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The Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin in eastern Australia host the continent's most significant coal bed methane resources. Previous studies have interpreted the Walloon Coal Measures within a single depositional facies model encompassing a wholly terrestrial setting. Using a multidisciplinary approach (facies analysis, palynology and wireline logs), the evolution of the Walloon Coal Measures is described within a new chronostratigraphic framework defined by accurate and precise U–Pb tuff dates. Analysis of sedimentary facies indicates that the majority of the Walloon Coal Measures was deposited by relatively small (<300 m wide), low gradient rivers on a poorly‐drained floodplain with numerous small lakes and mires. However, this study also identified some marine‐influenced facies with brackish palynomorphs (notably dinoflagellate cysts) and tidal sedimentary structures. These facies appear to have been deposited in estuaries during times of transgression. The evidence for base level shifts suggests that the coals may not have coevally accumulated with at least some of the thicker sandstones. Palaeogeographic maps for eleven time intervals suggest that rivers drained towards to the south/south‐west and south‐east, as indicated by sandstone percentage and gross unit isopach maps, presumably into proximal estuarine complexes. Marine incursions into the continent probably came from the north and east during times of high eustatic sea level and as precursors to those of the more persistent and extensive transgressions of the Early Cretaceous. A similar multidisciplinary approach should help to elucidate the evolution of other fluviolacustrine systems in other basins and aid in resource prediction.  相似文献   

The Platypus Tuff Bed in the Permian Moranbah Coal Measures provides a basin‐wide marker horizon traceable for over 300 km along strike. The bed is a tephra event unit, the product of a large‐scale volcanic eruptive episode involving a pyroclastic volume > 10 km3. The relatively even thickness (~1–1.5 m) of the tuff across the entire northern Bowen Basin (~10 000 km2) implies a distant source. The tuff is ash‐rich and its original geochemistry has been compromised by diagenetic alteration. Crystal content (10–15%) is dominated by quartz, suggesting a rhyolitic association. SHRIMP U–Pb analysis of zircons indicates an age of 258.9 ± 2.7 Ma for the Platypus Tuff Bed, confirming the Late Permian age that has generally been assigned to the Blackwater Group. The age framework now apparent for the coal‐bearing Blackwater Group suggests an average depositional rate ranging from ~133 m/106 years for its eastern depocentre in the northern Bowen Basin to ~70 m/106 years in more marginal settings to the west.  相似文献   

Deformation patterns of Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata in eastern Australia are evidence of a structural and tectonic history that included multiple periods of deformation with variable strain intensities and orientations. Detailed analysis of structural data from the Bowen Basin in northeastern Australia reveals previously undescribed, north–south elongate, Type-1 fold-interference patterns. The Bowen Basin structures have similar orientations to previously described interference patterns of equivalent scale in upper Paleozoic strata of the New England Orogen and Sydney Basin of eastern Australia. The east Australian folds with north–south-trending axes most likely formed during late stages of the Permian–Triassic Hunter–Bowen Orogeny, and they were subsequently refolded around east–west axes during post 30 Ma collision of the Indo-Australian plate with the Eurasian and Pacific plates. The younger, east–west-trending folds have orientations that are well aligned with the present-day horizontal stress field of much of eastern Australia, raising the possibility that they are active structures.  相似文献   

Isoreflectance maps for selected stratigraphic horizons in the Bowen Basin show regular rank trends, and there is general parallelism between reflectance contours and structural contours in the Basin. These features imply that coalification is due to a rise of temperature with increasing depth of burial. Depth-reflectance profiles calculated from coal-bearing horizons across the Basin show that reflectance increases with depth, and reflectance gradients increase with increasing reflectance. Coal rank in the Bowen Basin is interpreted to be due to increased temperatures due to burial under conditions of high geothermal gradient during the Permo-Triassic.  相似文献   

