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This paper presents the benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the lower and middle Campanian of the Polish Lowlands based on the study of Wierzchowisko, Jeżówka and Rzeżuśnia sections in the Wolbrom-Miechów area (southern Poland) and the Mielnik section (eastern Poland).The ranges of twenty two selected stratigraphically useful taxa of the genera Gavelinella, Bolivinoides, Cibicidoides, Globorotalites and Stensioeina are presented in relation to macrofossil zonation, previously established in the same successions. The evolutionary changes within selected lineages of the studied genera and major foraminiferal bioevents are discussed. The taxa ranges recorded in the Polish Cretaceous are compared with the ranges described from western Europe. Most of the studied events seem to be readily applicable for stratigraphic correlation all over Europe.  相似文献   

Recognition of the Campanian stage on the Brazilian Continental Margin, using calcareous nannofossils, has been historically problematic. This paper constitutes an overview of earlier works, showing how nannofossil biostratigraphic ideas have evolved since Troelsen & Quadros provided the first biozonation of this region in 1971. Recent studied have provided data which have helped to clarify these apparent biostratigraphic problems, and allows this region to be placed in a global biostratigraphic context.The earliest researchers identified the Santonian/Campanian boundary by the last occurrences of ‘Lithastrinus grillii’ andPetrobrasiella venata. P. venatawas later abandoned as an index species due to its rarity and, instead, the last occurrences ofMarthasterites furcatusand ‘Lithastrinus grillii’ became the most-used markers. However, the stratigraphic age of these biohorizons diverged from those quoted in the literature. In the Brazilian basins, these extinctions, rather than having occurred in the Campanian as was recorded elsewhere, were considered to mark the top of the Santonian, as suggested by correlations with other microfossil groups (primarily foraminifera and palynomorphs). To explain this phenomenon, the existence of a condensed sequence was postulated for most of the Brazilian marginal basins, where the uppermost Santonian deposits were apparently indistinguishable from those of the lowermost Campanian. In line with current correlations presented in the nannofossil literature, and with new information obtained from core and side-wall samples, it is now believed that the extinction of these speciesdidoccur in the Campanian in the Brazilian basins, whilst the last occurrence ofLithastrinus moratus(previously misidentified asLithastrinus grillii) has become a useful Santonian marker. Thus the Santonian/Campanian boundary in Brazil lies in a stratigraphic position similar to elsewhere in nannofossil terms, that is below CC18.The Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary was initially characterised in nannofossil terms in Brazil by the last occurrence ofBroinsonia parca constricta, and later by the last occurrence ofEiffellithus eximius. Recently acquired data has shown that the sequence of events in the Brazilian marginal basins is similar to that of the Sissingh/Perch-Nielsen standard biozonation scheme through this interval. Again, correlations in the literature with the recently defined boundary (in macrofossil terms) thus allow the boundary to be determined between the last occurrences ofBroinsonia parca constrictaandUniplanarius trifidus, that is, in CC23b.  相似文献   

为了研究白垩纪中期大洋缺氧事件及其后古海洋环境的变化,对藏南贡扎剖面白垩纪赛诺曼阶/土伦阶和三冬阶/坎 潘阶界线附近的浅海相沉积地层开展了详细的岩石磁学对比研究。 结果显示,这两个时间段的沉积物中磁性矿物含量和粒 度无显著区别,但赛诺曼阶/土伦阶地层中含有高矫顽力磁性矿物,如赤铁矿和针铁矿,而三冬阶/坎潘阶地层中则主要为 低矫顽力磁性矿物,如磁铁矿。 由于海平面位置在这两个时间段相近,海面变化对沉积物的磁学特征的影响很小。 磁性矿 物种类的变化可能主要是由于海洋沉积环境的变化所引起的。 高矫顽力磁性矿物在赛诺曼阶/土伦阶的出现及其在三冬阶/ 坎潘阶的缺失,表明赛诺曼阶/土伦阶氧化程度可能比三冬阶/坎潘阶更高。 这与深海沉积所记录的赛诺曼阶/土伦阶为缺氧 以及三冬阶/坎潘阶为富氧的特征明显不同。 这说明以江孜地区为代表的深海-半深海环境和以岗巴定日地区为代表的浅海 环境对白垩纪中期气候变化有着不同的响应。 深水和浅水环境的演化在这两个时间段的显著差异表明相应时期的大洋环流 也可能比以往所认识的更复杂。  相似文献   

