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The classification accuracy of the various categories on the classified remotely sensed images are usually evaluated by two different measures of accuracy, namely, producer’s accuracy (PA) and user’s accuracy (UA). The PA of a category indicates to what extent the reference pixels of the category are correctly classified, whereas the UA of a category represents to what extent the other categories are less misclassified into the category in question. Therefore, the UA of the various categories determines the reliability of their interpretation on the classified image and is more important to the analyst than the PA. The present investigation has been performed in order to determine if there occurs improvement in the UA of the various categories on the classified image of the principal components of the original bands and on the classified image of the stacked image of two different years. We performed the analyses using the IRS LISS III images of two different years, i.e., 1996 and 2009, that represent the different magnitude of urbanization and the stacked image of these two years pertaining to Ranchi area, Jharkhand, India, with a view to assessing the impacts of urbanization on the UA of the different categories. The results of the investigation demonstrated that there occurs significant improvement in the UA of the impervious categories in the classified image of the stacked image, which is attributable to the aggregation of the spectral information from twice the number of bands from two different years. On the other hand, the classified image of the principal components did not show any improvement in the UA as compared to the original images.  相似文献   

With the declaration of India’s new map policy (NMP), user community is looking towards its impact on spatial accuracy of GIS theme maps arising out of transformation from existing system (Polyconic Projection on Everest 1830 spheroid datum) to Open series maps (OSM in UTM projection on WGS 84 ellipsoid) and vice versa. This results in registration error of existing maps with new maps. This study aims at finding out the impact of transformation on the spatial location and to determine the extent to which the existing theme layers can be used along with the new series maps without losing accuracy. Results show that there are some geographic regions in India whose GIS database can be used as it is available, depending on the scale and within the acceptable positional accuracy. For other region, depending on the scale of theme layers, a detail analysis of the situation will be required depending on project requirements.  相似文献   

研究GOCE卫星测量恢复地球重力场模型的理论与方法。论文的主要工作和创新点有: (1)建立扰动重力梯度张量各分量没有奇异性的详细计算模型,解决重力梯度张量Txx分量在两极地区计算的奇异性难题。  相似文献   

The International GNSS Service (IGS) issues four sets of so-called ultra-rapid products per day, which are based on the contributions of the IGS Analysis Centers. The traditional (“old”) ultra-rapid orbit and earth rotation parameters (ERP) solution of the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) was based on the output of three consecutive 3-day long-arc rapid solutions. Information from the IERS Bulletin A was required to generate the predicted part of the old CODE ultra-rapid product. The current (“new”) product, activated in November 2013, is based on the output of exactly one multi-day solution. A priori information from the IERS Bulletin A is no longer required for generating and predicting the orbits and ERPs. This article discusses the transition from the old to the new CODE ultra-rapid orbit and ERP products and the associated improvement in reliability and performance. All solutions used in this article were generated with the development version of the Bernese GNSS Software. The package was slightly extended to meet the needs of the new CODE ultra-rapid generation.  相似文献   

Error analyses of CHAMP data for recovery of the Earth’s gravity field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preliminary commission error analysis whereby orbit perturbation theory and other techniques are used to assess and predict the recovery of the Earths gravity field from the challenging microsatellite payload (CHAMP) mission is developed and implemented. With CHAMP launched in July 2000, accumulated evidence is now available to quantify the errors in the recovery procedure including the orbital precision from GPS, attitude errors, accelerometer noise and thruster mismatch/misalignment. For the latter, numerical integrations using a variable length single-step Runge–Kutta integrator and a fixed length multi-step method are compared to assess the error associated with assuming that the thruster misalignment can be spread uniformly across a step interval. Error degree variances from simulated studies are compared to results from a recently released CHAMP-based gravity field, EIGEN-1S. It is seen that the orbital positioning, as derived from the onboard GPS receiver, is critical, with accelerometer noise contributing at a lower level. Attitude error, at currently quoted accuracy, is not significant as an error source. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Grant No. NER/A/0000/00612) for financing this study and GFZ for supplying the data and technical support.  相似文献   

In this paper, the theory of the free wobble of the triaxial Earth is developed and new conclusions are drawn: the Euler period should be actually expressed by the first kind of complete elliptic integral; the trace of the free polar motion is elliptic and the orientations of its semi-minor and major axes are approximately parallel to the Earth’s principal axes A and B, respectively. In addition, the present theory shows that there is a mechanism of frequency-amplitude modulation in the Chandler wobble, whi...  相似文献   