In the eastern part of the Permo-Triassic Bowen Basin of Queensland, Australia, a transition from passive, thermal subsidence to flexural (foreland basin) subsidence is recorded within the Upper Permian stratigraphy. Two coarse-grained intervals containing deposits of mass-wasting processes occur within an otherwise siltstone-dominated succession over 1500 m thick (the Moah Creek Beds and equivalents). These intervals can be traced over at least 350 km north–south, along the structural eastern margin of the basin. The lower of the coarse-grained intervals is spectacularly exposed in the banks of the Fitzroy River, west of Rockhampton. Here, interbedded sandstones and siltstones of marine shelf origin are abruptly truncated by a mudrock succession containing evidence of slumping and contemporaneous magmatic activity. This unit passes up-section into packages of mass-flow conglomerates and diamictites, interpreted to have formed on an unstable submarine slope. The character of the mass-flow deposits, their stratigraphic position and lateral extent are interpreted in terms of destabilization of a sloping marine surface by pulsed, subsurface thrust propagation.  相似文献   

Subduction-related Late Permian shoshonites of the Sydney Basin, Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The Late Permian shoshonitic province of the southern Sydney Basin consists of lavas and intrusions confined to a 140 km long coastal belt, but geophysical and sedimentological data indicate that the province once had a length of at least 340 km. Both petrographic and geochemical data indicate shoshonitic affinities for these Late Permian rocks and, although the compositional range is from 48.4 to 60.6% SiO2, all units except an andesite lava have <55% SiO2. Subduction-related attributes of the province include enrichment in Al2O3 and LILE (Rb, K and LREE), depletion in HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti), low Nb/U, and Sr/Nd of 30–35. Initial (at 250 Ma)87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.70294 to 0.70440 whereas Nd values range from +5.11 to +2.14 and plot almost exclusively in the mantle array. Low MgO and mg-numbers (maximum 7.37% and 64.5, respectively) demonstrate that none of the shoshonites represent primary magmas in equilibrium with mantle peridotite. Isotopic data and elemental contents are not supportive of a model in which crustal contamination is the dominant process in magma petrogenesis, but do not exclude contamination with Sr-rich material having a low87Sr/86Sr and high Nd values.A temporal correlation between igneous rocks from the southern Sydney Basin, Dampier Ridge, New England and Tasmania indicates a widespread magmatic event which was, at least in part, shoshonitic in character and which developed in response to subduction along the east coast of Gondwanaland. The geochemical similarity between the Dampier Ridge and Sydney Basin samples does not support a model for spatial compositional variation across a subduction-related magmatic belt but, coupled with the variations in isotopic ratios, implies heterogeneity in the source.
Spät-permische Schoschonite des Sidney Beckens in Australien
Zusammenfassung Die spät-permische Schoschonit Provinz des südlichen Sidney Beckens besteht aus Laven und Intrusionen, die in einem 140 km langen Gürtel längs der Küste auftreten. Geophysikalische und sedimentologische Daten weisen darauf hin, daß diese Provinz ursprünglich eine Länge von mindestens 340 km hatte. Sowohl petrographische wie geochemische Daten weisen auf schoschonitische Affinität dieser spät-permischen Gesteine hin. Obwohl die SiO2 Gehalte von 48.4 bis 60.6% schwanken, haben alle Einheiten mit Ausnahme einer andesitischen Lava < 55%. Auf Subduktion weisen u.a. Anreicherungen an Al2O3 und LILE (Rb, K and LREE), die Verarmung an HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti) niedrige Nb/U und Sr/Nd von ungefähr 30–35 hin. Die87Sr/86Sr Initiale, berechnet für 250 Ma, liegen zwischen 0.70294 und 0.70440 und die Nd-Werte zwischen +5,11 und +2,14 und fallen fast ausschließlich in den Mantel-Bereich. Niedrige MgO und mg-Zahlen (Maximal 7,37% bzw. 64,5) zeigen, daß die Schoschonite nicht primäre Magmen, die mit Mantelperidotiten im Gleichgewicht sind, darstellen. Isotopendaten und Elementgehalte weisen nicht auf ein Modell hin, bei dem Krusten-Kontamination bei der Magmen-Genese eine wichtige Rolle spielte, aber eine Nichtkontamination mit Material, das niedrige87Sr/86Sr Werte und hohe Nd Werte hat, ist nicht auszuschließen. Eine zeitliche Beziehung zwischen den magmatischen Gesteinen des südlichen Sydney-Beckens, dem Dampier Ridge, Neuengland und Tasmanien weist auf ein weit verbreitetetes magmatisches Ereignis hin, das zumindest teilweise schoschonitischen Charakter hatte und das auf Subduktion längs der Ostküste von Gondwanaland zurückführbar ist. Die geochemische Ähnlichkeit von Proben des Dampier Ridge und des Sydney Beckens weist nicht auf räumliche Variationen in der Zusammensetzung über einen subduktionsbezogenen magmatischen Gürtel hin, sondern läßt eher, zusammen mit den Variationen der Isotopendaten, heterogene Quellen für diese Gesteine vermuten.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

