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Detailed investigations of dolomite fault rocks, formed at shallow crustal depths along the Salzach–Ennstal–Mariazell–Puchberg (SEMP) fault system in the Northern Calcareous Alps, revealed new insights into cataclasite formation. The examined Miocene, sinistral strike-slip faults reveal grain size reduction of dolomite host rocks by tensile microfracturing at a large range of scales, producing rock fragments of centimetre to micrometre sizes. In situ fracturing leads to grain size reduction down to grain sizes <25 μm, producing mosaic breccias and fault rocks which have previously been described as “initial/embryonic” and “intermediate” cataclasites. At all scales, grain fragments display little to no rotation and no or minor evidence of shear deformation. The observed microstructures are similar to those previously described in studies on pulverized rocks. Microstructural investigations of cataclasites and mosaic breccias revealed aggregations of small dolomite grains (<50 μm) that accumulated on top of large fragments or as infillings of V-shaped voids between larger grains and show constant polarity throughout the investigated samples. Fabrics indicate deposition in formerly open pore space and subsequent polyphase cementation. The newly described tectonic geopetal fabrics (geopetal-particle-aggregates, GPA) prove that these faults temporarily passed through a stage of extremely high porosity/permeability prior to partial cementation.  相似文献   

A 2000 km long dextral Talas-Fergana strike–slip fault separates eastern terranes in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan from western terranes. The aim of this study was to constrain an age of dextral shearing in the central part of the fault utilizing Ar–Ar dating of micas. We also carried out a U–Pb–Hf zircon study of two different deformed granitoid complexes in the fault zone from which the micas for Ar dating were separated. Two samples of the oldest deformed Neoproterozoic granitoids in the area of study yielded U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages 728 ± 11 Ma and 778 ± 11 Ma, characteristic for the Cryogenian Bolshoi Naryn Formation, and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and their calculated tHfc ages varied from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga. Thus varying Cryogenian ages and noticeable heterogeneity of Meso- to Paleoproterozoic crustal sources was established for mylonitic granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation. Two samples of mylonitized pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex yielded identical 206Pb/238U ages of 279 ± 5 Ma corresponding to the main peak of Late-Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism in the Tien Shan (Seltmann et al., 2011), and zircon grains analyzed for their Lu–Hf isotopic compositions yielded εHf(t) values from −11.43 to −16.73, and calculated tHfc ages from 2.42 to 2.71 Ga indicating derivation from a Paleoproterozoic crustal source. Microstructural studies showed that ductile/brittle deformation of pegmatoidal granites of the Kyrgysh Complex occurred at temperatures of 300–400 °C and caused resetting of the K–Ar isotope system of primary muscovite. Deformation of mylonitized granites of the Bolshoi Naryn Formation occurred under high temperature conditions and resulted in protracted growth and recrystallization of micas. The oldest Ar–Ar muscovite age of 241 Ma with a well defined plateau from a pegmatoidal granite of the Kyrgysh Complex is considered as a “minimum” age of dextral motions along this section of the fault in the Triassic while younger ages varying from 227 Ma to 199 Ma with typical staircase patterns indicate protracted growth and recrystallization of micas during ductile deformations which continued until the end of the Triassic.  相似文献   

X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans of drill-core, recovered from the first phase of the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP-1) through New Zealand's Alpine Fault, provide an excellent opportunity to study the damage zone of a plate-bounding continental scale fault, late in its interseismic cycle. Documentation of the intermediate-macro scale damage zone structures observed in the CT images show that there is no increase in the density of these structures towards the fault's principal slip zones (PSZs), at least within the interval sampled, which is 30 m above and below the PSZs. This is in agreement with independent analysis using borehole televiewer data. Instead, we conclude the density of damage zone structures to correspond to lithology. We find that 72% of fractures are fully healed, by a combination of clays, calcite and quartz, with an additional 24% partially healed. This fracture healing is consistent with the Alpine Fault's late interseismic state, and the fact that the interval of damage zone sampled coincides with an alteration zone, an interval of extensive fluid-rock interaction. These fractures do not impose a reduction of P-wave velocity, as measured by wireline methods. Outside the alteration zone there is indirect evidence of less extensive fracture healing.  相似文献   

