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This paper presents quantitative estimates of parameters for the Tolbachik Fissure Eruption of 2012–2013 (TFE) for the period between November 27, 2012 and June 5, 2013. It is shown that the eruption was the most violent during the first 2 days (with a mean lava discharge rate of 440 m3/s), when the maximum number of lava vents were active along the entire fissured zone. The rate was decreasing during the subsequent 2 weeks (the mean was 140 m3/s). Lava effusion had been occurring at an almost uniform rate at near 18 m3/s from the later half of December 2012 to June 2013. The eruption was predominantly effusive in character. Six months of activity yielded 0.52 km3 lava to cover an area of 35.23 km2. The volume of pyroclastics within 1.5 km of the new fissured zone did not exceed 0.1 km3. We made maps to show the location of the fissured zone, the main vents, and lava flows on the slope of Ploskii Tolbachik Volcano. It was found that the 1975–1976 collapse pit in the smaller summit caldera of Ploskii Tolbachik has been left nearly intact during the Tolbachik Fissure Eruption of 2012–2013.  相似文献   

Samples from the surface of lava flows discharged by the 2012–2013 Tolbachik Fissure Eruption were found to contain oxysulfates of copper, sodium, and potassium: K2Cu3O(SO4)2 (fedotovite), NaKCu2O(SO4)2, and Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8. The last two phases have no naturally occurring or synthetic analogues that we are aware of. They form flattened crystals of prismatic to long-prismatic habits. The crystals of Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8 have a chemical composition corresponding to the empirical formula Na2.22K5.47Cu8.02S8.05O36. An X-ray analysis of this compound showed that it has a monoclinic symmetry, P2/c, a = 13.909(4), b = 4.977(1), c = 23.525(6) Å, β = 90.021(5)°, V = 1628.3(7) Å3. The crystal structure was determined by direct techniques and refined to yield R 1 for 3955 reflexes//web// with F 2 > 4σF. The compound NaKCu2O(SO4)2 also belongs to the monoclinic system, P2/c, a = 14.111(4), b = 4.946(1), c = 23.673(6) Å, β = 92.052(6)°, V = 1651.1(8) Å3. The structure was determined by direct techniques to yield a tentative structural model that has been refined up to R 1 = 0.135 for 4088 reflexes with F 2 > 4σF. The crystal structure of Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8 is based on chains of [O2Cu4]4+ consisting of rib-coupled oxy-centered tetrahedrons of (OCu4)6+. The chains are surrounded by sulfate radicals, resulting in columns of {[O2Cu4](SO4)4}4? aligned along the b axis. The interchain space contains completely ordered positions of Na+ and K+ cations. The principle underlying the connection of NaKCu2O(SO4)2 columns in the crystal structure of {[O2Cu4](SO4)4}4? is different, in view of the relation Na:K = 1 as contrasted with 3:5 for the compound Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8. The presence of oxy-centered tetrahedrons in the structure of these new compounds furnishes an indirect hint at the importance of polynuclear copper-oxygen radicals with centering oxygen atoms as forms of transport of copper by volcanic gases.  相似文献   

We present elevations between long-term benchmarks in the Tolbachik Geodynamic Test Site as directly measured by second-order leveling in 1976–2011. These raw data are very important for future researchers, since the measurements can be repeated between surviving benchmarks using any more accurate techniques for comparisons with past results. We show that the greatest ground subsidence occurred at the base of Cone II, at the North Vent eruption center during the 1975–1976 Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, with the subsidence reaching 2.33 m for the past 35 years. The subsidence nearly decays at a distance of 7 km. Assuming that subsidences propagate symmetrically, we found an approximate volume for this subsidence, which is 0.12 km3. To make a comparison, we mention that the volume of all the three cones is 0.254 km3. We adduce data showing that a ground uplift of 4–5 cm over an extensive area in the southeastern sector from Cone VIII after the eruption at the South Vent came to an end. We hypothesize that the uplift was caused by lateral emplacements of magma at depths of 0–5 km along numerous southeasterly directions without coming to the surface.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to improve our knowledge of the deep structure of the magmatic system and the plumbing system for the North Vent, Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption of 1975–1976 based on recordings of background microseismic emission by broadband digital instruments along two parallel lines running through eruptive centers of various ages across the main magma-conducting fault. The method of low-frequency microseismic sounding was used for constructing deep sections down to a depth of 20 km, showing the shear-velocity distributions along these lines. Elements of the magmatic system were revealed beneath both vents in the form of low-velocity anomalies. We identified regions of magma chambers at different depths together with the channelways that connect these. It was found that magma might come to shallow chambers from different deep-seated sources along spatially isolated magma conduits, which is one of the possible causes of the variation in the basalt composition during the eruptions. For the zone of areal volcanism we are the first to demonstrate a change in magma-conducting conduits in the transition from the crystalline basement to the volcanogenic sedimentary rock sequence, with subvertical channels being replaced by inclined forms. It was shown that the elements of the magmatic system beneath both eruptive centers studied here are similar. It is hypothesized that there is a regularity in the configuration of plumbing systems in the middle part of the Tolbachik regional zone of areal volcanism.  相似文献   