An examination of the historical material of Colveraia variabilis Klinghardt, 1921 housed in the collections of the Steinmann Institute of Palaeontology (Bonn, Germany) and of some newly collected specimens from the type area of Mt. Jouf (Friuli, NE Italy) has revealed many previously unknown characters of this radiolitid. Klinghardt had only large fragments of Colveraia variabilis at his disposal and he erred in some respects, mainly by mistaking the upper valve for the lower one. Representatives of the genus Colveraia have been collected at different localities of the Central-Eastern Mediterranean Tethys and the Arabian Plate, but the majority of these have never been described in detail or have been identified solely on the basis of transverse sections, except in Turkey, where many well-preserved specimens have been recovered. Historical and new examples of Colveraia variabilis from Mt. Jouf and the material recovered from Turkish localities show different external characters as far as radial zone, general shell shape and ornamentation are concerned. These lead us to assign all Turkish specimens to Colveraia darendeensis Karacabey, 1974, which is here described in detail. Comparisons with congeneric forms from the Central-Eastern Mediterranean Tethys and the Arabian Plate are also made.  相似文献   

The Campanian Ignimbrite is a > 200 km3 trachyte–phonolitepyroclastic deposit that erupted at 39·3 ± 0·1ka within the Campi Flegrei west of Naples, Italy. Here we testthe hypothesis that Campanian Ignimbrite magma was derived byisobaric crystal fractionation of a parental basaltic trachyandesiticmelt that reacted and came into local equilibrium with smallamounts (5–10 wt%) of crustal rock (skarns and foid-syenites)during crystallization. Comparison of observed crystal and magmacompositions with results of phase equilibria assimilation–fractionationsimulations (MELTS) is generally very good. Oxygen fugacitywas approximately buffered along QFM + 1 (where QFM is the quartz–fayalite–magnetitebuffer) during isobaric fractionation at 0·15 GPa ( 6km depth). The parental melt, reconstructed from melt inclusionand host clinopyroxene compositions, is found to be basaltictrachyandesite liquid (51·1 wt% SiO2, 9·3 wt%MgO, 3 wt% H2O). A significant feature of phase equilibria simulationsis the existence of a pseudo-invariant temperature, 883 °C,at which the fraction of melt remaining in the system decreasesabruptly from 0·5 to < 0·1. Crystallizationat the pseudo-invariant point leads to abrupt changes in thecomposition, properties (density, dissolved water content),and physical state (viscosity, volume fraction fluid) of meltand magma. A dramatic decrease in melt viscosity (from 1700Pa s to 200 Pa s), coupled with a change in the volume fractionof water in magma (from 0·1 to 0·8) and a dramaticdecrease in melt and magma density acted as a destabilizingeruption trigger. Thermal models suggest a timescale of 200kyr from the beginning of fractionation until eruption, leadingto an apparent rate of evolved magma generation of about 10–3km3/year. In situ crystallization and crystal settling in density-stratifiedregions, as well as in convectively mixed, less evolved subjacentmagma, operate rapidly enough to match this apparent volumetricrate of evolved magma production. KEY WORDS: assimilation; Campanian Ignimbrite; fractional crystallization; magma dynamics; phase equilibria  相似文献   

More than ca 100 km3 of nearly homogeneous crystal-poor phonolite and ca 100 km3 of slightly zoned trachyte were erupted 39 ka during the Campanian Ignimbrite super eruption, the most powerful in the Neapolitan area. Partition coefficient calculations, equilibrium mineral assemblages, glass compositions and texture were used to reconstruct compositional, thermal and pressure gradients in the pre-eruptive reservoir as well as timing and mechanisms of evolution towards magma chamber overpressure and eruption. Our petrologic data indicate that a wide sill-like trachytic magma chamber was active under the Campanian Plain at 2.5 kbar before CI eruption. Thermal exchange between high liquidus (1199°C) trachytic sill and cool country rocks caused intense undercooling, driving a catastrophic and fast (102 years) in situ fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation that produced a water oversaturated phonolitic cap and an overpressure in the chamber that triggered the super eruption. This process culminated in an abrupt reservoir opening and in a fast single-step high decompression. Sanidine phenocrysts crystal size distributions reveal high differentiation rate, thus suggesting that such a sill-like magmatic system is capable of evolving in a very short time and erupting suddenly with only short-term warning.  相似文献   