The study of 1000-km seismic reflection profiles, along the Northern Moroccan margin, allowed browsing new imaging in detail about the regional geological structures and their functioning. To achieve this goal, we elaborated a high-resolution depth model and a global tectonic sketch. The influence of recent tectonic activity is manifested by normal and strike-slip faults, trending mainly 70° N and 125° N. In this segment, the Nekor strike-slip fault seems to be connected to a secondary major fault system that changes direction from 30° N to 70° N, and changing behavior to left-lateral strike-slip fault with normal component. Analysis of local seismic activity recorded from 1990 to 2014 with moderate magnitudes activity shows alignments in clear superposition with the detected active faults in seismic reflection lines.  相似文献   

The paper considers the morphology, deep structure, and geodynamic features of the Ural–Herirud postorogenic strike-slip fault (UH fault), along which the Moho (the “M”) shifts along the entire axial zone of the Ural Orogen, then further to the south across the Scythian–Turan Plate to the Herirud sublatitudinal fault in Afghanistan. The postcollisional character of dextral displacements along the Ural–Herirud fault and its Triassic–Jurassic age are proven. We have estimated the scale of displacements and made an attempt to make a paleoreconstruction, illustrating the relationship between the Variscides of the Urals and the Tien Shan before tectonic displacements. The analysis of new data includes the latest generation of 1: 200000 geological maps and the regional seismic profiling data obtained in the most elevated part of the Urals (from the seismic profile of the Middle Urals in the north to the Uralseis seismic profile in the south), as well as within the sedimentary cover of the Turan Plate, from Mugodzhary to the southern boundaries of the former water area of the Aral Sea. General typomorphic signs of transcontinental strike-slip fault systems are considered and the structural model of the Ural–Herirud postcollisional strike-slip fault is presented.  相似文献   

Geotechnical boundary value problems involving large deformations are often difficult to solve using the classical finite element method. Large mesh distortions and contact problems can occur due to the large deformations such that a convergent solution cannot be achieved. Since Abaqus, Version 6.8, a new Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian (CEL) approach has been developed to overcome the difficulties with regard to finite element method and large deformation analyses. This new method is investigated regarding its capabilities. First, a benchmark test, a strip footing problem is investigated and compared to analytical solutions and results of comparable finite element analyses. This benchmark test shows that CEL is well suited to deal with problems which cannot be fully solved using FEM. In further applications the CEL approach is applied to more complex geotechnical boundary value problems. First, the installation of a pile into subsoil is simulated. The pile is jacked into the ground and the results received from these analyses are compared to results of classical finite element simulations. A second case study is the simulation of a ship running aground at an embankment. The results of the CEL simulation are compared to in situ measurement data. Finally, the capabilities of the new CEL approach are evaluated regarding its robustness and efficiency.  相似文献   

A regional petrographic reconnaissance of psammitic and pelitic rocks in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, has revealed the presence of garnet (“grossalspite” with typical rim composition almandine41, spessartine25, grossular33, pyrope1) and biotite in 37 new samples, more than doubling the previously known number. A new garnet–biotite–albite zone can now be defined in the greenschist facies Otago Schist that is distinct from the better-known biotite, garnet and oligoclase zones in the along-strike Alpine Schist. The garnet–biotite–albite zone is in part metamorphically discontinuous with adjacent schists and does not support models of simple, continuous, progressive Jurassic regional metamorphism in Otago. The structurally higher (lower grade) boundary of the zone coincides in at least three places with previously mapped regional shear zones. The structurally lower (expected higher grade) boundary of the zone appears to be obliterated by a chlorite zone overprint which can be spatially related to Alpine Schist recrystallisation of ?Cretaceous age. The Otago situation serves as an example of the subtle metamorphic discontinuities that probably pervade many orogenic belts.  相似文献   