The comparative observations of the tidal gravity in Three Gorges reservoir area, recorded with the LCR-ET20 gravimeter from Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the DZW-9 gravimeter from Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration, are introduced. High-accuracy tidal gravity pa-rameters in this area are obtained, and the scale factor of the DZW-9 gravimeter is also estimated at a value of ?(756.06±0.05)×10?8 m?s?2V?1. The observed residuals of the corresponding instruments are investigated. Nu-merical results indicate that the long-term drift of the DZW-9 gravimeter appears a linear characteristic, and the observed accuracy is of the same order comparing with that of the LCR-ET20 gravimeter. The results given in the paper can provide with an effective reference model of the tidal gravity correction to the ground based and space geodesy.  相似文献   

The decrease in Aral Sea area, which started in the 1960s, caused considerable changes in the hydrological, chemical, and biological structure of sea water. Regular observations of Aral water chemistry ceased in the early 1990s. There were no observations of the concentrations of biogenic element compounds in water (the so-called “first-day analyses”). During expeditions of the Institute of Oceanology, RAS, in September 2012 and October 2013, integrated hydrochemical observations were carried out, including measuring the concentrations of biogenic element compounds, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbonate equilibrium components. An objective of this study was to develop methods of hydrochemical studies under high water salinity (mineralization). In addition to the standard hydrochemical complex, water samples were taken to determine total water mineralization and the concentration of dissolved and suspended metal forms. The results of these studies are given.  相似文献   

Using daily distributions of noctilucent cloud fields obtained for 2007–2012 by the AIM satellite, we analyzed temporal changes in the area of the global field of mesospheric noctilucent clouds. These clouds have been shown to be characterized by some common features that can be approximated mathematically by simple functions reflecting the seasonal course of the temperature and humidity regime of the high-latitude mesosphere, allowing a clear physical interpretation. We discuss the specific features of changes in the cloud field area for individual seasons.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from a study of ash compositions that were erupted in 2013–2016. The juvenile component has been identified in the ejecta using data on the morphology and textural features of ash particles and the composition of volcanic glasses. The data set suggests that the activity of the volcano was phreatomagmatic.  相似文献   

This study analyses the temporal clustering, spatial clustering, and statistics of the 2012–2013 Torreperogil-Sabiote (southern Spain) seismic swarm. During the swarm, more than 2200 events were located, mostly at depths of 2–5 km, with magnitude event up to mbLg 3.9 (Mw 3.7). On the basis of daily activity rate, three main temporal phases are identified and analysed. The analysis combines different seismological relationships to improve our understanding of the physical processes related to the swarm's occurrence. Each temporal phase is characterized by its cumulative seismic moment. Using several different approaches, we estimate a catalog completeness magnitude of mc≅ 1.5. The maximum likelihood b-value estimates for each swarm phase are 1.11 ± 0.09, 1.04 ± 0.04, and 0.90 ± 0.04, respectively. To test the hypothesis that a b-value decrease is a precursor to a large event, we study temporal variations in b-value using overlapping moving windows. A relationship can be inferred between change in b-value and the regime style of the rupture. b-values are indicators of the stress regime, and influence the size of ruptures. The fractal dimension D2 is used to perform spatial analysis. Cumulative gamma and beta functions are used to analyse the behaviour of inter-event distances during the earthquake sequence.  相似文献   

Geological, geodetic and seismological data have been analyzed in order to frame the Lipari–Vulcano complex (Aeolian archipelago, southern Italy) into the geodynamic context of the southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea. It is located at the northern end of a major NNW–SSE trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system named “Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni” which has been interpreted as a lithospheric discontinuity extending from the Aeolian Islands to the Ionian coast of Sicily and separating two different tectonic domains: a contractional one to the west and an extensional one to the north-east. Structural field data consist of structural measurements performed on well-exposed fault planes and fractures. The mesostructures are mostly represented by NW–SE striking normal faults with a dextral-oblique component of motion. Minor structures are represented by N–S oriented joints and tension gashes widespread over the whole analyzed area and particularly along fumarolized sectors. The analyzed seismological dataset (from 1994 to 2013) is based on earthquakes with magnitude ranging between 1.0 and 4.8. The hypocenter distribution depicts two major alignments corresponding to the NNW–SSE trending Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni fault system and to the WNW–ESE oriented Sisifo–Alicudi fault system. GPS data analysis displays ∼3.0 mm/yr of active shortening between the two islands, with a maximum shortening rate of about 1.0 × 10−13 s−1, between La Fossa Caldera and south of Vulcanello. This region is bounded to the north by an area where the maximum values of shear strain rates, of about 0.7 × 10−13 s−1 are observed. This major change occurs in the area south of Vulcanello that is also characterized by a transition in the way of the vertical axis rotation. Moreover, both the islands show a clear subsidence process, as suggested by negative vertical velocities of all GPS stations which exhibit a decrease from about −15 to −7 mm/yr from north to south. New data suggest that the current kinematics of the Lipari–Vulcano complex can be framed in the tectonic context of the eastward migrating Sisifo–Alicudi fault system. This is dominated by transpressive tectonics in which contractional and minor extensional structures can coexist with strike-slip motion.  相似文献   

