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《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(1):13-22
This paper is the first to describe the spatio-temporal changes of mesozooplankton in the Seine estuary. Monthly samples were collected along the estuary in 1996 in order to analyse the seasonal changes of the mesozooplankton community and to identify the major environmental parameters that may influence the spatial distribution of zooplankton in this megatidal estuary. Statistical analysis (canonical correspondence analysis) showed that salinity was the main factor correlated with the longitudinal distribution of zooplankton. Marine species (Temora longicornis, barnacle larvae…) were located in the outer part of the estuary, while more oligohaline species (Eurytemora affinis) were recorded in the inner part of the estuary. A mixed zone was characterised by the presence of the neritic copepods Acartia spp. and Eurytemora affinis. The marine species (e.g. T. longicornis, Oikopleura dioica, Barnacle larvae) showed maximum abundance at the end of spring (June) while the most abundant estuarine species, E. affinis, peaked in late winter-spring and declined with the onset of summer. This copepod dominated the estuarine zooplankton throughout the year, and found in the Seine estuary very high favourable conditions to exhibit ultimate abundances (> 190 000 ind m–3) which is one order of magnitude higher than those found in other European estuaries. It represented the main prey for major planktonivorous species such as suprabenthic and fish species located living in the upstream zone of the Seine estuary.  相似文献   

The macrobenthic community structure and characteristics of sediments were studied in samples collected seasonally at five stations in the lower mesotidal Douro estuary, Portugal. Sediment characterisation included grain size distribution, total-recoverable metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni and Cd), acid-volatile sulphides (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) and total organic matter contents. Spatial variation surpassed temporal variation both in terms of environmental parameters and community structure. Clear anthropogenic contamination in terms of Zn, Cr, Cu and Pb, and a positive SEM-AVS, indicating the potential bioavailability of these metals, were detected on the north bank of the estuary. Multivariate analysis revealed that in addition to natural sediment characteristics, the anthropogenic metal contamination was influencing the macrobenthic community structure. In fact, greater concentrations of Zn, Cr, Cu and Pb were associated with lower number of species and/or diversity. Finally, the dry weight-normalised metal concentrations appeared as a more useful tool than the SEM-AVS model in predicting disturbance of the macrobenthic community in the studied area.  相似文献   

鸭绿江洪季的河口最大混浊带   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对 1 994年 8月在鸭绿江河口的水文和悬浮泥沙的观测资料进行分析。结果表明 ,在洪季鸭绿江河口的最大混浊带 ,出现在第一个河口锋面内侧。它的核心处盐度小于 1 ,从上游带入河口的细颗粒泥沙多数被河口第一锋面截留 ,还有一部分上游来沙穿过该锋面 ,聚集在河口第一和第二锋面之间。垂向密度环流作用和絮凝作用在鸭绿江洪季最大混浊带的维持过程中起着主导作用  相似文献   

