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Trojan asteroids undergo very large perturbations because of their resonance with Jupiter. Fortunately the secular evolution of quasi circular orbits remains simple—if we neglect the small short period perturbations. That study is done in the approximation of the three dimensional circular restricted three-body problem, with a small mass ratio μ—that is about 0.001 in the Sun Jupiter case. The Trojan asteroids can be defined as celestial bodies that have a “mean longitude”, M + ω + Ω, always different from that of Jupiter. In the vicinity of any circular Trojan orbit exists a set of “quasi-circular orbits” with the following properties: (A) Orbits of that set remain in that set with an eccentricity that remains of the order of the mass ratio μ. (B) The relative variations of the semi-major axis and the inclination remain of the order of ${\sqrt{\mu}}$ . (C) There exist corresponding “quasi integrals” the main terms of which have long-term relative variations of the order of μ only. For instance the product c(1 – cos i) where c is the modulus of the angular momentum and i the inclination. (D) The large perturbations affect essentially the difference “mean longitude of the Trojan asteroid minus mean longitude of Jupiter”. That difference can have very large perturbations that are characteristics of the “horseshoes orbit”. For small inclinations it is well known that this difference has two stable points near ±60° (Lagange equilibrium points L4 and L5) and an unstable point at 180° (L3). The stable longitude differences are function of the inclination and reach 180° for an inclination of 145°41′. Beyond that inclination only one equilibrium remains: a stable difference at 180°.  相似文献   

The tidally-induced couple acting on the Moon, due to friction between the oceans and their beds, is calculated as a function of the Earth-Moon separation. The function is found to be proportional to 1+d/R 3 , and not the previously used 1/R 6. By use of this new function it is found that the present rate of lunar recession gives an acceptable history for the system if it is assumed the Moon was initially in a close geo-stationary orbit 4 billion years ago, when perturbed by the condensation of the Earth's core.  相似文献   

We consider a model that describes the evolution of distant satellite orbits and that refines the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem. Generally speaking, such a refinement was performed previously by J. Kovalevsky and A.A. Orlov in terms of Zeipel’s method by constructing a solution of the third order with respect to the small parameter m, the ratio of the mean motions of the planet and the satellite. The analytical solution suggested here differs from the solutions obtained by these authors and is closest in form to the general solution of the doubly averaged problem (∼m 2). We have performed a qualitative analysis of the evolutionary equations and conditions for the intersection of satellite orbits with the surface of a spherical planet with a finite radius. Using the suggested solution, we have obtained improved analytical time dependences of the elements of evolving orbits for a number of distant satellites of giant planets compared to the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem and, thus, achieved their better agreement with the results of our numerical integration of the rigorous equations of perturbed motion for satellites.  相似文献   

The need is pointed out of a re-discussion of the past tidal evolution of the Earth-Moon system as a boundary-value problem on the time-scale indicated by radiometric dating of lunar soils returned by successive space missions from different localities on the Moon's surface.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to study the long term evolution of comet Halleys orbit taking into account small errors in the initial conditions. Recent papers deal with mapping methods to model cometary dynamics; (e.g. Petrosky and Broucke, 1987 and Chirikov and Vecheslavov, 1986). They will be discussed critically and compared with our own results. We then tested the model using numerical integration methods. For the moment we limited our calculation to 2.105 years, but a 106 year integration is still in progress. We show the expected dynamical evolution of Hallyes orbit taking into account also smaller and larger errors of the initial conditions (nongravitational effects are only roughly estimated). Finally we discuss alsothe controversal opinions concerning the role of the planets (especially the earth).  相似文献   

The large-scale structure of the solar magnetic field during the past five sunspot cycles (representing by implication a much longer interval of time) has been investigated using the polarity (toward or away from the Sun) of the interplanetary magnetic field as inferred from polar geomagnetic observations. The polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field has previously been shown to be closely related to the polarity (into or out of the Sun) of the large-scale solar magnetic field. It appears that a solar structure with four sectors per rotation persisted through the past five sunspot cycles with a synodic rotation period near 27.0 days, and a small relative westward drift during the first half of each sunspot cycle and a relative eastward drift during the second half of each cycle. Superposed on this four-sector structure there is another structure with inward field polarity, a width in solar longitude of about 100° and a synodic rotation period of about 28 to 29 days. This 28.5 day structure is usually most prominent during a few years near sunspot maximum. Some preliminary comparisons of these observed solar structures with theoretical considerations are given.  相似文献   

