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南沙群岛海域断裂体系构造特征及其形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南沙地块从中生代晚期开始裂离华南陆缘,在其向南运动的过程中受到欧亚板块、太平洋-菲律宾海板块和印度-澳大利亚板块等几大板块的联合作用,导致该区断裂构造较为复杂。通过对南沙群岛海域地震资料的综合解释并结合前人的研究成果,认为南沙群岛海域断裂构造可分为伸展断裂系、走滑断裂系和逆冲断裂系3类。伸展断裂遍布全区,主要受SE—近S-N向拉张作用,经历两大期次的构造活动;走滑断裂主要分布于南沙地块的周缘,受周缘地块与南沙地块相对运动控制,经历三期构造活动;逆冲断裂主要分布于南沙地块的南缘,受古南海俯冲和逆时针旋转控制,经历三期构造活动。从不同断裂体系的活动期次可见,南沙群岛海域应力系统主要经历了3个演化阶段:早期主要受拉张作用控制,中期主要受拉张和走滑应力控制,而晚期主要受压剪应力控制。  相似文献   

海底地形地貌及类型分布特征对指示区域地质构造影响、海平面升降、海洋水动力等有重要意义。本文通过侧扫声呐、单波束测深、表层沉积物取样等方法,分析了西沙群岛宣德环礁精细水下地貌组合特征,并探讨了其成因机制。结果表明:(1)宣德环礁为残缺型环礁类型,中部为潟湖沉积,礁盘之间形成西沙洲口门、“红草门”、环礁西缺口和环礁南缺口等4处水深超过60 m的深水口门,并首次识别了西沙洲口门;(2)宣德环礁水下地貌类型可划分为3级11类地貌类型。研究区的沙波及槽沟等动力地貌单元显示,宣德环礁浅水区海底特征地貌由盛行季风和波浪场所控制,深水口门形成的潮汐通道水体为塑造宣德环礁潟湖区动力地貌的主要因素。研究区东南部向海坡存在6级水下阶地,通过对比南海珊瑚礁阶地特征,宣德环礁向海坡阶地成因很可能是全球海平面变化和地壳沉降的共同作用。  相似文献   

The structure of the Caribbean region testifies to the extremely unstable condition of the terrestrial crust of this intercontinental and simultaneously interoceanic area. In the recent geological epoch, the Caribbean region is represented by a series of structural elements, the main of which are the Venezuelan and Colombian deep-sea suboceanic depressions, the Nicaraguan Rise, and the Greater and Lesser Antilles bordering the Caribbean Sea in the north and east. There are 63 sedimentary basins in the entire Caribbean region. However, only the Venezuelan and Colombian basins, the Miskito Basin in Nicaragua, and the northern and eastern shelves of the Antilles, Paria Bay, Barbodos-Tobago, and Grenada basins are promising in terms of oil-and-gas bearig. In the Colombian Basin, the southwestern part, located in the rift zone of the Gulf of Uraba, is the most promising. In the Venezuelan Basin, possible oil-and-gas-bearing basins showing little promise are assumed to be in the northern and eastern margins. The main potential of the eastern Caribbean region is attributed to the southern margin, at the shelf zone of which are the Tokuyo-Bonaire, Tuy-Cariaco, Margarita, Paria Bay, Barbados–Tobago, and Grenada oil-and-gas-bearing basins. The rest of the deepwater depressions of the Caribbean Sea show little promise for hydrocarbon research due to the small thickness of the deposits, their flat bedding, and probably a lack of fluid seals.  相似文献   

The Central Graben of the North Sea is characterised by high levels of overpressure (up to 40 MPa overpressure at 4500 m depth). We present pressure data for Cenozoic and Mesozoic reservoirs. Palaeocene sandstones control pressures in Tertiary mudstones and Cretaceous Chalk by acting as a regional ‘drain’. We divide the Jurassic into 18 pressure cells. The rift structure of the Graben controls the magnitude of pressure in each cell. Lateral hydraulic communication exists over 10 km distance between deeply-buried terraces (> 5000 m depth) and shallow structural highs (< 4500 m depth). Lateral communication increases pressure in the structurally-elevated sandstones to the minimum stress. This dynamic process produces zones of vertical fluid flow on the Forties-Montrose High, termed Leak Points. Vertical flow at Leak Points produces a 20 MWm−2 heat flow anomaly and controls hydrocarbon retention. Leak Points are water-wet, while deep terraces in hydraulic communication with Leak Points are condensate-bearing. The Kimmeridge Clay Fm. forms the pressure seal in deep terraces.  相似文献   

