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Aquifer recharge can be determined by conventional methods such as hydrodynamic or hydrologic balance calculations, or numerical, hydrochemical or isotopic models. Such methods are usually developed with respect to detrital aquifers and are then used on carbonate aquifers without taking into consideration their hydrogeological particularities. Moreover, such methods are not always easy to apply, sometimes requiring data that are not available. Neither do they enable determination of the spatial distribution of the recharge. For eight regions in southern Spain, the APLIS method has been used to estimate the mean annual recharge in carbonate aquifers, expressed as a percentage of precipitation, based on the variables altitude, slope, lithology, infiltration landform, and soil type. The aquifers are representative of a broad range of climatic and geologic conditions. Maps of the above variables have been drawn for each aquifer, using a geographic information system; thus they can be superimposed to obtain the mean value and spatial distribution of the recharge. The recharge values for the eight aquifers are similar to those previously calculated by conventional methods and confirmed by discharge values, which corroborates the validity of the method.  相似文献   

A small karst aquifer of great structural complexity has been subjected to significant resource withdrawal over recent decades. This exploitation aroused social conflict due to the effect it has had on emblematic springs. This research has analysed piezometric data collected over the course of 12 years and the spatial hydrochemical data supplied by the main water points associated with it. The spatial and temporal evolution of the main chemical species in the groundwater and the hydrogeochemical processes affecting them have been studied, modelling them with the programme PHREEQC. These data suggest a complicated model of hydrogeological function with sectors storing water at different depths and connected to each other locally as determined by the geological structure.  相似文献   

The carbonate aquifers of Lora and Mingo form part of the hydrogeological unit of Sierra de Estepa (SE Spain). By means of time series analysis and a 1D numerical groundwater model, groundwater exploitation was quantified and the mean annual recharge in both systems was estimated (2001–2004). During this period, the Lora and Mingo aquifers received an average groundwater recharge of 0.29 × 106 m3/year and 0.14 × 106 m3/year, respectively, whereas an average of 0.34 × 106 m3/year and 0.21 × 106 m3/year, respectively, was extracted. These conditions led to a conspicuous lowering of the water table in both systems. In addition, the analysis of the evolution of the main hydrogeochemical parameters of the groundwater showed that the increased pumping rates produced an increase in total dissolved solids, and chloride and sodium ions in both aquifers. In the case of the Lora aquifer, the only ion that presented decreased levels was nitrate. The results show that groundwater pumping in both aquifers should not exceed the mean annual recharge of 0.29 × 106 m3/year and 0.14 × 106 m3/year in the Lora and Mingo aquifers, respectively. Nevertheless, it would be advisable to reduce pumping rates to below these values in order to restore piezometric levels and improve groundwater quality for different uses in the future.  相似文献   

In carbonate massifs, flow patterns are conditioned by karstification processes which develop a conduit network and preserve low permeability microfractured blocks. The Sierra de las Nieves karst massif (southern Spain) is subjected to a given climatic and geological context, and thus it is possible to analyse the spatial and temporal variability of the water temperature and electrical conductivity at its main karst outlets, which display different responses to rainfall episodes. In this experimental field area, conduit flow and diffuse flow drainage patterns have been distinguished by combining groundwater temperature and electrical conductivity data. Both parameters show large variations in water coming from conduit flow systems and low variations in water drained by springs draining diffuse flow systems. However, groundwater temperature displays the smallest variations, which seems to indicate that this parameter is less sensitive as regards characterising the degree of karstification, which is a key question in characterising the aquifer functioning.  相似文献   

