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We have analyzed variations in the near-surface atmospheric electric field (Ez) normalized to their daily averages that were simultaneously observed in different high-latitude regions at moderate geomagnetic activity (Kp ∼ 3). The Ez data were measured under fair weather conditions at the Vostok Antarctic research station (Φ′ = −83.5°) in the southern polar cap and at the Hornsund Arctic observatory (Φ′ = 74.0°) on Svalbard close to the polar boundary of the auroral oval in the Northern Hemisphere. It is established that variations in the atmospheric electric field in the polar cap region at the Vostok station are controlled (the correlation coefficient R ∼ 0.7–0.9) by variations in the overhead ionospheric potential. The situation at the Hornsund observatory is more complicated. During intervals when Hornsund occurred below the westward electrojet, the correlation was typically positive with R ∼ 0.60–0.85; however, while this observatory was in the region of the eastern electrojet, the correlation could be negative with R ∼ 0.7–0.8. Normally, during such periods, the westward electrojet was detected polarwards of Hornsund while, according to the SuperDARN radar data, the observatory was located below the negative vortex of the polar ionospheric convection.  相似文献   

中层大气重力波的全球分布特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从2002年1月到2009年12月的SABER温度剖面数据提取了可以反映重力波活动的垂直尺度2~10 km的中尺度温度扰动,分析了全球中层大气重力波的分布.重力波扰动在夏季和冬季明显强于春季和秋季,而冬季与夏季相比,在70 km以下的高度夏季弱于冬季,在70 km以上夏季比冬季要强.从全球重力波分布来看,较大值分布在冬季半球和25°N到25°S的热带范围,其中热带范围重力波的峰值随着高度向北移动,而在南半球高纬度地区重力波扰动较大值位于极区涡流的边缘.热带范围的扰动沿着经度方向有明显的变化,这是由风过滤、地形和波动等因素共同作用的结果.重力波扰动强度随高度变化,在25~30 km处呈现下降趋势,而超过42 km后又逐渐递增.对比8年平均的重力波在不同高度的强弱分布,可以看到,在较低高度,重力波的强弱明显与地形有关,而在较高高度,重力波的分布与地形的关系变得不明显.这说明重力波的形成与地形有显著相关性,但在传播过程中重力波的分布会随高度出现明显的变化.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of the global nature of the atmospheric electric field is presented on the basis of comparison of measurements on the research vessel, Hakuho-Maru, on the Mid- and South-Pacific Ocean, with those at Syowa Station in Antartica and on two vessels on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. The comparison of daily averages gave a different type of latitude dependence, which was characterized by a gradual decrease toward the antarctic region. Diurnal variations at these globally representative stations on the same day were checked with each other for the first time, and the correlation between them was found much higher than that between land stations. The regional effect, which might depend on the distance from the thunderstorm area, was not evidently detected. So the influence of the generator area was considered to propagate over the entire globe without significant attenuation.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage von Vergleichen zwischen Messungen an Bord des Forschungsschiffes Hakohu-Maru im mittleren und südlichen Pazifischen Ozean, an der antarktischen Forschungsstation Syowa und an Bord von zwei Forschungsschiffen im mittleren Atlantik wird eine Analyse der weltweiten Natur des luftelektrischen Feldes vorgelegt. Der Vergleich von Tagesmitteln ergab eine spezielle Abhängigkeit von der geographischen Breite, gekennzeichnet durch eine allmähliche Abnahme in Richtung auf den antarktischen Bereich. Die Tagesgänge an diesen weltweitrepräsentativen Stationen wurden zum ersten Mal untereinander für jeweils die gleichen Tage verglichen. Es wurde gefunden, dass die Korrelation zwischen ihnen weitaus grösser war als sie zwischen Landstationen ist. Ein regionaler Effekt, vermutbar in der Form einer Abhängigkeit von der Entfernung zur Gewitterzone, wurde nicht sicher gefunden. Deswegen wird angenommen, dass die Auswirkungen des Generatorbereichs sich über die gesamte Erde ohne merkliche Verminderung erstrecken.