During the Permian the Bowen Basin, a foreland basin in eastern Australia, was influenced by cold to cool-temperate climatic conditions at a paleolatitude of 60 °S. Limestones are rare in the sequence except in the southeastern Bowin Basin area where two limestone-bearing sequences are present. The limestones are mainly skeletal grainstones and rarer packstones; skeletal grains include crinoids, bryozoans, brachiopods, molluscs, ahermatypic corals, foraminifera and sponge spicules. Crinoid remains are dominant, but brachiopod-rich and coral-rich limestones are present locally. Non-skeletal carbonate grains are absent from the limestones. Terrigenous components range from negligible to dominant. Comparison of the limestones with others in the Permian sequences in eastern Australia reveals a consistency in sedimentary style, the only variations being in the relative proportions of the skeletal fragments. The Permian limestones share similar characteristics with temperate Cenozoic limestones of New Zealand, suggesting that differences in carbonate sedimentation between tropical and non-tropical regions have been consistent through time and reflect real sedimentological differences.  相似文献   

The clays and other minerals in a succession of Late Permian coals of high-volatile bituminous to semi-anthracite rank have been identified, using low-temperature oxygen plasma ashing and X-ray diffraction, and evaluated to identify the relative roles in mineral matter formation of detrital input, early diagenesis in the peat swamp and late diagenesis associated with rank advance. Although well-ordered kaolinite of probable early diagenetic origin is abundant throughout the succession, the uppermost and lowermost seams of the sequence, regardless of rank, contain relatively abundant illite and/or interstratified illite/smectite, along with a small but significant proportion of chlorite. These clays are thought to be essentially of detrital origin, washed or blown into the peat deposit in relative abundance during the establishment and subsequent overwhelming of an extensive and long-lived swampy environment. Quartz is also abundant in the lower seams of the sequence, especially close to the regional sediment source area. Illite is unusually abundant in the topmost seam in both high- and low-rank parts of the succession, and thus appears to represent detrital input from a particular source material. Although significant changes are reported in the clays of the associated strata due to rank advance, the principal effect of rank advance on the minerals in the coal itself appears to be the development of an ammonium illite, and possibly some additional fine-grained chlorite, in the semi-anthracite material. Isolation within the organic matter of the coal is thought to have inhibited access for ions such as K+, which might otherwise have become involved in metamorphic reactions and given rise to mineralogical changes commonly found in non-coal sedimentary successions.  相似文献   