随着海洋战略地位的逐步提高,深远海海底资源开发和海洋工程建设将面临巨大挑战,主要是受限于技术手段,高精度调查资料难以获取,无法全面准确地进行海底稳定性评价。针对这一问题,本文提出了基于微地貌特征的深远海海底稳定性评价方法。基于已有的研究工作,本文选取西太平洋菲律宾海中南部某区域为研究区,利用ArcGIS平台建立研究区DEM(Digital Elevation Model),提取宏、微观地貌因子,结合全球地震数据、研究区底质类型和潜在地质灾害分布特征,运用模糊数学方法评价研究区海底稳定性,并绘制海底稳定性区划图。结果显示,对区域3220个评价单元进行稳定性分析,可将研究区海底稳定性划分为5个等级,包括基本稳定、较稳定、中等稳定、较不稳定和不稳定。其中,稳定区主要集中在较为平坦的中北部,不稳定区多发育在九州-帕劳海岭、海山、山间盆地等大规模地貌单元发育区,分析揭示,研究区海底稳定性与微地貌特征密切相关。因此,本文提出的基于微地貌特征的海底稳定性评价方法,能够很好地服务于深远海海底稳定性评价。  相似文献   

根据2016年6—7月在南日水道采集的单波束测深、浅地层剖面测量以及地质钻探等数据资料,发现并确定了南日水道发育的较厚"泥质"楔形沉积体,对沉积体位置的浅地层剖面划分为4个地震单元(SU1、SU2、SU3、SU4),分析了该沉积体的分布和沉积特征。结果表明:该沉积体在南日水道中心深水区发育,沉积体中间厚、两边薄,东西宽约2 km,最大沉积厚度大于20 m;沉积体的沉积物成分在南日水道北部海域以粉砂为主,南部海域以淤泥、淤泥混砂为主;地震剖面显示沉积体内有较大面积的声学屏蔽区,推测为浅层气发育,且浅层气由北向南逐渐减少直至消失。该沉积体的形成与地形有密切联系,木兰溪的入海泥沙及沿岸小溪或冲沟向海的输沙是该沉积体的主要物质来源。通过沉积环境的分析,探讨了南日水道海域晚更新世以来经历的4个沉积阶段。  相似文献   

The most petroliferous province in Syria is the Euphrates Graben system in the eastern part of the country. The source of the produced light and heavy oils has been a matter of debate from a petroleum geochemistry perspective as there are several possible source rock and just one proven source rock (R'mah formation). Based on gross composition and oil-oil correlation of biomarker and non-biomarker characteristics, three oil families have here been identified in the study area. Crude oils of Family 1 have been found to be generated from a marine and clay-rich source rock that is older than Jurassic in age based on age-related biomarker parameters (steranes and nordiacholestane ratios). Maturity-related parameters (aliphatic biomarkers and diamondoids) signal that the source of this oil family had a high maturation level. These features fit very well to the Tanf Formation (Abba Group) which is equivalent to Lower Silurian Hot Shales found elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa. However, the Upper Cretaceous R'mah Formation and Shiranish Formation were found to be responsible for generating the majority of the crude oils studied (Family 2). Compositional and molecular differences between Families 2A and 2B were attributed to facies and subtle maturation variations. Geochemical oil-source rock correlations indicate that Family 2A was most likely sourced from the Shiranish Formation, while Family 2B was sourced from the R'mah Formation. Secondary alteration processes influenced bulk petroleum composition, most notably the depletion of light ends and the lowering of API gravity, particularly in the northwestern part of the graben.  相似文献   