Observations of atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) are considered through their effect on the horizontal gradient G of the slant total electron content (slant TEC), which can be directly obtained from two-dimensional radio-interferometric observations of cosmic radio-sources with the Nançay radioheligraph (2.2°E, 47.3°N). Azimuths of propagation can be deduced (modulo 180°). The total database amounts to about 800 h of observations at various elevations, local time and seasons. The main results are:a) AGWs are partially directive, confirming our previous results.b) The propagation azimuths considered globally are widely scattered with a preference towards the south.c) They show a bimodal time distribution with preferential directions towards the SE during daytime and towards the SW during night-time (rather than a clockwise rotation as reported by previous authors).d) The periods are scattered but are larger during night-time than during daytime by about 60%.e) The effects observed with the solar radio-sources are significantly stronger than with other radio-sources (particularly at higher elevations), showing the role of the geometry in line of sight-integrated observations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with how atmospheric gravity waves produce the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) that are observed by ionosondes. It is shown that, rather than directly producing variations of ionospheric height, a likely mechanism involves changes in ionization density by gradients in the horizontal atmospheric gravity wave air motion. These density changes can be observed as variations of the height of an ionospheric isodensity surface (the usual way of measuring TIDs). This mechanism involving enhancement/depletion of ionospheric density requires quite moderate atmospheric gravity wave air motion speeds, and works well at almost all latitudes.  相似文献   

We have estimated the variations in the atmospheric electrostatic field (AEF, E Z(0)) strength in the surface layer caused by variations in conductivity due to radon influences, cosmic ray intensity, changes in the balance of light and heavy ions during sunset and sunrise, and under the effect of the ionospheric electric current potential on the AEF potential. It is shown that the air conductivity varies due to ionization under the effect of radon emanations and is determined by the radon exhalation and turbulent diffusion of the surface air layer, while the cosmic ray intensity affects the surface air conductivity through changes in the ion recombination conditions. A decrease in the air conductivity due to a decrease in the cosmic ray intensity (Forbush decrease) also decreases E Z(0), while a decrease in radon fluxes results in an increase in E Z(0). We have estimated the effect of illumination conditions on the AEF due to variations in the relative concentration of heavy and light ions under the influence of photodetachment and photoattachment processes. The work has been done on the basis of data received from the Paratunka observatory (Kamchatka).  相似文献   

Summary The measured data of the atmospheric potential gradientE during aurorae are summarized. It is shown that aurorae in the northern hemisphere decreaseE, and aurorae in the southern hemisphere increaseE. Depending on aurorae intensities, variations ofE reach 30–35% from the mean.Deviations ofE from normal values, on the average, begin 3.5 hours before aurora occurrence and end 3 hours after that.
Zusammenfassung Messdaten des luftelektrischen Feldes (Potentialgefälles)E während des Auftretens von Polarlichtern werden zusammengefasst. Es wird gezeigt, dassE bei Nordlicht abgeschwächt, bei Südlicht verstärkt wird. Die Änderungen vonE erreichen 30–35% des Mittelwerts und hängen von der Stärke des Polarlichts ab. Im Mittel beginnen die Abweichungen desE von seinem normalen Wert 3.5 Stunden vor, und enden 3 Stunden nach dem Auftreten des Polarlichts.

