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Summary The solution of the ionization balance equation is found in the surface air layer at horizontal homogeneity assuming an exponential law for the turbulent diffusion coefficient. Expressions describing the vertical distribution of the small ion concentration are found estimating on their basis the layer height by an electrode effect. A relation is found among the small ion concentration, the electric conductivity and the electric field in the surface layer.  相似文献   

With the development of modern agriculture, large amount of fertilizer and pesticide outflow from farming land causes great waste and serious pollution to surface water and groundwater, and threatens ecological environment and even human life. In this paper, laboratory experiments are conducted to simulate adsorbed Cr(VI) transfer from soil into runoff. A two-layer in-mixing analytical model is applied to analyze laboratory experimental results. A data assimilation (DA) method via the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is used to update parameters and improve modeling results. In comparison with the experimental data, DA updated modeling results are much better than those without the updating. To make predictions better, the inflation method with a constant inflation factor via DA method was used to compensate the fast decrease of ensemble spread partially related to filter inbreeding. Based on the used rainfall and relevant physical principles, the updated value of the incomplete mixing coefficient γ is about 14.0 times of the value of the incomplete mixing coefficient α in experiment 1 and about 7.4 times in experiment 2, while the difference between the flow rate of runoff and infiltration is not so large even after reaching stable infiltration condition. The results indicate the loss of Cr(VI) in soil solute is mainly due to infiltration, rather than surface runoff. With the increase of mixing layer depth, soil adsorption capacity will increase and the loss of soil solute will decrease. The study results provide information for reducing and even preventing the agricultural nonpoint source pollution.  相似文献   

A one‐dimensional, two‐layer solute transport model is developed to simulate chemical transport process in an initially unsaturated soil with ponding water on the soil surface before surface runoff starts. The developed mathematical model is tested against a laboratory experiment. The infiltration and diffusion processes are mathematically lumped together and described by incomplete mixing parameters. Based on mass conservation and water balance equations, the model is developed to describe solute transport in a two‐zone layer, a ponding runoff zone and a soil mixing zone. The two‐zone layer is treated as one system to avoid describing the complicated chemical transport processes near the soil surface in the mixing zone. The proposed model was analytically solved, and the solutions agreed well with the experimental data. The developed experimental method and mathematical model were used to study the effect of the soil initial moisture saturation on chemical concentration in surface runoff. The study results indicated that, when the soil was initially saturated, chemical concentration in surface runoff was significantly (two orders of magnitude) higher than that with initially unsaturated soil, while the initial chemical concentrations at the two cases were of the same magnitude. The soil mixing depth for the initially unsaturated soil was much larger than that for the initially saturated soil, and the incomplete runoff mixing parameter was larger for the initially unsaturated soil. The higher the infiltration rate of the soil, the greater the infiltration‐related incomplete mixing parameter. According to the quantitative analysis, the soil mixing depth was found to be sensitive for both initially unsaturated and saturated soils, and the incomplete runoff mixing parameter was sensitive for initially saturated soil but not for the initially unsaturated soil; the incomplete infiltration mixing parameter behaved just the opposite. Some suggestions are made for reducing chemical loss from runoff. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two formulae for the near-bed concentration(Ca)and the sediment vertical mixing parameter(m)are established based on a large scale wave flume experiment.The advantage of the new formulae is that the turbulent kinetic energy induced by wave breaking can be taken into account;the formula for Ca is in terms of the near-bed,time-averaged turbulent kinetic energy,and the formula for m is in terms of depth-and time-averaged turbulent kinetic energy.A new expression for suspended sediment load also is established by depth integration of the vertical distribution of the suspended sediment concentration obtained on basis of the new formulae.Equation validation is done by comparing the predicted Ca and m to measurements for different types of waves(regular wave,wave group,and irregular wave),and good agreement is found.The advantages of the proposed formulae over previous formulae also are discussed.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1999,19(15-16):1851-1867
To investigate the instabilities of steady and oscillating Ekman layers, an 8 m×2 m horizontal plate was moved at controlled speed in homogeneous water at rest in solid body rotation in the “Coriolis” 13 m diameter rotating tank. For a steady Ekman layer two distinct wave types were found, in agreement with previous experimental or numerical studies. Type I was stationary, was oriented positively with respect to the flow direction and had a wavelength of about 10 times the Ekman layer thickness. Type II was oriented negatively with respect to the flow direction and had a wavelength which was more than 20 times the Ekman layer thickness and a phase-speed between 0.3 and 0.5 the forcing interior velocity. The growth rates of both type I and type II waves for various Reynolds numbers Re (computed with the Ekman layer thickness) were estimated and their Re-variations qualitatively agree with previous numerical results. For an oscillating Ekman layer, experimental results depended strongly on Rot, the temporal Rossby number: only when Rot<1 was it possible to observe either type I or type II instabilities. Moreover, for all Rot and average to high Re, there was a noticeable upward turbulent transport occurring during each cycle between the flow maximum and the flow reversal. Such an upward turbulent transport is consistent with observations in the English Channel where maximum upward benthic movements and maximum turbidity were recorded at the flow reversal, hence Ekman layer instabilities and transition to turbulence are likely to occur in shallow tidal seas where they may be relevant for sediment resuspension and transport as well as for some biological processes.  相似文献   