We studied the geometry, intensity of deformation and fluid–rock interaction of a high angle normal fault within Carrara marble in the Alpi Apuane NW Tuscany, Italy. The fault is comprised of a core bounded by two major, non-parallel slip surfaces. The fault core, marked by crush breccia and cataclasites, asymmetrically grades to the host protolith through a damage zone, which is well developed only in the footwall block. On the contrary, the transition from the fault core to the hangingwall protolith is sharply defined by the upper main slip surface. Faulting was associated with fluid–rock interaction, as evidenced by kinematically related veins observable in the damage zone and fluid channelling within the fault core, where an orange–brownish cataclasite matrix can be observed. A chemical and isotopic study of veins and different structural elements of the fault zone (protolith, damage zone and fault core), including a mathematical model, was performed to document type, role, and activity of fluid–rock interactions during deformation. The results of our studies suggested that deformation pattern was mainly controlled by processes associated with a linking-damage zone at a fault tip, development of a fault core, localization and channelling of fluids within the fault zone. Syn-kinematic microstructural modification of calcite microfabric possibly played a role in confining fluid percolation.  相似文献   

A significant belt of carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn mineralization occurs in the Himalayan–Zagros collisional orogenic system. Three differing types of these Pb–Zn deposits within this belt have been identified based on variations in gangue mineral assemblages, leading to the classification of carbonate-, quartz- and fluorite-rich classes of Pb–Zn deposits. The third Pb–Zn mineralization (fluorite-rich) type is common in this orogenic system, but little research has been undertaken on it. Here, we focus on the Mohailaheng deposit, a large-sized fluorite-rich carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposit (> 100 Mt Pb + Zn ores with average grade of 2.18%–4.23%); the deposit is located in the Sanjiang Cenozoic thrust-fold belt, an important part of the Himalayan–Zagros collisional orogenic system and an area that formed during the early Tertiary India–Eurasia collision. The main orebodies in this deposit are stratabound and are hosted by Carboniferous limestones that are located along secondary faults associated with a regional thrust fault. The main assemblage is a sphalerite + galena + pyrite sulfide assemblage associated with a calcite + fluorite + barite + quartz + dolomite gangue assemblage. Detailed field and experimental work indicates that the deposit formed during three distinct phases of hydrothermal activity. Studies on fluid inclusion and stable isotopes of gangue minerals indicate that two dominant distinct fluids involving the deposit formation. They include (1) a low-temperature (130–140 °C), high-salinity (23–24 wt.% NaCl equivalent) basinal brine containing Na+–K+–Mg2 +–Ca2 +–Cl ions and abnormally high SO42  concentrations, which probably derived from Tertiary basins in the regional district, and (2) a low- to moderate-temperature (170–180 °C) and moderate- to high-salinity (19–20 wt.% NaCl equivalent) metamorphic fluid containing Na+–K+–Mg2 +–Cl–SO42  ions and abnormally high F and organic matter concentrations, that probably formed during regional metamorphism. Some evaporated seawaters and meteoric fluids were also identified in mixtures with these two dominant fluids. The Pb–Zn mineralization at Mohailaheng formed during three distinct stages, consistent with the regional tectonic history. The first stage involved the formation of favorable lithological and structural traps at Mohailaheng during regional thrusting, leading to the migration of compressed metamorphic waters at depth along a detachment zone, sequestering metals from sediments within the region. Basinal brines at the surface also began to infiltrate down along the secondary faults, dissolving gypsum from the underlying sediments. The second stage was associated with the cessation of thrusting and the onset of strike-slip movements along these thrust faults. Metamorphic fluids containing high concentrations of halogen ions, organic gases, and metals ascended into the structural traps at Mohailaheng along the reactivated thrust faults, causing fluorite, calcite, and some sulfide precipitation. Then, basinal brines rich in SO42  quickly descended into the structural traps along the reactivated faults, causing reduction of SO42  by organic matter, and producing significant amounts of H2S. The reduced sulfur then reacted with the metals in the fluids, causing significant sulfide precipitation. The third stage was associated with metal-depleted fluids, which only resulted in the precipitation of calcite from the diluted basinal brines. Combining these findings with research results on other fluorite-rich carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in the Himalayan–Zagros orogenic system suggests that this type of carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits can also be classified as Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits, and that the origin of the fluorite in these deposits may be related to multiple hydrothermal fluids involved in the mineralization evolution.  相似文献   