Quantifying groundwater recharge in carbonate aquifers located in semi-arid regions and subjected to intensive groundwater use is no easy task. One reason is that there are very few available methods suitable for application under such climatic conditions, and moreover, some of the methods that might be applied were originally designed with reference to non-carbonate aquifers. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, in any given aquifer, groundwater recharge is modified by the groundwater exploitation. Here we focus on four methods selected to assess their suitability for estimating groundwater recharge in carbonate aquifers affected by intensive exploitation. The methods were applied to the Estepa Range aquifers of Seville, southern Spain, which are subjected to different degrees of exploitation. Two conventional methods were used: chloride mass balance and daily soil–water balance. These results were compared with the results obtained by means of two non-conventional methods, designed for application to the carbonate aquifers of southern Spain: the APLIS and ERAS methods. The results of the different methods are analogous, comparable to those obtained in nearby non-exploited carbonate aquifers, confirming their suitability for use with carbonate aquifers in either natural or exploited regimes in a semi-arid climate.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigation of groundwater has been carried out in the coastal aquifers of southern Tamil Nadu, India. Seventy-nine dug well samples were collected and analyzed for various physicochemical parameters. The result of the geochemical analysis indicates the groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline with moderate saline water. The cation and anion concentrations confirm most of the groundwater samples belong to the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and Cl? > SO4 2? > HCO3 ?. Thereby three major hydrochemical facies (Ca–Cl, mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Na–Cl) were identified. Based on the US Salinity diagram, majority of the samples fall under medium to very high salinity with low to high sodium hazard. The cross plot of Ca2+ + Mg2+ versus chloride shows 61 % of the samples fall under saline water category. Higher EC, TDS and Cl concentrations were observed from Tiruchendur to Koodankulam coastal zone. It indicates that these regions are significantly affected by saltwater contamination due to seawater intrusion, saltpan deposits, and beach placer mining activities.  相似文献   

Groundwater in karstic aquifers can be dangerously sensitive to contamination. In this paper, DRASTIC assessment was modified and applied, for the first time, to address the intrinsic vulnerability for karst aquifers. The theoretical weights of two of DRASTIC’s parameters (aquifer media and hydraulic conductivity) were modified through sensitivity analysis. Two tests of sensitivity analyses were carried out: the map removal and the single parameter sensitivity analyses. The modified assessment was applied for the karst aquifers underlying Ramallah District (Palestine) as a case study. The aquifer vulnerability map indicated that the case study area is under low, moderate and high vulnerability of groundwater to contamination. The vulnerability index can assist in the implementation of groundwater management strategies to prevent degradation of groundwater quality. The modified DRASTIC assessment has proven to be effective because it is relatively straightforward, use data that are commonly available or estimated and produces an end product that is easily interpreted.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the applicability of groundwater sustainability indicators defined by UNESCO, together with the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), the International Association of Hydrogeology (IAH) Group on Groundwater Indicators and the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), to the aquifer scale. We selected four main indicators based on their relevance in the field of groundwater sustainability and because they proved to be the most reliable, based on the data collection and methodology utilized. These indicators were applied to a small—26 km2 of permeable outcrops—carbonate aquifer situated in the province of Seville (southern Spain), which has semi-arid climate conditions (500 mm/year). The integral application of all these indicators in this particular groundwater body leads us to conclude that, at present, the aquifer is undergoing intensive use. Therefore, the exploitation of its water resources is surpassing the threshold of sustainability when both the quantity and the quality of the groundwater are taken into consideration. The continued increase in exploitation generates a descending trend in the evolution of the piezometric levels, a consequence of adaptation to the new hydrodynamic situation, and also results in exhaustion of the springs that drain the aquifer in undisturbed conditions. At the same time, there is a trend of increasing salinity in the groundwater and a risk of contamination by nitrate which, according to the EU Water Framework Directive and the Groundwater Daughter Directive (EU Official Journal of the European Communities L327, 2000; EU Official Journal of the European Communities L372/19, 2006), should be controlled and reduced. In the future, application of the methodology described here may prove useful for the evaluation of similar systems, either in southern Spain or in other countries with semi-arid climates.  相似文献   

