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The distribution of the Jurassic coal measures in the northern Qaidam Basin is obviously controlled by the regional structures. Based on the existing data of coalfield exploration and combined with the analysis of coalfield basement structures, features of the main faults, and the distribution of coal measures, this paper brings forward a scheme of coalfield tectonic divisional units and the definition of the coal-controlling structural styles in the northern Qaidam Basin. The structure control of the distribution of coal measures is further discussed. Several stages of regional tectonic activities since the Indosinian has led to the distribution of coal measures into the characteristics of zonation from the north to south and block from east to west. The results indicate that the structural deformations are the most intense in the front of the three uplifted belts, which are characterized by the combination of thrusts. The coal measures are uplifted to the shallow formations, and are easy to be exploited, but the scale of mines is small because of serious damages by the coal distribution. On the contrary, the stress and strain are weak in the three depressions, with the coal-controlling structural styles being mainly the thrust-fold and thrust-monocline combinations. The distribution of coals in the depressions is relatively stable. The shallower part of the depression will become the key areas for exploration and development of coal resources in the northern Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地是我国西部地区的主要含油气盆地之一,对其油气勘探和基础地质研究工作已有70余年的历史,取得了大量研究成果,但柴达木中生代原型盆地恢复及构造演化等问题仍存在着诸多争议,影响了盆地的油气勘探进程。项目组对现今柴达木盆地周缘中生代地层开展沉积学、岩石学、沉积相分析等综合地质调查研究,在位于德令哈至都兰国道旺尕秀煤矿东南10 km山沟内原白垩系犬牙沟组地层中,发现一套滨浅湖相风成砂沉积。对其进行1∶100沉积构造厘定和岩石特征剖面实测研究后发现,剖面上发育典型的大型板状斜层理、颗粒流(grain flow)和下降流(fall flow)风成砂构造,并且伴生大量虫迹(traces)、潜穴(burrows)、泥裂和液化弯曲层理潜水位线之下的滨浅湖相沉积构造。同时采集大量组板状交错层理、斜层理等沉积构造古风向产状数据,室内利用古风向数据校正、玫瑰花图绘制进行系统研究,结果显示犬牙沟组风成砂沉积时期应盛行西风和西北风,与中国北方晚侏罗世—白垩纪时期区域研究资料一致。犬牙沟组垂向上显示了风成与水成交互—风成主导—水成主导的变化趋势,表明干湿波动性气候的存在。前人研究认为风成沉积是重要的油气储层,柴达木中生代盆地新发现的一套滨浅湖相风成砂沉积,对于盆地油气勘探有着重要的意义,且能为柴达木中生代盆地原型盆地恢复及构造演化研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

本次研究在柴达木盆地旺尕秀地区上侏罗统红水沟组上覆地层中,首次发现了风成沉积。地层主体为一套棕黄色细-中砂岩,由分选、磨圆好的石英砂组成;扫描电镜下可见风成砂特有的碟形撞击坑和新月形撞击坑等特征;层内普遍发育风成大型高角度板状交错层理,层系厚度巨大,风成沙丘前积层特征明显;发育液化作用产生的牵引褶曲、倒转褶曲等常见的风成沙丘同沉积变形构造。根据岩性和沉积构造特征共在地层中识别出4种沉积亚相: 沙丘亚相、丘间亚相、旱谷亚相和沙漠湖亚相,其中沙丘亚相以风成大型交错层理为显著特征,丘间、旱谷和沙漠湖亚相则以水成沉积为主。风成砂沉积的存在丰富了柴达木盆地中生代的沉积类型,为区域地层对比及西北地区晚中生代古气候和古环境研究提供了新的证据和材料。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西北缘始新世晚期古隆起与阿尔金断裂的形成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究阿尔金断裂的演化是理解青藏高原隆升过程的重要环节.本文以柴达木盆地西北缘的地震剖面、残余厚度图、沉积相图等资料进行沉积、构造的综合研究,揭示了柴达木盆地西北缘在始新世晚期开始抬升,因此导致柴达木盆地西北缘生长地层的发育.这种抬升作用在平面上则表现为与阿尔金断裂呈~30°相交的NWW-SEE走向古隆起,以及与之相关的如冲积扇等边缘沉积相.本文分析认为阿尔金断裂在始新世晚期开始孕育,在深部形成左旋性质的韧性剪切带,在地表则通过形成左阶雁列式褶皱(即古隆起)来调节深部的位移量.  相似文献   