The Gargano Promontory of southern Italy, located on the eastern margin of the Apulia Platform, represents a peculiar Tethyan area where the transition between carbonate platform and adjacent basins is exposed on land. The Aptian stratigraphic record, represented in shallow-water, slope and deep-water deposits, provides a good opportunity to investigate the regional response to the worldwide documented climatic, biotic and palaeoceanographic changes related to Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE1a). A synthesis of data previously published (Ischitella and Coppitella sections), together with original data (Val Carbonara and Coppa della Guardia sections), from four stratigraphic sections from different depositional settings (proximal to distal) is provided, using an integrated, high-resolution micropalaeontological (planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils) and, for one section, geochemical (stable carbon and oxygen isotopes) approach. Organic matter preservation is confined to the more distal areas and consists of two thin intervals of black shales in the Aptian portion of the Marne a Fucoidi Formation. Biostratigraphic data assign the older black shale (5 cm thick) to the Selli Level equivalent (OAE1a, Lower Aptian); this carbon-rich interval is immediately followed by another black shale (7–10 cm thick) of early Late Aptian age.OAE1a is generally interpreted as a high-productivity event during a warming interval, followed by a cooling trend. In the Gargano Promontory, although the oxygen isotope curve indicates the above-mentioned climatic evolution, the micropalaeontological data do not support high fertility of the surface water, whereas micropalaeontological and geochemical data for the younger black shale do record high productivity (radiolarian increase in overall abundance, low nannofossil and foraminiferal species richness, increase in abudance of nannofossil fertility indices) associated with a cooling trend. The carbon and oxygen isotope record is in line with evidence from the curves documented elsewhere, whereas, among the biotic events, only the “nannoconid crisis” preceding OAE1a is revealed to be globally correlable.Environmental models for the two episodes of organic matter preservation are proposed, taking into account both global and local controlling factors.  相似文献   

张以春  张予杰  袁东勋  徐海鹏  乔枫 《岩石学报》2019,35(10):3083-3096
西藏班公湖-怒江洋的打开时间是争议性较大的科学问题。班公湖-怒江洋两侧的拉萨地块和南羌塘地块的古生物地理和地层层序的对比可以约束班公湖-怒江洋的形成时间。从地层层序上来看,拉萨地块在晚古生代大冰期结束之后是一由碎屑岩到碳酸盐转变的稳定地层序列;而南羌塘地块从早二叠世晚期开始东西向存在较大的相变,西部下二叠统吞龙共巴组之上存在间断面,不整合于上二叠统吉普日阿群之下;而东部下二叠统到中二叠统都是玄武岩和灰岩组成的鲁谷组。古生物地理上,南羌塘地块晚二叠世含有典型暖水的类Palaeofusulina动物群,与拉萨地块形成显著差别;南羌塘地块中二叠世主要的Eopolydiexodina类动物群也与拉萨地块的Nankinella-Chusenella类动物群产生明显差异;再者,南羌塘地块早二叠世晚期的类、珊瑚类和腕足类都呈现明显暖水的特征,但这些动物群在拉萨至今未有报道。综合南羌塘和拉萨地块地层层序、古生物地理特征上的差异,班公湖-怒江洋至少从中二叠世(~269Ma)就已经形成一定的规模。因此,班公湖-怒江洋在中二叠世以前和冰期结束之后的时间段内打开。  相似文献   

 The interval spanning the Paleocene–Eocene (P/E) transition in the Possagno section consists of 1 m of red marls, including a 4-cm-thick, dark-red "dissolution" clay, which represents the Paleocene/Eocene boundary event. The Possagno section is much more condensed than other Tethyan and North Atlantic sections previously studied; however, in this section the most significant biotic, isotopic and sedimentological events across the P/E boundary can be recognized. The Possagno section spans the following planktic foraminiferal subzones: upper part of M. gracilis Subzone, A. berggreni Subzone, A. sibaiyaensis Subzone and probably lowermost part of P. wilcoxensis Subzone. The quantitative analysis indicates a major increase of low-latitude acarininids, including compressed tropical acarininids just above the boundary clay. This acarininid incursion begins just below the boundary clay but reaches its maximum just above the clay. The planktic foraminiferal faunal turnover is gradual except for the acarininid incursion. The isotopic results show a negative excursion in ∂13C values at the small benthic foraminifera mass extinction event. The acarininid maximum diversity coincides with this isotopic excursion, and reflects an increase in surface seawater temperature. Despite being very condensed, the Possagno section allows us to further confirm that the different biotic, isotopic and sedimentological events recognized in the Spanish sections (Alamedilla, Campo, Caravaca, Zumaya) are not local in nature and allows the establishment of a detailed chronostratigraphic framework to define the P/E boundary stratotype. Received: 8 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 April 1999  相似文献   