Tracer concentration data from field experiments conducted in several carbonate aquifers (Malaga province, southern Spain) were analyzed following a dual approach based on the graphical evaluation method (GEM) and solute transport modeling to decipher flow mechanisms in karst systems at regional scale. The results show that conduit system geometry and flow conditions are the principal factors influencing tracer migration through the examined karst flow routes. Solute transport is mainly controlled by longitudinal advection and dispersion throughout the conduit length, but also by flow partitioning between mobile and immobile fluid phases, while the matrix diffusion process appears to be less relevant. The simulation of tracer breakthrough curves (BTCs) suggests that diffuse and concentrated flow through the unsaturated zone can have equivalent transport properties under extreme recharge, with high flow velocities and efficient mixing due to the high hydraulic gradients generated. Tracer mobilization within the saturated zone under low flow conditions mainly depends on the hydrodynamics (rather than on the karst conduit development), which promote a lower longitudinal advection and retardation in the tracer migration, resulting in a marked tailing effect of BTCs. The analytical advection-dispersion equation better approximates the effective flow velocity and longitudinal dispersion estimations provided by the GEM, while the non-equilibrium transport model achieves a better adjustment of most asymmetric and long-tailed BTCs. The assessment of karst underground flow properties from tracing tests at regional scale can aid design of groundwater management and protection strategies, particularly in large hydrogeological systems (i.e. transboundary carbonate aquifers) and/or in poorly investigated ones.  相似文献   

Two independent analytical methods (sequential extraction and kinetic extraction methods) were applied in order to understand the distribution and speciation of La in the coastal and estuarine sediments from the central east coast of India. Sequential extraction study revealed that La was primarily present as inert complexes (~ 50–60% of the total La) in all the sediments. Amounts of ~ 20–30% of the total La in all the sediments were found to associate with the total organic carbon (TOC) in the sediments. The dissociation rate constants of La–sediment complexes obtained from kinetic extraction studies revealed that the concentration of thermodynamically weak complexes of La gradually increased with the increasing La/TOC ratio in the sediments.  相似文献   

A comparative test of two vulnerability mapping methods (COP and PaPRIKa) specifically dedicated to for karst aquifers was carried out on two Mediterranean carbonate aquifers. The vulnerability maps obtained for each aquifer present important differences. To identify and determine the origin of these differences, the results were statistically analyzed using sensitivity analysis, coefficients of determination and scatter graphs. In addition, the global vulnerability (Gv) parameter was used to measure the general vulnerability of the aquifer and to compare the results obtained. This statistical analysis led us to conclude that the main cause of differences between these two methods used to assess aquifer vulnerability lie in the relative importance of the parameters employed in calculating the vulnerability index. For the PaPRIKa method, the variable related to infiltration (slope and karst features) has the most influence, with less weight being assigned to the protective capacity of layers overlying the aquifer. For the COP method, the most influent variable is defined by the layers overlying the aquifer, together with infiltration characteristics, determined by the relative importance of different forms of infiltration in each aquifer. The vulnerability mappings performed using the COP method present greater coherence with the known hydrogeological behavior of the study areas, especially the Spanish aquifers. Nevertheless, further hydrogeological investigations are needed, such as ones to validate the obtained vulnerability maps.  相似文献   

The ‘COP method’ has been developed for the assessment of intrinsic vulnerability of carbonate aquifers in the frame of the European COST Action 620. This method uses the properties of overlying layers above the water table (O factor), the concentration of flow (C factor) and precipitation (P factor) over the aquifer, as the parameters to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater. This method considers karst characteristics, such as the presence of swallow holes (C factor) and their catchment areas as well as karstic landforms, as factors which decrease the natural protection provided by overlying layers (O factor). The P factor allows for consideration of the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, which is considered the transport agent of contamination. Two carbonate aquifers in the South of Spain, Sierra de Líbar (a conduit flow system) and Torremolinos (a diffuse flow system), have been selected for the application and validation of the method and the results have been compared with three methods widely applied in different aquifers around the world (AVI, GOD and DRASTIC). Comparisons with these methods and validation tools (hydrogeological data and tracer test) show the advantages of the COP method in the assessment of vulnerability of karstic groundwaters.  相似文献   