南黄海盆地北部坳陷白垩系沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过钻井和地震最新资料的对比研究表明,南黄海盆地北部坳陷白垩系的沉积特征沉积范围由下白垩世到中白垩世逐渐扩大,再到上白垩世又逐渐缩小。这说明南黄海盆地北部坳陷白垩纪经历了一次水进和水退的过程,并且南黄海盆地北部坳陷白垩纪普遍发育湖泊相沉积。白垩系在全区的残留面积为39 675 km2,最大残留厚度为5 200 m,有利于有机质的生成和转化,预示了白垩系较好的生油能力。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂新生代活动方式及其与柴达木盆地的耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
肖安成  吴磊  李洪革  汪立群 《岩石学报》2013,29(8):2826-2836
位于青藏高原北缘的阿尔金左旋走滑断裂是世界上规模最大也是最重要的线性构造之一,其新生代以来的活动方式是限定高原生长机制的重要边界条件.本文在对阿尔金山中不同方向隆起构造进行分析的基础上,综合前人资料论证了阿尔金断裂在晚始新世-中中新世时以基底剪切为主,大规模地表走滑则发生在中中新世以后.对柴达木盆地内近东西向和北西向断裂系统的分布、形态、活动时间进行了详细的分析,发现它们是在不同时间、不同区域、不同控制条件下形成的两套断裂系统,与阿尔金断裂的两阶段活动方式存在很好的耦合关系.柴达木盆地西北侧的沉积和构造特征表明阿尔金山的隆升幅度和范围在中中新世达到最大,随后则逐渐减小,这种变化也与阿尔金断裂从基底剪切到地表走滑的转换非常吻合.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘白垩系原油成藏特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
准噶尔盆地南缘地区的油气勘探与石油地质研究长期以来以二叠系和侏罗系含油气系统为主。本文在前人工作基础之上,从烃源岩、油源和油气运聚三方面,首次比较系统地剖析了本区的白垩系原油成藏特征。研究结果表明,白垩系烃源岩的生烃和油气聚集中心位于玛纳斯—呼图壁一带,烃源层系最大厚度可超过250 m,有机质类型以Ⅰ—Ⅱ1型为主,在古近纪末进入成熟排烃阶段,是本区不可忽视的一套重要烃源岩。白垩系原油纵向上主要聚集于古近系安集海河组到白垩系吐谷鲁群储层流体系统,可能存在三期油气运聚,第一期在早更新世晚期,以流体系统内部的白垩系原油运聚成藏为主,第二期是在中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期,白垩系原油,以及成熟度相对较低的古近系原油在此流体系统内部发生混合,第三期在晚更新世末期,以油气(并以侏罗系天然气为主)在垂向上沿断层的调整为特征,最终形成了复杂的多源、多层系油气分布态势。综合认为,需要充分重视白垩系原油在本区的勘探和研究。  相似文献   

The Helan Shan and Zhuozi Shan of the NW Ordos basin, China, contain thick (up to 4 km) sequences of nonmarine Triassic strata. These rocks represent a major intraplate sedimentary basin, the paleogeography, tectonic setting and provenance of which are poorly understood and controversial. Studies of the sedimentary geology of the basin, supported by new palinspastic reconstruction of younger deformation, demonstrate that the basin filled from three sides by fluvial, lacustrine-deltaic and alluvial fan depositional systems. The basin forms a westward-thickening wedge that reaches its maximum thickness along the western margin of the Helan Shan and thins to a relatively constant 600–800 m east of the Zhuozi Shan. The stratigraphy of the basin is strongly asymmetric; alluvial fan strata are restricted to the extreme western margin of the basin and interfinger with axial fluvial deposits low in the section and deep lacustrine facies high in the section. Much of the eastern part of the basin is dominated by west-flowing meandering river and deltaic systems. Large structures of Triassic age have not been identified in the Helan Shan or Zhuozi Shan, but small Triassic normal faults have been documented in the western and central Helan Shan. These characteristics most strongly support an extensional origin for the Triassic basin in NW Ordos. The basin is interpreted to have been a north-trending half graben, bound along its western margin by an east-dipping normal fault, presently concealed beneath Quaternary cover west of the Helan Shan. The eastern margin, now found in the Zhuozi Shan, has simple ramp-margin geometry. Driving mechanisms for this extension are not obvious due to limited documentation of Triassic structure throughout the region, but probably relate to far-field stresses from the Qinling or Jinsha active margins interacting with the stable Ordos block.  相似文献   

