths are 12–13 μm for most samples and preclude attaching any ‘event’ significance to the fission track ages. Studies of well sequences (Grevillea 1 and Kennedia 1) indicate a period of rapid uplift in the area during the Late Triassic/Early Jurassic. Assuming a constant geothermal gradient of 30°C/km, approximately 1.5 km of uplift and erosion is estimated. Immediate thermal effects related to Miocene lamproite intrusion into Precambrian basement appear to be restricted to within 200 m of the contact zone.

For outcropping Devonian carbonates, a thermal history is proposed involving burial in the Late Palaeozoic/Early Mesozoic, followed by uplift and cooling from peak temperatures around 70–80°C in mid‐Mesozoic times. With reference to this period of burial, Pb‐Zn occurrences represent thermal anomalies when reported fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures are compared with the estimated peak temperatures. However the possibility of a phase of higher temperatures during the Late Devonian/ Early Carboniferous is suggested by the apatite fission track results, in which case sulphide mineralization may reflect ambient regional temperatures if it formed at that time. The absence of enhanced annealing effects in detrital apatites proximal to Pb‐Zn deposits suggests that either sulphide mineralization preceded or accompanied peak regional temperatures suspected during the Late Devonian/Early Carboniferous, or that the mineralizing episodes were of too short a duration to significantly anneal fission tracks in apatite.  相似文献   

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