Quantitative sinkhole hazard assessments in karst areas allow calculation of the potential sinkhole risk and the performance of cost-benefit analyses. These estimations are of practical interest for planning, engineering, and insurance purposes. The sinkhole hazard assessments should include two components: the probability of occurrence of sinkholes (sinkholes/km2 year) and the severity of the sinkholes, which mainly refers to the subsidence mechanisms (progressive passive bending or catastrophic collapse) and the size of the sinkholes at the time of formation; a critical engineering design parameter. This requires the compilation of an exhaustive database on recent sinkholes, including information on the: (1) location, (2) chronology (precise date or age range), (3) size, and (4) subsidence mechanisms and rate. This work presents a hazard assessment from an alluvial evaporite karst area (0.81 km2) located in the periphery of the city of Zaragoza (Ebro River valley, NE Spain). Five sinkholes and four locations with features attributable to karstic subsidence where identified in an initial investigation phase providing a preliminary probability of occurrence of 0.14 sinkholes/km2 year (11.34% in annual probability). A trenching program conducted in a subsequent investigation phase allowed us to rule out the four probable sinkholes, reducing the probability of occurrence to 0.079 sinkholes/km2 year (6.4% in annual probability). The information on the severity indicates that collapse sinkholes 10–15 m in diameter may occur in the area. A detailed study of the deposits and deformational structures exposed by trenching in one of the sinkholes allowed us to infer a modern collapse sinkhole approximately 12 m in diameter and with a vertical throw of 8 m. This collapse structure is superimposed on a subsidence sinkhole around 80 m across that records at least 1.7 m of synsedimentary subsidence. Trenching, in combination with dating techniques, is proposed as a useful methodology to elucidate the origin of depressions with uncertain diagnosis and to gather practical information with predictive utility about particular sinkholes in alluvial karst settings: precise location, subsidence mechanisms and magnitude, and timing and rate of the subsidence episodes.  相似文献   

KARSTIC: a sensitivity method for carbonate aquifers in karst terrain   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
. Groundwater in karstic aquifers can be dangerously sensitive to contamination. Many cities in the western USA rely on karstic carbonate aquifers for municipal water supplies. For example, Rapid City, South Dakota, pumps more than half of its drinking water from wells in the Madison Limestone. This work examined the sensitivity of karstic aquifers to surface contamination in mountainous terrain. Where karstic carbonate aquifers are exposed at their outcrop areas, they are particularly susceptible to the introduction of contamination through diffuse recharge or through point recharge at swallow holes along streams. Residential developments in mountainous regions of the western USA are encroaching on the recharge areas of karstic aquifers. Many of these residential developments are served by onsite wastewater disposal systems such as septic tanks and drain fields, with the attendant danger of introduction of pathogens from malfunctioning treatment systems above fractured limestone which offers little filtering. Where streams disappear into karstic aquifers at swallow holes, microbial contaminants such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium are a concern, as well as potential spills, leaks, or accidents along roads near these streams. The KARSTIC method developed and modified in this work puts greater emphasis on karst features than previous sensitivity procedures such as the US Environmental Protection Agency's DRASTIC method. The modified method gives increased attention to highly sensitive areas of karstic carbonate aquifers by weighting the synergistic effects of fracturing, karst development, and swallow holes of recharging streams. In a field application, hydrogeologic maps of a watershed in the Black Hills, USA, were digitized into a geographic information system. The resulting sensitivity map and report can be used by planners, managers, and the public as a screening tool for assessing groundwater sensitivity in regions which include karstic aquifers.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(3):283-299
The chemical characteristics, 3H contents and radioactivity of groundwaters from the Sierras Blanca and Mijas (Southern Spain) have been studied in relation to the chemical composition and radioactivity of the aquifer host rocks, and the residence time of the water. The Sierras Blanca and Mijas are made up of calcitic and dolomitic marbles of Triassic age. The groundwaters that drain the calcitic marbles (which outcrop principally in the western Sierra Blanca) have less mineralization, which descreases quickly with recharge (as does the 3H content), and the gross alpha and beta activities are below detection limit. This is due to the short residence time of water inside the aquifers which are conduit flow systems. The waters of the dolomitic marbles (eastern Sierra Blanca and Sierra Mijas) have higher and less variable mineralization and contain greater concentrations of Mg2+, SiO2 and SO2−4 (ions normally associated with slow flows). The 3H contents are more uniform with time (indicating an older age) and there is detectable natural radioactivity, because the waters have a longer residence time in the aquifers, which are diffuse flow systems.  相似文献   