悉尼盆地位于澳大利亚东部,Lachlan褶皱带和New England褶皱带之间。悉尼盆地从晚石炭世末到中三叠世经历了弧后扩张到前陆盆地的不同阶段:弧后扩张阶段(石炭纪)、被动热沉降阶段(早、中二叠世Berry组)和挤压挠曲负载阶段(中二叠世Broughton组—三叠纪)。此时位于悉尼盆地东侧的New England褶皱带为岛弧背景。因此,二叠纪处于弧后盆地的南悉尼盆地受弧后扩张和东侧弧前海沟俯冲的影响地震活动强烈,发育一系列与地震有关的震积岩,形成多种类型的与地震活动有关的软沉积物变形构造。南悉尼盆地二叠系的软沉积物变形包括地裂缝、震褶层、液化脉、沙火山、负荷构造、火焰构造、枕状构造、球状构造、枕状层、滑塌构造、角砾岩化等。其中地裂缝、震褶层是地震颤动直接引起的断裂和褶皱;枕状层是地震颤动引起的砂层脱水、下沉形成的;液化脉、沙火山为液化的砂层穿入地震形成的裂隙形成的;负荷构造、火焰构造、枕状构造、球状构造是受地震颤动在砂、泥岩界面上由于砂层下沉、泥层上穿形成的;滑塌构造和角砾岩化是地震引起的重力滑塌或泥石流形成的。地裂缝、震褶层、液化脉、沙火山、负荷构造、火焰构造、枕状构造、球状构造、枕状层相当于原地震积岩,而滑塌构造和角砾岩化属于异地震积岩。  相似文献   

我国海域区煤型油气资源量丰富,然而海域煤型烃源岩的研究程度却相对较低,严重制约了海域区煤型油气资源勘探。选取与海域区煤盆地成煤时代基本一致、地质条件相似、研究程度高的近海断陷含煤盆地——黄县盆地为例,开展沉积控煤作用与成煤模式研究。在充分吸取前人研究成果的基础上,精细重建了成煤期的古地理格局、演化及其沉积控煤作用。结果表明:(1)黄县盆地古近纪煤系主要发育冲积扇、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲和湖泊沉积,可以识别出2个三级层序。煤层主要发育在湖扩张体系域时期的辫状河三角洲、滨浅湖环境。(2)综合恢复了涵盖古近系整个成煤过程的层序I湖扩张体系域和高水位体系域、层序II低水位体系域和湖扩张体系域的层序-古地理格局,并分析其沉积演化特征与沉积控煤作用;煤层主要发育在低水位体系域晚期-湖扩张体系域早期,湖平面缓慢上升的辫状河三角洲前部湖沼环境,并逐步向辫状河三角洲扩展;其次,煤层发育在湖扩张体系域的中晚期,湖平面频繁变浅-变深的湖沼-浅湖沉积环境。(3)建立了古近纪近海断陷盆地2种典型的沉积成煤模式。一是滨浅湖湖沼-辫状河三角洲成煤模式,主要发育在低水位体系域晚期-湖扩张体系域早期湖水平面缓慢抬升的过...  相似文献   

Sweet 《Sedimentology》1999,46(1):171-187
The Permian Upper Rotliegend Group in offshore UK Quadrants 42, 43, 47 and 48 comprises a sequence of mixed aeolian/fluvial/playa deposits. These deposits are up to 300 m thick and contain a record of the interaction between desert fluvial systems and adjacent aeolian and playa environments. The relative dominance of water vs. wind transport and deposition in this stratigraphic package was a function of fluctuations in the discharge of ephemeral fluvial systems and changes in water table/playa level driven by a combination of climatic change and syndepositional tectonics. The Rotliegend sedimentary record is punctuated by numerous surfaces recording erosion by wind and water. The origin of these surfaces is mostly climatic, with periods of increased runoff resulting in fluvial incision, especially near active faults. During periods of reduced runoff, wind erosion of fluvial deposits occurred, with fluvially derived sand being reworked into expanding aeolian dune fields. Wind erosion also occurred as a rising water table isolated dunes from their sediment supply, resulting in deflation of dunes down to the water table. These surfaces formed in a basin that was subsiding. Thus, even in a background of overall increasing accommodation space, climatically driven falls in the water table allowed for periods of erosion. The occurrence of significant erosion, especially near syndepositional fault zones, resulted in a sedimentary record that shows pronounced lateral as well as vertical facies variations.  相似文献   