G. Bourda 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(4-5):295-305
The temporal variations of the Earth’s gravity field, nowadays routinely determined from satellite laser ranging (SLR) and GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment), are related to changes in the Earth’s rotation rate through the Earth’s inertia tensor. We study this connection from actual data by comparing the traditional length-of-day (LOD) measurements provided by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) to the variations of the degree-2 and order-0 Stokes coefficient of the gravity field determined from fitting the orbits of the LAGEOS-1 and −2 satellites since 1985. The two series show a good correlation (0.62) and similar annual and semi-annual signals, indicating that the gravity-field-derived LOD is valuable. Our analysis also provides evidence for additional signals common to both series, especially at a period near 120 days, which could be due to hydrological effects.  相似文献   

This work is an investigation of three methods for regional geoid computation: Stokes’s formula, least-squares collocation (LSC), and spherical radial base functions (RBFs) using the spline kernel (SK). It is a first attempt to compare the three methods theoretically and numerically in a unified framework. While Stokes integration and LSC may be regarded as classic methods for regional geoid computation, RBFs may still be regarded as a modern approach. All methods are theoretically equal when applied globally, and we therefore expect them to give comparable results in regional applications. However, it has been shown by de Min (Bull Géod 69:223–232, 1995. doi: 10.1007/BF00806734) that the equivalence of Stokes’s formula and LSC does not hold in regional applications without modifying the cross-covariance function. In order to make all methods comparable in regional applications, the corresponding modification has been introduced also in the SK. Ultimately, we present numerical examples comparing Stokes’s formula, LSC, and SKs in a closed-loop environment using synthetic noise-free data, to verify their equivalence. All agree on the millimeter level.  相似文献   

Precise science orbits for the first 4 years of the Swarm mission have been generated from onboard GPS measurements in a systematic reprocessing using refined models and processing techniques. Key enhancements relate to the introduction of macro-models for a more elaborate non-gravitational force modeling (solar radiation pressure, atmospheric drag and lift, earth albedo), as well as carrier phase ambiguity fixing. Validation using satellite laser ranging demonstrates a 30% improvement in the precision of the reduced dynamic orbits with resulting errors at the 0.5–1 cm level (1D RMS). A notable performance improvement is likewise achieved for the kinematic orbits, which benefit most from the ambiguity fixing and show a 50% error reduction in terms of SLR residuals while differences with respect to reduced dynamic ephemerides amount to only 1.7 cm (median of daily 3D RMS). Compared to the past kinematic science orbits based on float-ambiguity estimates, the new kinematic position solutions exhibit a factor of reduction of two to three in Allan deviation at time scales of 1000s and higher, and promise an improved recovery of low-degree and -order gravity field coefficients in Swarm gravity field analyses.  相似文献   


During Palestine Campaign of World War I, the British Army’s Egyptian Expeditionary Force produced a series of operation maps to track and control the progress of their offensive into Palestine. These maps demonstrated innovation in both their form and function, and they have been referenced and reproduced by both map scholars and military historians ever since. Leaning on J.B. Harley and Matthew Edney’s ideas about critical map history, this essay provides a critical examination of these operation maps to illuminate the sociocultural context of their creation and examines the maps’ influence over the broader historiography of the Palestine Campaign. In doing so it highlights the interdisciplinary value of critical map histories.  相似文献   

The Doppler orbitography and radiopositioning integrated by satellite (DORIS) system was originally developed for precise orbit determination of low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites. Beyond that, it is highly qualified for modeling the distribution of electrons within the Earth’s ionosphere. It measures with two frequencies in L-band with a relative frequency ratio close to 5. Since the terrestrial ground beacons are distributed quite homogeneously and several LEOs are equipped with modern receivers, a good applicability for global vertical total electron content (VTEC) modeling can be expected. This paper investigates the capability of DORIS dual-frequency phase observations for deriving VTEC and the contribution of these data to global VTEC modeling. The DORIS preprocessing is performed similar to commonly used global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) preprocessing. However, the absolute DORIS VTEC level is taken from global ionospheric maps (GIM) provided by the International GNSS Service (IGS) as the DORIS data contain no absolute information. DORIS-derived VTEC values show good consistency with IGS GIMs with a RMS between 2 and 3 total electron content units (TECU) depending on solar activity which can be reduced to less than 2 TECU when using only observations with elevation angles higher than \(50^\circ \) . The combination of DORIS VTEC with data from other space-geodetic measurement techniques improves the accuracy of global VTEC models significantly. If DORIS VTEC data is used to update IGS GIMs, an improvement of up to 12  % can be achieved. The accuracy directly beneath the DORIS satellites’ ground-tracks ranges between 1.5 and 3.5 TECU assuming a precision of 2.5 TECU for altimeter-derived VTEC values which have been used for validation purposes.  相似文献   