The fish assemblage structure was analyzed along an estuarine gradient of a small macrotidal estuary (the Canche, France). Fishes were collected every two months between May 2006 and July 2007 from 12 sampling stations using a 1.5-m beam trawl with a 5 mm mesh size in the cod end. To complement this information, sampling was also performed using 15-m fyke nets (8 mm mesh size in the cod end). For each sample, abiotic (temperature, salinity, pH, oxygen, turbidity, river flow, wind speed and depth) and biotic (macro crustacean species abundances) were recorded. Throughout the study, 28 fish species belonging to 20 families were collected. Fish catches were dominated by juveniles, especially Young-Of-the-Year (YOY) for the majority of the species. According to the Index of Relative Importance (IRI), common goby Pomatoschistus microps, flounder Platichtys flesus, sprat Sprattus sprattus, sea-bass Dicentrarchus labrax and plaice Pleuronectes platessa were the most abundant species, together accounting for 99.2% of the total IRI. Estuarine residents (ER = 66.2%) and marine juvenile migrants species (MJ = 31.4%) were the most important ecological guilds. The structure of the fish assemblage and its relationship to environmental variables was examined using multivariate techniques. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis defined six distinct groups in the Canche estuary, which are discriminated by specific species (SIMPER). Spatio-temporal variations in fish assemblage structure reflect the density peaks of the most abundant species. Spearman rank correlations and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that among the ten environmental variables examined, temperature, salinity and Crangon crangon (a potential predator for YOY fish or prey for older ones) are the three most important factors influencing fish species richness and abundances. Our observations reinforce the idea that certain fish species may have different life history styles in different geographic areas. The present study highlights the necessity of a better knowledge of the connectivity between estuaries and adjacent marine areas. The Canche constitutes an important ecosystem for fishes and as it is subject to little anthropogenic disturbance; its ichthyofauna can be viewed as a reference or normal assemblage for small temperate macrotidal estuaries.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton diversity and community composition were studied along the Schelde river–estuary–coastal zone continuum during the summer of 2003. DCA analysis indicated a gradual compositional turnover of the phytoplankton community within the estuary. GAM modelling of species response curves along the estuarine gradient was used to identify taxa that had their population maximum in the river, the coastal zone or within the estuary. Taxa that had their population maximum within the estuary did not form a homogenous community but comprised species with different salinity optima and rather restricted salinity tolerances. The observed changes in community composition along the estuarine transition zone correspond more closely to an ecocline than to an ecotone model. Despite the fact that few taxa had their population maximum at or near the salinity gradient, alpha diversity did not display a minimum around the salinity gradient. This lack of a diversity minimum within the estuary was ascribed to an important contribution of taxa of riverine or coastal origin to alpha diversity within the estuary contributed. On average 55% of the alpha diversity in the estuarine samples was due to riverine or coastal taxa. Beta diversity displayed a clear maximum around the salinity gradient. For planktonic organisms which are subject to mass effects, beta diversity is probably a better indicator for the impact of the salinity gradient on diversity in estuaries than alpha diversity.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(2):205-214
Biomass and phytoplankton photosynthetic response were studied in the lower Tagus estuary weekly, and related to environmental conditions in February, March and April 1994. The Photosynthesis-Irradiance (PBI) relation was studied based on the light-saturated photosynthesis rate (PBm) and the light-limited initial slope (aB). The nutrient concentrations observed were high enough to be considered as not limiting phytoplankton growth. Tagus estuary phytoplankton seems, to a certain extent, adapted to high turbid conditions, being able to utilize the low light levels more efficiently, which was translated by high values of aB [0.10–0.20 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1 (W m−2)−1]; however, light seems to limit phytoplankton production in the water column.  相似文献   

刘诚  梁燕  彭石  侯堋 《海洋学报》2017,39(1):1-10
本文建立曲线坐标系下的双曲型缓坡方程波浪模型和考虑波浪辐射应力影响的深度平均2D潮流数学模型,首次研究了磨刀门河口2011年地形条件下的枯季波生流场。受波浪作用影响,落潮阶段,波浪作用方向与流向相反,在波浪顶托效应下拦门沙沙脊及外坡处流速普遍减小,形成两个主要回流区,口门外东西两侧浅滩处流速也减小,东西两汊及横洲深槽流速增大;涨潮阶段,波浪作用方向与流向相同,拦门沙沙脊及外坡处流速增大,沙脊处出现冲越流,口门两侧浅滩处流速增大,横洲深槽流速减小。  相似文献   

The epibiotic communities (diatoms and metazoans) on the outer surfaces of the shell of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite (BSh) and its opercular valves (the scutum and tergum; BST) were investigated on a monthly basis for 1 year in a tropical monsoon‐influenced estuary and compared with that of the surrounding rock biofilm. BSh and BST were rich in the diatoms Achnanthes longipes and Melosira nummuloides and amongst the invertebrates, nematodes and tardigrades were abundant. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of epibiosis on the acorn barnacle. Diatom abundance was at its maximum during the monsoon season on all the inter‐tidal substrata i.e. BSh, BST and rock. A significant correlation was found between the density of diatoms and invertebrates associated with the BSh and BST, possibly because of the trophic relationship between them or the suitability of the physical environment. The possible role of these epibionts on the settlement of this barnacle species is currently unknown and needs further investigation.  相似文献   

珠江口磨刀门枯季表层沉积物特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据2003年12月在珠江口磨刀门附近水域采集的河口表层沉积物粒度分析资料,研究了磨刀门河口表层沉积物的组成、分布、运动等特征及其动力环境指示作用。研究表明,磨刀门口枯季表层沉积物组成以粉砂为主,其次为粘土和砂。表层沉积物平均中值粒径为6.356Ф(0.0122mm),表层沉积物的级配与悬沙的级配较接近。口门附近表层沉积物的中值粒径、分选性沿程没有明显的变化。枯季表层沉积物的形成以悬移质沉积为主,跃移和推移运动形式很少。磨刀门由于受人类活动的影响枯季表层沉积物与历史相比出现明显的细化,磨刀门口附近枯季表层沉积物的特征在一定程度上反映了枯季以潮流作用为主的相对较弱的动力环境。  相似文献   

By using the archival data of routine hydrometeorological and satellite observations, we perform the analysis of the general regularities of manifestations of upwelling in the anomalies of the surface temperature in the northwest part of the Black Sea at the end of the summer season. We describe the structure of coastal upwelling according to the data of a hydrological survey carried out in the Kalamitskii Bay in September 2007 characterized by the extremely intense anomalies of sea surface temperature. By using the data of reanalysis on the heat fluxes and the wind field, we analyze the cause-effect relations responsible for the evolution of this upwelling.  相似文献   