The paper describes a temporary seismic project aimed at developing the national database of natural seismic activity for seismic hazard assessment, officially called “Monitoring of Seismic Hazard of Territory of Poland” (MSHTP). Due to low seismicity of Poland, the project was focused on events of magnitude range 1–3 in selected regions in order to maximize the chance of recording any natural event. The project used mobile seismic stations and was divided into two stages.Five-year measurements brought over one hundred natural seismic events of magnitudes ML range 0.5–3.8. Most of them were located in the Podhale region in the Carpathians. Together with previously recorded events this made it possible to conduct a preliminary study on ground motion prediction equation for this region. Only one natural event, of magnitude ML = 3.8, was recorded outside the Carpathians in a surprising location in central-west Poland.  相似文献   

Seismological Observations in Kamchatka were significantly improved due to the installation of new telemetered seismic stations near active volcanoes and the implementation of modern digital technologies for data transmission, acquisition, and processing in 1996–1998. This qualitative leap forward made it possible, not only to create an effective system for monitoring Kamchatka volcanoes and for timely and reliable assessment of the state of these volcanoes, but also to draw conclusions about volcanic hazard. The experience that was gained allowed us to make successful short-term forecasts for eight moderate explosive eruptions on Bezymyannyi Volcano of the ten that have occurred in 2004–2010, successful intermediate-term forecasts of evolving activity on Klyuchevskoi Volcano in three cases, as well as providing a successful forecast of an explosive eruption on Kizimen Volcano.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of precipitation is crucial for hydrological studies. This is especially true for the Hindu Kush–Karakoram–Himalaya (HKKH) mountain region, which is characterized by high spatiotemporal precipitation variability. The paucity of raingauges makes it difficult to measure precipitation in this region precisely. We conducted evaluation of TMPA 3B42V7 and APHRO 1101 in the HKKH area on a daily basis at a spatial resolution of 0.25°?×?0.25°, using 27 raingauges. Statistically, the largest error in the gridded data arose mainly from elevation, followed by volumetric error and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency. Overall, the TMPA data have a poor correlation with ground observations in the HKKH area, especially for higher altitudes. The western areas are relatively more underestimated and the Karakoram shows higher frequency of bias in the TMPA retrievals. This method could help improve the satellite precipitation estimation algorithm as it considers local physiography and climatic factors.  相似文献   

The study of earthquake swarms and their characteristics can improve our understanding of the transient processes that provoke seismic crises. The spatio-temporal process of the energy release is often linked with changes of statistical properties, and thus, seismicity parameters can help to reveal the underlying mechanism in time and space domains. Here, we study the Torreperogil–Sabiote 2012–2013 seismic series (southern Spain), which was relatively long lasting, and it was composed by more than 2000 events. The largest event was a magnitude 3.9 event which occurred on February 5, 2013. It caused slight damages, but it cannot explain the occurrence of the whole seismic crises which was not a typical mainshock–aftershock sequence. To shed some light on this swarm occurrence, we analyze the change of statistical properties during the evolution of the sequence, in particular, related to the magnitude and interevent time distributions. Furthermore, we fit a modified version of the epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model in order to investigate changes of the background rates and the trigger potential. Our results indicate that the sequence was driven by an aseismic transient stressing rate and that the system passes after the swarm occurrence to a new forcing regime with more typical tectonic characteristics.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the petrographic, mineralogic, and geochemical features in the K-high basaltic trachyandesites that were discharged by the 2012–2013 parasitic eruption on Ploskii Tolbachik Volcano. These K-high basaltic trachyandesites exhibit some obvious characteristics that testify to their suprasubduction origin. They are deeply differentiated rocks with strongly fractionated plagioclase. A study of the Sr, Nd, and Pb radiogenic isotope ratios in the K-high basaltic trachyandesites provided evidence of their mantle origin and of the fact that the crust has exerted no influence on their compositions. We performed a comparative analysis of the ratios of the concentrations for some incoherent elements in the K-high basaltic trachyandesites, as well as in intraplate, riftogenic, and island-arc moderate potassium basalts and basaltic andesites in relation to the concentrations of these elements in the primitive mantle. The geochemical features of these K-high basaltic trachyandesites classify them as belonging to the suprasubduction subalkaline formation of the potassium series.  相似文献   