A technique is proposed for Earths gravity field modeling on the basis of satellite accelerations that are derived from precise orbit data. The functional model rests on Newtons second law. The computational procedure is based on the pre-conditioned conjugate-gradient (PCCG) method. The data are treated as weighted average accelerations rather than as point-wise ones. As a result, a simple three-point numerical differentiation scheme can be used to derive them. Noise in the orbit-derived accelerations is strongly dependent on frequency. Therefore, the key element of the proposed technique is frequency-dependent data weighting. Fast convergence of the PCCG procedure is ensured by a block-diagonal pre-conditioner (approximation of the normal matrix), which is derived under the so-called Colombo assumptions. Both uninterrupted data sets and data with gaps can be handled. The developed technique is compared with other approaches: (1) the energy balance approach (based on the energy conservation law) and (2) the traditional approach (based on the integration of variational equations). Theoretical considerations, supported by a numerical study, show that the proposed technique is more accurate than the energy balance approach and leads to approximately the same results as the traditional one. The former finding is explained by the fact that the energy balance approach is only sensitive to the along-track force component. Information about the cross-track and the radial component of the gravitational potential gradient is lost because the corresponding force components do no work and do not contribute to the energy balance. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed technique is much (possibly, orders of magnitude) faster than the traditional one because it does not require the computation of the normal matrix. Hints are given on how the proposed technique can be adapted to the explicit assembling of the normal matrix if the latter is needed for the computation of the model covariance matrix.Acknowledgments. Professor R. Klees is thanked for support of the project and for numerous fruitful discussions. The authors are also thankful to Dr. J. Kusche for useful remarks and to Dr. E. Schrama, his solid background in satellite geodesy proved to be very helpful. A large number of valuable comments were made by Dr. S.-C. Han, Dr. P. Schwintzer, and an anonymous reviewer; their contribution is greatly acknowledged. The satellite orbits used in the numerical study were kindly provided by Dr. P. Visser (Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology). Access to the SGI Origin 3800 computer was provided by Stichting Nationale Computerfaciliteiten (NCF), grant SG-027.  相似文献   

We present a global static model of the Earth’s gravity field entitled DGM-1S based on GRACE and GOCE data. The collection of used data sets includes nearly 7 years of GRACE KBR data and 10 months of GOCE gravity gradient data. The KBR data are transformed with a 3-point differentiation into quantities that are approximately inter-satellite accelerations. Gravity gradients are processed in the instrumental frame. Noise is handled with a frequency-dependent data weighting. DGM-1S is complete to spherical harmonic degree 250 with a Kaula regularization being applied above degree 179. Its performance is compared with a number of other satellite-only GRACE/GOCE models by confronting them with (i) an independent model of the oceanic mean dynamic topography, and (ii) independent KBR and gravity gradient data. The tests reveal a competitive quality for DGM-1S. Importantly, we study added value of GOCE data by comparing the performance of satellite-only GRACE/GOCE models with models produced without GOCE data: either ITG-Grace2010s or EGM2008 depending on which of the two performs better in a given region. The test executed based on independent gravity gradients quantifies this added value as 25–38 % in the continental areas poorly covered with terrestrial gravimetry data (Equatorial Africa, Himalayas, and South America), 7–17 % in those with a good coverage with these data (Australia, North America, and North Eurasia), and 14 % in the oceans. This added value is shown to be almost entirely related to coefficients below degree 200. It is shown that this gain must be entirely attributed to gravity gradients acquired by the mission. The test executed based on an independent model of the mean dynamic topography suggests that problems still seem to exist in satellite-only GRACE/GOCE models over the Pacific ocean, where noticeable deviations between these models and EGM2008 are detected, too.  相似文献   