The Karatau–Talas–Ferghana Fault (KTF) extending for 1500 km from Turgai to western Tarim is one of the world’s largest intracontinental strike-slip faults. This paper overviews the evolution of the KTF, providing insight into its relatively poorly studied northern segment in the Karatau Range and Turgai, known as the Main Karatau Fault (MKF). The right-lateral strike-slip along the KTF developed during three stages in the late Permian–Triassic, Early–Middle Jurassic, and late Cenozoic. The total strike-slip decreases northward from 200 km in the Ferghana Range to 100 km in the Karatau Range and decreases to zero in southern Turgai. Kinematic analysis of Jurassic grabens compensating the strike-slip in southern Turgai shows that strike slip along the KTF in the Jurassic, previously regarded as insignificant, actually measures tens of kilometers and 50% of the total strike slip in the northern segment of this fault.  相似文献   

In this paper new data on the absolute age and geochemistry of rocks of the Bol’shakovskii massif, situated in the central part of the Aramil-Sukhteli zone of the Southern Urals, are given. The obtained values are evidence for its Visean age. By the geological-petrographic and petro- and geochemical features, the rocks of the Bol’shakovskii complex differ sharply from ophiolite-type gabbroids, although they reveal a substantial similarity with the gabbro-granite formation of the Magnitogorsk megazone. The Bol’shakovskii massif is situated in the northern branch of the South Urals zone of Early Carboniferous riftogenesis; and its formation is most probably associated with magmatism events during the rift regime in the died_out island arc.  相似文献   

Bouficha–Grombalia region shows complex tectonic deformations and is affected by faults and folds of different geometry. A structural study has allowed to determine that Bouficha–Grombalia region is affected by significant faults of EW, NE-SW and NW-SE directions. These faults divide Bouficha–Grombalia region into several compartments. We distinguish three important structures whose first is in the SW which corresponds to Zaghouan–Bouficha trough. The second structure is situated in the NE, which corresponds to the Grombalia trough. The third structure occupies a central position; it consists in the Bouficha–Grombalia high structure. The last structure is composed by three blocks. Each block is characterised by particular folds geometry. These structures were outlined at least from middle Miocene, and they have undergone the effect of subsequent compressive tectonic events which have led to folds building above or counter the pre-existing NE-SW faults.  相似文献   

The lateral continuity of the E?CW trending thrust sheets developed within the Lower to Middle Triassic cover of the central Southern Alps (Orobic belt) is disturbed by the occurrence of several N?CS trending transverse zones, such as the poorly known Grem?CVedra Transverse Zone (GVTZ). The GVTZ developed during the emplacement of the up to six S-verging thrust sheets consisting of Lower to Middle Triassic units, occurring immediately south of the Orobic Anticlines. The transverse zone, active during thrust emplacement related to the early Alpine compressions which pre-date the Adamello intrusion, includes three major vertical shear zones, the Grem, Pezzel and Zuccone faults. The major structure of the transverse zone is the dextral Grem fault, forming a deep lateral ramp between thrust sheets 3 and 5. A similar evolution also occurred along the Zuccone and Pezzel faults, which show a left-lateral displacement of syn-thrust folds. The Grem fault was later reactivated as an oblique tear fault during the emplacement of the Orobic Anticlines, due to back-thrusting along out-of-sequence thrust surfaces (Clusone fault). Transpressional deformations along the fault zone are recorded by the rotation of major syn-thrust folds, which also suggest a horizontal offset close to 0.5?km. Records of the first stage of evolution of the Grem fault are better preserved along its northern segment, and structural relationships suggest that it propagated southward and downward in the growing thrust stack. The study of the meso and megascopic structures developed along the GVTZ constrains the evolution of the transverse zone, illustrating the complex deformational phenomena occurring in a transpressional regime. The GVTZ probably reflects the existence of pre-existing tectonic lineaments with a similar orientation. Evidence of pre-existing structures are not preserved in the exposed units, nevertheless the N?CS extensional fault systems that characterize the Norian to Jurassic rifting history of the Lombardian basin are valid candidates.  相似文献   