刘全有  刘文汇 《世界地质》2007,26(2):152-157
塔里木盆地满加尔凹陷低成熟煤岩可溶有机质研究表明,正构烷烃呈双峰分布,且∑n-C21-/∑n-C22 >5.0;Pr/Ph值为3.76,有明显的姥鲛烷优势;藿烷系列化合物丰富,且C30-αβ藿烷为主峰碳;检测出相对丰度不高的三环二萜烷系列化合物和C29~C32-ββ生物构型藿烷;丰富甾烷系列化合物的检出,包括C29相对丰度占优势、孕甾烷和重排甾烷的检出等。印证了塔里木盆地在侏罗纪为典型陆相沉积,沉积环境偏氧化,且侏罗系煤岩成煤母质主要为陆源有机质输入为主的高等植物。  相似文献   

Stratigraphic patterns and sequence development in tectonically active extensional basins remain poorly documented in comparison with passive‐margin settings. Rift basin fills are generally characterized by coarsening‐upward trends in response to the rapid creation of accommodation by extensional faulting, and the progressive filling of graben during more quiescent periods. The Early Permian Irwin River Coal Measures in the Northern Perth Basin (Western Australia) record a complex stratigraphic arrangement of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and coal, and have been attributed to delta plain depositional environments that developed in a cool–temperate climatic setting during syn‐rift activity. Sedimentary analysis of outcrop and core data from the fault‐bounded Irwin Terrace is used to distinguish nine facies associations reflecting deposition in braided rivers, fixed‐anastomosed channel belts, tide‐influenced coastal environments and storm‐affected distal bays. The broader depositional system is interpreted as a morphologically asymmetrical tide‐dominated embayment with a fluvial and wave influence. The stratigraphic architecture of the Irwin River Coal Measures was strongly influenced by the evolving rift basin margin. Fault reactivation of the major basin‐bounding Darling Fault in the early syn‐rift phase caused footwall uplift and the inception of transverse palaeo‐valleys occupied by braided fluvial systems. Fault block subsidence during the subsequent balanced, backstepping and drowning phases resulted in a dominantly retrogradational stacking pattern indicating progressive flooding of marginal‐marine areas and culminating in deposition of distal marine elements. In the active rift basin, it is proposed that preservation of a shallow‐marine syn‐rift sequence was promoted by the geomorphological confinement of the embayed system increasing tidal current acceleration and hampering transgressive ravinement. The proposed sequence model demonstrates that transgressive successions can develop in the early syn‐rift phase in response to footwall uplift and tectonic subsidence. The syn‐rift sequence recording the filling of an embayment on a rift basin margin may be applied in similar tectonic and/or depositional contexts worldwide.  相似文献   

The Permian Barakar Formation in the Mohpani coalfield, Satpura Gondwana basin, is composed of three broad lithologies that occur repetitively and are iterdigitated: (1) several metres thick coarse- to medium-grained sandstone bodies with scoured bases, (2) 5-20 m thick medium- to fine-grained sandstone bodies and (3) 5-20 m thick mudstone-dominated packages with variable proportions of centimetre- to decimetre-scale, fine- to medium-grained sandstone, carbonaceous shale and coal. The Barakar strata were previously interpreted as deposits of braided rivers and associated inter-channel flood basin in a continental setting. However, this study recognizes signatures of tidal current from the mudstone-dominated packages implying marine influence during Barakar sedimentation.

The mudstone-dominated sediment bodies are the focus of this paper and comprise of three lithofacies that bear imprints of tidal processes during Barakar sedimentation: (1) heterolith, (2) sandstone, and (3) coal-carbonaceous shale, which alternate with one another within individual bodies. The heterolithic facies show interlayering of sandstone and claystone resembling flaser, wavy and lenticular bedding, as well as pinstripe stratification. Successive sandstone-mudstone couplets indicate periodic waxing and waning of flows. Within individual heterolithic packages, the sandstone:claystone ratio along with the bedding style, varies cyclically upwards giving rise to alternate sandstone-dominated and claystone-dominated intervals suggesting tidal velocity fluctuation reflective of spring-neap lunar cycle. Thickness plots of successive sand-mud couplets also reveal cyclic variation with a conspicuous periodicity of around 12 couplets per cycle, which corroborates the spring-neap-spring (or neap-spring-neap) lunar cycle. Presence of abundant desiccation cracks indicates periodic emergence and points towards an intertidal setting. The sandstone facies is characterized by a variety of wave-generated features such as bundled and chevron upbuilding of lamina, bi-directional foreset orientations, offshooting and draping laminae, scour-and-drape feature, swollen lens-like geometries suggesting their emplacement under storm-induced combined-flow on the tidal-flat. The coal-carbonaceous shale facies represent supratidal marsh environment.  相似文献   