Fluidization processes in submarine landslides were studied by physical and numerical means. To examine soil-water interactions in the fluidization process, the computer axial tomography (CAT)-scan imaging techniques and laboratory vanes were utilized with a focus on the transition from failure to post-failure. Based on the results that were obtained from the scanning images and laboratory vane tests after the process of water infiltration into the soil sample, it appears that a gradual decrease in shear strength is unavoidable with increasing water content in a shear zone. From the numerical results, which were based on the dam-break problem using the transport equation coupled with the Navier-Stokes equation, if the slide is assumed to be initially unstable, a possible transition of fluidization processes that are dependent upon a change in density occurs. The density of the mud decreases with time during the flow at the interface between mud and water. The upper part of the mud pushes the lower part of the mud and then induces a rotation of mud that moves substantial distances. These results emphasize the importance of the soil-water interaction, the need for sediment rheology and the influence of the water circulation on the motion of the landslide.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic organic matter-rich, marine shales of the Mandal Formation have charged major petroleum accumulations in the North Sea Central Graben including the giant Ekofisk field which straddles the graben axis. Recent exploration of marginal basin positions such as the Mandal High area or the Søgne Basin has been less successful, raising the question as to whether charging is an issue, possibly related to high thermal stability of the source organic matter or delayed expulsion from source to carrier.The Mandal Formation is in part a very prolific source rock containing mainly Type II organic matter with <12 wt.-% TOC and HI < 645 mg HC/g TOC but Type III-influenced organofacies are also present. The formation is therefore to varying degrees heterogeneous. Here we show, using geochemical mass balance modelling, that the petroleum expulsion efficiency of the Mandal Formation is relatively low as compared to the Upper Jurassic Draupne Formation, the major source rock in the Viking Graben system. Using maturity series of different initial source quality from structurally distinct regions and encompassing depositional environments from proximal to distal facies, we have examined the relationship between free hydrocarbon retention and organic matter structure. The aromaticity of the original and matured petroleum precursors in the Mandal source rock plays a major role in its gas retention capacity as cross-linked monoaromatic rings act on the outer surface of kerogen as sorptive sites. However, oil retention is a function of both kerogen and involatile bitumen compositions. Slight variations in total petroleum retention capacities within the same kerogen yields suggest that texture of organic matter (e.g. organic porosity) could play a role as well.  相似文献   


Submarine geology of trenches in the Northwest Pacific

The sandy quartzose parts of the Utsira Formation, the Middle Miocene to mid Pliocene Utsira Sand, extends north–south along the Viking Graben near the UK/Norwegian median line for more than 450 km and 75–130 km east–west. The Utsira Sand is located in basin-restricted seismic depocentres, east of and below prograding sandy units from the Shetland Platform area with Hutton Sands. The Utsira Sand reaches thicknesses up to ca. 300 m in the southern depocentre and 200 m in the two northern depocentres with sedimentation rates up to 2–4 cm/ka. Succeeding Plio–Pleistocene is divided into seismic units, including Base Upper Pliocene, Shale Drape, Prograding Complex and Pleistocene. The units mainly consist of clay, but locally minor sands occur, especially at toes of prograding clinoforms (bottom-set sands) and in the Pleistocene parts, and the total thickness covering the Utsira Sand is in most places more than 800 m, but thins towards the margins.  相似文献   

A. Zabanbark 《Oceanology》2006,46(4):557-563
With respect of its structure, the Gulf of Mexico basin is heterogeneous. The following individual basins and subbasins can be distinguished; (1) Mississippi-Louisiana; (2) Gulf Coast within the boundaries of Texas and New Mexico; (3) Mexican Gulf Coast and adjacent system of foredeeps; (4) Yucatan subbasin; (5) Cuba-Bahamas system of foredeeps. Regional seismic studies reveal a close relationship between salt movements and sedimentation. Salt bodies represent excellent cap rocks for hydrocarbon fluids. Anticline folds termed “turtle” structures forming a system of belts appear in the deep parts of the gulf. These structures host large reserves of hydrocarbons, which are concentrated in the Paleogene-Miocene turbidite reservoirs with a porosity approximately 30% overlain by excellent cap rocks (salt, clay) with permeability exceeding 3 darcy. Three productive zones are defined: (1) the folds of the Mississippi River fan; (2) the Perdido belt of anticline folds; (3) Florida. The Paleogene and Miocene-Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments developed on the continental slopes of the Gulf of Mexico basin are the areas most promising with respect to hydrocarbon deposits. On January 1, 2006, the offshore oil production was 53 million tons and the gas production 40 billion cubic meters. Total prospective oil and gas reserves are estimated to be 5.5 billion tons and 4.7 trillion cubic meters, of which over 50% of oil and 1/3 of gas are expected to be discovered on the continental slope.  相似文献   