The effects of morning magnetospheric substorms in the variations in near-Earth atmospheric electricity according to the observations of the electric field vertical component (E z ), at Hornsund polar observatory (Spitsbergen). The E z, data, obtained under the conditions of fair weather (i.e., in the absence of a strong wind, precipitation, and fog), are analyzed. An analysis of the observations indicated that the development of a magnetospheric substorm in the Earth’s morning sector is as a rule accompanied by positive deviations in E z, independently of the Hornsund location: in the polar cap or at its boundary. In all considered events, Hornsund was located near the center of the morning convection vortex. In the evening sector, when Hornsund fell in the region of evening convection vortex, the development of a geomagnetic substorm was accompanied by negative deviations in E z., It has been concluded that the variations in the atmospheric electric field E z), at polar latitudes, observed during the development of magnetospheric substorms, result from the penetration of electric fields of polar ionospheric convection (which are intensified during a substorm) to the Earth’s surface.  相似文献   

The results of experimental studies of the propagation of longitudinal waves in saturated rock samples in which there is a flow of electric charges are presented. It is shown that the electric field affects elastic parameters in heterophase media by changing their dynamic characteristics. The aim of the study of the effect of electric field on the propagation of elastic waves in saturated porous media was to determine the optimum conditions for this effect, and to construct a set of effective parameters which could be used to increase the effectiveness of seismoacoustic prospecting methods, particularly acoustic logging, and be helpful for developing new methods of increasing the effectiveness of oil extraction from productive wells.  相似文献   

Superposed epoch analysis (SEA) was used to examine ionospheric drift velocities measured by a digital ionosonde located at the mid-latitude station Bundoora (145.1°E, 37.7°S geographic), near Melbourne. The control times for the SEA were the times of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strokes measured from August 2003 to August 2004 by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Statistically, regions of concentrated lightning activity migrated from west to east across Bundoora, and the stroke frequency was higher the day prior the activity reached the station, and lower on the day after it passed to the east. For the SEA, CG strokes were separated into four directional quadrants centred on north, south, east and west. No SEA results are shown for the south quadrant due to the relatively low detection frequency of strokes across the Southern Ocean (6% of all events). The strongest downward vertical perturbations in F-region drifts, ?4.5 m s?1, were found for lightning located towards the west during ?30 to ?16 h (i.e., the afternoon prior the activity passed near the station at t=0 h). The downward perturbation decreased in amplitude to ?1.5 m s?1 for lightning located towards the north during ?6–+6 h, and was weakest (?0.7 m s?1) for lightning located towards the east during +16–+28 h (i.e., the next afternoon). There were directionally consistent perturbations in the drift azimuths associated with the lightning located in their respective quadrants; lightning located to the west of the station caused eastward azimuth enhancements, northward lightning caused southward enhancements, and eastward lightning caused westward enhancements. Velocity magnitudes and fluctuations tended to increase during the passage of lightning. The observed responses were stronger when the SEA was performed with data selected using time windows of <2 min on either side of each lightning stroke. However, they persisted at longer time scales and were strong when thunderstorm onsets (instead of lightning times) were used as controls. Our results can be explained by thunderstorm-generated atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) which subsequently gave rise to medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), with the lightning strokes acting merely as a proxy for this coupling. The prevailing thermospheric winds were flowing from east to west across the study region, and may have acted as a directional ‘filter’ for the MSTIDs, allowing waves generated in the west quadrant to reach the station and preventing those generated in other quadrants. Displacement of the MSTIDs in the direction anti-parallel to mean neutral wind flow has been observed by (Waldock, J.A., Jones, T.B., 1986. HF Doppler observations of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances at mid-latitudes. Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 48(3), 245–260).  相似文献   