The uranium deposits in the Tuanyushan area of northern Qaidam Basin commonly occur in coal-bearing series. To decipher the U-enrichment mechanism and controlling factors in this area, a database of 72 drill cores, including 56 well-logs and 3 sampling wells, was examined for sedimentology and geochemistry in relation to uranium concentrations. The results show that coal-bearing series can influence uranium mineralization from two aspects, i.e., spatial distribution and dynamic control. Five types of uranium-bearing rocks are recognized, mainly occurring in the braided river and braided delta sedimentary facies, among which sandstones near the coals are the most important. The lithological associations of sandstone-type uranium deposits can be classified into three subtypes, termed as U-coal type, coal-U-coal type, and coal-U type, respectively. The coal and fine siliciclastic rocks in the coalbearing series confined the U-rich fluid flow and uranium accumulation in the sandstone near them. Thus, the coal-bearing series can provide good accommodations for uranium mineralization. Coals and organic matters in the coal-bearing series may have served as reducing agents and absorbing barriers. Methane is deemed to be the main acidolysis hydrocarbon in the U-bearing beds, which shows a positive correlation with U-content in the sandstones in the coal-bearing series. Additionally, the δ13 C in the carbonate cements of the U-bearing sandstones indicates that the organic matters, associated with the coal around the sandstones, were involved in the carbonation, one important component of alteration in the Tuanyushan area. Recognition of the dual control of coal-bearing series on the uranium mineralization is significant for the development of coal circular economy, environmental protection during coal utilization and the security of national rare metal resources.  相似文献   

红层是古地磁学的重要研究对象之一。以往对河湖相红层的古地磁研究较多,而对于风成红层的研究较少。因 此,对于风成红层剩磁记录是否可靠等基本问题仍然缺乏清晰的认识。文章对江西信江盆地上白垩统圭峰群塘边组风成 红层和河口组河流相红层开展了古地磁研究,并通过对比风成红层与河流相红层的古地磁结果,探究风成红层剩磁记录 的可靠性及不同沉积过程对古地磁记录的影响。逐步热退磁实验结果显示仅有19% 的塘边组风成红层分离出稳定的特征 剩磁,而且其强度衰减曲线为凸形,表明特征剩磁为碎屑赤铁矿携带的原生剩磁。其平均方向为Ds=15.6 °, Is=28.9 °, n= 25, κ=13.0, α95=8.3 °;对应的古地磁极为Latitude=70.7 °, Longitude=245.6 °, A95=6.8 °。该古地磁极与赣州地区河湖相红层 的古地磁极及华南晚白垩世的古地磁极位置一致,表明风成红层的剩磁记录是可靠的。河口组河流相红层绝大部分样品 未能分离出稳定的特征剩磁。磁化率各向异性结果显示塘边组和河口组为沉积组构。岩石磁学结果表明,载磁矿物为赤 铁矿和磁铁矿。通过对塘边组风成红层的薄片观察和红度值比较等进一步研究表明,颗粒粒度和胶结程度可能对红层剩 磁记录的稳定性有一定影响。  相似文献   

Non-marine ostracodes,charophytes and palynomorphs are abundant in most Cretaceous lacustrine basins of East Asia.However,their ranges are not directly integrated with marine biota that defines the Cre...  相似文献   

The Songliao Basin is the largest non-marine oil-bearing basin in China. Because of the absence of substantial evidence, the hypothesis of seawater incursion events into the Songliao Basin remains controversial. The presence of marine fossils could provide direct proof to support this supposition. Here, we report new discoveries of foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, brackish dinoflagellates, and other marine and brackish-water fossils to support the suggestion of seawater incursion events in the Songliao Basin. Relatively abundant benthic and planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, marine and brackish-water dinoflagellates, fish, and bivalves have been discovered in Members 1 and 2 of the Nenjiang Formation, a few foraminifera and brackish-water dinoflagellates have been found in the lower Qingshankou Formation, and just a few brackish-water bivalves have been found in the uppermost Qingshankou Fm. Based on the presence of marine molecular fossils and other evidence, we suggest that relatively large seawater incursion events occurred during the sedimentation of the lower Nenjiang Fm., relatively smaller seawater incursions occurred during the deposition of the lower Qingshankou Fm., and possibly a very small seawater incursion occurred during the sedimentation of the uppermost Qingshankou Fm. These seawater incursion events in the Songliao Basin were controlled by regional tectonic activity, evolution of the palaeo Songliao Lake, and global sea level change. These periodic seawater incursions brought marine biota into the palaeo Songliao Lake.  相似文献   