The sea floor topography around Taiwan is characterized by the asymmetry of its shallow and flat shelves to the west and markedly deep troughs and basins to the south and east. Tectonics and sedimentation are major controls in forming the submarine physiographic features around Taiwan. Three Pliocene-Quaternary shelves are distributed north and west of Taiwan: East China Sea Shelf (passive margin shelf), the Taiwan Strait Shelf (foreland shelf), and Kaoping Shelf (island shelf) from north to south parallel to the strike of Taiwan orogen. Off northeastern Taiwan major morpho/tectonic features associated with plate subduction include E-W trending Ryukyu Trench, Yaeyama accretionary wedge, forearc basins, the Ryukyu Arcs, and the backarc basin of southern Okinawa Trough. Off eastern Taiwan lies the deep Huatung Basin on the Philippine Sea plate with a relatively flat floor, although several large submarine canyons are eroding and crossing the basin floor. Off southeastern Taiwan, the forearc region of the Luzon Arc has been deformed into five alternating N-S trending ridges and troughs during initial arc-continent collision. Among them, the submarine Hengchun Ridge is the seaward continuation of the Hengchun peninsula in southern Taiwan. Off southwestern Taiwan, the broad Kaoping Slope is the major submarine topographic feature with several noticeable submarine canyons. The Penghu Canyon separates this slope from the South China Sea Slope to the west and merges southwards into the Manila Trench in the northern South China Sea. Although most of sea floors of the Taiwan Strait are shallower than 60?m in water depth, there are three noticeable bathymetric lows and two highs in the Taiwan Strait. There exists a close relationship between hydrography and topography in the Taiwan Strait. The circulation of currents in the Taiwan Strait is strongly influenced by seasonal monsoon and semidiurnal tides. The Penghu Channel-Yunchang Ridge can be considered a modern tidal depositional system. The Taiwan Strait shelf has two phases of development. The early phase of the rift margin has developed during Paleoocene-Miocene and it has evolved to the foreland basin in Pliocene-Quaternary time. The present shelf morphology results mainly from combined effects of foreland subsidence and modern sedimentation overprinting that of the Late Pleistocene glaciation about 15,000 years ago.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge(SGD) has received increasing attention by studies on coastal areas; however,its effects on biogeochemical zonation have not been investigated to date. The Huanghe River Estuary(HRE) is a world class river estuary with high turbidity, and heavy human regulation. This study investigated how SGD is related to the benthic biogeochemistry of the HRE. Based on the distribution of several parameters(e.g., salinity,temperature, dissolved oxygen(DO) levels, p H, radium iso...  相似文献   

埕岛油田位于废弃的黄河水下三角洲前缘,海底地形变化较快,该区域的海底管道悬空现象比较严重。本研究介绍了海底管道悬空的治理措施和检测方法,提出了海底管道悬空治理效果的三种检测方案,并以埕岛油田某输油管道一端的悬空治理效果的检测为例,说明了防冲刷仿生海草防护技术对海底悬空管道有一定的治理效果。  相似文献   