The influence of tectonic strain on the diagenetic degree and illitization process of mixed-layers illite–smectite at shallow crustal conditions was studied. For this purpose, the modal composition of clay fraction and illite FWHM parameters of argillites deformed by a regional-scale fault zone were studied in detail by XRD, chemical analyses and by SEM observations. Analyses were performed on deformed samples of the fault rock and compared with the non-deformed rocks off the fault zone. In addition, this paper reports a detailed comparative analysis of deformed (shear surfaces and cleavage domains) and non-deformed domains (lithon cores) of a scaly fabric in the fault rock. A systematic increase in illite concentration, a decrease of Kübler index and FWHM(002) values, and an enrichment of K+ ions were observed in cleavage domains with respect to the non-deformed sediments off the fault zone and the lithon cores within the fault rock. Migration of K+-rich fluids along scaly cleavage domains causes progressive conversion of smectite-rich I–S to illite-rich I–S and thickening of illite crystallites along the c-direction. Changes in mineralogical and crystallographic parameters, therefore, seem to be strongly controlled by shear plane development in highly sheared rocks.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1402-1428
The formation of collisional orogens is a prominent feature in convergent plate margins. It is generally a complex process involving multistage tectonism of compression and extension due to continental subduction and collision. The Paleozoic convergence between the South China Block (SCB) and the North China Block (NCB) is associated with a series of tectonic processes such as oceanic subduction, terrane accretion and continental collision, resulting in the Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt. While the arc–continent collision orogeny is significant during the Paleozoic in the Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an orogens of central China, the continent–continent collision orogeny is prominent during the early Mesozoic in the Dabie–Sulu orogens of east-central China. This article presents an overview of regional geology, geochronology and geochemistry for the composite orogenic belt. The Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an orogens exhibit the early Paleozoic HP–UHP metamorphism, the Carboniferous HP metamorphism and the Paleozoic arc-type magmatism, but the three tectonothermal events are absent in the Dabie–Sulu orogens. The Triassic UHP metamorphism is prominent in the Dabie–Sulu orogens, but it is absent in the Qinling–Tongbai orogens. The Hong'an orogen records both the HP and UHP metamorphism of Triassic age, and collided continental margins contain both the juvenile and ancient crustal rocks. So do in the Qinling and Tongbai orogens. In contrast, only ancient crustal rocks were involved in the UHP metamorphism in the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt, without involvement of the juvenile arc crust. On the other hand, the deformed and low-grade metamorphosed accretionary wedge was developed on the passive continental margin during subduction in the late Permian to early Triassic along the northern margin of the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt, and it was developed on the passive oceanic margin during subduction in the early Paleozoic along the northern margin of the Qinling orogen.Three episodes of arc–continent collision are suggested to occur during the Paleozoic continental convergence between the SCB and NCB. The first episode of arc–continent collision is caused by northward subduction of the North Qinling unit beneath the Erlangping unit, resulting in UHP metamorphism at ca. 480–490 Ma and the accretion of the North Qinling unit to the NCB. The second episode of arc–continent collision is caused by northward subduction of the Prototethyan oceanic crust beneath an Andes-type continental arc, leading to granulite-facies metamorphism at ca. 420–430 Ma and the accretion of the Shangdan arc terrane to the NCB and reworking of the North Qinling, Erlangping and Kuanping units. The third episode of arc–continent collision is caused by northward subduction of the Paleotethyan oceanic crust, resulting in the HP eclogite-facies metamorphism at ca. 310 Ma in the Hong'an orogen and low-P metamorphism in the Qinling–Tongbai orogens as well as crustal accretion to the NCB. The closure of backarc basins is also associated with the arc–continent collision processes, with the possible cause for granulite-facies metamorphism. The massive continental subduction of the SCB beneath the NCB took place in the Triassic with the final continent–continent collision and UHP metamorphism at ca. 225–240 Ma. Therefore, the Qinling–Tongbai–Hong'an–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt records the development of plate tectonics from oceanic subduction and arc-type magmatism to arc–continent and continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