A tool, based on a multidisciplinary field investigation approach for studying the characteristics of a hypersaline spring, was developed and its effectiveness tested on a spring in southern Italy; a preliminary model of the aquifer system at medium and local scale was derived. Hydrologic measurements, vertical electric soundings, and chemical and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 3H) analyses were undertaken, along with microbiological analyses and species identification. These demonstrate the coexistence of hypersaline and fresh water, generating a significant diversification of the groundwater hydrochemical signature. The isotopic signature shows that both types of water have a meteoric origin. Microbial contamination of fecal origin indicates the mixing of hyper- and low- saline water related to local infiltration. The hypersaline groundwater flows in confined horizons within a sequence that is mainly of fractured clays. These horizons are probably concentrated where well-developed fracture network and dissolution openings within evaporitic rocks enhance fluid flow. In a wider context, this study determines that microbiological pollution of saline groundwater may not be detected if using nonhalophilic bacterial indicators such as fecal coliforms. Fecal enterococci are better indicators, due to their higher halotolerance.  相似文献   

Waterborne pathogens represent a significant health risk in both developed and developing countries with sensitive sub-populations including children, the elderly, neonates, and immune-compromised people, who are particularly susceptible to enteric infections. Annually, approximately 1.8 billion people utilize a faecally contaminated water source, and waterborne diseases are resulting in up to 2.1 million human mortalities globally. Although groundwater has traditionally been considered less susceptible to contamination by enteric pathogens than surface water due to natural attenuation by overlying strata, the degree of microbial removal attributable to soils and aquifers can vary significantly depending on several factors. Thus, accurate assessment of the variable presence and concentration of microbial contaminants, and the relative importance of potentially causative factors affecting contaminant ingress, is critical in order to develop effective source (well) and resource (aquifer) protection strategies. “Traditional” and molecular microbiological study designs, when coupled with hydrogeological, hydrochemical, isotopic, and geophysical methods, have proven useful for analysis of numerous aspects of subsurface microbial dynamics. Accordingly, this overview paper presents the principal microbial techniques currently being employed (1) to predict and identify sources of faecal contamination in groundwater, (2) to elucidate the dynamics of contaminant migration, and (3) to refine knowledge about the hydrogeological characteristics and behaviours of aquifer systems affected by microbial contamination with an emphasis on carbonate aquifers, which represent an important global water supply. Previous investigations carried out in carbonate aquifers in southern Italy are discussed.  相似文献   

Gisser and Sánchez (Water Resour Res 16(4):638–642, 1980) compared two different strategies to manage aquifers: “free market” and policy regulation. They stated that the outcome of both is practically the same, and that policy regulation could not improve social welfare. This study challenges this argument by analyzing the management strategies in two large aquifers located in southern Spain, the Eastern La Mancha and the Western La Mancha aquifers. The appeal of this case stems from the fact that management of the Eastern La Mancha aquifer is almost sustainable. In stark contrast, its neighboring Western La Mancha aquifer is being grossly mismanaged. The results engage two major questions from previous groundwater literature. The first question is whether or not aquifer management requires policy intervention. The answer depends upon the consideration and magnitude of environmental damages in the model. The second question addresses the nature of groundwater policies. The contrast in management outcomes between the Western and the Eastern La Mancha aquifers is related to the different types of policy instruments implemented for each aquifer. The results of these policies underline the importance of nurturing the stakeholders’ collective action under the appropriate institutional setting.  相似文献   

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