班公湖—双湖—怒江(中北段)—昌宁—孟连对接带广泛出露特提斯大洋岩石圈俯冲消减过程中产生的不同时代、不同构造环境、不同变质程度、不同变形样式的洋板块构造地层系统、增生混杂的构造—岩石组合体,可识别出增生的远洋沉积岩、海沟浊积岩、古生代—中生代蛇绿岩、蛇绿混杂岩、洋岛-海山消减增生楔、洋底沉积增生杂岩,基底残块以及以蓝片岩、榴辉岩为代表的高压—超高压变质岩带,记录了青藏高原原古特提斯大洋形成演化的地质信息。班公湖—双湖—怒江—昌宁—孟连对接带是青藏高原中部一条重要的原古特提斯大洋自北向南后退式俯冲消亡的巨型增生杂岩带,构筑了冈瓦纳大陆与劳亚-泛华夏大陆分界带。  相似文献   


深海蕴藏着丰富的自然资源,是目前世界各国争相探索的战略要地。本工作以底栖有孔虫为研究对象,研究了它在西北太平洋深海(水深4080 m至5830 m)的DNA分子多样性和群落组成特点。我们共采集了11个站位的表层沉积物,提取了样品中的总基因组DNA,利用有孔虫特异性引物扩增了其中的有孔虫DNA,应用高通量测序技术对获得的有孔虫DNA片段测序。最终,共获得1536个操作分类单元(operational taxonomic units,简称OTUs),有1330个OTUs成功注释到有孔虫,其中721个(约54%)有孔虫OTUs属于起源最早但研究较少的软壳类单房室有孔虫。有孔虫OTUs注释结果的Identity值的平均值为92.9%,Identity值大于或等于97%的OTUs仅占20.6%,Identity值小于95%的OTUs占63.1%,说明西北太平洋深海底栖有孔虫与目前检获到的有孔虫之间存在较明显的遗传差异性,该海区极可能蕴藏着大量至今未被发现的"新物种"甚至新的高级分类阶元。在我们获得的有孔虫属中,有1/ 3呈典型的斑块性分布,且站位间的有孔虫群落结构也存在明显差异。本工作是国内利用高通量测序技术对西北太平洋深海底栖有孔虫开展调查的首次尝试,旨在为探索有孔虫的全球地理分布模式、开发和利用深海资源等工作提供分子生态和分子遗传数据支持。


聚焦新疆区内集中出露的61处蛇绿岩,据其物质组成、构造属性、形成时代、空间分布等特征,将其划分为14条蛇绿混杂岩带,其中多处发育洋岛海山、洋内弧等大洋岩石圈岩石组合,并以塔里木-敦煌地块为界,提出以北属古亚洲洋构造域、以南属特提斯洋构造域.结合俯冲增生造山过程中不同阶段的岩石学记录,确认古亚洲洋形成于新元古代末期至晚石...  相似文献   

We generated a high-resolution SSTMg/Ca record for the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from the core MD99-2346 collected in the Gulf of Lion, and compared it to that obtained using modern analogue techniques applied to fossil foraminiferal assemblages (SSTMAT). The two temperature records display similar patterns during the last 28,000 years but the SSTMg/Ca estimates are several degrees warmer (∼ +4 °C) than SSTMAT. The temperature shift between SSTMg/Ca and SSTMAT remained relatively constant over time. This seems to exclude a bias on the Mg/Ca record associated with salinity or secondary Mg-rich calcite encrustation on the foraminiferal tests during early diagenesis. Therefore, anomalously high Mg/Ca suggests either: (1) the empirical equation for G. bulloides of Elderfield and Ganssen (2000) is incorrect; or (2) there is a specific Mediterranean genotypes of G. bulloides for which a specific Mg/Ca-temperature calibration is needed.  相似文献   

Study of an upper Santonian to upper Campanian hemipelagic succession from the southern part of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians enables us to establish an integrated biostratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils and to compare this record with the agglutinated foraminiferal biozonation used for the Carpathians.Benthic foraminiferal assemblages were investigated using several methods, such as agglutinated and calcareous benthic foraminiferal morphogroups, and the benthic foraminiferal oxygen index in order to determine their response to environmental parameters in the basin (correlated with sea-level maxima documented by regional sea-level curves for the Tethys). A pattern of changes in benthic foraminiferal communities associated with increased organic carbon flux and rising sea-levels can be summarized as follows in the studied succession. As sea-level begins to rise there is an increase in the proportion of calcareous benthic foraminifera at the expense of agglutinated foraminifera within the benthic assemblages (earliest Campanian, mid-late Campanian). Once sea-level rises, an increase in the elongate keeled morphotype of agglutinated foraminifera (shallower water forms) can be observed, and if sea-level remains high for an extended period (as in the early Campanian) then an invasion of both agglutinated and benthic calcareous foraminifera characteristic of outer shelf-upper slope environments take place in the basin. The variations in tubular and deep infaunal morphotypes of agglutinated foraminifera are ascribed to varying levels of organic carbon flux.  相似文献   