红层是古地磁学的重要研究对象之一。以往对河湖相红层的古地磁研究较多,而对于风成红层的研究较少。因 此,对于风成红层剩磁记录是否可靠等基本问题仍然缺乏清晰的认识。文章对江西信江盆地上白垩统圭峰群塘边组风成 红层和河口组河流相红层开展了古地磁研究,并通过对比风成红层与河流相红层的古地磁结果,探究风成红层剩磁记录 的可靠性及不同沉积过程对古地磁记录的影响。逐步热退磁实验结果显示仅有19% 的塘边组风成红层分离出稳定的特征 剩磁,而且其强度衰减曲线为凸形,表明特征剩磁为碎屑赤铁矿携带的原生剩磁。其平均方向为Ds=15.6 °, Is=28.9 °, n= 25, κ=13.0, α95=8.3 °;对应的古地磁极为Latitude=70.7 °, Longitude=245.6 °, A95=6.8 °。该古地磁极与赣州地区河湖相红层 的古地磁极及华南晚白垩世的古地磁极位置一致,表明风成红层的剩磁记录是可靠的。河口组河流相红层绝大部分样品 未能分离出稳定的特征剩磁。磁化率各向异性结果显示塘边组和河口组为沉积组构。岩石磁学结果表明,载磁矿物为赤 铁矿和磁铁矿。通过对塘边组风成红层的薄片观察和红度值比较等进一步研究表明,颗粒粒度和胶结程度可能对红层剩 磁记录的稳定性有一定影响。  相似文献   

楚雄盆地是青藏高原东缘“三江”构造带与扬子地台西缘结合部重要的含矿沉积盆地之一,以白垩纪地层赋存多个层位的砂岩型铜矿床为特征而不同于其他沉积盆地,长期备受关注。前人曾从矿床学角度进行砂岩铜矿床成矿作用相关研究,相对缺乏沉积学方面工作,进而导致对含矿岩系沉积环境及盆地属性和矿床成因认识的分歧。对楚雄盆地北部包括大村铜矿区在内的桂花地区晚白垩世含矿岩系进行了系统的地表调查、坑道及钻孔观测和沉积环境研究,认为该区上白垩统马头山组和江底河组是一套连续沉积组合,由河道亚相和边滩亚相沉积共同组成,形成于相对干旱的气候环境;沉积物源区位于盆地的北侧,曾出露有基性火山岩、花岗质岩石、碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩以及少量的变质岩等;晚白垩世时期,楚雄盆地具有北高南低的古地理格局,且在江底河组沉积成岩过程中,盆地总体曾经历了区域挤压作用引起的隆升破坏,也是区内砂岩型铜矿床的主要成矿时期。  相似文献   

Micropores of shale are significant to the gas content and production potential of shale, which has been verified in the research of marine shale gas; while, few studies have been conducted on lacustrine shales. This study collected 42 samples from three wells in the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation of the southern Songliao Basin, NE China, and investigated these samples by the focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB–SEM) and nitrogen adsorption analysis techniques. Four types of micropores were identified in the samples, i.e., intergranular pore, intracellular pore, organic matter pore and microfracture. The pore structure type is characterized by open slit pores and “ink type” pores which are mainly 1.5–5 nm in diameter with mesopores as the main pores. The mesopores account for 74.01% of the pore volume and 54.68% of the pore surface area. Compared with the lacustrine shales from the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin and Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin, the intergranular clay mineral interlayer pores are considered to be the main reservoir space for shale gas storage in the study area, followed by intraparticle pores, organic matter pores and microfractures. Maturity and micropore are the key controlling factors which affect the shale gas content of the Qingshankou Formation in southern Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

柴北缘察汗诺地区广泛发育中生代辉长岩、闪长岩、花岗闪长岩和花岗岩。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果表明, 辉长岩206 Pb/238 U加权平均年龄为246±0.7 Ma, 形成于中三叠世早期。辉长岩SiO2(50.61%~54.41%)和全碱含量(2.36%~3.72%)低, 里特曼指数为0.54~1.12, 属于中钾钙碱性系列岩石; Mg#(73~79)和Cr(342×10-6~753×10-6)、Ni(45.1×10-6~145×10-6)含量高, LREE/HREE为4.74~5.67, 富集U、Th等大离子亲石元素, 亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素, 呈现出与典型俯冲作用密切相关的弧岩浆岩特征。锆石Lu-Hf同位素分析结果显示, 辉长岩εHf(t)值为-2.24~+1.37, 研究表明察汗诺辉长岩岩浆源区因受俯冲板片流体交代而富集, 岩石主要起源于富集地幔的部分熔融。空间上, 察汗诺辉长岩与东昆仑布尔汗布达、鄂拉山以及西秦岭同仁-泽库等同时代的钙碱性岩浆岩, 共同构成了古特提斯洋向北俯冲的大陆边缘弧。  相似文献   