We examine ion flux dropouts detected by INTERBALL-Auroral upon traversal of the auroral zone at altitudes of ≈13 000 up to 20 000 km. These dropouts which we refer to as “gaps”, are frequently observed irrespectively of longitudinal sector and appear characteristic of INTERBALL-Auroral ion spectrograms. Whereas some of these gaps display a nearly monoenergetic character (≈12 keV), others occur at energies of a few hundreds of eV up to several keV. INTERBALL-Auroral data exhibit the former monoenergetic gap variety essentially in the evening sector. As examined in previous studies, these gaps appear related to transition from particle orbits that are connected with the magnetotail plasma source to closed orbits encircling the Earth. The latter gap variety, which spreads over several hundreds of eV to a few keV is often observed in the dayside magnetosphere. It is argued that such gaps are due to magnetospheric residence times well above the ion lifetime. This interpretation is supported by numerical orbit calculations which reveal extremely large (up to several tens of hours) times of flight in a limited energy range as a result of conflicting E × B and gradient-curvature drifts. The characteristic energies obtained numerically depend upon both longitude and latitude and are quite consistent with those measured in-situ.  相似文献   

The Bannaya–Karymshina area is situated in southern Kamchatka west of the East Kamchatka Volcanic Belt in the backarc part of the Kuril–Kamchatka island arc. The area is unique in that it contains abundant ejecta of calc-alkaline, acid, mostly ignimbrite, volcanism for a period of 4 Ma. Three rock complexes can be identified with rhyolitic and rhyodacitic compositions: Middle Pliocene ignimbrites, crystalloclastic tuffs of Eopleistocene age that fill in the Karymshina caldera, and Early Pleistocene intrusions. All of these are composed of rocks with normal total alkalinity, while the concentration of potassium places them at the boundary between moderate and high-potassium rocks. We sought to determine the composition of primary acid melts by studying the composition of the silicate phase in homogeneous melt inclusions that were conserved in quartz phenocrysts hosted by volcanic rocks of varying ages. Practically all the melt inclusions we analyzed show increased total alkalies and are in the class of trachyrhyodacites and trachyrhyolites, with the varieties of the highest alkali content being alkaline rhyolites and comendites; the concentration of K2O classifies them as subalkaline rocks; one also notes the increased alumina of the acid melts. The compositions and spatial locations of the melt inclusions in quartz phenocrysts provide evidence of a three-phase crystallization in magma chambers at different depths. According to the experimental data, the quartz phenocrysts crystallized in a water-saturated melt at pressures of 0.1 to 3.5 kbars.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between hydrological connectivity and species diversity in a by-passed channel section, and in the adjacent water bodies of the Slovak–Hungarian Danube section (1,840.5–1,804.4 rkm). The study was designed to assess long-term temporal trends (from 1991 to 2013) in freshwater copepods assemblages and their ecological indices in different habitats of the Danube floodplain area. One of the purpose of this study was to monitor the species composition of copepods communities and ascertain their shift in various biotopes of the Danube floodplain system. Based on 23 years data, in the first step, the copepods habitat preferences using habitat values (HV) and indicator weights (IW), calculated from data collected over all the years of monitoring of planktonic communities of the Danube floodplain, were quantified. Subsequently, the floodplain index (FI) from a summary of the habitat values and indication weights of the current species was calculated, to evaluate changes in the connectivity of the anabranched section of the Slovak–Hungarian Danube. This confirmed the loss of active hydrological connectivity within the main river channel, ranging from the eupotamal to more or less isolated floodplain water bodies. Out of 50 recorded copepods species, 11 species manifest a preference for eupotamal habitats, 18 taxa preferred eupotamal B/parapotamal habitats and 21 species were found to prefer the plesiopotamal habitat type. The statistical analyses demonstrated that the structure of planktonic copepod communities in this area has changed since the Gabčíkovo hydropower plant was placed into operations. The NMDS analysis revealed shifts in the proportion of euplanktonic and tychoplanktonic species. Reversible community changes were found in the old river bed and in the eupotamal-B side arms.  相似文献   

The profile crossing the west Kunlun region cov-ers the area between the Tarim Basin and the Kara-korum Fault, which is the highest (~5000 m a.s.l.) andthe most narrow part (400—500 km from north tosouth) of the Tibetan Plateau, thus attracting great at-tention of the geological community because of itsunique tectonic features. The Geological Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Auton-omous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) carried out mineral exploration and geologicalmapping in th…  相似文献   

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