The sea floor topography around Taiwan is characterized by the asymmetry of its shallow and flat shelves to the west and markedly deep troughs and basins to the south and east. Tectonics and sedimentation are major controls in forming the submarine physiographic features around Taiwan. Three Pliocene-Quaternary shelves are distributed north and west of Taiwan: East China Sea Shelf (passive margin shelf), the Taiwan Strait Shelf (foreland shelf), and Kaoping Shelf (island shelf) from north to south parallel to the strike of Taiwan orogen. Off northeastern Taiwan major morpho/tectonic features associated with plate subduction include E-W trending Ryukyu Trench, Yaeyama accretionary wedge, forearc basins, the Ryukyu Arcs, and the backarc basin of southern Okinawa Trough. Off eastern Taiwan lies the deep Huatung Basin on the Philippine Sea plate with a relatively flat floor, although several large submarine canyons are eroding and crossing the basin floor. Off southeastern Taiwan, the forearc region of the Luzon Arc has been deformed into five alternating N-S trending ridges and troughs during initial arc-continent collision. Among them, the submarine Hengchun Ridge is the seaward continuation of the Hengchun peninsula in southern Taiwan. Off southwestern Taiwan, the broad Kaoping Slope is the major submarine topographic feature with several noticeable submarine canyons. The Penghu Canyon separates this slope from the South China Sea Slope to the west and merges southwards into the Manila Trench in the northern South China Sea. Although most of sea floors of the Taiwan Strait are shallower than 60 m in water depth, there are three noticeable bathymetric lows and two highs in the Taiwan Strait. There exists a close relationship between hydrography and topography in the Taiwan Strait. The circulation of currents in the Taiwan Strait is strongly influenced by seasonal monsoon and semidiurnal tides. The Penghu Channel-Yunchang Ridge can be considered a modern tidal depositional system. The Taiwan Strait shelf has two phases of development. The early phase of the rift margin has developed during Paleoocene-Miocene and it has evolved to the foreland basin in Pliocene-Quaternary time. The present shelf morphology results mainly from combined effects of foreland subsidence and modern sedimentation overprinting that of the Late Pleistocene glaciation about 15,000 years ago.  相似文献   

The results of seismic studies in the shallow waters of the southwestern Kara Sea show the presence of a seismic unit that can be interpreted as relict submarine permafrost. The permafrost table has a strongly dissected upper surface and is located at a water depth of 5–10 m. A 3D modeling of the permafrost table suggests the presence of relict buried thermodenudational depressions (up to 2 km across) at a water depth of 5–10 m. The depressions may be considered to be paragenetic to thermocirques found at the Shpindler site. Relict thermocirques are completely filled with sediment and not exposed at the sediment surface.  相似文献   

海底斜坡土体失稳的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国内外最新的文献,综述了海底斜坡失稳研究核心问题的进展情况。这些进展主要包括海底斜坡土体失稳的定性和定量研究,以及海底斜坡土体失稳后演变趋势的定性和定量研究。  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of the annual variation of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height in the continent-ocean transition zone determined from lidar and meteorological data are presented. Means of the height and its variances are calculated in a month-long window. The PBL heights reconstructed from these measurements are found to differ substantially in the spring and summer seasons. These results are explained by the influence of dust storms and cyclones, which are the most intense in these seasons, on the structure of aerosol in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Driven by the hydraulic gradient, terrestrial groundwater can be discharged directly into the coastal ocean where heads are above sea level, a phenomenon known as submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Although long overlooked, in recent years SGD has received increasing attention due largely to its potential importance in the transport of chemical constituents to the sea. Indeed, SGD occurrence and control mechanisms are still poorly understood. Submarine discharge often represents only a minor component of regional total water budgets, but because estimated fluxes are highly variable and quantification remains challenging, the process deserves to be carefully evaluated when investigating marine ecosystems and/or the safety of geological repositories in coastal areas, notably for the underground storage of CO2. In view of the focus the topic is gaining, reflected in the large amount of information continuously being published in this field, here we present a selected review of our current knowledge of key mechanisms determining submarine groundwater discharge, and an updated compilation of most recent advances in research both in Japan and other regions of the world. In addition, we identify some potential pitfalls that need to be borne in mind in future work on SGD. Particularly in view of globally increasing urbanization and climate change, this contribution should prove useful also to local governmental authorities and scientists involved in groundwater coastal ecosystem management.  相似文献   

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