The influence of background winds and energy attenuation on the propagation of atmospheric gravity waves is numerically analyzed. The gravity waves, both in the internal and ducted forms, are included through employing ray-tracing method and full-wave solution method. Background winds with different directions may cause ray paths of internal gravity waves to be horizontally prolonged, vertically steepened, reflected or critically coupled, all of which change the accumulation of energy attenuation along ray paths. Only the penetrating waves propagating against winds can easily reach the ionospheric height with less energy attenuation. The propagation status of gravity waves with different periods and phase speeds is classified into the cut-off region, the reflected region and the propagating region. All the three regions are influenced significantly by winds. The area of the reflected region reduces when gravity waves propagate in the same direction of winds and expands when propagating against wind. In propagating region, the horizontal attenuation distances of gravity waves increase and the arrival heights decrease when winds blow in the same direction of gravity waves, while the attenuation distances decrease and the arrival heights increase when gravity waves propagate against winds. The results for ducted gravity waves show that the influence of winds on waves of lower atmospheric modes is not noticeable for they propagate mainly under mesosphere, where the wind field is relatively weak. However, strong winds at thermospheric height lead to considerable changes of dispersion relation and attenuation distance of upper atmospheric modes. Winds against the wave propagating direction support long-distance propagation of G mode, while the attenuation distances decrease when winds blow in the same direction of the wave. The distribution of TIDs observed by HF Doppler array at Wuhan is compared with the simulation of internal gravity waves. The observation of TIDs shows agreement with our numerical calculations.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of short period in the atmospheric electric field were studied through the measurements of electric field and space charge density on the Mid-Pacific Ocean. The amplitude of fluctuation is about one third of the mean electric field, and the period mainly ranges from 2 to 5 min. The fluctuations are considered to be under the influence of spatial and temporal variation of space charge layer that possibly originates from the electrode effect above the sea surface. The unit of electrical irregularities in the atmosphere above the ocean has horizontal scale of the order of 1.5 km and indicates a tendency to become large as the wind speed increases. The vertical scale of space charge layer is estimated at several tens meters.  相似文献   

A global coupled thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere model is used to simulate a family of large-scale imperfectly ducted atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) and associated travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) originating at conjugate magnetic latitudes in the north and south auroral zones and subsequently propagating meridionally to equatorial latitudes. A fast dominant mode and two slower modes are identified. We find that, at the magnetic equator, all the clearly identified modes of AGW interfere constructively and pass through to the opposite hemisphere with unchanged velocity. At F-region altitudes the fast AGW has the largest amplitude, and when northward propagating and southward propagating modes interfere at the equator, the TID (as parameterised by the fractional change in the electron density at the F2 peak) increases in magnitude at the equator. The amplitude of the TID at the magnetic equator is increased compared to mid-latitudes in both upper and lower F-regions with a larger increase in the upper F-region. The ionospheric disturbance at the equator persists in the upper F-region for about 1 hour and in the lower F-region for 2.5 hours after the AGWs first interfere, and it is suggested that this is due to enhancements of the TID by slower AGW modes arriving later at the magnetic equator. The complex effects of the interplays of the TIDs generated in the equatorial plasmasphere are analysed by examining neutral and ion winds predicted by the model, and are demonstrated to be consequences of the forcing of the plasmasphere along the magnetic field lines by the neutral air pressure wave.  相似文献   

Regular measurements of the atmospheric electric field made at Vostok Station (φ=78.45°S; λ=106.87°E, elevation 3500 m) in Antarctica demonstrate that extremely intense electric fields (1000–5000 V/m) can be observed during snow storms. Usually the measured value of the atmospheric electric field at Vostok is about 100–250 V/m during periods with “fair weather” conditions. Actual relation between near-surface electric fields and ionospheric electric fields remain to be a controversial problem. Some people claimed that these intense electric fields produced by snowstorms or appearing before strong earthquakes can re-distribute electric potential in the ionosphere at the heights up to 300 km. We investigated interrelation between the atmospheric and ionospheric electric fields by both experimental and theoretical methods. Our conclusion is that increased near-surface atmospheric electric fields do not contribute notably to distribution of ionospheric electric potential.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) and travelling ionospheric disturbances (TID) in the Earth’s thermosphere and ionosphere are reviewed. In the past decade, the generation of gravity waves at high latitudes and their subsequent propagation to low latitudes have been studied by several global model simulations and coordinated observation campaigns such as the Worldwide Atmospheric Gravity-wave Study (WAGS), the results are presented in the first part of the review. The second part describes the progress towards understanding the AGW/TID characteristics. It points to the AGW/TID relationship which has been recently revealed with the aid of model-data comparisons and by the application of new inversion techniques. We describe the morphology and climatology of gravity waves and their ionospheric manifestations, TIDs, from numerous new observations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2002,64(12-14):1465-1469
Oscillatory neutral wind motions, such as those of atmospheric gravity waves which propagate through the E-region of the ionosphere, appear to produce local electric fields in the source region. Although the net effect of these oscillatory fields vanishes outside the source region, the local fields themselves are not shorted out along the magnetic field lines, as is usually assumed. We present in situ measurements of neutral winds and the correlated electric fields, and show that local electric fields of the order of a few mV/m can be sustained by the neutral wind motions.  相似文献   