Dawsonite, alumohydrocalcite, nordstrandite, gorceixite and calcite are associated in marine strata of the Permian Shoalhaven Group of the Sydney Basin, south-eastern Australia. The assemblages were apparently of late syngenetic or epigenetic development and resulted from two interrelated processes: (a) precipitation from solutions rich in sodium, aluminate and carbonate ions and (b) reaction of these solutions with earlier-formed minerals leading to the development of complete and partial pseudomorphs. Although the evidence is inconclusive, the host rocks were probably the source of the ions.  相似文献   

山西沁水盆地上石炭统—下二叠统太原组含有重要的可采煤层和煤层气资源,并在该盆地东南部陵川县附城镇一带出露良好露头。基于对太原组露头剖面和部分钻孔资料的研究,综合分析了该组的岩性、沉积构造、实体化石、遗迹化石和沉积序列等沉积特征。(1)太原组灰岩形成于正常浅海(开阔台地)和局限海湾(局限台地)2种沉积环境,其中,L1灰岩顶部、L2灰岩中下部、L4灰岩上部、L5灰岩顶部、L7灰岩顶部和L8灰岩形成于局限海湾环境,其他灰岩层均形成于正常浅海环境;(2)根据太原组煤系岩性组合特征,划分出6个岩性段,各段中的碎屑岩及所含煤层形成于障壁岛(砂岛)、潟湖和潮坪环境中;(3)通过对沉积特征和沉积序列的分析,识别出11种沉积序列类型,提出了太原组煤系发育的岛湖潮坪、局限海湾(潟湖)潮坪和滨岸潮坪等3种聚煤环境模式。该成果可为沁水盆地东南部太原组煤及煤层气勘探与开发提供沉积背景方面的重要信息和理论支撑。  相似文献   

Organic geochemical and petrological assessment of coals/coaly shales and fine grained sediments, coupled with organic geochemical analyses of oil samples, all from Permo–Triassic sections of the Southern Sydney Basin (Australia), have enabled identification of the source for the widely distributed oil shows and oil seeps in this region. The Permian coals have higher hydrogen indices, higher liptinite contents, and much higher total organic matter extract yields than the fine grained sediments. A variety of source specific parameters obtained from n-alkanes, regular isoprenoids, terpanes, steranes and diasteranes indicate that the oil shows and seeps were generated and expelled predominantly from higher plant derived organic matter deposited in oxic environments. The source and maturity related biomarkers and aromatic hydrocarbon distributions of the oils are similar to those of the coals. The oil-coal relationship also is demonstrated by similarities in the carbon isotopic composition of the total oils, coal extracts, and their individual n-alkanes. Extracts from the Permo–Triassic fine grained sediments, on the other hand, have organic geochemical signatures indicative of mixed terrestrial and prokaryotic organic matter deposited in suboxic environments, which are significantly different from both the oils and coal extracts. The molecular signatures indicating the presence of prokaryotic organic matter in some of the coal extracts and oils may be due to thin sections of possibly calcareous lithologies interbedded within the coal measures. The genetic relationship between the oils and coals provides new evidence for the generation and expulsion of oils from the Permian coals and raises the possibility for commercial oil accumulations in the Permian and Early Triassic sandstones, potentially in the deeper offshore part of the Sydney Basin.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地早二叠世聚煤环境与成煤模式分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析鄂尔多斯盆地早二叠世煤层分布规律、沉积相及古地理、聚煤环境类型及时空分布,认为主要的聚煤沉积体系为障壁海岸、潮控三角洲及河流(三角洲平原),其中陆相泥炭沼泽及海相泥炭坪是主要的成煤环境。障壁海岸聚煤模式、潮控三角洲成煤模式、河流(或三角洲平原)成煤模式是区内存在的3种主要成煤模式,形成了主要的可采煤层。对煤层形成和保存的根本控制因素是与泥炭沉积相关的可容纳空间的变化速率。  相似文献   