辽河口邻近海域小型底栖生物的空间分布及季节变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文研究了辽河口邻近海域2013年8月、10月和2014年5月3个航次小型底栖生物的种类及其空间分布,分析了小型底栖生物丰度和生物量的季节变化。结果表明,3个航次(夏季、秋季和春季)小型底栖生物的平均丰度分别为(264±83) ind/(10 cm2)、(216±85) ind/(10 cm2)和(227±67) ind/(10 cm2),平均生物量分别为(272±125)μg/(10 cm2)、(207±89)μg/(10 cm2)和(244±103)μg/(10 cm2)。与其他研究海域相比,辽河口小型底栖的丰度和生物量处于较低水平。共鉴定出了14个小型生物类群,按照丰度排序,线虫是最优势的类群,夏季、秋季和春季3个航次占总丰度的比例分别为94.0%、92.5%和90.8%;其他优势类群为多毛类、桡足类和双壳类。小型底栖生物量的优势类群则为多毛类(41.1%~44.0%),高于线虫(33.8%~36.5%),其次是双壳类(2.6%~6.7%)。水平分布的研究表明,调查海域近岸入海口小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量普遍低于近海海域,但是秋季时近岸分布与近海差距不大。垂直分布的研究表明,95.9%的小型底栖生物分布于0~5 cm的表层沉积物中。小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量在夏季时都达到高峰值。与环境因子的相关分析表明,小型底栖生物的数量分布与盐度和水深呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与叶绿素a呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

珠江口及邻近水域鱼类群落结构研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
詹海刚 《海洋学报》1998,20(3):91-97
根据1986~1987年珠江口及邻近水域底拖网鱼类采样资料,运用系统聚类与排序等多元分析方法和群落多样性指数,研究该水域鱼类群落结构及其与环境因素的关系,分析结果把该水域鱼类划分为淡水、河口和沿岸3个群落,分别位于莲花山,虎门河道、珠江河口伶仃洋和珠江口浅海水域,各群落结构组成呈沿盐度梯度而成带分布的格局.淡水群落结构简单稳定,沿岸群落结构比较复杂,河口群落受水动力过程和生物活动影响最大,群落结构的季节变化较为显着.  相似文献   

河口区由于其独特的地理环境和理化条件,拥有丰富的微生物资源,在生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用.然而,由于人类活动带来的河口区环境因素改变,引起的微生物群落结构的时空变化目前还知之甚少.本研究选取九龙江河口区7个近年来遭受较为严重人类活动干扰的采样点,分别在丰水期和枯水期采集表层水体,采用流动注射法测定了水体的三氮、电导率、pH值和溶解性磷酸盐等环境参数,采用海水和淡水培养基,基于纯培养技术分析了可培养细菌的总数和分布特征,并通过构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库的方法研究细菌的多样性和群落结构变化.研究表明,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)是各克隆文库中最优势的类群.在河口下游海水区,变形菌门微生物与放线菌门微生物的比例约为2∶1~3∶1,而在河口上游淡水区,变形菌门和放线菌门的比例约为1∶1.在河口下游海水区,α变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)为变形菌门中的优势类群,而在河口上游淡水区,β变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)为优势类群.厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)是克隆文库中丰度占第四的类群,说明水体可能遭受畜牧养殖粪便污染.本研究表明,九龙江河口区微生物群落结构受水体盐度、温度、水文情况等时空因子及人类活动造成的营养物浓度上升、动物粪便污染等共同影响,呈现出独特的时空分布特点.  相似文献   

Zooplankton assemblages were studied from January 2007 to January 2008 along the salinity gradient of the Charente estuary (France). A Lagrangian survey was performed monthly at five sampling stations defined by salinity (freshwater, 0.5, 5, 15 and 25) in order to collect zooplankton and measure the main environmental parameters (concentrations of suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbon, chlorophyll a and phaeopigments). A combination of multivariate cluster analysis, species indicator index and canonical correspondence analysis was used to relate the spatio-temporal patterns of the zooplankton assemblages with environmental drivers. The estuary was divided into three different zones by means of environmental parameters while four zooplankton assemblages were identified along the salinity gradient. The Charente estuary appeared as one of the most turbid systems in Europe, with suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration reaching 3.5 g l−1 in the Maximum Turbidity Zone (MTZ). Algal heterotrophy and microphytobenthos resuspension from the wide mudflats could be responsible for the relatively high chlorophyll a concentrations measured within this MTZ. Salinity and SPM affected significantly the spatial distribution of zooplankton species while temperature and river flow seemed to control their temporal variations. From a zooplanktonic viewpoint, the highly turbid Charente estuary seemed to match an “ecotone–ecocline” model: the succession of species assemblages along the salinity gradient matched the concept of ecocline while the MTZ, which is a stressful narrow area, could be considered as an ecotone. Although such ecoclinal characteristics seemed to be a general feature of estuarine biocenoses, the ecotone could be more system-specific and biological compartment-specific.  相似文献   