Variations in the global atmospheric electric circuit are investigated using a wide range of globally spaced instruments observing VLF (∼10 kHz) waves, ELF (∼300 Hz) waves, Schumann resonances (4–60 Hz), and the atmospheric fair weather electric field. For the ELF/VLF observations, propagation effects are accounted for in a novel approach using established monthly averages of lightning location provided by the Lightning Image Sensor (LIS) and applying known frequency specific attenuation parameters for daytime/nighttime ELF/VLF propagation. Schumann resonances are analyzed using decomposition into propagating and standing waves in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Derived lightning activity is compared to existing global lightning detection networks and fair weather field observations. The results suggest that characteristics of lightning discharges vary by region and may have diverse effects upon the ionospheric potential.  相似文献   

本文利用AIM卫星搭载的CIPS云图反照率和冰晶粒径数据,从中提取了2007/08南半球和2008年北半球共6489个小尺度重力波活动(波长5~150km范围)个例,对重力波区域与背景云层冰晶粒径谱进行对比分析,从而研究重力波对冰晶平均半径和谱宽的影响规律.结果表明,北半球重力波区域冰晶的平均半径和谱宽分别比背景云层小2.5nm和6.1nm,南半球则分别减小1.1nm和7.9nm.在随纬度的分布上,小于80°时,南北半球的平均半径扰动值均为负值,绝对值随纬度增大而减小,而大于80°时,负扰动转变为正扰动,且绝对值增加;谱宽扰动的绝对值也随着纬度增加而减小,但均为负值.在季节内随时间的分布上,南北半球重力波对冰晶平均半径和谱宽的扰动在始末阶段以负值为主,且绝对值较大,而在中期阶段正负值相当,且绝对值较小.这一特征与重力波引起冰晶粒径变化的振幅在纬度和时间上的分布趋势一致.重力波的波长均随纬度升高而减小,在季节的始末阶段较大,中期小,且南半球的平均波长和变化幅度都要明显大于北半球的,粒径扰动振幅随波长的变化率为南半球0.207nm·km-1,北半球的0.163nm·km-1.根据分析推断,重力波自身的扰动振幅应与其影响区域内的谱参数相对于背景云层的变化量有直接关系,且振幅越大,平均半径和谱宽的负扰动就越大.  相似文献   

The correlation between atmospheric gravity waves(GWs) and Transient Luminous Events(TLEs) has been poorly studied using both synchronous observations and numerical simulations. To investigate the modulation effects of GWs on TLEs,a troposphere-mesosphere quasi-electrostatic field model is developed in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates, and the effects of GW perturbations on the initiation and optical emissions of sprite halos are simulated using the model. Simulation results indicate that the atmospheric density at lower ionosphere altitudes becomes inhomogeneous due to GW perturbations, and sprite halos tend to initiate in the GW troughs due to the lower electric breakdown threshold. GW perturbations cause the deformation of sprite halos, strong luminous regions distribute mainly along the GW troughs while optical intensities along the GW peaks is relatively weak. Larger GW perturbations lead to more pronounced deformation of sprite halos, however, stronger lightning discharges in the troposphere result in less optical perturbations of sprite halos. The observed luminous intensities and optical morphology of sprite halos are also affected by the observing orientations and the lightning polarities.  相似文献   

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