A continuous terrestrial succession was recovered from the Songke-2(SK-2) borehole in the Songliao Basin, Northeastern China. This borehole provides a unique material for further research on the continental paleoclimate during Cretaceous greenhouse period, following a series of achievements of the Songke-1(SK-1) core. In this study, thorium(Th) logging data were chosen as a paleoclimate proxy to conduct a detailed cyclostratigraphic analysis. The Th series varies quasi-periodically; power spectr...  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘柴达木盆地内部始新世—更新世的碳酸盐中的碳、氧同位素分析结果显示了几次与区域性气候变化和构造运动相关的地质事件,包括青藏高原形成和隆升。新生代厚层的湖相-陆相沉积物记录了在中新世时气候以干旱条件为主。红三旱剖面中出现了两个较短1 Ma到3 Ma的δ13C变化周期。通过稳定同位素的研究可以识别出4个明显的构造事件:(1)上干柴沟组晚期δ13C和δ18O出现明显的增加,反映周边山脉的隆升;(2)上干柴沟组和下油砂山组界限处δ13C和δ18O的剧减,反映了整个柴达木盆地的总体抬升和喜马拉雅山在24 Ma左右的隆起;(3)19~18 Ma同位素数据出现的正异常峰值应该和阿尔金山的强烈隆起有关,同时盆地相对沉降,地貌高差增大,气候变得干旱;(4)12 Ma的明显负异常反映了整个柴达木盆地的海拔又一次增高,而盆地本身相对沉降周边山脉隆升。  相似文献   

The non-marine Qaidam Basin is a petroliferous basin in northwest China. The Tuanyushan area is located in the Saishiteng Depression in the northern Qaidam Basin. Coal and oil shales are widely developed in the Middle Jurassic Dameigou and Shimengou formations in this area where the sedimentary sequence and controls on coal accumulation have already been well documented. However, the geochemical characteristics of lacustrine fine-grained sediments, including lacustrine oil shales, in the shale member of the Shimengou Formation and the main controlling factors of the formation of the oil shales are ambiguous. This paper aims to reconstruct the lake evolution history during the Middle Jurassic period and reveal its influence on the formation of the oil shales in this area. Oil shales and fine-grained sediments were systematically sampled to determine their mineralogical and geochemical characteristics (major, trace and rare earth elements; stable carbon and oxygen isotopes). Based on lithological variations and total organic carbon (TOC) contents, a complete third-order sequence is identified and can be further divided into four system tracts (lowstand system tract, LST; transgressive system tract, TST; highstand system tract, HST and regressive system tract, RST) that correspond to four lake evolution stages (A–D). Changes in the lake level show an initial shallow lake, followed by a continuous upward deepening trend, followed by a shallowing trend. Shallow lake facies developed in the LST, TST and RST, whereas semi-deep to deep lake facies developed in the HST. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes indicate that the Shimengou Lake was semi-closed to closed in the Middle Jurassic. Therefore, the water properties responded strongly to climate changes. According to elemental and mineralogical analyses, a moist climate prevailed, except during the early stages of the TST (stage B1) and HST (stage C1) when there was a semiarid climate. The semiarid climate influenced the water properties and detrital input and was the major controlling factor for the formation of the higher quality oil shales within a saline water environment. In comparison, under the moist climatic condition in the HST, the stable semi-deep to deep-water environment was the major controlling factor for the formation of lower quality oil shales within a fresh water environment.  相似文献   

In the Qaidam basin,Northwest China,karstic fissures and caves are developed in many places of the Lower Carboniferous Chengqianggou Fm.and Huaitoutala Fm.and the Upper Carboniferous Keluke Fm.,in which are found typical karstic marks.Several suites of transgressive carbonate rocks formed during the Late Paleozoic epoch are preserved as reservoir properties in the Qaidam basin,with paleokarst-related cave-fractured diagenetic structures,which provided the basis for cavefractured development.Carbonate and clastic samples covering or infilling caves and fractures in Carboniferous strata were collected in the eastern Qaidam basin to focus on petrological and geochemical analyses of karst and infilling materials.Based on this study of the Caledonian diagenetic sequence,and bitumen-infilled inclusion temperature and burial history,there existed a continuous atmospheric freshwater leaching process,which played a critical role in the construction of the Carboniferous supergene paleokarsts.Investigation and survey of the tectonic setting,plate paleolatitude and river development intensity also proves that there was abundant rainfall during the Indosinian period,after which the strata undergo a shallow burial process.Because Indosinian period is earlier than the key timing of hydrocarbon-generation of the Carboniferous source rocks,this kind of karst reservoir has potential significance for oil-gas resources in this area.  相似文献   

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