We build a conceptual coupled model of the climate and tidal evolution of the Earth-Moon system to find the influence of the former on the latter. An energy balance model is applied to calculate steady-state temperature field from the mean annual insolation as a function of varying astronomical parameters. A harmonic oscillator model is applied to integrate the lunar orbit and Earth's rotation with the tidal torque dependent on the dominant natural frequency of ocean. An ocean geometry acts as a bridge between temperature and oceanic frequency. On assumptions of a fixed hemispherical continent and an equatorial circular lunar orbit, considering only the 41 kyr periodicity of Earth's obliquity ε and the M2 tide, simulations are performed near tidal resonance for 106 yr. It is verified that the climate can influence the tidal evolution via ocean. Compared with the tidal evolution with constant ε, that with varying ε is slowed down; the EarthMoon distance oscillates in phase with ε before the resonance maximum but exactly out of phase after that;the displacement of the oscillation is in positive correlation with the difference between oceanic frequency and tidal frequency.  相似文献   

The standard discussion of tidal friction in the Earth-Moon system has been that given by Jeffreys in successive editions ofThe Earth over the past several decades. It is herein shown to contain several erros vitiating its results. The dynamical equation utilised for finding the rate of change of angular velocity of the Earth fails to take account of the fact that the moment of inertia of the Earth may be changing with time, and all subsequent equations which depend on this are incorrect as a result. Simple equations have been left unsolved that ought to have been solved, and the alleged numerical conclusions in no way follow from the values set down initially for the observed apparent secular accelerations of the Moon and Sun.The revised dynamical equations are shown to enable the lunar and solar tidal couples to conform to theory, and may imply that the moment of inertia of the Earth is decreasing at a non-negligible rate. Recognition of this is the key to the whole problem. The only available hypothesis providing adequate contraction is that following from the phase-change theory of the nature of the terrestrial core, and the value of the rate of decrease of moment of inertia calculated from this is in close agreement with that implied by modern improved values of the secular accelerations.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

Classical trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are believed to represent the most dynamically pristine population in the trans-Neptunian belt (TNB) offering unprecedented clues about the formation of our Solar System. The long term dynamical evolution of classical TNOs was investigated using extensive simulations. We followed the evolution of more than 17000 particles with a wide range of initial conditions taking into account the perturbations from the four giant planets for 4 Gyr. The evolution of objects in the classical region is dependent on both their inclination and semimajor axes, with the inner (a<45 AU) and outer regions (a>45 AU) evolving differently. The reason is the influence of overlapping secular resonances with Uranus and Neptune (40–42 AU) and the 5:3 (a∼ ∼42.3 AU), 7:4 (a∼ ∼43.7 AU), 9:5 (a∼ ∼44.5 AU) and 11:6 (a∼ ∼ 45.0 AU) mean motion resonances strongly sculpting the inner region, while in the outer region only the 2:1 mean motion resonance (a∼ ∼47.7 AU) causes important perturbations. In particular, we found: (a) A substantial erosion of low-i bodies (i<10°) in the inner region caused by the secular resonances, except those objects that remained protected inside mean motion resonances which survived for billion of years; (b) An optimal stable region located at 45 AU<a<47 AU, q>40 AU and i>5° free of major perturbations; (c) Better defined boundaries for the classical region: 42–47.5 AU (q>38 AU) for cold classical TNOs and 40–47.5 AU (q>35 AU) for hot ones, with i=4.5° as the best threshold to distinguish between both populations; (d) The high inclination TNOs seen in the 40–42 AU region reflect their initial conditions. Therefore they should be classified as hot classical TNOs. Lastly, we report a good match between our results and observations, indicating that the former can provide explanations and predictions for the orbital structure in the classical region.  相似文献   

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