受载煤体表面电位效应的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用建立的煤体表面电位实验系统,研究了煤体在单轴压缩、拉伸、三点弯曲等不同破坏方式下的表面电位效应特征和规律. 研究结果表明, 煤体在受载破坏时能够产生表面电位, 并且表面电位与载荷呈较好的一致性,它们之间的相关系数可达到0.6~0.9;同时,载荷的变化会引起表面电位相应的变化,表面电位信号一般随载荷的增加而增强, 随载荷的降低而减弱;并且表面电位在煤样表面上的分布是随载荷增加及煤样的破坏而变化的. 通过煤体表面电位的研究, 对进一步深入研究煤体破裂电磁辐射的产生机理, 促进煤岩电磁辐射技术的发展和应用具有一定的作用. 同时,对于煤体表面电位的深入研究,可望为评定煤矿现场煤体应力状态及其稳定性、监测预报煤岩动力灾害提供一种新的方法和手段.  相似文献   

Summary The possibilities of improving of the construction of trajectories of air particles polluted by antropogeneous admixtures are discussed. With this in view attention is devoted to the ordered vertical velocities of dynamic origin and a simple method of approximate construction of the trajectories in the boundary layer of the atmosphere, where the flow is markedly affected by the Earth's surface, is discussed.  相似文献   

Acoustic tomography is presented as a technique for remote monitoring of meteorological quantities. This method and a special algorithm of analysis can directly produce area-averaged values of meteorological parameters. As a result consistent data will be obtained for validation of numerical atmospheric micro-scale models. Such a measuring system can complement conventional point measurements over different surfaces. The procedure of acoustic tomography uses the horizontal propagation of sound waves in the atmospheric surface layer. Therefore, to provide a general overview of sound propagation under various atmospheric conditions a two-dimensional ray-tracing model according to a modified version of Snell’s law is used. The state of the crossed atmosphere can be estimated from measurements of acoustic travel time between sources and receivers at different points. Derivation of area-averaged values of the sound speed and furthermore of air temperature results from the inversion of travel time values for all acoustic paths. Thereby, the applied straight ray two-dimensional tomographic model using SIRT (simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique) is characterised as a method with small computational requirements, satisfactory convergence and stability properties as well as simple handling, especially, during online evaluation.  相似文献   

鉴于扰动重力垂直梯度在大地测量和物探中有重要作用,在未直接测量的情况下,对如何由地面重力异常及地形数据求取扰动垂直梯度进行了研究和分析,认为在被研点附近要求重力点分布密集,且精度不低于1×10-6ms-2;对中央区域积分奇异性问题也作了讨论;此外,扰动重力垂直梯度如何在大地测量和地球物理中进一步得到应用,以及为何用扰动重力垂直梯度代替重力异常垂直梯度也给予了简明的论述.  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic performance of hollow reinforced concrete(RC) bridge columns of rectangular cross section under constant axial load and cyclically biaxial bending,five specimens were tested.A parametric study is carried out for different axial load ratios,longitudinal reinforcement ratios and lateral reinforcement ratios.The experimental results showed that all tested specimens failed in the flexural failure mode and their ultimate performance was dominated by flexural capacity,which is represented by the rupture/buckling of tensile longitudinal rebars at the bottom of the bridge columns.Biaxial force and displacement hysteresis loops showed significant stiffness and strength degradations,and the pinching effect and coupling interaction effect of both directions severely decrease the structural seismic resistance.However,the measured ductility coefficient varying from 3.5 to 5.7 and the equivalent viscous damping ratio varying from 0.19 and 0.26 can meet the requirements of the seismic design.The hollow RC rectangular bridge columns with configurations of lateral reinforcement in this study have excellent performance under bidirectional earthquake excitations,and may be considered as a substitute for current hollow RC rectangular section configurations described in the Guideline for Seismic Design of Highway Bridges(JTG/T B02-01-2008).The length of the plastic hinge region was found to approach one sixth of the hollow RC rectangular bridge column height for all specimen columns,and it was much less than those specified in the current JTG/T.Thus,the length of the plastic hinge region is more concentrated for RC rectangular hollow bridge columns.  相似文献   

中国古代大木作结构斗栱竖向承载力的试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为探讨中国古代大木作结构斗栱在竖向地震作用下隔震、减震机理以及相应的竖向极限承载能力,对三个缩尺比为l/3.52的二等材计心造两跳五铺作斗栱进行了竖向荷载作用下的试验研究,得出了相应的P-△曲线。结果表明,在竖向荷载作用下:(1)斗栱结构特性可视为变刚度线弹性变化,可用单自由度的质量-弹簧-阻尼器模型来说明;(2)斗拱的破坏始于华栱中部的塑性变形和劈裂;(3)在地震动过程中,其运动的竖向传递率大约为0.019,说明斗栱在减小结构地震响应方面发挥了重要作用;(4)在正常使用阶段,斗拱的内力与变形不超过其极限承载力的l/7左右,强度裕度很大。这保证了很多中国古代木结构能够抵御许多强烈地震作用并且矗立千年而不倒。  相似文献   