河口作为陆海相互作用的关键带,是河流入海泥沙及污染物的主要归宿地。钦江作为广西第二大河流,在茅尾海资源开发利用和生态环境保护与修复中发挥着重要作用。为进一步认识钦江河口地区的沉积动力过程,2021年10月27日至12月8日在此展开水动力和水体环境要素的连续观测。现场观测与分析结果表明,观测期间钦江河口潮汐类型为正规全日潮,浅水分潮显著,平均潮差为3.07 m,具有落潮优势;潮流以全日分潮流为主导,平均流速为0.12 m/s,运动形式主要为往复流;余流流向主要为西南方向。钦江河口潮汐和潮流性质较外湾和茅尾海中部海域全日潮特征更显著。枯季期间河口表层沉积物随潮汐运动表现为侵蚀-沉降交替的变化规律,垂向上侵蚀通量大于沉降通量,水平方向上悬沙净向海输运。冷空气过境带来的降雨使得钦江河口水体盐度降低、浊度增大,悬沙浓度及输沙量增加,同时冷空气南下时北风增强引起钦江河口减水效应并使潮差略有增加,水动力强度增大,增加表层沉积物的活动性,从而引起底部沉积物再悬浮强度和频率增加。  相似文献   

The observation of a strong seasonal variation of arsenic species found in the estuaries of the Rivers Beaulieu, Test and Itchen in central southern England is presented. The implications of such observations regarding the environmental biomethylation and fate of arsenic in natural waters are also discussed.  相似文献   

康琮  宋志尧  孔俊 《海洋工程》2009,27(3):112-116
在分析磨刀门河口潮汐、水流、泥沙特性的基础上,结合2001年枯季口内灯笼山断面流量、输沙率同步实测过程线,对该断面的逐时输沙关系进行回归分析,发现无论涨潮阶段还是落潮阶段,其相关性均很高.同时通过单宽输沙量分解,对磨刀门悬沙输移主要因素进行分析,结果表明磨刀门在枯季期间以悬沙输移优势流贡献为主,悬沙向海输运.  相似文献   

枯水期钦州湾浮游植物群落结构组成与分布特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用浮游植物特征光合色素的分析方法,研究了2011年枯水期钦州湾浮游植物的结构组成与分布特征。结果表明:枯水期含量较高的浮游植物光合色素按含量高低依次为叶绿素a、岩藻黄素、叶绿素b、青绿素和多甲藻素,其他特征光合色素的含量很低。经CHEMTAX对光合色素转化计算,枯水期普遍检出的浮游植物类群为硅藻、青绿藻和甲藻,是枯水期浮游植物的优势类群,其生物量的平均值(±标准差)分别为(2.36±2.38)μg/L、(0.87±0.53)μg/L、(0.13±0.14)μg/L,变化范围为0.18~7.45μg/L、0.10~1.80μg/L和0.02~0.60μg/L。硅藻、青绿藻和甲藻占枯水期浮游植物生物量比例的平均值(±标准差)分别为59%±21%、30%±16%、6%±4%,占比变化范围为29%~96%、1%~53%和0.4%~14%,其他藻类所占比例很低。河口和外湾靠外海域两个区域以硅藻为优势类群,内湾及外湾近岸硅藻和青绿藻共同为优势类群。河流营养盐输入量和比例的不同决定了钦州湾河口海区浮游植物群落结构的差异,大面积贝类养殖导致了内湾至外湾近岸海区硅藻比例的降低,而外湾水温的增加引起暖水性硅藻大量增长成为优势类群,在温度进一步增加和营养盐持续输入等条件下存在会发生硅藻赤潮的风险。  相似文献   

The investigation of mineral, granulometric and chemical composition of sediments of the River Krka estuary (Yugoslavia) were performed in order to elucidate the origin of the sediments and the pattern of sedimentation. Estuarine surface sediments were found to be fine-grained with a bimodal distribution. Environmental conditions in estuarine sediments favour conservation of the organic matter (anoxic conditions). The carbohydrates in the sediments were investigated to determine whether they are of terrigenous or authigenous origin. Glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose, rhamnose, glucosamine and glucuronic acid were detected in the sediments. Their mutual relationship indicates a preferentially terrigenous source of sedimented organic material in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

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