Bertin’s first book, Semiology of Graphics, was published in 1967. His second book, Graphics and Graphic Information Processing, was subsequently published in 1977. The word “processing” in the title of the second book is interesting because in those days there were no personal computers with an interactive display system. But in Bertin’s laboratory there were many kinds of tool kits – basically manually developed thematic maps and data analysis. Bertin’s methods were concerned with making a thematic map and data visualization. Maps, and more generally graphics, were represented by sets of cartographic symbols. Thus, they are abstractions that demand both theoretical and technical literacy to represent and understand them. If the representation is systematic, a sort of tool kit might be necessary, because the representation demands consistency based on the theory. Otherwise a cartographer faces the risk of an unstable and unintelligible representation. In this paper, we discuss the discrimination between tool kits intended either for an automated system or a process assisting system. The latter process might be useful and necessary to develop a graphic way of thinking. This investigation refers to Bertin’s books, materials conserved at the National Archives in Paris, and other related software developed later.

Abbreviation: EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales inherited Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes since 1975  相似文献   

The temporal change of the rotation vector of a rotating body is, in the first order, identical in a space-fixed system and in a body-fixed system. Therefore, if the motion of the rotation axis of the earth relative to a space-fixed system is given as a function of time, it should be possible to compute its motion relative to an earth-fixed system, and vice versa. This paper presents such a transformation. Two models of motion of the rotation axis in the space-fixed system are considered: one consisting only of a regular (i.e., strictly conical) precession and one extended by circular nutation components, which are superimposed upon the regular precession. The Euler angles describing the orientation of the earth-fixed system with respect to the space-fixed system are derived by an analytical solution of the kinematical Eulerian differential equations. In the first case (precession only), this is directly possible, and in the second case (precession and nutation), a solution is achieved by a perturbation approach, where the result of the first case serves as an approximation and nutation is regarded as a small perturbation, which is treated in a linearized form. The transformation by means of these Euler angles shows that the rotation axis performs in the earth-fixed system retrograde conical revolutions with small amplitudes, namely one revolution with a period of one sidereal day corresponding to precession and one revolution with a period which is slightly smaller or larger than one sidereal day corresponding to each (prograde or retrograde) circular nutation component. The peculiar feature of the derivation presented here is the analytical solution of the Eulerian differential equations.  相似文献   

Quality is critical in cartography because key decisions are often made based on the information the map communicates. The mass production of digital cartographic information to support geographic information science has now added a new dimension to the problem of cartographic quality, as problems once limited to small volumes can now proliferate in mass production programs. These problems can also affect the economics of map production by diverting a sizeable portion of production cost to pay for rework on maps with poor quality. Such problems are common to general industry—in response, the quality engineering profession has developed a number of successful methods to overcome these problems. Two important methods are the reduction of error through statistical analysIs and addressing the quality environment in which people work. Once initial and obvious quality problems have been solved, outside influences periodically appear that cause adverse variations in quality and consequently increase production costs. Such errors can be difficult to detect before the customer is affected. However, a number of statistical techniques can be employed to detect variation so that the problem is eliminated before significant damage is caused. Additionally, the environment in which the workforce operates must be conducive to quality. Managers have a powerful responslblhty to create this environment. Two sets of guidelines, known as Deming's Fourteen Points and ISO-9000, provide models for this environment.  相似文献   

We compare nutation time series determined by several International VLBI Service for geodesy and astrometry (IVS) analysis centers. These series were made available through the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS). We adjust the amplitudes of the main nutations, including the free motion associated with the free core nutation (FCN). Then, we discuss the results in terms of physics of the Earth’s interior. We find consistent FCN signals in all of the time series, and we provide corrections to IAU 2000A series for a number of nutation terms with realistic errors. It appears that the analysis configuration or the software packages used by each analysis center introduce an error comparable to the amplitude of the prominent corrections. We show that the inconsistencies between series have significant consequences on our understanding of the Earth’s deep interior, especially for the free inner core resonance: they induce an uncertainty on the FCN period of about 0.5 day, and on the free inner core nutation (FICN) period of more than 1000 days, comparable to the estimated period itself. Though the FCN parameters are not so much affected, a 100 % error shows up for the FICN parameters and prevents from geophysical conclusions.  相似文献   

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