To study the dynamic response of vertical and batter pile groups in saturated sand, dynamic tests of these pile groups in saturated sand were carried out using the ZJU400 geotechnical centrifuge at Zhejiang University. The following results were obtained.(1) As the motion intensity increased, the peak acceleration in soil layers at different depths significantly decreased, indicating that the soil stiffness was significantly reduced.(2) During the motion process, the instantaneous bending moment...  相似文献   

The measurement of point discharge current has been made at Visakhapatnam from December 1972 through November 1974. The annual loss or gain of charge through an artificial point per sq. km during one year is computed from the point discharge current data. It is found that the annual net point discharge during thunderstorm periods is 16 C/km2 and 113 C/km2 during all weather conditions. Further the charge ratio negative to positive during thunderstorm periods is 2.42, and for all weather conditions it is 1.83.  相似文献   

The galvanic problem is frequently solved by a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind based on a single layer source formulation. At higher conductivity contrasts between the model and its surroundings the homogeneous part of the integral equation approaches an eigenvalue equation. With infinite contrast the solution of this limiting integral equation is non-unique, but in the subspace of zero total charge the solution is unique. This mathematical property of the integral equation is reflected in its numerical solution with the result that large numerical errors may appear and convergence of the solution becomes very slow. Errors are, for the most part, related to the computed excess charge generated in the numerical solution. The effect is studied by comparing the results computed from the solution of the integral equation alone with those computed from a particular solution where the requirement of zero total charge is used as a constraint. The model examples clearly show that the use of the constraint condition significantly improves the accuracy of the results.  相似文献   

The sound-producing mechanism of booming sand has long been a pending problem in the blown sand physics. Based on the earlier researches, the authors collected some silent sand samples from Teng- ger Desert, Australian Desert, Kuwait Desert, beaches of Hainan Island and Japanese coast as well as the soundless booming sand samples from the Mingsha Mountain in Dunhuang to make washing ex- periments. In the meantime the chemical corrosion experiment of glass micro-spheres, surface coating experiment and SEM examination were also conducted. The experimental results show that the sound production of booming sand seems to have nothing to do with the presence of SiO2 gel on the surface of sand grains and unrelated to the surface chemical composition of sand grains but is related to the resonance cavities formed by porous (pit-like) physical structure resulting from a number of factors such as wind erosion, water erosion, chemical corrosion and SiO2 gel deposition, etc. Its resonance mechanism is similar to that of Hemholz resonance cavity. Under the action of external forces, nu- merous spherical and sand grains with smooth surface and porous surface are set in motion and rub with each other to produce extremely weak vibration sound and then become audible sound by human ears through the magnification of surface cavity resonance. However the booming sands may lose their resonance mechanism and become silent sand due to the damping action caused by the invasion of finer particles such as dust and clay into surface holes of sand grains. Therefore, clearing away fine pollutants on the quartz grain surface is an effective way to make silent sand emit audible sound.  相似文献   




Fluvial terraces in mountain territories and granulometric cycles in fluvial sediment complexes show 300–400 m uplifts in mountain regions and about the same sized subsidences in major East-Central European basins during the Quaternary (−2.4 Ma). The vertical movements are not at all regular and equal in the mountains nor in the great basins. The number of the terraces is different in the valleys and their mutual proportions also differ. Similarly, some local Quaternary basins were developed deeper in the peripheries of the large basins while the central parts are shallow. There are also some stable blocks between the mountains and the lowlands, which did not move essentially during the last two and a half million years.The course and velocity of Pliocene and Quaternary subsidence were proved in a local sub-basin of the Carpathian mountain arch by paleomagnetic measurements of cores from two deep boreholes. In the Körös Basin, filled with fine-grained fluvial sediment, the sedimentation rate was 0.16–0.19 mm/y in the last 700.000 years; 0.15–0.16 mm/y during the proceding one million years; and 0.22–0.28 mm/y during the Pliocene (from −5.2 to −2.4 Ma).In sub-basins filled with coarse-grained sediments, the sedimentation rate was 0.3–0.4 mm/y during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Analysis of field and laboratory measurements and theoretical studies was used to establish that the generally adopted logarithmic shape of wind speed profile near the ocean surface does not hold in the presence of waves. It was shown that, under the conditions of developing or developed waves at high wind speed, this profile assumes the form of two logarithmic branches, which join at a large height where wave-induced pulsations of wind speed decay. A model of wind speed profile under these conditions was constructed.Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2005, pp. 165–170.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Matushevskii.  相似文献   

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