The Southern Ocean is a strong sink for atmospheric CO2, making it especially vulnerable to ocean acidification (OA). The aragonite saturation state (Ωarg) of seawater has been used as an index for the estimation of OA, which plays a critical role in evaluating the living environment of marine calcified organisms. However, it is very difficult to perform the studies of OA and Ωarg in the Southern Ocean due to its harsh climate. Therefore, in order to better understand the OA and its further influences, the advances of Ωarg studies were summarized in the oceans surrounding the Antarctica. Significant spatial and temporal variations of surface seawater Ωarg are demonstrated in the Southern Ocean. In general, the surface seawater Ωarg shows a lower value in the off-shore areas than in the open oceans. And, Ωarg also exhibits a strong seasonal cycle with a higher value in summer than in winter. The distributions of Ωarg in vertical water column generally present a declining tendency from surface to bottom. In addition, the shoaling of Ωarg horizon at high latitude could be attributed to the ventilation and upwelling of deep waters in the Southern Ocean. There are many factors that could impact the Ωarg in the Southern Ocean, including sea ice melting, sea-air CO2 exchange, biological activities and hydrological processes, etc. Finally, the future changes and key scientific problems of OA in the Southern Ocean are proposed.  相似文献   

发育在我国北部的古亚洲洋构造域和西南部的特提斯构造域是中国境内最重要的两个构造体系,有关这两个构造域的地幔地球化学特征是揭示它们的演化与交接关系的重要课题之一.本文选择发育在新疆西准噶尔地区达拉布特蛇绿岩带中阿克巴斯套和大棍的枕状玄武岩进行了系统的岩石学和地球化学与Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学研究,结果表明,达拉布特蛇绿岩带中枕状玄武岩具有N-MORB和E-MORB特征,可能形成于大洋中脊环境.岩石的87Sr/86Sr为0.682112~0.706040之间;143Nd/144Nd为0.512713~0.512879,εNd(t)= 2.8~ 5.1,206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb的变化范围分别是18.341~20.085、15.541~15.651和38.292~40.534.将达拉布特玄武岩的微量元素特征比值、Nd-Pb同位素等与印度洋MORB和太平洋与北大西洋MORB,以及已知的特提斯和古亚洲洋地幔域进行对比表明,达拉布特蛇绿岩单元内MORB型玄武岩与特提斯构造域特蛇绿岩单元内MORB型玄武岩同位素特征一致,都显示了印度洋型的MORB特征.这意味着位于现今新疆西准噶尔地区的古亚洲洋地幔域没有显示出与特提斯不同的典型的太平洋和北大西洋的地球化学特征.  相似文献   

The southern Lhasa Terrane is famous for its huge magmatic belt which records the magmatism during Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Although the Mesozoic continental-margin setting in the southern Lhasa Terrane has been identified,details of this tectonic setting and the evolution history during the Late Cretaceous remain unclear. To further constrain these issues,we present zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb,Hf isotopic and geochemical data of the Gongbari dacites(of the Sangri Group) which intruded by Paleocene granodiorites from the eastern part of the southern Lhasa Terrane,Tibet. New age data indicate that the dacites were generated at ~95.4 Ma,which suggests the Sangri Group volcanism may last to Late Cretaceous. The Gongbari dacites are characterized by high Sr(428–758 ppm) contents,low concentration of heavy rare earth elements and Y(e.g. Yb=0.78–1.14 ppm; Y=8.85–11.4 ppm) with high Sr/Y(41.91–67.59) and La/Yb(22.64–30.64) ratios,similar to those of adakite. The rocks are calc-alkaline,metaluminous,enriched in LILEs,depleted in HFSEs,and have positive εHf(t) values(+7.7 to +11.6). The Gongbari dacites were probably produced by partial melting of young and hot subducted Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust under amphibolite to garnet amphibolite-facies conditions. Though the Gangdese Mountains may have formed before Indo-Asian collision,the southern margin of Lhasa Terrane might not go through obviously crustal thickening during the northward subduction of NeoTethyan oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

Nolaniceras nolani ( Seunes, 1887) has been widely quoted in the Upper Aptian literature over the years. Re-examination of the holotype of the species shows that it has always been misidentified and that this taxon is represented by a single specimen, the holotype, of uncertain age. As a consequence, its use as an index species for the Upper Aptian should be reconsidered and abandoned.  相似文献   

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