The mineralogy of the high-volatile bituminous coals and associated strata from the Greta seam, Sydney Basin, Australia, has been evaluated in this study. Although the seam is not immediately overlain by marine strata, percolation of marine water into the original peat bed is indicated by the petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, which resemble those of coals with marine roof strata. The upper and lower sections of the seam have contrasting mineralogy. Pyrite typically comprises 40 to 56 wt% of the mineral assemblage in the marine-influenced upper part of the seam section. The lower part contains much less pyrite (typically <5 wt%, organic-free basis), and also relatively abundant dawsonite (up to 14 wt%, organic-free basis). The minerals within most coal plies are largely of authigenic origin. These include pyrite, siderite, clay minerals (mainly kaolinite and Na-rich mixed-layer illite/smectite), and quartz, most of which have a relatively early, syngenetic origin. Minor Ti-bearing minerals, anatase or rutile, and phosphate minerals, fluorapatite and goyazite, were probably also formed during early diagenesis. Other minerals have features that indicate late-stage precipitation. These include abundant cleat- and fracture-filling dawsonite, which may be the result of reactions between earlier-precipitated kaolinite and Na2CO3- or NaHCO3-bearing fluids. Minor albite may also be epigenetic, possibly precipitated from the same Ca–Al bearing fluids that formed the dawsonite. The most abundant detrital minerals in the Greta coals are quartz, poorly ordered kaolinite, illite and mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S). These occur mainly in the floor, roof and other epiclastic horizons of the seam, reflecting periods of greater clastic influx into those parts of the original peat-forming environment. Detrital minerals are rare in the coals away from the epiclastic horizons, probably owing to almost complete sediment bypassing in the depositional system. Alternatively, any detrital minerals that were originally present may have been leached from the peat bed by diagenetic or post-diagenetic processes.  相似文献   

广西合山晚二叠世碳酸盐岩型煤系层序地层分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
广西合山煤田晚二叠世合山组是在浅水碳酸盐台地背景下形成的典型的碳酸盐岩型含煤岩系 ,其沉积环境有滨外陆棚、生物礁、开阔台地、潮坪和泥炭沼泽等。在包括合山组和大隆组在内的整个晚二叠世地层中 ,可以识别出5个层序界面 ,并可根据这些层序界面将区内上二叠统划分为 4个层序。层序 从合山组底面到合山组下段顶部的四 下 煤层底板硅质岩层之底面 ;层序 包括从四 下 煤底板到四 上 煤底板的一套地层 ;层序 为从四 上 煤层底板到二煤层之下铝土质泥岩底板的序列 ;层序 包括从合山组二煤层之下铝土质泥岩底板到大隆组之顶。其中层序 、层序 和层序 厚度在合山煤田范围内变化较大 ,说明受盆地基底沉降作用控制强烈 ,层序 则表现为多次的煤层-石灰岩旋回性 ,并且在合山煤田甚至桂中地区稳定分布 ,说明可能主要受全球海平面变化控制。与滨海平原靠陆一侧的冲积体系的陆源碎屑岩含煤岩系不同 ,陆表海碳酸盐岩型煤系三级层序中的最大海泛带底部以该层序中向上变薄至最薄的一层煤的底面为代表 ,如研究区三 中 煤层底面即为层序 中的最大海泛带底部 ,其下为三级层序中的海侵体系域 ,其上为高位体系域。三级层序中有包含四 上 、三 下 、三 中 、三 上 等煤层为界的 4个四级层序 ,每个四级层序中发育  相似文献   

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