In eastern Thailand the Klaeng fault zone includes a high-grade metamorphic rock assemblage, named Nong Yai Gneiss, which extends about 30 km in a NW–SE direction along the fault zone. The rocks of this brittle-fault strand consist of amphibolite to granulite grade gneissic rocks. Structural analysis indicates that the rocks in this area experienced three distinct episodes of deformation (D1–D3). The first (D1) formed large-scale NW–SE-trending isoclinal folds (F1) that were reworked by small-scale tight to open folds (F2) during the second deformation (D2). D1 and D2 resulted from NE–SW shortening during the Triassic Indosinian orogeny before being cross-cut by leucogranites. D1 and D2 fabrics were then reworked by D3 sinistral shearing, including shear planes (S3) and mineral stretching lineations (L3). LA–MC–ICP–MS U–Pb zircon dating suggested that the leucogranite intrusion and the magmatic crystallization took place at 78.6 ± 0.7 Ma followed by a second crystallization at 67 ± 1 to 72.1 ± 0.6 Ma. Both crystallizations occurred in the Late Cretaceous and, it is suggested, were tectonically influenced by SE Asian region effects of the West Burma and Shan-Thai/Sibumasu collision or development of an Andean-type margin. The sinistral ductile movement of D3 was coeval with the peak metamorphism that occurred in the Eocene during the early phases of the India–Asia collision.  相似文献   

Due to the apparent rhythmic characteristics of the stratigraphically complex unit formed of deltaic and mostly lacustrine deposits in Qianjiang depression (Jianghan basin), we used the seismic pattern proxies inside a seismic sequence, by analyzing the character of reflections (amplitude, continuity, and configuration) to detect the different seismic facies and to predict their depositional environmental settings. The depression fills are characterized by a distinct upward change in seismic facies; beginning with a fan facies in the bottom, followed by free facies occurring where thick salt sediments were presented, then convergent base-lapping facies, succeeded by chaotic facies and overlain by parallel to sub-parallel facies. The convergent base-lapping facies is the most common and the parallel and draping facies is restricted to slope areas shallower than 1000 m in water depth. Three depositional environments that range from fluvial, delta, to marine (lake) are predicted too. This paper lays the foundation for the development of a seismic sequence stratigraphic framework, and contributing to better understanding of the potential evaluation of hydrocarbon occurrence in the Eastern center of China.  相似文献   

 The crustal structure of the transition zone between the Eastern Alps and the western part of the Pannonian depression (Danube basin) is traditionally interpreted in terms of subvertical Tertiary strike-slip and normal faults separating different Alpine tectonic units. Reevaluation of approximately 4000-km-long hydrocarbon exploration reflection seismic sections and a few deep seismic profiles, together with data from approximately 300 wells, suggests a different structural model. It implies that extensional collapse of the Alpine orogene in the Middle Miocene was controlled by listric normal faults, which usually crosscut Alpine nappes at shallow levels, but at depth merge with overthrust planes separating the different Alpine units. The alternative structural model was tested along a transect across the Danube basin by gravity model calculations, and the results show that the model of low-angle extensional faulting is indeed viable. Regarding the whole lithosphere of the western Pannonian basin, gravity modelling indicates a remarkable asymmetry in the thickness minima of the attenuated crust and upper mantle. The approximately 160 km lateral offset between the two minima suggests that during the Miocene extension of the Pannonian basin detachment of the upper crust from the mantle lithosphere took place along a rheologically weak lower crust. Received: 13 July 1998 / Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   

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